Tackle the TBR 🤓📚
What are you reading?
#boleybooks #shescomeundone #wallylamb #bookbeast #bookchat #letsread #libby
Tackle the TBR 🤓📚
What are you reading?
#boleybooks #shescomeundone #wallylamb #bookbeast #bookchat #letsread #libby
This book has been on my #tbr for about two decades. Finally cracked the spine and, three chapters in, it‘s entertaining and depressing. I can‘t help but feel sorry for the traumatized, smart-mouthed pre-teen protagonist.
Looking at reviews, this seems to be a novel that people either love or hate. If you‘ve read it, did you love it or hate it?
#shescomeundone #wallylamb #contemporaryliterature #literaryfiction #oprahsbookclub
Books go out. Books come in.
I picked up a copy of the tagged book from the local freecycle group. It‘s a chunkster!
Meanwhile, I‘m saying sayonara to this Michener book and have started whittling away at the June Real Simple issues.
I‘m also pleased to report that I asked myspouse to go through a pile of t-shirts, and he unhauled enough to fill a tote bag.
#readordonate #monthlymagazineblitz #babysteps
Every bad thing that could happen to this woman does. Her journey is predictable. With each story beat, you wonder how it is going to sour. It‘s unclear what makes her see the light of day after years of oppression, and that is the flaw. This is a “woman ends victorious” / Bridges of Madison County kind of book. The readers have no clue as to why or how it reaches its conclusion; we‘re just supposed to be happy about it. Read a classic instead.
There are a few fave authors I like to keep in hardback on my shelf. Just replaced this #CloudsCover paperback with #NewYearNewBooks hardback version. This was my first Wally Lamb with a book club decades (yikes!) ago and he's a must-read ever since. While I didn't manage to highlight only new books, I did manage to post every day. Thanks for a fun way to get through a dreary weather spell @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
This is a coming of age story about a young woman facing the trauma of her past. I did feel at times like the characters were a little one dimensional but I was still hooked by the story and wanted to know what was going to happen next. She‘s Come Undone is not as good as some of Wally Lamb‘s other work but if you‘re looking for a winding story of personal triumph that could double as a beach read-you‘ve found it!
🎧 Sometimes!! However, it doesn't always work for me. It really depends on the quality of the narration. People should try it, it's a whole 'nother reading experience 😉 Seems weird maybe but it's not.
🎧 The main advantage would be multi-tasking, which is how I imagine lots of us get our reading time in. I'm struggling big time to meet my daily reading goals and audiobooks can help.
#friends #funandgames
>>#minimalistbookstagram for
Simply & absolutely love this book!!
#alwaysreading #booksarelife #bibliophile #currentlyreading #fiction #novels #paperbacks #booksiown #bookshot #mugshot #instabook #bookphotography #booksandcoffee #favoriteauthors #favoritebooks #women #comingofage
"You were the same person, no matter what state you happened to be stuck breathing in."
~ She's Come Undone, Wally Lamb
Reading this book for the 3rd time!!
#currentlyreading #fiction #novels #bookblurbs
Thanks for the tag @Cosmos_Moon
I have read this book more times than I can count. It always helps me when I fall in a deep hole.
1. https://youtu.be/UuUVgKT4roQ
There are some people I miss with this pandemic. It feels like it will never end.
2. We have lost four family members and friends in the last two months. It makes me feel grateful for all the people I have left.
#ThankfulThursday Please play along.
Hundred pages in, not sure if I like it. What a sad life! Will be reading this book in between other books for sure.
Update: A train-wreck! Cringeworthy! Some interesting parts but I had trouble just trying to keep at it. A real slog for me. 11-18-20
Not Undone here! Just enjoying my family while my husband works on the house!
Prayer and good thoughts appreciated. My mom was admitted to the hospital today to get testing done before being added to the list for a liver transplant.
So I am reading and watching guilty pleasure shows (Virgin River) to keep my mind off things for now.
“Accept what people offer. Drink their milkshakes. Take their love.”
Reading this book was a strange experience! I read it twice when I was 16 and was in love with the story and the main character, Dolores. But recently, even though I‘ve been recommending it to everyone raving that it was my favorite book in the world, I realized I didn‘t remember a lot of it.
#7books7days Day 2.
Seven books that have left a deep impression and changed me.
Please play along. I would love to see your choices.
I read this book years (decades?) ago but it was my first thought for #clouds I used to love all the old Oprah books. #BloomingBibliophiles
• Reading this book for at least the 3rd time. I think this is the only book I've read this many times--although I'm listening on audio to switch things up •
#currentlyreading #currentlylistening #audionerd #audiobook #favoriteauthors
Yesterday I came home to this wonderful surprise from #thriftbooks sitting on my doorstep. Now I didn‘t order these for myself but someone who knows me must have curated this package for me. Was it you? No packing slip was included and I want to make sure I send thanks to the right person!
Really late to the party on tagged book , thriftin today I found a hardcover of She‘s Come Undone. I Don‘t remember ever seeing one. So much Litsy love for Hope never dies , definitely worth checking out at thrift store prices.
Even though I am super late to the party I am glad that I read this. Life is not kind to Delores and she makes a ton of bad decisions but when it is all said and done she comes out on the other side and has a cautious hope for the future. A well written character that will stay in your heart and mind for a long time.
Omg just omg
Amazing! For a full review check out my blog at relentlessbookishreader.wordpress.com
I almost forgot to show everyone my latest #Thiftbooks order came yesterday! I read the tagged book in high school and have wanted a copy since.
I balk at books over 500 pages so I obviously ordering all 1,439 pages of The Stand was a good idea. Haha. It's short pages though. Honestly though I'm excited to finally read it.
She‘s Come Undone by Wally Lamb found me at a... really dark place in my life. I was 17, my mom had just died unexpectedly (and I witnessed it), and I had just tried to commit suicide. Dolores‘ story is mine. She loses her mom, tries to commit, and is dealing with mental illness... and this book showed me that there is life after tragedy. That I deserved a chance to grow into an adult my Mom would have been proud of #holidaygratitudechallenge
I‘m glad I read this. Sure, it seems everything terrible in life happens to Dolores Price, and she often makes poor decisions in response, but I love difficult traumatized characters, because in real life, trauma doesn‘t always immediately make you wiser or stronger or more compassionate. Often it makes you more difficult, and it takes work to mature and advance and wisen up. I love Dolores Price, and I hope you‘ll love her too.
I thought this was a great documentation of what life can be like struggling with trauma and how trauma can intersect all areas of life even into adulthood.
• Oh these heartbreaking moments 💔... the third time reading this book doesn‘t make it any easier •
#currentlyreading #fiction #favorites #goodreads #goodbooks
I wasn‘t thrilled with Kathy Najimy‘s narration, but I enjoyed the book enough to give it a pick. Dolores goes through a lot in her transition from 13 to adulthood, but the story will make you chuckle at times. When she finally sees her truth, and stands up for what SHE wants and needs, her life begins change for the better.
I mistakenly chose this as a #bodypositivebook for a reading challenge. It‘s not body positive. In fact, the fat shaming in this book is a huge part of what made me like warm about it. #notbodypositive #booked2018 #15of36 #audiobook
Evening reads 😍
Almost done with this one... What should I read next? What are you reading?
#eveningreads #comeundone
A coworker gifted me with this book today because her 10 year old daughter found it in the giveaway pile and started reading it. She thinks it‘s not age appropriate. I was never censored in what I could read as a kid, but my house was full of classics. (Although I did get hold of The Summer of ‘42 when I was 11 or 12.) I only once told my kids that they needed to wait to read something and I was conflicted about it. How do you feel? 👇🏻
I did not expect to be mesmerized by this story, but it‘s always a pleasant surprise when books hit you like this. She‘s Come Undone is the story of Dolores‘s life spent battling her demons, both real and figurative. It‘s heartbreaking and sometimes hard to read, but ultimately a story that will leave its impression on you after you put it down.
#bodypositive #Booked2018
"Love is like breathing. You take it in and let it out."
I'm glad I gave this one a second go. I loved it.
Sundays are SO busy at the hotel. Pulling 11-12 hour days.
I want to read. :(
I love these cuddly nights. I don't even care if it's uncomfortable. 🖤
Also, I got all caught up on watching 9-1-1 tonight. I want the next episode right now!
Such a good show.
Not book related, but I went blue again. :)
After telling myself to finish this for a couple of days, I just binge read the last 25% in an epic race against my dying kindle battery... Btw I won. 😊 I have gone back & forth ab this one. I'm glad Litsy does pick or pan bc I'm struggling with a star rating right now. I hated Dolores, but, at times, I was Dolores. There were some beautiful moments in here that really stand out. Glad I can mark this off my TBR