The #staycationintimeswap was so much fun last year! Sign ups close soon!
And @Chrissyreadit runs the best swaps!! Check out her post for the link!
The #staycationintimeswap was so much fun last year! Sign ups close soon!
And @Chrissyreadit runs the best swaps!! Check out her post for the link!
😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 #LitsyHumor
Thank you Raimey! I love it all. 🤗 Book Friend are the Best Friends to have!! 💖
My heart is still warmed by the surprise Valentine's gift I received from @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego :) I just ordered a little something for you, too, Danielle, so look out for book mail from me in March!
This looks so fun!
1. 🇺🇸
2. I‘m reading 3 books lol—🇺🇸/🇬🇾, 🇺🇸🇳🇴
#hellothursday @wanderinglynn
1) 🇺🇸
2) 🇮🇹 and 🇬🇧
3) 🇬🇧
4) 🇯🇴 or 🇲🇦 or 🇹🇷 (Petra, Jordan; Marrakech, Morocco; Istanbul, Turkey) are all on the bucket list
1. 🇺🇸
2. The land of Khorasan is fictional, but based on ancient 🇮🇷
3. 🇨🇦 and 🇳🇬
4. 🇪🇬 🇳🇴 🇵🇪 🇹🇷 🇹🇭 🇮🇩
I found her! Still keeping my handle though. 🔎🌏💃 #CarmenSanDiego #funkopop
Hell to the Yeah!!! A live action movie AND an animated series coming to Netflix!! 😀💕
Thanks @melyndarae for the heads up.
Check out this post from @MinDea some of the info graphics she has so far- would love to see how many Littens we have in different states and countries! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1wwVVtzGlcRIvyb4cK1g4Ha60NuYR1gli6ZDI8PxTPM4/vie...
And here is just the US by state. This again, is a treemap that works by showing the size of population by size of the box. It also goes largest from top left corner to smallest bottom right corner.
#WhereInTheWorld @Kaye https://goo.gl/tC6Bh4
So here are all the "Other" countries that are not US, Canada, Germany, UK or Australia. This group makes up 12.2% of the population that filled the form out!
The size of the box indicates % of population and this Treemap also orders size going from top left corner to bottom right corner (largest to smallest respectively).
#WhereInTheWorld @Kaye https://goo.gl/tC6Bh4
Ok. I played with the data a little more tonight!
71.4% of the people who filled the form out are from the US. I'll post a view of the "Other" countries in just a minute.
US, Australia, Canada, Germany and the UK make up 87.8% of the Littens that filled out the form!
#WhereInTheWorld @Kaye https://goo.gl/tC6Bh4
I noticed we had almost 400 people fill this form out so I decided to play around with the data tonight. Those of you who didn't put in a zip I wasn't able to add you to this map but for those of you who did, this is what I show for #WhereInTheWorld! It's pretty cool! I'll keep the form open and update this every so often!
Also, 94.8% of Littens who filled this form out were women! Where are all the men?!?!
Ever wonder where your fellow Littens are from!? @MinDea and @Kaye are doing a survey to figure out just that! Click on the link below to participate!
I'm from the Boston, Massachusetts area 🇺🇸
Please help @Kaye and @MinDea with this geographical survey!! It would be cool to have an idea of where everyone lives!!! 🌎 🗺
@Kaye and @MinDea are gathering info about us, just for fun. It takes less than a minute to fill out the form, which doesn‘t ask anything deeply personal. I promise. So pop on over and participate, why don‘t ya!
Check out this great idea from @MinDea and @Kaye —they‘re doing a survey to find out where everyone is from! I love this... it‘s so interesting to see where everyone is reading from. 🌎 🌍
Take a look at their posts for more info, or go to the survey here: https://goo.gl/tC6Bh4
They‘re just asking for state/country!
@Kaye and @MinDea are trying to find out where in the World all us Littens are from (which is no mean feat!). They‘d like as many Littens as possible to take part in a survey, please do help them in this mammoth task. To do this click on the link below which will take you to a very short questionnaire, they are only asking for country and state.
#whereintheworld #LitsySurvey #Share #Repost
Reposting this excellent idea! Please enter the original post of @MinDea or @Kaye to answer this survey to get a Map of #whereintheworld is everybody in Litsy. #LitsySurvey #Repost
✔️Reposting for @MinDea and @Kaye who are trying to find out where all the many wonderful Littens are from. Here's the link to a very quick & simple survey. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1wwVVtzGlcRIvyb4cK1g4Ha60NuYR1gli6ZDI8PxTPM4/vie.... Your participation is much appreciated! 🌎🌍🌏❤️You can check out @MinDea 's post for all of the details. Mahalo! 🌺 #whereintheworld
Reposting this for @MinDea 😊 Finding out where Littens are from is a fun idea! Here‘s the link to a quick survey https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1wwVVtzGlcRIvyb4cK1g4Ha60NuYR1gli6ZDI8PxTPM4/vie...
@Kaye and I are trying to find out where all you Littens are from! If you'd like to participate in our geography survey please click this url and fill this form out! We are only asking for City/State and Country to get counts.
#WhereInTheWorld #LitsySurvey #Share #Repost
1️⃣ Northern Illinois, USA 🇺🇸
2️⃣ Fantasy and Historical Fiction
3️⃣ Both, depends on where I am
4️⃣ In the park
Thanks @Jhullie for creating this!
Southern IN
Mystery, Paranormal Romance
Sitting up/lying in bed
1. Michigan
2. Pride and Prejudice
3. Bloody Jack
4. Pirates of the Caribbean The Curse of the Black Pearl
5. Castle
6. Bryan Adams
7. Blue and pink
8. Historical fiction
9. At work
10. No pets
Thought it might be fun to see where everyone is! I'm in Columbia, South Carolina. Where are you?