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The World Between Two Covers: Reading the Globe
The World Between Two Covers: Reading the Globe | Ann Morgan
47 posts | 7 read | 63 to read
A beguiling exploration of the joys of reading across boundaries, inspired by the authors year-long journey through a book from every country. Ann Morgan writes in the opening of this delightful book, "I glanced up at my bookshelves, the proud record of more than twenty years of reading, and found a host of English and North American greats starting down at meI had barely touched a work by a foreign language author in yearsThe awful truth dawned. I was a literary xenophobe." Prompted to read a book translated into English from each of the world's 195 UN-recognized countries (plus Taiwan and one extra), Ann sought out classics, folktales, current favorites and commercial triumphs, novels, short stories, memoirs, and countless mixtures of all these things. The world between two covers, the world to which Ann introduces us with affection and no small measure of wit, is a world rich in the kind of narratives that engage us passionately: we meet an irreverent junk foodobsessed heroine in Kuwait, an explorer from Togo who spent years among the Inuit in Greenland, and a former child circus performer of Roma background seeking sanctuary in Switzerland. Ann's quest explores issues that affect us all: personal, political, national, and global. What is cultural heritage? How do we define national identity? Is it possible to overcome censorship and propaganda? And, above all, why and how should we read from other cultures, languages, and traditions? Illuminating and inspiring, The World Between Two Covers welcomes us into the global community of stories.
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I want to read this!

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Princess-Kingofkings Signed up to receive the list ~ thanks! 5y
mreads Good list Thanks. I've started a challenge like this and I got a color in world map poster. 😃 5y
thereadingowlvina @Princess-Kingofkings Awesome! 😁 5y
thereadingowlvina @mreads Wow, that's a really cool idea! I might just do that too. Thanks! 😁👍 5y
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A new BINGO game ... if you want to read books from around the world this is the one for you! Please tag me in your posts and use the #ReadingTheWorld. Also, we have a small but mighty group on Goodreads if you want to read more world books.


I DNFed this book, something I haven‘t done for a long time. It‘s not that the book was bad just misleading. What I was looking for was an account of the author‘s experiences reading books from around the world, her thoughts, opinions, feelings with some of the geopolitical stuff weaved in. Instead it reads like a series of dry international politics lectures or a PhD thesis. I think her original blog is more like what I was looking for.

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Repost for @GatheringBooks :
For those who are part of our #LitWorld2018GB reading challenge, here is the linky for October-December https://gatheringbooks.org/oct-dec-2018-linky/ - Never too late to join to win book prizes. Winners for July-Sept will be announced by end of the year alongside this quarter‘s winners. Do link up your reviews from around the world!

GatheringBooks thanks so much for reposting! 6y
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For those who are part of our #LitWorld2018GB reading challenge, here is the linky for October-December https://gatheringbooks.org/oct-dec-2018-linky/ - Never too late to join to win book prizes. Winners for July-Sept will be announced by end of the year alongside this quarter‘s winners. Do link up your reviews from around the world!

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#jb letters in the post. They‘re going around the globe - one‘s turning left to India, the other turning right for Texas!

olivia.ferz 😊 6y
Morr_Books Yay!!! ❤ 6y
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I do love a good book about books!

LauraBeth Me too! 6y
LeahBergen Me, three! 6y
Joanne1 @LauraBeth39 and @LeahBergen what are your favourite books and books? I need more for my pile! 6y
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I thought this would be like The End of Your Life Book Club and give me lots of new books to read (calling Olive Kittredge). It seemed to be only chapter after chapter of complaining about how Western fiction by white guys gets all the print. No news there. Bailed.

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Changed out my Read Around the World endcap! The theme is “islands” 😊 (one book is still coming - So Many Islands edited by Nicholas Laughlin out 7/17 from Peekash/ @akashicbooks)
Top: The World Between Two Covers
Row 1: This is Paradise (Hawaii), The Man With the Compound Eyes (Taiwan), No Great Mischief (Cape Breton Island), The Woman Who Had Two Navels (the Philippines)

balletbookworm Row 2: The Book of Night Women (Jamaica), Land of Love and Drowning (Virgin Islands), In the Woods of Memory (Okinawa), Sarong Party Girls (Singapore)
Row 3: Beyond the Rice Fields (Madagascar), The Bone People (New Zealand), Sweetland (Newfoundland), An African in Greenland (Greenland)
Row 4: Galápagos (the Galapagos), the Orkneyinga Saga (the Orkneys), Constellation (the Azores), Island of a Thousand Mirrors (Sri Lanka)
(edited) 6y
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This week I am starting to read a book from every state! #aroundtheusa my rule is the book has to be set in said state. Does anyone have ideas for books? Does anyone want to join?

benchley1 Robert crais for CA/L.A!!! 6y
Sills I love this idea - I think I could make this my 2019 challenge:) Thank for the idea! 6y
Slajaunie Anything by Jennifer Blake. They are all set in Louisiana. Contemporary and historical romance 6y
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Slajaunie Indigeaux is a children‘s book set in Louisiana by Wendy Woods. I know the author. (edited) 6y
alisiakae Guests on Earth by Lee Smith for N.C. is an interesting one! It‘s historical fiction loosely based on Zelda Fitzgerald‘s time spent at a mental health facility in Asheville. 6y
bookswithbec @4thhouseontheleft @Slajaunie @benchley1 thank you for the suggestions!!:) 6y
bookswithbec @Sills you‘re welcome! I‘ve been wanting to do this for a while! 6y
benchley1 Oh Giant for Texas! Or last picture show 6y
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This should be a great read

Crazeedi Looks fabulous! 6y
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#bookhaul from Independent Bookstore Day! 📚 Children of Blood and Bone and How to Speak Midwestern are new, others are used.

I also found the print on top at a local artists' sale. A bunch of creators were selling remaindered/slightly flawed pieces they can't list elsewhere. I bought a bunch of pieces for our house and my sister's baby 💕 #buylocal

LauraBrook Excellent haul, and I love that artwork! 6y
SamHeartCoffee Hey great haul! 6y
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@Heideschrampf my favourite 😍💖

Heideschrampf Wow, this one is gorgeous! I'm sure there's a mermaid hidden on there somewhere 6y
Sarah83 @Heideschrampf I like the ships on it. 😉 6y
Heideschrampf Me too! Makes you wish you were on one of them... ⛵️🗺 6y
Sarah83 @Heideschrampf yes. But I think they were about several hundreds of Euros. 😕 6y
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@Heideschrampf loving this section at the book fair. 😍

Heideschrampf Ooooooh! 😍i would want them all!! 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego 😍🌏🌎🌍 6y
Sarah83 @Heideschrampf yes indeed. Instead of buying globes, I love buying books about maps. 😍 6y
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rockpools Wow! 6y
Christine11 So cool! 🌍 6y
Eggs A Maz Ing!! 6y
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For those who are participating in the #LitWorld2018GB Literary Voyage Around the World reading challenge, here is where you can link up your posts/ reviews: https://gatheringbooks.org/april-june-2018-linky/ - book prizes open internationally!

BookishMe @Crazeedi this has been such a thrilling voyage for me! 6y
Crazeedi @BookishMe most wxcellent! 6y
Crazeedi excellent!! Lol 6y
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#LitWorld2018GB is ongoing but this is the quarterly update especially for the first theme, indicated with 💖.
Not all my choices related to the matters of the heart Yet its been such a fantastic #LitsyPassport trip!!
13/40 Countries 'visited' -
💖 #Palestine
💖 #Japan
💖 #China
💖 #Peru
💖 #Norway
💖 #Singapore
💖 #Iceland
💖 #Turkey
📖 #Wales
📖 #Thailand
💖 #Germany
💖 #Sweden
💖 #Russia 💖

GatheringBooks that is awesome! woohoo! what was your palestine book? 6y
BiblioLitten I have always wanted to do this. Especially after coming across Ann Morgan's blog.💜 6y
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BookishMe @BiblioLitten me too but I found it rather overwhelming to read entire world. @GatheringBooks ' is a more manageable as we get to choose number of countries. Join us for the upcoming months?? Myra, which link should I share? 6y
BiblioLitten @GatheringBooks This looks great! But I won't be able to complete the challenge in 2018. My newborn had made me the slowest reader!📖👶 But I love the concept and will keep it for another year for sure. 6y
BookishMe @BiblioLitten congratulations for your baby! I totally understand... When my children arrived, I barely read any adult fiction for more than 5 years! That said, I believe the bloggers include children books etc ;D 6y
GatheringBooks @BiblioLitten woohoo for babies! one of my students just dropped my course because she just gave birth. babies are blessings. :) and yes, the challenge includes picturebooks. 6y
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I tweeted my convo with @SilversReviews about a possible Paris readathon. My friend who just returned from Bahamas cruise wondered about a related book to complete her travel.

That led me to this exciting website, perfect for #readaroundtheworld search methinks!

Chelleo Cool! @louise look! 6y
Louise Looks great! Thanks for the tag, @Chelleo! (edited) 6y
Maria514626 Ooohhh! Thanks for sharing! 💕 @SheribeeMN Look! 6y
BookishMe @Maria514626 my pleasure! 6y
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#bookish globe-trotting has been so exciting with #LitWorld2018GB hosted by @GatheringBooks

This reminds me I need to update my last few destinations ;D

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This month was Iceland. We put together a blog post of our books selected and mentioned some of you. If you participated, stop by the blog and leave a comment with the book you picked and your review. I mentioned all those I saw from here.


Please tag me here when you read with us. That way I don‘t miss your post and can include you in our monthly wrap up

Ole Thanks for mentioning me in your blog 😉 I‘m already heading for Turkey 🇹🇷 6y
TorieStorieS Thanks for mentioning me, too!! I‘m already weighing my choices for Turkey!! 6y
JenP @TorieStorieS @ole wonderful! Can‘t wait to see what you both pick for Turkey! 6y
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Simona Thank you for mentioning me 🙏 6y
JenReadsAlot I forgot to tag you so will try and remember for next month! 6y
mhillis Great post! Thanks for the mention! I‘m still thinking about what book to choose for February too 6y
BarbaraBB Thanks for the mention! 😘 6y
BookishMe Just noticed Russia for year-end and I have a number of books for that country! Now can wait guilt-free ;p 6y
JenP @JenReadsAlot yes, definitely! I want to make sure I don‘t miss anyone! 6y
JenP @BookishMe great! 😂 6y
rockpools Thanks for the mention 😊. I'm still reading my Iceland book - hopelessly behind this month! There've been some really interesting choices - feel like I'm cheating reading a UK author, but it had been on the shelf so long... 6y
batsy Interesting post, thank you for that and for the mention! 6y
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#repost @GatheringBooks 's Jan-Mar linky now reveals literary journeys across Russia, Portugal, Switzerland, Sweden, Jamaica, Finland, Russia, Canada - among others. Never too late to join #LitWorld2018GB Literary Voyage around the World Reading Challenge, with book prizes for grabs! International #bookgiveaway https://gatheringbooks.org/jan-march-2018-linky/

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Our Jan-Mar linky now reveals literary journeys across Russia, Portugal, Switzerland, Jamaica, Finland, Canada, Botswana - among others. Never too late to join us for #LitWorld2018GB - Literary Voyage Around the World Reading Challenge - with book prizes up for grabs!! https://gatheringbooks.org/jan-march-2018-linky/

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Did you know that #24in48 gets readers from all over the world? We're always working on ways to expand prize options for non-US readers. This year, that includes add'l outreach to int'l publishers, and the addition of a PayPal donate button at 24in48.com. All donations to the website will support the purchase/shipping of prizes to international winners. If you can spare it, please consider donating! #readathon 📷: Unsplash.com, Slava Bowman

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The Jan-Mar linky for the #LitWorld2018GB is now up at GatheringBooks - if you are one of the intrepid explorers who have signed up for our Literary Voyage Around the World Reading Challenge - you can share your book reviews this quarter in this linky. Do join us, glorious Litsy people! https://gatheringbooks.org/jan-march-2018-linky/

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THE COUNTRIES FOR 2018 #READAROUNDTHEWORLD HAVE BEEN CHOSEN! This is not a drill! Get yourself to @JenP 's profile and get the deets! I'm veeeery excited about these choices. (If you haven't read Cutting for Stone yet, it has GOT to be your choice for Ethiopia, it's so good!!) [P.S. Why does my hand look so weird?]

JenP I love the bujo pages. How pretty. 7y
Karkar I am so going to steal you page set up!!! 7y
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Velvetfur That's so pretty 💜 7y
Serotonin You are so good at optimizing your bujo pages. They always look so nice 👍 I‘d have no idea how to utilize the bujo in such stylish ways 😆 7y
Natasha.C.Barnes @Serotonin Thanks! Honestly it's just me staring at a blank page and a pile of stencils and trying to see if I can make all the information fit. 😂 7y
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Want to take a reading trip around the world? Join us in our literary voyage - be a Literary Hitchhiker/Backpacker or a Globetrotter - completely up to you. Book prizes await! Take the reading trip of your life along with us. Sign up here - http://bit.ly/LitWorld2018GB and use the hashtag #LitWorld2018GB

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Take a Literary Voyage around the World with GatheringBooks in 2018. We are hosting this reading challenge with quarterly book prizes to boot! We are using the hashtag #LitWorld2018GB - Here‘s the sign up page with complete guidelines - http://bit.ly/LitWorld2018GB

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Pt. 2/2 Here's the rest of my #passportlitsy itinerary (visually). I'm super excited about Burkina Faso--there seem to be a few revolutionary reads in store for me from that destination! All in all, I feel like reading my way around these countries will change and motivate me...and for the better. I'm also planning on sampling dishes from these nations and knitting or crocheting yarn from fiber-rich nations, namely Chile, Ireland, and Japan. 😍

Libby1 If you'd like any recommendations for books set in Ireland let me know. 😃 7y
Wbabdullah Thanks @Libby1! I am planning on reading Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Ernest (Irish author) and Three Bags Full: A Sheep Detective Story (Irish setting), but have yet to find a matching Irish author and setting! If you have any suggestions, I'll check them out! 7y
Libby1 Great choices, @Wbabdullah . If you're looking for a contemporary Irish author set in present day Ireland I would recommend The Spinning Heart by Donal Ryan. I live in Northern Ireland and read a good bit of Irish fiction. Is there a certain genre you particularly like? 7y
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Wbabdullah Yay! @Libby1 I'm speaking to someone who really knows!! I was also thinking of Jonathan Swift's Gulliver Travels. I could probably tell you more of what I don't like than what I do...a quiz I took says I love literary fiction...complex characters. I'm not a fan of romance, mystery, or horror. What does that leave us with?? 🤦🏽‍♀️ 7y
Wbabdullah I just checked out your recommendation--looks up my literary fiction alley! Thank you! Any other recommendations? I might read a few from each country. 7y
Wbabdullah @libby1 do you know of any Irish titles that feature knitting or crochet (not as a major plot device but casually)? I'm a big fan of those crafts. 7y
Wbabdullah Or sheep?😂🤓 7y
CouronneDhiver Aw, I love Curaçao... such a cool place! 7y
Wbabdullah @CouronneDhiver preparing for this reading adventure is making me want to visit the places in real life!! God willing, one day I will! 7y
Wbabdullah @WithLoveShadai here‘s where I‘m going! And links to original posts: steverogers's post on Litsy

steverogers's post on Litsy
(edited) 7y
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I am so excited about #passportlitsy! I picked an itinerary of 11 nations to which I will add Japan to make 12 destinations for the year. I just finalized all of my titles, picking a few from each country in case I wanted to linger on my vacay a little longer and make a complete 30-day stay😍. List of titles is to come! I'm just checking my library to see what is left to buy, request and perhaps sign up for kindle unlimited for! Pt. 1/2

Wbabdullah And my first destinations @WithLoveShadai . I‘ll write down the actual titles I‘m reading from each country closer to 2018 InshAllah. Join me by tagging @steverogers and telling her how many countries you want to sign up for and using the hashtag #passportlitsy (edited) 7y
Wbabdullah Let the games begin!! 7y
Wbabdullah @WithLoveShadai I‘m also adding Japan to this list because I really want to read 1Q84 after I finish 1984 7y
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Wbabdullah @WithLoveShadai Can‘t wait to see where you‘ll go and if we‘ll be going to some of the same places!! (edited) 7y
WithLoveShadai @Wbabdullah This.Is.Dope! I'm waiting on my itinerary now. I picked 5 countries in an effort to actually complete this task! I get so distracted sometimes, but I am excited! 7y
Wbabdullah @WithLoveShadai yay!!🙌🏽 I‘m so excited to travel with u! Yeah I‘m trying to hit one country a month! 2018 is the year of vacations, baby!! 7y
Wbabdullah @WithLoveShadai Salaam lady! Missing you—did you get your itinerary yet? 7y
WithLoveShadai @Wbabdullah I haven't yet! Still waiting. Did I miss a deadline? 7y
Wbabdullah @WithLoveShadai no, not that I know of! I think @maximoffs has been busy but I‘m sure she‘ll get back to you! How can we help with #litsypassport @maximoffs ? 7y
maximoffs @Wbabdullah I will! Work is crazy right now and so is school. Should be calming soon! 7y
Wbabdullah @maximoffs awesome! On another note, I emailed you because I misplaced your address for items to mail to Baby Charlie. I‘ve actually been driving around town with 3 month old clothes in my trunk. Did your email change too or should I try again? Are you still accepting things? 7y
maximoffs @Wbabdullah oh no! I didn‘t get it! Kulikrachel@gmail.com and I‘ll send you mom‘s address, you can send it directly to her. I‘m so sorry! 7y
Wbabdullah Thanks so much! I‘ll be emailing you shortly so I can get that address! 7y
Wbabdullah Ok email sent to you @maximoffs ! 7y
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My 2018 #aroundtheworld travel itinerary from @steverogers . Now to pick the when of the wheres...and the what. I already have chosen my reads from Guadeloupe and Curaçao. I'm gonna add Japan to this list because I've been wanting to read something from there..it'll be the beginning or ending of this voyage. Who's in? Or has some recs from #ownvoices of the above countries? The Goodreads recs are awesome but I'd love to hear from my fellow Littens

Wbabdullah @RestlessFickleBookSlut I can't wait to see your list! Stay tuned folks, the pretty post version will come soon...maybe closer to 2018 when I finalize who I'm reading from each country! 7y
julesG Interesting destinations! I'm off to check my inbox. 😋 7y
Wbabdullah Yay! Would love to see your destinations as well @julesG! 7y
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julesG I'm German, don't ask me for books for Germany. 😝 This book is set in the area of Germany where I grew up and it has a personal connection, my great-grandmother was among the first women to work as glassblowers. (It's a historical romance.) 7y
Wbabdullah Oooh! @julesG I'm an art teacher. Though I'm not one for romance, I'm a lover of history and art. You might've just won me over--I'll check it out! Your personal connection has just become personal to me--Danke!!! 7y
julesG @Wbabdullah It's not too romantsy! No swooning, if I remember. 7y
Wbabdullah Sounds like a winner!! Thank you! 7y
Louise I'm doing the #ReadingAroundTheWorld challenge too! Currently armchair traveling in China. For Germany, I love Ingrid Noll's books! 7y
Wbabdullah I will check out Ingrid Noll, too! Thanks @Louise! 7y
Louise Ingrid Noll has wonderful dry, dark humor! If you don't speak German, there are just two of her books in English translation: The Pharmacist and Hell Hath No Fury. Both are excellent. 7y
Wbabdullah It sounds like I'll like Ingrid Noll on the human alone. I don't speak German though--thanks for recommending those two titles! I'll check them out! 7y
julesG @Louise Yes, Ingrid Noll is good. Forgot about her. 7y
Wbabdullah #litsypassport #passportlitsy (updating hashtag for easy finding) (edited) 7y
Wbabdullah @julesG I just looked up The Glassblower by Petra Durst-Benning and the Ingrid Noll books. I think the Glassblower trilogy is right up my alley! I just added it to my itinerary for Germany! Thanks! I think I will positively love learning about your hometown and where your great grandma worked as a Glassblower!! 7y
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Y'all! How did I miss this? An around the world challenge? Yes please! (note to self- you've got the tagged book somewhere...find it.)

Thanks @Wbabdullah and @steverogers

Wbabdullah That is absolutely the first time I've been a part of an image on Litsy. I mean I've been screenshot-ted!! (I know that's not a word, but y'all get me, right?) Feeling famous, feeling loved! Loving this week of firsts! I love Litsy!! Happy tears!! 😭🤧 7y
julesG @Wbabdullah 😂😂😂 7y
Wbabdullah I think I'm ok now. I have screenshotted the screenshot. #litsyfandom 😍 7y
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Wbabdullah @RestlessFickleBookSlut I'm gonna display some ignorance now..where in the world do I get the cool stickers like "love" and "can't even"? I'm such a Litsy newbie but I think I'm finally getting it!! 7y
Sace @Wbabdullah somewhere in the picture edit function there is something that says "sticker". I'm on android so I don't know if it's different on iPhone. 7y
Wbabdullah Alrighty! Thank you! 7y
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Two ways #AroundtheWorld -- by reading or by traveling. #SizzlinSummerBooks @Tiffy_Reads

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Reading a book from every country in the world is my dream project that I've been slowly working towards for the past few years. This book is an awesome resource to help me on my journey. This is a description of Ann's journey around the world in 196 books - one from each country.. all in English! Great book so far!

CouronneDhiver Very cool! 7y
CareBear I love this idea! 7y
BellaBookNook This is one of my goals too! Enjoy! 7y
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ramyasbookshelf @BellaBookNook then you should check out my blog on this - http://ramyasarmchairtravels.blogspot.com so we can discuss our picks! 7y
ramyasbookshelf @CareBear @CareBear if you like reading international literature, this is an exciting lifelong project! 7y
CareBear How do you determine where it's from? Author? Setting? 7y
ramyasbookshelf @CareBear I go by setting. My goal is to understand countries and cultures. With authors moving around so much, their nationalities sometimes are too confusing. 7y
ramyasbookshelf @CareBear you can check out this link where I've described my process too - http://ramyasarmchairtravels.blogspot.com 7y
CareBear I'll check it out, thanks! 7y
Texreader Very cool goal!! 7y
BellaBookNook @ramyasbookshelf I would love to trade book recs with you. I'm on the road but I have a great link to a woman that achieved this goal and documented it. It's very inspirational. When I get home, I will find the link for you. I also like your criterion because my goal is to learn about different countries and cultures. I like your blog. Right now I just blog book reviews but I am inspired to document the journey too. I will follow yours. 7y
ramyasbookshelf @BellaBookNook would love to get the link! The more resources, the better! 7y
Wbabdullah @BellaBookNook I'd love to get the link too! @steverogers you'd probably like this book! ☝🏽 7y
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Ann Morgan traveled the world - in books. She solicited recommendations via blog and wrote a book about her experience, gave a TED talk, andmade the list available to us.

How many of your books weren't written in America? I'm adding some of these to my 2017 TBR! For a little inspiration - http://ideas.ted.com/your-guide-to-reading-the-world/?utm_campaign=social&utm_me...

Cinfhen Thanks for sharing 💜 7y
ReadingEnvy I've spent five years working on a similar project but sometimes I get stuck for a few months reading about a country. 😚 7y
LitLogophile That sounds like an amazing problem to have! Any stand-out recommendations? @ReadingEnvy 7y
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LitLogophile Wow, both of those look great. Mozambique's first published female novelist! Thanks for the recs 🤗 @ReadingEnvy 7y
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????????? I love good-natured bookish social pranks.* There's three of these "Subway Reading" videos. Thought you might enjoy ???: https://youtu.be/2LyVVbhvStk . @SubwayBookReview , have you seen these? #LitsyHumor *Not suitable for children

Donna_sBookMinute 😂😂😂 7y
Ange44 I love these videos! 7y
Cinfhen I ❤️NY ~ hilarious 😂 7y
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Bookladylinda Too funny!!!! 7y
Gina That's FANTASTIC 7y
mcipher That was hilarious! Made me miss riding on the subway. Cities are so fun for people watching. Especially funny book cover people. 😂 7y
LitsyGoesPostal 😊👍🏻 7y
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#TBRtemptation post 7! This is inspired by the journalist's year-long journey through a book from every country. I think @Louise runs a group with a similar goal in mind. She discusses the challenges for developing-world authors, how local myths play out in regional lit, how State censorship & propaganda play into authors' messages, and what it's like to get the first English-translated edition of a book. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎

kspenmoll Intriguing! 7y
MrBook @kspenmoll 😁👍🏻! 7y
TheCanuckReader I've wanted to do this! 7y
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BookMusings I've wanted to read this forever! Need to look for it. 7y
Louise Thanks for the shout-out for our group, @MrBook! Yes, we have a group doing this on Litsy! We even have a blog page. To join us, just contact @RanaElizabeth at 195countries195books@gmail.com to get set up with access to contribute to the blog. It is proving to be an amazing experience! 7y
Louise All are welcome to join us! Yes, I mean YOU! @kspenmoll @TheCanuckReader @BookMusings @MrBook 7y
TheCanuckReader Done! Just sent you an email :) thanks! 7y
LitsyGoesPostal 😊👍🏻 7y
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A question re: #ReadingAroundTheWorld blog. In today's post, I listed quotes that stood out for me in a book by a Congolese writer. I'm wondering if quoting several passages like that is allowed in blogs or is considered a breach of copyright. I credit the author & state clearly why I like to revisit books through such passages. Does anyone know? @RanaElizabeth http://195countries195books.blogspot.com/2017/02/republic-of-congo-part-one-alai...

shelf-improvement For the most part, brief passages are considered fair use. Especially if you're not profiting from the passages (I assume you're not a paid blogger) 7y
RanaElizabeth I would assume fair use as well, otherwise the entirety of GR is going down. 7y
drokka As @shelf-improvement noted, as long as you're not paid and are crediting the source you should be fine. 7y
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Louise Thank you, @shelf-improvement, @RanaElizabeth, and @drokka! I am not paid for this blog so I'll assume it's okay, since I do credit the source. Good to know! Thanks! 👍 7y
Clare-Dragonfly I believe it's even fine to quote lengthy passages for the purpose of criticism--which a book review certainly qualifies as. There isn't a specific length requirement (fair use is pretty fuzzy) but criticism, along with academic use, is definitely considered protected. 7y
Louise Thank you, @Clare-Dragonfly! I'm glad to know it's okay! 🤓 7y
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Just received Ann Morgan's book in the #bookmail today. The books are gathering for the #readingaroundtheworld challenge. I'll be tarrying a while in the two Congos and in Taiwan, while books from German-speaking countries will remain a constant for the language practice. I am already learning so much! Love this project! ❤

MrBook Added! 😊👍🏻 7y
Louise @MrBook Perhaps you'll be inspired to join our merry band of armchair travelers! You would be very welcome! 7y
MrBook Perhaps, perhaps ☺😉. 7y
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Blog is ready! For those who have expressed interest, if you want to be an author on our shiny, new blog, send an email to 195countries195books@gmail.com to be added. I'll send some basic instructions on how to use the new blog. And for those just playing along at home, the link is below.

Louise Thank you so very much for setting this up, @RanaElizabeth! I've already ordered some Congolese novels from my local library, including an extra book of Congolese recipes and cultural facts! We are off and running! 7y
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RanaElizabeth One more note: you need a Google account to be an author. 💻⌨🖱 7y
ReadingEnvy I've spent the last four years reading the world and it's amazing, enjoy! 7y
RanaElizabeth @ReadingEnvy I'm really excited to see the breadth and depth of non-Western writing. 7y
Jinjer Blog looks great! The UN Chart was very interesting!!!! What's our next step? Are we waiting for a green light & name of book we're to start reading or is it a read on your own kinda thing? Are their rules or guidelines I've managed to overlook? Thanks!!!! 7y
RanaElizabeth @Jinjer No rules or guidelines, read at your own pace and your own choices. Post on the blog or not. 7y
SoniaC This is awesome. I am loving watching this develops. Please tag #readingaroundtheworld. 7y
RanaElizabeth @SoniaC Goshdarnit, I am the worst at tags. I could have sworn I was so good and covered them all! 😑 7y
SoniaC @RanaElizabeth 😂 no pressure just a suggestion. 7y
Michelle_mck Awesome! Will send an email through 👍🏻😄 7y
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For anybody doing #readaroundtheworld here is an easy way for us to keep track of suggestions and options. Everybody should be able to edit this, if not just let me know. Good luck and happy traveling. So excited to be doing this. Thanks to @Sonia_C and @Louise

SoniaC So nice of you to have done this. I never dreamed others would join in. This is all making it even more fun. 8y
RanaElizabeth @SoniaC Dream big, babe. As big as the world. 😎 8y
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Michelle_mck Awesome 👏🏻 8y
Louise @RanaElizabeth Thanks so much for doing this! I'd been wondering how we might set something up to stay in touch about the books we're reading! I'm even thinking about some kind of blog or workspace we can all add to. It would be fun to share other aspects of each culture that we have explored because of this project. What do you think? Hmmmm. 🤓📚❤ 8y
RanaElizabeth @Louise Shared blog, yes! Adding the Doc is easy enough on blogger, I think! 8y
Louise @SoniaC and @Lacythebookworm See comment above. What do you think about also adding some way of posting other cultural info., like ethnic recipes or music clips, etc.? 8y
Louise @RanaElizabeth Is "blogger" a particular program or would we use something like WordPress? 8y
RanaElizabeth @Louise Haha, Blogger iirc is Google's blogging service. I only suggested that one as it's fairly straightforward, free, and you can have multiple authors. 8y
Louise @RanaElizabeth Sounds good! 👍 8y
drokka Oh. Thank you for this. 👍 8y
Lacythebookworm This is great! 🙌 8y
[DELETED] 3323341091 oh, groovy! 8y
Louise Looks like our group is growing! Hooray! 8y
Louise @RanaElizabeth How do you suggest we go about setting up the blog or web space for multiple users? It would be good if we could somehow keep all info on each country in a designated space for that country. Yet the chronological story is also important-- how early experiences lead to other explorations, etc. Thoughts? 8y
Louise Perhaps this could easily be solved through a search function. 8y
Kristy_K I'm starting this challenge in 2017, so this spreadsheet will be useful. Thank you! 8y
RanaElizabeth @Louise Let me play around with blogging functions and see what I can come up with tomorrow. 8y
Louise Thanks so much, @RanaElizabeth! You win the Litsy Tech award of lots of grateful cyber hugs and applause! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼❤ 8y
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In preparation for joining @SoniaC and friends for #readingaroundtheworld, I have made a list of all UN member states (plus we add Taiwan and Palestine), and I ordered Ann Morgan's book about her experience with this challenge. I'd like to try and include music, art, and a recipe from each country to round out the cultural experience. No deadline pressure; just fun armchair traveling! Who will join us?

Louise The idea is to read a book by an author from all UN member states plus 2. 📚❤ 8y
RanaElizabeth This is fabulous! Cannot wait to hear about your literary travels. 8y
Lacythebookworm Sounds fun! 🙌 8y
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SoniaC This is really turning out to be such a cool idea! I've got to get her book. I follow the blog. I love that everyone is ok with keeping it low key. 8y
Louise @SoniaC Yes! It's the low key aspect that encouraged me to get on board with it rather than put it off. I was looking up authors from other countries last night and realized what a rich reading adventure is on the horizon! Looking forward to seeing how things evolve with this project! Thanks for posting the idea, Sonia! Who knows when I'd have taken it up at last without that nudge from you. 🤓👍 8y
Louise @RanaElizabeth and @Lacythebookworm Thanks! Perhaps you'd like to join our armchair traveling troupe! (edited) 8y
Lacythebookworm I think I shall join! I love reading translations so this should work! Going to make a spreadsheet now! 🙌 8y
SoniaC @Lacythebookworm oh that'd be amazing. 8y
SoniaC @Louise I love that so many people are going to be enjoying these armchair adventures. 8y
Louise @Lacythebookworm Hooray! So glad you will be joining us! The more the merrier! @SoniaC yay! 8y
RanaElizabeth We should totally do a Google Doc for this, people can add thier suggestions for each country. I can tackle that this weekend and put up a post if people want. 8y
SoniaC @RanaElizabeth that would be great. I have an excel spreadsheet but that's a great idea! Let me know if I can be of help. 8y
RanaElizabeth Google Doc all done...it was an easy copy/paste from the UN website. Update and add your suggestions! 8y
Jinjer Ugh...how fun!!! I have NO time for another reading challenge, darn it, bit of course I'm going to have to check this one out! Sounds very cool!!!! 8y
Jinjer I added my name to it but don't know if it saved or not. 8y
Louise @Jinjer The lovely thing about this challenge is that we have no timeline, no deadline, and no stress! We are wandering literary vagabonds who wish to take our time getting to know the world while also attending to our other interests and responsibilities. So please join us if you feel at all inclined. It's going to be wonderful! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 8y
Louise @Jinjer Yippee! Welcome! I just checked, and I see your name there! 👍 I changed your font color to green (you can choose whatever color you wish) to make it easier to tell the difference between neighboring columns once the sheet starts to fill up. (edited) 8y
Jinjer Yayyyyy! Thank you! 8y
Louise @RanaElizabeth I just sent an email to you about a new member, who may also recruit her cousin. The group is growing! 🤓📚👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 7y
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Since the lovely @Laalaleighh posted about this amazing lady's journey, I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. I'm going to give this a shot myself, starting Jan 2017. I know it will be difficult with translations and stuff, but still, it will be an interesting experience. So Littens, I would love your suggestions of books I should put on my reading map! #diversereading

Laalaleighh Aw, getting to be a part in inspiring this makes me so happy!! 😊😊😊 8y
Sue @Laalaleighh Thank you 🙏🏻💕💕💕 8y
LeeRHarry That map is amazing - good choice for Australia 😊 8y
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Marchpane Good on you for taking on such a meaty challenge! I think @ReadingEnvy has been doing something similar - her blog and podcast would be good resources. 8y
Simona I also playing with this and I'm slowly putting together a list @Laalaleighh 8y
ReadingEnvy And there are a few GoodReads groups with people who have been doing this a while... their recommendations would be helpful! "around the world" and "around the world in 80 books." My reading life is so much richer from this project but I also feel I will never finish. ??? 8y
Sue Thanks @Marchpane and @ReadingEnvy I'll check that out. 8y
Yournewfriendsams Very cool! Can't wait to see your journey unfold 👏🏽 8y
GlitteryOtters http://thebooktrekker.blogspot.com/ is doing a similar thing (although at a pace of one book per week & she is making a vegan dish from each country as she reads--I thought that was a really cool twist on the idea). 8y
EnidBiteEm Wow. I think Secondhand Time would be an excellent read to understand the complexities of Russia, neighbouring civil wars, perestroika, etc, but it's not short. 8y
Sue Good stuff @Simona - I've put together a new page on my blog so I can start to plan in earnest. Is there somewhere I can follow you? @Yournewfriendsams Thank you :) @LeeRHarry I'm going to use a new book from Anita Heiss for Australia :) @GlitteryOtters wow that is ambitious!! @EnidBiteEm thank you! That looks amazing! 8y
Simona @Sue I use only Litsy and GR (to track my reading list). I'm still at the stage of putting up the list (still struggling with the latter A). I have some problems with finding the authors - I have decided that I will read the works of the women writers. I didn't formulated this project so ambitious (read all the books in one year, write on the blog...), but as something for my soul and to have fun without the pressure and commitments. I'll be ...👇 8y
Simona ...happy to follow your blog if you can send me a link, please 🙏. 8y
Sue @Simona I won't be giving myself a time limit, but I will be blogging - you can find me at doddyaboutbooks.com and at Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/7364393-sue I suspect it will take some time to get a full list together, but, for me at least, that is half the fun :) 8y
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Y'all. I saw a lot of maps on Litsy today. Check out the map in this article. This woman spent a year reading one book from every country in the world. You can click the country and it gives you the name of the book and a short description. It's pretty amazing.


pppooraikul Thank you for sharing this! 8y
Sue Holy cow, that's amazing!! What a challenge! 8y
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Simona I like this....I'm playing with the thought to do this challenge.🤔 8y
Notafraidofwords I saw this online and I thought it was amazing ! 8y
PurpleyPumpkin There are so many great book challenge ideas out there! This is awesome. 😊 8y
ReadingEnvy I've been doing this since 2012 and I'm never going to finish. I keep getting stuck by interest and lingering in a country 😜 - I spent four months on Papua New Guinea! 8y
Suzze Very cool! 8y
Bookzombie Thank you for sharing! 8y
Laalaleighh @Yournewfriendsams @Suzze @emilydecato 😊😊😊 @pppooraikul @Bookzombie I figured no one would appreciate it like littens! @sue it's quite impressive! @Simona ooooh if you do you should keep a podcast or blog or something of it! @Notafraidofwords I'm in awe of this woman! She had a transcription crowd-sourced for one country! @PurpleyPumpkin makes me sad thinking how much I miss only reading in English. @ReadingEnvy do you have a blog? 8y
ReadingEnvy @Laalaleighh yes readingenvy.blogspot.com 8y
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Besides the time well-spent meeting new friends, what I can blame on Litsy is a renewed sense to read intentionally. To read for learning, growing, loving, laughing, and pleasure. A TBR pile isn't really about how many but what the book will give you. Sometimes the intention is to leave the world and sometimes the intention is to learn about the world.

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Just got this in the mail. I'm trying to broaden my horizons. Has anyone read it? Or tried any of the books on her reading list?

LivinginaLibrary I haven't seen this one but now I want a copy! 8y
ReadingRailroader @LivinginaLibrary I love books about books! 8y
Louise You might wish to join our new group #readaroundtheworld. If you are interested, @RanaElizabeth can send you an invitation to the group blog. 7y
RanaElizabeth @Louise @ReadingRailroader Just email me at 195countries195books@gmail.com if you want to join our adventures around the world. 7y
Louise Sorry, the correct hashtag is #readingaroundtheworld. 😇 7y
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