Defend the Oxford Comma 💪🏼😂
Defend the Oxford Comma 💪🏼😂
This sign needs a comma. 😲🦁🐯🦍🐵🐨🐼🐻
What punctuation are you? 😊
Wow! Really?!?! I wonder what it looks like. I've been waiting an eternity for this. 😆 #LitsyHumor
Well, that's a darn relief 😆😁👏🏻👏🏻! I have yet to find any cloth product that gets rid of the steaks on my windows. It's like a bloodbath or something. Now I can confidently know that my slabs of meat won't linger on my windows anymore. Clear viewing from here on out 😁👏🏻! I can now view the pinkening of the sky instead of the pink of my fillets. Thank goodness! #LitsyHumor
Happy #NationalGrammarDay! I think all of us on Litsy appreciate the use of good grammar! (And if you're too young to get this reference, ask your parents. 😂)
Happy National Grammar Day! #nationalgrammarday
Okay. So you're not a sham. Why did you have to get a tattoo that says so? 😂 #LitsyHumor
Why, Mongolian Grill, why 😩?! I love your food and now you've tarnished yourself before my eyes with your bevy of grammatical mistakes. The shame! Have you no dignity?! ....Pass me another egg roll, will ya? 😜 #LitsyHumor
Reeeaally. 9 days a week, huh? My, one can get a lot done in a 9-day week! Where can I find one of those? What's the other 2 days called? 🤔 #LitsyHumor
😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 My kind of funny! #LitsyHumor
Wait....what? 🤔 *mumbles* I've got nothing. #LitsyHumor
😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I love this kind of humor😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻! #LitsyHumor
*giggles* 😆 #LitsyHumor
😂😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😂😂😂😂 I must be a nerd, because this is my type of humor right here 🤓🤓🤓🤓👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻! #LitsyHumor
Hmmmm, yeesss, I have heard people refer to children before as "wild animals". We should beware of children, such savage and brutish beasts that prey upon our bodies and minds and tug at our very souls!!! ......Riiiiiight ?.
Accidental hanging sentence in last night's dinner menu amidst a rambling tale of hometown lore. #grammarmatters
The person who I admire the most is "any grammar nazi who can tell that the first 'who' in this sentence should really be 'whom'." ????????????
Oh....so it's closed on a worldly level, is it? Are we talking about time rather? 🤔 If so, perhaps we can be more specific, eh? Never heard of a road temporally closing before. Have you? 😳
For customer's only what?! I need to know what the space is for! How can I live with myself if I don't know since you don't finish your sentence 😩! I don't want to play Mad Libs when I go out to eat. (I'll only play @EclecticReaders ' Mad Libs.) If your parking sign is like this, what's your menu like? 🤔
"Don't block the door! People may need to use it! .....Don't use this door!" Listen, pal, your multiple-personality syndrome needs to settle on one piece of paper, okay? So, are you in or out? Hmmmmm... ?
Well, gee, there's no need to be condescending 🙄. How slow are we talking here? Like a sloth slow? Or more of a turtle? I guess if fast children were at play it would make some kind of difference 🤔?
😳 #WhatTheDeuce?! There goes Whole Foods again, trying to be all different. Who the heck would buy this anyway? Does it taste like chicken? 🤔
I've seen this movie. Spiders did well, humans did not. Placement is everything.
Well now, someone needs to have some sharp eyes kept on him or her. This does not sound good. Nope, nope, nope. I think this sign-maker is the one who needs adult supervision. Ohhh, that #grammar! 😜
From @LitsyGoesPostal 😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻...
Remember folks, just smoke quietly. All that noise some smokers make, sheesh! It's like they actively seek to violate noise statutes. Horrible, just horrible. Thankful to the person who put this up. 😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Huh....ummmm, where can I meet such children?! I really want to know. And why is it only for those children anyway 🤔? What about everyone else? I is confused.
And one more post before I close out my night 😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻!!! I should find this place and be a violator. It would hold up in court 😎👌🏻! #GrammarMatters