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Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want -- Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible | Brian Tracy
290 posts | 6 read | 1 reading | 5 to read
Based on more than 20 years of experience and 40 years of research, this book presents a completely updated and practical, proven strategy for creating and meeting goals that has been used by more than 1 million people already in its first edition.Author Brian Tracy again explores the seven key elements of goal setting and the 12 steps necessary to set and accomplish goals of any size. Using his trademark simple language and real-life examples, Tracy shows how to do the crucial work of determining one's strengths, values, and true goals. He explains further how to build the self-esteem and con.
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Reached my 2024 of 62 books!!

This was in large part due to #BookSpin and #ReadAway2042 Thank you @TheAromaofBooks @Andrew65 @DieAReader and @GHABI4ROSES for hosting these challenges 💜💞

Looking forward to seeing how much more I read 😊

GHABI4ROSES Beautiful. May we strive to reach more goals in such a graceful way!!!! 4w
DieAReader Fantastic! So awesome to be able to reach & exceed our own goals🤓❤️‍🔥📚 4w
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bookandbedandtea Way to go! 4w
julesG Congratulations! 4w
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fantastic progress!!! 3w
TheBookgeekFrau @julesG Thank you! 💜 3w
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This year I didn‘t want to set a numerical goal on Goodreads. I couldn‘t track my reading on the phone app without a goal, so I set an arbitrary target of 12, which I reached months ago. With book clubs, ongoing series, new books I hear about along the way, and other reading challenges, I‘m already keeping track of enough. #sundayfunday

BookmarkTavern Totally fair! There are so many fun challenges and read alongs here on Litsy! Thanks for answering! 11mo
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#Rushathon Goals:

💟Get out of my Litsy/Reading slump
💜Update StoryGraph
💟31 Chirp audios
💜100 comics/GNs
💟Read/DNF/Donate 25 books from physical shelf
💜Complete #14Booksin14Weeks list
💟Use 10 CL monthly suggestions
💜3x #AlphabethicalBingo lines
💟Clear #BookSpinBingo board
💜Clear #ISpyBingo board
💟Read 5 books for #BacklistReadathon

ShyBookOwl Love the ambition! U got this 🤗 1y
dabbe Wow! #yougogirl 🤩🤩🤩 1y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! And we missed the #BacklistReadathon for July 😂 Do we want to try again for August?? 1y
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Clwojick @TheAromaofBooks I know! That‘s why I had to make a point of adding it to my goals. Can‘t forget this month! 😬😂🫣 1y
TheAromaofBooks July got a lil crazy so we'll just consider it a vacation month 😂 I was making my August list a couple days ago and found myself realizing that we'd skipped the entire thing haha 1y
Andrew65 Best of luck, hope this helps you get going again 😁 1y
Traci1 Wow! You are so ambitious. Good luck with all your goals! 1y
SconsinBookyBadger Dang you have ambitious goals to get out of your reading slump! 😃 1y
Clwojick @SconsinBookyBadger Go big or go home, right? 😂😅🫣 1y
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Midyear Stats check-in!
I'm crushing my storygraph goals and I've already raised it from 150 to 200 since I was so far ahead. It's been a great year so far 🙌🏻
#readinggoals #midyearstats

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1. I set a goal on Goodreads only because I couldn‘t track my reading on the phone app otherwise. My actual goal is just to read as much as possible. So far I‘m at 33 books for the year.
2. Keep working on: #ReadingTheAmericas2023 #authoramonth #52mysteries etc. etc. etc.


TheSpineView Good luck! Thanks for playing along. 1y
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Increased my #GoodreadsGoal for 2023 from 500 to 1200! 😅 I‘ve managed to read a minimum of 100 books per month, so I‘m hoping I can stick with it. June has been a slower month for me, so I‘m hoping this will add some extra motivation. ☺️

Ruthiella You can do it! 🤩 1y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏

Is there a #BacklistReadathon this month? @Clwojick @TheAromaOfBooks
sisilia This is amazing!! I can only manage max 4 books per month 😅 1y
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Clwojick @Andrew65 Yes! We‘re definitely a week behind this month, but we‘ll start on this upcoming Monday. ❤️ 1y
Meshell1313 Ah maz ing! 👏🏻🙌 1y
Andrew65 @Clwojick Glad to see it‘s not just me, I was a week behind with #JoysOfJune. There must be something in the water. 1y
TheAromaofBooks @Andrew65 @Clwojick - Our brains just refuse to accept how fast time is going this year 😂 1y
Andrew65 @TheAromaofBooks Isn‘t that the truth! 1y
miamorswife How do you read that much? I would love to be able to do that. 1y
Emilymdxn I love your updates and challenges SO much. I swear the most I ever read is during Scarathlon and winter games when I‘m trying to keep up with you 💖 1y
Clwojick @Emilymdxn Thanks! ☺️☺️☺️October and December are definitely high months for me too! 1y
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Last week I told myself I would go into May with no set goals except for #BookSpinBingo & #ISpyBingo, but now this week I have a list of 13 different goals, and I‘m debating making 8-10 different bingo boards. I‘m starting to think I have an addiction to planned reading and #bingoboards 😂😵‍💫🤣

What do I do?! 😂😂😂

TheAromaofBooks I've been surprised at how setting goals for my reading really does help me read more. I also spend a lot less time waffling about what I should read next - I'm not really a mood reader; I like to just start reading a book and seeing if I get sucked in or not!! 1y
Clwojick @TheAromaofBooks I‘m a touch of a mood reader, but I still like to pick from a small preset list. I used to struggle with a planned TBR, but it‘s helped so much this year! I‘m trying to stay focused on reading books off of my phone or my physical shelves, so I‘ve just been in the ZONE. I‘m also being extra ruthless with my DNFs this year. 😂 1y
RedxoHearts I always love seeing all your lists and planning. I want to be as organized as you when I grow up 🤣 1y
Clwojick @RedxoHearts ❤️❤️❤️ Thanks! I can‘t help myself! #listersgonnalist 1y
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Here are my main annual goals, but I set seasonal, monthly, weekly, & even daily reading goals too😂 I have a HUGE addiction to challenges + written checklists, so I‘m always adding more goals to keep me motivated + on track. From #mostanticipated, #shelvesofshame, #roll100 & #ISpyBingo, I always have a list to pull from, when I need a little reading inspiration. Switching it up whenever I feel the need, helping to motivate me & keep me on track.

BkClubCare 🥅 goals! 📚 2y
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Hi friends! This hasn't been my best reading month, so I have conservative goals this weekend. Making progress on 2 buddy reads so I can join in conversations.

@Andrew65 #20in4 Readathon @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @StayCurious #LitsyLove Readathon

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️📚❤️ 2y
Andrew65 Best of luck 😁 2y
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My health and wellness goals for 2023!

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I made my pages goal just in the nick of time last night!
Happy New Year everyone! 🎉

BookwormAHN Nice job 👏🏻 2y
Librariana Excellent job! 🥳 Congrats! 2y
BookmarkTavern Woohoo! 🎉🎉🎉 2y
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Gissy Amazing! 📚📚📚📚💪🥳🎉🎊👏👏👏👏 2y
bthegood congratulations - 2y
fredamans 👏 👏 👏 2y
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I am very happy with 2022 reading results. I crossed over the number of books and the page number goals. I read 17 five 🌟 books, and with the help of Litsy I discovered many new authors and books to enjoy.

Happy New Year Everyone!! Onward to 2023!!
New Year New Reading Goals!!

Bookzombie Happy New Year!🎆 2y
erzascarletbookgasm Happy New Year 🥳 2y
WJCintron 😃🎉🥳👏👏👏 2y
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AnneCecilie Happy New Year 🎆 2y
Lizpixie Happy new year!🎉 2y
Ruthiella Well done! 👏👏👏 Happy New Year! 🥳 (edited) 2y
Reggie Great job, Happy New Year! 2y
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I completed the Storygraph Reading Challenge, 150 books read and still 11 days left in the year. I'm hoping to make it 153-155 before I'm done. I still need 366 pages to meet my page count goal.

Ruthiella You can do it! 👍 2y
wanderinglynn Congrats! 🎉 And you can get the last 366 pages! 2y
IndoorDame Woohoo 🙌 2y
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Deblovestoread Well done 🙌🏼 2y
AllDebooks Very impressive, well done 👏 2y
fredamans 👏 👏 👏 2y
Megabooks Great job!! 👏🏻👏🏻 2y
PaperbackPirate Congratulations! 📚📚📚📚📚 2y
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Bucket List Goal🪣 : Fit more than 10 pieces of Halloween chocolates in my mouth at the same time. I fit 12 pieces. These were part of a Halloween candy care package from my dad 🥰👻

I was going to take a picture for proof but the 12 pieces make me drool 🤤 so “honor system.”

You are welcome #TeamSlaughter - that was a big sacrifice.

#Scarathlon #Bucketlist #AimHigh #NeverSettle #10points #DroollikeaGhoul

Aims42 🤣 Way to go!! 2y
JamieArc 😂😂. Fun bucket list item! 2y
Susanita Admirable goal!! 2y
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JoeMo Dang, my bucket list sounds so boring in comparison! 😂 2y
AlaMich That is a worthy goal!!😂 2y
BookNAround Bwahahaha! Sounds like quite a sacrifice. 😂🤣😂 2y
DanaManiac Haha I love this! Way to take one for the team! 🤣 2y
Bookwormjillk Thank you for your sacrifice? Now that you are an expert what is the peanut butter to chocolate ratio like on these? 2y
Sleepswithbooks @Bookwormjillk - When they are all crammed in your mouth like that, I‘d say it seems pretty 50/50 😅 I might need to try again but purely for that scientific reason. 2y
Bookwormjillk @Sleepswithbooks if you do any analysis let me know 😂 2y
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Like May, June also fell apart! It was just such a busy month…the only goals I met were my reading goal of 7 books and I did get a facial. Need to get back my mojo this month, so July goals are 1) workout 4x/week 2) meditate daily 3) read 7 books 4) get a massage 5) try something (anything!) new

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Halfway through the year, I‘m more mobile than I was at the beginning of the year, while at the same time I‘m quite behind my Goodreads goal. So we reevaluate!

The short answer on fitness is that the shot is still working for now, and I plan to carry on with exercise classes & walking in July.

Meanwhile, I lowered my Goodreads goal to a more realistic level, and I plan to read eight books this month. I‘m also tweaking some other areas.


BookNightOwl I‘m also behind on my Goodreads goal but optimistic that I will still meet it at the end 2y
wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 Keep making great progress! I‘m also behind on my GR goal. If I don‘t catch up by the first of December, I plan to simply lower the goal 😉 2y
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I never posted my June goals for #BFC22 🤦🏻‍♀️

My Fitbit is being wonky, so I‘m not tracking miles at the moment. But I‘m still walking and exercising!

I‘d like to finish ten books this month. So far I‘ve read three and plan to read at least three more for #JoysofJune

wanderinglynn Great goals! 🙌🏻 2y
Andrew65 Not done as well as i wanted to, only walked 26,663 steps this month, means i need to do 73,337 to get to my 100,000. 2y
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My exercise goals for May kinda fell apart, as there were a couple of weeks where I struggled with my anxiety. There were also a handful of days where I didn‘t meet my water intake goal. May was good for reading and meditating, and I did try new smoothie recipes!
June goals: 1) meditate daily 2) read 7 books 3) 2 yoga sessions & 2 walking workouts each week 4) get a massage & a facial

OriginalCyn620 I do have to add a disclaimer: I will be in Los Angeles for a week later this month, and I know I will not be doing workouts that week. Will be doing lots of walking though! 😉 2y
wanderinglynn Great goals! 🙌🏻 2y
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My April goal was to see the ortho doc and figure out where we go from here. It was overall a good visit, and we have a plan for at least the immediate future. I‘m still looking to get back to some gentle hikes in the woods, weather and schedule permitting. I also need to schedule some non-ortho appointments for overall wellness.

I finished six books, which was not as many as I would have liked but the most so far this year. ⬇️


Susanita My reading goal is to finish book club selections and #authoramonth and at least one #bookspin pick. 2y
wanderinglynn I‘m glad your visit went well. Great goals for May! 🙌🏻 2y
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April was good! Took several outdoor walks, completed the Yoga with Adriene yoga challenge (super proud!), meditated daily, read 11 books. The only goal I didn‘t meet fully was 64 oz. of water daily, but I only came up short 6 days. Keeping my goals similar for May: 1) read 9 books 2) meditate daily 3) complete the YWA May challenge 4) do 3 walking workouts each week 5) 64 oz. water daily 6) try 2 new smoothie recipes

wanderinglynn Way to go! 🎉👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Keep up the great progress! 2y
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#BFC2022 @wanderinglynn

April End-of-Month Update: lack of consistent motivation, resulting in lack of progress

May Changes: Starting Noom, for more structure to my diet

May Goals:
1 - Read Noom lesson daily
2 - Track food daily in Noom app
3 - Read daily devotional
4 - Walk 3 times per week

wanderinglynn Some months are tough. 💜 Great goals for May! 🙌🏻 2y
TheAromaofBooks Do you overall like Noom? I've thought about trying it from time to time but never have. 2y
julieclair @TheAromaofBooks I do like Noom. They give you all the tools you need, and explain the psychology of weight loss, in a very positive, upbeat way. Tracking food in the app is easy, and I like that it‘s calorie based, rather than points based (like WW). 2y
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TheAromaofBooks Thank you for the info!! I may look into it more seriously. I really fell off the exercise bandwagon in April! 😂 2y
julieclair @TheAromaofBooks Yeah, falling off that bandwagon is way too easy to do… 😂 2y
TheAromaofBooks Almost as easy as falling ON the snacky-cake bandwagon! 😂 2y
julieclair @TheAromaofBooks Funny how they seem to go hand in hand... 🤔 2y
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Here are my #BFC2022 goals for April. I‘ve upped my daily step goal since I was able to consistently hit my previous target.

wanderinglynn Great goals! 🙌🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
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March was a pretty good month for me. I need to exercise more often but I‘m happy that I hit 4/5 goals.

wanderinglynn Yay! Way to go! 🙌🏻🎉👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
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March walking was okay but not great, but I did manage to get outside a bit and hobble around the neighborhood. As for reading, it was also less than I‘d have liked, but to paraphrase Hamilton: I read what I wanted and I wanted what I read.

April goals are to visit the ortho guy and figure out where we go from here, as I‘m not convinced the current treatment is working, and to read and return all my far flung library books.


rockpools ‘I read what I wanted‘ sounds good. Sorry to hear you‘re still hobbling though 🙁 3y
wanderinglynn I‘m sorry to hear your current treatment isn‘t working. I hope they can find one that does work for you. And I second the “I read what I wanted.” 🙌🏻 3y
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March #BFC2022 Goals

My goals are pretty much staying the same as last month. Tough, but mostly reachable. This month, we‘ll be out of town a few days for spring break, so that week will be spent clocking LOTS of miles in central Florida theme parks. 👟 Can‘t wait!

Best of luck to those participating in #BFC. Y‘all are awesome!

wanderinglynn Awesome! 🙌🏻 3y
britt_brooke @wanderinglynn Thanks, Lynn!! 3y
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I did amazingly at 2 of my Feb #BFC2022 goals, but fell short on reading my planned tbr, meaning I have fallen behind in all my reading challeneges, book clubs/buddy reads AND my uni reading. Oops!
Hopefully I'll get it back on track this month by finishing all the books I've started (or officially DNFing). Bring on March!

wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 Keep making great progress! 3y
WJCintron 👏 😃 3y
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In March, I hope to increase the amount of time I workout, either by adding a fourth day each week or combining yoga programs with targeted workouts. I am leaving the types vague so I can adapt during work travel.

12 books as I have a few short ones on my TBR to tackle & 8 hours on airplanes.

I've increased my dinner repertoire so now it's time for lunch. I can't keep eating salads or soups at work.

#BFC2022 @wanderinglynn

wanderinglynn Great goals! 🙌🏻🍀 (and soup or salad is pretty much what I have for lunch every day during the week 😆) 3y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick @wanderinglynn It's so easy so unless I have leftovers or treat myself to something, it's what's for lunch. I think I deserve a little more variety. 😂 3y
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Finally posting my February #BFC2022 goals. 😅

I met - and slightly exceeded (yay!) - my January ones, so I tweaked this month a bit. My biggest accomplishment last month was riding 315 total miles on my #peloton bike. I also participated in a quarterly cycling event called #pelofondo and rode 80 miles at once! It was a record for me and it HURT. 🥵

✨✨ Remember: your best is always enough! ✨✨

DivineDiana 👏🏻👍🏻👏🏻 3y
wanderinglynn Yay! Way to go! 🎉👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Keep up the fantastic progress! 🙌🏻 3y
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britt_brooke @wanderinglynn Thanks, Lynn! 3y
Megabooks Wow!! 3y
britt_brooke @Megabooks Thanks, friend! 😚 3y
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Well, first month of the #BFC2022 challenge started off well... unfortunately the virus had other plans and knocked me out of the game for a couple of weeks. Got my 7 books in, at least!

February goals:
📚7 (maybe only 6 - I have some chunksters on my TBR)
🏋🏻‍♂️ Still going to shoot for 30 x 4 to start
📱Cut down on time-wasting games
💤 No screen time 90 minutes before bed
🧠 Challenge myself to learn something new

wanderinglynn I‘m glad you‘re feeling better! And you had a great start! 🙌🏻💜 Keep up the progress. 3y
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Thank for continuing this challenge, Lynn!

#Peloton users: I‘d love it if you‘d follow me, and I‘ll follow you back. I‘m britt_brooke there, too. 🚴🏼‍♀️💪🏼

#BFC2022 #goals

fredthemoose I‘m @GoodJobT on Peloton! Are you doing the PowerZone Pack winter challenge? 3y
britt_brooke @fredthemoose Yay! No, I‘m not, but you‘ll have to let me know how it is. I take PZ classes about once a week, but have never done a challenge. 3y
wanderinglynn Great goals! 🙌🏻 I think maybe @4thhouseontheleft has a peleton? 🤔But I could be remembering wrong. 3y
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alisiakae @wanderinglynn I do! I am AllyRidesNC on the Peloton LB. @fredthemoose It‘s been a while since I‘ve done the PZ challenges because I started focusing more on the strength classes. Have either of you ever tried the hardCORE calendar? I love it! 3y
britt_brooke @4thhouseontheleft Yay - we are connected on peloton now! I have a couple of friends that do the hardCORE stuff and love it, too. I do my own thing, but I love that these groups exist. 3y
fredthemoose @4thhouseontheleft is there a way to get the hardCORE schedule other than throughout Facebook? I‘d love to@fo some of it but left FB awhile ago… 3y
alisiakae @fredthemoose that is the annoying part. Are you on Instagram? They also post the workouts there 3y
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Alright, I set my new goal for the year! 75 is less than I ended up accomplishing last year but more than I set, so I think it‘s a happy medium. I‘m going to try to keep three books - one physical, one audio, and one ebook - going at all times. That way I have a better chance of making my goals. I also created a new book journal that I‘m super excited to start filling in! I‘ll share some of the pages soon! #2022goals

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I made it guys!! 100 books. I‘ve never read that much before 😍. No idea if I‘ll ever read that much again, either, but I‘ll just basked in this glow for a while!

kplovesbooks 🙌 Congrats!!!! 👏 3y
LiteraryinPA That‘s an awesome accomplishment! 3y
WJCintron 🎉 🎉Congrats!!! 😃 3y
Clwojick Woohoo!! 3y
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Joining in on #BFC2022 hosted by @wanderinglynn

Book Goal - Tackle the review books. I went a little wild on NetGalley and have 9 January releases (and many more over the next few months).

Fitness Goal - Walk 3x a week. Bought myself a treadmill for Christmas as I know I hate getting bundled up to walk outside so I have no excuse not to make this happen.

wanderinglynn Great goals! 🙌🏻 3y
Moll Ooo love me a treadmill! 3y
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@PuddleJumper wants to remind you that it is goal setting time for #wintercosy

PuddleJumper Thanks for sharing! 3y
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Yay I met my reading goal! I read a lot of graphic novels but my goal for the year is 150 full-length novels and I‘m at 130 right now. Woohoo!


ShelleyBooksie Wowzas! Congratulations 3y
wanderinglynn Congrats! 🎉👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 That‘s amazing! 3y
TheSpineView That's fantastic! Congratulations! 3y
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mrp27 🎉🎉🎉 3y
Nessavamusic Amazing!! 👏 3y
deeannloso Wow! Congratulations!! 3y
Librarybelle Congratulations! (edited) 3y
julesG Congratulations! 3y
Gissy Wow! Impressive!!! 📚📚📚📚👏👏👏👏👏 3y
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Yay! It's #OutstandingOctober. My goals are pretty generic. I'd like to finish at least 7 books.

Hope you're feeling better, @Andrew65 😊

Andrew65 Thanks Traci, started a phased return to work last Monday but still not got a great deal of energy. Great to have you with us and good luck with the Readathon 😊👍 (edited) 3y
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A nice start to the weekend. 😊

Trashcanman Congratulations 💐💐 3y
Soubhiville Yay! 3y
wanderinglynn Congrats! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🎉 3y
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TiredLibrarian Hooray! 💕🎉 3y
Roary47 Yay!!! 3y
CoverToCoverGirl 👏👏🙂 3y
Q84 🥳🎉👏👏👏 3y
Birdsong28 Congratulations 🎉🎊📚📖 3y
Gissy Congratulations! 📚📚📚📚📚🎉 🎊 goal accomplished during October
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Joining in on #AnyWayYouReadathon. Bring on the points for #Scarathlon2021 #TeamSlaughter!


- Finish current read (Rules of Prey)
- Complete Hocus Pocus and the All-New Sequel and watch Hocus Pocus the movie for #Screamathon.
- Finish 5 picture books for my Kids Picture Book Bingo.

@kimmypete1 @Eggbeater @MidnightBookGirl @Clwojick @Screamathon

Eggbeater Thanks for joining! 3y
Clwojick Awesome! 😍😍😍 3y
kimmypete1 Thanks for joining us! Hocus Pocus is my absolute favorite Halloween movie! 3y
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I‘m starting off the month 6 books behind schedule, so my main goal for #Scarathlon2021 is to finish a minimum of 37 books by the end of the month! I have FAR MORE than enough books to choose from - Now to hope I have enough time! 👻


aperfectmjk Wow! 267 books so far this year? That's impressive! 👏 3y
TiredLibrarian Wow! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
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This is my first time participating in #Scarathlon2021 so this post is all about October goals!! My #BookSpinBingo list is focusing on themed reads - I am determined to finally finish the 87th Precinct series as I only have 5 of the 55 books to go!! I also want to read the next 5 Leaphorn & Chee books, finish the Shetland Island series (only 7 books lol), and then I have several mystery/thrillers that I was so excited to read when I got them ⬇️

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) but of course never did! So @Clwojick this also counts as my official TBR for the month!!

I'm joining in with two month-long readathons as well. My goal for #Screamathon2021 is to read 8000 pages this month, which is an average of a little over 250pgs/day, & is about how many pages I have to read if I actually want to finish my posted list of books!! @4thhouseontheleft

For #SpookoweenReadathon my goal is to read 25 books... but they ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) don't have to be THESE 25 books! 😂 I do have a few buddy reads & such that didn't make it onto this list, so it's possible that I'll read 25 books but not complete this list - so this will help me feel like those books still “count“! @TheSpineView

Super excited about amping up my reading this month!! Things are still crazy busy at the orchard, so I'm not sure how much Litsy time I will have, but I'm going to try to participate as ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) much as I can!!

In the meantime, if you still want to join in for #BookSpin this month there is plenty of time!! Just tag me when you post your list - I'll be drawing out October's numbers on Saturday morning!!!
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sharread Wow! That's some pawsome reading 📚 3y
Soubhiville Yay goals! 3y
Clwojick Woohoooo! You‘ve got this!👻 3y
TheSpineView Impressive goals! Good luck!🧡📖🖤🎃🧡 3y
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I found this among my photos and realized I never answered. 🤭
1. I‘m doing great numerically. However, I‘ve added book clubs and challenges, so I always feel like I‘m behind! 😶‍🌫️
2. Two personal goals that are dragging on for reasons beyond my control. 😐
3. The yummy stew my husband made in the slow cooker. 🙏
#wondrouswednesday #aweeklate

Eggs Thanks for taking the time to play 🥰📚🌺 3y
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For June #bookspinbingo, I did something a little different. I carried over my May card (right) to try to finish it and put all my #botmbacklist books on a new card (left) to start chipping away at those. I did pretty well! I‘m reading the final May book now and knocked 4 botm books off my TBR! I plan to continue working on that backlist with the goal of clearing it by year‘s end.

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1. I‘m doing well with the numerical goals and not as well with the specific goals.
2. I‘m just going to keep reading what I can and see what happens.
Thanks for all the tags!

TheSpineView You're welcome! Thanks for the tag! 3y
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20 days left 👟👟👟 #BFC21

wanderinglynn Great goals! 🙌🏻 3y
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I have gotten in the habit of tracking my food on the daily finally!
That means I need a new goal. Also, I'm in a reading slump.
📖 I want to read 6 books this month.
💪 I want to exercise 6 days a week.
🛏 Be in bed by 10 every night (even if not asleep).
Let's do this!
@wanderinglynn #BFC21

wanderinglynn Way to go! 🎉 And great goals for June. 🙌🏻 3y
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My #awesomeapril goals. I barely read today & it doesn't look good for tomorrow either, but I'm up for trying to get a few of these done. FHOTLG will be on audio.

@Andrew65 @Allylu Thanks for the tagged reminders!

Andrew65 Good luck 😊👍 3y
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March was a good month in some ways but not so good for goals. April should be better!

I will aim for 40K steps per week and eight books read.


AlaMich Just wondering what the opposite of wife is: husband or ex-wife? 🤔 4y
wanderinglynn Great goals! 🙌🏻 4y
Susanita @AlaMich IKR! Some of these will be fun. 4y
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My #bookspinbingo board finished (or as finished as it‘s gonna get) for March! Still no bingos but I did better than last month so 🤷🏼‍♀️🤗

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fabulous month!! 4y
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