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THE MOONSTONE (A Mystery Novel)
THE MOONSTONE (A Mystery Novel): Detective story from the prolific English writer, best known for The Woman in White, No Name, Armadale, The Law and The Lady, The Dead Secret, Man and Wife, Poor Miss Finch, The Black Robe and more | Wilkie COLLINS
The Moonstone is an epistolary novel, generally considered the first detective novel in the English language. Besides creating many of the ground rules of the detective novel, The Moonstone also reflected Collins' enlightened social attitudes in his treatment of the servants in the novel. Rachel Verinder, a young English woman, inherits a large Indian diamond on her eighteenth birthday. It is a legacy from her uncle, a corrupt British army officer who served in India. The diamond is of great religious significance as well as being extremely valuable, and three Hindu priests have dedicated their lives to recovering it. The story incorporates elements of the legendary origins of the Hope Diamond (or perhaps the Orloff Diamond). Wilkie Collins (18241889) was an English novelist, playwright, and author of short stories. His best-known works are The Woman in White, No Name, Armadale, and The Moonstone.
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Moonstone | Wilkie COLLINS
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I found this one to be a decent read as far as classics are considered. A mystery and Gothic tones as well as interesting characters was a solid way to pass my time during lunch breaks at work. #bookspin @thearomaofbooks

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! 4mo
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Moonstone | Wilkie COLLINS
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⭐️⭐️⭐️ I finally got around to reading the famous Moonstone!! When I read The Lady in White by Willie Collins I found myself in love with that book and decided to read this one.

Although this is a fairly easy read, it definitely didn‘t keep me as engaged as his other novel did. I found myself putting this one down longer than I was reading it.

Overall as a whole, I enjoyed it but The Lady in White was way better.

dabbe EXACTLY how I feel/felt! 🤩 5mo
BookMaven9 🙌🏻 5mo
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A soft pick, but I think it‘s still worth the time since it‘s one of the first detective novels. I kept thinking I had it right, then I got super duper confused, then it turned out I *was* right…mostly…Anyway, it‘s a ride, for sure. They got paid by the word at this point, and it was published serially, so take that into account. Also, Wilkie‘s mom died while he was writing this and it affected the narrative. 237/1,001 #1001Books #TBRTarot

dabbe I liked this one, but I LOVED THE WOMAN IN WHITE. 🩵❄️🩵 7mo
batsy I liked this quite a bit, but it does have a bit of an episodic feel (and confusion) to it. 7mo
AshleyHoss820 @dabbe I‘m excited to read that one!! 7mo
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AshleyHoss820 @batsy We all felt the same way. Collins had a LOT going on in his personal life, plus the serial nature where he was just writing off a section to meet deadlines meant he wasn‘t super consistent and had painted himself into a corner more than once. 😂 We read the Oxford World Classic edition and it had a lot of info in the notes section! ☺️ 7mo
dabbe @AshleyHoss820 🤩🤩🤩 7mo
AshleyHoss820 #TBRTarot prompt: Choose a Book Which Begins with a Prologue 7mo
CBee Awesome 👏🏻 7mo
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Moonstone | Wilkie COLLINS
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Catsandbooks 🧡🖤😂 8mo
Tamra So funny! 8mo
Gissy 🤣🤣🤣 8mo
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Moonstone | Wilkie COLLINS
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Catsandbooks 😂🤮 8mo
Tamra Ewwwww 8mo
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Moonstone | Wilkie COLLINS
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Catsandbooks 😂🧡 8mo
Tamra Hahahaha! 8mo
Gissy 🤣 8mo
dabbe 🤣🤣🤣 8mo
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Moonstone | Wilkie COLLINS
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Catsandbooks I'm totally guilty of judging books by the cover! 🙈😂 8mo
Bookwomble I mean, surely book covers are specifically designed for judgment 🧐 8mo
Gissy 🤣 8mo
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Moonstone | Wilkie COLLINS
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Finished this today. It was... Fine. There were some genuinely hilarious moments (Betteredge [and what an appropriate name!] was my favorite character, hands down), but overall it was slow and slightly disappointing. I'm glad I read it, though. 620 #worsearch points

#scarathlon Team #BOOklovers @Bookwormjillk

Bookwormjillk I agree. You could tell it was a serial read because it was really dragged out. 8mo
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Should have known better than to attempt a chunkster classic without the backing of the #HashtagBrigade 🤣 I had a really hard time concentrating on this one.

Did anyone else from team #BOOkLovers attempt this buddy read?

TheSpineView Great job! 9mo
AllDebooks I've finished it. I enjoyed it more as a teen. Defo could have used heavy #brigade edit!!! 9mo
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DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 9mo
SamAnne I was considering it but maybe will audio the shining instead! 9mo
PaperbackPirate No I didn‘t. Too long and I‘m (poorly) trying to tackle my tbr. I am going to try to read Ghosts though. Thank you for taking one for the team! 9mo
gossamerchild I'm still working on it and will probably finish it. 9mo
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#Scarathlon #TEAMBooklovers

Week 1 game

Wilkie Collins baclist - 15 titles
Moonstone in title - 8

Total 23 titles × 10 pts = 230 points

The Shining - 980 + 230 = 1210 points

@Bookwormjillk @Clwojick @StayCurious

Clwojick Brilliant! 🧡 9mo
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What a [LONG] ride! I loved Collins‘s THE WOMAN IN WHITE, and this is his other best known work. Being a friend of Dickens, Collins serialized this book, so the more he wrote, the more he got paid. It could have been whittled down quite a bit, but part of the fun in reading Victorian literature is the fact that a lot of them are chunky! 👇🏻

dabbe I loved the characters, the rollercoaster-ride-of-a story, and all that 19th-century British stuff EXCEPT colonialism. 😊

(edited) 1y
Ruthiella I don‘t think that is true that Victorian writers wrote more so that they would get paid more. The time frame and word count were more or less established from the start between author and publication. The works are long and detailed because that‘s what the public wanted. (edited) 1y
Amiable Yay! Another one bites the dust! 😃 1y
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dabbe @Ruthiella I didn't mean to imply that all Victorian writers wrote more just to make more money. And I totally agree with your viewpoint that the writers gave the Victorian public what they wanted. I also know, though, through my research when teaching Dickens and Jane Eyre that most 3-volume novels (like The Moonstone) were borrowed from commercial circulating libraries, and the person who could afford to borrow all 3 volumes👇🏻 (edited) 1y
dabbe at once (charged at a higher rental fee) made both the publisher and author quite a profit. This system also encouraged publishers and authors to produce as many novels as possible, due to the almost-guaranteed profits that would be made on each borrowed volume. 1y
Morr_Books I loved this one as well! ❤ 1y
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Library book club...
Very amusingly, I requested a copy from another branch and this one arrived. Its a young reader version, so condensed and 'accessible' in vocabulary and language. I'm thinking I could always opt for these versions!!!♡☆

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“I address these lines—written in India—to my relatives in England.“

The Moonstone | Wilkie COLLINS
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One of these years I‘ll finally try Wilkie Collins. They both seem like they‘d make good October reads and are patiently waiting on my shelves for whenever I‘m ready.

#OminousOctober #Moon
@Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Tamra I love The Woman in White! 2y
Ruthiella I‘m a fan of Wilkie Collins. The Woman in White remains my favorite! 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Pretty covers 🖤🌝📚 2y
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jlhammar @Tamra @Ruthiella Good to know! I'll have to try that one first. 2y
Sophronisba The Woman in White is soooo good. 2y
Eggs Cover Love!! 2y
MaGoose Me too. Collins' books have quite a bit of dust on them as they sit on my bookshelf waiting to be read. One of these days.... 😄 2y
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What happens when you take your kiddo and her nana to your favorite used book store: kiddo gets bored halfway through decimating the MG books and refuses to browse the non-series section, then they wander aimlessly, finding the one who actually wanted time to browse every 45 seconds to ask if you‘re done yet. Then MIL started reminding me we needed to get back to the house so she could work on dinner because the whole clan is coming 😫

ravenlee So, I got three books for myself. Kiddo got 15 and a Lego Brick Head 🤷🏻‍♀️ #shouldaseenthatcoming 2y
Avanders 😧 Hope you find some time to go back in peace soon! 😉 2y
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I haven't finished either of my Jan #roll100 books but I'm still excited about the numbers for Feb! (I'll prob finish The Greatest Knight today, but the tordotcom short stories will definitely carry over.)
36 - Down Among the Sticks and Bones... apparently I messed up and put this on the list twice so it had slightly better odds lol
90 - The Moonstone
Looking forward to both! Thanks @PuddleJumper 🙂

PuddleJumper You're doing great! 2y
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The Moonstone | Wilkie COLLINS
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My second Wilkie Collins, and though it didn‘t live up to The Woman in White, there‘s a lot here to enjoy for the detective fan! As one of the earliest in the genre, it helped codify many tropes, like the reenactment of the crime. A good mystery.

Once again Mr. Collins‘ characters express sexism, racism, & ableism throughout, yet once again he has written “exceptional” characters into the novel that defy these stereotypes. An interesting author.

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This was great fun! I made it to 24 hours and then kept reading to finally finish the tagged book. @MonthlyBookClub #mbcreadathon #mbcbookfrogsreadathon13

elyseh Entered 3y
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MonthlyBookClub entered 3y
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#doublebookspin #TheAromaofBooks

Reread of a favorite.

EvieBee Yaaas! So good. 3y
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The Moonstone | Wilkie COLLINS
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I dnf‘d this one a few years ago but I‘m going to try again with the audio version and a diamond painting

#taketwo #tryingagain #aclassic

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Weird story!

Jaimelire I need this spoon😍 3y
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The Moonstone | Wilkie COLLINS
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Thanks to @MoonWitch94 for the great books 📚 and the autumnal things including pumpkin spice frappe.

@rsteve388 @Bookgoil #LLFS #litsylovefallswap

MoonWitch94 Hope you enjoy them! The Pumpkin Spice Frappe is delicious 😋 4y
Bookgoil Mm frappe sounds delicious! 4y
Crazeedi 🍁❤️🍂 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 📚🎉👏🏻 4y
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2.75⭐️ Felt it was too long and it could have been a little shorter; also felt as though the story was too confusing and I just wish I could have followed the story better. Part of it was that it was a readalong and it was a book that I had never read #bookstagram #classics #bookreview #mystery #2020 #readalong #ebook

Sace I was thinking of using this one for #ReadYourSign but maybe I'll skip it and read the Nancy Drew with "moonstone" in the title. 4y
melissajayne @Sace realize that it‘s just my opinion about much for the book; don‘t let it discourage you from reading it. 4y
Sace @melissajayne I'm sure I will get around to it eventually, but I pledged to read 5 books and for once I'd like not to flake out 😂 Nancy is one I know I can finish. This book might take me longer. 4y
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The Moonstone | Wilkie COLLINS
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There was a twist that was cool, but other than that it dragged on and on and on. Also there were certain scenes that were so sexist, I was wondering if that's really just how bad it was back then, or it was so extreme that I wondered if the author was trying to be funny.

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#jamminjune #moonlight The Moonstone, a priceless Indian diamond which had been brought to England as spoils of war, is given to Rachel Verrinder on her eighteenth birthday. That very night, the stone is stolen. Suspicion then falls on a housemaid, on Rachel's cousin Franklin Blake, on a troupe of mysterious Indian jugglers, and on Rachel herself.

Eggs Lovely 🌕💕📚👏🏻 4y
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Is this book ever going to end? 300 pgs longer than it needs to be.

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1. The Moonstone
2. The Uncommon Reader
3. I've read quite a few books with 500+ pgs but the biggest was The Green Mile.

#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain

The Moonstone | Wilkie COLLINS
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If I was judging a book by its cover I would have no clue how these 3 covers could combine into the same book.
My current read.

Sace I posted a fourth cover for that book too! 4y
Blueberry @Sace How did you like the book? 4y
Sace Well.... I haven't actually read it. I'm contemplating it for the #readyoursign challenge in June. 4y
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This hefty classic is a little daunting, but I quickly fell into the rhythm of the complex language and convoluted plot. The characters are fun, and there's some great satire, as well as an intriguing story and a satisfying resolution. Setting aside my anachronistic rage that the stone was stolen from India in the first place (Why didn't they just give it back?! That would've solved all the problems!), I thoroughly enjoyed this book! ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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This was my second Collins after The Woman in White. I like his writing style, which is easy to read even though the books are big chunksters. I enjoyed it, even though the ending stretched credulity and Collins has weird ideas about 'ugly' people, who deserves happiness, and of course the typical racist and colonial views of his time.

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I have finished my second Collins novel, and am once again surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Considered to be the first detective novel, it‘s a well-written Victorian era story that never got boring and has some really excellent characters. Gabriel Betteredge, despite his flaws, is fantastic whether he‘s narrating or not. Funny, smart, obsessed with Robinson Crusoe, he‘s basically the butler and carries this book with his detective fever.⬇️⬇️

sprainedbrain I mean, look at this: ‘We had our breakfasts-whatever happens in a house, robbery or murder, it doesn't matter, you must have your breakfast.‘ Betteredge was endlessly entertaining and I was riveted by this story.


KimHM Soooo . . . the butler can‘t have done it? 😂📚💚📚💙📚❤️ 5y
sprainedbrain @KimHM Spoiler alert: The butler did not do it! Of course, there is only one ending to this one... 😂 5y
batsy I like this one a lot, too! So entertaining. 5y
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Which one should I get to read first??????

ljuliel I‘ve read them both, but it was a long time ago. They‘re both very good. I think The Woman in White is a bit easier to get into, but they‘re both the same level of good. 5y
Jess I vote for the Woman in White. I just finished it and really liked it. Enjoy whichever you choose. 5y
Librarybelle I liked The Moonstone. I haven‘t had a chance to read The Woman In White yet. 5y
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Lucy_Anywhere I enjoyed The Moonstone - very high gothic! 5y
batsy I've read them both and loved them! 5y
Avanders These are both on my tbr! Will get to one of them, one of these days... 😬 5y
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I had no idea BBC had done a new adaptation of my favorite Wilke Collins novel. Im coming down with a lovely bug my son shared with me and this will be perfect to be sick with.


Loved this book all the way through

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(Day 28 - #InvisibleTouch)

*I can only call this a stretch, but it‘s exactly where my mind went with the prompt. Some (suspend disbelief?) “invisible touches” in this novel:
~Rosanna Spearman, who manages to remove an article of clothing without the wearer, Franklin Blake, knowing it;
~Mr Candy, the doctor who secretly administers laudanum to Franklin;
~Franklin, who stole the Moonstone diamond, unbeknownst to himself.
💎 🧪 👰

Cinfhen Plenty of eye rolls 😜🙄well done!!!!! 5y
Mdargusch I need to get to Woman in White. It‘s been on my TBR for a few years. 😬 5y
emilyhaldi Works for me!! Woman in White could certainly work for this prompt too 5y
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Reviewsbylola I‘ve got this on my TBR. 5y
gradcat @emilyhaldi I agree...I had a hard time picking between the two books. 5y
gradcat @Reviewsbylola @Mdargusch I love these books...I hope you like them! 5y
gradcat @Cinfhen Eye rolls, eh...I wonder what that means...🤔 5y
Cinfhen Your examples were on point but the examples as a reader would cause me eye rolls a plenty!!! I don‘t like suspension of belief as a plot device 5y
gradcat @Cinfhen Oh, yes...you‘re right... I‘m not a big buyer of suspension of (dis)belief either—I agree with you! 5y
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1. Tagged
2. Try and get ahead with school work
3. Ewww no!
4. Hmmm idk, that‘s a difficult question. There are soo many names that I love that I would use!
#friyayintro @howjessreads

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Illustration by William Sharp. 1944

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Isn't that a thing of beauty! 1944

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The moonstone is a legendary diamond named after the Hindu God of the Moon. In this classic, a young English girl inherits the diamond on her birthday, not knowing that it was stolen from its guardians and that Hindu priests have dedicated their lives to finding the missing treasure.

#winterwonderland #crystaldays

TrishB Beautiful pick ❤️ 6y
Cathythoughts Beautiful ✨✨✨✨ 6y
Cinfhen Sounds good 👌🏽 6y
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batsy Clever! 6y
vivastory Well played! 6y
Freespirit This is one of my top reads...also loved The women in White by Wilkie Collins. Highly recommend. 6y
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Moonstone | Wilkie COLLINS

Still an intriguing puzzle told with a sly sense of humour by a chain of witnesses

Moonstone | Wilkie COLLINS
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Ericalambbrown I really love this book. 6y
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Moonstone | Wilkie COLLINS
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Well, it's not the 300+ that I read last year, but I'm still quite pleased. The Moonstone was a great one to finish the challenge with. So, what has my reading year been like? I spent quite a bit of time with mysteries (Dublin Murder Squad #2-6 & the first 3 Cormoran Strike), I read several classics this year that immediately became all-time favorites (Northanger Abbey, Crime & Punishment, Great Expectations) & several astonishing contemporary 👇

Liz_M That is a fabulously large number of books! Congrats 6y
vivastory works that are destined to become classics (Half of a Yellow Sun, House of Leaves, The Blazing World, Song of Achilles). I read a lot of titles that have been on my TBR for years, & they did not disappoint. I participated in several enlightening, fantastic buddy reads ( #littleraskols The Blazing World, Confederacy of Dunces, Les Mis) & read mostly backlist titles. A good year! 6y
Minervasbutler Wow that is impressive! 6y
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erzascarletbookgasm Awesome 👏👍🤓 6y
Daisey Congratulations! That is an impressive list! 6y
JoScho 🎉💖🎉💖🎉 6y
PurpleyPumpkin Wow, that‘s amazing. Congratulations!🎉 6y
TheLibrarian Congrats!!! That‘s a lot of books!!! 6y
Redwritinghood 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 And I ❤️ The Moonstone too. Great book. 6y
Jas16 🙌🏽 6y
DivineDiana 👏🏻😲👏🏻📚 6y
rubyslippersreads 🎉📚🎉📚🎉🎉🎉 6y
Cinfhen Wow!!!! That‘s fabulous 🙌🏻💕🌈 6y
kishore_kk 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 6y
rockpools Wow! 6y
Kalalalatja Well done Scott! 👏👏👏 6y
julesG Congratulations! 6y
LeahBergen Wow!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 6y
Leftcoastzen Wow , I‘ll be lucky to hit 90! Great job 6y
Moray_Reads Congrats! 6y
sprainedbrain That‘s awesome! 🎉🎉⭐️ 6y
kspenmoll Congrats! Amazing! 🎉🎉🎉 6y
ErikasMindfulShelf 🎉🎉👏👏 6y
HardcoverHearts Congratulations!!!! 6y
readordierachel Hot damn! Way to go! 🤘🏼🎉🙂 6y
Suet624 That‘s amazing. Congrats! 6y
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Moonstone | Wilkie COLLINS
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"Hush, for Heaven's Sake!"

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Moonstone | Wilkie COLLINS
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Moonstone | Wilkie COLLINS
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Current Read.

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I unexpectedly loved this Victorian twisty-turny mystery. I enjoyed the story and investigation, the snarky characterizations, humor, little jabs at contemporary society. The reason I am deducting a star is because it is at least twice as long as it needs to be.

I listened to the audiobook narrated by Peter Jeffrey. His narration is superb. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

erzascarletbookgasm I want to read this soonish. I liked 6y
Gezemice @erzascarletbookgasm I think I will need to read that one, too! 6y
jillrhudy Love! I need to get this audio! 6y
Redwritinghood I love this book too. I will have to look for the audiobook. 6y
Gezemice @jillrhudy @Redwritinghood It is worth it. I got mine on Libby through the library. 6y
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