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Christmastide: Prayers for Advent Through Epiphany from the Divine Hours | Phyllis Tickle
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Beginning with the first day of Advent and journeying through Christmas Day and Ephiphany, this inspirational holiday collection features daily prayers, psalms, scripture readings, and hymns of worship and praise from The Divine Hours. Original.
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Delighted to recieve my #Jolabokaflod parcel yesterday!
@MaleficentBookDragon @Yuki_Onna

Yuki_Onna Heeeyyy, how quick! 😊 I just now realized that I forgot to include a Christmas Card. 🙄 So typically me, this - Sorry, Abi... But I hope you'll like my choices! 😊🤗

@MaleficentBookDragon Could you please mail/post the tracking number of the swap parcel for me, Chelle? You know, there's still issues with the German delivery services. So many parcels are lost/dropped off randomly - with the tracking number I could investigate 🤓
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One little man was so wound up waiting for Santa that he just wouldn't stop moving! Sound asleep and I have a laundry list six miles long before I get a bit of rest. I hope everyone doesn't mind but I'm going to hold off on my #Jolabokaflod and #CreepyChristmas packages until tomorrow night. I just don't think I can give them the attention they deserve today 🥱

Happy Holidays to All!!

@MaleficentBookDragon @teebe @CuriousG @BeeMagical

BethM So cute! 3y
BookishTrish Little bug! Happy Christmas, Vanessa! Xo 3y
ReadingRachael So sweet! ❤️💕❤️ 3y
Texreader 🥰❤️ 3y
teebe Merry Christmas! Hope you get a chance to relax and enjoy! 3y
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Thank you friends 😘 I saved those I received this week to open today!

squirrelbrain 😁🐿 3y
eraderneely Happy Christmas! 3y
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Also just thought I would post a photo from yesterday - we were supposed to get 1-3" of snow Christmas Eve and got around 7!!! I absolutely love snow and have been SO EXCITED about it!! We took a lil snow drive yesterday morning & everything was gorgeous.

AmyG Beautiful 4y
Tattooedteacher This is such a pretty shot. 4y
Bookwormjillk So pretty 😍 4y
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zezeki 😍😍 I love snow! Some snow is expected in my hometown today, and I really hope their predictions are right! 4y
Crazeedi Beautiful! We got several inches also, posted pics on Instagram. Have a lovely weekend 4y
Cinfhen Beautiful 4y
MsMelissa So pretty! We had a green Christmas (not unheard of here, but still unusual), but there is some snow in the ground today ❄️ 4y
curiouserandcurioser @TheAromaofBooks such a beautiful pic!! I also love snow and since we got it too, im super excited lol!! 4y
Nute Beautiful! A Christmas evening drive in a Winter Wonderland sounds so lovely.❄️ 4y
Deblovestoread A winter wonderland! So pretty..I love snow! 4y
TheAromaofBooks @AmyG @Tattooedteacher @Bookwormjillk @zezeki @Cinfhen @Book_Fiend_Melissa @curiouserandcurioser @Nute @Kdgordon88 - Thank you!!! I am enjoying it while it lasts - supposed to be in the 40s tomorrow so it will probably all be melted by the middle of the week!! 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Crazeedi - Yes!! I saw your pictures & everything looked so beautiful!! It was supposed to be more snow farther east so I wondered if you got a bit of a dump!!! 4y
wordslinger42 I love snow, too (winter is my favorite season ❄), and I was so happy we had a white Christmas 🎄🎄 It looks beautiful there!!! 4y
Avanders 😍❄️❄️😍 4y
tracey38 Beautiful picture. I love seeing everything so bright and white after a big snowfall (in pictures as we rarely ever get it here in NC). As long as I wouldn't have to drive out and about in it, lol. 4y
kspenmoll Beautiful!!! 4y
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Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates.
Happy regular day to everyone who doesn't.

Chrissyreadit 😘❤️❤️❤️love it! 4y
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Thank you @squirrelbrain ❤️ I‘m going to try really hard to start journaling in 2021, so this notebook will be perfect! (Although my daughter has already tried to draw in it 😁)
Happy Christmas to you and yours!!!

squirrelbrain Bless her! She wants to journal like Mummy! ❤️ Hope you‘re having a lovely day 😘🎄 4y
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@Callemarie you completely spoiled me! You went so far beyond the requirements of the swap that I'm in awe! Such a fun mix of books and little cozy treats! I adore this mug (and I'm picky about them!) and the candle is heavenly. Joseph is VERY interested in the throw and may claim it for himself. THANK YOU!!!! @Avanders #elfswap

Callemarie Yayyyy!!!! I‘m so glad you liked them all!!! I had a blast shopping for you! Happy holidays my friend! ❄️🎅🏼❄️🎅🏼 4y
Avanders 🎄♥️🧚🏽‍♀️ and Merry Christmas! (And @Callemarie always goes above and beyond! 😘) 4y
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Excited for #24B4Monday and I‘m working on finishing some books I‘m meeting about Saturday so I‘ll be binging some MG books:

Mulcrox and the Malcontents
The Mulberry Tree
A Game of Fox and Squirrels

The King of Elfhame
Black Beauty
The Lady‘s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy
Check Please v 2
And a couple holiday graphic novels. #wintergames2020 #readnosedreindeer @StayCurious

@Andrew65 @jb72 @SumisBooks

Andrew65 Great to have you with us. 😊👍🎅 4y
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My dad and grandma both have birthdays around Christmas and they hated it when people did that when they were growing up.

#HolidayLaughs #MerryReaders

Bookwormjillk Haha my Dec. 27th baby can relate to this 4y
aroc December 21st here! I can completely relate! 4y
AkashaVampie Im the 13th but never had a problem luckily 4y
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Lcsmcat @Bookwormjillk I have a Dec. 27th “baby” too (all grown up now). She doesn‘t mind, but we always made a point to keep her birthday separate. No Christmas paper on the b‘day presents! 4y
quirkyreader Same here. 4y
Chrys My niece was born in Dec 25, we always had a separate cake that was clearly a birthday cake for her 4y
Gissy I know Simone friends with the problem! The feel the same! 4y
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Clwojick 🌲 💝 Amazing! You're doing great! Way to go! ❤ ✨ 4y
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@kaysworld1 and @youneverarrived thank you for the gorgeous cards! I love hearing from you!

youneverarrived You‘re welcome 🥰 4y
TrishB Glad it arrived safely ❤️ 4y
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Thank you Victoria and Katie 😘♥️

Cathythoughts Lovely cards ✨✨ 4y
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One out and one in for #littlechristmasswap @BookNAround coming at you! @bookish_wookish

bookish_wookish 🎄🎁 4y
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Clwojick ❤ Way to go!! ! 🌲 4y
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Alright definitely a bump up from last week! I‘m reading hard and watching lots of Christmas movies and I need to work on more bingos coming up! I‘ve been bad about the hallmark ones but I‘ve written some notes so I‘ll get it together soon! I had to put a ton of movies on hold to get close to any bingos so hopefully I‘ll get one soon on the movie card! #readnosedreindeer #wintergames2020 @StayCurious

Traci1 Nice! 4y
StayCurious great job! 4y
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I‘m sharing this selfie , because I‘ve gone from black hair to grey on Litsy ( 😳😂the stress ) also it‘s just nice to see the person behind the posts etc.
I‘m in my painting clothes & about to paint the living room for Christmas.... I‘d love anyone to share a pic of themselves... ( I did see one recently with a little creature on your shoulder @TheNeverendingTBR .. nice pic 👍🏻 anyone who wants to share , be nice to see you ❤️

LeahBergen Gorgeous, as usual! And I love your glasses. 💗💗 4y
Cathythoughts @LeahBergen Thanks! Your a pet 💕 4y
AmyG 💕 4y
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MaureenMc 💗💗 4y
Cuilin Great pic and great idea putting a face to posts!! 4y
TrishB Lovely pic ❤️❤️ 4y
Cathythoughts @MaureenMc 💕💕💕 4y
Cathythoughts @Cuilin Thanks! You might dive in yourself 😊 ( or whatever you want 4y
readordierachel Your hair is gorgeous! So nice to see your face ❤ 4y
Cathythoughts @readordierachel Thanks! It was a big decision to go grey ... I‘m glad now though 👍🏻 4y
bookandbedandtea I'm glad to see I'm not the only one skipping the salon and embracing (enduring? 🤔) the grey! I'll post a picture today too. 💜 4y
squirrelbrain Your hair is lovely, as are you! 😘 4y
Cathythoughts @bookandbedandtea oh great ! I‘d love to see you 4y
Cathythoughts @squirrelbrain Thanks Helen ! 😘 4y
Caroline2 This is a lovely idea! 😃 4y
TheNeverendingTBR 😃👌 4y
JamieArc It‘s a beautiful grey, and I do love a messy ‘do, so I love this 😊 4y
Cathythoughts @JamieArc Your very kind X Thanks 4y
JennyM I love this pic so much! It‘s lovely to see your face 😘❤️😘 4y
Hooked_on_books I think your grey is gorgeous! Wear it proudly. 💪🏼 4y
rockpools Lovely to see you Cathy! 😘 4y
youneverarrived Gorgeous Cathy 😍 you suit that colour so well. 4y
Megabooks You look fantastic!! 🤩🤩 4y
CarolynM Lovely to see your face, Cathy, and I love your hair 😘 4y
BarbaraBB Lovely 💕 4y
Tanisha_A Love this photograph! ❤️ 4y
Cathythoughts @JennyM Thanks Jenny 😘 4y
Cathythoughts @Hooked_on_books Thanks! It took 2 years to grow it out ... so I‘ll be proud 👍🏻❤️ 4y
Cathythoughts @rockpools Thanks Rachel 😘 4y
Cathythoughts @youneverarrived Thanks! Hope your little Archie is good 💕 I keep telling my granddaughter, real Granny‘s have grey hair 😂 4y
Cathythoughts @CarolynM Thanks Carolyn ! I love your pic too , it‘s nice to see the real person behind the posts ❤️😘 4y
Cathythoughts @BarbaraBB @Tanisha_A Thanks guys 😘😘 4y
Cathythoughts @Megabooks Thanks friend X X❤️ 4y
Cathythoughts @AmyG Thankyou 💕 4y
julesG Hey Birthday Twin! So nice to see you. I'll post an unvarnished pic in a moment. 4y
erzascarletbookgasm Lovely to see you, Cathy! 😘 I‘ve actually thought of growing mine out too..🤔 sigh...or maybe dye my hair a shocking colour! 4y
batsy Gorgeous and elegant! The grey is so classy on you 😘❤️ 4y
Cathythoughts @erzascarletbookgasm Thanks Jessie ! Both hair options sound exciting 👍🏻❤️ 4y
Cathythoughts @batsy Thanks Suba. I‘m sorted now , no more dying .... letting go of another part of me 4y
Suet624 Stopped coloring my hair about 3 years ago. Best decision ever. It‘s so freeing. Thanks for sharing your photo. 4y
Cathythoughts @Suet624 Thanks! That‘s exactly it , it‘s freeing 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 4y
Cathythoughts @Suet624 just looking at your profile pic & your hair is fabulous 4y
Suet624 Thanks! It‘s now longer and a bit more white. I could use a cut. 😂😂 4y
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All my holiday swap gifts are ordered — now it‘s just a waiting game and hope they get to me so I can send them out on time 😬 Why did I think signing up for three swaps was a good idea? 😂 🎄 #ElfSwap #LittleChristmasSwap #LCS #JolabokaflodSwap

MaleficentBookDragon I am right there with you. I signed up for 5! 😳 All the books and extras are ordered and I just need to stop at the chocolate shop tomorrow. 4y
bibliobard @MaleficentBookDragon the waiting game is so hard. But I also have to remind myself we JUST entered December, so I am not technically behind 4y
Avanders 😁🎄♥️🧚🏽‍♀️ 4y
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I suspect I will not be the only one but I nominate @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks for not just being inclusive, cohosting #litsylove but also reaching out to many littens on a regular basis to make sure they‘re well and happy. @Mommamanzi

LiteraryinLawrence Great nomination! Very worthy choice. 💗 4y
UwannaPublishme Yes!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻❤️ 4y
Cupcake12 Brilliant choice 👍🏻 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you so much @Cuilin ❤️❤️ you are so sweet!! Thank you @uwannapublishme @literaryinlititz, and @cupcake12 ❤️❤️ 4y
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I nominate @wanderinglynn She is often reaching out with a spirit of inclusivity and community. The Book Fitness Challenge gave shape to that and I am still grateful to have amazing friendships due to that event! @Mommamanzi thank you for this beautiful way to recognize people who are amazing. Choosing one was difficult- and I count you among the people who make litsy the best place to be #thegreatchristmasgiveaway

Crazeedi I love your choice 4y
wanderinglynn 😘😘😘 You are too sweet! ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
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I would love to get recommendations for Christmas time books. Seeing I am looking to read more this holiday season. #WinterGames2020 #MerryReaders @Clwojick

Clwojick I would try searching through the #WinterGames2020 tag, and searching others TBRs. There‘s a ton of them out there. I‘m mostly picking through what my library has available on CloudLibrary 4y
MrsGagnonreads2024 @Clwojick that is a great idea thank you 4y
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See @Avanders post
Anyone in #Jbuk entering ?? I‘d love to do this swap ! Flip Covid ! Let‘s have a fun Christmas morning...

Avanders 😘😘♥️🎄♥️ 4y
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These are the Christmas/Holiday books on my shelf right now. I may have some audiobooks, too. Anyway, I‘m probably not going to get to all of these, but it‘s a good start. I will probably also be tempted by new ones. LOL #MerryReaders #WinterGames2020 Give me the Early Bird points! 🎄📚🎄

ElizaMarie Oooo yay! Great choices! Good luck on getting that TBR down! Yay Team #MerryReaders! 4y
Allylu @ElizaMarie Are you on our team, too? Wow! We‘ve got this! #MerryReaders 4y
ElizaMarie @Allylu Haha yes! I mean I have been kinda in a reading slump (because work has been hell) but I am looking forward to engaging in some reading stuff and movies and stuff 4y
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Allylu I‘m sure work is getting worse! Hope you can escape with us. Take care! 😊📚🎶🎄 4y
Karisa Nice collection! 🎄🎁📚⛄ 4y
AmyK1 Those look good! 4y
Clwojick I always struggle to stick to a set TBR! 😜 4y
MsRadioSilence These all look like they‘d make great Hallmark movies! 4y
Laughterhp Nice list of books! 🎄🎄 4y
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Just signed up for #littlechristmasswap hosted by @bookish_wookish so excited! Very low key and fun! ❤️

bookish_wookish Thanks for joining and sharing! 🎄 4y
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mabell I don‘t think I did very well on this! These were tough! 5y
mabell 1. A
2. C
3. Man
4. A and B
5. Almond
6. It‘s summer
7. B
8. C
9. True and False - they eat fish
10. A
11. B
12. A
13. D
14. A
15. A
BarkingMadRead I‘ll let you know when the answers come out lol 5y
BarkingMadRead @mabell apparently there‘s no answer key so I‘m giving you 30 points ❄️❄️ 5y
mabell Haha I‘m fine with that! 😄 5y
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Maybe I‘m a day late but I‘m finally mailing a million letters for Christmas! #litsylove

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Someone was excited to see if Santa Paws came. Merry Christmas a day late, Litsy Fam!

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My family celebrated Christmas last night so this is the first spare moment I had to open my #PoutinePenPals #CanuckChristmasSwap box. LOOK AT THAT COOKIE! And the pin! And the socks! This is all so great! Thanks @StayCurious I‘ve seen the Creepy Capital book around, I‘m glad I finally get to check it out. I love a good ghost story.

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Wonderful! Looks like your partner stalked you well! ❤💚 5y
umbrellagirl Merry Christmas 🎄🎄 5y
StayCurious So glad you like everything! Enjoy! 5y
PurpleyPumpkin What a lovely package. Enjoy!🎄💜🎅🏽 5y
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Interesting history of Christmas.

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Thank you Jess and Rachel for the cards and gift 💝 I‘ll open tomorrow Rachel as I think it‘s the start of Christmas then! 😘

rockpools Tomorrow‘s definitely the start of Christmas! We‘re going Icelandic this year (for niece and her mum) so Christmas Eve is kind of the main event! 5y
rockpools Have a wonderful holiday! 5y
TrishB @RachelO sounds like a plan. Have a lovely Christmas 🎅🎄😘 5y
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So many #litsylove cards!!! This is just one of the five shelves I have for them! (Some are from family/friends too.) I‘m so glad to be part of this great penpal group.


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Sending to my Christmas friend... should be there Monday, just in time lol

#JolabokaflodSwap @MaleficentBookDragon

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Thank you Kay and Emily for your lovely cards 😘
Thank you Jessie for the very kind gifts, I‘m saving to open, ❤️ thank you lovely friend -
I haven‘t written or posted anything yet, so I think it‘s fair to say things will be arriving in the new year! I blame life!!

squirrelbrain Lovely! ❤️ 5y
erzascarletbookgasm 🤗❤️ 5y
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@Avanders tell your mom thank you! Some of these make me@want to binge them right now!

Avanders Oh yay! She‘ll be happy to hear that ☺️🤗♥️ 5y
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Wreath, mistletoe, angel, ornament, cookies, reindeer, toboggan, present, stocking, carols, fruitcake, tinsel, jingle, fireplace, Santa, candle, poinsettia, december, gingerbread, noel

#WinterGames #TeamFestivus
@wanderinglynn @StayCurious @Clwojick

+41 points (Tuesday total = 272 points)

wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻⛄️ 5y
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This is my cozy reading nook where I sometimes read my books at. #WinterGames, #elfies, #festivephotochallenge, @Clwojick @StayCurious @Bookwormjillk

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It‘s a balmy 58 degrees today in our pocket of Colorado, so I shoveled the driveway and walk—and now don‘t I deserve an hour or two uninterrupted reading time?!
P.S. I‘ve got Christmas on my mind AND on my door!🎄💕 #elfies #selfiescavengerhunt @Bookwormjillk

Bookwormjillk +16 shoveling at 57 degrees???? Colorado weather is weird 5y
Ireadkidlit With back to back storms It had been too cold to melt the packed down stuff before, so I took advantage of the heat wave. Normally the snow here is short-lived. But yes, the weather is totally weird. 5y
Julsmarshall Love this picture of you, sweet sis! 5y
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Using one of my free spaces for the #holidaymovie Christmas with the Kranks as my #1 movie for December!

#wintergames #ChristmasMovieBingo #teamelectricsex

@GypsyKat and @LibrarianRyan

LibrarianRyan I love that movie. +6 5y
GypsyKat ❤️🎄🎥🍿 5y
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#teamfozziwig this is a fun game to play! This is one of the daily games, let the #wintergames continue! @Clwojick @StayCurious

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I've done the 24 Books for Christmas for my daughter the last 2 years now and this year I started the tradition for my twin nephews, as well. I am so excited to introduce this to them!! #raisingreaders #24booksofchristmas

HeatherBlue You‘re so awesome ❤️❤️❤️ 5y
Avanders Oooooh I love this!! 😍 5y
jillannjohn Love this! 5y
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CoverToCoverGirl You‘re going to be their favourite auntie! ❤️📖 5y
wellreadredhead Just to give you a heads up, I believe two separate Amazon packages will be coming to you for your #jolabokaflodswap! I wanted to let you know so that you could put them to the side for Christmas Eve. Your Litsy name is listed next to your actual name on the shipping label so you know which ones they are! 5y
Nute Raising readers! I like it! 5y
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