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October, October
October, October | Katya Balen
291 posts | 3 read | 20 to read
A classic in the making for anyone who ever longed to be WILD. October and her dad live in the woods. They sleep in the house Dad built for them and eat the food they grow in the vegetable patches. They know the trees and the rocks and the lake and stars like best friends. They read the books they buy in town again and again until the pages are soft and yellow until next year's town visit. They live in the woods and they are wild. And that's the way it is. Until the year October turns eleven. That's the year October rescues a baby owl. It's the year Dad falls out of the biggest tree in their woods. The year the woman who calls herself October's mother comes back. The year everything changes. Written in Katya Balen's heart-stoppingly beautiful style, this book is a feast for the senses, filled with the woodsmoke smell of crisp autumn mornings and the sound of wellies squelching in river mud. And, as October fights to find the space to be wild in the whirling chaos of the world beyond the woods, it is also a feast for the soul.
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October, October | Katya Balen
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Thanks to #Scarathlon I had a very productive reading month for October. Still working on my event totals to be posted tonight.

I finished 34 books which included 9 audiobooks, 3 children‘s books, 4 horror anthologies, a short story & 3 leadership books for work.

Standouts were The Change, Hemlock Island, Slewfoot, Weyward, The Ivy Tree & The Viper‘s Nest (the latest book in the Sam Quinn series).

I will be posting my November TBR soon.

Andrew65 Awesome 👏👏👏 9mo
Clwojick Such a colourful spread of books! Well done! 🖤🖤🖤 9mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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October was a very up and down month for me. A great start, a poor ending and not much consistency.

I did finish 32 books for #Scarathlon and on a positive note read over a 1000 pages more than for #Scarathlon2022

Happy to reach November and get in to some different genre of books, once I finish the 1 book unfinished from October.

Thanks to my team #Magicalmonsters and everyone for the support, hope to post my totals tomorrow @Laughterhp

Laughterhp Wow! 32 books! Great job! 9mo
Read4life Great job! 🍁👻🎃 Thanks for participating in #Falling4Books 9mo
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 9mo
Andrew65 @Read4life Thanks for hosting 😍 I will do my final posting for it tomorrow, been a busy day. 9mo
Andrew65 @Laughterhp Thanks. At halfway I was on track for 35 but things got in the way. 9mo
Andrew65 @TheAromaofBooks Thanks 😁 9mo
TheSpineView Still an excellent month! 9mo
AnnR @Andrew65 - That's a great month of reading! Really! It was fun being on the same scarathlon team. 🎃🎉👍😍📚 9mo
Catsandbooks Awesome job! 👏🏼 🧡🖤 9mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 9mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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I‘m sharing the stuff I received in the mail in October.

Photo 1 - Preordered from Barnes & Noble
Photo 2 - Preordered from Barnes & Noble
Photo 3 - Book sent to me by Riverhead Books
Photo 4 - Preordered from Barnes & Noble
Photo 5 - Ordered this Evergreen Trail Journal from Taylor Bradshaw with creative exercises in it. I‘m looking forward to trying them out. I want to start writing again. I used to write and I enjoyed it.

kelli7990 (Continued in comments) Photo 6 - Ordered this Evergreen Bundle from Taylor Bradshaw that includes a personalized journal with my name on it and pressed flowers inside, the Evergreen Sessions signed cd, a teabag and some cool postcards 9mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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Ugh what a Horrible reading month 😣 First a sick toddler, then a sick household, then me with a damn sinus infection all adds up to a LOT of time laying on the couch binging Cake Boss and almost no reading 😔

bookandbedandtea Oh no! I hope you're all feeling better now. 💗 9mo
TheBookgeekFrau @bookandbedandtea The younger half certainly are 😂 Me and the Mr. are almost there 💕 9mo
bookandbedandtea Figures! 😒 I'm glad you're *almost recovered 😊 9mo
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TheBookgeekFrau @bookandbedandtea Thank you 😊😊 9mo
bthegood Glad everyone starting to feel better 🙂 9mo
TheBookgeekFrau @bthegood Thank you 😊 9mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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The Young Man
All the Acorns on the Forest Floor

Hotel Iris
I Have Some Questions for You
Do You Remember Being Born?
Monsieur Linh and his Child

Walking the Americas
When we Fell Apart

Diary of a Void

We Were Liars

The Flame Throwers
Should we Stay or Should we Go
Land of Milk and Honey

CatMS I really liked "We Were Liars" unexpected ending. 9mo
Megabooks So glad you loved Acorns too! 9mo
BarbaraBB @Megabooks Really loved it 🥰 I am on the lookout to read more by her 9mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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Today, I‘m sharing the books I read and what I watched this month. I used Fable for my reading wrap-up and used the Likewise app for my movie wrap-up. I participated in #scarathlon for the first time this year and I had so much fun. I‘m looking forward to next year. I feel like it got me in the Halloween spirit.

Books I DNF‘d

🎃The Amish Matchmakers - Beth Wiseman

🎃Crimson Lake - Candice Fox


October, October | Katya Balen
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One of my bucket list items for #scarathlon was getting new stationery in autumn colours and I worried these wouldn‘t arrive in time but here they are! #sleletoncrew

IndoorDame Cute!!! 9mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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#Scarathlon photo challenge Day 16
This is a way to express what this month represents to me....scary spooky read, Yes 👻

I received this print this month for my birthday from @Chrissyreadit loved it!!! 😍

Chrissyreadit 🖤🖤🖤 9mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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Outstanding October Read-a-thon-28 hours. (Kid‘s books not pictured.) Considering the kind of month I have had, not so bad. #readathon #Scarathlon #spookybooks #TeamWhoYaGonnaCall

October, October | Katya Balen
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This middle grade novel about a girl named October living in the woods with dad. When her dad is injured, she has to go live in London with her mom. I‘m definitely adding it to my Scarathlon 2024 TBR! #scarathlonphotochallenge #october #blackcatcrew

BookwormAHN Good plan 🐈‍⬛️ 9mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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October, October | Katya Balen
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A double photo for #scarathlon #photochallenge and painting a ghost canvas! I had so much fun doing this for my bullet journal! #creepinitreal #cir

TheBookHippie This is wonderful ! 9mo
StayCurious Oooh I love this! 9mo
Lin3han @StayCurious thank you! 9mo
Lin3han @TheBookHippie thank you!! 9mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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October at a farm near us in Mass. Photo challenge: October. #Scarathlon #photoprompt #TeamWhoYaGonnaCall

FlynnDewey I bet it smelled wonderful in that tent. Very autumny. 9mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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I hadn‘t heard of this book before looking for some #ScarathlonPhotoChallenge inspiration, but it sounds great! And not only is #October in the title, it is the MCs name!

Another one to add to my tbr 😂

#Scarathlon #MagicalMonsters

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October, October | Katya Balen
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dabbe 🧡🖤🧡 9mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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This month‘s page in my Christmas Countdown calendar. #scarathlonphotochallenge #october #teamcryptkeepers

AnnR Interesting traditions.🕷🕸 9mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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#scarathlon A compilation for points: 2 items from my bucket list- Halloween clothes, Fall train ride with my mom and Owen- this was Oct 1st- leaves were still pretty green- and our train had a table for our picnic. Watched Rosemary‘s Baby- (i‘ve watched a few other movies but forget to take pictures) Also 433. words for week 2 game. #hhc

dabbe 🖤🧡🖤 9mo
Gissy 🍂🍁🤎🧡💛🤎 9mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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I‘ve been on vacation so I‘ve got lots of things to post, so definitely more to come. However, wanted to start with the fact that I have received both my #HauntedHollowSwap and #AllHallowsReadSwap. I will be shipping right now before the end of the week for both.

wanderinglynn Yay! 🎃👻🧡 9mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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Stack for #OutstandingOctober this is definitely ambitious but I hope to get through as many of these as I can. The stack is so big because I‘m not sure what exactly I‘ll feel like picking up but these are all possibilities. Seems like I‘m forever trying to get through library books so I can read the books I actually own 😅 #magicalmonsters @Andrew65

AnnR Wow, that's quite a stack. Good luck! I understand what you mean about library books versus the ignored books we own. There are just so many choices and limited time to read. 🙂 9mo
Andrew65 Great to have you with us, good luck 😁 Impressed with your reading stack. 9mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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@TheAromaofBooks October #BookspinBingo
I'll make the board some time tomorrow.

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 10mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 10mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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October 1st Hello October
#Scarathlon #BlackCatCrew

October, October | Katya Balen
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Happy October!!! 🖤🖤🖤

vonnie862 🤣🤣🤣 10mo
Crinoline_Laphroaig Not 🗡️🗡️🤣 10mo
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vlwelser This is so you. Love it. 😘 10mo
TheBookHippie @vlwelser 👯👯 10mo
dabbe 🤣🤣🤣 I love being called a sunbeam! 🤩 10mo
TheBookHippie @dabbe ☀️ 10mo
GingerAntics 🤣😂🤣 story of my life!!! 10mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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My favourite month always leads to daydreams of ditching society and retiring to a woodland glade where I can fully embrace my wild side.

LiseWorks What a beautiful place and photo 10mo
AnnCrystal 💕😍👍 gorgeous. 10mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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I don‘t know about early bird but I am coming in like an 11th hour pigeon to get my #Scarathlon TBR up for #batbrigade before midnight 🦇😝

Catsandbooks Fantastic list! And just in time! 🙌🏼🦇 10mo
KT1432 Yayy!! 🦇🦇 10mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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October, October | Katya Balen
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The clock has just struck midnight in London which means it‘s #scarathlon for me! I‘ve spent the day enjoying the #20in4 readathon, watching some scary movies and doing my grad school reading. I‘ve got a spooky novella (Babylove by IS Belle) lined up to get a few word search words under my belt before bed. Can‘t wait for the #skeletoncrew to all get started across our time zones 🎃🎃🎃

Bookwormjillk Woo hoo!! 10mo
AnnR Yay!!! 🎃🎃🎃 10mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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I might be moving halfway through the month but I‘ve specifically pulled these books out so I don‘t accidentally pack them! So excited for #scarathlon, go #teamwhoyagonnacall!!

bthegood 👻👻 10mo
FlynnDewey I almost can't see the Mister Magic title. Gives it an eerier (?) look. 10mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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Here‘s my list for October…..Less Library holds and more off my TBR shelves!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 10mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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Hey my #SpookyGhostClub! Can you even believe that #Scarathlon starts in less than 28 hours?! I‘m so excited! 👻

Just a friendly reminder to keep track of your own points, and to tag me in your totals on October 15th and November 1st. The team rankings will be posted a few days later!

Although this is a competition, it‘s meant to be fun… so if you‘re feeling overwhelmed by all the way to gain points, please just do what works for you! 🖤

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October, October | Katya Balen
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So here's my October 2023 / #Scarathlon #BucketList 🥳
 @BookwormAHN #BlackCatCrew

BookwormAHN Nice 🐈‍⬛ 10mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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Listing a bunch twice since we are (somehow) getting near the end of the year…love seeing what is picked each month! I have been keeping up more than I thought I‘d be able to since May (when baby girl joined us 🎀) but I‘d also love to read an extra book this month that was chosen in the past so I can catch up some more 🧡#BookSpin #DoubleSpin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 10mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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My #Scarathlon October Bucket List for Team #SpookyGhostClub

We don‘t get fall leaves or much in the way of sweater/blanket weather in October & I don‘t like pumpkin, but here are 10 fall-ish things I will do in October. 🍎👻👻👻👻👻

Clwojick Mmmm fall candles. Anything that smells like men‘s cologne is good for me! If I put out ones that smell like baking, I‘m always sad that I‘m smelling it, and not eating it too 😂 10mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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My October list of what I will be watching for #Scarathlon Team #SpookyGhostClub 👻👻👻

It‘s a mix of classics & annual watches + newer (at least to me) stuff, some scary, some not. I‘m going to focus on catching up on A Discovery of Witches since I only watched season 1 so far. The❓is for what will be added as I come across it & also because, much like my reading, I‘m moody about what I watch! 😉👻

Clwojick What We Do in the Shadows was so much funnier than I was expecting! I definitely need to catch up on those too! 10mo
DebinHawaii @Clwojick it‘s so funny! I have only watched the first in the new season so I plan to start with those! 10mo
Clwojick I think I‘ve only seen the first few episodes of the first season (edited) 10mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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My #Scarathlon #TBR “B list” of extra books I wanted ready in case the mood strikes. The post before this has my “A list.”

I‘m going to try to rack up some good points for Team #SpookyGhostClub 👻👻👻

Clwojick This one was hilarious! I loved it! 💜 10mo
dabbe Wow. Your B-list is incredible. Your A-list my be out of this world! 🤩🤩🤩 10mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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My #Scarathlon #TBR for team #SpookyGhostClub

These 20 books are my “A List”- most of them should get read especially the top row which includes our team #BuddyRead #PemberLittens #JaneAdjacent #SundayBuddyRead #TitkesAndTunes & DiverseCozy books that will work with the spooky season. 2nd row are one for review, next in series & library reads. 3rd row are #BOTM & others I‘m trying to get through & the bottom are all stories anthologies. But ⬇️

DebinHawaii …as I‘m a very moody reader, I am posting my B list of another 20 books. I won‘t come close to getting them all read of course, but I want them cued up as the mood strikes. 👻🤷🏻‍♀️📚📚📚👻 10mo
Clwojick These all look so good! I have a few of these on my B list 😏 10mo
dabbe Aha! 🤩🤩🤩 10mo
Branwen These are great choices! 😍 10mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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My #Bookspin list for October!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 10mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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So many books I‘ve been wanting to read. These are a few of my #scarathlontbr that I plan on reading for #scarathlon2023
I have more on my list if I can get to them.

#scarathlon #blackcatcrew

BookwormAHN The Hacienda was really good 🐈‍⬛ 10mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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Here‘s my #ScarathonTBR! So many books that I‘ve been meaning to get to, but have been holding onto for October. 🖤 Go #SpookyGhostClub!

October, October | Katya Balen
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Reminder: It‘s almost time for the October #bookspin #doublespin #bookspinbingo hosted by @thearomaofbooks

TheAromaofBooks Thank you for the repost!! 10mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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I am so excited there‘s a second daily photo challenge for #scarathlon this year! Thank you @Eggs and @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🎃

For my #skeletoncrew members - the same rules count for this challenge as the other photo challenge so it‘s:

5 points per photo post on the calendar day (+1 for participation)
15 point bonus if you read a book anytime in October that matches any of the prompts

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October, October | Katya Balen
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#Bookspin … if I could finally land on one of these fantasy books from #TheBookDrop, that‘d be great 😂

BookNAround You know you just jinxed yourself, right? 🤣 10mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 10mo
AmyG Did you recieve my Modern Witch Swap box? USPS says it was delivered over a week ago. Thanks. 10mo
mrsmarch @AmyG Ohh! It arrived while I was at a conference and my husband put it up where it can't tempt me. I am too short to reach. 😂 10mo
AmyG Thank you! 10mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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Here‘s our October challenge! October is my favorite month!!! 🧡🍂

All #Scarathlon folks: Please feel free to utilize the challenge for your point system🍁

Post a photo of a book, poem, song lyrics, quotes, movie, play etc. which best expresses the daily prompt. Use hashtag, and tag us🍁

Please share! And enjoy! Starts Sunday October 1 🍂

@Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Alora Hi! Can I still sign up? 10mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Alora hey! You can participate by posting a quote, book, or anything pertaining to the prompt each day! We would love to see your posts🧡🧡 10mo
Alora @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Sorry I meant for scarathlon! Did I miss the sign ups? 10mo
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Alora oh! I‘m not sure! @Eggs do you know who is hosting that? 10mo
dabbe @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Got-er done! 🤩 10mo
Alora @dabbe thank you so much! 10mo
dabbe @Alora My pleasure! 🧡💜💛 10mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @dabbe you are awesome!! I would love to participate but it overwhelms me!!! 10mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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This may change but here‘s my October TBR as of right now 😊

#scarathlon #teamwhoyagonnacall

StayCurious Some great choices! Also, you have great handwriting! 10mo
bthegood looks good - 👻👻 10mo
FlynnDewey As a huge Jack Reacher fan, love some inclusion! lol Great list! 10mo
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Airykah13 @StayCurious thank you! I‘ve been working on it 😂 10mo
Airykah13 @FlynnDewey yeah! I‘m working my way through the series 10mo
Airykah13 @bthegood thank you! 10mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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StayCurious Aw cute! 10mo
bthegood 👻👻 10mo
FlynnDewey Not sure if I wanna boop the snoot, or run away screaming. ;P 10mo
Airykah13 @FlynnDewey boop then run 🤣 10mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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Hey #TeamCryptKeepers, Here is another bingo. This one should be fun! Post your post with photos of bingo spots done. I can't wait to see these. Every time you post, you add 1 point. That is for all your posts. 20pts for each line. 100pts for the board. @StayCurious @Clwojick Go Team! @TheBookHippie @JenReadsAlot @BarkingMadRead @kezzlou85 @Marmie7 @Rissa1 @aperfectmjk @Bookishgal71 @Nazgul93 @natsahara

BarkingMadRead This looks fun! 10mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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I changed up my list to Halloween themed books for October. So excited for the random pick next month!


October, October | Katya Balen
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It‘s crazy to think we have a little over a month until the start of the 5th annual #Scarathlon! In case you missed it, the sign ups are open, and we‘ll be doing multiple smaller teams this year.


Picture found on Pinterest with no direct link to the source or artist, but I LOVE IT.

Charityann Love the #scarathlon 🎃 11mo
RainyDayReading Love this picture! Reminds me of the artist Wobbly Willows, though I‘m not sure this is one of theirs. The style is similar though! 11mo
AllDebooks Love the picture 😍 11mo
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BeckyWithTheGoodBooks I signed up weeks ago and haven‘t heard anything? When will we know our teams, etc? I‘m so excited!!! 10mo
Clwojick As soon as tomorrow! 🤭🤫🤫🤫🤫 @BeckyWithTheGoodBooks 10mo
BeckyWithTheGoodBooks @Clwojick oh yay!!!! Thank you!! 10mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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It‘s my favorite time of the year! Go head over to @Clwojick ‘s page for the #Scarathlon 2023 sign ups!!


Thanks again @Clwojick and @StayCurious for hosting it this year!! 🥰🥰

#scarathlon2023 #scarathlon23

Clwojick Thanks for sharing! 11mo
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October, October | Katya Balen
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The new art print for my shop showed up today!!!! Eeek!! 🥰🍁🧡🍂 It will be available soon!

There will also be a sticker & bookmark version 🧡


Read4life Love it! 12mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love it!! I‘ll have to have it too! 12mo
wordslinger42 @Read4life @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you both!! There will be a bookmark & sticker version, too 😊 12mo
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