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The Italian Teacher
The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
51 posts | 32 read | 96 to read
A sparkling, propulsive new novel from the bestselling author of the The Imperfectionists. Rome, 1955. The artists gather for a picture at a party in an ancient villa. Bear Bavinsky, creator of vast canvases, larger than life, is at the center of the picture. His wife, Natalie, edges out of the shot. From the side of the room watches little Pinch--their son. He loves Bear almost as much as he fears him. Even after Bear abandons their family, Pinch will still worship him, striving to live up to the Bavinsky name in his every thwarted effort, while Natalie, a ceramicist, cannot hope to be more than a forgotten muse. Yet by the end of a career of twists and compromises, Pinch will enact an unexpected rebellion that will forever leave his mark upon his father's legacy. A masterful, original examination of love, duty, art, and fame, The Italian Teacher cements Tom Rachman's reputation as among this generation's most exciting literary voices.
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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At least the latte should be good ☕️

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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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Hooked_on_books One of my favorite covers! 😍 3y
kspenmoll Gorgeous multicolor! 3y
Eggs Beautiful and luscious colors 👏🏻❤️👏🏻 3y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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Thanks for the tag, @Megabooks ! There are many covers I like, but this is for sure one of my favorites. It‘s so luscious! Funny enough, I‘ve never read the book and have no interest in doing so, but I could stare at that cover all day long.


What‘s one of your favorite covers?

squirrelbrain That is gorgeous! ❤️ 4y
451Degrees This is so beautiful!! I‘ve always liked when artists do paint like this and it‘s so cool that they decided to put in on the cover. No need to read it!😆 thanks for the tag!💙 4y
Megabooks This is on my shelf and I was kicking myself for not picking it. I‘m glad you did! 4y
Hooked_on_books @Megabooks When it first came out and I kept seeing it in posts, I had to fight myself to not buy it. I kept rereading the description to remind myself it didn‘t appeal to me. 😆 4y
BarbaraBB I did buy it for its cover but you‘re right not to. It‘s not that good... (edited) 4y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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Despite the gorgeous cover, this book is a total drag. So boring. I would‘ve ditched it if it weren‘t the book club book for this month.

The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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Okay, final tweaking of my #bookspin list! I posted way too early 😂😂 I decided to add more physical and kindle books. So excited for tomorrow!!

Night all! 😴😴

rockpools Sleep well! 4y
TheAromaofBooks haha You still have 24 hours to continue editing!! 😂 4y
Megabooks @RachelO thank you, I did!! 4y
Megabooks @TheAromaofBooks don‘t tell me that!! 😂😂 4y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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#7Days7Covers #CoverCrush

Ok, @vivastory , I‘ll bite.

How about you, @Soubhiville , care to join? 7 days, 7 covers you love, no explanation. Try to tag someone new each day.

vivastory Good choice! I've been meaning to read this one 5y
BarbaraBB Great choice! A favorite cover of mine too. The book itself not so much... 5y
Soubhiville Yes, I‘ll play! Thanks for the tag 😊. 5y
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Hooked_on_books @vivastory @BarbaraBB Funny enough, I actually have no interest in reading this. But I can‘t take my eyes off that cover—gorgeous. 5y
Dolly Yes, beautiful cover! 5y
LeahBergen I love this cover (but have no real urge to read it, either 😆). 5y
Megabooks Great choice!! 5y
KarenUK 😍😍😍😍 5y
gradcat Really beautiful cover...too bad the book doesn‘t measure up. 😁 5y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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Let me tell you, I felt for these characters. No, they‘re not sympathetic; and yes, they can be obnoxious, and make awful moves or questionable decisions. But the characters are real. They‘re very human, and that‘s what I appreciated about it. Because it was like a mirror, where I could see myself, or people I‘ve known, doing dumb shit, making mistakes, taking it into account, and then just going on to live more days, trying to do better.

The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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Another that didn‘t last long in the #ToB2019, but I‘m gonna read it anyway, hopefully before it‘s due back at the library or before my self-imposed Library Month comes to an end in three days ...

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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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Although I liked The Italian Teacher there‘s no doubt that Milkman must win today in the #ToB2019. It is such an original voice, this modern stream-of-consciousness. It is funny, it is poignant and it is important. I don‘t say it is my favourite and I actually had a hard time reading it sometimes, but it absolutely deserves to go to the Quarter Finals. Or don‘t you think so?

Emilymdxn I really didn‘t enjoy the Italian teacher. Milkman was a great book, not my absolute fave but I really loved it. No contest for me, as there‘s not a lot I would have chosen over the Italian teacher 5y
BkClubCare Go Milkman-the-book! Cheers for Middle Sister 5y
BarbaraBB @BkClubCare The naming in the book is great indeed! Almost Boyfriend 😀 5y
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Tanisha_A I am reading Milkman right now, loving all the things you mentioned about it 5y
mklong Yep, Team Milkman over here too! It was one of my absolute favorites of last year. 5y
Redwritinghood Neither were great for me, but I really disliked Milkman, so I would go with The Italian Teacher. I do think Milkman will win this bracket, though. 5y
Mindyrecycles Totally agree! I liked Italian Teacher but I love, adore, and worship Milkman. I hope I‘ve made my point here. 😂 5y
merelybookish Ditto @Mindyrecycles ⬆️ Brilliant Milkman should prevail. Even if you don't love it, I think you can see it's trying to do something inventive and brave. 5y
Hooked_on_books This duo would also make for a good cover battle. Both those covers are fabulous. 5y
thebluestocking I haven‘t read The Italian Teacher yet. But I did end up really enjoying Milkman. It was frustrating at times, but being forced to slow down was good for me. And the experience was very rich. 5y
BarbaraBB @Emilymdxn @BkClubCare @Tanisha_A @mklong @Mindyrecycles @merelybookish @thebluestocking And we were all right! I think the jury‘s judgment was very well build up. @Redwritinghood sorry to hear you disliked it that much. To be continued next week 😘 5y
Rachel_nyc I really enjoyed The Italian Teacher but there was not a doubt in my mind the Milkman would prevail. I‘m almost finished with Animal Languages and liking it very much so I‘m getting nervous about Monday. What are your thoughts? Did you end up connecting with it at all? 5y
BarbaraBB @Rachel_nyc I do too! I am almost finished and have really connected with Ivory! (edited) 5y
Rachel_nyc @BarbaraBB oh I‘m so glad. I really ended up loving Ivory! 5y
Ruthiella I liked The Italian Teacher a lot but agree with the decision to advance Milkman which I thought was brilliant!😀 5y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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I won't dwell too long on my lengthy list of misgivings with this novel, suffice to say I found the characters both insufferable and flat (with the exception of a couple of neglected but complex minor players), and ultimately I couldn't bring myself to care about anything that was happening. Rachman saved himself from one star territory by touching on some interesting ideas about art, which could have been explored with much more depth.

Cinfhen Thanks for your insightful review!! I‘ve been on the fence and now I‘m off the fence and I‘ve left the playground 😂😂😂😂 5y
ClairesReads @Cinfhen I hope I haven‘t put you off something you might enjoy. I would say, I was on the fence about it before I started- and I probably should have left it 5y
Cinfhen No!!! If anything you saved me $14 and hours of reading time ~ thanks 5y
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ClairesReads @Cinfhen always glad to help 😄 5y
KateFulfordAuthor Great review thanks! 5y
ClairesReads @KateFulfordAuthor thank you 🙏🏻 it‘s a bit brutally honest but never mind 5y
KateFulfordAuthor Honesty is necessary sometimes 5y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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This book takes a lovely photo and that might be one of the few positives I have for it, sadly.
All the characters in this were frustratingly two dimensional and the writing style was not one that brought me joy. I think I might have enjoyed it a little more if Rachman had continued with more of Natalie‘s perspective. 300 pages inside the head of “Pinch” was just too much for me.

#ToB19 #indiebuddyreads

The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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It‘s #indiebuddyreads time again 🎉

Reviewsbylola That cover. 😍😍 5y
Redheadrambles It is a cracking cover ! 5y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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“Esther! Look at me, Esther look at me. Esther!!” #DogsofLitsy #EstherAssisting #Griff #Whpg

xicanti I feel your struggle. 5y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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Lots I liked, lots I didn‘t. I thought this was about ‘Art‘ and how it affected people but it felt more like an ode to a bombastic, selfish, creative dude who overpowered all the other characters and themes. Natalie was a big part of the blurb but barely got any interiority at all and even his son did nothing but react and think about him. The writing was good but I didn‘t need another pen portrait of a cruel bohemian man who can‘t really love

Naj I love the cover though 5y
ephemeralwaltz Hmmm I'll probably skip this one 🤔🤔 5y
Penny_LiteraryHoarders Yup! Didn't much like it because of that overbearing character!! 5y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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I‘ve been desperate to read this ever since I saw the beautiful cover in hardback when it came out last year. So pleased to be getting to it now, I‘ve got high expectations I hope it lives up to them

BarbaraBB That may be hard, since you just finished The House of Broken Angels. It is good, but not that good - I think! 5y
Rachel_nyc I really liked this one. One of my favorites of the TOB so far. 5y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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A good story and a nice, light read, but I‘m afraid I didn‘t find it to be much more than that. Everything about it seemed only skin deep. From the plot to the characterization there was so much more to develop and explore that it feels like a missed opportunity. #TOB2019

The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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I really enjoyed this- more so than I did his debut The Imperfectionists. The main character is not very sympathetic but I always felt I understood his motivations even if his actions were frustrating. Loved the settings (Rome, London, New York). #TOB2019

thebluestocking Yay! I liked The Imperfectionists okay, but there was room for improvement. Another #ToB pick down! 5y
BkClubCare I really liked The Imperfectionists and am looking forward to this. 5y
BkClubCare (And I ❤️ the cover of this) 5y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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I feel the brackets are due any minute now. Bring it #TOB2019 #TournamentOfBooks #TheRooster

Redwritinghood I haven‘t done much TOB reading. I‘m so burnt out from Booker and NBA! 5y
AceOnRoam You did a smashing job on those awards @Redwritinghood I am only halfway through this shortlist (if that)... 5y
thebluestocking I‘m so excited! But I believe I‘ve only got through five of the short listed books. The Overstory is slowing me down. 5y
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BarbaraBB Thank you for sharing!! Did you see them already, @merelybookish @RidgewayGirl @Ruthiella @mklong @Lindy ? (edited) 5y
AceOnRoam @BarbaraBB no worries! Its so exciting. I need to read more as I have only read 9! 5y
Lindy @BarbaraBB Thanks for tagging me on this! I hadn‘t seen the brackets yet and I was just now thinking of this tournament because something similar is going on in the book I‘m reading, except it‘s paintings competing against each other in the 11th c Japan of #Genji, argued by knowledgeable women as judges, in 5y
thebluestocking @AceOnRoam Thanks for the tag!!! 5y
AceOnRoam @Lindy I'm so curious about the tale of the Genji 5y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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Our latest episode of ‘Books On The Go‘ is up: ‘The Italian Teacher‘. Shortlisted for the Costa Book Awards to be announced 7 February, Amanda loved this one! #booksonthego 🎧

BarbaraBB It‘s also shortlisted in the Tournament of Books #ToB2019! 5y
Abailliekaras @BarbaraBB good to hear! I didn‘t love it but Amanda did (& evidently many otters!). 5y
Abailliekaras *others 😂 5y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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I love the idea of a book set in Italy but this was too slow-paced for me. The protagonist Pinch is unlikeable, small-minded & in thrall to his father Bear the artist. Bear is a fun though tyrannical character to begin with but becomes a caricature of himself & the story drags on & on. Pinch has failed relationships & failed careers but I didn‘t care as he‘s so unsympathetic. The women are sidelined. Much earnest detail. Interesting re art & ego.

TheKidUpstairs Have you read Rachman's first, also set in Italy? 6y
Abailliekaras @TheKidUpstairs yes I really liked it! I think that was tighter & stronger. This feels baggy & as though he‘s put all of his ideas into it, but it doesn‘t make for a great story. 😏 6y
mcctrish This is a GORGEOUS cover, to bad it‘s meh 6y
Abailliekaras @mcctrish I know! We just recorded for Books On The Go and my co-host Amanda LOVED it! So worth a try. 😉 6y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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I wanted to buy this for the cover alone, but now it‘s been shortlisted for the Costa Book Awards and we‘re doing it for the podcast- so I had to get it! 😍😉 #currentread

Heideschrampf Lovely cover! 6y
Abailliekaras @Heideschrampf I know! So lush. 6y
BarbaraBB And it‘s on the #ToB longlist. It‘s a good read! 6y
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Abailliekaras @BarbaraBB I enjoyed The Imperfectionists. This one I‘m not loving yet, but it‘s early days... ;) 6y
BarbaraBB I think The Imperfectionists was better indeed, but this one is enjoyable too! (edited) 6y
Lizpixie That is gorgeous! Let us know if it‘s worth it👍👎 6y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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This is a book about art. And about a father (an artist), belittling his ever admiring son. Throughout the whole book I wanted to warn the son (Pinch) and talk him out of all the choices he makes, the life he lives, all out of wanting to gain his fathers respect, never choosing for himself. An intense read, the art as well as the father-son relationship.

#booked2018 #newin2018 #tob2019

jenreads7 The cover is gorgeous! 6y
youneverarrived Looking forward to reading this one. Love the cover 😍 6y
Quirkybookworm Love ❤️ how you blended the book@with the city lights and rain. That‘s art! 6y
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saresmoore Pretty photo! 6y
Cinfhen Stunning photo and excellent review 💕 6y
merelybookish This is on the #tob long list. Do you think it has a shot at the short? 6y
BarbaraBB @merelybookish it may be too straightforward for the shortlist but it‘s definitely a good one. 6y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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Thank you, Leanna! I can't believe you got my name again! This isn't just a book, it's a book high up on my want to read list! And the cover is fabulous. #JustABookSwap

guinsgirlreads Yay!! 👏🏻 6y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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I tore through this novel and savored every page. It was exactly what I wanted to be reading every time I picked it back up.

I love art. I love eavesdropping on conversations (in real life or in books) about ambition and money and truth and choices and creativity and pondering WHAT IS ART!? And I love family dynamics that are infuriating and imperfect and help me feel a little less alone. Add in a beautiful cover and I‘m good to go.

aeeklund Love this review! 6y
Book_in_hands Just starting to read it!!! 6y
BarbaraBB If i wouldn‘t already have stacked it, I definitely would have after reading your review! 6y
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MelissaS Great review! I added it to my reading list 6y
mom2bugnbee Ooo! I love dysfunctional families in books, & one of my prompts for one of my challenges is "colorful cover". Think I just found it! ? Thanks for the review! 6y
BibliOphelia I just lived this one too! ❤️❤️ 6y
youneverarrived Great review. Can‘t wait to read it even more now. Sounds right up my street! 6y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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Waiting for my chai + oat milk while Ian counts our change hah 😜.

I am LOVING this book. I feel personally affected by this story of Pinch and his passionate, charming, artistic father; a father he idolizes yet who is so selfish and self-absorbed that he destroys those around him without the slightest thought. I have struggled in this same way and I find this book completely enthralling.

BibliOphelia This book was one of my favorites this year! ❤️ 6y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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Art for art‘s sake. Or, an exploration of the fissures between father and son.

The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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I‘m ready to learn! 🤓🧐📖📚

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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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Another gorgeous cover. #bbc

The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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This book could be a little slow at times, but it had some interesting takes on the commercial art world and what it means to have a successful life. The book follows the life of a man who is always in the shadow of his artist father‘s success. His struggles to win approval from his narcissistic father shape his life. Lacking his father‘s charisma and self-assurance, he struggles to find his own way to making a mark on the world. 3.5⭐️

readordierachel That cover is mesmerizing. 6y
Redwritinghood @ReadOrDieRachel It‘s beautiful. 6y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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Up next.

Bambolina_81 I love that cover 6y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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I could stare at this cover all day! 😍 Book mail is the BEST mail. 📚🙌🏼📬 Have you read this? #TBR

#TheItalianTeacher is described as a “masterful novel about the son of a great painter striving to create his own legacy.. With his signature humanity and humor, #TomRachman examines a life lived in the shadow of greatness, cementing his place among his generation's most exciting literary voices.” #toberead #bookmail #coverlove #coverlover

Tanisha_A That cover is a colour blast! Love it! 😍 6y
ReadingSusan So gorgeous! 6y
GripLitGrl That cover!!😍😍 6y
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erzascarletbookgasm I‘m curious about this too. Great cover 👍 6y
JoScho That cover is amazing 😍 6y
Jess7 I know, right? Don‘t you need it for your shelves? @JoScho 6y
JoScho @Jess7 I really do! Also you should put this one on your TBR if it isn‘t already. I am about a third through and I think it would be up your alley 6y
Jess7 Thanks I saw something about it. I‘ll have to see if I can get After Anna from my library. I‘ve heard the story is good @JoScho - I just had to own the Italian Teacher based purely on that cover. It‘s soooooooo pretty, but I‘ve heard good things about t too. 6y
Sharpeipup That cover! 😍 6y
youneverarrived That‘s stunning 😍 and it sounds right up my street 😁 6y
Christine11 Gorgeous cover! 6y
Becker The cover is gorgeous and perfect 6y
Sheryl63 That is great cover art, for sure 6y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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Inspired by our upcoming Europe vacation, I put together a collage of books set in the cities we will be traveling to in June: #London, #Paris, and #Rome. I had the most trouble finding newer novels set in Rome.

Have you read any of these books? Do you have any recommendations for books set in any of the cities we will be traveling?

#EuropeVacation #FiveYearAnniversaryTrip #Celebrate #CheerstoFiveYears #UK #France #Italy #Vacation

BooksForEmpathy How FUN!! And romantic! And just exciting!!! 6y
Ruthiella I liked Beautiful Ruins too.Tom Rachman‘s debut The Imperfectionists is set mostly in Rome. You could also go waaaay back in time, if you like mysteries, and try one of John Maddox Roberts SPQR books. Not Rome but Italy in spring: Enchanted April by Elizabeth von Arnim was lovely (it is a sweet film too).😀 (edited) 6y
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vlwelser Angels and Demons by Dan Brown is my favorite modern book about Rome. I read it with a city map open. I didn't really care for his other books. 6y
britt_brooke The Paris Wife is really good! 6y
britt_brooke I #reread The Da Vinci Code before we went to Paris then Angels & Demons before Rome. Lots of art and architecture references in both, plus they‘re page-turners. But I‘m a sucker for Dan Brown‘s books so it all depends on if you like his stories. 6y
VelvetSpade I really liked Kate Quinn‘s Mistress of Rome but it‘s set in Gladiator times 🤗 6y
cariashley Oooh what a great trip! A fluffy light read set in Paris that I enjoyed a lot was 6y
lauraodom Try “ French Kids Eat Everything”. Really interesting read on how people there view food/eating differently than Americans. 6y
Jess7 I have read The Da Vinci Code, and I don‘t think I could do it again 😂 I am not a fan of Dan Brown‘s writing. But I know what you mean about the architectural references. I‘m going to check out The Paris Wife that you mentioned. @britt_brooke 6y
Jess7 That sounds really interesting @lauraodom 6y
Jess7 Thanks @VelvetSpade @cariashley @vlwelser @Ruthiella @CSeydel and @BooksForEmpathy - I‘ll have to look into the ones you mentioned. I‘m not a fan of Dan Brown, but my husband who is going loves his books so maybe he can share with me any of the really good architectural references in Angels and Demons 6y
britt_brooke @Jess7 It‘s true, Dan Brown is a pretty mediocre writer as far as technique. 😆 6y
Jess7 Have you read The Italian Teacher @britt_brooke ? I feel like I must own it because the cover is sooooo pretty! 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 6y
britt_brooke @Jess7 I haven‘t, but it is really pretty! 6y
rwmg Well, there is Iain Peters Art Crime series at least some of which are set in Rome and may give you ideas for off the beaten track art to see. 6y
MinDea They do a da Vinci code tour.. have you ever read those books? 6y
Jess7 Yes, I‘ve read The Da Vinci Code (but not the others in the series, T has. Unfortunately — I‘m not a fan of Dan Brown. I really dislike his writing and writing style 😞 T likes him though so he might into that sort of thing. @MinDea 6y
Jess7 Thanks @rwmg 6y
BarbaraBB About Paris I can recommend 6y
BarbaraBB I haven‘t read The Italian teacher but did read this one by Rachman, which is very good and situated in modern Rome: 6y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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So I picked this up after a few days‘ break. The section I put it down on was obvious, but I‘m enjoying the book overall. I can‘t help but compare it to The Heart‘s Invisible Furies because of the layout of the chapters and the age of the MC. I‘ve got to admit that in the comparison, Italian comes up short. 😕

Here‘s my handsome reading companion #HenryBoy. #dogsoflitsy #petsoflitsy #poodlesoflitsy

Jess7 Sooo cute! 6y
JulAnna 😍 6y
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BookNerd9906 That face! ❤️ 6y
CindyMyLifeIsLit I love poodles!! 😍. He‘s so cute!! 6y
minkyb ❣️❣️❣️ 6y
minkyb I think we should just decide now that Everything will come up short next to 6y
dylanisreading What a cutie! 6y
Megabooks @Jess7 @JulAnna @BookNerd9906 @CindyMyLifeIsLit @minkyb @Bianca Thank you!! ☺️☺️ He‘s so special to me! 6y
Megabooks @minkyb Pretty much. THIF is my favorite book published last year. 6y
Swe_Eva Ha, for a second I thought that first sentence was about the dog in the picture. 😂 6y
Megabooks @Swe_Eva lolololol! That‘s something I would think too! 😂😂😂 6y
AMain I have much love for THIF! 6y
Megabooks @AMain 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 6y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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#TBRtemptation post 1! Do you like Italy? Do you like art? Do you like historical fiction? 20th-Century art and all its tumultuousness are seen through Pinch, son of the great controversial painter Bear Bavinsky and ceramicist Natalie. Pinch admires his father, trying to live up to the family legacy. How will they all fare in Bear's overwhelming footprint? Twists, turns, compromises, and unexpected decisions develop. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎

kspenmoll Another #blameitonMrBook ! Sounds intriguing.😊❤️📚 6y
DebReads4fun Gorgeous cover! 6y
BookBabe Art? Yes! Count me in! I need this! 😍🙌🏻 6y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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Hello, gorgeous 😍 #bookmail

BibliOphelia That cover is luscious. I just finished it and can say the insides were a treat as well! 6y
TheFunkyBookworm Wow that cover! 😍 6y
Megabooks @BibliOphelia That is good to know! The blurb sounded good. 6y
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Megabooks @TheFunkyBookworm Right?!? I had to own instead of library. 6y
Updrifting That cover. 😍 6y
Reviewsbylola So gorgeous! 🙀😍😍 6y
Megabooks @Updrifting @Reviewsbylola I‘m in love! ❤️📚 6y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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This e-galley enticed me with Rachman, Italy, and art. But this book about living in the shadow of a famous parent, struggling to become your own person, and defining your own success was so much more. Pitch perfect, and full of that rare type of pathos that actually works, it was also full of genuinely interesting characters. Although the ending felt a bit abrupt, it ended as it should, without contrivance. #PenguinFirstToRead

Alfoster Great review! I so want to read this!😍 6y
BibliOphelia @Alfoster Thanks! I flew through it, it was so engaging! 6y
RaimeyGallant Nice review. :) 6y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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Wow. I can‘t say I cared for this one at all. The content inside does not match the beauty of its cover. I found the story to be dull and bland and there wasn‘t one character I enjoyed reading about. So definitely not the love I had for his previous book The Rise and Fall of Great Powers. 🙁🙁

YouReadMyEyes Bummer! 6y
Penny_LiteraryHoarders @YouReadMyEyes Big bummer!! 😭😭 6y
Reviewsbylola So horrible when a book doesn‘t live up to its cover. 6y
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Penny_LiteraryHoarders @Reviewsbylola right?!?! Thanks for that. I laughed at that. But it‘s the truth for sure!! 😊😊 6y
Coleen I almost added this to my wishlist earlier today because the cover sucked me in. But the description wasn‘t enough to convince me, so I passed. Thanks for making me feel justified. 😊 6y
Penny_LiteraryHoarders @Coleen it‘s such a bummer because we had to wait so long from his other one and it just didn‘t do a thing for me. 😫 6y
Marla I agree. I picked this because of the cover and I couldn‘t stand the characters. Pinch drove me crazy. He had no spine at all. I did not want to finish it but Penguin Random House went above and beyond helping me get the download link to work that I felt obligated. I feel like I wasted my time when I could have been reading something else. 6y
Penny_LiteraryHoarders @Marla ahhh sorry Maria! Yes he was spineless but what bothered me the most was Bear and how everyone around him enabled his horrid behaviour. He was a such an ass! Everyone grovelled around him!! But honestly - such a major bummer about this one!! 🙁🙁🙁 6y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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I don‘t know if I‘ve seen a more beautiful cover. Maybe Emily Bitto‘s The Strays? I love paint covers 🎨. I could stare at it all day.

This is new bookmail and I just want to sleep next to it and bring it to work to make me happy.

cobwebmoth So pretty! 6y
Jess7 I have said this before on here but I‘m a major #coverlover and often borrow and buy books based solely on the cover art. I think I recall resding that this one involves a love story or something which isn‘t my typical genre but I feel like I have to read it bc of that beautiful cover! 🤗🤣 6y
Jen_Reads That cover is so appealing to the eye. 6y
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BooksForEmpathy @Jess7 Same. The story actually appeals to me as well. But the cover steals the show. Any other favorites of yours I should know about!? 6y
Jess7 Favorite covers? Hmmm there are a lot. The first that comes to mind is this one, but I did not care for the book. 6y
Eggs Love that cover! And your photo! 6y
kspenmoll Beautiful cover & photo. 6y
Kalalalatja 😍😍😍 6y
MeganAnn This is so pretty! 😍 6y
mauveandrosysky Whoaaaa 😍 6y
Megabooks I have this from the library. I hope the writing is as beautiful!! 6y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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There is no better feeling than being the first person to crack open a library book!! #severebooknerdbehaviour. 😋☺️😋

JoScho Love it! 6y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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Picked this up from the library today. Only 7 days to read it since a whole whack of others are waiting in line to read it too. Should be no problem, it‘s not as chunky as his last one (which I loved).

Jess7 Love the cover! 😍😍 6y
Penny_LiteraryHoarders @Jess7 there are so many gorgeous book covers coming out this year!! I love it!! 6y
bookishbunny Stunning cover! 6y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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Congratulations @readinginthedark on your Litsy milestone! 🙌🙌💕🏆🍾🎉
#tbrforthewin a couple from my #tbr mountain!
Thanks for the chance to enter your giveaway... 👍💕

readinginthedark Thank you! And you‘re welcome! I hadn‘t heard of these two! 6y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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Oh boy! I won a #goodreadsgiveaway! I can‘t wait to read this book! Going to the top of my pile for sure! 😍 the cover.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa That is a gorgeous cover! 6y
AmyG Oooooo lucky! 6y
tojuxtapose Beautiful cover. 6y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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SQUEEEEEE! #galleybrag

Purpleness What a beautiful cover! 6y
LauraBeth I still want to read The Imperfectionists 6y
ValerieAndBooks Ooh, looks good!! 6y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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This book has one of the most satisfying endings that I have read in a long time. That alone would make this a pick for me. BUT, if this hadn‘t been an author I enjoyed in the past (The Imperfectionists is amazeballs!!) I would have bailed before getting to all of the goodness of the last third of the book. Overall, a pick. #netgalley

BookBabe Love this image! 🎨 6y
Alfoster Sounds good!😍 6y
Reviewsbylola Beautiful 😍 6y
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MicheleinPhilly Tom Rachman is one of my favorites. I can‘t wait for this! 6y
PacingTheCage That is a beautiful cover! 6y
TheKidUpstairs Loved The Imperfectionists, really enjoyed Rise and Fall too. So I'm super excited for this one. 6y
valeriegeary I have massive cover envy right now! 6y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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WHOOO-HOO!!!! This is totally a #galleybrag

I am soooooooo excited for this one. The Imperfectionists was one of my favorite books of all time!!!

Jas16 Can‘t wait to hear what you think 6y
BarbaraBB Mine too! Looking forward to your thoughts. Did you also read 6y
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Well-ReadNeck @BarbaraBB How did I miss that one? Stacking now!!! 6y
cathysaid Yes! Love his books! Thanks for the heads up! 6y
Penny_LiteraryHoarders @BarbaraBB I really really loved The Rise and Fall of Great Powers!! Haven‘t read The Imperfectionists yet tho. 😳 6y
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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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Soooooo excited for this one!!!

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The Italian Teacher | Tom Rachman
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This week‘s book haul #booksellerperks