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Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life | Barbara Kingsolver
112 posts | 182 read | 8 reading | 95 to read
Author Barbara Kingsolver and her family abandoned the industrial-food pipeline to live a rural life--vowing that, for one year, they'd only buy food raised in their own neighborhood, grow it themselves, or learn to live without it. Part memoir, part journalistic investigation, Animal, Vegetable, Miracle is an enthralling narrative that will open your eyes in a hundred new ways to an old truth: You are what you eat.
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Animal, Vegetable, Miracle | Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp
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First ripe tomato of the season 🍅♥️

mcctrish AMAZING! I would be having toast with tomatoes 🍅 ❤️ 1mo
Chelsea.Poole What a lovely sight 😍🍅 1mo
WorldsOkayestStepMom Hi! I like your tattoo. Enjoy that tomato! 1mo
Texreader Yay!!! 1mo
Cupcake12 They always taste better than shop brought 1mo
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Animal, Vegetable, Miracle | Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp
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This book covers a year of eating locally grown or sourced food, but I think a lot of people thought like me, Ok, but what happens in winter?!
Read if you‘re curious!

#midwintersolace #naturalitsy @AllDebooks @TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

IndoorDame Loved this book! 6mo
AllDebooks Oooh 😍 6mo
Crazeedi Sounds interesting 6mo
TheBookHippie I love this book! 6mo
DebinHawaii An old favorite of mine. I should reread it! 💚💚💚 6mo
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Animal, Vegetable, Miracle | Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp
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This nonfiction book from Barbara Kingsolver will open your eyes to the impact of what you choose to eat. The Kingsolver family moves from Arizona to live on a family farm in Appalachia, and decide to live for a year on locally grown and produced food (with the exception of coffee and chocolate). Daughter Camille,a biology student at Duke, adds sidebars and recipes. Even husband Stephen Hopp adds an occasional sidebar. #bookbinge #includesrecipes

Eggs Brilliant 👏🏻 10mo
DivineDiana @Eggs Yes, Barbara Kingsolver is! 🙂 10mo
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Animal, Vegetable, Miracle | Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp
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My book club book for April, this memoir of a year of eating locally inspired me to go back to making my own yogurt and today I made a strawberry sauce to flavor it with after strawberries are out of season. I grew up growing our own vegetables and eating beef raised by my grandfather so I should do better about conscious food choices, and Kingsolver has given me the nudge to move in that direction. Starting with strawberry sauce in my freezer.

TEArificbooks I loved this book. I am glad there is now a company that sells those imperfect foods that used to be thrown out because they won‘t look pretty in the grocery store. Yet there are foods I would miss if we did what she did, like bananas and Ben and Jerry‘s. 1y
Lcsmcat @TEArificbooks I don‘t know if I could give up tea and chocolate! But, even though I don‘t enjoy gardening I can sure buy more from farmers markets than grocery stores! 1y
IndoorDame Yum!😋 1y
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Eggs Brilliant 🍅🫑🌽 1y
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Animal, Vegetable, Miracle | Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp
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Karisa That‘s so perfect! 🤣 1y
AmyG Alot of that these days. 1y
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My annual re-read of the tagged book is almost over! It reminds me of all the things that I love about the growing season. This photo is from the greenhouse in February and I can't believe how much our plants have grown since then!!

Animal, Vegetable, Miracle | Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp
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Thank you so much @dabbe for this fantastic #LLWBS swap package. It is all wonderful. The happy pill is amazing!!!!

Thank to @Bookgoil and @Deblovestoread for organizing this swap!

Deblovestoread Great box! 1y
Bookgoil That happy pill is so fun! So many fun cute gifts! 1y
dabbe I'm so glad you liked it! I plan on opening my box when I get home today! I'll be posting soon! ❣️🤗❣️ 1y
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Animal, Vegetable, Miracle | Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp
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I love this author. She loves science and the environment and I love how funny and snarky she is. I started this in January. And it ended up as my September #DoubleSpin. It's going into my recipe book shelf. Because food. And recipes. ❤


And thank you to @Soubhiville for sending this to me.

Soubhiville I‘m glad you liked it. It‘s got a special place on my shelf too. 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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Animal, Vegetable, Miracle | Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp
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Today's train book is my September #DoubleSpin. Can someone please explain where exactly September went?

Prairiegirl_reading I wish I knew!! Can we have it back please? Also I love that book, I found it so interesting! 2y
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Animal, Vegetable, Miracle | Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp
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This smart lady is keeping me company while I get boosted. ❤💉

kyraleseberg I reread this every January as I prep for seed starting. Always gets me excited for spring ☺️ 2y
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Animal, Vegetable, Miracle | Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp
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Playing with different homemade baking mixes while it snows outside ❤️ delicious #audiobaking

SRWCF That looks tasty! 2y
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Animal, Vegetable, Miracle | Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp
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I‘m thrilled 8/9 books from this grid came rolling down from my botm stack! Yet, I tagged the non-botm because I‘m going to think about that book for a long time.

5* = Loved It, want to shout out loud about this book! I do/will own/keep a physical copy. A+
4*= I liked it, would love to discuss. Solid B
3*=Meh, no need to discuss. Average C
2*=Nope D
1*=DNF F

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Animal, Vegetable, Miracle | Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp
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Clwojick 🥳🥳🥳 2y
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Animal, Vegetable, Miracle | Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp
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Partly this book was what I expected - a confirmation of things I know & a pitch for lifestyle changes I believe in but haven‘t made yet, mixed with interesting new facts & ideas. And partly this book wasn‘t at all what I expected - it was funny! & it made me really nostalgic for the year I spent living on a working ecovillage where we actually produced about a third of our own food. All in all it was a great introduction to Barbara Kingsolver.

TheBookHippie I love this book. 2y
Cinfhen Ahhhh!! That‘s fabulous 💜I tried this one awhile ago but it wasn‘t holding my interest. Maybe I‘ll try again. 2y
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Animal, Vegetable, Miracle | Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp
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Kingsolver set out to be a farmer and locavore for a year in 2006, and she & her family learned many important lessons. She narrates the majority herself, going through the seasonal foods, chores, and joys each month brought. Her husband narrates his essays that provide a national perspective on their choices. Her older daughter gives meal planning tips and tips for college student locavores. My favorite was her 8-year-old daughter‘s egg business!

Scochrane26 I went to their restaurant a few years ago, but of course, she wasn‘t there. It was really good. 2y
Cinfhen That‘s cool @Scochrane26 2y
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Cinfhen @IndoorDame just reviewed this book too!! Both of your reviews make me curious to try again. 2y
Megabooks @Scochrane26 awesome! I don‘t get to the central/eastern part of Kentucky much anymore, which is sad. I find myself in Nashville much more often. But I‘d love to try her restaurant. 2y
Megabooks @Cinfhen it was really interesting. I admit I‘m lukewarm on her fiction though. 2y
Cinfhen And I really liked 2y
Cinfhen I‘m attempting this one for #AAM 2y
Megabooks @Cinfhen I loved PB too. I‘ve bailed on FB twice. It was on Katie‘s nywd list a couple of years ago, so I feel terrible, but I‘m just not a fan. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 2y
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Thank you #AuthorAMonth & @Soubhiville for introducing me to Barbara Kingsolver! I gravitated to this memoir—an eye-opener on where our food comes from & how our food choices impact our environment. How cool is fiber artist Barbara, here with a carload of wool from her own sheep, to be spun into natural yarn at a solar-powered mill and then headed back to her to eventually use to knit some sweaters!
(Photo from Instagram: barbara.kingsolver)

Soubhiville Wow, that‘s a lot of wool! 2y
sprainedbrain Love her, and I loved this book! 2y
TheBookHippie I love her. 2y
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UwannaPublishme @sprainedbrain @TheBookHippie I‘m now a member of that fan club! Can‘t wait to read more. 🙌🏻 2y
UwannaPublishme @Soubhiville Good thing she loves to share, or that would be a LOT of sweaters! 😉 2y
PurpleyPumpkin Had no idea she was so multitalented! How amazing. Btw, I‘m currently reading The Bean Trees and enjoy it so far! It‘s my first BK too. 👍🏽 2y
UwannaPublishme @PurpleyPumpkin Yay! We‘re almost Buddy reading again. 😉 I want to read some of her fiction, so I‘ll look forward to your review. 2y
DivineDiana She is very cool! ❤️ 2y
PurpleyPumpkin I was surprised when I saw your post as I had no idea we were both doing this challenge! Glad to see we‘re on the same reading wavelength. 😉🙌🏽 2y
UwannaPublishme @PurpleyPumpkin Great minds think alike! 🤩 2y
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Animal, Vegetable, Miracle | Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp
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Look what I got in the mail today!

Thank you so much @Soubhiville !
I love this #authoramonth challenge and I'm looking forward to diving into these new books.

Soubhiville Oh yay, you‘re the first to get yours! Enjoy! 2y
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Animal, Vegetable, Miracle | Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp
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My goodness this book was relevant and fascinating, and I‘d give up this challenge before a weekend ended! I was as equally interested in the Kingsolvers‘ living their year as locavores as I was in the science and regulations that inspired their journey. I bought bananas yesterday and did find myself wondering how many resources it took to get those 3 bananas to my countertop.

#AuthorAMonth #AAM January BarbaraKingsolver
#Pantone2022 Basil

Tamra I‘m going to look for this one on audio! 2y
Soubhiville I really loved this book. It wouldn‘t be an easy diet to commit to! 2y
keithmalek I loved this book too, although her thoughts on veganism are absurd. 2y
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Prairiegirl_reading You‘ll never eat cheez whiz ever again!! I loved this one! 2y
TheBookHippie I read this with one book one Chicago so many resources and activities it‘s still in my brain. I loved it. 2y
marleed @Tamra @Soubhiville @keithmalek @Prairiegirl_reading @TheBookHippie I was using the #AAM challenge to address books on my physical shelves and was not anticipating enjoying this read as much as I did. I‘ve never been one to find comfort in creating meals let alone growing or raising my food, and it did make me think about my choices. Ah well, maybe in my next life… 2y
UwannaPublishme I chose this one too and I‘m learning so much! 🙌🏻 2y
TheBookHippie @marleed It is pretty much me and food. I don't grow a ton, but I am a foodie, I plan, create, cook for zen. I have a long list for my next life!! 2y
marleed @TheBookHippie I want to be you! 2y
TheBookHippie @UwannaPublishme It is good for the hippie soul! 2y
UwannaPublishme @TheBookHippie Indeed!✌🏻🌼 2y
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Animal, Vegetable, Miracle | Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp
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#BookReport: Tagged was good for #AAM and encouraged my desire to use our local farmer markets more. OLS for #NYWD was fun. Things Fall Apart for #Booked2022 gave me the same bitter taste I get when reading stories of how white Christians came, saw and destroyed cultures.

Not sure about Snowflake but at 32% I need to commit or let it go and just started How the Word on audio.

I‘m caught up on my buddy reads so today‘s focus is on Louding.

Deblovestoread @TheAromaofBooks Things Fall Apart was my January Doublespin. Love the GoogleDoc! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
Cinfhen Ohhhh, curious about this one on audio / I‘ll be watching for your #bookreport 2y
Cinfhen I‘m really enjoying but it‘s making me mad 😡 2y
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#Miracles in my book stacks. The tagged book is a favorite foodie non-fiction & the other two are in my #TBR stack.📚

Eggs Good call💕 I liked the book 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awesome 📚❤️💚 3y
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Slacking on reading thanks to this garden/jungle.
Canning salsa, pasta sauce, tomato peach chutney, and soon fig jam + freezing green beans and okra

Tamra So verdant! 3y
GondorGirl So beautiful! I've been growing vegetables for the first time this year (in a tiny raised garden). It's so fulfilling to watch the plays grow and ripen... then to eat them! 3y
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Seed catalogs are my favorite part of winter. Lots of plans to be made in the next few weeks!

GardenJess Oh I can‘t wait to get mine!! 4y
Chrissyreadit Yes! My Seed Savers came today! 4y
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Animal, Vegetable, Miracle | Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp
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1) I was named after Lara in Dr. Zhivago. My mom liked how they said the name in the movie. 😊
2) I'm thankful that my vertigo is getting a bit better and I get to go visit my twin boys in a few days. 💙💙
#ThankfulThursday @Cosmos_Moon
@4thhouseontheleft @Arvena @ElizaMarie

ElizaMarie So I was kinda named after Lisa Marie Presley. But then also my mom wanted it to be spelled in Spanish with a “Z“ . So its pronounced Eh-Lisa, my last name has a “Z“ so that was an added bonus. Also sometimes my mom says its kinda named after her (her name is Maria Elida) and mine is Eliza Marie -- so not quite but Maria is a big name in our family - grandmother, aunts, mother, etc. 4y
Cosmos_Moon Glad you are over your vertigo! I can‘t imagine having that last too long 🥰 4y
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This delightful little read kept me company for a lot of my canning this year. I didn‘t agree with all of Kingsolver‘s positions but the overall sentiment of this really resonated with me.

AmyG Wow! Amazing job with canning. 🙌🏻 4y
janeycanuck @AmyG Thanks - I spend most of August canning. A lot of it comes from our garden 😊 4y
SamAnne Nice! I usually do a lot as well but decided to scale back this year. I usually can with a neighbor and Covid kind of coboshed that. Have given away a lot of garden produce. 4y
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janeycanuck @SamAnne Oh man, COVID ruins everything. I hope everything you had to give away was enjoyed by those who received it. 4y
AvidReader25 Your canned so much!!! That‘s incredible! 4y
janeycanuck @AvidReader25 We had bumper tomato and pepper crops this year! I love seeing the full pantry at the end of the season 😊 4y
AvidReader25 @janeycanuck Seriously, that‘s so rewarding! I just made about 50 cups of applesauce to freeze today. 4y
janeycanuck @AvidReader25 wowza! Nice work! Don‘t you just love having homemade stuff with no effort later on? 4y
AvidReader25 @janeycanuck Absolutely. I really need to learn more about canning and explore that option. We didn‘t have a great tomato harvest this year, but some years we do. 4y
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A couple of years ago, this book came to me in a postal book club at apparently the wrong time: I started it and pretty much immediately closed it. Since then, I‘ve read 4 Kingsolver novels and became a major fan, so this was my choice for a book about food for #ReadingWomen challenge.

I loved it. Yes, it‘s a bit pretentious at times, and for a lot of us, the steps that this family took to be locavores don‘t seem very realistic at first⬇️

sprainedbrain BUT, for someone like me who grew up on an Iowa farm, helped harvest chickens as a kid, and still gardens on a large scale, yet doesn‘t make too much of a conscious effort to eat locally outside of my own garden, the book was inspiring. There are a LOT more things I could do to make sure our food is more local and responsibly farmed. I love the authors narration and, as always, her style. I‘m getting a paper copy to reference! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4y
sprainedbrain Oh! This was also my #BookSpin for June! @TheAromaofBooks 4y
SamAnne I live in a place where I can grow a large garden, have chickens, etc and where getting locally grown meat affordable. I know personally everyone I get meat from. But it isn‘t an option for everyone for sure. I do try to eat in season as much as possible and local. But I need my citrus! And coffee. It is an good thing to think about where food comes from and eat a bit closer to home if it is an option. (edited) 4y
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sprainedbrain @SamAnne I can‘t raise animals where I live, but we do farmers markets and buy from the Amish as often as possible for stuff that we don‘t raise. Still, I am absolutely buying food with lots of mileage on it when it‘s out of season! Citrus and bananas and greens mainly. I can definitely do better! 😃 4y
ChasingOm Oh yay!! I‘m pretty sure it was my book that came at the wrong time. Glad that you came back to it and loved it. 😄 4y
sprainedbrain @ChasingOm it WAS yours!! I tried looking back to see who might have sent it for ReadersGonnaRead so I could tag you, and couldn‘t figure it out! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Great review!! I think eating locally is such a great way to help improve the quality of what we consume, and the quality of life for animals being raised for slaughter. It's definitely not something I'm perfect at doing, but I'm working on it!! May have to check this one out!! 4y
Amandajoy I read this about 10 years ago, before I started gardening. Your review makes me think I should reread it now that I‘ve started gardening to see what I can improve on. 4y
Chrissyreadit I have it at home. Surely I will read one day. I love Kingsolver. Brought you a little Haiku about my overflowing unread bookshelves. 🤣😂 4y
Daisey Really fascinating review. I‘ll have to look this one up! 4y
Clwojick 😂👏🏻🎉You‘ve gotta love when a book covers a bunch of prompts across multiple challenges! 💓 4y
LeeRHarry This author is a firm favourite of mine too 😊 have yet to read this one though. 4y
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2020 has been one giant dumpster fire after another but I have my family, my books, and my garden and I am extremely thankful for that more than ever 👨‍👩‍👧📚🌱

Branwen "With freedom, books, flowers, and the moon, who could not be happy?" ~ Oscar Wilde ???? 4y
Josee.lit.a.lu.et.lira Beautiful garden. We also have one, but we are just beginning here in my region. We started eating lettuce 🥬 though. 4y
Tamra So peaceful! 4y
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SW-T Lovely garden! “If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.” ~Marcus Tullius Cicero. 4y
sprainedbrain I‘m reading the tagged book right now, and it has me even more impatient for my first tomato of the season! 😂 4y
callielafleur Look at that hydrangea 😍 4y
kyraleseberg @Josee.a.lu.lit.et.lira Thanks! I've had about 8lbs of green beans so far. Patiently waiting on tomatoes but enjoying spinach in the meantime! 4y
kyraleseberg @Tamra It really is and that's what I really need right now! 4y
kyraleseberg @sprainedbrain I look forward to re-reading it each year! None of mine look close to ripening yet!!! 4y
kyraleseberg @callielafleur the one flower that doesn't require me to do anything! 🤣 I can grow veggies all day but flowers are a different story! 4y
kyraleseberg @Branwen @SW-T Wise words! 4y
callielafleur My mom would laugh at that. She had luck with other flowers, but has struggled with hydrangeas 4y
sprainedbrain @kyraleseberg a bunch of my heirlooms didn‘t make it after a very late frost (and they were covered!), but what I have left are making tomatoes... no where near ready yet. 😁 4y
kyraleseberg @sprainedbrain Noooo that had to be devastating after the work you put in!!! We are getting so much rain I'm worried about blossom end rot but things look good for now! 4y
kyraleseberg @callielafleur That's too funny! I've had this one for probably 25 years and haven't done a single thing to it ever 😂 4y
GardenJess Oh how gorgeous!! 4y
kyraleseberg @GardenJess Thank you!! 4y
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1. I think of this book every time I eat asparagus.
2. Back when I ate candy, I loved Reese's peanut butter eggs. My favorite part of any holiday was the Reese's peanut butter whatever.
3. Ugh! I like so many in different contexts! I'll go with forget-me-nots for this meme.
4. The walls. Previous owners were adventurous with paint.
#FriYAYIntro @4thhouseontheleft @howjessreads

alisiakae Great book pick! I have used the strawberry rhubarb crisp recipe from her book for years. One of my favorite spring desserts! 4y
Scochrane26 I think of asparagus at this time of year, too, because of this book! And when I see it on menus or at the grocery in other seasons, I know it‘s not local. 4y
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Animal, Vegetable, Miracle | Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💚💚💚 4y
OriginalCyn620 💚💚💚 4y
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Here's my bingo card for #nonfiction2020

jb72 I enjoyed that book as well. 4y
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I am no stranger to local food as my husband is an urban farmer, but there was a lot of interesting information in this book and of course Kingsolver's writing made for a great story too.
#nonfiction2020 #somethingyouaregratefulfor
#readingwomen2020 #abookaboutfood

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December is when alllll the seed catalogs arrive + I get to dream of spring again! Today we narrow down the selections before we place our order in a few days. 🌱

Animal, Vegetable, Miracle | Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp
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Barbara Kingsolver‘s family decided to eat only the food that they would produce on their farm (with some exceptions such as coffee) and this one-year project is documented in this book. Some scientific facts are presented by her husband Steven and recipes by daughter Camille, which is nice complement to the whole story. Highly recommended - if you care about what is on your plate, and if you want more sustainable oriented life. #nFnov

rsteve388 6 pts 5y
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Animal, Vegetable, Miracle | Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp
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Since I read Ducks, Newburyport few months ago I‘m craving for some cinnamon rolls. And here they are! I‘m very proud with my results. Tagged book is my pick for #NfNov and inspiration for today‘s #audiobacking Not all local ingredients, but made from scratch.

julesG I'll be over to help you with this batch. 5y
Simona @julesG I‘m waiting for you ... what would you prefer - coffee or tea?😘 5y
Linsy Yum 😋 5y
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rsteve388 1 pt those look great! 5y
batsy Wow! That looks so impressive! 5y
Hooked_on_books I loved this book and I want some of those cinnamon rolls! 🤤 5y
Simona @Linsy @rsteve388 @batsy @Hooked_on_books Homemade are much more delicious than bought, and quite easy to do. 5y
sprainedbrain Yummmmm 😋 5y
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The tagged memoir/foodie non-fiction book is a favorite #Animal titled book of mine, plus here‘s two more animal titles from my #TBR stack.

Schnoebs Loved the Jane Goodall book. If you‘re able to, listen to the audiobook because she narrates most of the book herself and all I want in life is for her to narrate my entire life 😍 5y
DebinHawaii @Schnoebs Ooh, good to know. I have one of her books on audio but she only narrates the into.😔 5y
Schnoebs I want her to narrate every part of my life. I think she also narrated her Reason for Hope book as well 5y
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DebinHawaii @Schnoebs Actress Tippi Hendren (sp?) did most of this one. It‘s still good but I would have liked Jane. 5y
Schnoebs Will need to definitely check it out 5y
Cinfhen Love these NF titles ❤️ (edited) 5y
RaimeyGallant I'll have to look into these. 5y
DebinHawaii @Cinfhen Thanks! 💚 5y
DebinHawaii @RaimeyGallant I hope you like them! 🤗 5y
ChasingOm The tagged is one of my favorite books as well! 😍 5y
squirrelbrain Sounds like the tagged book is rather good - stacked! ❤️ 5y
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Lots of audio booking while the garden is in high gear
These tomatoes grew together from one flower- it's the first time I've seen it happen!

DivineDiana ❤️ 5y
Christine 🍅❤️ 5y
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Animal, Vegetable, Miracle | Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp
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‘You are what you eat‘ the saying goes. This part memoir tells of the author and her family‘s green living. For one year, they pledge to eat only food that they either grow themselves or if they knew who did (except for coffee, purchasing only fair trade). Should be a good read for those who are interested in growing their own food and conscious of green eating.

#literaryluck #greenreads

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I would starve!!! 🤣💚 5y
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Animal, Vegetable, Miracle | Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp
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Hour 36 challenge for #24in48: a food related book. I listened to this on audio several years ago. I appreciated that the whole family took part in the local eating experience, and also in the book writing. It opened my eyes to some food practices I really didn‘t know about. Just an all together great book!

Captivatedbybooks I totally forgot about 24in24 😭😭 5y
TheBookHippie I did this book as a BIG READ and we heard the best speakers and cooked the best food !!! 5y
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Animal, Vegetable, Miracle | Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp
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@staci.reads #mybookmyfriend

Congratulations 👏🍾on your milestone and yes Litsy is a great place to be for friendly bookishness.

Most of my books are teachers but if I could call one a friend it would be the tagged book. It works as a friend because it informs, relaxes, fascinates, and pleases me to no end. I love this book.

staci.reads I didn't even know Kingsolver had written nonfiction. You've made me curious about this one. Thanks for entering! 6y
Readerann Love this book as well. I just saw she has a new one coming out in October. 6y
Dolly @Readerann I see that. The reviews on Amazon aren‘t the best. It sounds a little too much like real life today. I may pass on it. I don‘t like her fiction as much as AVM ☹️ (edited) 6y
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Animal, Vegetable, Miracle | Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp
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🌟🌟🌟🌟 A great reflection on eating locally and seasonally, and conscious consumption- I learnt a lot from this!

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1. Random
2. Ranch
3. Cook
4. Not everyday and usually a piece of fruit if I do.
5. Tagged book


Ke633 Thanks for sharing!! 6y
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Animal, Vegetable, Miracle | Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp
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1. The tagged book is my favorite :)

2. Too many to name but I'd say my first love was pasta.

3. Grits. I'm from the south but I can't make myself love grits.

4. Thanksgiving.

5. A local place called Eli's.


JoScho I am a Southern girl and I will eat grits with plenty of cheese. 6y
kyraleseberg @JoScho I've tried grits every way possible and still can't enjoy them. It must be the texture. 6y
Wife Great book! It‘s on my keeper shelf. Wish I had thought of it when answering. 🌹 6y
kyraleseberg @Wife It is so great, I read it every winter to help me look forward to planting in spring! 6y
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Animal, Vegetable, Miracle | Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp
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Not the prettiest looking bath bomb, but it smells like lemon Pez. 😍 I just started this book today. It‘s not one I would typically go for but it seems interesting so far, and the reviews for it are overwhelmingly positive. #bathandbook

TEArificbooks I loved this book 6y
Dolly I hope you like it. I listened to it and loved her voice along with her husband and daughter(s). 6y
Mdargusch Another one I hadn‘t heard of. I‘ll be anxious to hear what you think. 6y
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lynneamch Worth reading, even though I lost interest toward the end. I did get to her farm-to-table restaurant in Virginia a few weeks ago. Charming and delicious! 6y
Reviewsbylola I‘m on chapter five and I‘m bored. I had expected it to be more personal and memoir like. Instead she‘s giving me a history of vegetables and farming. While that‘s very important, I‘m not really feeling it. @lynneamch @Mdargusch @dolly @mdm139 6y
minkyb Some of the recipes are excellent! 6y
Wife This one was a keeper for me. I usually give my books to friends or #LFL , but not this one. 6y
emilyhaldi Have u read this one? I‘m looking forward to it!! 6y
Mdargusch I didn‘t think it sounded good. 😂 6y
Reviewsbylola Yes, it‘s good! @emilyhaldi 6y
Cinfhen That book has been on my shelf for years @emilyhaldi 6y
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Animal, Vegetable, Miracle | Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp

This book was my #bookaboutnature choice for the #readharder challenge. I found it so interesting, and it made me want to think harder about how I spend my food budget. This black thumb will never be a grower of things, but I can choose who to buy from those who do.

tammysue I see you‘re a new to Litsy, Welcome!! I hope you enjoy it here!! 👋🏻🌸 6y
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Animal, Vegetable, Miracle | Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp
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So here's a question, do you consider #audiobook the same as reading? If you listen to something rather than physically sit down with it, does it still count in any #challenge you are participating in?

swishandflick Yep, it counts! 6y
readinginthedark Yes! Reading is reading! (edited) 6y
tammysue Yes. Always! 6y
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Absolutely one of my fave books! It‘s really made me reconsider food sources and we are now working toward gardening and raising our own chickens. And we eat local as much as we can. A great read!

RaimeyGallant And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. 6y
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I just started listening to the audiobook version and am liking it so far. Barbara Kingsolver lives near me, and I have enjoyed some of her fiction, so I have been wanting to read this nonfiction for a while. Side note: I saw her in a local restaurant once (that serves local food of course), and was star struck.

bookwrm526 I took a class from her sister Anne in graduate school, but I haven‘t managed to get to any of her books (several are on my never ending TBR) 7y
tjwill @bookwrm526 That‘s cool! What school? I highly recommend 7y
bookwrm526 @tjwill at the time, she taught cultural anthropology at University of South Carolina. I think she‘s in Kentucky now? That‘s the one I own but haven‘t read. 7y
tjwill Kingsolver mentions in the beginning of this one that she grew up in Kentucky, so that‘s interesting if her sister moved back there. I live in southwest Virginia, by the way. 7y
ChasingOm This is one of my favorite books. 7y
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#scenesfromabook #needgroceries🥚🥗This prompt made me think of what happens when you need groceries but have committed to living a locavore lifestyle & eating food from local farms, produced within 100 miles of where you live, you grew yourself, or doing without your favorite candy or olive oil, or flour... I've taken the challenge a few times-for a week at a time-so I admire the spirit & dedication of these authors who take it on for a year.💚🥕

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L - Lexicon (bizarre in all the right ways)
A - Animal, Vegetable, Mineral (there were a lot of choices!)
C - Curse of Jacob Tracy (my intro to Weird West)
E - El Deafo (beautiful graphic novel)
Y - You‘re Never Weird on the Internet (on audio!)


ValerieAndBooks I picked El Deafo as one of mine for this too! It comes closest to my life growing up that I‘ve read. 7y
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This is one of my favorite books of all time. Life changing. Sale at BookBub today.

Prairiegirl_reading You will never eat cheez whiz again after reading this book! (Not that I ate it anyway) 7y
Dolly @Prairiegirl_reading Sounds and looks awful😝. Not sure I've ever tried it 7y
Prairiegirl_reading @Dolly yes it is disgusting! Some people love it though! 7y
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