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Forever . . .
Forever . . . | Judy Blume
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Youll never forget your first time...reading Forever, Judy Blumes groundbreaking novel about teen sexuality, as an ebook. When you build up something in your mindreally imagine it, wish for itsometimes, when it actually happens, it doesnt live up to your expectations. True love is nothing like that. Especially not for Katherine and Michael, who cant get enough of each other. Their relationship is unique: sincere, intense, and fun all at the same time. Although they havent been together all that long, they know its serious. A whole world opens up as young passion and sexuality bloom. But its senior year of high school, and there are big changes ahead. Michael and Katherine are destined for another big first: a decision. Is this the love of a lifetime, or the very beginning of a lifetime of love?
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Forever... | Judy Blume
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Some passages were insightful. Some felt outdated in terms of modern understanding of consent. Some felt unfinished (Artie.) Mostly, it just left me sad. I‘m glad I read it, but tbh I withdrew my recommendation to my college-aged feminist daughter to read it. I wish I could leave a more buoyant review, I really do. It was IMPORTANT in its time.

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Forever . . . | Judy Blume
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How lucky was I to grow up with Judy Blume? I don't normally post about movies or TV. programs, but this was irresistible. I didn't know she had a bookstore in Key West. I could never go there, though. When I met real authors, I blubber (I really can't help the puns).

DogMomIrene I just added this one to my watchlist! I‘m saving it. 1y
mandarchy @DogMomIrene I saw several authors post about it on Twitter this morning. She's one epic author. 1y
DogMomIrene @mandarchy definitely! Part of me just wants to watch the thing, but I know saving it for a time when I‘m feeling stuck will be even more satisfying. I can‘t imagine growing up without Judy Blume! 1y
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Forever . . . | Judy Blume
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Forever . . . | Judy Blume
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Forever . . . | Judy Blume
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#FirstLove makes me think of forever, and who doesn't have fond memories of feverishly flipping through the pages and giggling with your best friends? Good times 😊


dabbe A girl in my 6th grade class had the book with all of the “interesting“ pages folded back and then highlighted the “important“ parts. Good times indeed. #thanksforthememories ❣️ 1y
TheBookgeekFrau @dabbe Sounds like we knew the same girl😂😂 I love the memories conjured up by my books--thanks for sharing in them 💕 1y
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Forever... | Judy Blume
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IndoorDame ❤️❤️❤️ 1y
wanderinglynn 💜🌼 1y
Eggs So lovely 🥰 1y
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Forever... | Judy Blume
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Read this in one sitting during Tomah Truck Pull (WI). Good, fast read. Reminds me exactly what happened with me at 18, summer after graduating.

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Forever . . . | Judy Blume
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Thanks for the tag @Ash.on.the.line #WondrousWednesday @eggs I tag anyone that wants to divulge just tag me so I can see your answers.

1. The election of President Obama.

2. Bookstore.

3. The tagged book Forever controversial for young readers because of the sexual content but I really enjoyed the whole story. I remember thinking I couldn't wait to grow up and read more books, oh yea and getting a boyfriend. 🤣❤

Eggs Thanks for joining in 📚👏🏻🤗 3y
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Forever... | Judy Blume
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1. The tagged book for sure, as well as any Judy Blume from back in the day! 📚
2. It doesn‘t really matter to me as long as the story is good, but I am a sucker for ones set in England or Ireland! 🇬🇧

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 💞 3y
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Forever . . . | Judy Blume
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Banned books I‘ve read

OriginalCyn620 All great books! 4y
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Forever . . . | Judy Blume
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Three Banned Books I haven‘t read. Of these, I‘d most like to read The Bluest Eye.


Graciouswarriorprincess Nickeled and Dimed is good. 4y
OriginalCyn620 I want to read The Bluest Eye too! 4y
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Forever (Norbook) | Judy Blume

Has anyone read this

Forever... | Judy Blume
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I lived on #JudyBlume books growing up, but I must confess, I‘ve not yet read one of her adult books! IDK why! 🤷🏻‍♀️

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💛💛💛 4y
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Forever... | Judy Blume
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Judy Blume books are #evocative of my childhood.

Andrea313 Same! These transport me. ❤️ 4y
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Forever... | Judy Blume
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This months #bookclub book. I don‘t think I‘ve ever read it.... 🤔 #lifeinshanghai #currentlyreading

Forever... | Judy Blume
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This book is ICONIQUE. #Forever #JamminJune #ralph

Eggs Indeed! Lots of cover styles 👏🏻👏🏻 4y
TheBookHippie ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
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Forever... | Judy Blume
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I forgot to post yesterday for Day 3 - #7Days7Books - books that left a deep impression or changed me

Forever... | Judy Blume
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Like many of Blume‘s books, this one was a girlhood favorite!
#barefoot #bloomingbibliophiles

SamAnne Wow, her stories have withstood the test of time. Loved her books growing up. 4y
BehindthePages I loved this one as a teen. 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs I thought you would love this photo ❤️ 🥚 4y
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Eggs Love this 💙💙💙I do @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 4y
OriginalCyn620 Thank you @Eggs! 🐣 4y
revenge4porgy My favorite Judy Blume book is Deenie. Also, Freckle Juice(for kids). 4y
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Forever... | Judy Blume
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Judy Blume was established as the ~QUEEN~ of my podcast many episodes ago, but we‘re coming back to another of her titles on today‘s new episode. This one has *quite* the reputation, too. The 1975 YA novel Forever is regarded by many — for better or worse — as “the Judy Blume sex book.” On Episode 75, I explore that further with the help of Emily Edwards, host of the F*ckbois of Literature podcast. 🔥 Link to listen in bio!

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Forever... | Judy Blume
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Some books published in the #1970s that I really enjoyed! Some of these I read as a kid and some as an adult, but all were good! #letstraveljuly

MallenNC Good picks! 5y
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Forever . . . | Judy Blume
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This book is so earnest it kills me. But I guess I probably took myself too seriously in high school, too. It‘s an interesting read, if for nothing else than how much the conversation has moved on birth control, sex, homosexuality, abortion, teen pregnancy, etc.

#BFC Book 4/8 I may have underestimated books, but ever since my dad got his new car, he is feeling so much better and doing so much more! I am much happier and less stressed! 🎉🙌🏻

Caterina Halfway there!! I'm also finishing more books than expected, I thought I'd be watching TV post-surgery but I can actually concentrate on books! 😊 So glad things are going so well for your dad and for you. ❤️❤️ 5y
CoverToCoverGirl Halfway there 👏 5y
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guinsgirlreads Nice book count!! 5y
Megabooks @Caterina That‘s fantastic! I‘m so glad you‘re able to read! 💙👍🏻👍🏻😁 5y
Megabooks @CoverToCoverGirl Woo hoo! 🎉 5y
Megabooks @guinsgirlreads Thank you! 😊 5y
BookwormAHN Nice job 👏🏻 5y
Megabooks @BookwormAHN thanks! 👍🏻 5y
alisiakae I'm happy to hear things are going well! 5y
Megabooks @4thhouseontheleft Thanks! I am too! 👍🏻👍🏻 5y
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Forever . . . | Judy Blume

I‘ve never...read...a book...with more...ellipses. The...title...is...accurate... 😂😂😂

julesG 😁😁😁 5y
BiblioLitten ...😁... 5y
rretzler 🤣... 5y
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saresmoore Bahahaha! Yes. 5y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag I never really notice punctuation until it disappears (like in Patrick Ness‘ Chaos Walking series) or when it‘s in excess (like Brian Jacques and the !!!! in his Redwall books!) - hope Judy hasn‘t taken you to far out of the story with her... punctuation style... (edited) 5y
Megabooks @thegirlwiththelibrarybag I would agree with you!!!!! 😉😉 I read ebooks with the text blown up like a large print book, so when I can count up to 10 ellipses per page...it‘s overkill. Plus, the 70s earnestness is killing me. I had forgotten how completely serious it is. 5y
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Forever... | Judy Blume
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Cinfhen Queen 🙌🏻👑 6y
Billypar 👍☺️👍 6y
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Forever... | Judy Blume
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Because ......#forever- and that‘s a mighty long time.... (https://www.lyricsondemand.com/p/princelyrics/letsgocrazylyrics.html). My female singer would be Adrienne Young. I typically do not like country but I LOVE this song https://www.lyricsondemand.com/a/adrienneyounglyrics/mylovewillkeeplyrics.html . #nofemmeber

Cinfhen A bunch of us recently reread Forever! It was pretty angsty but I think bold for the 70s!! 6y
Cinfhen I 💜Prince!!!!! 6y
Chrissyreadit @Cinfhen I bet that was a fun reread- angst and all! 6y
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Cinfhen Yes, reading Forever as an adult was definitely a different set of eyes. 6y
TheLudicReader I loved that book as a kid. 6y
Billypar Gender norms being what they were in the 80s and 90s, I never read any Blume growing up- but I always hear her being recalled fondly. I don't know if I had many angsty reads...I think alt-rock was where I got my angst dosages 👩‍🎤💿 6y
Chrissyreadit @Billypar your playground time was lacking! The girls brought the book out to share the relevant pages with the “fast” boys. It was sex Ed at its finest during lunch recess.... (5/6th grade) 6y
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Forever . . . | Judy Blume
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Cinfhen ❤️ 6y
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Forever . . . | Judy Blume
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They announced the recipients of this year‘s Carl Sandburg Literary Award in February & it feels like forever ago! Super excited to hear from these authors next month. Forever was the only book my mother ever confiscated when I was young—I might just have to get her a signed copy! Neil deGrasse Tyson is always interesting & entertaining. Excited to see Erika L. Sánchez again & I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter is definitely award worthy!

Forever . . . | Judy Blume
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#Iwanttoholdyourhand has me thinking about this old classic I forgot to review after #foreverforever read-along... although if you recall they were doing more than holding hands! Sadly this book didn‘t do much for me and I can now see why my friends and I skimmed the book just to get to the risqué scenes ?

DebinHawaii Good one. As Kath's mom said, "...you can't go back to holding hands." ? 6y
GypsyKat Nice choice! 6y
Reviewsbylola I can‘t believe I never read this as a teenager. 6y
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Forever... | Judy Blume
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It wasn‘t #forevergate, Kevin Kneupper, the lawyer who put in the rebuttal for #cockygate called it #foreverwar - but it looks like it‘s over. Was this just an attempt at publicity? Something to wear everyone down so someone can sneak something else through? Am I being a conspiracy theorist?

LibrarianRyan Nope. Not at all. Some of these things I think they do on purpose for the publicity. 6y
jpmcwisemorgan @LibrarianRyan I‘m definitely leaning that way. 6y
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Forever... | Judy Blume

Ok, so #cockygate is ongoing and now someone is trying for #forever - there may be a #forevergate coming. Cockybot let the Twitterverse know a trademark application was filled, people are on it, the author is claiming to not have any role in this but filing costs money so it‘s unlikely someone did it as a joke. If you‘re a writer - and I know there are some here, following this sort of thing might be of interest.

LibrarianRyan Forever! If patent office lets that go through hey need to fire the staff. 6y
jpmcwisemorgan @LibrarianRyan I know! I don‘t know if this is a publicity stunt or what but it‘s a little crazy. 6y
CouronneDhiver Well, it‘s said that any publicity is good publicity... got people talking. 6y
jpmcwisemorgan @CouronneDhiver I know but I think some of it will backlash, it creates a lot of ill will with colleagues. 6y
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Forever . . . | Judy Blume
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#whenwewereyoung #AdelesMayMashup @vkois88

It's been on my too be read list for a while. I haven't read a Judy Blume book since I was a pre-teen.

vkois88 ❤❤ 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I haven‘t either!! Stacked!! 6y
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Forever . . . | Judy Blume
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I feel like I dropped the ball on our #foreverforever #buddyread but there's been fun discussions on all the update/review posts. I had plans of making fondue but life happened & I've been too busy so here's my empty fondue pot-a gift, I've used once.😆This fun reread brought back memories...

Things I still want:
-jeans with 🍄🍄embroidered on them
-Kath's grandma
-Kath's den🦁

Things I don't want:
-Michael (he's a putz!)
-Ralph 😜

DebinHawaii ... Yes, I now can't unsee all those ellipses...😆 & it's dated & not the greatest book written but the pure nostalgia fills my heart with love for Judy Blume & makes me want to go back & reread more of her books. She was ahead of her time in terms of writing middle grade & YA books & a national treasure. Mahalo to all who read or reread along with us & to @LauraBeth for planting the idea! 🤗😘#foreverforever 🍄💕🌈 (edited) 6y
CarolynM Why did fondue go out of fashion? It's so delicious! I think I used my fondue pot wedding present at least 3 times😂 6y
DebinHawaii @CarolynM I have two of them! Both Christmas gifts from the same coworker over 15 years ago, different years though. 🤣I'm ready for it to make a big comeback! 🤣🧀🤣 6y
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Cinfhen But now we have the chocolate fountain @DebinHawaii @CarolynM which is EVEN BETTER 😋 6y
Caterina @CarolynM @Cinfhen @DebinHawaii I didn‘t realize fondue was out of fashion! My family‘s New Year‘s Eve tradition is for the four of us to gather round the fondue pot while watching the TV. Strawberries, bananas, pound cake, marshmallows... We‘ve been doing it every year for as long as I can remember! (Side note, can you tell my parents are introverts?? No new year‘s parties for us! 😂) 6y
Cinfhen That sounds delicious @Caterina and you‘re using chocolate not cheese I‘m assuming ~ I think it‘s the cheese aspect that‘s changed, Right?!? @DebinHawaii @CarolynM 6y
Caterina @Cinfhen @DebinHawaii @CarolynM Oh I didn‘t know cheese was even an option! 🤔 I guess I‘m showing my age 🙈 Cheese sounds delicious too though! 6y
CarolynM @Cinfhen Cheese all the way! Those nasty boiling oil to cook meat and veg in kinds were just awful. @Caterina Your family's NYEs sound pretty good, though😄 (edited) 6y
Cinfhen Ha! @Caterina And we are showing our age👵👵👵 @DebinHawaii @CarolynM 6y
CarolynM @Cinfhen Yep, next stop the old folks home😂 6y
Mdargusch Fondue night was always my favorite dinner! Beef rolled in crushed up pretzels 🤤 6y
emilyhaldi The 🍄 jeans do sound pretty rad 6y
emilyhaldi Wow @Mdargusch I haven‘t heard of this beef / pretzel delicacy!!! 6y
ValerieAndBooks I‘m pretty sure I have that same fondue pot — bought at a garage sale and used it maybe twice 😂 . I agree Kath‘s grandmother is so cool!! 6y
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Forever . . . | Judy Blume
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I tried. I couldn‘t get past page 80. Sorry guys. I did enjoy the parts that brought back memories ... hooking rugs and playing backgammon. #foreverforever

Cinfhen Have a cocktail by the pool and call it a day 🍹☀️ 6y
Jerdencon It was a bit tough to get past the cheesiness! 6y
Mdargusch I couldn‘t do it @Jerdencon 🙄 6y
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emilyhaldi Lol 😂 It was pretty painful for me most of the way through... I don't blame you!! 6y
Mdargusch I would definitely need a cocktail to get this this @Cinfhen ! 🤢 #somanybookstoolittletime 6y
Mdargusch See above post @emilyhaldi 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻 6y
ValerieAndBooks So you didn‘t toss the book in the pool 😂?! Now I need to go look at page 80 again 👀... 6y
ValerieAndBooks Oh and I remember rug hooking too! I don‘t think I ever finished mine 😂! 6y
Mdargusch Haha! @ValerieAndBooks - I‘m not sure what‘s on page 80 but I think that‘s near the part about “Ralph” 😂😂😂 6y
Reviewsbylola Omg!!! Hahahahaha 6y
AlaMich I got to the halfway mark and speed-skimmed through the rest 😊 6y
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Forever... | Judy Blume
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What a trip down memory lane! Interesting to consider how much of your own experiences of love and sex might influence how you feel about it when reading it as an adult. It explores a lot of issues that a young and inexperienced person may not have thought about and that in itself is valuable. Considering its time and audience it's fairly explicit, but a little more would probably be helpful to avoid unrealistic expectations!

DebinHawaii Great review! 👍Thanks for joining us--it was a fun walk down memory lane and interesting to see everyone's take on it. 💕📚 6y
LauraBeth Wonderful review! Thanks for re-reading with us and providing your insights. 🍒🍒 6y
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Forever... | Judy Blume
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I had some adulting to do today involving lots of waiting room time. It was an ironic way to reread a YA classic. Thanks to @DebinHawaii for bringing us together for #ForeverForever!

My full review is on www.TheBibliophage.com but ultimately I found it fascinating to read this book through a grandmother‘s lens. No, I don‘t mean the book is fascinating. It‘s an incredibly dated view into the shallow minds of a teen and her friends. Nothing more.

BiblioTori Thoroughly enjoyed your review of this book! It makes me want to read it. I‘ve ready a couple of her other books, but not this one for some reason. 6y
Jerdencon I agree... I thought the writing was that of a teenager writing a book - but maybe that's what it was supposed to be. But some lines were definitely cringe-worthy. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @OnlyMeJustT Thanks! I‘ll bet you can track down a free way to read it. Just 200 pages! 6y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage @Jerdencon Oh for sure! I was surprised at how much I was able to comment and critique in my blog review. (edited) 6y
jillrhudy Talk about your throwbacks for Thursday! 😃 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @jillrhudy Haha—you‘re so right! I hadn‘t thought of that! 6y
IamIamIam Hope all is well!!! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @IamIamIam Thanks. Nothing emergent. Just a 4+ year journey with some issues. Still fighting for answers. 😍 6y
DebinHawaii Great review! I'm so glad you joined in.🤗I did leave a comment on your blog too but it was from my phone and I'm not sure it went through so I'll try again when I'm on my computer. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @DebinHawaii Thanks for the comment on my blog! It got marked as spam for some reason, so I just rescued it for us! 😍😍 6y
AlaMich I enjoyed your blog review too. You‘re right about the simplicity of the narrative...they just didn‘t do “nuanced” or “layered” back in the day, did they? 😊 I don‘t read a ton of contemporary YA but even I know that current writers credit teenagers with more intelligence. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @AlaMich I think we have to give teenagers today more plot and character complexity. For the most part, they‘re exposed to so much more now—in media and in life. But the relative innocence of Forever is refreshing in a way. Thanks for reading my blog post too! 6y
DebinHawaii @BarbaraTheBibliophage I thought something like that might have happened. Thanks for rescuing me from the SPAM pile! 😆👍 6y
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Forever... | Judy Blume
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I learned a lot of things after reading this book (it was a reread for me). First—Judy Blume loves ellipses. To a fault. It became difficult to ignore and as soon as I finished the book I googled to see how many times she used ellipses in this book. Unfortunately no one has actually counted. Secondly, who names their penis? Is this a thing? And RALPH? All things considered though, this is a teenage classic for a reason. 👍🏻 #foreverforever

xicanti When I was fourteen or so, I read a book where the guy named his penis AND his wife's vagina. I frowned at the book and put it down. 6y
Cinfhen I like sleeping beauty all cuddled up 6y
Jerdencon I am practically laughing my way through this reread and amazed at my 10 year old self who read this! So many cheesy things about it! 6y
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tournevis Elipsis abuse 🤣🤣🤣 6y
Reviewsbylola I was finishing it up in the waiting room as she snoozed away. 😂 @Cinfhen 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I‘m reading it in waiting rooms today also! 6y
Mdargusch Hmmm. Can‘t wait to get started. I finally got my copy today! 6y
LauraBeth Look at that sweet baby! 🙀❤️ 6y
emilyhaldi Oh, it's DEFINITELY a thing... But I like to think JB was the originator ? my friends and I used the term "Ralph" for years after reading this book!! What confused me the most was that Katherine didn't have much to say in reply to meeting Ralph... why wasn't she more surprised to hear this I wonder?? ? 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awwww ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
emilyhaldi Oh ps. I think I am an ellipsis abuser too 😬 6y
RadicalReader @Reviewsbylola can‘t wait to check out this novel the only books I‘ve read by her are the Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, Super Fudge, Fudgeamania and Double Fudge. 6y
DebinHawaii @emilyhaldi Hah...me too! 🤣And...Max 🐱uses them all the time in his thought bubbles...😹 6y
DebinHawaii Did you see How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days where she names his penis 'Princess Sofia' and he wants it to be 'Krull, the Warrior King?' That scene always makes me think of Ralph! 🤣 6y
AlaMich @DebinHawaii 🤣🤣🤣 6y
AlaMich Geez, I didn‘t notice the use of ellipses. I think I am guilty of it myself. 😔 But now I will not be able to unnotice it, so thanks for that, @reviewsbylola!!! 😉 6y
merelybookish Isn't it a thing in Lady Chatterley's Lover? He names his penis John Thomas, I think. 6y
merelybookish Just double-checked ... It was a thing to call a penis a John Thomas but Lawrence made it more widely known. 6y
Reviewsbylola I am an unabashed ellipses user myself but this was unlike anything I have ever experienced. 😂 @AlaMich 6y
Reviewsbylola Funny! I read that book but I don‘t remember that. Maybe it wasn‘t as revolting to me because John Thomas sounds more sophisticated than Ralph. 😂😂 @merelybookish 6y
Reviewsbylola I think I‘ve seen that but it‘s been too long! @DebinHawaii 6y
merelybookish @Reviewsbylola Definitely more sophisticated! 😂😂 6y
bio_chem06 All I can think is, remember when you could sleep like that and you didn't have to take ibuprofen or see the chiropractor afterward? 🤕 haha! 6y
batsy @merelybookish John Thomas! 😂😂 6y
DebinHawaii @merelybookish @Reviewsbylola And I was trying to think of who said 'my John Thomas' in regards to his penis on tv & finally remembered it was Trey on Sex & the City--Charlotte's first husband played by Kyle MacLachlan. 🤣 (Why do I remember these things?!)🤔 6y
merelybookish @batsy @DebinHawaii There's nothing like a proper penis name to make an impression! 6y
AlaMich @DebinHawaii I knew I recognized that expression!! Charlotte‘s weird first husband! 😂 6y
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Forever . . . | Judy Blume
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Picked up my copy from the library #foreverforever
Read the first 4 chapters ... haven't read it since I was about 10! What a different perspective now! But I totally remember the rug! Lol @DebinHawaii @LauraBeth

DebinHawaii Yes! The lion face rug. 🦁Gotta love the 70s! 🤣 6y
LauraBeth 😂🙌 6y
AlaMich Ah, the rug!! That had stuck with me, too. 😂 6y
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Forever . . . | Judy Blume
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Ummm...there was a 1978 made-for-TV movie starring Stephanie Zimbalist?! 🤯
Did anyone watch this?
#foreverforever @DebinHawaii @LauraBeth

DebinHawaii Oh man I forgot all about the TV movie! I do vaguely remember it because Michael was Manly (Almanzo Wilder). Too funny! 🤣🤣🤣 6y
RidgewayGirl Aren‘t they supposed to be in high school? 6y
LauraBeth Wait - what?! How did I miss this? 😂 (edited) 6y
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ValerieAndBooks Wow! Had no idea! Funny, I recognized “Almanzo” right away 😂! 6y
merelybookish @DebinHawaii @ValerieAndBooks I remember Stephanie Zimbalist from Remington Steel. 6y
merelybookish @RidgewayGirl They are seniors. 😉 6y
merelybookish @LauraBeth I know! Although I was 5 in 1978 so... 6y
DebinHawaii I was 13 and we watched just about every TV movie that came out. 😆 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I‘m guessing I saw that movie. But I really don‘t remember it! #oldpeopleforget 6y
AlaMich I don‘t think I ever knew about this. I wonder if they had to cut out the Ralph stuff? (edited) 6y
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Forever . . . | Judy Blume
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More #foreverforever... The scene where Katherine gets birth control reminded me so much of when I did that. Like her, I did it all on my own. I think I was 17. I didn't tell my Mum. 🤐 We never discussed sex.
I went to a woman doctor and she was young, just out of med school. She mispronounced my name and I was too embarrassed to correct her. So for years, she called me Mar-GOT. 🙄
@DebinHawaii @LauraBeth

Tamra Sounds familiar. My mom must have thought I got mine off the street because she proceeded to tell me I had to see a doctor to get it. 😆 (edited) 6y
merelybookish @Tamra 😂 my Mum told me later she figured I would learn all I needed to know on the playground at school. 🙄😳🤦 6y
Tamra @merelybookish bah! Worst place! 😬 6y
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AlaMich Playground?!? Good lord! My mom passed away when I was very young, so my dad‘s idea of sex ed was putting a copy of Where Did I Come From in his bookcase for me to find. 😂🙄 See, I was a reader wayyy back! 6y
merelybookish @Tamra That's what my sister and I told her! Beyond abstinence, she didn't have much. 😒 6y
merelybookish @AlaMich Ha! Better than the playground! 😁 6y
emilyhaldi Mar-got?!? Really!!!? 🤦🏻‍♀️ 6y
merelybookish @emilyhaldi It happens all the time! 6y
LauraBeth I‘m still waiting for my sex talk! 😂 6y
merelybookish @LauraBeth no kidding. I was self taught! 😁 6y
cherinium My mom told me to read this book when I got my first period. But we never talked about it. 6y
DebinHawaii Yeah, I never got "the talk" but I think my mom figured with three older sisters I probably knew/had been told enough already.? 6y
Reviewsbylola Hahahaha @emilyhaldi that was my thought too! Wow! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Seriously. I got the talk and wish I hadn‘t. It was embarrassing. And then I did the b/c part by myself with a misogynist old MD. 6y
73 likes14 comments
Forever | Judy Blume
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So I‘m halfway through my adult-life reread of Forever, and a couple of things have caught my attention, mainly having to do with the way Blume treats the actual sex in the book. ⬇️


AlaMich For one thing, she mentions the fact that Kath, at 16, has an orgasm with Michael in literally three words. In a book that tries to approach teen sex realistically and from the girl‘s POV, I think there could have been a WHOLE lot more said about that. 6y
AlaMich Also, the day after she has actual intercourse with him, she is blaming herself because it was “disappointing.” That is, M. was disappointed in his OWN performance. It‘s probably realistic, but I took issue with it, probably because, combined with the above gripe, it really makes the sex all about him. 6y
LibrarianJen See idk, I felt a lot like Kath too my first couple of times. It wasn‘t the magical event that it‘s supposed to be and my first didn‘t even know how to make me orgasm. Of course I felt like it was my fault and I was the inadequate one. I do agree with you about the lack of descriptive wordage. Even the dialog felt a little flat at times. 6y
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AlaMich @LibrarianJen I agree with you actually, that the fact that she had an orgasm, especially at her age and inexperienced, was unusual enough that it deserved more than three words. And yeah, the dialog is definitely dullsville! 6y
ValerieAndBooks @alamich @LibrarianJen the dialogue‘s dull probably because Michael was more interested in the sex than having intellectual conversations with Kath! 6y
Reviewsbylola I‘m halfway through too and I go back and forth on how realistic this feels to me. But damn the Ralph thing is just too much. 🤢 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I agree about her orgasms. Maybe if we knew she‘d been masturbating, I‘d be more likely to believe the possibility. But she seems to have zero body awareness. 🤷🏼‍♀️ @AlaMich @LibrarianJen @ValerieAndBooks @Reviewsbylola (edited) 6y
AlaMich @Reviewsbylola Yes. Yes, it is. 🙄 6y
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Forever... | Judy Blume
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A salute to teenage first loves, that awkward part of growing up where you‘re 18 and about to graduate but you still have to abide by parents rules, and moving forward.

All I know is If I had stayed with my High School boyfriend (and “little Steve”😳) then I wouldn‘t have married the wonderful love of my life (almost 10 years ago)!
#foreverforever #buddyread

AlaMich “Little Steve?” 🤣🤣 6y
AceOnRoam @AlaMich 🤣😂 6y
Librariana My husband and I are coming up on our 10 year anniversary as well! 😄 Congratulations to you and your hubby and best wishes for comtinued happiness for many, many decades to come 💖💐 6y
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LibrarianJen @Librariana How awesome and congrats to you and yours too! 💖 6y
DebinHawaii Great review and I love the photo. ?And "Little Steve" totally cracked me up. ???Thanks for joining in! 6y
LauraBeth Wonderful review! When you finally end up with “the one”, it definitely makes you look back with some relief that some your past choices didn‘t pan out. Little Steve! 🤣🤣🤣 6y
AmandaL This has been on my TBR forever! (No pun intended 😆) 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Great review. This is exactly why parents don‘t want kids to get to involved too young. I‘m SO glad I didn‘t marry any of my first 4 boyfriends. 😜 6y
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Forever... | Judy Blume
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I‘m officially starting this today. I wish I had a copy with the locket cover, which was what I read in the 70s. I feel sooo old.

#foreverforever #buddyread

CherylSwafford Great book👍 6y
Austen_Nerd I loved this book!! With all the repost about it I feel i need to reread it 6y
Stephanie.Colson I read this book in high school. I remember being shocked by the detail...if you know what I mean. But I definitely need to reread this one. 6y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage @Austen_Nerd Feel free to join in the #buddyread! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Stephanie.Severing No time like the present—since so many of us are rereading it right now! 😎 6y
LauraBeth 🙌🙌 6y
SomedayAlmost We read this aloud at a sleepover party in 7th grade and felt like total bad girls! 6y
merelybookish @SomedayAlmost Apparently it was the thing to do! Lots of sleepover memories attached to this book. 6y
DebinHawaii I think we need a 'locket cover' breakout group for all of us who read it in the 70s! 😀🌈🍄💕 6y
Austen_Nerd @BarbaraTheBibliophage I think I might I just need to find my copy!!!!! 6y
TracyReadsBooks I will be hearing Judy Blume speak in October and I‘m already counting down the days. This book was the only one my mom ever forbid me from reading. So, of course I read it and when she found it on my bookshelf, she took it and I got in big trouble! 😂 I‘m excited to get a new copy to replace it! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @DebinHawaii Yes we do!👏🏻👏🏻 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @TracyReadsBooks Ohmigosh that sounds like a great author event! My story is similar. I was always searching for books like this and getting in trouble. At least this one was written for younger readers! 6y
TracyReadsBooks She and Neil deGrasse Tyson are receiving the Carl Sandburg Literary Award from the Chicago Public Library. I‘m anticipating a great evening—the table centerpieces are always made of the authors‘ books and attendees can take as many as they want—I may take two, one for me and one for mom so we can do a buddy read! 😉 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @TracyReadsBooks That sounds even more wonderful! Take pictures and share them with us, please! 6y
TracyReadsBooks Absolutely! 6y
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Forever . . . | Judy Blume
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Finished, and this advice is *still* the only thing I clearly remember from the book!

Katherine‘s grandma is one hip woman 😎 ! I can‘t imagine either of my grandmas sending me the literature that she did!

Comment about the end is marked as spoiler 👇

This was a fun readalong 😊 #foreverforever @DebinHawaii @LauraBeth

ValerieAndBooks I was disappointed at how immaturely Michael handled the break-up 😤! 6y
saresmoore I think Michael handled everything pretty immaturely. But he‘s not an unrealistic 17yo male, in that respect... 6y
ValerieAndBooks @saresmoore true! Probably why Theo at 21 seems so mature to Katherine! In fact I met hubby when I was turning 18 and he was 21...together ever since 😊 6y
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saresmoore How lovely! I met my husband when we were 19. Going on eleven years of marriage now! But I‘d certainly known some Michaels before him. I knew a Ralph, too, but that was just the nerdy guy with dandruff who sat in front of me in Calculus... 😆 6y
LauraBeth I‘m just here for this convo between you two lovely ladies @ValerieAndBooks and @saresmoore 😀💕 6y
ValerieAndBooks @saresmoore ah yes, a few Michaels for me, too 🙄. After crying over one of them once, my dad said I‘d meet the “right guy” in college, and I did! That was almost 35 years ago 😊. @LauraBeth you can jump in anytime 🤗. 6y
DebinHawaii @ValerieAndBooks I remember being mad at Michael for that.😆 @saresmoore Ralph! Just can't help but snicker...EVERY time!🤣 @LauraBeth It is excellent book discussion! 😆👍 6y
ValerieAndBooks @DebinHawaii @LauraBeth @saresmoore I was just thinking about how the characters all...talk...like...this... did Blume do that to pad the page count? Or is it a Blume thing? I can‘t remember from the others of hers that I read way back then!! 6y
saresmoore So many ellipses! Yes, that was interesting. I wonder if a lot of children‘s/YA authors used to write in that style because I remember writing my dialogue like that in some early short stories I wrote. 6y
Reviewsbylola Yeah I know for sure that my grandmas never talked to me about sex. 😂 although one died when I was 8, but had she lived, I strongly suspect she would have never mentioned it. 😂 And the ellipses, Jesus!! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @ValerieAndBooks @saresmoore @LauraBeth @DebinHawaii @Reviewsbylola I‘m definitely not Team Michael. I just keep thinking about how everything has changed since 1978. The ellipses would be replaced by texting. All the moms and grandmas would be more inclined to assume the kids were hooking up. 6y
81 likes11 comments
Forever . . . | Judy Blume
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Well that went a lot quicker than I thought. Just like Michael in chapter 12. #heyoooo

It was SO fun revisiting this book for #foreverforever! I remembered a lot of this book, but it all makes a lot more sense now being an adult. And my husband and I met when we were 18, so a lot of the first love feelings were so familiar and nice to revisit as well. Now when will the Are You There God? It‘s Me, Margaret buddy read happen? 😂

Ashley_Nicoletto 😂😂😂 6y
saresmoore 😜 I love this review! Even though I didn‘t read it as a kid, it‘s such a fun teen love nostalgia punch. Weirdly, my mom was 18 when this book was published, so I‘m still figuring out what to do with that revelation as I‘m reading it tonight. 🤔 6y
DebinHawaii I may have spit some water out when I read that first sentence! 🤣Great review. Thanks for joining in the #foreverforever fun! 💕 6y
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DebinHawaii Oh and the "Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret" read-along is an excellent idea! ? 6y
emilyhaldi 😄🤣 6y
GirlMeetsBook Oh my! We‘re reading this for one of my book clubs! I‘ve never had the pleasure, and my book cover is yet another edition from what you have here. Excited to start! 6y
Cinfhen Great review!! Something oddly wholesome about this book which I found raunchy as an 11 year old 😉 6y
LauraBeth 😂😂 The first line of your wonderful review! 👍 Thanks for joining in - I echo everyone‘s sentiment that I‘m finding this re-read to be more wholesome than I remember. 😂 Also - we should just plan to do a read-along to everything Judy Blume - I‘d like to revisit Tiger Eyes. 🐯👀 6y
LibrarianJen @LauraBeth Tiger Eyes is another one from my moms shelves that I never read. I always liked the cover but since it sat on her shelf next to Forever I didn‘t dare touch it. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Great review! Michael was a immature ejaculator. 😜 6y
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Forever... | Judy Blume
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My husband just picked this up at the library for me. I‘d never even heard of Forever, but after everyone‘s scandalous first experience posts, I couldn‘t resist joining in! #foreverforever

DGRachel I read quite a few of Judy Blume‘s books as a kid, but I seem to have missed this one somehow. 6y
DebinHawaii It's hard to resist! 😆Glad you are joining us! 💕 6y
LauraBeth Oh yay! It‘s never too late to learn about sex! 😂 6y
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AlaMich Oh sweetie, I think you‘re too young...but join us and find out why women of a certain age snort with laughter when they hear the name Ralph!! 🤣🤣 (edited) 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @AlaMich Hahaha! Yes we do! 6y
saresmoore @LauraBeth I really appreciated the caveat to this ‘90‘s edition that said it‘s now necessary to also use condoms for disease prevention. And I was reminded to take responsibility for my choice to become sexually active...ten years too late! 😂👰🏻🤰🏻👶🏻🤰🏻👶🏻🤷🏻‍♀️ 6y
saresmoore @AlaMich I can‘t wait to be in on all of the secrets! 6y
LauraBeth @saresmoore 😂😂 when I went for a dr appt last summer, my gyno was like, “so ...let‘s discuss your birth control options!” I was all, “I‘m almost 47...” 6y
erinreads I love that your husband picked it up for you! 😂😂 6y
saresmoore @erinreads He asked, “So anything you wanna do tonight?” I said, “Oh, you know, learn about sex...” The progression of looks on his face as he turned around to see me holding the book was priceless. 6y
emilyhaldi I can hardly wait to hear your thoughts on this book reading as a first timer!!! I was admittedly a bit sheepish checking this out at the library 😆 I wonder if your librarian was curious as to your husbands motives?? 🤨 6y
saresmoore @emilyhaldi Oh, I have some thoughts, alright! Luckily for my husband, I had put it on hold and he used self checkout—I spared him any awkwardness. I‘m not sparing him from the gory details within its pages, though! 6y
saresmoore @AlaMich I got to the Ralph part last night and nearly fell out of my chair! 🤣 Do you think JB did that just so she didn‘t have to keep coming up with euphemisms? Because, come on. That‘s one among many, many potential dealbreakers in this book... 6y
AlaMich @saresmoore Hmmm, I never thought of that. 🤔 You could very well be right. But when you read about Ralph as a teenager, take my word, it stays with you forever (no pun intended)!! 6y
saresmoore @AlaMich Oh, I‘m sure it does! 😬 6y
AlaMich @saresmoore I‘m curious...what else did you consider a dealbreaker in the book? 6y
saresmoore @AlaMich I suppose everything about Michael, really. Ha! He does the quietly patriarchal thing a little too well. His manipulative tendencies and immaturity, although not uncommon in young males, would have made me turn and run. Then again, I‘m old and jaded now with a much broader awareness of sexual identity and two daughters who will assuredly be getting the lesson of consent being nothing less than an enthusiastic yes. 6y
AlaMich @saresmoore He was definitely manipulative, which is something I didn‘t pay much attention to until you mentioned it. It‘s hard to reconcile current beliefs and standards of behavior with what was acceptable 40 years ago. Sometimes I struggle with, “do I hold this against the writer or not?” 6y
saresmoore @AlaMich I have the same struggle. But I think, in this case, JB was pushing so many boundaries of what was generally accepted already. I give her props for writing in some strong female adult influences and for giving the female characters interests and skills beyond being boy crazy or attractive. When Katharine became sexually active, she didn‘t forfeit her “virtue” or change as a person, even if she did put up with more than she should. 6y
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Forever . . . | Judy Blume
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My intro post for the #foreverforever readalong hosted by @DebinHawaii & @LauraBeth ! This is the copy I‘m reading — from the used bookstore.

The one I recall reading from was the locket on the cover. I honestly don‘t remember how old I was when I read it. The only thing I think I remember was that once you have sex you can‘t go back to just holding hands again — maybe said by the mom?

Cinfhen Good memory!!! That was indeed said by Katherine‘s Mom 🧡 6y
DebinHawaii So many of us had or read from the locket cover! 💕And yes, I carried that wisdom from Katherine's mom in my head through many of my teenage dating years! 😆 6y
LauraBeth I had completely forgotten about that line! 6y
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Aleida Wow. I learned so much when I read this at 13, lol. 6y
ValerieAndBooks @Cinfhen @DebinHawaii @laurabeth @Aleida Here I‘m reading along and that line is *still* the only thing that I‘m remembering! I must have been an older teen when I read it and already jaded from sneak-reading my mom‘s bodice-rippers 🙈🙊 6y
Chrissyreadit Memories... I got into so much trouble because of this book. I had no idea I shouldnt ask my mom questions about sex. She literally took away my adult book sticker on my library card. 6y
ValerieAndBooks @Chrissyreadit whoa! Too bad about your mom being upset 😔. I remember when I read Are You There God, it‘s me Margaret and they talk about hickeys... I asked my mom what one was and she said she‘d tell me later...I can‘t remember if she ever did tell me but I learned eventually 😂! 6y
Aleida Haha I was thirteen when I first read it in ‘83! 6y
ValerieAndBooks @Aleida I‘m about 5 years older than you, then 😊! In 1983, I was a HS senior then college freshman 😊 6y
Aleida Oh we should start a “reader of a certain age” book club! 👵🏻 lol! 6y
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Very different perspective now that I've had sex...as opposed to elementary school me
Hahaha still a good book, and probably the only one still where the couple is a regular teenage couple, not destined, no one dies.
#booked2018 childhood favorite
@4thhouseontheleft @Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage

Cinfhen Hahaha....so true! Not destined for anything....love that😂😂😂 6y
alisiakae 😂😂 6y
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Forever . . . | Judy Blume
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Well that was a fun trip down #memorylane JB is pretty bold and I appreciate the voice she gave to all of us growing up in the 70s & 80s. This book is certainly dated in many ways but I‘m sure it was ahead of its time when first published. I didn‘t mind this YA book at all, I think todays authors can still learn a lot from JB😍Thanks for the buddyread @LauraBeth @DebinHawaii 💕

Sophoclessweetheart What a beautiful view!! 6y
Cinfhen Awww, thanks @Wanderingwithwords it‘s from my lower terrace💗 6y
britt_brooke Nice view! 6y
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Cathythoughts Beautiful view. 😱💫💫 6y
tammysue Lovely view! 6y
Supersteph That brings back memories!! That was the most checked out book In our school library 😉 6y
Sophoclessweetheart How lucky! Where do you live? X 6y
Cinfhen Thanks guys! You know I‘m so happy because it‘s outdoor reading time for me...weather is gorgeous right now @whatshesreadingnow @Cathythoughts @britt_brooke @Wanderingwithwords I live outside of Tel Aviv in Israel ☀️🌴😎 6y
Kalalalatja That view 😍😍 and we are finally (hopefully?) getting some decent weather in Denmark, so I‘m hoping I get to do some balcony reading this week 🤞 6y
Sophoclessweetheart Oh! How magical xx 6y
DivineDiana Much nicer there than here! 😉👏🏻📚 (edited) 6y
LauraBeth That‘s a beautiful view! Thanks for taking part! Sounds like you‘ve had a wonderful day 😀💕 6y
emilyhaldi Happy to hear that JB is in some ways timeless ☺️ I can't wait to get started on this! 6y
Cinfhen I did have a lovely day, thanks @LauraBeth @DivineDiana @Kalalalatja Hope you enjoy this one too @emilyhaldi 6y
DebinHawaii Wow! You were fast! Thanks for taking part in the buddy read. 💕 And I echo everyone else, gorgeous view. 🤗 6y
ValerieAndBooks I think this will be a fast read!! 6y
Cinfhen It‘s really a one sitting read @ValerieAndBooks @DebinHawaii no dictionary required 😉 6y
DebinHawaii @Cinfhen @ValerieAndBooks Yes, I was going to read just a bit because I am jamming out two books for review for this week and I'm behind and still ended up reading half the book. 😆👍 6y
Reggie When I‘m on YouTube, sometimes there‘s these ads for master classes and one of the commercials was for Judy Blume‘s masterclass. She is in there talking about writing and it brought tears to my eyes because you can tell she cares. A lot. I‘ve never read her but I bought Forever earlier today so maybe sometime this week. 6y
Cinfhen I‘ll be curious to hear your thoughts @Reggie because it‘s hard to call JB a masterclass author because her writing is not elegant or sophisticated but yet she‘s timeless & effortless 6y
Reviewsbylola Totally agree with JB having a great YA voice. Starting this one tonight. I read it for the first time a few years ago. 6y
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Forever... | Judy Blume
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Ha!! I KNEW the local library wouldn‘t fail me...right under New Release😉 successful morning, got my blood test done ( look at the number I drew) 😈😈😈met a friend for coffee & found 2 books at the local charity shop for 5 Shekel each ( which is roughly $1.50) 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 #ForeverForever

Cinfhen Oh and I mailed your packages @Kalalalatja @ephemeralwaltz 💗💗 6y
ephemeralwaltz @Cinfhen thank you so much - I can‘t wait 😍 happy reading!! 6y
Cinfhen Thanks @ephemeralwaltz PO said 10 days give or take, let‘s see 🤞🏼🤞🏼 6y
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ephemeralwaltz @Cinfhen I‘ll definitely let you know when it gets here! 😍 6y
Simona Nice, productive day 😘 6y
Cinfhen Hehehe, and it‘s not even 1pm!!!!! @Simona 6y
Cinfhen Oh and I picked up ingredients for tacos tonight!!!! 6y
Kalalalatja What a day you have had already! 😄 excited to see what you have sent 👏👏 6y
Cathythoughts Well you have been busy this morning 😱👍🏻 6y
Cinfhen I really have @Cathythoughts 😁I don‘t even remember what I sent u @Kalalalatja so it‘s gonna be a surprise for me too 😂 6y
Sophoclessweetheart Sounds like a great day already! X 6y
Cinfhen Thanks @Wanderingwithwords now I have a banana cake in the oven...how‘s your little girl today???? 6y
Sophoclessweetheart Sounds delicious. She‘s doing better today, thank you for asking 🙏💛 6y
LauraBeth I just woke up - stop setting the bar so high! 😂 6y
Cinfhen Slacker @LauraBeth unless you moved that yoga mat 😘 6y
Mdargusch Looks like a good day! 👌🏼 6y
DebinHawaii Impressive! I was sleeping during all of that. 😆 I like that Forever was in the new releases! 6y
Reviewsbylola Wow, how fitting that you found Forever the day after the buddy read started! 6y
137 likes18 comments
Forever... | Judy Blume
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Some #foreverforever first thoughts...
?I think this is my first time actually reading the entire book. I don't think I read beyond the "juicy" parts.
?I love the 70s spirit and the Planned Parenthood volunteering grandma.
?Blume's writing is so good! The opening sentence is brilliant: "Sybill Davison has a genuis I.Q. and has been laid by about six different guys."

emilyhaldi Lol, can‘t wait to get started on this! 6y
LeahBergen Gotta find a copy ASAP! 6y
merelybookish @emilyhaldi It's really good! @LeahBergen Yes you do!! 😄 6y
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Cinfhen I agree, the 70s vibe is groovy😇and like how marijuana is called grass 6y
merelybookish @Cinfhen It's really tapping into my Marlo Thomas "Free to be You and Me" feelings. ? 6y
DebinHawaii I want the jeans that Jamie embroiders tiny mushrooms 🍄 on.😊 6y
DebinHawaii And I forgot about that first sentence. Need to save that one for the next great first sentence prompt. Good first impressions! 👍 Tagging @LauraBeth 6y
LauraBeth Someone needs to tell Koothrapalli from Big Bang that it‘s possible to be a genius AND get laid! 6y
merelybookish @DebinHawaii I think that sentence captures high school thinking so well! You're obsessed with the future (who am I? What will I be? Do?) And relationships (sex, love). And they don't always go together. 6y
merelybookish @LauraBeth 🤣 😂 That was still a bit unclear when I was in high school. 6y
AlaMich Ha!! I think I may have just read the juicy parts too! 😂 6y
AlaMich @DebinHawaii I know!! Those sound so cute! 6y
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Forever . . . | Judy Blume
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I‘m joining the #foreverforever #buddyread . I‘ve never read it before. If you don‘t have it and want to participate it‘s available on #scribd.

DebinHawaii @LauraBeth and I are happy to have you join in! 💕 6y
LauraBeth 🙌🙌 6y
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