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The Lottery and Other Stories
The Lottery and Other Stories | Shirley Jackson
The Lottery, one of the most terrifying stories written in this century, created a sensation when it was first published in The New Yorker. "Power and haunting," and "nights of unrest" were typical reader responses. This collection, the only one to appear during Shirley Jackson's lifetime, unites "The Lottery:" with twenty-four equally unusual stories. Together they demonstrate Jack son's remarkable range--from the hilarious to the truly horrible--and power as a storyteller.
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So. Not really for me. I “kinda” get why people might be drawn to jt, but not me. Oh well, I tried. (Now my hubby can‘t keep asking me if I‘ve read it).


#ISpyBingo : Rocks

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!!! 5mo
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 5mo
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So, My husband has been trying to get me to read “The Lottery“ since we met (he used to teach it in his college course). I ended up downloading this #Audio (to listen while I was organizing my reading room #2024Goal). I don't get it! I mean, I haven't gotten to the “The Lottery“ yet, but a lot of these stories (although beautifully written) don't go anywhere. I just, I don't know. Is this over my head? Is this anyone else's experience?

TheBookHippie I DNF and I love her 5mo
TheBookHippie So 😝🤦🏻‍♀️😂😅🤷🏻‍♀️ 5mo
IndoorDame I HATE The Lottery, but it was part of my 6th grade curriculum, not college, and I‘m a firm believer that you ruin classics by trying to teach them too young, so it might be a case of #itsmenotthebook 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5mo
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dabbe I had to read it for AP Lit in high school and it absolutely stunned me and is my fave story of hers (along with the novel THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE). I agree with @IndoorDame; it's a story for an older audience. The story “A Rose for Emily“ by Faulkner also affected me in the same way. Yet some of her other writings, I'm like #wtf as well. Is it too much to say her writings are mercurial? 5mo
IndoorDame @dabbe LOVE The Haunting of Hill House! So I think we‘re all agreed on mercurial, even if we‘re not in sync about which pieces speak to us. 5mo
ElizaMarie @IndoorDame I agree. I love to read, but most of the time, when I had required reading, I loathed the books! Maybe it was part of my stubbornness? 5mo
ElizaMarie @dabbe I haven't gotten to the Lottery yet, so far, it's all the other stories that are so confusing to me. I did love the Haunting of Hill House, and We Have Always Lived in a Castle, so... I have high hopes, just some of these other ones... it's odd. 5mo
ElizaMarie @TheBookHippie Yay! I am glad I am not the only one! I will check out the book you tagged. 5mo
Suet624 I‘m laughing because I came to see what others thought of this book. I have the exact same feelings as you. What the heck is it with these stories?? 3mo
ElizaMarie @Suet624 Ooo!!! I love that it wasn't just me!!!! 3mo
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Okay, round 3 for my #JoyousJanuary Goals

🐷 Delicious in Dungeon
🎧 The Lottery and Other Stories

Andrew65 Looks good 😁 5mo
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Starting Saturday off right with #birthdaybashreadathon #scarathlon #mischiefandmayhem and getting this short story collection finished. I really like Jackson‘s dark little tales, often focused on domestic situations, The Tooth really got me, and Come Dance with me in Ireland.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 8mo
PuddleJumper 🖤🧡🖤 8mo
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If all you know about Shirley Jackson is The Lottery, or her novella We Have Always Lived In The Castle, the other 24 stories in this collection will come as a bit of a surprise 😳 Most of them are just weird, maybe a little unsettling, more so than spooky or scary. They‘re much quieter than I was expecting, and on occasion a little… well, blah 🤷‍♀️ Full review: https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/the-lottery-and-other-stories-shirley-jacks...

Suet624 I haven‘t finished this yet, but you‘re exactly right and I‘m perplexed by the whole thing. 3mo
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CSeydel Ooh yes please 10mo
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Read them all, and “The Lottery“ is still the best and most terrifying short story ever written (IMHO). That story alone gets 5*. The rest range from okay to good. Most terrifying novel ever written? Again, IMHO: THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE.

Favorite Quote: “ 'It isn't fair, it isn't right,' Mrs. Hutchinson screamed, and then they were upon her.“

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There are so many underrated stories in this collection!! I love Got a Letter From Jimmy 👍🏻 After You, My Dear Alphonse 👹 Charles 💜 The Witch

LeahBergen I love this collection. 😍 2y
IamIamIam @LeahBergen It's one of my favorites! This collection follows close behind James Harris. Lol 2y
LeahBergen @IamIamIam Ah, I don‘t have that one! I have Dark Tales coming up next on my reading schedule. 😆 2y
IamIamIam @LeahBergen LOL, I stacked that and then said, "Hmm, that cover looks familiar." I have it on my Kindle!!! ? 2y
LeahBergen 😆😆 2y
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À Poutine pastrami in bed wild scared kind of night. Laundry is for tomorrow. ??‍♀️

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Been listening to this off and on for quite a while. Hoping to get it finished today. What are you reading over the weekend?

Yuki_Onna That sounds interesting! How do you like it so far? 2y
Cazxxx @Yuki_Onna I‘m really enjoying it! I love SJ so maybe I‘m biased. The stories are all short so it‘s easy to dip in and out plus it‘s free on audible 😁 2y
Yuki_Onna Oohhh, great! I'll check it out! 2y
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Day 14 of #21DaysofHorror
It's no stretch to say Shirley Jackson is the Queen of Horror. There is an annual award named after her. And for good reason! It is impossible for me to pick a fave Jackson book, but in my top tier is the only short story collection to have appeared during her lifetime, The Lottery & Other Stories. Or her original, & frankly more accurate, title “The Lottery, Or The Adventures of James Harris.“ This collection is👇

vivastory loosely tied together by the mysterious & occasionally sinister figure of James Harris. Although he is not present in every story, he is in enough of them that I would consider this a linked story collection. This is one of my fave collections of all time & she deserves to be known for more than just The Lottery. (Image of The Daemon Lover from IG Acct booskameals Book reviews posted under the guise of food reviews accompanied by illustrations.) (edited) 3y
vivastory Miles Hyman, Jackson's grandson produced a wonderful graphic novel version of The Lottery. It was pub. in 2016. Jackson's work retains it's ability to upset people, because earlier this year a school district in TX banned the graphic novel along with several others:
(edited) 3y
Reggie I want to try this Lottery collection but I was just not into The Haunting of Hill House. I have to try it. For all the references made to The Lottery alone. 3y
vivastory @Reggie TBH Hill House is my least favorite Jackson work. I would definitely give her stories a try. Either this one or 3y
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I purchased this book sight unseen from a secondhand seller on Amazon, so I was a little nervous. But I couldn‘t be more thrilled! It‘s in great shape and it‘s just such a beautiful book. The typography is lovely and they put that perfect first paragraph of Hill House on its own page. 😍 I‘m so glad to finally have my own copy of these books!

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Just eight #BookSpinBINGO squares for me in March, but all great reading. 👏🏻📚🎉

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Great month!! 3y
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I‘m ready for March and some more great reading. Here‘s my #BookSpinBINGO list!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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I usually love short stories but I just couldn‘t with this collection.

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I read a Book Riot article last week that mentioned "The Lottery" and it intrigued me enough to see if I could find it on Libby. Some of these short stories were good and I wanted to read more, others were forgettable.

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Managed to squeeze another one into 2020!
Happy New Year to all Litsy friends! 🎇🎉🎊 May '21 be a good deal less shitty than this screw up of a year 🤞🏼

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Here is my very late review. I read this between Oct 17 & 24. I rated it 4 ⭐️ on Good Reads. My first intro to Jackson was The Lottery many years ago in high school. Whilst I think it‘s a stellar story, I think that it‘s a bit of a disservice to Jackson as she is a powerful short story writer. This collection is rather diverse in genre as some are just little slices of life.

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Shirley Jackson is just the master. I‘ll admit I prefer her novels to her short stories, but that doesn‘t stop her stories being pretty damn good. Particularly the title story, but all of them, do so well at making this air of menace in situations that seem completely ordinary. I need to read/reread more of hers

#scarathlon2020 #teamharkness @StayCurious

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I‘m skipping around like crazy for this #readathon. I may not even finish a book, but it‘s kind of fun. Shirley Jackson is great for October! #Deweys24hourreadathon #DeweysOct2020

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I've always enjoyed The Lottery but never read any of Jackson's other short stories. I enjoyed this collection. They didn't all appeal to me but most were pretty good.

26 stories x 5= 130pts

#Scarathlon2020 #teamslaughter #24B4Monday
I'll see if there's other readathons later

@Clwojick @Andrew65 @SumisBooks @jb72

Andrew65 A good start 👏👏👏 4y
Clwojick Way to go ! 4y
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This collection isn‘t horror in the sense of otherworldly creatures. Instead, it centers on people who aren‘t who they say they are. The main characters who are out of place and unfamiliar with their surroundings. All in all, everything—situations, characters, story arcs—are all just slightly askew and unsettling. Good, not great but better than so-so.

Full review http://www.TheBibliophage.com #thebibliophage2020 #booked2020 #gothichorror

Cathythoughts I‘m a fan & look forward to this collection ! I have & recommend (edited) 4y
IamIamIam I read this collection a few years ago and recently bought it after trying to describe the story The Witch to someone. That creeped me out so much!!! That and the story Charles. 😳 I really love her writing! The story Maybe It Was the Car absolutely wrecked me in the collection 4y
Cinfhen I bet it was good on audio ♥️I love Cassandra Campbell 4y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cathythoughts I will look that one up! Forget which I already own ... 🤪 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @IamIamIam Oh Charles was unsettling ... I was most creeped out by The Tooth. Maybe because I had a tooth pulled recently. I‘ll look for that other collection too. Thx! 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen It was good on audio but there are some threads between stories that I couldn‘t quite tease out that way. Need the words in my eyes ... there a few different narrators but I liked them all. I agree about Campbell—she‘s a fav for me also. 4y
Cinfhen Interesting theory, Barb! It‘s true, sometimes you need to read the words to pick up on the subtleties 4y
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⭐️⭐️⭐️ This collection is bookended by its two strongest stories: The Intoxicated and The Lottery (obvs). The rest really ran together. I liked how some characters appeared - at varying timelines - in several stories, but reading them all in a row was a bad decision on my part. Boredom quickly took hold. One day I‘ll learn that some short story collections are best dipped in and out of over time.

Freespirit Yes I agree...short stories are best taken in short bursts! 4y
britt_brooke @Freespirit 💯 Lesson learned! 4y
Cathythoughts I just got this one too ... looking forward to The Lottery & to dipping! 😉 4y
britt_brooke @Cathythoughts 😊💚 Hope you enjoy! 4y
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Sundog Books #bookhaul! Bonus: the Offutt is signed. What a fun surprise!

britt_brooke @LeslieO Here‘s our haul! 4y
LeahBergen The Shirley Jackson stories are SO GOOD. 4y
britt_brooke @LeahBergen Excited to read them! 4y
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Honestly, I wasn‘t sure what to expect. The Lottery was creepy and I don‘t know if it was supposed to end as abruptly as it did or if it was the audiobook. The other stories not as creepy, but definitely weird. I loved them!

#TeamSlaughter +41pts (8 stories) #Scarathlon2020
#BookSpinBingo - Free spot 23

Clwojick 😱🖤🔥 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
alisiakae Great job! 4y
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Getting my #gothichorror choice started for #booked2020!

erzascarletbookgasm This is so good! Hope you‘ll enjoy! 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @erzascarletbookgasm So far I like it. I wish these early stories were longer. But the more I read, I she is interconnecting them. 4y
magyklyXdelish I always loved the lottery. Had to read it in school. 4y
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Cathythoughts Oh I just got this one ... she‘s very good at the short stories 👍🏻 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @magyklyXdelish I‘m liking all of these stories. Sooo odd ... 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @magyklyXdelish This is my first go with it. It‘s the last story in the book, so I‘m being patient. 4y
magyklyXdelish @BarbaraTheBibliophage can‘t wait to see your thoughts!! 4y
vivastory The Queen of Horror! 👏 4y
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Although none of these stories moved or scared me as much as The Lottery, I enjoyed this collection that focuses on the sinister, horrifying and/or insane underbelly of white middle class suburban society. An elderly woman thief in a boarding house, racism turned against a white woman who hires a Black man to work in her garden, a woman who has a nervous breakdown visiting NYC. Very subtle. Probably deserving of more attention than I gave them.

Linsy Don't you get points for each story? I think you get more 4y
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @Linsy Ooh maybe! Thanks, I will look into it. @StayCurious how many points per short story do you get? 4y
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StayCurious @CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian yes each story counts for points. If they are Halloween themed, 25, team themed 15, non team themed 5 4y
paper.reveries Convincing review! :) Yess, The Lottery was one that stuck with me from our high school English class readings. So damn spooky! 4y
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Listening to this #audiobook this morning while painting my toes my favourite autumn colour I like to call burnt pumpkin (actual name: playing koi by essie)

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The only bad thing about this collection of short stories is just that....they are only short stories. With almost every one I just wanted more. Jackson's writing pulls you in, her flawed characters and ability to plop you into the middle of their stories and then leave you wanting to know more is unreal. Loved it.

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Book 141 of 2020
After watching "Shirley" last night I had to read The Lottery. Whoa, that was dark.

ChaoticMissAdventures The Lottery is one of my absolutely favorite short stories. I am not usually a short story fan but Jackson is utterly fantastic in this medium.
riversong153 I love Shirley Jackson. She is awesome. 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I caught a film adaptation of it years ago starring Keri Russell and Dan Cortese, if I remember correctly. Pardon my French, my that movie f*cked me up! I still get uneasy thinking about it. 4y
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dylanisreading Such a fantastic story! 4y
rather_be_reading @riversong153 surprisingly good! 4y
rather_be_reading @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I did not know there was a film version! 4y
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📚 (The) Lottery
✍️ Ursula K Let Guin
🍿Lucky Number Sleven
📺 La Femme Nikita (it has been so long but was obsessed when it was on)
🎤 Living on a prayer Bon Jovi
🎶 Lizzo

#manicmonday #letterL @JoScho
Almost missed Monday here on the Best Coast. Busy week and it is only Monday.

JoScho Great answers. Thanks for playing 🖤😊 4y
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What I found most interesting in these stories is the way Jackson is able to evoke everyday feelings of awkwardness, disquiet and unease through what is for the most part, everyday occurrences. As for The Lottery, I think I'm going to have to go back to that one again because it was over before I knew it (which I expect was deliberate and a comment on life).
Altogether just very enjoyable in a thought-provoking rather than joyful kind of way.

LiterRohde I was a fan of The Lottery the first time I read it. 4y
JacqMac The Lottery is still the most disturbing scary story I have ever read. 4y
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I didn't start reading Shirley Jackson until a couple years ago, and to be honest, if I had read her before then I probably would not have appreciated the subtle way she creeps into your mind and toys with it a little.

I didn't love every single one in this collection, but majority of them I found phenomenally written. Charlie was my favorite. Something about a young kid being dark and twisty just really freaks me out.

readordierachel That story struck me, too! 5y
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These stories aren't scary in a traditional sense, nothing much happens to be honest, and certainly nothing overtly supernatural---although who is this James Harris character exactly? And yet. The stories start benignly enough, but there is menace lurking under the surface. People...turn, to varying degrees. Jackson gives you an inkling of what human beings are capable of, and isn't that the real terror?

Tanisha_A I have never read SJ 🤐! This sounds so good. Super review. 5y
Palimpsest Great review 😊 5y
CarolynM Excellent review. 5y
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readordierachel Thanks! It was my first time reading her. I recommend! 5y
readordierachel @CarolynM Thank you 😊 5y
monalyisha Ugh. I love her so much. I also love your observation that her characters “turn” & how scary that inconstancy & surprise can be. And your comment that “nothing much happens.” 😅 These types of stories tend to be my favorite & also tend to be hard sells unless you find a like-minded word nerd. 😉 Thank God for Litsy, amiright?! 5y
readordierachel @monalyisha TGFL 😁 This was my first foray into her work. I was familiar with The Lottery (like most) but I had no idea she was gently subversive! 5y
vivastory James Harris is one of my favorite characters I've met this year, & also one of the most unusual. With his metamorphosis from story to story...He's kind of like the devil on the shoulder, he doesn't seem to make any of the characters do something they're incapable of. I also found it interesting that he's absent from the title story. Almost like Jackson was saying the evil that humans do in the absence of temptation is far worse than with it. 5y
readordierachel @vivastory That's a great description, the devil on the shoulder. There is a later story about a woman with a toothache riding the bus into NY to see the dentist and Harris rides with her and sort of takes care of her almost? It was almost like he was waiting for her. For what, I don't know. So interesting. I like your interpretation of leaving him out of The Lottery. All the evil seemed to culminate there. His work come to fruition? 5y
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The Lottery is the scariest story ever. Human monsters are the worst monsters. But I love it. And I read it every October. Lol
#ScaryScavengerHunt -that scares you
#scarathlon #TeamStoker 11pts

BeansPage 🧟‍♀️ 5y
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In short story are the last lines, final execution, crucial for the success of it, and perfect example for this is story Lottery, but I have to say that majority of the stories in this collection aren‘t so effective and most of them have left me hungry, unsatisfied. Collection of very dark and atmospheric stories with interesting themes. I liked them, but I‘m not in love with them.⭐️⭐️⭐️
Few days late, but here is my contribution for #AuthorAmonth

Soubhiville I feel like this cover art is the most fitting I‘ve ever seen for this book. Also, pretty much everyone has expressed the same disappointment with the “other” stories. 5y
Simona @Soubhiville I also like this cover in Slovenian edition, creepy cover for slightly creepy stories. Yes, I scrolled through reviews and I was quite pleased that I‘m not alone 😁 although I do think that thematically stories are very good and interesting, but unfortunately they are without the last, final punch. 5y
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#WondrousWednesday @Eggs

🕐 The Luminaries and Illuminae
🕑 Handmaid's Tale & American Gods
🕒 Scary-sized amounts of books
🕓 All Learning is Social and Emotional (Excellent!)
🕔 Tag! You're it. NoTagBacks!

Thanks, @Crazeedi for the tag. 😊

Crazeedi ❤😍 5y
Eggs Thanks for joining in 🌺🌺 5y
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My pick for #AuthoraMonth - The Lottery has always been disturbing but the others: The Flower Garden, Come Dance With Me In Ireland, Men With Their Big Shoes, Trial By Combat, Pillar of Salt, Like Mother Used To Make and Colloquy were just weird and most of them ended rather abruptly.
I read The Haunting of Hill House years ago and liked it. Hopefully my hold on We Have Always Lived in the Castle will come in soon.
@Soubhiville @MinDea

Blaire We have always lived in the castle is my favorite of hers. 5y
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I went to a different library branch to pick up a print copy of the tagged book and of course, left with four more. #librarylove #bookhaul

Tanisha_A Such cute bookends! 😍 5y
Bookzombie @Tanisha_A Thanks, but they are actually salt and pepper shakers. I would love llama bookends though! 🦙 5y
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I‘ve read HILL HOUSE, but this is my first collection of Jackson short stories. Weird and almost always unsettling. Some are more creepy than others. Some are witty. Some, like the title story, are chilling. All are well written, atmospheric, and enjoyable. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Book 15/30 for #BFCR2

StayCurious Wow you read so fast! Good job! 5y
Hestapleton @StayCurious audiobooks and overtime! Lol 5y
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I wish I could hide in my house and read all day!

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I had to take my time with this collection... Shirley Jackson just left me feeling shook and uneasy so frequently! She really is a master of the short story.

Skyrimir I really like the covers of these editions! 5y
Cweeeevs @Skyrimir me too! 😄 I'd been meaning to buy a copy for so long, and I couldn't resist this one 👌 5y
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What a beautiful spring day! I think I‘ll go to Half Price Books. 😂🌼📚 #bookhaul

alysonimagines TL;DR: I‘ve read “The Lottery” but none of Shirley Jackson‘s other stories, so I was excited to find the tagged book. Haven‘t read much Stephen King at all (because I‘m a scaredy-cat 🙀), but been curious about Under the Dome for a while and there‘s something appealing about a giant book for $9.99. Also appealing is snagging an expensive literary mag for over 60% off—this Granta issue is all about Japan so yay cool! 🎌 5y
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I have said it before, let me say it again, Shirley Jackson is a national treasure. June 27th (the day of The Lottery) should be a federal holiday celebrating her legacy. This collection is deeply strange & might be one of her greatest achievements. There is a reoccurring character in quite a few of these stories: James Harris. Frequently sinister, occasionally a neutral bystander of the poor behavior in others. It is an easy mistake to classify👇

vivastory Harris as a demon figure, but he is no worse than any of the other characters in this collection. In fact, the most violent behavior in the collection is in the title story. Harris is entirely absent from it. Jackson also displays a great sense of humor. In her introduction, A.M. Homes mentions that Desi Arnaz said she wanted to write a screenplay for Lucille Ball. There's also the great story, "My Life With R.H. Macy." Jackson is having a bit ? 5y
vivastory of a moment, with the Netflix adaptation of "Haunting of Hill House" & an upcoming biopic. This is long overdue & I couldn't be happier to see her starting to receive the acknowledgement she deserves. She is more than just the author of The Lottery. 5y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick As a teen I saw the film adaptation of The Lottery with Keri Russell & Dan Cortese (so you KNOW it was the 90's) and I think it was the first time I was left disturbed & horrified by a movie. I need to pick up some of her works. It's long overdue. 5y
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Reagan I read this a few years ago and loved it. Time for a reread! 5y
sarahbarnes Agreed 💯! 5y
LeahBergen Yessss!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
saresmoore Great review, Scott! I‘ve gotta get on reading this! 5y
vivastory @saresmoore Thanks, friend! 5y
readordierachel Fantastic review! 5y
vivastory @readordierachel Thanks! 🤗 5y
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wordzie ❤😁 5y
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'Colloquy' was published in the 40s, yet Mrs. Arnold's bewilderment feels all too familiar. What a great 3-page short story by Shirley Jackson.

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I‘m a lot of fun to be married to. 😂😂😂

RealLifeReading 😂😂😂 sounds like my husband when I tried to get him to read the Locke and Key comic series. He kept saying this is so morbid, how can you read this? 5y
Hestapleton Lol my husband almost decided not to date me because of all the creepy books I read!!! 5y
JPeterson My boyfriend, after discussing all the creepy books I read: “When are you not reading a book about poison?!” ☠️😂 5y
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I love The Lottery so much that I feared every other story in this collection would be a disappointment, but I was very wrong. All were good; most were excellent. My favorites aside from The Lottery were Charlie and Flower Garden. Subtle, clever commentary on cruelty, obsession, loneliness, and more. I listened to it, but halfway through I had to buy a print copy as well. Provoking and wonderful! #gilmoregirlsreadingchallenge #shortstories

KatieanneF I‘m reading Hill House now and really enjoying her style. I‘ll add this to my (always growing) list lol 6y
Mindyrecycles @KatieanneF Happy to oblige. 😂 6y
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Count me in! @Samplergal #13in3