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Son (The Giver Quartet)
Son (The Giver Quartet) | Lois Lowry
The thrilling fourth companion novel to THE GIVER which inspired the dystopian genre and is soon to be a major motion picture starring Jeff Bridges, Katie Holmes and Taylor Swift. They called her Water Claire. When she washed up on their shore, no one knew that she came from a society where emotions dont exist. That she had become a Vessel. That she had carried a Product. That it had been stolen from her body. Claires son is out there, a young boy now. She was supposed to forget him, but that was impossible. Now Claire will stop at nothing to find her child, even if it means making an unimaginable sacrifice. The startling and long-awaited conclusion to Lois Lowrys award-winning epic series THE GIVER QUARTET culminates in a final clash between good and evil.
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Son | Lois Lowry
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Thank you Lois Lowry. I was disappointed at the end of The Giver but found out from the Book Interrupted Podcast that this book is a finale to it. I didn‘t read the others just jumped to this and it was completely satisfying. I loved it and will go back and read 2&3 now. I loved Claire‘s character immensely. I thought details like how she was afraid of birds was great. It makes you think about all the normal occurrences that make life wonderful.

Son | Lois Lowry
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I loved this!! I‘ve read the other three in the trilogy many times, but it‘s been quite a while (I used to use GB and Messenger in my middle school curriculum as an English teacher), but I loved this story and was reminded of how wonderful an author Lowry is.

Son | Lois Lowry
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While The Giver is an amazing and complete story on its own, it has been really interesting seeing how the story continues. For the most part, I enjoyed the other books. Son is the longest and the most unique, with three sections that are set in different locations and times. Book one is an alternate view of the events of The Giver, book two continues the woman's story, and book three servers as the finale of the quartet. It was a nice ending.

5feet.of.fury What a gorgeous edition! 1y
Aimeesue Pretty! 1y
Twainy Niiice ❣️ 14mo
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Son | Lois Lowry
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“Fear dims when you learn things”

Son | Lois Lowry
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Book 35🎧 5⭐️

Lois Lowry is a master story teller and Son, the 4 book in The Giver series, is just as heartfelt as the rest💕

I love how this book ties in all the other books in such an amazing way❤️ What a wonderful ending!

Claire was assigned the job of Birth Mother. But after a complicated pregnancy, she is discharged. “Son” follows her after she has be reassigned and the story of her fighting her way back to her baby.

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Six #gold medal Newberry Award winners.

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awesome 💛📚🙌🏻 3y
Eggs Gotta love the Newberys 🧡📙🌟 3y
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Son | Lois Lowry
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1. I love many crafts and my favorites float around. These are some white planters I enameled cause I thought they were boring as white.
2. I get to see my mom on Friday!


Freespirit They look great!! 4y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Thanks for the tag! Your planters are so pretty! ❤️ 4y
Cosmos_Moon_River @Freespirit & @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm thanks! My BFF gave me the idea. It is super easy... I floated nail polish on top of water and dipped them. Then covered in a clear spray coat to protect. 4y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Oh wow! I‘ll have to give that a try! ❤️😱 4y
sharread Thanks for the tag. Those plant pots are beautiful! 4y
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For medical reasons, I‘ve been away for WAY TOO LONG!
But I‘m able to enjoy reading and Litsy again so here I am.

I‘m looking for groups to join and welcome any and all suggestions.

I stumbled across #BookSpin & #BookSpinBingo and they sound perfect for me. Time to knock out some #TBR titles. I‘m in, @TheAromaofBooks
🐶 Maya is ready to read, too 🤓

Chrissyreadit Glad you are back! 4y
LiteraryinPA Welcome back!! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Glad to have you along!!! 4y
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Son | Lois Lowry

This was THE MOST AWESOME BOOK... I have read this year, yes I have read better books. Anyways, still it was an epic ending to the Quartet and it made me think if this could be true in the future, I do believe that the genre of this book is dystopia. This book along with the Quartet is an awesome read and would recommend it to everyone. I found my self wiping away small tears at the end of some books. I thank Lois Lowry for the books he wrote! 😁

Son | Lois Lowry

I started reading the book yesterday and read 182 pages, pretty proud of myself! 😛

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1. The Giver
2. John Grisham
3. The Goonies
4. Glen Campbell
5. Georgia On My Mind

#letterG #ManicMonday @JoScho

JoScho 🖤🖤🖤 4y
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Just decided to scroll through all my unread books on my oldest simple #kindle and discovered I own The Giver Quartet already! I now vaguely remember getting them in a daily deal years ago #winning 👍👍

Son | Lois Lowry
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The last of the Giver quartet - great young-adult literature, although not only for young adults - I enjoyed it too! I was constantly making links to the Handmaid‘s Tale with the Birthmothers and the grim production line of newborns. I was grateful for the happy ending.

Sharv_Sona I can see that it has been three months since you posted this but I was curious before reading the last book if Lois Lowry (the author) had connected the books in the 4th book like he did to the 3rd book? So, the outcome of my question is if Jonas, from the giver, Kira, from gathering blue, and Matty, from messenger are in the 4th book together? 4y
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I decided to read The Giver quartet these past few weeks as I always see them recommended as classics. I like the settings of the books but I was disappointed in the end. There were so much more questions I was asking myself and that weren‘t answered. ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

Geenie Omgosh! I had no idea there were other books. The Giver has been my favorite book since middle school! Amazing 🤩 5y
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Son | Lois Lowry
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I‘ve finally read the entire Giver Quartet! While The Giver is the best of the four, I did enjoy seeing how Lowry connects the four stories.

#BBRC Middle Grade Made Easy: Cover change mid-series

#tbrread #wintergames #merryreaders #24b42020

Andrew65 👏👏👏 5y
Lana1 Ooh I didn't know that this was part of a larger series! I loved The Giver so I've now got a few extra TBR. Thanks!! 5y
LibrarianRyan yeahhh. 5y
Clwojick 61 pt 5y
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Son | Lois Lowry
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So glad I finished all four of these books. I love how the stories all overlap and you get to see different times in the characters lives. There also always a lesson in the books. Love them all. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Son | Lois Lowry

So good. Wraps everything up and leaves room for possibilities. Also makes you think what untapped gifts you might have.

Son | Lois Lowry
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Just found out that my favorite book in middle school now had sequels! I had always wondered what happened to Jonas & Gabriel. So glad a friend told me about these. Didn‘t know Gathering Blue was the second book and listens to this first, but seems like they may meet in the middle somewhere. Looking forward to the other 2 books in this series (out of order)!

Son | Lois Lowry

7/10 Liked this grouping of books, there is a fantastic storyline here. This is the last book of the group. I really wish there was more depth to the story. Lots happened, yet nothing much at all was really resolved.

Son | Lois Lowry
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⭐⭐⭐ Last book in The Giver series! Not all my questions were answered but that's okay. I'm still not super impressed with the whole series, but the story is still good and entertaining to read.

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This series cover change is all about the time between each book in the series. The Giver is almost as old as I am, but boom 4 didn‘t come out until after I finished grad school.


Blaire Love this series. Recently recommended it to a friend whose 12 yo has been struggling to find something he loves post Harry Potter. 5y
LibrarianRyan @Blaire I agree. It's horrible what they did to the movie. 5y
RidgewayGirl My son likes to joke that he's illiterate (mostly when I ask if he wants to go to the library) but he read all four of these books and loved them. 5y
Scochrane26 I love the giver but still haven‘t read the other 3. 5y
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Son | Lois Lowry
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2/3 through the conclusion of The Giver! Things are definitely tying themselves together now!

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I‘m not much of a #coffee drinker but I decided to try out a new one from #panera #madagascarvanilla and, man! Sooo good! My new favorite thing is to bring a book, order a cup (w/ #extrawhippedcream ) a cookie, and just #read #favoritetimeofevening #summerreading #son #loislowry #thegiverquartet

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Starting the final book in the series #giverquartet #loislowry #mondayreading #libraryfinds


I want to read this series - any idea what order they go in? (chronologically/what makes sense vs publication order)

Jerlynn The Giver, Gathering Blue, Messenger, and then Son I think 5y
LogiKitty @Jeralyn thank you! 5y
Jerlynn No problem:)) 5y
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Son | Lois Lowry
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This book was by far the largest. They each have a sweet little lesson in them. The lesson I took away from this one is, there is real evil in this world and to defeat it you must not feed it.
Gabriel's mom, Claire never stopped, she truly loved her son. Gabe is the baby that escaped in The Giver with Jonas, Claire has looked for him, fought for him, trained for him. Strong and brave she fought her way to her son, the roller coaster is worth it.

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Son | Lois Lowry
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Everything came back full circle and was a great conclusion to this quartet!

Son | Lois Lowry
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"Fear dims when you learn things."

Son | Lois Lowry
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I'd read The Giver already, but today I read the rest of the series. Hard to put down

TEArificbooks I like Gathering Blue best 6y
Whimsical.Curiosity My most favorite quartet ever 💕 6y
Blueberry @mdm139 Gathering Blue is my favorite also. 6y
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JBA I've only read The Giver. I should get around to reading the others. 6y
Ifftay14 I never knew they were a series! I have to read them now! Thank you! 6y
Blaire Yes!! I read the giver when I was young and then the rest about 10 years ago. Binge read them. So good. 6y
Eggs Me too on the binge @Blaire and I liked how it came full circle (edited) 6y
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Son | Lois Lowry
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#riotgrams Books That Made You Cry

sammisho All of these but especially Where the Red Fern Grows 😭😭😭😭 6y
Cailey_Mac How about 💔 6y
Purrsistently @sammisho oh yeah. It was kind of disgusting, I didn‘t know how much could come out of my nose until Where the Red Fern Grows😭😭😭😭 6y
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Purrsistently @Cailey_Mac I haven‘t read that one😅 6y
Cailey_Mac @Purrsistently Prepare to ugly cry when you do read it😅😭😭😭 6y
RadicalReader @Purrsistently I adored the wonderful amazing movie adaptions as well cannot see anyone else playing the iconic incredible Harry Potter terrific trio 6y
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Son | Lois Lowry
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I always forget this is a series of books. This is the conclusion to the Giver! Thoughts on this one anyone?

wellreadredhead I didn‘t think that any of the three after The Giver were very good unfortunately 6y
WhatThePuck I liked it, but I hadn't read The Giver in awhile when I read it. So it felt independent with some familiar characters. I will say, I feel like it changes genres halfway through. That could just be me. It's always worth a reread in my book. 6y
callielafleur I really liked Gathering Blue, but less so Messenger. Both pale in comparison to The Giver, but the alternative would be impossible, in my mind. I haven't gotten to Son yet, I think I've been putting it off to avoid disappointment. 6y
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Son | Lois Lowry

He thought he heard her say, “I see the sun.”

Son | Lois Lowry

I‘m reading this whole series for the first time, and I am finally on the last one. I love it

Son | Lois Lowry

Wonderful ending to the series. Powerful motivations for protagonist, as well as great plot.

Son | Lois Lowry

I finally finished this just in time for book club tomorrow night. I didn't love this series. I would recommend reading 'The Giver' and not continuing on through the rest of the series.

mab-solenne I liked Gathering Blue but haven't gotten as far as Son. I will agree that GB was a little derivative of Giver, but I think I liked it for the talk of fiber arts and natural dyes 😃. I'm not sure i will ever feel like reading Son for myself, but I would still recommend the series to kids and young teens. 6y
shahn77 @makovienka I think I would have liked Gathering Blue better if it hadn't been connected to The Giver series. As a stand-alone story, I might have enjoyed it more. I didn't enjoy The Messenger at all. Lots of storylines that went nowhere. 6y
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Son | Lois Lowry
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Great finish to the series! It ties together all of the other books so well. ❤

Cortg Yay! Glad you liked the series! 7y
Ubookquitous Yes- connects all the pieces perfectly 7y
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SO! I haven't been reading for a long time now [sadly], but I will get on it. For the mean time, I just received the Christmas present I'm going to give my best friend. I personally haven't read this series but I ended up getting a copy by accident. It all works out in the end. #thegiverquartet

Son | Lois Lowry
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Also recently finished The Giver series. The Giver has been a favorite book of mine since middle school and one of the few required reading books I loved. For some reason I never picked up the other books in the series but I‘m so glad I finally did. Though Son might have been my least favorite I loved all three of them. It was interesting seeing more of the world and some of the different areas.

TsundokuAleax I only found out that there were more books after the giver a few years ago. I have been meaning to read the rest. I am intrigued to see how they all fit together since the descriptions seem so different. 7y
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Son | Lois Lowry
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1. 4th pic in camera roll: this precious picture of my now in heaven Nana and Poppa with my first baby. ❤️
2.what book do you recommend, that you read this year? I Capture the Castle
3. What's the weather like where you live? It's beautiful and cool. I feel guilty for enjoying it with Harvey a few hours away.
4.CR: Son
5. Labor Day Plans: grilling fajitas with family

Megabooks 💚💚💚💚 7y
ValerieAndBooks Wonderful picture ❤️ 7y
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Son | Lois Lowry
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I did a little used book shopping yesterday and picked up this book for $4! It's one of my favorites in the Giver quartet!
#book #bookworm #booklover #bookaddict #reading #YA #youngadultbooks #bookphotography #bookish #bookaholic #booklove #booknerd

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The last of my prime day books has arrived. It was just so beautiful I couldn't resist. I already have the first three books but 🤷🏻‍♀️borrowed Son from the library not long after it came out and loved it. Look forward to reading them all again #bookmail

Texreader My fave: Gathering Blue 7y
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Got my mom The Giver quartet set for Xmas. It came with a map, but I didn't want to unwrap it to check it out. When she visited last month, she brought it! #compasspoints

I really love #graphic novels! All shown awesome!

For #iceicebaby I have the Red Queen series (which I haven't read yet) because the color of the covers remind me of winter!

#JubilantJuly #SizzlinSummerReads #90sinJuly
@RealLifeReading @Tiffy_Reads @Cinfhen @Robothugs

Son | Lois Lowry
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5/5 ⭐️
Son is the perfect conclusion to the Giver quartet. It was so beautiful seeing all four stories come together. I am amazed at how powerful of a feeling and message these books get across.

Son | Lois Lowry
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After a long weekend vending at #Anthrocon, I'm looking forward to collapsing into my own bed tonight, and relaxing with the fourth book in The Giver quartet tomorrow! (pictured are two friends of mine)

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Started to read "The Giver Quartet" by Lois Lowry ?
I'm halfway through the first book "The Giver".

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Son | Lois Lowry
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She emerged to a new, different pain, no longer the throbbing agony but now abroad, deep ache. She felt freed, and realized that her wrists were unshackled. She was still on the bed, covered with a warm blanket.

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Another silly sticker!
And no, I don't really care that it's now a movie...
#marchintoreading #bookishpetpeeves

Lauren_reading At least it's not a movie poster cover - I hate those 8y
rockpools Ooh no, those are badly offensive. Urgh! 8y
GypsyKat Those bother me, too! 8y
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AWahle I prefer a sticker I can peel off to it being printed on the cover. I'll look for used copies just to avoid movie covers. 8y
saresmoore I want this book, though. I like the red edges! 8y
Sarahr875 I need that book 8y
josie281 I might go to Costco just for this. I saw it last week and have been pining for it. 8y
Sace Gorgeous edition though! 8y
RealLifeReading @josie281 I've been thinking hard about it! @saresmoore it's from Costco! 8y
RealLifeReading @LaurenReads yeah thankfully not!! 8y
Moonglotexas Yes! 8y
RealLifeReading @RachelO luckily it's removable! At least it looks like it 8y
Faibka Going to Costco, beautiful edition! 💕 8y
christineandbooks Gorgeous but horrid sticker... Hopefully it comes off easily. 8y
MayJasper I detest stickers on books especially ones that won't peal off easily 8y
Ubookquitous Glad they brought them together as a set though. 8y
BriKie Sometimes you can use a little rubbing alcohol on a q-tip to get stickers off without damaging the book, if that helps anyone! 8y
Mtroiano Oh, the stickers! 😤 8y
Allysongking I love this addition. My sticker came right off but yours might be different. I hate stickers 8y
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Day 27 of #Riotgrams: Doorstoppers. I don't own many huge books, aside from this nearly 800-page collection.

mcipher Pretty cover. 8y
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My brother-in-law drives a bread truck for Sara Lee. When they were bought out by Bimbo Bakeries, they had to get rid of everything with the old logo, so he snagged me a bread shelf that I use for books. #Shelfie #RiotGrams

BookishMarginalia That's cool! 8y
Chelsibno Ah! The sweet sight of books and carbs! (edited) 8y
DivineDiana I love repurposing! 8y
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CherylDeFranceschi 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 8y
Cinfhen I ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 8y
minkyb That is great! 8y
Suzze Nice recycling! Bimbo has an outlet by me, what deals! 8y
Suet624 Who came up with the name Bimbo Bakeries? (edited) 8y
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Son | Lois Lowry
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My #litsypartyofone somehow turned into a party of two. Charlie Waffles wants all the snuggles today. Oh, and now he's snoring. Fabulous. #dogsoflitsy

ElizaTodd Sweet pup! 💕🐶 8y
cathysaid Shhhhh... You're reading too loudly. 💤💤💤 8y
valeriegeary @elizatodd thank you! 8y
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valeriegeary @cathysaid 😂😂😂 Must be careful not to disturb the wee beastie! 8y
OrangeMooseReads 😂🤣 8y
Graciouswarriorprincess He is adorable! 8y
heatherkaz Omg I love this 😍🐕 8y
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