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Cecilia, Or, Memoirs of an Heiress
Cecilia, Or, Memoirs of an Heiress | Fanny Burney, Frances Burney
14 posts | 14 read | 25 to read
CHAP. I.-An Agitation . 11.-A Man of the Ton . I1 I.-A Reproof . 1V.-A Mistake . V.-An Explanation . V1.-A Murmuring . VI1.-A Ib ut 1 111.-A Broad Hint . 1X.-An Accommodation S.-A Detection . XI.-A Sarcasm . SI1.-A Surmise . . BOOK IV. PAGE . 236 . . . . 26ti . 287 . 294 . 8 . 3U. j . S12 . 339 . 334 . 331 . 344 . 350 BOOK V. I.-A Bold Stroke . 11.-A Misers Mansion . 111.-A Declaration . IV.-A Gamesters Conscience V.-A Persecution . VI.-A Man of Business . VI1.-A Solution . V I I I.-A Debate . IS.-A Railing .
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Recommended background reading for Pride and Prejudice #PemberLittens

I've tagged the only really necessary one, but feel free to read any of the Edgeworth/Burney books.

Jenni @sprainedbrain can you tag any new members since reading Sense and Sensibility please?

Smarkies Thanks for suggesting this Jennifer! 4y
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Librarybelle Great suggested reading! 4y
BookmarkTavern Oh these look good! 4y
mollyrotondo Thank you for putting this list together! Evelina was really really great. I‘m glad I read that one a couple months ago. So I‘m looking forward to adding some more of these to my TBR. 4y
Chrissyreadit 👏🙌 4y
Mishu94 Thank you! 🤗 4y
Lcsmcat I think I‘m going to read 4y
CrowCAH I‘ve read the Mysteries of Udolpho; loved it! I should read a few more of these. Thanks for the recommendations! 4y
MoonWitch94 Oh thanks for these 🧡 4y
Deblovestoread Great list! 4y
Books4Ever Great list 😊I can‘t wait to get started 4y
MicrobeMom Thank you!! 4y
LeahBergen Thanks! I‘ve been meaning to read Burney for years! 4y
Blackink_WhitePaper @jenniferw88 thanks for these recommendations 💐I was not aware of many of these books. I am going to read Burney‘s books. @sprainedbrain You guys are doing amazing job !😍💐👍 4y
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Cecilia | Fanny Burney
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After a couple of months of reading small chunks in bed, I‘ve finally turned a corner and am loving this. I read 120 pages of this last night and only stopped bc my eyes kept closing. Hoping to get tucked in to it again this afternoon.

Makes me want to reread Evelina, which was wonderful.

LeahBergen I still need to read Burney. One day! 4y
Tamra A chunkster!! 4y
LauraBrook @LeahBergen I‘m surprised you haven‘t read her yet! I predict you‘ll love her. 4y
LauraBrook @Tamra Absolutely! I‘m getting a work out holding this up all the time. (It‘s my favorite kind of workout.) 4y
readordierachel Love that feeling, when a book finally starts clicking 🙂 4y
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Cecilia | Fanny Burney
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#30JuneBooks #obsessedwith The World‘s Classics from Oxford University Press !

erzascarletbookgasm Very nice collection! 💗 5y
Leftcoastzen @erzascarletbookgasm Thanks! I didn‘t drag them all out ,but they always catch my eye at the used bookstore. 5y
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Happy birthday to the amazing, yet often forgotten, Fanny Burney! A line at the end of this novel inspired Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. I highly recommend reading her books if you're an Austen fan! They were all the rage in the late 18th century. #janeausten #fannyburney

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Cecilia, Or, Memoirs of an Heiress | Fanny Burney, Frances Burney
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A surprising thing about my reading this year was to encounter trepanation - cutting a circle of bone from the skull - in six different titles, four of them fiction. (Portable Veblen; Saving Montgomery Sole; Fireman; Book of Unknown Americans; Patient HM; and Venomous.) Also, this is the first time I've kept track of stuff I did not finish: counting only those that I read more than a couple of chapters, the total was 7.

Sue Holy crackers, that's a lot of books!! Well done! (What is your secret??) 🎉🎉🎉 8y
Godmotherx5 Amazing stats!!!! 🥇 8y
HardcoverHearts Amazing!!!! Congratulations! 🎉👏🏻 8y
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Suzze Love the word thing. I always find if I hear a new word, I always encounter it again soon after. And that is an amazing total! Congrats! 🥇🥇 8y
Lindy @HardcoverHearts @Godmotherx5 Thanks. One of the things I love about Litsy is that I don't feel like a freak for reading so much. @Sue There's no secret, just many hours of reading or audiobook listening every day. 8y
Marchpane Awesome! Well done 👏👏👏 8y
Lindy @Suzze Thanks! Words are beautiful. 🌻 8y
Lindy @Marchpane Thanks. As soon as I'm back home again, I'm going to try that publishing date data visual that you posted. I only joined Goodreads this year (when Shelfari ended) so it will look quite different. 8y
Marchpane I've seen the chart broken down by month, it may do that for you if there's fewer years' worth of data? It's a little tricky to find, just go to My Books > Stats > Publication Year. 8y
Lindy @Marchpane Thanks for explaining where to find it. 8y
Reviewsbylola 🎉🎉🎉 8y
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Cecilia, Or, Memoirs of an Heiress | Fanny Burney, Frances Burney
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Cecilia was my longest book this year. I've still got another dozen or more that I know I will finish before the end of December. I'm more than halfway through the #LitsyAtoZ challenge that I'm doing this month.

8little_paws Lol at your goodreads profile picture :) 8y
Reviewsbylola That's a lot of books!! 8y
RealLifeReading Wow!!! 👏 8y
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melbeautyandbooks Amazing! 8y
SharonGoforth That's awesome!!! 8y
heatherspoetlife I wish I could read this much! 8y
Lindy @StoredFeminism @SharonGoforth @melbeautyandbooks @RealLifeReading @Reviewsbylola I obviously don't have much of a social life outside of books, (aside from the party where I was captured wearing goofy glasses that made @8little_paws laugh). 8y
LauraBrook Wow, great job! I love Fanny Burney, and I hope to get to Cecelia in 2017. 8y
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Cecilia, Or, Memoirs of an Heiress | Fanny Burney, Frances Burney
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I started this at the end of June as part of Reading in Bed's summer read-along and just finished it today. Long. Entertaining. Enlightening. Single women in the 18th century had few options, even when they inherited buckets of money.
If you've read this already, I highly recommend Laura's hilarious recaps: https://reading-in-bed.com/

Cecilia, Or, Memoirs of an Heiress | Fanny Burney, Frances Burney
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Unfortunately, similar attitudes persist 234 years after this was written. 🙁

Cecilia, Or, Memoirs of an Heiress | Fanny Burney, Frances Burney
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"his poor head is so vacant that I am sure if one might but play upon it with sticks, it would sound just like a drum."

[This 18th-century diss sounds remarkably modern, don't you think?]

Cecilia, Or, Memoirs of an Heiress | Fanny Burney, Frances Burney
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I thought of asking Mrs Harrel fifty times why you did not come, but it always went out of my head. You've no notion how excessively I was disappointed.

Sue Fanny Burney is awesome!! 8y
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Cecilia, Or, Memoirs of an Heiress | Fanny Burney, Frances Burney
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Cecilia, unfortunate orphan, is surrounded by people who disdain literature. I'm finding her a very sympathetic character.

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Cecilia, Or, Memoirs of an Heiress | Fanny Burney, Frances Burney
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Cecilia now perceiving that the opinions of her new acquaintance were as pliant as his bows, determined to pay him no further attention, and hoped by sitting silent to force from him the business of his visit, if any he had, or if, as she now suspected, he had none, to weary him into a retreat.

Cecilia, Or, Memoirs of an Heiress | Fanny Burney, Frances Burney
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Back in the 18th century, there were readers after my own heart: Cecilia gets up early and enjoys time alone with her books.

Cecilia, Or, Memoirs of an Heiress | Fanny Burney, Frances Burney
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I've joined a summer read along over at Reading in Bed: https://reading-in-bed.com/2016/06/23/cecilia-read-along-summer-reading-for-peop...

LauraBrook I've been saving this book for a few years now, having loved "Evelina" and falling in love. Maybe this will be the push??? 8y
Lindy @LauraBrook Sure! Join us. 😎 8y
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