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Jane and the Unpleasantness at Scargrave Manor
Jane and the Unpleasantness at Scargrave Manor: Being the First Jane Austen Mystery | Stephanie Barron
For everyone who loves Jane Austen...a marvelously entertaining new series that turns the incomparable author into an extraordinary sleuth!On a visit to the estate of her friend, the young and beautiful Isobel Payne, Countess of Scargrave, Jane bears witness to a tragedy. Isobel's husbanda gentleman of mature yearsis felled by a mysterious and agonizing ailment. The Earl's death seems a cruel blow of fate for the newly married Isobel. Yet the bereaved widow soon finds that it's only the beginning of her misfortune...as she receives a sinister missive accusing her and the Earl's nephew of adulteryand murder. Desperately afraid that the letter will expose her to the worst sort of scandal, Isobel begs Jane for help. And Jane finds herself embroiled in a perilous investigation that will soon have her following a trail of clues that leads all the way to Newgate Prison and the House of Lordsa trail that may well place Jane's own person in the gravest jeopardy.From the Trade Paperback edition.
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2nd book picked by librarian (book bundle). I had no idea there was a series starting in 1996 with Jane Austen as a detective (before I read any Austen). Written close to Austen‘s style, this 1st story involves Jane trying to prove her friend is innocent of murder after her husband dies while Jane is staying there. There‘s complications, interesting characters,& overall, a good mystery. 8 books in series. @StayCurious -you may be interested

TheBookHippie I read them all with the #Janeandtheexcellentreadalong with @Crinoline_Laphroaig last year into this year. It was amazing and so fun. (edited) 4mo
Ruthiella I also read about half of the series as part of #janeandtheexcellentreadalong and recommend the rest of them. Each subsequent book improves upon the previous one. 4mo
Scochrane26 @TheBookHippie @Ruthiella Thanks for the info. I was on the fence about continuing the series, but I think they‘d be good whenever I need a mystery. 4mo
TheBookHippie @Scochrane26 they definitely get better as you go along. 4mo
Crinoline_Laphroaig And you can check out the #JaneAndTheExcellentReadalong posts as you read series. 4mo
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I‘m several months late in getting to this first book in the #janeandtheexcellentreadalong hosted by @Crinoline_Laphroaig but I finally got here!

This had a very, very slow start. I found it hard to get into the rhythm of the writing and the story slow to get going. I did really like how the mystery resolved and how Jane‘s sassy side started to show as we got further in.

This also marks progress, finally, for me in the #WinterReadathon

Ruthiella It is incredibly slow, I agree. The third book is the one where the author starts to hit her groove, IMO. 2y
janeycanuck @Ruthiella oh, good to know! I heard the second is much better than the first but hadn‘t really seen much past that. 2y
merelybookish I've only read the Christmas volume and it also has a very slow start. 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig Even the author herself says first one isn't her best work. I just finished the 5th it's one of my favorites 1y
janeycanuck @Crinoline_Laphroaig I‘m partway through Book 2 and I‘m finding it much more enjoyable! 1y
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Although the middle part of the book dragged, it was saved by a satisfying wrap-up. There were a few gothic elements thrown in for good measure.

I really enjoyed Jane and the Twelve Days of Christmas so I wanted to give the series a try from the beginning. I'll definitely pick up the next one as I've read in Litsy reviews that they get better as the series progresses.

📸 is from Downton Abbey but thought it captured the wintry setting.

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“There was a murmur at this from the assembled folk, rising behind us like the first hint of thunder on a warm summer's eve.“

Ahh...I miss summer already.

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Finally finished this today, but will confess that it was tough going initially and I abandoned it a few times along the way. Always felt compelled to go back though and ultimately I found the resolution well-done and satisfying. Hopefully things will tighten up a bit in the subsequent books. Have already checked out book two and am looking forward to giving it a go. #pemberlittens #janeandtheexcellentreadalong

batsy I think the books later on in the series do improve as the author gets into her groove 🙂 2y
quietjenn @batsy I'm already enjoying the second one after only a few chapters 😁 2y
Sparklemn @batsy I just finished the first one and plan to try the 2nd as I've heard from others, too, that they get better. Thanks for the tip! 2y
batsy @quietjenn Glad to hear this! Sorry I missed this comment earlier. @Sparklemn I hope you enjoy it! 2y
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Finished earlier in the week for #Janeandtheexcellentreadalong with the #PemberLittens I enjoyed this mystery & it kept me guessing although I figured it out before the reveal. Having come from reading more non-fiction about Austen‘s life, I thought the portrayal of Jane as an amateur detective of her day was done well & I learned a few new things about the era I had not considered. I look forward to trying the next book in the series.

Crinoline_Laphroaig Yay! I'm loving that PemberLittens are enjoying! 2y
kspenmoll Nice review! I just started my book. 😀 2y
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I loved reading this with the #pemberlittens during the #janeandtheexcellentreadalong. I thought it was well written and used similar Austen tropes and styles throughout this one mystery. I thought the mystery suited the time period and an Austen novel. I took a minute for the mystery to get underway but other than that I had a blast reading this. On to book 2!

Crinoline_Laphroaig I'm glad to see #PemberLittens enjoying this series! 😊 2y
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I really enjoyed this read along with #pemberlitens. Glad to find a new series. Jane Austen solving mysteries fill with plenty of historical references and biographical information about Jane. Really well written and a ery well plotted mystery.

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#Pemberlittens This is my friend Claire she's joining in
#janeandtheexcellentreadalong on Instagram. Here's the link if you'd like to see her thoughts on rest of Discussion Questions. This was her favorite quote.


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#Pemberlittens it's time for discussion of Jane and the Unpleasantness at Scargrave Manor‼️(There will be Spoilers so turn back now if you haven't finished reading.)

Because this is a Reread for me my opinion can't help but be influenced by overall Series. This is a great start and books only get better.

My answers in the comments!


Crinoline_Laphroaig 1. Editor's Foreword. This is my 3rd time reading - most recently #janeandtheyear2020 and I still get excited. Lost Austen manuscripts⁉️ And then I realize it's part of the storyline.

2. "But I suppose your family is mortified? They always are,” she finished cheerfully, “when women think for themselves."

3. Besides Jane, her Sister in Law, Eliza of the above quote.

4. Reciver of mail not sender paid the postage.⬇️

Crinoline_Laphroaig 5. I'm good with footnotes when it's not a ton of them and the way they are done here - included on the page read or narrator reads at the appropriate time. Annotated books with all the notes at the end of the Chapter I find annoying.

6. Learned about yoga from one of her sailor brothers. She does a headstand every morning.

7. Going against what is expected of you always requires great courage. ⬇️
Crinoline_Laphroaig There is a interesting Blog Post from December 2010 by Author about writing this book.
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Ruthiella I liked how the author integrated Jane‘s family connections (Eliza, Henry, James) into how she obtained her information. 2y
BarkingMadRead @Ruthiella yes! It‘s always nice when you have a little background already, going into a book! 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @Ruthiella @BarkingMadRun I like how well researched these books are. And how they work around moments in Jane's life. 2y
Deblovestoread Forgot to tag you about my name change….I was @kdgordon88. I was so excited when I started this book about possible lost manuscripts and then I had to remind myself I was reading fiction. 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @Deblovestoread me too! And I've read it 3 times. 😄 I'll change your name in my Tag List. 2y
TheBookHippie I struggled at first and finally got in the grove, me not the writing, I like the writing quite a bit. I‘m with you with all the annotations too many I‘m not a fan either! I pick up number two tomorrow! 2y
janeycanuck Just got my copy so I‘m hoping to start & finish this weekend! 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @janeycanuck yay! I'm liking this read at your own pace Readalong. Makes it easier for people. 2y
mollyrotondo I also had to remind myself that that part was also part of the fictional story 😂 I enjoyed this one very much. I loved that her family was involved. I also loved how Barron incorporated themes and styles from most of Austen‘s novels. The gothic style, themes from Sense and Sensibility, Eliza who is reminiscent of Lady Susan, and even the Austen trope of men not always being what they seem (Trowbridge). I‘m excited to read book 2! 2y
myellenbee First, so happy to have found a new series. Standout moments as mentioned, the finding of Austin papers, sidetracked to look up then realized it was part of the story, introduction of Eliza and Cranley as detectives with Jane. 2.quote"and like every novel of manners written by my contemporaries this story ended in marriages all around" Laughed out loud. 3. Lord Harold Trowbridge. 4. Learned accused couldn't be defended well. 2y
myellenbee 5. Yes to these footnotes, learned a lot, eg cashierment as dishonorable discharge. Jane showed courage not settling for an unhappy marriage. As society was set up it was really more selfish of her brothers to begrudge supporting her. 2y
myellenbee I thoroughly enjoyed how Barron made so many slight references to some of Austen's books. For example the Water room in Bath how she hated it but it is almost a character in Northabinger Abbey. What is next to read ? 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @mollyrotondo Yay! Glad you enjoyed! Lord Harold is a favorite of mine! 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @myellenbee it's no wonder there is that whole opening of Sense and Sensibility and how the brother treats the Dashwood sisters. 2y
janeycanuck I finally managed to pick this up!! But if I hadn‘t seen several people say the series gets better, I‘d have abandoned it. I didn‘t like the footnotes, I found them intrusive and I didn‘t find they added anything with few exceptions. There were a couple of great moments, including one where I snorted but I can‘t remember now (I‘ll have to make notes for the next book!) The end was good but I do hope Barron tightens things up! 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig I think they get better and better. And she herself says 1st one is not her best work. 2y
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Finished this on the plane on my way to Orlando! I thought it started off slow but I really liked the mystery! Thanks to @Crinoline_Laphroaig for the read along ! #janeandtheexcellentreadalong

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I have conflicting feelings about this one.I don't see the need of making Jane Austen the protagonist, more than to throw in a couple of quotes and maybe reach a wider audience, the story would have been the same if it was Jane Doe instead. I think for that reason I was quite bored and confused the first part of the book. But I ended up enjoying it as a good murder mystery, so I'll stick around for another month of #JaneandtheExcellentReadalong

rwmg Which is pretty much why I don't read historical mysteries that cast a real person as the detective. 2y
nanuska_153 @rwmg yeah, it was pretty obvious this was going to happen 😅 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig Thanks for joining in! 2y
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I was reading this as part of a Litsy readalong.This is the first book in a Jane Austen mystery series. While I do like the idea of Jane Austen solving mysteries, I was counting the hours until this was finished. I found it tedious. I had read #12 in the series,”Jane and the 12 Days of Christmas”. I rated that one higher. I think the author improved her writing skills as she continued to develop the series. Had to finish early. Expires in 2 days.

TheBookHippie I liked the Christmas one as well. I‘m struggling a bit with this one. 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @TheBookHippie @DivineDiana there's like 18 years between when this one came out and the Christmas one. Plus author writes other stuff. Stuff so fair point that she would improve. 2y
TheBookHippie @Crinoline_Laphroaig I figure it‘ll get better. It‘ll be fun to see the progression. 2y
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Hello #PemberLittens. I'm been giving some thought to how I want to do #janeandtheexcellentreadalong and here's what I've come up with:
15th of the month - Spoiler Free, Background Info and First Impressions.
30th of the month - Book Discussion full of Spoilers. I'll Post Discussion Questions.

In a Facebook Live earlier this year, Author talks about why she decided to start Series where she did. I'll post link in comments. ⬇️

Crinoline_Laphroaig Some of the history we PemberLittens already know but it's interesting insight into the Author's Work. https://www.facebook.com/thepoisonedpenbookstore/videos/640115083968103/ 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig "The thought of an eternal fireside tête- à- tête with Mr. Bigg- Wither; the endless presiding over the Bigg- Wither teapot; the possibility of little Bigg- Withers, all equally as dull as their father— such nightmares were enough to chasten me by morning.” 2y
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Crinoline_Laphroaig I had forgotten this book takes place in winter. Which is nice as the highs have been in the 100F/38C range for days. 2y
AllDebooks I'm struggling to like it, if I'm honest. Happy to forward my copy to anyone in UK. 2y
Bookwormjillk I had trouble keeping the characters straight at first, but am now enjoying it at about 60% in. 2y
rubyslippersreads I haven‘t started it yet, but will soon. 2y
Ruthiella I don‘t quite buy that this is a lost Austen manuscript, but it‘s otherwise entertaining enough. I‘ve read up to chapter 11. The plot thickens in chapter 10! 2y
DivineDiana @Ruthiella Agree! As I was born in Baltimore, I became very excited when I read the Foreword. Then, I realized that this fact of discovery was all part of the story. Not overly thrilled with the writing. The word ennui keeps popping up every few pages. Up to Chapter 15. 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @Ruthiella @DivineDiana that Intro threw me when I first read. And then I realized it's supposed to be part of the story. 2y
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I was up and out early today to run some necessary errands, but now I‘m settled in for the #AwesomeAugust Readathon. The buddy read for the tagged book only calls for reading the first half now, but I might just sit here and read the whole thing. #ItsMyBirthdayAndIllReadIfIWantTo

kspenmoll I could not resist and finished Jane! 2y
DisneyFan In addition to seeing everyone‘s reads, I also just realized I also love seeing their mugs. Love yours! 2y
Andrew65 Best of luck 😁 2y
Chrissyreadit Happy Birthday! 2y
TheBookHippie Happy BIRTHDAY!! 2y
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Yay my library hold arrived! Saturday plans
#janeandtheexcellentreadalong #pemberlittens

DivineDiana Lovely photograph. 🌻 2y
TheBookHippie @DivineDiana 💛💛💛💛 2y
AnnR Pretty flowers! 🌸 How lovely. 2y
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Finally starting this! @Crinoline_Laphroaig

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Jane leaves the “ unpleasantness” inside the manor and steps out into the natural world outside its walls for respite. #JaneandtheExcellentReadalong

BookBabe Great quote! Being in nature does wonders indeed. ❤️🌲 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig Love this! 2y
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Happy to find the ebook of this at my Library! Now, I can join in the fun! #janeandtheexcellentreadalong #pemberlittens

Crinoline_Laphroaig That's the joy of reading older series, you can find them at your Library‼️🥳 2y
DivineDiana It is! @Crinoline_Laphroaig 👏🏻 (edited) 2y
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Our winner for a book about Jane this time is Jane & the Unpleasantness at Scargrave Manor by Stephanie Barron, which is making things tricky for me. Please read the comments below because this is a long one!

I know several have started the readalong of this book already in August with @Crinoline_Laphroaig. The plan for that series is to read one book a month, so in Sept/Oct those buddyreading will already be past this book. ⬇️

sprainedbrain Please let me know if others still want to/plan to read this book in Sept/October at a slower pace, and, if so, if you‘d like to host.

Otherwise, our second highest vote-getter (1 vote less) was the nonfiction A Secret Sisterhood: The Literary Friendships of Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë, George Eliot, and Virginia Woolf.
sprainedbrain Would we rather switch to that book for our Sept/Oct buddy read and those that want to read the tagged book can jump in with #JaneandtheExcellentReadalong? Please comment your thoughts and majority will rule. 😉 2y
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kspenmoll @sprainedbrain I have the 2nd choice & would love to read sometime. I have started the Jane mystery & am enjoying it so far. 2y
Librarybelle I‘m doing #JaneandtheExcellentReadalong , and I‘ve read The Secret Sisterhood, so I abstain from voting. I will say I liked The Secret Sisterhood, so if that is chosen, you‘re in for a treat! 😁 2y
BarkingMadRead I‘m reading the first one now, I‘m more than happy to read the second one in September 2y
mollyrotondo Yeah use the runner up! I‘m participating in #JaneandtheExcellentReadalong (my copy just came in from the library) so let‘s do something different for sept/Oct 2y
Ruthiella I think we should switch to A Secret Sisterhood for September/October. I bet most Pemberlittens are already reading with @Crinoline_Laphroaig (I am). 2y
IndoorDame I‘m definitely interested in reading The Secret Sisterhood! 2y
TheBookHippie @mollyrotondo I‘m with you! Just got my library copy and will read our second choice September . 2y
mklong Yep, I‘m reading the mystery now so would definitely vote for switching to Secret Sisterhood 2y
suvata I think I will read The Secret Sisterhood. I‘ve already read the first four of Stephanie Barron‘s series, so… 2y
AllDebooks I'm happy to switch to The Secret Sisterhood, already started the Barron book 2y
julieclair A Secret Sisterhood would be great. I plan to read the tagged book with #JaneandtheExcellentReadalong. 2y
ravenlee I‘m interested in The Secret Sisterhood. I‘ll probably take a break otherwise, as I‘ve read both Jane Eyre and Northanger Abbey recently enough, and am not very interested in the mysteries. Always love following the read-along posts! 2y
mollyrotondo @TheBookHippie yes I‘m thinking the same thing! I‘m picking up my copy from the library tomorrow! 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig Looks like everyone is happy to switch to Secret Sisterhood. 2y
Deblovestoread Definitely The Secret Sisterhood. Reading the other with #JaneandtheExcellentReadalong. 2y
peanutnine I'd like to read the Secret Sisterhood 2y
quietjenn Yes to the Secret Sisterhood! 2y
batsy Yes, switch to the Secret Sisterhood 🙂 2y
melissajayne The Secret Sisterhood sounds good 2y
erzascarletbookgasm I have read the tagged book, and I‘ll be interested in The Secret Sisterhood. 2y
DebinHawaii I am for The secret Sisterhood in Sept/Oct. 📚🤗 2y
jenniferw88 I'm in for secret sisterhood in Sept/oct. 2y
SarahBookInterrupted I‘m in for the Secret Sisterhood 2y
TheAromaofBooks I'm also here for Secret Sisterhood. Scargrave Manor just came in at the library for me this week!! 2y
rubyslippersreads Secret Sisterhood works for me! 2y
MoonWitch94 Secret Sisterhood 👍🏻 I‘m down for that. 2y
Sparklemn Secret Sisterhood sounds great! 2y
nanuska_153 I'm probably overloading myself... I haven't even started with Scargrave Manor 😬 but I'm also up for Secret Sisterhood! 🙋🏻‍♀️ 2y
kspenmoll I have the Secret Sisterhood on my TBR bookshelf- would love to read it! 2y
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Message from Author Stephanie Barron to kick off #JaneandtheExcellentReadalong. You can watch it on my Instagram:

Or in the Pemberlittens Facebook Group:

Crinoline_Laphroaig I've chatted with her before on Instagram. So I thought I would reach out and ask her to do this. She said she would be honored. Then she had emergency with one of her doggies and that's why it was postponed. 2y
AllDebooks Wow, how amazing 👏 😍 2y
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LeahBergen Aww! This is wonderful!! 👏👏👏 2y
Bookwormjillk Wow!!!! 2y
DanaManiac Aww how sweet of her! 2y
BarkingMadRead I love this!! 2y
TheBookHippie WOWWWWW!!! 2y
sprainedbrain Very cool! 2y
Deblovestoread How cool is that! Just lovely. 💜 2y
Graciouswarriorprincess How exciting!!!! This is wonderful!! 2y
Ruthiella How awesome! 🤩 2y
Graciouswarriorprincess I have read the first one so I am just going to skim through it but will pick up with the second book reading through since I only read the first book. 2y
mollyrotondo Wow!!! Thank you!! 2y
quietjenn That‘s pretty neat 😃 2y
Sparklemn That is really cool. Thanks for sharing! 2y
batsy This is very cool! 😊 2y
rubyslippersreads What a fabulous surprise! 2y
MaureenMc How cool! 😃 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @katy4peas did you see this? 2y
katy4peas Oh wow! 💕 Thanks! I‘ll make sure to watch it! I‘ve read the first book before and can‘t wait to read it again. I didn‘t know the series was this big. I‘m very excited! 😍😍 2y
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#Pemberlittens I'm working on something really awesome for
#JaneandtheExcellentReadalong ‼️

Stay tuned. Should be ready later today.

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Here's the plan #PemberLittens:

*Book a month starting in August. I know that's just a few days away. But that has us finishing in September 2023 in time for mid October release of last book in the series Jane and the Winchester Schoolboy.

*I'll make a Discussion Post on the 15th & 30th of every month.

*If at anytime you need to opt out, just say the word. No Worries.

Hashtag will be:

I'm so excited! 🤓

Ruthiella Yahoo! I just put the book on hold at the library! 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig First book was published in 1996. So your Library may have it. Also there's a lot of cheap copies on Ebay. 2y
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Crinoline_Laphroaig @Ruthiella YAY!!! That's the joy of reading older books. You can get them from your Library. 2y
Librarybelle I am looking forward to this! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! I put it on reserve - my library is usually pretty fast, so hopefully it will get here next week!! 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @SarahBookInterrupted I'll put you on Tag List! 2y
BarkingMadRead My library didn‘t have it, but a used hard cover was cheaper than the kindle version, so I ordered that! 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @BarkingMadRun 2nd Hand Jane is awesome! 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @mklong I'll add you to the tag list! 2y
mklong Thank you! 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @DanaManiac added you to the tag list! 2y
mom2bugnbee Wonderful, thank you! I'm looking forward to these! 2y
mom2bugnbee Hey, turns out I *have* read this one! 😂 But it was six years ago & I honestly don't remember anything. 👵🏻 And I haven't read the rest of the series. 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @Blackink_WhitePaper @i.besteph I've added you the tag list! 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @mom2bugnbee I read the whole series back in 2020. I remember some things. Apparently 2yrs is when I start forgetting. I'm rereading Shetland Mysteries. Binged all of them 4 years ago. I've not once remembered who the killer is. 👵 2y
kspenmoll Can I join in? Read this but would like to reread - 2y
DebinHawaii Please add me at least for the first & we‘ll see. I just got this one on library e-book! 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @DebinHawaii will add you to tag list. 2y
DebinHawaii @Crinoline_Laphroaig Thank you! I‘m excited to start but want to see how it goes-if I can commit to one per month. 🤗 2y
TheBookHippie Yay!! 2y
julieclair Sounds fun! Please add me. 😀 2y
myellenbee Late to the party, my book came in the mail yesterday. Catching up. 2y
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SQUEALS IN DELIGHT‼️ I would love to Host #PemberLittens Readalong to get ready for last book in the Jane Austen Mysteries Series. Maybe a Book a Month??? There are 14 Books. Chapter a Day might be hard to do. Maybe once a week Discussion Post? Would need to start in August 2022 or September 2022 at the latest.

Thoughts @sprainedbrain ❓️Maybe post and see if anyone is interested?

Crinoline_Laphroaig @MicrobeMom Interested? Everyone feel free to say no. 2y
BarkingMadRead Ohhhhh this looks fun! 2y
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mollyrotondo Ooo this sounds fun! Sure! 2y
TheBookHippie I'm in! 2y
TheAromaofBooks I've never read these, but I'm definitely willing to at least give the first book a try!! Keep me posted!! 2y
julieclair This sounds like fun! 2y
sprainedbrain I think it‘s a great idea! I will tag all of the #PemberLittens here so you know who wants to participate! 2y
Librarybelle Oh! I love this series! Totally in for this!!! 2y
StayCurious I‘d be interested for sure! 2y
janeycanuck You‘ve piqued my interest! 2y
suvata I loved the series. I may join you for a read-again. 2y
Ruthiella If I can find copies, why not? I agree- chapter a day isn‘t necessary. Maybe just discuss 1/2 way and at the end? 2y
Bookwormjillk I‘d give it a try! 2y
nanuska_153 I'd give it a try too, at least the first one and then decide from there 2y
AllDebooks I haven't heard of this series, but they do sound fun. I'm up for this too 😀 2y
CrowCAH It sounds like a fun read along! Unfortunately, I won‘t be able to join. Have a great time sleuthing! 🔍 2y
MoonWitch94 Oh fun!! I‘m in. I‘ve had my eye on them for a while. 2y
rubyslippersreads This sounds like fun. I‘m in. 😊 2y
Deblovestoread Yes, please. 2y
Sparklemn I'm in! I read the Christmas mystery (#12) and have been wanting to start at the beginning of the series. I agree that a chapter a day isn't necessary. I like @ruthiella 's idea to discuss 1/2 way and at the end. 2y
quietjenn Pretty sure I have the first one, so will at least do that one and see how it goes. 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @Graciouswarriorprincess I've added you to the list! 2y
jenniferw88 I have the first 2, so will definitely be in for them (as long as I like #1!) Agree with @Ruthiella 's idea. 2y
SarahBookInterrupted I‘m in! I don‘t know them but sounds fun. 2y
mklong I‘m up for giving the first one a go. Great idea! 2y
DanaManiac I‘d definitely be down to check out the series! I hadn‘t heard of it 2y
mom2bugnbee I don't know these, but I love Jane & I love mysteries! Count me in! 2y
i.besteph This sounds great! I‘m willing to give it a go. Tag me! 2y
Blackink_WhitePaper This is wonderful. Count me in 👍🏻😊 2y
kspenmoll I read this ages ago so would like to reread. Combing Jane & mysteries is perfect for me. (edited) 2y
katy4peas Oh I want to, but just got COVID and no way I‘m up for it. Might join in at some point. 💕 2y
katy4peas @Crinoline_Laphroaig will you add me to the tag list so I can follow along please? ☺️ 2y
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Confession: I love this series! It combines my enjoyment of mystery with my favorite author. I love to think that Austen would solve crimes on her adventures. Of course, this series is a work of fiction, but I think Barron adds Austen‘s wit into the storyline.

In this first of the series, Jane stumbles upon murder as she visits a manor house. Will she be able to solve the crime before she becomes the victim? #Houses #200PnPCovers

tdrosebud I've had this book sitting on my shelf for ages. I really should read it. 2y
Librarybelle @tdrosebud I really like it! 2y
CrowCAH The wonderful @LeahBergen kindly gave me her edition of this book! ☺️ 2y
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LeahBergen @CrowCAH 😘😘 2y
mabell Good choice! 2y
mabell I started Jane and the 12 Days of Christmas in December, and I really enjoyed the writing. Very well done! But then I got to sister in law Mary, and she was so unpleasant I had to bail! 😬 2y
Librarybelle @mabell I‘ve read that she and Jane did not get along! 2y
mabell I could see that being the case. And I think that is what made it even more sad for me. Maybe I should try another in the series, though. I may actually have this one on my shelf! 2y
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Celebrating Jane-uary, is that a thing? 🤷🏻‍♀️but it‘s still winter and a pandemic so I have to do something 🤣🤣

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Another fluffy mystery series centered around Jane Austen, but other than a couple of references to events and people in Jane's life, this could really be any generic regency mystery. The inclusion of Jane Austen prompted me to read it, but it really has very little to do with her. A few of the twists were easy to figure out and the villain reveal was a little ridiculous, but I was entertained and that's all I was looking for from this.

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• Jane Austen Mysteries - Book 1

This book read like an Agatha Christie novel. But, instead of Miss Marple or her Hercule Poirot solving the mystery, it was Jane Austen. Yes, our beloved Jane of Pride and Prejudice fame. Quite a mash-up if you ask me. It was quite enjoyable so I plan on reading some more in this series.

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The first book of this series featuring Jane Austen as amateur detective is very good. I enjoyed the mystery, the manners and the humor of this story and look forward to continuing the series. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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What a charming book! Definitely written in the manner of Jane Austen. I look forward to reading these as palate cleansers between other heavier books.

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#weekendread @rachelsbrittain

1) Current Read: Tagged book, which I received in a Litsy swap. It‘s sooo good. Really is written in the style of Jane Austen.

2) Book I Have Multiple Copies of: The Art of War by Sun Tzu

3) Last sentence I read: “Why indeed?”

Puppy has apparently had an exhausting morning!

rachelsbrittain Doggo 😍 4y
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I received my #CozySwap match and I‘ve started stalking and shopping!

To my match: I think I said in my signup form that I had the first in this series. Oops. I have the second, too. 😆

Thanks for all the hard work, @Avanders @Chrissyreadit and @ferskner !

CrowCAH These are such fun mysteries! 4y
erzascarletbookgasm I‘ve enjoyed the first book 👍 4y
ferskner These are so fun! 4y
Cathythoughts Cozy swap sounds lovely & cozy ! Enjoy 💕 4y
catebutler These are so fun! Your post makes me want to get back to them!! 4y
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This is my second read in #Round9 #GroupW of #LMPBC I‘m not normally a fan of Old English style books, but I have to say I enjoyed this one. It had editors notes that helped me understand a lot of what was going on and I was surprised in the end. Ready to mail this one out hopefully tomorrow and prepare for the next one.

HappilyEverKrafter I'm glad you liked it! I thought it got a little slow at times, but overall I really liked it too! I plan to get the next one to you on Wednesday of this week! 4y
MaleficentBookDragon I finished mine as well. I hope to get to the post office tomorrow. 4y
Hazel2019 @MaleficentBookDragon just realized I haven‘t received this one yet...if you‘re not done with it no problem 😊 just want to make sure it didn‘t get lost in the mail. 4y
MaleficentBookDragon @Hazel2019 No, it's me. I just realized yesterday that I still had it. I will mail it out tomorrow. 4y
Hazel2019 @MaleficentBookDragon can‘t believe this will be the last one in the round! Time flies 😊 4y
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It finally came! So excited for my #groupW #LMPBC and cannot hide my August due baby bump so need to read this quick. Thank you for the post card and tabs @HappilyEverKrafter I decided the rabbit was best since my contribution has rabbits in them. 💛 I hope you all are enjoying this rotation.

HappilyEverKrafter I‘m sorry it took so long to get there, but I‘m glad it finally made it! My baby boy was born in August, too! In fact, he turned one just this week! I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well and you enjoy the book! 😊 4y
Roary47 No worries at all I had a bad day yesterday. Seeing the book made it all go away. So it came at the exact right time. Thank you! I‘m ready to have her in my arms. This 2nd round was harder than the first one. 4y
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@Roary47 — book was put in the mail today! I apologize it was the last minute; there were extenuating circumstances. But it should be there by Tuesday! 😊 #LMPBC #GROUPW

Roary47 Looking forward to seeing it. 😊 4y
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@Roary47 is directly below me on the list, so I‘m making sure I send my book to her first? I‘ll be sending it out next week! And are we still planning to include a little state bookmark or something like that? Excited to get this going! #lmpbc #groupw

Roary47 Awesome I cannot wait to read it. Yes, I‘m putting three postcards with my state in with it just pick the one you like best and pass it on. 😊 4y
MaleficentBookDragon Sounds good. I have some extra goodies I‘m putting in the package. 4y
HappilyEverKrafter Sounds great! I look forward to it! :) 4y
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I finished my pick for #LMPBC #GROUPW today! I loved this #cozymystery featuring Jane Austen as a detective! I‘m adding the rest of this series to my #toberead list! I hope you guys like this too! It‘s marked up and ready to start its first mail journey at the end of the month!

Hazel2019 Yay! Looking forward to it! 😊 4y
HappilyEverKrafter @Hazel2019 😊 It maybe got a little slow at some points, but overall I found it to be a quick, enjoyable read! 4y
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This is not a bad book, but it could have been better. The first half was very slow and became a slog to get through, but it picks up at the halfway mark and is a decent mystery. I don‘t know that I‘d read any more in this series, at least not anytime soon. 3⭐️


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@MaleficentBookDragon @Roary47 @Hazel2019

Here‘s my pick for #groupw #LMPBC! Thanks for your input! I‘ll get this ordered. Excited to start!

Hazel2019 Yay! Can‘t wait! 😄 4y
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This was a re-read for me for my mystery book group. I loved revisiting an old favorite; Austen is an amateur sleuth in this series, using her wit to solve crimes. Barron nearly matches 19th century narration as she writes in the voice of Austen, who records in a diary her attempts to solve a mystery. Janeites - take note! So enjoyable!

Letter J for #LitsyAtoZ and #ABookWithAMainCharacterInTheir20s for #PopSugarReadingChallenge

LeahBergen I have this waiting on my shelf. Have you read more of the series? 4y
Librarybelle @LeahBergen I read the first six or seven many years ago and loved them! Reading this makes me want to read what I have read, plus continue on in the series. 4y
LeahBergen Oh, good to hear! 👍🏻 4y
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OMG! @erzascarletbookgasm I can't believe you managed to find this book - thank you so so much, I've been trying to find it forever! I also 💗 the scarf - red is one of my good colours & I have few plain scarves (the majority are patterned) so it's going to be very useful!

#cozyswap package 2. @Avanders

erzascarletbookgasm I hope you‘ll enjoy the books, they‘re fun read! 👍 5y
Avanders So fun .. and yay for finding hard-to-find books!! 👏🏽♥️♥️ 5y
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I was in a cozy mystery mood and this is pure fun and entertainment. The Jane in this book is witty, clever, and observant, making her a great sleuth! It‘s pretty faithful to Austen‘s style and the writing just flows, in my opinion. Enjoyable read.

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A mystery with a fictionalized version of Jane Austen herself? Sounds intriguing! Fun! Sweet!
Still TBR though.

#lilithjuly #sweetjane

Cinfhen Calling @LeahBergen ❤️ 5y
merelybookish I've been curious about these books! 5y
Kalalalatja This might just be the kind of book to actually make me read mysteries 😄😄 5y
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robinb I‘m in! 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🤣 5y
LeahBergen @Cinfhen I have it sitting on my shelf. 😆😆 5y
Cinfhen @LeahBergen of course you do!!!! 5y
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@Kshakal thank you so much for the amazing #cupidgoespostal package! I‘m so excited to read this series of Jane Austen mysteries!! The dancing unicorn is adorable and I‘m sharing the sweets with everyone in the house so I‘m pretty popular at the moment because...DOVE CHOCOLATE!! :) The card is perfect for someone owned by 6 cats!! @BookishMarginalia

Kshakal I am so glad you like it!!!! 💖💖💖 5y
erzascarletbookgasm 😍 I have the first book of this series on my tbr. 5y
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#Austen #saturdayinWiimantic #Exploring # #GroundedCoffeeCo
Started my day here. Plan to explore Main Street today.

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#Austen #mystery #fridaymorningcoffee #coffeeandbooks #vacation #TBR
Started this book ages ago but could not get into it at all. Now that I have read some Jane Austen(thanks to my encouraging sister and @LeahBergen ) I am easily immersing myself into Jane‘s world- she narrates the novel.

So excited! Summer camp is over & I now am of work until the last week in August! 🙌🏻🎉

Cathythoughts Lovely picture 💫💫💫looks inviting (edited) 6y
KatieCarpenter Ooh looks like an interesting book! Love me some Jane Austen :) also, pretty flowers! 6y
LeahBergen Yay! And I have this one waiting on my shelf. 👍🏻 6y
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Mdargusch What a great place to read! 6y
kspenmoll @KatieCarpenter @LeahBergen I am having fun reading the book- Jane‘s era/world & murder.😊 6y
kspenmoll @Mdargusch Thank‘s ! It‘s where I can be found with a book 3 seasons! 6y
Suet624 I‘m so glad you finally get to rest for a bit. 6y
kspenmoll @Suet624 I list Tuesday this week to dozing, sleeping & a little reading on my porch most of the day. Recharged. 6y
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This was another one from my #FreakyFriday swap list. It was fun to imagine Jane Austen solving mysteries. She would definitely be clever and good enough at making observations to do it. It reminded me a little of the Charlotte Holmes series. Recommended for Austen fans.

Librarybelle I‘ve really enjoyed this series - glad you liked it! 6y
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I was inspired by @4thhouseontheleft to post the Jane Austen books I'd most like to receive in the #JaneAustenSwap. For my match, don't worry if you've already sorted it, but I thought I would try to help as I've got all the books and this collage might give you an idea.

@mabell @sprainedbrain

alisiakae I haven‘t heard of a lot of these! I can‘t believe just how many Austen inspired books are out there. 😍😍 6y
ThatBookishGal I loved the Jane Austen Project! 6y
amber_ldsmom Oh, man! I need Darcy Swipes Left! Srsly Hamlet made me LOL so many times! 6y
Sophoclessweetheart These look wonderful! I haven‘t been able to find the Jane AustenMysteries anywhere! X 6y
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