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Little Red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding Hood | Brothers Grimm
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Illustrator Daniel Egneus recreates the classic Brothers Grimm fairytale in this unique graphic edition. Evoking the sensuous, romantic, and stunningly creative imagery that captivated audiences of Twilight and Alice s Adventures in Wonderland, Egneus arresting visual interpretation of the Red Riding Hood story will stir the imagination of every reader inspired by tales of magic and adventure. "
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Little Red Riding Hood | Brothers Grimm
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Morning Littens happy weekend. Could you all be so kind as to tell me your known and favourite Little Red Riding Hood retellings please? I love the tail and would love to read more. Please and thank you ❓️❔️❓️❔️❓️ #recommendations #littlered #retellings #wolf #fairytale

IndoorDame Wow! What a striking image 🤩 2y
Twainy For the Wolf or Scarlet 😁 2y
hannah-leeloo I know Scarlet I'll look into For the Wolf thank you @Twainy 2y
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JessClark78 I liked The Girl in Red by Christina Henry, and the Steampunk Red Riding Hood series by Melanie Karsak. 2y
hannah-leeloo Thank you @JessClark78 I've read the girl in red ill check out the series suggested 🙂 2y
persephone1408 I am reading for the wolf at the moment. Its really good so far. 2y
hannah-leeloo Thank you @persephone1408 I'll look it up 2y
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Little Red Riding Hood | Brothers Grimm
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For the #FairyTaleReadingChallenge in September I found a webpage that had various versions of the story and, wow, these old stories were dark! It's been a good, long while since I heard the story so I couldn't remember much more than the main premise. I leave you with a related comic that made me laugh away the horror.
@CharityAnn and the final September #BookSpinBingo square @TheAromaofBooks #LittensDressedInBlood @MidnightBookGirl

TheAromaofBooks haha this is perfect!! I read a collection of variations of this story that weren't as dark, but my favorite part was the author of the collection talking about, in her foreword, how ridiculous this story really is lol 3y
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Little Red Riding Hood | Brothers Grimm
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I am using the tagged book for September's prompt for my #fairytalereadingchallenge


Little Red Riding Hood | Brothers Grimm
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Good. Interesting to read the original story.

Kyle Donahue
Little Red Riding Hood | Brothers Grimm

“All the better to eat with you.“

Kyle Donahue
Little Red Riding Hood | Brothers Grimm

This book would be a great introduction to Fables and other stories. Better for 6-8 year olds.

Kyle Donahue
Little Red Riding Hood | Brothers Grimm

This book is a classic read. The plot is simple and direct and teaches a lesson to young kids. The illustrations in this book were very cool. The pages were cut out to show the illustrations.

Little Red Riding Hood | Brothers Grimm
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This is the first book that came to mind when I thought of a #forest! #letstraveljuly

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Good choice!!! 5y
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Little Red Riding Hood | Brothers Grimm
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alisiakae 😂😂 5y
julesG 😂😂😂 5y
Jadams89 I needed this today 😂😂😂 5y
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Readergrrl 👍🏻😂 5y
Leftcoastzen 😂😂😂 5y
stacybmartin Ha! That‘s amazing. 🤣 5y
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Little Red Riding Hood | Brothers Grimm
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We create clutches with any covers of your favorite books. Individual cover can be completely personalized. It's a perfect gift to yourself and not only🎁

Cathythoughts Oh stop ! That‘s so cute 5y
doob.vosk @Cathythoughts thank you, Cathy!😌 5y
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Little Red Riding Hood | Brothers Grimm
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Just read this for #llb19 #bookinspiredbypetsoflitsy

I forget how much I love The Brothers Grimm!

wordzie 😎 5y
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Little Red Riding Hood | Brothers Grimm
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Little Red Riding Hound says “ooooh nooooos is that the wolf 🐺 coming after me to try to steal my ducky! Grammy save me!!!” #heas #fairytaleretellings #dogsoflitsy #happilyeverafterswap

Spencer_Labbe Cute! 5y
ReadingRover @Spencer_Labbe Dexter thanks you very much! 🐾 5y
JoScho All the hearts! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 5y
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Kaye That is cute 5y
Chrissyreadit ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 5y
Kelican17 This picture is precious!!! 😍😍😍 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Aww 🐶❤️ 5y
tracey38 This is just too cute! 💜💜 5y
ReadingRover @JoScho @kaye @Chrissyreadit @Kelican17 @erzascarletbookgasm @tracey38 Little Red Riding Hound Dexter thanks you all very much!!! Lately he‘s really been into that unfluffed duck! 5y
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Little Red Riding Hood | Brothers Grimm
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#OctoberXFiles I couldn‘t resist this obvious choice #AWolfAtTheDoor

BarbaraBB Of course! The first wolf in my life 😉 6y
Robothugs Hehe. Sometimes the obvious is the best one. 🙌🏻 6y
TrishB But a great choice 👍🏻 6y
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Cathythoughts Brilliant choice 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
Chrissyreadit I LOVE red riding hood images. 6y
CarolynM 👏👏😂 6y
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Little Red Riding Hood | Brothers Grimm
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Our wolf, Balto #petsoflitsy

Cailey_Mac 😍😍😍 6y
Nu-Bibliophile Awwwww❤❤❤ 6y
Leftcoastzen ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
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MrsGagnonreads2024 Awww I have a Timberwolf/Husky mix but she lives with my mom out in the country. 😍😍😍😍 6y
BookwormAHN Gorgeous 🐺 6y
MaleficentBookDragon 😍😍😍 6y
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Little Red Riding Hood | Brothers Grimm
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1. Grimm‘s Little red riding hood
2. Elphaba
3. Alice in Wonderland

Trashcanman 👁️👁️ 6y
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Little Red Riding Hood | Brothers Grimm
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Let's see if I can catch up some of the #CoolBooks prompts I missed 😊
So for today I'm covering 9 #Wolf and 10 #Woods with this stunning pic (courtesy of the internet) while I'm at work 😉🤭


Linsy Gorgeous! ♥️ 6y
JazzFeathers 😍 6y
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Little Red Riding Hood | Brothers Grimm
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#CoolBooks #Wolf @Lindsy
📷 2 from the story & one for fun😊

ladym30 Great pictures! 6y
GripLitGrl @ladym30 Thanks i love them 😊 6y
Linsy Love it! That wolf in glasses is priceless! (edited) 6y
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Little Red Riding Hood | Brothers Grimm
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Linsy “Into the woods to grandmother‘s house!” 6y
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Little Red Riding Hood | Brothers Grimm
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More goodies from @ScorpioBookDreams The woodmark from the feb Fairyloot, also the socks and bath salts ❤️ how adorable is chip? And my favourite chocolate toffees I‘ll have to hide from myself. Thank you so much. Feeling very spoiled 😘

LeahBergen Ooo, nice! ❤️ 6y
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Little Red Riding Hood | Brothers Grimm
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I love this ear nibbling goofball! His favorite story is Little Red Riding Hood 🤪 #whodoyoulove

cobwebmoth Aw!😍 6y
Scurvygirl 😻😻💚💚 6y
AmyG ❤️ 6y
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JessClark78 🖤🖤 6y
alvingregorio Cutie 6y
Zelma 😍 6y
SandyW Yikes... he's a wolf! Sometimes my boy-cat makes me nervous when he starts licking/nibbling my extremities... 6y
FlowerFairy @SandyW LoL He‘s a pretty sweet boy with us. He‘s been with us since he was a little guy and treats us like his pack, which includes the nibbling and nipping wolves do amongst the pack. 6y
SandyW Very sweet, but still a bit unsettling to see. (Of course I'm totally jealous.) 6y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled He‘s a dire wolf! 😯😍 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks He‘s gorgeous!!! 💗 6y
night_shift 😲😍 he's so pretty! I'm really very jealous! 6y
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Little Red Riding Hood | Brothers Grimm
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Little Red Riding Hood | Brothers Grimm
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Little Red Riding Hood | Brothers Grimm
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1. I think having a book on my head makes a selfie less awkward
2. I have 7+ pairs of prescription glasses
3. My first paying job was at Jurassic Park
4. I was married & pregnant before I finished college
5. I've become an expert at "Paleo" baking
6. I'm an INFJ
7. I live 5 minutes from the beach
8. I hate the beach
9. My favorite TV shows are Moone Boy & The Great British Bake Off
10. I have two tattoos
11. I have two daughters

saresmoore 12. I feckin' love crisps
13. I almost never eat out at restaurants
14. I've had the same best friend since 1993
15. In high school, I had braces, glasses, a bad perm, and a broken arm—all at once
16. I love plants, but have a black thumb
17. I'm a holistic health nerd
18. My cat drinks running water from the faucet
19. I hate graphic novels
20. Making this list was painful!
CharissaWeaksAuthor 😂😂Love it!! 7y
LeahBergen #15 😂😂😂 Oh, man! 7y
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LeahBergen And I feckin' love crisps, too. 7y
erinreads STOP. This picture is too adorable! Also 7 to 8. 😂😂😂 7y
saresmoore @LeahBergen I have ONE photo for evidence and to remind me NEVER to get a perm again! 7y
saresmoore @erinreads Ha! Thanks! It's just so sunny and sandy—blech. 7y
Alfoster 😍😍😍👏👏👏! 7y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads Also INFJ! Hey there! 7y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads It was hard to think of 20 things 7y
Lindy Wonderful photo! p.s. I'm an INFP. 7y
saresmoore @Joyfulmimi So hard! We INFJs like to keep a lid on things. 😊 7y
saresmoore @Lindy I'm not sure if I knew that or just suspected it. Nearly all of my favorite people are I/ENFPs! 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Jurassic park?! That's cool!! 7y
ReadingEnvy Hey so I do Paleo low carb baking, since maple syrup and honey have too many carbs for my husband. Do you use Paleomg, Against All Grain and nomnompaleo for recipes? Anything else you like? And I love your selfie. 7y
saresmoore @ReadingEnvy Yes, yes, and yes! I also really love Elana's Pantry. Her baking recipes are often less sweet and they turn out consistently good. 7y
saresmoore @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks My friend and I used to scare children by making them believe a raptor was loose. 😏 7y
HippieChickHomeschool No wonder I like you! I'm an ENFP, INFJs are always my favorite. Great list!!! 7y
Jess7 I like your list! It made me smile! 7y
mauveandrosysky My old cat used to do that too! That was the only way she would drink water. 7y
saresmoore @HippieChickHomeschool Yes! We go together! 7y
saresmoore @mauveandrosysky She's becoming quite the high maintenance kitty! 7y
LauraBeth 👏👏❤️ 7y
Merethebookgal I thought I was already following you 🤔 anyway lol I wish I was that close to the beach! 7y
saresmoore @Merethebookgal Same here! Haha! It's pretty overrated, especially since it happens to be the beach where Donald Trump's house is. 😝 7y
Merethebookgal @saresmoore 😂😂😂 I can understand that! I lived in Tampa for 8 years, but I didn't have a car so I rarely made it to the beach and I feel like I missed out! 7y
vivastory You worked at Jurassic Park? That's awesome. My younger dinosaur obsessed self strongly approves!! 👍 7y
saresmoore @vivastory And—bonus—the Jurassic Park instrumental theme is permanently etched in my mental soundtrack! 7y
vivastory @saresmoore I can only imagine! I worked in record stores for three years. It ruined holiday music for me forever. 7y
vivastory @saresmoore BTW I have the exact same obvious state print hanging up in my living room 7y
batsy Love the bookish selfie :) And my dinosaur obsessed inner child is also super impressed by your first job. 7 & 8, lol 🏖️ Confession: I'm not really a beach person either, unless it's early morning or at night, preferably with no one around 😁 7y
readordierachel Moone Boy is the best. And I love your pic 😊 7y
EllieDottie I also hate the beach! Too much sand and it gets everywhere! 7y
merelybookish My cat also drinks from the tap. We used to living in house with leaky taps. Now I have to leave one dripping. 7y
erzascarletbookgasm 1 and 20 😂 I titter at this post! 7y
saresmoore @vivastory Of course we have the same print! Ha! 7y
saresmoore @batsy You make a very good point about the beach. My least favorite parts about being there are excessive sun and people. 7y
saresmoore @ReadOrDieRachel Thank you! I can't remember if we've discussed the Moone Boy books, but I'll tag the first one here, just in case. 🤓 7y
saresmoore @EllieDottie I would much rather be someplace cool and possibly mountainous. When I lived in Ventura, CA, I had both mountains & sea, but still hated sand and sunburns! 7y
saresmoore @merelybookish My husband and I marvel at how conciliatory we've become for the cat! 7y
andrew61 I totally understand 15 although i still have wonky teeth and substitute perm for unfashionably short hair in the 1970's - and love crisps especially with beer- great list ☺ 7y
LauraBrook You're so gorgeously adorable and adorably gorgeous! 6, 8, 12, and 18 are so me. I like the idea of the beach better than actually being there. INFJ's for the win! ❤️ (edited) 7y
saresmoore @LauraBrook 😘 Yes, we INFJs must stick together (separately, from the comfort of our own peaceful home libraries)! 😊 7y
Moray_Reads Wait, wait, wait. You worked at Jurassic Park? What does that mean?! 7y
saresmoore @Moray_Reads The theme park, Universal Orlando (home now to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter), has a whole Jurassic Park section! It's lots of fun and filled with impressive dinosaur models. And believe it or not, working at a massive theme park isn't the most panic-inducing job I've had. 7y
Moray_Reads @saresmoore I don't know how I didn't realise there was a Jurassic Park. What was the most panicky job? (Please don't answer if it will induce stress flashbacks!) 7y
Moray_Reads Also have 2 tattoos and 6(?) pairs of glasses. I need new glasses and I'm thinking about another tattoo 7y
saresmoore @Moray_Reads I am in the clear from those flashbacks now! I worked for The Breakers Hotel (historic, fancy, old money) taking reservations over the phone. The pressure was INSANE and to this day, incoming phone calls give me the shakes. Ha! I am thinking of another tattoo, as well—a minimalistic representation of the Fibonacci spiral. Any idea what you would get? 7y
UwannaPublishme Great selfie...and answers. 😁👍🏻 Maybe you can try beach walks at sunrise. That's my favorite time at the beach. 7y
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Little Red Riding Hood | Brothers Grimm
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I couldn't come up with anything for today's Beautiful Stranger #90sInJuly prompt. Then I found this beautiful image. I call that a perfect fit. 😉 @Cinfhen @Robothugs

(img from: http://www.noraaoyagi.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/hello-stranger.jpg)

Robothugs Love it! 😊 7y
Cinfhen Amazing ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
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Little Red Riding Hood | Brothers Grimm

Classic tale with stunning illustrations. Reads more like a fashion magazine than a fairytale. Beautiful!! Perfect for all ages.

Little Red Riding Hood | Brothers Grimm
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Love this artwork by Chiara Bautista!

Tsubame I absolutely love this! @Faibka I wish I knew how to knit, I'd make a jumper for you right away ❤️ 8y
KarenUK What a beautiful illustration 💕💕💕 8y
Jokila How sweet! 😊💕 8y
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398.2 Love! 8y
bellasocks Love!!! ❤️ #literaryknitter 8y
DebinHawaii That is gorgeous! ❤️ 8y
Faibka @Tsubame Awww you're so sweet! 😭💕💕💕💜📚📚📚 I only know how to knit scarves 😅 (most recently socks) If we ever meet I'll make one for you 😊 8y
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Little Red Riding Hood | Brothers Grimm
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Found it! I knew that one of our Czech friends had given @Ambrosnazzy this years ago, and I managed to unearth it. The illustrations are actually coloring pages, some of which she never did. But since she's done some coloring in the past few years, maybe she'll decide to finish it🙄 #notinenglish #seasonsreadings2016

Little Red Riding Hood | Brothers Grimm
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Have you read this book ;-) great prop at snapchat #BookLove #Character #Story #Fun

Redwritinghood @MyBookSwapClub Heya. Love the picture. 😀 8y
RinaBrahmbhattBarot Thank you @Redwritinghood such a fierce look, nothing like me ;-) 8y
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Little Red Riding Hood | Brothers Grimm
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It's wine o'clock. Salud! 😏🍷

AnnieReads Love the name of that wine. 😋 8y
Books_Wine_Repeat @AnnieReads Honestly I just picked it for the label. 🙃 8y
britt_brooke That label is gorgeous! 🍷 #cheers 8y
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BekahB I love that bottle! 8y
erzascarletbookgasm Love that wine label! 8y
Books_Wine_Repeat @britt_brooke @BekahB @erzascarletbookgasm Agreed! ❤️ The wine is pretty good too. 😉😏🍷 #cheers 8y
BethFishReads Decent wine ! 🍷🍷🍷 8y
BeththeBookDragon I enjoy this wine too! 8y
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Little Red Riding Hood | Brothers Grimm
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At my parents' house and found The Illustrated Treasure of Children's Literature 26d ?

LauraBeth That's beautiful 8y
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