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The Lathe of Heaven
The Lathe of Heaven | Ursula K Le Guin
For the first time in eBook edition comes a science fiction classic that is at once eerie and prescient, wildly entertaining and ferociously intelligent. Winner of the Nebula Award, the Hugo Award, the Locus Award, and one of the most acclaimed writers in science fiction, Ursula Le Guins classic novel The Lathe of Heaven imagines a world in which one mans dreams can change all of our realities. In a world beset by climate instability and overpopulation, George Orr discovers that his dreams have the power to alter reality. Upon waking, the world he knew has become a strange, barely recognizable place, where only George has the clear memory of how it was before. He seeks counseling from Dr. William Haber, a psychiatrist who immediately understands how powerful a weapon George wields. Soon, George is a pawn in Habers dangerous game, where the fate of humanity grows more imperiled with every waking hour. As relevant to our current world as it was when it won the Locus Award, Ursula Le Guins novel is a true classic, at once eerie and prescient, wildly entertaining and ferociously intelligent.
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The Lathe of Heaven | Ursula K Le Guin
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My book club‘s February read, this was thought-provoking and made for a fantastic discussion. The premise is immediately engaging: a man‘s dreams have the power to reshape reality. But the way that premise plays out turns the whole “what if your dreams could come true” idea on its head. What if someone else manipulated your dreams and subsequently reality itself for their own (semi-altruistic but ultimately misguided) ends? ⬇️

BarbaraJean (Cont‘d) LeGuin uses this premise to explore so many utopian/dystopian ideas that are absolutely fascinating to me, and the personalities she uses to do so give this idea-driven story a very human core. SO good. Now to read the other two books collected in this omnibus edition with its weird cover. 😆 3mo
Ruthiella Great review! I definitely want to read this! 👍 3mo
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The Lathe Of Heaven: A Novel | Ursula K. Le Guin
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Had a phenomenal reading week finishing two physical and two audiobooks. Highlight of the week was the tagged. It was just seven hours but packed a punch.

Goal this week is to finish Burning Stars and make good progress in Counterfeit. I'm trying to carve out more reading time but lately the family has been binging Below Decks in our free time.

The Lathe Of Heaven: A Novel | Ursula K. Le Guin
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Beautifully written look at the nature of reality and good intentions versus repercussions. I wasn't sure of the narrator listening to the audiobook but I was won over by the depth of emotion that he was able to convey.

The Lathe of Heaven | Ursula K Le Guin
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This is a reread since it was selected by my book club. As before, a decade ago, I really enjoyed it. I love the concepts that it plays with. Also, after 10 more years, it brought up a whole set of novel thoughts (for me). Glad I reread it 🙂

The Lathe Of Heaven: A Novel | Ursula K. Le Guin
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This classic SF novel involves a man whose dreams cause the world to be altered. The jumps to different realities makes the reading challenging, but LeGuin poses many thought-provoking questions.

#BacklistReadathon @clwojick @TheAromaofBooks
#gottacatchemall @PuddleJumper (prompt 22: “Koffing: Dystopian setting“)
#52bookclub24 (prompt 12: “Title starting with the letter L“)

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The Lathe Of Heaven: A Novel | Ursula K. Le Guin
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The Lathe Of Heaven | Ursula K. LeGuin
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What would you do if your dreams came true? This is the dilemma of our protagonist. His initial solution was to try never to dream. He then falls prey to his psychiatrist who uses this ability for his own purposes. A real classic! As a long-standing SF reader, I‘m surprised I‘d never read this book, or this author. I will be adding more to my TBR mountain. Thanks to #authoramonth and @Soubhiville for pushing me once again to try a new to me author

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The Lathe Of Heaven: A Novel | Ursula K. Le Guin
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Me at the end of Chapter 7.


Jess I‘m going to start this one tomorrow and will now be looking out for chapter 7! 13mo
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The Lathe Of Heaven: A Novel | Ursula K. Le Guin
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Omg my brain hurts. That was so so good! #authoramonth @Soubhiville

vivastory One of my favorites of all time 13mo
BarkingMadRead @vivastory if never heard of this author! Now I need more! 13mo
KathyWheeler @BarkingMadRead The Left Hand of Darkness and The Dispossessed are both really good. 13mo
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BarkingMadRead @KathyWheeler thank you!!! 13mo
bnp Glad you liked it. ⭐ 13mo
vivastory I second the rec of Left Hand etc 13mo
Clare-Dragonfly OMG you‘ve never read Ursula before?! You are in for such a treat as you go through her books! So excited for you! (edited) 13mo
KathyWheeler @BarkingMadRead The Left Hand of Darkness has an interesting take on gender, especially considering it was published in 1969. 13mo
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The Lathe Of Heaven | Ursula K. LeGuin
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Reading at the Houston Zoo!

Ruthiella Love it! 🐢 😊 13mo
willaful That is so fun! 13mo
tpixie Fun! 13mo
LiteraryinLawrence I love that!! 13mo
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The Lathe Of Heaven | Ursula K. LeGuin
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Okay, so I‘m not actually digging into my #AuthorAMonth selection until a bit later in June, but since I stirred up so much controversy I thought I‘d pull my copy of this off the shelf now before I caused any more trouble 😅🤣 You ladies can let me know if you agree with my assessment or if I‘m just a wuss. 🤗💙 @BarkingMadRead @dabbe @Soubhiville

Soubhiville Ha! Definitely looks vintage. Let‘s just say I wouldn‘t pick this up based on the cover alone. Hopefully what‘s inside will be good though. 🙂 13mo
IndoorDame @Soubhiville 🤞🏼 13mo
BarkingMadRead Omg this is amazing 🤣🤣 13mo
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dabbe Yowza! That's about as vintage as it gets! I'm excited to read something of hers because I've never read her before! Any you'd recommend as the starter to her works? 💙💚💙 13mo
IndoorDame @BarkingMadRead @dabbe like a time machine! 😂 13mo
IndoorDame @dabbe I‘d survey some of the readers in the group who know her better, I‘m just starting out with this author too. 13mo
bnp LeGuin is a favorite author for me, but I'm not sure what to recommend as a starting point., Be cause it depends on what a reader likes. Fantasy: The Earthsea trilogy published in the 1970s? And then a look at how she rounds out the character of Tenar, and the role of women and dragons 20 years later? 13mo
bnp Science fiction: I'm partial to The lathe of heaven, though it freaked me out a bit as a teenager. The left hand of darkness for exploration of "ambisexuality"? (Though it feels dated now, that was also a challenge for teenage me.) The dispossessed "anarchist utopia" 13mo
bnp And then there's are collections of essays, and things like Searoads and Always coming home. 13mo
IndoorDame @bnp what a perfect overview! Thanks! @dabbe 13mo
dabbe Many thanks, @bnp! 💙💚💙 13mo
bnp @IndoorDame @dabbe You're welcome! 13mo
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The Lathe Of Heaven | Ursula K. LeGuin
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Starting my #authoramonth selection today! @Soubhiville

IndoorDame Oooh, I‘m into the modern cover! I‘m planning to read the same one, but the 70s era cover on my used (or possibly stolen from my father‘s bookshelves?🤷🏻‍♀️) copy kinda creeps me out. 13mo
Soubhiville I second @IndoorDame , that‘s a great cover! Enjoy it 🙂 13mo
BarkingMadRead @IndoorDame now I‘m intrigued! I can only imagine that cover, those book covers in the 70s were crazy creepy! 13mo
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IndoorDame @BarkingMadRead haha 😂 I‘ll tag you whenever I get to it this month! 13mo
BarkingMadRead @indoordame it makes me think of Grady Hendrix and his book 13mo
IndoorDame @BarkingMadRead Grady Hendrix is so wild! His book covers always strike me as: that‘s amazing/how did I not know this existed/I think I‘d be scared to read it 🤣🤣🤣 13mo
dabbe @IndoorDame Tag me, too! I wanna get creeped out! 🤣🤣🤣 13mo
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The Lathe Of Heaven | Ursula K. LeGuin
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These are so cool!

kspenmoll I have to go to the post office! 3y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm ❤️😱❤️ 3y
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The Lathe of Heaven | Ursula K Le Guin
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I‘m, again, surprised and delighted by U.K. Le Guin. This hypnotic tale, in which dreams alter reality, explores a power struggle about whether and how that ability should be used. The characters are embodiments of ideologies and the plot is a thought experiment, but this short novel ramped up the stakes so quickly and turned its twists so sharply that it was also very compulsively readable sci-fi! I especially recommend it to Philip K. Dick fans.

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The Lathe Of Heaven: A Novel | Ursula K. Le Guin
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I was motivated to post my 5 fave sci-fi books due to an earlier post from @theneverendingtbr Fifth Season might be pushing the definition a bit, but what struck me as unique was the mixture of sci-fi & fantasy elements. Honorable mention goes to: Necromancer, Recursion & Cat's Cradle. What are your fave sci-fi books?

Nute Awesome choices. Happy to see The Island of Dr. Moreau on the list. I really like that book as well. And Recursion getting an accolade as honorable-mentioned. I need to read that book! 3y
tenar I have The Lathe of Heaven on hold at the library; now you‘ve got me really excited for it! Her other book The Left Hand of Darkness would make my top five. 3y
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The Lathe Of Heaven: A Novel | Ursula K. Le Guin
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This week I had the chance of reading 2 very good books:
- Slow Bullets by Alastair Reynolds - an impulse buy at the library sale that turned out to be a great read.
- the tagged book which was awesome, by one of my favorite authors. Written a few decades ago, it felt like it was written yesterday, with all the social and human condition aspects touched (war, racism, power). Loved it! This was also my #BookSpin, so happy to finish it.
Both picks!

claudiuo @TheAromaofBooks I wanted to read this book for so long... Thank you! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Great progress!! 4y
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The Lathe Of Heaven: A Novel | Ursula K. Le Guin

This book is AMAZING! One of the best books I‘ve read in a really long time! It‘s a relatively short read, with only 11 chapters and a little 150 pages, but amazing non-the-less. It speaks volumes on society‘s problems and issues of “today” (granted this was written decades ago but still very relevant) and the concept (changing reality through dreams) leaves the possibilities endless for more content. Short read but an absolute must! Read over 3x

The Lathe Of Heaven: A Novel | Ursula K. Le Guin

A fantastic exploration of utilitarian ethics in a sci-fi, post apocalyptic setting. It‘s like this book was made with me in mind, nearly twenty years before I was born. I adore this story.

The Lathe Of Heaven: A Novel | Ursula K. Le Guin
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The shelves of gravel and the cliffs of rock break from water baldly into air, that dry, terrible outer space of radiance and instability, where there is no support for #life. And now, now the currents mislead and the waves betray, breaking their endless circle, to leap up in loud foam against rock and air, breaking…. #QuotsyJan20

The Lathe Of Heaven: A Novel | Ursula K. Le Guin
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As someone who has strange but realistic dreams, this book was fascinating and terrifying at the same time.

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The Lathe Of Heaven: A Novel | Ursula K. Le Guin
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After watching The Jane Austen Book Club yesterday, I was inspired to immediately hit the library to pick up something by Ursula K LeGuin (and a couple of Austen novels I‘ve yet to read). I was thinking maybe The Left Hand of Darkness, but this is the only one they had on the shelf, so I went with it. At about 50%, I‘m definitely enjoying the ethical questions it poses. Still feels relevant.

The Lathe Of Heaven | Ursula K. LeGuin
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1. Really great read
2. JJ
3. Onion rings!
4. Possibly dress shopping for my super casual wedding coming up 😊
5. Only one 😔

#friyayintro @howjessreads

Avanders Super casual wedding sounds fun! 👏🏽👏🏽 congrats!! 🎉🍾 ♥️ 5y
underthebelljar @Avanders Thank you! 😊 It‘s going to be a small wedding at the courthouse with some family and close friends 5y
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The Lathe Of Heaven | Ursula K. LeGuin
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Do the ends justify the means?

A thoughtful book about morality, overpopulation, environmentalism, utopian societies, the human subconscious, and the nature of dreams.

SpaceCowboyBooks My favorite Le Guin book. 5y
underthebelljar @SpaceCowboyBooks The first I‘ve read of hers and I was pleasantly surprised! The story will stay with me for a while. 5y
SpaceCowboyBooks Generally I enjoy her short stories more than her novels and poetry. Great stuff. 5y
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The Lathe Of Heaven: A Novel | Ursula K. Le Guin
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The Lathe Of Heaven: A Novel | Ursula K. Le Guin
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The Lathe Of Heaven: A Novel | Ursula K. Le Guin
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Third book down. While there‘s no way I‘ll hit 24 hours of reading done, I‘m really grateful this readathon came along to help me get through some smaller books. I enjoyed this book a lot. I‘ll have to think about this book more to get a deeper appreciation of it but I always enjoy a good “what if?” type of story. #24B4Monday

vivastory I loved this one 5y
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The Lathe Of Heaven: A Novel | Ursula K. Le Guin
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Mind bending! The way Le Guin shifts the “reality” of the narrative as Orr dreams. It‘s disorienting and thrilling. Kind of fun as you catch yourself thinking, “Wait. That‘s not what his office was like two pages ago.” Living in Portland and looking at Mt. Hood also makes it doubly fun to read.

The Lathe Of Heaven: A Novel | Ursula K. Le Guin
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Today I finished my favorite local independent bookstore‘s monthly #bookclub book. This is one of few sci-fi books I‘ve ever read and it was intriguing. I like being exposed to new books and this one got me thinking. It didn‘t quite end how I expected, but I liked exploring the ideas of dreams, reality, humanity, world issues and power. 3/5 ⭐️ // #scifi #sciencefiction #fiction #review #35before35list

The Lathe of Heaven | Ursula K Le Guin
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I remember seeing the PBS adaptation of this in high school and loving it. It‘s about a man named George who has “effective” dreams - in other words, his dreams actually change reality. George‘s interactions with a manipulative psychiatrist eventually leads to chaos and the book shows the dangers of having a God complex, even if one‘s intentions seem “good” on the surface. A great read!

The Lathe Of Heaven | Ursula K. LeGuin
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I honestly don‘t think I‘m equipped to review but will try.

A man whose dreams alter reality and and a doctor who wants to harness and control those dreams, was fantastic. In a world that has a multitude of problems, the doctors good intentions to control the dreams to make the world a better place, however it comes with dangerous side effects.

God complexes are extremely dangerous even when benevolent.

vivastory This book is🍌👖. Absolutely brilliant. 5y
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The Lathe Of Heaven | Ursula K. LeGuin
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This is such a good book! I am about halfway through and I just need to read more! Between this, The Disposessed and The Left Hand of Darkness, Le Guin really has written all of my favourite sci-fi! Minerva is keeping me company while I read!

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The Lathe Of Heaven: A Novel | Ursula K. Le Guin
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This is a fascinating thought experiment about what could happen if one could change the world with dreams and the way innocuous or even well-meaning desires could go horribly wrong. I did feel the characters were held at a bit of a remove but the concept is great.

#dogsofLitsy #Bindi #Greta #Gunther

LeahBergen It looks cozy at your place! ❤️ 6y
Hooked_on_books @LeahBergen Currently, yes. It alternates between that and chaos! 😂🐶🐶🐶 6y
Soubhiville That‘s a wonderful place to be, covered and surrounded in love. 6y
Pedrocamacho Love this book! 6y
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The Lathe Of Heaven | Ursula K. LeGuin
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Half price books 20% off sale . Like I need more books.😂

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The Lathe of Heaven | Ursula K Le Guin

You have to help another person. But it‘s not right to play God with masses of people. To be God you have to know what you‘re doing. And to do any good at all, just believing you‘re right and your motives are good isn‘t enough. You have to … be in touch.

LitsyWelcomeWagon Welcome to Litsy! Hope these #Litsytips by @RaimeyGallant http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: goo.gl/UrCpoU are helpful. There‘s so many fun things to do: book exchanges, buddy reads, photo challenges and more! Check out @LitsyHappenings for details. #LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
Eggs Welcome 👋🏻🌸 6y
Wattrat Thanks! 6y
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The Lathe Of Heaven: A Novel | Ursula K. Le Guin
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1️⃣ Nope.
2️⃣ In Canada, the least bad of these services is Netflix. CraveTV is nearly equal. There is also TouTV, which has French language programming.
3️⃣ SF.🚀🛸
4️⃣ If someone else is watching tv when I'm reading.
5️⃣ What I want is Lathe of Heaven to not be made into a series, but I hear it's in development anyway. ☹️
@Ke633 #tellmetuesday

Ke633 Maybe they will not ruin it. I like sci-fi too. Thanks for sharing! 6y
tournevis @Ke633 It's just they ruined it both times it's been tried. I mean the first time the Black female lead wasn't even Black and the second time she was "played" by Lisa Bonet. I mean! The bar is rather low, but it's such as great book! 6y
Ke633 I hate when they do that! 6y
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The Lathe Of Heaven: A Novel | Ursula K. Le Guin
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1️⃣ Surviving
2️⃣ Did not keep count. The tagged book, plus a few other things and fanfic.
3️⃣ Winter, because even though I hate freezing, I hate swealtering heat even more.
4️⃣ I've seen a lot of good ones. The most surprisingly good concert I saw was the Hothouse Flowers in 1990. I was not expecting anything and they blew the house up.
5️⃣ Ok!
@jesshowbooks #friyayintro

rockpools 1. Yup. 6y
tournevis @RachelO Right!? 6y
Trashcanman What's you! Hope all is WELL! 😊 6y
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tournevis @Trashcanman My parents are back. 6y
Trashcanman @tournevis super sweet! Hug your mom for me and tell its from a stranger in California. 6y
tournevis @Trashcanman Sure. That won't confuse her at all! 😋 6y
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The Lathe Of Heaven: A Novel | Ursula K. Le Guin
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@BookishTrish The book is on its way back to you! 😘

The Lathe Of Heaven: A Novel | Ursula K. Le Guin
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1️⃣ The entirely state or the world at this point.
2️⃣ Coffee. Shower. Scheduled tasks. Not talking.
3️⃣ Chocolate.
4️⃣ If I get time, tagged, for #LMPBC #MooseMoose
@Chellebearss #Moodymonday

Chellebearss Chocolate makes everything better! 😃 6y
tournevis @Chellebearss Yes, yes it does. That's why I have the word chocolate in Mandarin tattoed on my left ankle. 6y
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The Lathe Of Heaven: A Novel | Ursula K. Le Guin
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#triplwthreatthursday @MelAnn
1️⃣ Today? None that comes to mind. As a teenager, Muad'Dib.
2️⃣ Getting better. Kicking this medical mystery to the curb (or kerb, I'm not picky).
3️⃣ ☝️

MelAnn Thank you for playing! 6y
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The Lathe Of Heaven: A Novel | Ursula K. Le Guin

"Come on up with me," he said. "It's raining already." In fact it was, the endless warm drizzle of spring - the ice of Antarctica, falling softly on the heads of the children of those responsible for melting it.

laurieluna I got this during the litsy meet up in York. Eager to get to it! 6y
Leniverse @miralunasbooknook It's very short and excellent, so you might as well read it sooner rather than later! 😄 6y
Cathythoughts 💫💫💫 6y
laurieluna @Leniverse already have about 7 books on the go 😂 a couple are short so I'll finish them in the next week and then pick this up 😊 6y
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The Lathe Of Heaven: A Novel | Ursula K. Le Guin

"The end justifies the means. But what if there never is an end? All we have is means."

GabrielleDubois Are means useful without an end? 6y
Leniverse @GabrielleDubois What the character means is that whenever we achieve an "end" there are ever more such ends to achieve, so we never stop using dubious means, all for the "greater good". I agree but think he draws the wrong conclusion when he says we should let everything be, not try to effect change. (LeGuin uses a lot of Taoism). Personally I hold with Kant that we cannot use others as means to our ends, they are ends in themselves. 6y
GabrielleDubois @Leniverse I agree with you. 6y
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The Lathe Of Heaven: A Novel | Ursula K. Le Guin
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#Bookmail no2! Thatnk you @FantasyChick! My son will love the pop corn! #MooseMoose #LMPBC

The Lathe Of Heaven: A Novel | Ursula K. Le Guin
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There are so many amazing reviews on this book that I have to wonder what I missed. I tried, guys, I really did but this missed the mark for me. I know there was important messages in it and the storyline is terrifying but it lost me at every turn. If it was bigger I would have bailed. I don't think it's bad, just not for me. I'll take my place as the only person in the world who didn't like it 😑 #moosemoose @BookishTrish @tournevis @dixi_e

BookishTrish Yay! We panned each other‘s books! Balance is restored! ❤️😘 6y
tournevis That's ok. It's not an easy book, with the time twists and the side universes. That's not everyone's bag by any stretch of the imagination. 6y
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FantasyChick Hahaha Yes!!! @BookishTrish The universe is right again 😂😂😂 @tournevis you are right! I think I was good until the aliens came....it was all downhill from there 😆👾👽 6y
tournevis @FantasyChick Also, you're not ScifiChick, so that's completely legitimate. May I suggest some LeGuin fantasy: 6y
dixi_e @FantasyChick I felt very similar. Great premise but the story fell flat for me, too. 6y
FantasyChick @dixi_e Phew. At least it's not just me. Like I said, it wasn't bad. It just went in a direction that was WAY out of left field for me lol. But it's all about getting out of the comfort zone, right? 😊 6y
dixi_e @FantasyChick Definitely! I agree that the aliens seemed to blow the whole idea, but I was also frustrated with the continued compliance of ... what‘s his name?!? I wanted him to leave the couch and find some independence and strength! 6y
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The Lathe of Heaven | Ursula K Le Guin
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May Reads. The Lathe of Heaven and Old Man's War were my favorites.

The Lathe Of Heaven: A Novel | Ursula K. Le Guin
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Deblovestoread Great review! 6y
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The Lathe Of Heaven: A Novel | Ursula K. Le Guin
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Le Guin is one of those authors I desperately want to love but haven't ever been able to quite click with -- I liked the few things I've read by her but just never could feel that brilliance I knew I was just missing by a handsbreadth. I don't know if it's always been a case of the wrong time or if it was just me (I know it's not her -- I'm painfully aware that her stories are fantastic just without being fully there myself). (Contd in comments)

parasolofdoom I have high hopes this will be the time and book she finally falls in place for me! Really enjoying it but in a distracted mood so fingers crossed. I want to eventually revisit what I've already read in a wiser frame of mind. 6y
parasolofdoom Left Hand of Darkness especially is one of those books I felt like I should have enjoyed more and also felt the fault was mine. 6y
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The Lathe Of Heaven: A Novel | Ursula K. Le Guin
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#currentlyreading I hope Litsy combines editions at some point, there's a bunch for this book.

The Lathe of Heaven | Ursula K Le Guin
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Finished tonight in a comfy bed at "home" aka the parents. Loved it! A fabulous intro to classic sci fi. Vulnerable characters, the imagined future was vivid and creative yet believable. Thank you so much @DivaDiane @Balibee146 @samharnold for being excellent #lmpbc buddies, looking forward to our round 2.

And yes, we did colour it in Diane!! ❤?????

DivaDiane 😍 6y
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The Lathe Of Heaven: A Novel | Ursula K. Le Guin
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BookishTrish Cute shoes 6y
dixi_e Thanks! Perks of small feet... they‘re girls shoes! 6y
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The Lathe of Heaven | Ursula K Le Guin
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What's the baby's name?!!! 🤴🤴🤴

What did the hat say to the scarf?
You hang round here, I'll go on a head...

No, I'm going to my parents in the Lake District for some mountains 😁 But I am taking 3 books!

Will Do!


Cathythoughts Love the hat & scarf joke 🙃😂 6y
dgingo Ha! 🧣🎩 6y
ShookBelf @jhod I was in the Lake District last weekend. Love it there. Enjoy xx 6y
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CarolynM 😂👍 6y
DebbieGrillo 🖒😂 6y
CouronneDhiver 😆👍 6y
kezzlou85 Ooh have fun in the lake district 😊💜 6y
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