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La bambina che amava Tom Gordon
La bambina che amava Tom Gordon | Stephen King
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In keeping with my Stephen King theme of the day:
#StorySettings #Forest

Eggs Perfect 🩶🖤🤍 5mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🖤🖤🖤 5mo
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This is my third time through this King story, and I‘ve grown to appreciate it even more. I still think it ends very abruptly, but I love the iconography and his voice.

Bookwormjillk One of my favorites, but then again I‘m a Red Sox fan. 9mo
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Charity shop haul. Very pleased with this. Especially the illustrated Drawing. Plus Tom Gordon is one of the ones I've not read yet.

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#BookBinge #SpecialEdition Pop-up edition of The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon

Eggs That is awesome 👏🏻 😎 13mo
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Recommended by a friend, so I‘m starting this one next 🤔

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Definitely an interesting one to read in Maine, but ultimately kind of a disappointment. I'm not a baseball fan, so that piece didn't really resonate with me, and I couldn't shake the reality that this nine-year-old girl's perspective was written by a middle-aged man, which gave the book an unintended kind of creepiness. It's also just kind of long and repetitive. But King is a closer, as usual, and the book has a solid ending.

Zoes_Human I had a similar issue with this. I felt as though I missed a lot of what was happening in the book because I didn't understand any of the baseball bits, and there were A LOT of baseball bits. 1y
Bookwormjillk I really liked this book, but I also really like the Red Sox. I can understand why you didn‘t love it. 1y
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I used our drive up the Maine coast as an excuse to introduce my kids to Stephen King. It was inadvertently an introduction to how, when an author gets famous enough, no one asks them to pare down the exposition, even when it really needs it. I'm currently reading ahead so I can summarize and then skip ahead to the interesting parts in the audiobook. Or maybe we'll just switch to John Hodgman's Vacationland.

5feet.of.fury 😂 too true 1y
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A young girl gets lost in the Maine woods. It‘s a claustrophobic tale with a building sense of dread. Anyone who‘s ever been on a hike and heard something moving that you couldn‘t see, will recognize the churning feeling in your stomach. I‘m glad I read it the day AFTER hiking with my kids in Acadia. 😳

“There is a point at which people who are cast upon their own resources stop living and begin merely surviving.“

*Pic at King‘s house in Maine!

ImperfectCJ Hmm...I'm heading to Maine and Quebec with my family soon. We usually listen to audiobooks in the car, and I already have Louise Penny lined up for the Quebec part of the trip. King would be an interesting choice for our drive through Maine (to be clear, my kids are 18 and almost 14, so it's not a totally ridiculous idea, just perhaps ill-advised). 1y
AvidReader25 @ImperfectCJ that would be perfect! This one is pretty clean and not too scary. The Body might be a good choice too, but there might be more language in that one. 1y
BkClubCare @ImperfectCJ - or The Fireman 👨‍🚒 (which imo should be titled The Nurse) by Hill, feels VERY Maine-y 1y
AvidReader25 @BkClubCare Yes! I think I read that one in a readalong with you when it came out. 1y
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If you've ever been well and truly lost - especially in a place where humanity's influence is nil - you're well-versed with the prickly, all-consuming panic that creeps up on you, taking hold of and dismantling your rational thought. That unenviable place is where this story begins, and it heads down some wild and overgrown paths from there. A delightful protagonist makes this quick read an absolute pleasure that doesn't overstay its welcome. 5/5

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🎧 I loved most of this story … I understand the motivation behind Tom Gordon but I‘m not interested in baseball in my horror ??? so one star removed.

Little girl lost in the woods. A possible supernatural presence. A baseball subplot.

Anne Heche narrates & it fit the story.


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One of King‘s more endearing books, and one that‘s perfectly suited for younger readers looking to begin their horror journey.

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#FFFS #FallingForFallSwap
 @Pigpen_Reads I'm so excited to add these books to my library! The tagged book would be good for this time of year. Thank you for the candy corn and my tier tray decor.
Thank you to our host for another successful year! @Avanders

Pigpen_Reads I'm glad you like it! I read that book and it was enough to scare me 😅 but it was good! 2y
ShelleyBooksie Such a good book! Love the pumpkins. 2y
Avanders 🍂🍁♥️🫶🏽 2y
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This audiobook was just ok. The narrator was great (Anne Heche, which made me a little sad) but the storyline was so-so. Girl gets lost in the woods and uses her wits (and her love of Tom Gordon) to try and survive. Is a malevolent God-like creature stalking her? Is she slowly going mad? To be honest I don‘t know. 🌟🌟🌟

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Not what I expected but still good.

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Afternoon reading.

Literary_Siren I read this in high school. It‘s still the only King book I‘ve read. I just couldn‘t get into any of his others. 2y
ThatNewBookSmell This is one of my favourites too. Such a simple but well crafted story. Such a shame that it‘s not more well known.
You may have already tried these but two of my favourites are The Dead Zone and Firestarter. Worth giving them a shot if you haven‘t tried them.
Shemac77 @Literary_Siren I‘ve read several of his books and find him an amazing writer. However I also find other writers that everyone loves not for me. The beauty of liking what we like! 2y
Shemac77 @ThatNewBookSmell it‘s a great story! I‘m 3/4 of the way through and am enjoying it so much. I‘ve read Firestarter but I was a teenager. I‘ll get through all of his books one day! 2y
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IT FINALLY HAPPENED. This born and raised Mainer FINALLY visited the amazing house where Stephen King and his family used to live!


Sparklemn Great pictures. Thanks for sharing your link! 2y
Reggie This is very awesome!!! 2y
ericarobynreads @Reggie thank you! 🖤 2y
ericarobynreads @Sparklemn thank you for taking a look! 😄 2y
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I was going to read this next … but my puppy had different plan for it 😂

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This was a reread for one of my local book clubs. Usually considered not your "typical" Stephen King book but I still enjoyed the ride. Definitely a different reading experience as an adult vs as a kid (when I 1st read it). Anne Heche does a great job narrating the audiobook.

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Welcome to the #LosersClub open discussion for #TomGordon!

Please be mindful of spoilers. We have new readers to King who haven‘t read all of his books. When referencing his other work, please keep this in mind for our new-to-King friends. Don‘t forget to tag each other in the comments so your friends can see your reply. Have fun!

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bthegood @DGRachel @TheNeverendingTBR @CaffeineandCandy @BookwaormAHN @teainthelibrary - this was a so/so for me. Although short, it was too repetitive - survival story of young girl lost in the woods - the “creature“ following her did not build up interest or suspense of me - ending was meh. 3y
Erinsuereads I wasn't invested in the story like I was others but damned if I didn't enjoy it still! I think if it had been a full-length novel for him I probably would have gotten bored. I loved that the girl was educated and not a helpless little child. But I also wasn't believing that the girl was as young as he was trying to make her sound with the doll. Her age just never made sense to me. 3y
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#LosersClub Discussion starts NOW!

Open discussion is in the FOLLOWING POST marked as a SPOILER. Find the post for #TomGordon & tap "show me" on the spoiler tag to join in the discussion. Join in whenever you can! Today. Tomorrow. Next month! The post will always be up so just tag any of us & we‘ll jump in to discuss with you. See you there

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Another great choice with #thelosersclub #losersclub #stephenking

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Erinsuereads I'm listening to rose madder right now and I'm not loving it either. Starting Tom Gordon next 3y
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This started strong, then became an ordinary survival story, well written but ordinary. #LosersClub #LosersClub2021
Met goals for #JoysofJune @Andrew65 and another book finished for #BFC21 @wanderinglynn

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This month‘s book is The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon! Grab your copy and check back around JULY 18th (probably a few days later, because I‘m a forgetful ghosthost) for open discussion! #LosersClub #StephenKing #StephenKingInOrder #KingFromTheBeginning #ConstantReader #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #BookDiscussion #ghosthostpost #TomGordon

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#thinkpositivebepositive @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
Thx for the tag @Enchanted_Bibliophile

Consider yourself tagged if you read this👍

Make a great day everyone. 😊

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So true!! Have a great day ❤️ 3y
bthegood Thx for tag @TheSpineView 🥰 3y
TheSpineView @bthegood You're welcome! 😊 3y
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#WondrousWednesday @Eggs and thx for tag @TheSpineView

1. “the purpose of life is to have as much fun as you can without hurting anyone“ - a friend told me this and he lived his life with this purpose in mind - he seemed to enjoy every minute of it 😊
2. It's not too crazy or ridiculous but I dress as a can of Diet Coke for Halloween most years -

want to play @Ruthiella?

Make a great day everyone.

TheSpineView You're welcome! 👍 3y
Eggs 🥳👌🏼❤️ Thanks for joining in !!!! 3y
Ruthiella Thanks for the tag! 3y
bthegood @Ruthiella you are welcome 🙂
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Just a reminder that June‘s #LosersClub read is The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon! Put your library holds in now, search your shelves, or buy a new copy, and check back on or about June 19th when we begin reading this one. Discussion will be in July. #TomGordon #StephenKing #StephenKingInOrder #KingFromTheBeginning #ConstantReader #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #BookDiscussion #ghosthostpost

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Erinsuereads Ohhhh can I get in?!?! 3y
DGRachel @ErinSueMreads Of course! This is a very relaxed buddy read - you can feel free to join in on any or all of the books as they are read. Do you want me to add you to the list of people who are tagged each month? 3y
Erinsuereads Yes please! I'm always in for king things. I think I did salems lot with you guys a couple years ago not that I'm thinking about it 3y
W.Trix Hi, can I join the king buddy group please, and be tagged too 😁 3y
DGRachel @W.Trix I have added you to the list. ☺️ 3y
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Tackle the TBR 🤓📚 #boleybooks #stephenking #bookbeast #bookjoy #bookstagram #readwithme
What are you reading? 😊

TheNeverendingTBR I've not read this one before, I think baseball plays a big part in it; that's why I've not bothered with it because baseball...😏 4y
TheNeverendingTBR Let us know if its any good👍 4y
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BoleyBooks @TheNeverendingTBR King loves baseball and he does integrate that interest into several of his stories...like this one and Blockade Billy. I have no love of sports, but appreciate the layers it adds to the story. I loved Beartown by Fredrik Backman and had no care for hockey. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon is a quick and enjoyable book. 😊 (edited) 4y
Literary_Siren @TheNeverendingTBR I read this in high school. It remains the only King book I‘ve been able to read cover to cover. 4y
TheNeverendingTBR @Literary_Siren Interesting, I'll definitely get around to it! :) 4y
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I haven‘t read the regular version of this book yet but plan to sometime next year. I found this cool pop-up version at a used bookstore. It‘s obviously very abridged but I still enjoyed this and really look forward to reading the full book soon. I love that SK shares my love of baseball! 4⭐️



KathyWheeler I may try this book again. I was so bored the first time I read it, that, as short as it is, I couldn‘t finish it. It‘s possible that I just wasn‘t in the mood. I love the pop up! 4y
ShelleyBooksie Oh cool! I really enjoyed this book and think an illustrated version would be so neat! 4y
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I loved this book! My anxiety was actually rising while reading it because I kept imagining myself in the situation of the main character, lost in the woods - alone. King did a great job creating a strong female character. 💪

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This was a fun audio and a creepy survival story about a little girl who gets lost hiking in the woods. I enjoyed the Red Sox/baseball game set up as I actually remember some of those players! #scarathlon #teamslaughter 16pts #deweysreadathon #authoramonth #bookspinbingo #bingo

TheAromaofBooks Awesome progress!! 4y
Clwojick 🎉 Way to go! WooHOO! Go # TeamSlaughter!! 🎉 4y
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Finished my first Stephen King book. It was a pretty quick read, but not as scary as I expected. He really leaned hard into the baseball theme as well. I‘m not a sports fan so I didn‘t care about that.

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One of my favorite King books! Due for a reread. “How could anyone have such a cold and scary voice inside them? Such a traitor to the cause?”

Mistermandolin Truthfully: when I finished it I nearly cried. You can tell that King really cares about Trisha McFarland - and she is indeed an endearing character. At his best, King has that gift for making you empathise and he does that throughout this great, great book. Short by his standards and, I would say, all the better for that. 4y
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Pretty good. Mostly listened to it in the background. Nothing wrong with it, I just wasn't totally engaged. A simple story of a girl who gets lost in the woods and gets by with a little help from Red Sox broadcasts.

BookishTrish It‘s funny - this is one of my favourite books and yet I know loads of people who though it was sort of okay. 4y
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Because I‘m really missing baseball I decided to re-read this book. I love how King divides the chapters into innings, and acknowledges how sometimes it feels like if your team can get the win life will be okay. Plus it‘s good nostalgia to read the names of some of my favorite Sox players from the late 90‘s. (Nomar is still one of my all time favorites.)

mrp27 I'm missing baseball too! 4y
Bookwormjillk @mrp27 ⚾️⚾️⚾️What‘s your team? 4y
mrp27 The Dodgers! Although when I was living in NY I did root for the Yankees. 4y
ShelleyBooksie I really enjoyed this book. 4y
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Really liked this one! Totally freaked me out with the idea of one of my kids possibly getting lost. I absolutely could not handle that. I'd never leave the woods. I'd go get myself lost too trying to find them! Chills! 😱 It's a thriller so 11 #scarathlon points for #teamslaughter @Clwojick And it's the final #scaryscavengerhunt item for me too! Also it marked nearly 7 hours in for #24b4monday

Clwojick woohoo! A completed scavenger hunt ! @TheReadingMermaid 5y
BeansPage Congrats!!! 🎉🎉🎉 5y
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Started #24B4Monday #readathon before work this morning. This one will also cover my last scavenger hunt item, scares you prompt. Geez, I'll feel even more anxious thinking about my kids when they go camping with their dad now! I think some survival tips need take priority!

#teamslaughter #scarathlon @Clwojick

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Good book so far just a little angry at the mom !

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Book 5 of #spookathon

Prompt: read a book outside your comfort zone.

I struggled to find a book on my TBR that would fit this prompt and stay within the spooky theme of this readathon. I went with the tagged book due to bad reviews I have seen. I don't think I would have ever actually read this book if not for this prompt.

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Listening to one of my favorite podcasts - they are doing a Stephen King countdown for October and yours truly got quoted about the tagged book! I'm famous y'all.

Reagan What! Adding this to my must listen pile! 5y
WhatWouldJaneDo @Reagan-reads I've added a ton of stuff to my TBR from this show! Hope you like it 😁 5y
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Recently read this book by Stephen King. I was surprised by the calmness his writing reflected throughout the book. The master had once again managed to lead his audience off the path and take them along for a stroll in the woods. If I had not been to careful I might have just never found my way back home. Not what you would expect, still have suspense and a whole lot more than what you see in front of you. You really need to look deeper within!

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I am going camping at a loch for the weekend and looking for book suggestions (fiction) to take away with me.

The tagged book I know is set in the woods but as it's a horror I would like something lighter/fun (just incase) 🙈

Thanks in advance.❤️

Image: Google.

Bookwormjillk I would take something long, multigenerational, and sweeping like The Thorn Birds 5y
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I have read most of Stephen Kong‘s collection but for some reason I missed this one.

WhatWouldJaneDo I loved this one, I thought it was really scary! Definitely one of his lesser known books. 5y
Jeannineth @WhatWouldJaneDo and it‘s only 219 pages. That‘s a short story for SK! 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful flowers 🌸 5y
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I am starting #buzzwordathonon Monday. Here is my tbr . The titles must include WHO WHAT WHERE WHEN WHY or HOW. Challenge accepted.

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