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ND #3 the Bungalow Mystery-Promo | Carolyn Keene
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The bungalow mystery | Carolyn Keene, Russell H. Tandy
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Ha! I‘ve been saying I expect the criminals in these books to call Nancy meddlesome, and it finally happened. I enjoyed watching this one play out. Nancy really can do anything. My only complaint this time is all of the exclamation points. So! Many! ‼️‼️‼️🤣🤣

Librarybelle I forgot there were so many exclamation points! 😂 7mo
Aimeesue 😂😂😂 7mo
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The Series is definitely getting better. The plot is quite forseeable (maybe it‘s me as an Agatha Christie fan), but still quite suspenseful. I‘ve read the 50er novel in one run and looking forward to no. 4. 😊

Librarybelle I think they are getting better too! 7mo
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I have to admit the novels are getting more interesting and suspenseful one by one. I cannot wait to turn/swipe to the next P
page. 💪💪💪

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January #serieslove2024 wrap up.

Two picks down for my year goal. Enjoying both Nancy Drew and Wells & Wong. Love a mg mystery.

TheSpineView Awesome! 8mo
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I think this quote perfectly sums up Nancy Drew 🐈
This one was the most intense yet, with Nancy getting into many scrapes and still managing to escape. I'm so enjoying this reread with the #NancyDrewBR group @Librarybelle
#SeriesLove2024 @Andrew65 @TheSpineView

Librarybelle It‘s a really great quote! 8mo
TheSpineView Yes! Totally her! 8mo
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Nancy and her friend, Helene, are in a boat when the storm comes and they need help getting to land. The help comes from Laura. Not long after, it‘s Laura that needs help. Her mom has jut died and she can‘t understand who her mum chose for a guardian and she needs help. Off course Nancy helps a friend in need.


AnneCecilie And now a few words on the translation. If I remember correct the English edition is 18 chapters and 180/190p. The Norwegian edition had 12 chapters and is 160p and no illustrations and the letters are huge. I really missed those illustrations. And I also wonder if some minor things have been edited out. 8mo
Librarybelle That‘s interesting! It was about 190 pages, if I remember correctly. I do like the illustration on that edition. 8mo
AnneCecilie @Librarybelle I like the cover too. It captures the anxiety of the storm som well. 8mo
Ruthiella I love the cover! 8mo
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3✨ This one felt more real to me. Nancy once again can do it all, and discover things that get her in trouble with the bad guys. Danger, and mystery throughout. The Bungalow is a small part of this book, but it makes the story. #NancyDrewBR @Librarybelle

SlytherinBookLady Love Nancy drew!! I have a few of them but I think this one may be my favorite 8mo
Librarybelle It did feel pretty real! 8mo
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The bungalow mystery | Carolyn Keene, Russell H. Tandy
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Thanks for the tags, @TheSpineView and @The_Penniless_Author

1. Yes, ever since college when my friends forced me to learn on Highway 5 in CA because they were tired of driving. Every car I've had since has been a stick-shift--though the last one had to be special-ordered. Driving stick is fun and keeps me awake!
2. Nancy and her blue roadster! 🚙🚙🚙

TheSpineView It's a shame you have to order a manual these days. Thanks for playing 8mo
dabbe @TheSpineView You know, it is, isn't it? BTW, that was one of the most interesting questions I have ever had! 🤩🤩🤩 8mo
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Bungalow Mystery | Carolyn Keene
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USA…. Illinois 📚ABC… B 📚 book bingo… mystery 📚 Pop… pen name 📚 #52bookclub2024 … ghost writer 📚 cover…. House 📚 Harry Potter… includes sport 📚 #readaway2024 #mounttbr

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The bungalow mystery | Carolyn Keene, Russell H. Tandy
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These all wrap up so neat and tidy! They're fun though, even though Nancy put herself in danger multiple times in this one.

Librarybelle Perfect bookmark! 8mo
Ruthiella Agree! Love the bookmark. 😍 8mo
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The bungalow mystery | Carolyn Keene, Russell H. Tandy
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Fellow sleuthers, the time has come for our #NancyDrewBR discussion! I have 6 questions posted that can be found on my feed, the tagged book‘s feed, or by searching our hashtag. Respond whenever you wish!

I am truly touched at the interest in Nancy Drew and her adventures - thanks for reading along with me!!

The next book will by The Mystery at Lilac Inn. More details will be posted on Tuesday!

CogsOfEncouragement Great questions! Thanks for hosting this BR. I‘m really enjoying it. 8mo
mrp27 It‘s been fun filling this literary gap! First time ever reading these books. 8mo
Born.A.Reader Thank you for hosting! I'm enjoying revisiting a cherished childhood memory with these books! 8mo
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Librarybelle So glad you‘re enjoying, @CogsOfEncouragement @mrp27 @Born.A.Reader ! 8mo
TheBookHippie This has been fun!!! Sorry so late 🤦🏻‍♀️😅 8mo
DebinHawaii Thank you for hosting! This has been fun! 8mo
Librarybelle So glad you‘re enjoying, @TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii ! 8mo
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The bungalow mystery | Carolyn Keene, Russell H. Tandy
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6. Admittedly, the basement in the shack scene was pretty disturbing to me. Mr. Aborn chained up, then Nancy using her matches as a light source with kerosene nearby. Yikes!

Think about the risks Nancy goes through in this situation (and really, any other sleuthing situation). Why take the risk? #NancyDrewBR

CogsOfEncouragement 1930- She takes many risks snooping in the house while Stumpy is sometimes even in the same room with her. As nuts as that is, to me, the craziest was going to Stumpy‘s on fire car wreck on the cliff - twice - to pull the suitcases out. Nancy knew Laura‘s fortune was in them. Of course the car blows up the moment Nancy is clear of it with the second case. No different from what other heroes do in fiction, but wow! Her dad isn‘t even that mad. lol 8mo
CogsOfEncouragement It seems Nancy is written with not only a desire to solve mysteries, but she cannot stop herself from helping someone. She is selfless in wanting to serve others. 8mo
Pageturner1 Nancy is a compassionate person and always wanting to help even if puts in danger. She may not be the brightest at times. 8mo
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AnneCecilie I think you‘re all on to something @CogsOfEncouragement @Pageturner1 but could it is also be that she‘s so wrapped up in the situation and doesn‘t realize how dangerous it actually is. 8mo
Ruthiella I think Nancy is compassionate and brave. She‘s not afraid to do the right thing. 8mo
CogsOfEncouragement @pageturner1 @AnneCecilie I read the 1930 original text, and I‘m not sure if these risky things are meant to be pure heroic, and therefore very pro-feminism, or if the idea that women should always put themselves last bled through. Nancy nearly drown trying to save Helen in the first few pages, Laura takes a boat out in a storm to save them, though Laura cannot swim, Stumpy is pure evil, yet it is decided that Nancy, Laura, and Carson must go… 8mo
bookandbedandtea I think she's very driven to help others but I also feel like she's a bit of an adrenaline junkie. 8mo
CogsOfEncouragement …down the cliff to see if he survived and needs medical care. Nancy put herself in danger numerous times to spy on Stumpy in order to help Laura, and Laura- still a minor- nurses Jacob Aborn back to health though she is extremely rich and could have/should have hired some help. It seems like Nancy is written to be “perfect” but that definition seems to be loaded down with dated ideas of femininity even while Nancy is doing things only men did. 8mo
Pageturner1 she‘s made to be a heroic woman to show women they can do what men can do. especially in that time frame. 8mo
Librarybelle I like your thoughts on being an adrenaline junkie, @bookandbedandtea . She does appear to be heroic, and maybe it is like @Pageturner1 mentions that this is a good role model for young women growing up in a man‘s world. Women can do what men can do. @CogsOfEncouragement @AnneCecilie @Ruthiella 8mo
dabbe @Librarybelle I was thinking the same idea as @bookandbedandtea, especially after just finishing A STUDY IN SCARLET. I see a few parallels between Sherlock and Nancy. Both are crazy-out-of-their-minds bored if they don't have a case (at least Nancy doesn't shoot cocaine, though, like Sherlock). She loves the thrill of the chase and has a hard time letting things go; that's what makes her the talented detective she is. 8mo
AmandaBlaze I think she enjoys the thrill that comes along with the danger. However, her first thought is how she can help. Everything would have been for nought if she didn't save the fortune. It also makes me wonder what Nancy's mother was like before she died. Did Nancy get her headstrong nature from her as Carson Drew is more streadfast? 8mo
lauraisntwilder @bookandbedandtea I agree. She thrives on action. At the end, she gets a lonely feeling when the mystery is over. 8mo
bookandbedandtea @dabbe I had never thought of comparing Nancy with Sherlock but now that you mention it I can see some similarities. You made me laugh when you noted that at least Nancy doesn't feel the need to do drugs! 😆 8mo
dabbe @bookandbedandtea 🤩😍😂 8mo
TheBookHippie I think she just goes —-youth invincible… 8mo
mrp27 I like that it‘s compassion and justice and doing the right thing that propels Nancy to take risks. 8mo
Bren912 I think she is so compassionate she does y realize the danger and risk until later. 8mo
kwmg40 I like that Nancy goes headlong into risky situations, like chasing after villains in her car. I admire that, because it's so unlike my own inclinations! 8mo
Roary47 I agree with so many that she is just selfless so danger just doesn‘t seem to phase her. 8mo
DebinHawaii She seems to be constantly thinking of others & wanting to the right thing. I think even with her risk-taking, she‘s a good role model—still today, but especially for the era they were written in. 8mo
MariaW I agree that she isn‘t thinking about the danger in the situations themselves. I don‘t even think she realizes the seriousness later. 7mo
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The bungalow mystery | Carolyn Keene, Russell H. Tandy
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5. Nancy Drew's resourcefulness. She knows everything and can do just about anything! Think about her dangerous episodes in this book and the ways she came out of them. Is there one in particular that stands out the most to you?

Remember, she's 18 in these beginning books, so she's pretty impressive, in my mind! #NancyDrewBR

Bookwormjillk I loved her car repair knowledge, and how she knew to escape from the ropes. 8mo
CogsOfEncouragement 1930- Nancy ends up a prisoner in the basement of the bungalow with the real Jacob. Jacob is chained, but Nancy gets tied up with rope. One of her dad‘s friends had recently shown her a trick of how to hold her wrists while being tied up as to make it easier/possible to work yourself free. 8mo
AnneCecilie Her memory of how to get out of the ropes. One thing is to have been told it a while ago, but something else to remember it when you need. Her memory is impressive 8mo
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Born.A.Reader Something else that I didn't think twice about when I was younger (because Nancy Drew is just awesome), but yes there are a lot of things an average 18 year old woman in those times would not typically know, like the vehicle issues. It is really impressive. 8mo
Ruthiella Definitely her knowing about how a combustion engine works! But really what appeals is her confidence that she can approach any problem and surmount it. 8mo
bookandbedandtea @Ruthiella I like this! Nancy fully believes in herself which makes her a very good role model not only for young girls but adult women as well. 8mo
Librarybelle I love the fact that she can figure out anything, and also stay calm and composed in the process. Her knowledge is impressive! @Bookwormjillk @CogsOfEncouragement @AnneCecilie @Born.A.Reader @Ruthiella @bookandbedandtea 8mo
dabbe I wonder if we'd have James Bond or MacGyver without Nancy, especially MacGyver. He also was capable of getting out of the most harrowing situations relying on his brains, talent, and wits. Nancy came before these guys! 🤩 8mo
AmandaBlaze I like how these books focus on her determination and strength of character. How she couldn't rescue Aborn on the first try, but kept working on the problem. 8mo
lauraisntwilder @Ruthiella Yes, exactly! She's a quick thinker and believes she can find a solution to any problem. When she knew exactly what was wrong with the car, I was reminded of how competent Nancy is in the 2007 movie starring Emma Roberts -- they really got that part right. 8mo
TheBookHippie Her “gumption” and “can do” attitude is fun. 8mo
mrp27 @TheBookHippie I agree and that‘s why I like her even though she just happens to know just the right thing at just the right time. 8mo
Bren912 Nancy is a clear thinker. When faced with stress she accesses the situation, takes a breath and THINKS first. 8mo
peanutnine @dabbe love the MacGyver comparison! Nancy definitely uses every little thing to her advantage to help her get out of scrapes. Her memory is impeccable! 8mo
kwmg40 It's hard to imagine anything that Nancy can't do! 8mo
Roary47 I like what @AmandaBlaze stated. Nancy seems to be able to do it all, but she also doesn‘t give up if a problem is placed before her. She will even ask for help or advice. She talks to her dad many times she wants to puzzle out a problem. I‘m impressed with her calm in the face of danger. 8mo
julieclair @AmandaBlaze and @TheBookHippie Yes! These traits are exactly what made her a great role model in the 1930s, and still today, 90(!) years later. 8mo
DebinHawaii Getting out of the ropes was pretty impressive for sure & yes her car knowledge too. I always thought that Nancy growing up with her dad as her primary example made her extra resourceful. 8mo
MariaW Nancy is definitely not a typical girl of 1930/1950ies with all the skills she got. That‘s why she is the heroine, a murder mystery with Helen as lead character would be boring. And aren‘t we fleeing reality and aren‘t our hopes and wishes mirrored in the characters of novels sometimes? Imagine reading Nancy Drew from the point of view of girl in the 1930/1950ies. What a role model! (edited) 7mo
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The bungalow mystery | Carolyn Keene, Russell H. Tandy
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4. Helen is back as Nancy's sidekick in this book. We see Carson Drew and Hannah, who currently should be off her feet but is not. We also meet two “good“ characters - Laura Pendleton and Don Cameron, Nancy's date from Prom. As for the “bad“ characters - we meet the Dowds, masquerading as the Aborns.

Think about the characters in this book. Any standouts to you? Any strong feelings about any of the characters? #NancyDrewBR

CogsOfEncouragement 1930- Stumpy acts alone to be Jacob Aborn, he has the real Jacob chained up in the basement of a seemingly deserted bungalow. Nancy is in the boat with Helen at the beginning. Laura saves them by taking a boat out to them even though, like Helen, Laura cannot swim. Laura explains she is to meet her guardian the next day. Nancy‘s dad is out of town again, back home just in time to help Nancy chase Stumpy a in high speed pursuit. 8mo
AnneCecilie For me a lot of the side characters seems boring since Nancy is so resourceful 8mo
bookandbedandtea Mr Dowd was a nasty piece of work. Don Cameron made no impression on me but I really liked Jim and Cathy Donnell and their parents. 8mo
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Ruthiella They all seemed pretty bland to me and Helen is barely in it! Though I did appreciate the Donnell siblings actions. But no one is really developed enough to stand out to me. 8mo
Librarybelle It‘s definitely all about Nancy! I‘m struck by how Carson Drew seems okay with Nancy doing these things - Nancy being Nancy. He does show some concern, but he also has so much faith in Nancy figuring her way out of situations. @CogsOfEncouragement @AnneCecilie @bookandbedandtea @Ruthiella 8mo
dabbe @Librarybelle One has to suspend their disbelief sometimes re: this and all of Nancy's heroic actions. But that's the fun of reading these stories; you know she will get out of the situation no matter what. It's like the dad knows that, too, almost as if he were given the so-called script. 8mo
AmandaBlaze I liked Laura's character. I think the villains aren't as drawn out to highlight Nancy's wits and strength. 8mo
lauraisntwilder I felt bad for poor Mrs. Gruen, whose lot in life seems to be to worry about the Drews. And in this one, she's injured! She's hobbling around, stressed out, making everyone food, and they keep leaving her alone. 😂 8mo
TheBookHippie @AnneCecilie I agree. I don‘t really pay to close attention to them. 8mo
mrp27 The secondary characters are just that, secondary. I did like Laura and I wonder if any of these characters show up in later books. 8mo
peanutnine I liked the Donnell siblings. Laura was sweet but it felt like she was written as much younger by her mannerisms even though she was just a couple years younger than Nancy 8mo
kwmg40 I agree with others here that the secondary characters are pretty dull compared to Nancy! 8mo
Roary47 I was thinking that too @lauraisntwilder why are they leaving Hannah alone injured and still caring for them. I agree the secondary characters are easily forgotten. 8mo
julieclair Good point, @lauraisntwilder ! Poor Mrs. Gruen does seem to have a worry-filled life. As for the new characters, I really liked Laura, and I hope she shows up in future books. 8mo
DebinHawaii Yes, the secondary characters & even the villains are pretty shallowly drawn but I‘m fine with that. I‘m looking forward to when Bess & George show up! 8mo
MariaW I was wondering if the villains have two faces / are part of both mysteries in the upcoming novels as well. It is already the second novel in which the villain(s) are part of Carson‘s case and the one of Nancy. It would get boring this way because one would anticipate the ending. I didn‘t like that Stumpy gives away all his secrets and how he did do everything in front of real Jacob Aborn. 7mo
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The bungalow mystery | Carolyn Keene, Russell H. Tandy
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3. The first chapter! A boating accident involving Nancy and Helen. There seems to be a pattern to the storytelling coming forward - a scary episode early in the book that kind of connects to later events.

For those who have read the first two books, think about the episodes in those books and compare to this book. Is this book more suspenseful? Less suspenseful? #NancyDrewBR

Laughterhp I think this book was definitely more suspenseful and more dark. A lot of dangerous stuff happened in this one that Nancy had to deal with. 8mo
Bookwormjillk I think this book was a lot more suspenseful- and I enjoyed it more. 8mo
CogsOfEncouragement Like any cozy, horrible things happen, but not described in detail. The reader does not need to dwell if they do not want to. I would think the injuries to Nancy‘s wrists when she got out of the ropes would have caused her great pain and would have needed some attention. Lots more in the story, but her wrists are never brought up again. Jacob Aborn being chained up, in the dark, & half starved was pretty bleak, but he was basically fine. 8mo
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Born.A.Reader I think the suspense and trauma we see in this gives the reader, presumably a child, a quick dip in that pool without going into the much more detail that an adult novel might. I remember being caught up in the suspense while reading these as a kid, the same way I do with adult books, without stopping to think about the details or plausbility of something, so I think it works. 8mo
bookandbedandtea I did feel there was a lot of danger in this one. Agree with @CogsOfEncouragement that everyone, especially Nancy, recovers from their ordeals laughably quickly but I think that's appropriate for children's books. 8mo
AnneCecilie More suspenseful. For me it added to the suspense that most of the action happened over a shorter period of them than at least the previous one. 8mo
Ruthiella The opening threat in this one is more visceral, happening in media res, as it were. Definitely the authors wanted to grab the reader‘s attention and keep it. 8mo
Pageturner1 the beginning was definitely more intense. definitely a better one 8mo
Librarybelle The first chapter really sucked me in! I think the episodes were a bit more risky and dangerous this time. @Laughterhp @Bookwormjillk @CogsOfEncouragement @Born.A.Reader @bookandbedandtea @AnneCecilie @Ruthiella @Pageturner1 8mo
dabbe @CogsOfEncouragement I agree! Like in the last story, too, where glass fell on her and cut her up pretty badly; then, she goes right on with the investigation and no mention of blood again! 8mo
AmandaBlaze I believe this one was more suspenseful. It seems there was some action at every turn. 8mo
TheBookHippie Seems they increase with “danger” but also get pushed through quickly back to normal!! 8mo
mrp27 This one was very suspenseful and much more nefarious. 8mo
Bren912 Sooooo much suspense compared to the other reads!! 8mo
kwmg40 I found the first chapter quite exciting! As a whole, this book seemed more suspenseful than the previous ones. 8mo
Roary47 I think this one was more suspenseful. However, I think this because it felt more real. 8mo
julieclair I really liked the suspenseful first chapter. But later on in the book, I felt Nancy was being too reckless, and I didn‘t enjoy that. 8mo
DebinHawaii Definitely more suspenseful & darker. No one seems concerned about any of the injuries. I would think both Nancy & her father would have had concussions for being knocked out. 🤕 8mo
MariaW In general the story was more suspenseful and tailored more artfully. But I have to admit that the first scene was a bit over the top throwing the reader in at the deep end right away. 7mo
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The bungalow mystery | Carolyn Keene, Russell H. Tandy
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2. Let's talk illustrations. Russell H Tandy was the original artist for the covers and the interior illustrations. Here is an article on Tandy from the Nancy Drew Sleuth website:


What do you think of the artwork? Does it add to the storytelling? If you read these as a child or teen, did the illustrations add to the reading experience? #NancyDrewBR

CogsOfEncouragement 1930- The artwork kept me mindful of what Nancy was wearing, and how it would have made her heroics more difficult. I can‘t imagine boating in her attire and especially not going down a cliff to see if Stumpy was still alive. I thought about her skirt and shoes when she was helping to get Stumpy back up to her dad‘s car, and when she was dragging the suitcases up the cliff as well. (edited) 8mo
Bookwormjillk @CogsOfEncouragement I agree. It‘s strange/funny to see all of these illustrations of her solving mysteries in a skirt and pumps. 8mo
Born.A.Reader I have to keep remembering it was a different time and she would be running around in her heels and skirts and not jeans and flip flops, so the illustrations help me to revisiualize what she looks like. I enjoyed seeing them when reading as a child too. It helped bring her to life. 8mo
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bookandbedandtea I like the illustrations. I think they're very expressive. My enjoyment of the illustrations this time around makes me think they must have been important to me as a child. 8mo
AnneCecilie I have loved the illustrations in the previous books, but now I read in translation since that‘s what the library had. The translated version didn‘t have any illustrations and I really missed them. 8mo
Ruthiella I love the illustrations. Like everyone says above, they help with the visualization and the time frame. 8mo
Librarybelle @CogsOfEncouragement @Bookwormjillk @Born.A.Reader @bookandbedandtea @AnneCecilie @Ruthiella I like to see the illustrations to visualize the scene. Totally agree - a 21st-century Nancy would most likely not be doing these things in a skirt and pumps! 8mo
dabbe It's kind of similar to Ginger Rogers, doing everything Fred Astaire had to do but “backwards and in high heels“ (Frank and Ernest 1982). 8mo
AmandaBlaze I used to flip through the books as a kid, seeking out the illustrations. It gave me a little teaser to what was to come. 8mo
lauraisntwilder I like them because they remind me how young Nancy is. This was especially obvious in the illustration that showed Mr. Drew and Don Cameron. Don looked like one of the Hardy Boys compared to middle-aged Carson Drew. 8mo
TheBookHippie Keeps me in the time frame for sure. Kids today do not take them out because of them which is sad. 8mo
BarkingMadRead I love the illustrations in these books. The illustrator does an amazing job! 8mo
mrp27 I‘ve only read the later versions so far so her clothing seems somewhat fitting to the situation at hand but still a tad dated. I love the illustrations 8mo
Bren912 The illustrator was very detailed. I remember imagining myself in the throes of the thrill as a young reader. 8mo
kspenmoll I love the illustrations- thanks for the article. 8mo
peanutnine I love the illustrations, they are so detailed and really put you into the story. My only complaint is the one random illustration they always put at the beginning of my editions that usually give away a huge plot point. This time it was Nancy discovering the real Mr Aborn 8mo
kwmg40 I grew up reading Nancy Drew as a child and I recall the illustrations really helped me envision the settings. 8mo
Roary47 I agree with everyone. I was a struggling reader growing up. So reading and then getting a break with a picture made me appreciate the pictures more. 8mo
julieclair I love the illustrations, especially the covers. But I agree with @peanutnine that I don‘t like when the illustration at the beginning of the book gives away the plot. I may try to avoid seeing those in future books. 8mo
DebinHawaii @peanutnine Great point! That is frustrating! 😡 Like everyone I really enjoy seeing the illustrations of the interiors & fashion! 8mo
MariaW In my ebook version the pictures were added too. In general I like that the cover is coloured and more detailed but the pictures accompanying the text are only black and white and less detailed. This way it helps the reader to imagine the situation but leaves enough space for their own imagination. 7mo
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The bungalow mystery | Carolyn Keene, Russell H. Tandy
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1. Here we go! Our sleuth has cracked the case again! I wanted to first get a visual of a bungalow from the 1930s. Here is an article to looks at the early 20th-century style:


Nancy, Helen, and Laura find shelter in a bungalow (and leave a note of thanks!).

Why do you think this book is titled “The Bungalow Mystery?“ #NancyDrewBR

CogsOfEncouragement 1930- I think the title relates to Nancy discovering the real Jacob Aborn chained up in the basement of the seemingly deserted bungalow. 8mo
Bookwormjillk The titles of these books are a little strange since they give away a lot of the story. But I like to think they‘re how Nancy remembered them to herself in the years to come. 8mo
bookandbedandtea I kept wondering why this one was called The Bungalow Mystery as the building played such a small role in the book. I didn't read the 1930 version this time, though. I'll try to do that today. I enjoy seeing the differences in the stories. I agree with @Bookwormjillk that the titles give a lot away; I really like the thought that it's how Nancy remembers them! 8mo
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Born.A.Reader I found it odd that it was entitled such, because, aside from the end, there wasn't a great deal of story plot revolving around that bungalow. 8mo
AnneCecilie I thought it was because that‘s where the real guardian was and therefore the solution to questions asked, like why Laura‘s mum would give her the guardian that she did. It‘s were the valuables are kept. (edited) 8mo
Ruthiella @Bookwormjillk I love that idea! And (so far) it does make sense since each title relates to a key aspect of the ultimate solution of the mystery. But as a reader, this would not be apparent until the end. 😃 (edited) 8mo
Librarybelle I was completely confused over the bungalow in the title - I kept thinking of the bungalow they visited in the beginning to shelter from the storm. While that does play a role in the end, it didn‘t seem as obvious to me as in the prior two books. I read the 1968 edition. @CogsOfEncouragement @Bookwormjillk @bookandbedandtea @Born.A.Reader @AnneCecilie @Ruthiella 8mo
bookandbedandtea @Librarybelle I wonder if the bungalow played a bigger part in the 1930 version. I'm going to read that tonight as I too kept wondering when the bungalow was going to take center stage. @CogsOfEncouragement @Bookwormjillk @Born.A.Reader @AnneCecilie @Ruthiella 8mo
Librarybelle It makes me wonder too, @bookandbedandtea ! 8mo
CogsOfEncouragement Nancy follows Aborn who is really Stumpy and finds a seemingly abandoned bungalow. She removes boards from a window, breaks in and finds real Aborn chained in basement. Before she can free him, Stumpy ties her with rope and leaves them to slowly starve. Nancy works out of ropes, unlocks Aborn. She gets to the resort and a phone. @Bookwormjillk @Born.A.Reader @AnneCecilie @Ruthiella 8mo
dabbe I also forgot that Nancy has a talisman if you will for every mystery, this time the ring that Laura gave her. Wonder what it would have been like if the books had been named for the tokens she received? They probably wouldn't have sounded as exciting. Also, even though the bungalow didn't figure hugely in the story, in the last one Nancy kept searching for the hidden staircase, which we didn't see until the end either. 8mo
AmandaBlaze Maybe because it connects the mysteries, hers and her dad's? 8mo
lauraisntwilder I assumed it was because that's where she got to know Laura, as they sheltered from the storm, and first learned about the mystery. The story sort of begins and ends there. 8mo
TheBookHippie @dabbe I noticed this too!!! 8mo
TheBookHippie @Bookwormjillk oh that‘s a nice thought. 8mo
TheBookHippie I think it‘s interesting the huge changes between decades with book publishing. I prefer the 1930 I think. 8mo
mrp27 Title didn‘t confuse me much, figured it would all tie in. 8mo
bookandbedandtea @CogsOfEncouragement The building where the real Mr Aborn was being held was always called a shack in the book. The only bungalow mentioned was the building where Nancy, Helen, and Laura took shelter from the storm. We learned the bad guys were actually using the bungalow but not until the very end. Since no action happened in the bungalow it made me wonder why it gave the book its title. Seemed odd to me. 🤷‍♀️ 8mo
peanutnine It seems like the changes in the newer version made less use of the bungalow, instead hiding the real Aborn in the shack because it was closer to the main house, but the title was never changed even though it lost some of its importance 8mo
kwmg40 All this discussion is making me very curious about the 1930 edition! I'll have to read it sometime and compare to the later edition that I'd read. 8mo
Roary47 I‘m glad you shared the article. I thought it was just a shack in the middle of nowhere, but it‘s actually a really great looking house. 8mo
julieclair I enjoyed the article, too. I never realized there were so many different styles of bungalows. 8mo
DebinHawaii I always try not to read too much into the titles as I just figure the publisher picked what they thought was most dramatic 🤷🏻‍♀️ @Bookwormjillk I like that idea! 8mo
MariaW Reading the article I realized that bungalow definitely means something else in the US than it does in Europe. The house in the pictures I would call summer houses, bungalows are much smaller here and don‘t have two floors. I think the title is little bit misleading since the bungalow is almost never referred to. It seems like the authors forgot that they mentioned it in the beginning, remembered it hotly and tried to push it back it in at the end (edited) 7mo
Librarybelle @MariaW That‘s interesting about the differences in the US versus Europe! 7mo
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The bungalow mystery | Carolyn Keene, Russell H. Tandy
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Finished the 3rd book of the series, and ready for the discussion with #NancyDrewBR hosted by @LibraryBelle tomorrow.
Fun to reminisce with these elementary school favorites.

robinb ♥️ Nancy…and that cover! 8mo
CogsOfEncouragement @robinb My local library has a few of these with the 1930s covers. 8mo
robinb @CogsOfEncouragement So cool and classic. 😊 8mo
Librarybelle Gotta love the 1930 cover! 8mo
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The bungalow mystery | Carolyn Keene, Russell H. Tandy
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Nancy surely knows how to get herself out of a jam! Embezzlement, kidnapping, thievery…Nancy faces all of this, right after nearly drowning in a boating accident in the first chapter! I‘m greatly enjoying rereading through these.

#NancyDrewBR - discussion tomorrow (Monday)!

TheBookHippie We have no school -obviously- so now I have a fun activity! 😂 8mo
Ruthiella Yes! She does face a number of challenges in this one, negotiating them all with aplomb! 8mo
Librarybelle Hooray for something to look forward to, @TheBookHippie !! 8mo
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Librarybelle Yes, @Ruthiella ! It‘s all in a day‘s work for Nancy! 8mo
dabbe And she took a course in auto mechanics! Because, of course she did! 🤩 8mo
Librarybelle @dabbe But of course! 8mo
rubyslippersreads Oops! I got confused and thought we were reading The Hidden Staircase. Maybe I‘ll catch up with Nancy next month. 8mo
Librarybelle @rubyslippersreads No worries! The Hidden Staircase was December, so feel free to join that discussion whenever! Next month‘s is 8mo
bookandbedandtea Nancy is definitely someone you want to have around when things are going wrong 😁 8mo
Deblovestoread I really enjoyed this one. So much so that I may continue on with the series beyond my set of the first 4. 8mo
Librarybelle @Deblovestoread That‘s wonderful! 8mo
AmandaBlaze I've been reading ahead a bit, but I think this one is my favorite so far. 8mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 8mo
Librarybelle That‘s so good to know it‘s your favorite so far, @AmandaBlaze ! Lots of episodes in this one! 8mo
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Enjoyable but there is clearly a formula to these mysteries. As I like Nancy and her determination and sense of good I‘ll definitely read a few more.

TheSpineView Fantastic! 8mo
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Bungalow Mystery | Carolyn Keene
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Starting this tonight, they are always such a fun and quick read!

Librarybelle Agreed! 9mo
dabbe And quite suspenseful! Like this picture above! 😱 9mo
BarkingMadRead @dabbe it really started off with a lot of drama! 9mo
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Bungalow Mystery | Carolyn Keene
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Having a blast rereading my old Nancy Drews! I‘d forgotten how action-packed this was. And Stumpy Dowd—what a name for our villain 😆

Had to go rummaging for this issue of Oh Reader from a couple years back so that I could revisit this fun article. I always love the descriptions of what Nancy is eating and wearing!


Librarybelle That‘s awesome! 9mo
Ruthiella I‘m always astonished that she‘s doing most of this in a dress or skirt! 😱😆 9mo
batsy Love those old copies 😍 9mo
CatMS So loved Nancy Drew!! 9mo
kspenmoll That article looks like fun! 8mo
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Waylon cautiously sniffing out crime 😂 A soft pick, as I'm anticipating most of this series will be. Fun to read, but falls apart a little if you think about it too hard haha But these are definitely heavy on the nostalgia factor. #NancyDrewBR @Librarybelle

JenReadsAlot Adorable puppy!! 9mo
Yuki_Onna Aaawwwwww... Waylon 🥰 9mo
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ElizaMarie Waylon is adorable! Are these old physical books? They probably have several lifetimes of smells :) 9mo
Librarybelle Waylon does look rather cautious! ❤️ 9mo
Jari-chan Awww 😍❤️ 9mo
Ruthiella He‘s on the case! ❤️🐶 9mo
Gissy 🐶 🐾 🐾❤️❤️❤️ 9mo
TheSpineView 💜🐾💜 9mo
AmyG Heis so cute! 9mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 9mo
PuddleJumper 🐶🐾 9mo
UwannaPublishme Awww! How sweet is Waylon! 🥰 9mo
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TheAromaofBooks What a fun cover!! 9mo
PurpleyPumpkin It really is fun revisiting these classics! 9mo
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Bookwormjillk Love that cover! 9mo
bookandbedandtea That cover! 😍 9mo
Librarybelle I do like the updated covers! 9mo
BarbaraBB Nancy Drew! How cool! 9mo
tpixie What a great cover 😍😍😍 9mo
julieclair I agree! These books are so much fun! 9mo
Roary47 I started this last night. Looking forward to continuing it tonight. 🥰 9mo
AmandaBlaze I was so happy that my #Roll100 for this month included two Nancy Drew books. 9mo
Ruthiella I just finished it yesterday and it was great fun to revisit! It really was action packed! 😅 (edited) 9mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 9mo
kspenmoll Love your photo! I am enjoying rereading this series too. Nostalgic & plane fun! 9mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳Great!! 9mo
Andrew65 Brilliant 👏👏👏 9mo
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The bungalow mystery | Carolyn Keene, Russell H. Tandy
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#JumpStart2024 #ReadAway2024 #SeriesLove2024

Finished last night during #MidwinterSolace #HyggeHour for #NancyDrewBR & enjoyed the reread! This one feels like the stakes are a bit higher with the danger & criminals Does anyone else worry about Nancy & her father getting hit over the head & knocked out so much? Maybe it only seems like multiple times🤷🏻‍♀️but I don‘t think I ever worried about concussions when I read these in my youth! 🤕🫣😆

Librarybelle I love how we‘re looking at Nancy through adult eyes versus our kid/teen eyes! 9mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳Great! 9mo
DebinHawaii @Librarybelle Right?! It‘s fun & I‘m definitely pulling out different things! 9mo
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TheSpineView Fantastic!🤩📖📚 9mo
Ruthiella I‘m just AMAZED at how her mystery and her dad‘s case just HAPPENED to be connected, again! 😆 9mo
Andrew65 Brilliant, 👏👏👏 I want to read more of these. 9mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳Great! 9mo
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I forgot how some books could start off with heart-pounding thrills. This one grabbed me from the 1st page, and I couldn't stop reading until it was finished. Gotta love Nancy, Miss-Jack-of-All-Trades: “She got out of the car, lifted the hood, and flashed her light inside. She had taken a course in automobile mechanics and knew the possible sources of trouble.“ Of course she did. #wonderwomannancy Can't wait for the next one!

Librarybelle Nancy is amazing! 9mo
AmandaBlaze I‘m rediscovering why I loved these books so much as a kid. Nancy is such a strong female lead. 9mo
Ruthiella I was honestly a little surprised that she didn‘t use her course in road engineering to remove the downed tree in her way on her own without assistance by making a makeshift pulley! 😆 But she needed to meet the Donnell siblings for later sleuthing! 9mo
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dabbe @Librarybelle 🤩😍😃 9mo
dabbe @AmandaBlaze Me, too! 🤩😍😃 9mo
dabbe @Ruthiella Excellent point! 🤩😂😍 9mo
Suet624 I had a great-aunt who drove one of the first cars in her town. According to my mother, this woman knew everything about that car and often pulled herself out of situations that I would never have been comfortable attempting. 9mo
dabbe @Suet624 She's a #nancydrew! 🤩😍😃 9mo
batsy Ah yes, that's a passage that sums up Nancy Drew 😁 9mo
dabbe @batsy 🤩😍😃 9mo
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Nancy Drew solves another mystery involving bank robbers and a wealthy orphan. She almost dies in a boating accident. I enjoy the details about her clothes and meals. The series must think aspiring girl sleuths need educated on appropriate attire and meal prepping. 🥩 🥔 🥗

Librarybelle Love your last line! 9mo
tpixie @Librarybelle @catiewithac Yes!! 😂 great last line!!! #NDBuddyRead 9mo
dabbe This one started off with a near hit/near miss! 🌊🛶😱 9mo
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#NancyDrewBR #serieslove2024
The 3rd book in Nancy Drew‘s adventures.This time she is on the trail of some nasty thieves.She gets herself out of some scary situations,makes anew girlfriend,& all is well in the end.Of course she leaves us wondering when her next mystery to solve will come her way.Written to be accessible to young readers,its writing is quick & rather bland.I did love this series as a kid,so it is fun to reread them.

Librarybelle It‘s been so much fun revisiting Nancy and her adventures! 9mo
TheSpineView Well done!📚📚📚 9mo
AnnR Pretty pillow. Is that needlework or cross-stitch design? 9mo
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DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳Great! 9mo
kspenmoll @AnnR It is needlepoint. My sister introduced me to it after a car accident left me on my back for quite a while. I do have many pillows that I have given to friends and family because my cats wreck them. This one is They don‘t seem to pay attention to. It may just be because they‘re old now they aren‘t kitties. 9mo
AnnR Well, it's lovely and I'm glad the kitties didn't damage it. 🙂 I'm sorry about the accident though. That must have been a difficult time. 9mo
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 9mo
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This is my favourite of the 3 I've read so far for #NancyDrewBR. It's suspenseful and the pacing is good.

One thing that stood out was the reference to the “foreign car“. I guess there were few enough back then that it would have been noticed.

AmandaBlaze This is my favorite so far, too! 9mo
Librarybelle Yay! So good to hear it was good! 9mo
Ruthiella For sure, I didn‘t think about that, but before Japanese imports in the ‘70s it really would have been rare to see a non American car. 🤔 9mo
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The bungalow mystery | Carolyn Keene, Russell H. Tandy
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“Humming softly, Nancy went to the modern pink-and-white kitchen. “

As a child, I wasn‘t concerned with interior design, but now I really want to see Nancy‘s kitchen! #NancyDrewBR

Librarybelle I think you found a good picture for it! 9mo
Ruthiella @Librarybelle Now I want to imagine the entire house! 😆 9mo
Tamra Oh wow, throwback! I appreciate the nostalgia, but I only think of Pepto Bismal when I see pink as an interior design element. 😝 9mo
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Ruthiella @Tamra Pink wouldn‘t be my first choice either, which is why I HAD to google it! 😂 9mo
Tamra @Ruthiella 🤣 I‘m glad you did! 9mo
LeahBergen I‘m digging it. 😆 9mo
Bookwormjillk I kind of love it. I would paint those wooden cabinets white though. 9mo
batsy Nice! I have to go down the Pinterest rabbit hole to look up 1930s and midcentury American kitchens 😆 9mo
jlhammar Oh my, that‘s a whole lot of pink! Great find. 9mo
Ruthiella @LeahBergen I think in the parlance of the day, you have to say it‘s “nifty”. 😆 9mo
Ruthiella @batsy I had to do it the minute I read MODERN! Not sure what the 1930s edition of the book had, however…still pink? 🤔 9mo
Ruthiella @Bookwormjillk I would be tempted to paint them too! 😃 (edited) 9mo
Ruthiella @jlhammar It‘s what Hannah Gruen wanted! 😆 9mo
LeahBergen Oh, that‘s right! 😆 9mo
kwmg40 Great photo! 😄 9mo
Ruthiella @kwmg40 Thanks! 😊 9mo
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This is my favorite of the series so far. It starts out with a bang, and the action continues from there. This is also part of my #Roll100.
#NancyDrewBR @Librarybelle

PuddleJumper 🎉🎉🎉 9mo
Librarybelle Hooray!! 9mo
TheSpineView Fantastic!👍📖📚 9mo
Andrew65 Excellent, and it certainly does. 👏👏👏 9mo
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Totally wrapped up in this one today. It‘s funny; I remember loving Nancy Drew as a kid, but I didn‘t remember how actioned packed these books were. The opening chapter was quite exciting. #NancyDrewBR. @Librarybelle

Librarybelle I‘ll be starting this soon! 9mo
dabbe I loved it, too! 🤩 9mo
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Ok, guys and gals, here's a little PSA for ya: even if you're a strong swimmer, make sure the boat contains life vests BEFORE setting out for a day on the water 😒

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Starting this on my lunch break

Librarybelle Yay!! 9mo
dabbe Look at all those ND's! 🤩🤩🤩 9mo
TheBookgeekFrau Are all those Nancy Drew's yours? 9mo
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bookandbedandtea @TheBookgeekFrau @dabbe Yes 😊 My grandparents slowly bought me the whole set when I was a child. 🥰 9mo
TheBookgeekFrau @bookandbedandtea That's so cool! 💞 9mo
dabbe @bookandbedandtea Sheer awesomeness. 🖤💙🖤 9mo
bookandbedandtea @TheBookgeekFrau I agree! I totally credit my grandparents and Nancy Drew for my love of reading! 9mo
bookandbedandtea @dabbe Thanks, I agree! My grandparents set me up to be a reader. 😊 9mo
jlhammar Wow, love your collection! 9mo
bookandbedandtea @jlhammar Thank you! 💜😊 9mo
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Was supposed to save for January but wanted to finish up 2023 strong. Finished on 12/30/23.

Book 3 of Nancy Drew series.

dabbe I finished last week, too! I couldn't help myelf! 🤩😂😍 9mo
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The bungalow mystery | Carolyn Keene, Russell H. Tandy
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We‘re two weeks away from this month‘s #NancyDrewBR discussion! I have my copy ready to read!!

Discussion will take place on January 15th.

If you would added or removed from the tag list, just let me know!

TheBookHippie I‘m in! Just pulled it out! 9mo
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Ruthiella I put the book on hold yesterday! 👍 9mo
DebinHawaii Hopefully grabbing mine from the library tomorrow! 🤗 9mo
KristiAhlers Is it too late to join? I loved Nancy Drew when I was younger! 9mo
Bren912 Got my copy and ready!! 9mo
BarkingMadRead Cannot wait!! 9mo
tpixie @Librarybelle I hate to say this, but go ahead and remove me. I think my plate is full. Thanks for having me! 🩵 9mo
Pageturner1 got mine! 9mo
Roary47 My book is ready to go! 9mo
Librarybelle @KristiAhlers Not too late to join at all! Welcome! 9mo
Librarybelle Will do, @tpixie ! Thanks for joining for the first couple of books! 9mo
julieclair Ready to go! 9mo
bookandbedandtea I'm ready! 9mo
dabbe I already finished and can't wait to talk about it! 🤩 9mo
Jennifer3 Please add me! 9mo
Librarybelle @Jennifer3 Will do! Welcome! 9mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! 9mo
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The bungalow mystery | Carolyn Keene, Russell H. Tandy
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The next #NancyDrewBR is the third book in the series, The Bungalow Mystery. Discussion will take place on January 15th!

If you would like to be added or removed from the tag list, let me know! And, feel free to join the discussion from the first two months of the #buddyread ! Great discussions are taking place…just search #NancyDrewBR for the posted questions!

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! I am genuinely SO excited to be reading these again!! 9mo
BarkingMadRead Woohoo!! Can‘t wait! 9mo
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tpixie 🎉🎉🎉 9mo
Ruthiella This is such a fun re-discovery of a childhood favorite! 😃👍 9mo
DebinHawaii Looking forward to it! 🤗 9mo
Deblovestoread ❤️💚❤️ 9mo
dabbe 💙❄️💙 9mo
Read4life 💙🤓 9mo
jlhammar Thanks - looking forward to it! 9mo
julieclair So fun! 9mo
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Bungalow Mystery | Carolyn Keene
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@PuddleJumper here are my #roll100 for May! Thanks for this challenge, I almost always kind of finish them 🤣

PuddleJumper 😂 1y
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I love this time period; i.e., no smartphones or smart cars, no laptops or internet or GPS!! Nancy is plucky and fearless with heightened moral development. She also masters camouflage with her green clothing 😁

#ValentinesDayReadathon Day 3

TheSpineView Awesome! 2y
dabbe And she's driving around in her convertible. Oh, Nancy Drew! How I love you! ❣️ 2y
Eggs @TheSpineView 🥰🥰 2y
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Eggs @dabbe She‘s just so Nancy!!! 2y
Andrew65 Sounds heavenly, well done 👏👏👏 2y
DieAReader Great job!🥳🥳 2y
Eggs @Andrew65 Thanks 💚💚💚 2y
Eggs @DieAReader Thanks 😊 💚🙌🏻 2y
Bren912 I love your word “plucky”. So fitting! 9mo
Eggs @Bren912 Thanks 🙏🏻 😍 9mo
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Not as aptly named as some of the others, but a good read.

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1. I can‘t remember too far back 😂, but I do remember how excited I got when I got to go to the library (20 minutes away). I would hold my breath hoping for a Nancy Drew that I hadn‘t read yet. 😊

2. Any really, but rainy days curled up with a blanket are always special. ☔️

3. Good friends like Elisabeth. 🤗 Thanks for the tag @eanderson !

@LeahBergen @DanaManiac @Crazeedi @CBee @HappilyEverKrafter Wanna play?


CBee Nancy Drew 😍😍 Thanks for the tag, friend!! 3y
Crazeedi Thanks for tag!! 3y
Eggs Well done - thanks for playing 🙏🏻📚🙌🏻 3y
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I listened to two entire Nancy Drew mysteries while I hemmed my jacket and made and set the shoulder pads. Tomorrow I do the muslin sleeves! I suspect I‘ll have to remove the pads and shorten the shoulders, too. I didn‘t realize just how far they stick out past my own shoulders. #audiosewing

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February #20in4 readathon. Hosted by @Andrew65 we love you so much for doing such great readathons!

Reading goals:
📚 read 24 hours
📖 The Bungalow Mystery (Nancy Drew)
📖 Crazy Rich Asians
📖 Seven Days (not in database)

Ruthiella Nancy Drew!❤️ 4y
Andrew65 Good luck 😊👍 4y
CaffeineAndCandy @ruthiella ikr! I haven't read her since middle school, but I remember loving her and so I'm revisiting to see what all the hype was about. 🥰 Friend 💜💜💜 4y
CaffeineAndCandy Isn't today the fourth day? Like, doesn't it end at midnight tonight? @Andrew65 4y
Andrew65 @CaffeineAndCandy Yes finishes midnight tonight, end of 1st March. 4y
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The bungalow mystery | Carolyn Keene, Russell H. Tandy
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I enjoy reading these little gems. Although they do always seem to work out too nicely for me in the end, there's something relaxing about reading Nancy Drew novels. These are quick novels and are super easy to move through. #mystery #NancyDrew #truecrime #2019books

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#7days7covers Day 6

Posting covers I love for 7 days with no explanation @arlenefinnigan if you haven‘t been tagged already do you want to play?

Lreads These are beautiful editions! 😍 5y
Crazeedi I love those covers! Awesome!❤ 5y
TheAromaofBooks I haven't seen these editions before! They are so fun! 5y
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Bungalow Mystery | Carolyn Keene

So #mysterymessageswap friends, I moved recently and my mail forwarding says the USPS will possibly take 7 days of delay to get things to me. 🙄📚🤨 I‘ve been checking the old house for any other packages but we are all moved out of there now and won‘t be going back. If you are concerned or want to share a tracking/touting number please feel free to email me. ❤️👍🏼 @TheReadingMermaid

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