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Problems | Jade Sharma
Dark, raw, and very funny,Problemsintroduces us to Maya, a young woman with a smart mouth, time to kill, and a heroin hobby that isn't much fun anymore. Maya's been able to get by in New York on her wits and a dead-end bookstore job for years, but when her husband leaves her and her favorite professor ends their affair, her barely-calibrated life descends into chaos, and she has to make some choices. Maya's struggle to be alone, to be a woman, and to be thoughtful and imperfect and alive in a world that doesn't really care what happens to her is rendered with dead-eyed clarity and unnerving charm. This book takes every tired trope about addiction and recovery, "likeable" characters, and redemption narratives, and blows them to pieces. Emily Books is a publishing project and ebook subscription service whose focus is on transgressive writers of the past, present and future, with an emphasis on the writing of women, trans and queer people, writing that blurs genre distinctions and is funny, challenging, and provocative. Jade Sharmais a writer living in New York. She has an MFA from the New School.
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Problems | Jade Sharma
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After 6 months in the wild, my #owlpost book has come home. And it brought a friend! Thanks, @Soubhiville , I‘m excited for this one! I‘m glad this book was stimulating—the discussion in the notebook is great. My apologies for it being triggering for some. So many people have been touched by addiction that this was a risk.

Hooked_on_books @wen4blu You mentioned the publisher and you‘re right about this book coming from a unique place. I found it at the Portland Book Festival a couple years ago. They have a great vendor floor which is very dangerous if you‘re prepared to spend money and I was! 😆 It‘s a great place to find unique books. 4y
Cinfhen Pretty photo 4y
alisonrose That 🦚 artwork!! 4y
Soubhiville I hope you enjoy Out of Darkness 😊. 4y
Hooked_on_books @alisonrose That‘s my little notebook that was sent along with the book for comments by the group. I found it at my local indie bookstore. Only a couple bucks! 4y
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Problems | Jade Sharma
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A raw, gritty look at addiction with darkly humorous undertones, Problems is a small book with big impact. It doesn‘t hold back on the self-destructive behavior of the protagonist and can be painful at times to read. I didn‘t love the ending, which I found a bit sudden and pat, but the rest is terrific.

(Since I bought this book, I had in my head that it had a sand dollar on the cover. That‘s not a sand dollar. 🙄😆)

TrishB Great review 👍🏻 just read this week too. 5y
Hooked_on_books @TrishB I think maybe you and I were both influenced by the same post about the author‘s sad death. She was talented. 5y
Soubhiville I‘ve wondered what IS on the cover? Looks like the foil top of a yogurt container? 5y
Hooked_on_books @Soubhiville Yeah, I think that‘s what it is, though I don‘t really know why. Frankly though, a sand dollar wouldn‘t have made any sense to the story. 5y
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Problems | Jade Sharma
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Thanks to @batsy for bringing this book to my attention. I‘m not sure you‘re supposed to enjoy this book, it‘s a raw, poignant, occasionally funny, hard hitting look at life. You really feel for Maya, even whilst judging her awful life choices. Some of the writing is sadly beautiful, incisive, cutting and clever.
Glad I‘ve read but would not recommend to everyone.

pigeonsandcrows Loved this book. 5y
batsy Lovely review 💜 It's definitely not a book that one can easily recommend. Tough but brilliant. 5y
TrishB @pigeonsandcrows it will definitely stay with me. 5y
TrishB @batsy exactly ❤️ 5y
pigeonsandcrows @TrishB I suppose that's more of what I meant than “loved“ the way, say, one “loves“ Anne of Green Gables 😃 5y
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Problems | Jade Sharma
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Getting to this one after @batsy post.

batsy I hope you find it a good read 💜 5y
8little_paws the author just passed away too, I think maybe one or two weeks ago :( 5y
TrishB @8little_paws that‘s why I finally decided to read now ☹️ 5y
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Problems | Jade Sharma
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When I read this book I compared it to The Bell Jar, also Notes from Underground. I saw myself a bit in the anger & the dysfunctionality. Now I just saw on Twitter that the author, who was only 39 (my age) has died. It's so sad. I don't know her obviously but her book was so raw & close to the bone about the pain of living 😔


Kalalalatja That is so sad 😢 5y
CarolynM Oh! So sad! I feel emotionally attached to the authors of the books I love and it sounds like you do to. It's a loss and I'm sorry.😢 5y
batsy @Kalalalatja @CarolynM People are suffering so much in life. Its devastating. I hope she's found peace 💔 5y
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marleed Wow, what a sad story. She sounds incredibly interesting. 5y
Ms_T The Bell Jar is still fresh in my mind and had real impact while I was reading it. This is very sad news and unfortunately similar to Plath‘s plight. (edited) 5y
LeahBergen How sad. 😥 5y
Cathythoughts This is so sad , and that you were so touched by her book is beautiful 5y
TrishB I brought this book originally because of your review and still haven‘t read (now I feel bad for that!) but that‘s how much your appreciation came through. I shall be reading soon. RIP. 5y
decembersveryown I‘ve been meaning to read her book and to take a Catapult class of hers after hearing so many good things and quite saddened when I heard the news as well. I hope her friends, family, and former students find comfort as they stand in solidarity for a cherished member of the literary community and that she finds peace too 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 5y
batsy @marleed @decembersveryown Yes! Was waiting for her next book 💔 5y
batsy @Ms_T Yes, I was thinking the same. The artists who make art about pain that resonates with people... It's sad 😔 5y
batsy @TrishB It can be a hard book I think, because it's so raw and people will respond differently. But it's a very human book. I hope it finds more readers ❤️❤️ 5y
Suet624 People are suffering so much these days. I‘m so very sorry to hear of this. 5y
Suet624 Also, a line Jade wrote from the link you sent, “Age is meaner than death”. That hit me because I spent a lot of time in bed this morning thinking of just that. 5y
mcipher My age, too. I feel like there is so much stuff I still want to do... it‘s so sad to read about something like this, and when it‘s an author/artist/whatever who spoke to you it‘s like losing someone you know. The story you linked to is such a sweet and sad memorial. 5y
batsy @Suet624 It's such a brilliant line, isn't it. Cuts to the core. 5y
batsy @mcipher I hear you ❤️ And I found it a very moving tribute, as well. Jade was clearly very much her own person. 5y
Freespirit That‘s so sad☹️ 5y
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Problems | Jade Sharma
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@howjessreads | #BookwormProblem

Floors are being redone this summer so all the bookcases in my classroom need emptying. 😱

Slajaunie Ours are waxed every summer so we have to pack up every year. 😕 5y
Karisa @BookFrog Oh my! I can't imagine every year doing this. But then maybe I would have it more organized. I'm going to need to empty the desk I have used for 20 years too. Frightening days ahead! 😬😂 5y
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Problems | Jade Sharma
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The choppy format of mimics the intensity of Maya‘s addiction as she flounders. The best & most cringeworthy scenes involve the arguments with her mother, the phone/text/email convos with her female friends as they badmouth the men in their life, and, of course, Thanksgiving spent at her in-laws' home. Though only 180 pages long, Maya's story still feels like a long and intricately woven warning of how to try to avoid then reach rock bottom.

batsy Great review and I agree! This book is pretty vivid in my mind still and that's saying something, considering how forgettable much of contemporary litfic can be... 5y
mrozzz Thank you!! @batsy that is so true. But jarring books like this one usually stick with me. 5y
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Problems | Jade Sharma
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Right? I'm having that problem right now actually.
Anyone else having this issue?

julesG Yep. Second book this month. It's dragging. I force myself to read 10 minutes each day. 6y
VeganCleopatra I just DNF, life's too short for a crap book. 6y
bullbunny Yep... can't seem to continue Sadie 6y
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jb72 I used to finish every book no matter what. But now I set it aside. Maybe some day I‘ll finish my dnf pile. Maybe not. In the mean I move on and find more exciting books. 6y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick It depends why I hate it. Sometimes I'm just not in the mood for the book so I'll set it aside and try later. If it's really trash, I'll toss it quick. Sometimes I don't like it but I'm still really intrigued to see what happens. 6y
tracey38 I just bail if I'm not enjoying a book. Life's too short for bad books. And there are way too many good ones, lol. 6y
FeatherV I‘ve finally reached the point, if I don‘t like the book, I give it a few chapters, if I still can‘t get into it, I move on. I‘d rather spend the little time I have to read, on something I enjoy 6y
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Problems | Jade Sharma
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Problems | Jade Sharma
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Anyone else experiencing problems with your Litsy profile? Can‘t view ‘Following‘ and ‘Followers‘ for days...🤨🤔

sprainedbrain Yep. 🙋🏻‍♀️ 6y
JoScho I can usually view it be if I try to scroll the app shuts down 6y
alisiakae I can pull it up, but when I start to scroll the app shuts down. 6y
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Billypar I didn't notice it until I tried it just now! It doesn't even load. 6y
Melissa_J I‘m having the same problem. 6y
AmyG Me, too. 6y
LiteraryinLawrence Ditto for me. 6y
JazzFeathers Me too. And the app is generally crancky. Stopped working a couple of time today already 6y
Mdargusch Yes 🙋🏼‍♀️ 6y
Pamwurtzler I haven‘t noticed that, but then I have to close my app to get it to refresh every single time. You might try closing Litsy. 6y
batsy I just tried, and doesn't seem to be a problem. But there have been weird glitchy things with notifications sometimes not showing. 6y
erzascarletbookgasm @sprainedbrain @JoScho @4thhouseontheleft @Billypar @Melissa_J @AmyG @LiteraryinLititz @JazzFeathers @Mdargusch looks like we have the same problem. @Pamwurtzler I tried log out and log in again, still the same problem..the app just shuts down. @batsy lucky you, are you on Android? 6y
erzascarletbookgasm I wonder if the LibraryThing taking over Litsy thingy is causing some glitches to the app, ‘coz coincidentally, this only happens recently. 6y
batsy Yes, I'm on Android. Are you using an iPhone? 6y
Billypar Just checked and mine is working again (I have Android) 6y
Cortg I have not experienced any problems. I‘m on an iPhone. 6y
Eggs Yes, me too, for days 6y
CouronneDhiver I‘ve been having trouble too... reported it but haven‘t heard back 6y
erzascarletbookgasm @CouronneDhiver I‘ve emailed them too but no response and as of now, still encountering the problem. 🤞 it will get rectified very soon! 6y
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Problems | Jade Sharma
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#Litsyproblems I like my books together in the series with similar genres. My daughter keeps taking books to suit her aesthetic. I know it shouldn‘t bother me but UGH!!!!

jfalkens I couldn't stand that either! I prefer my books to be sorted by author's last name. 6y
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Problems | Jade Sharma
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I read this book with a knot in my stomach. It was equal parts gripping and stressful. Jade Sharma made her addict main character relatable and, ultimately, still likable despite her many faults. There were parts of the writing that seemed underdeveloped and I wish there had been a little more of ending section but all in all, good book. Ramona gives it two paws up.

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Problems | Jade Sharma
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Obviously next in the series and a blame it on @batsy 😀

batsy I hope you enjoy! 7y
TrishB @batsy when I get to it! 7y
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Problems | Jade Sharma
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Is anyone else unable to see the dialog box when creating and editing Litsy posts after the ios11 update? I am and it‘s making me 😤

britt_brooke How frustrating!! I've heard there are issues so I haven't done the update yet. 7y
saresmoore Yeah, it‘s only after you add the image and I‘m having the same issue in a couple of other apps, as well. A workaround for Litsy is to type the caption before adding the photo. 7y
Lola @saresmoore Thanks for that tip. It‘s driving me freaking crazy!!!!!! 😑 7y
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Lola @britt_brooke I should have waited but the teenagers in the house made me update 🙄 7y
ReadingSusan Yes it‘s driving me INSANE!! 7y
Bklover I‘m so glad to see this! Thanks @saresmoore for the tip. It‘s been driving me crazy! 7y
Bostonmomx2 Yes!! So annoying 😡 7y
Bostonmomx2 @saresmoore awesome tip, thanks!! 7y
Eyelit It‘s super frustrating!! I discovered the workaround @sarasmoore mentioned, but still. 😫 7y
ErikasMindfulShelf Me too! So annoying 😡 7y
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Problems | Jade Sharma
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This book is like Notes from Underground meets Trainspotting meets The Bell Jar, but with a brown woman. It's short but it's not easy; it got under my skin. An itch that won't go away. I relate to Maya in terms of sensibility, but she's dealing with some harrowing issues (heroin addiction, eating disorder, end of a marriage). She's an everywoman underground woman, if that makes sense. Even when I was laughing out loud I had a lump in my throat.

batsy Letter P for #LitsyAtoZ 7y
vivastory There was discussion on book riot podcast as to what exactly is in the cover. I thought it looked like a yogurt lid 7y
shawnmooney Your reviews are such nuggets of precise insight that even if I don't ever get to the book itself, I feel exposed to something, stimulated. 😍 7y
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TrishB Definitely stacked this! It may have to be a payday purchase! 7y
batsy @vivastory 😂😂 I've been silent about the cover although I'm wondering the same thing. I didn't want to reveal how uncool I am 7y
batsy @shawnmooney Thank you so much, that's so kind 😊❤️ 7y
batsy @TrishB Now I'm nervous, lol! I hope you like it but it seems like it's alienating some readers. I think the brief free sample for Kindle might help if you're tying to decide ☺️ 7y
TrishB There are 2 reviews on Amazon uk - one is 5 star the other is 1 😀 definitely a marmite book then! 7y
britt_brooke I completely agree with @shawnmooney - your reviews are so thoughtful. 💚 7y
batsy Thank you so much @britt_brooke 💜 7y
RealLifeReading Great review! I'm intrigued 7y
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Problems | Jade Sharma
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"The truth is I don't really want to help. I just don't want to look like an asshole, and it's not fair, because men aren't expected to do this stuff, like there's this rule if you have a vagina you are programmed to wash dishes or sweep the floor or whatever."

This book is vulgar, raw, brutal, funny, and too real.

DGRachel I had a similar vent at work. I was at the copier/scanner and some guy just shoved a piece of paper at me. Didn't say anything to me, just shoved it in my face. I asked him what it was and he said a time sheet. I handed it back and said I had nothing to do with his company's time sheets. Apparently, he needed copies made of it. There were 5 guys standing around and he waited until I walked by. Oh. Hell. No. I'm the accountant, not his admin. 😡 7y
saresmoore I‘ve had many all-too-similar experiences with my husband‘s family. They drove me to write some pretty honest stuff, too. 7y
batsy @DGRachel Oh my god 😡 It's just so ingrained. 7y
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batsy @saresmoore Right? Extended family in my case. I love how Sharma has created this "unlikeable character" who can just say the things we're all supposed to have moved on from. 7y
DGRachel @batsy He didn't even work for my company - he was an employee of one of the temp labor companies we use. It's worse for the female project managers, though. Construction is such a male-centric industry. *sigh* 7y
Bertha_Mason This book was the first time I got to read a cluster B woman who's three-dimensional and totally unapologetic, and the depth of whose suffering is not eclipsed by "the suffering everyone else has, dealing with her." It was wonderful to see myself in literature, not as a violent criminal or a guilty sad sack who apologizes to everyone else for being "like this." I cried. 7y
Notafraidofwords Sigh, my coworkers look at me funny when I say that I don't like to entertain guests and would rather just not have to throw a perfect party. 7y
KathyWheeler @Notafraidofwords I hate parties so much, I didn't even have birthday parties for my kids when they were growing up. We'd take them out to dinner and let them bring a friend or two, but that was it. 7y
batsy @Bertha_Mason That's a powerful recommendation for this book. 💜 I'm in awe of how Sharma is able to give space for Maya's individuality without victimising her or empowering her in some inauthentic way. 7y
batsy @Notafraidofwords I'm the same! Sometimes I look at people who look at me funny when I say these things or joke about having a women's strike (not really joking) and wonder, "Doesn't the gendered division of labour make you want to scream?" 7y
LauraBeth I remember the first time I went to a party at my in-laws and met my husband‘s extended family. Our daughter was a couple of months old and I was working full time and just exhausted. I was sitting down when my sister-in-law chastised me for not fixing my husband a plate. I was like, “You have GOT to be kidding me!” Then I went to the bathroom and cried because I felt like such an inept person. Which I viewed as quality alone time 😂 7y
batsy @LauraBeth God, that's just hard 😖 And a hug for past-exhausted-new-mom-you. It's really sad that in a lot of cases it's women who are raised/socialised to monitor other women about these things. 7y
readinginthedark @LauraBeth Solidarity! My husband and I got weird feedback because we alternated whose turn it was to change our son's diapers. That was the only fair way to do it, because neither of us wanted to, of course. But everyone was always shocked when it was my husband's turn. 7y
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Problems | Jade Sharma
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"I wanted to erase myself."

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Problems | Jade Sharma

Not sure what this says about me, but I love a good addiction novel. Quite disturbing, very interesting, bit definitely veers into the territory of undeveloped/unfinished.

Problems | Jade Sharma
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A book about a spiraling heroin addict trying to take control of her life and failing. Her obsessive behavior with drugs, sex, men, and failed relationships is pervasive throughout. The language Sharma uses to depict loneliness, addiction, helplessness, apathy, anxiety, and sickness is jaw dropping. This book is hard to read but worth the struggle. It's relatable and frustrating all at once. A great read.

ramyasbookshelf I have this book but I've been kinda intimidated by it to actually pick it up! 7y
whelanmaria @ramyasbookshelf It's a lot. It's very heavy and triggering with content around addiction, eating disorders, and unhappiness but I found myself really diving it. If you do pick it up, I'll be interested in seeing what you think! 7y
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Problems | Jade Sharma

There are no competitions for pain because no one can be objective. We all have our own private hells.

Problems | Jade Sharma

I loved every second of this tragic, realistic story.

Problems | Jade Sharma
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He kept me chained a million miles from his heart, and when I cried, he thought, 'see, this is why I keep her chained so far away.'

Problems | Jade Sharma
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Notafraidofwords Holy cow. So effin true 💅🏼 7y
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Problems | Jade Sharma
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"I felt empty. At some point you realize you aren't waiting anymore for your life to start. Your life's happening right now, and it's pretty dull."

Hardcover_Hardon Is this the book that you sent me a million quotes from?! 7y
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Problems | Jade Sharma
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Consumed in a single sitting ? The back copy description of "Girls meets Trainspotting" is pretty accurate. Reading it reminded me of my high school favorites by Welsh, and Palahniuk, and Burgess, and it was refreshing and gratifying to finally see that familiarly irredeemable protagonist as a woman.

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Problems | Jade Sharma
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My second pick of the #24in48 #readathon! I have no idea what this is about but I'm ready to find out!

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Problems | Jade Sharma
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My top five favorites of 2016. 💓

LauraBeth Oohh - I ❤ seeing people's favorites of the year! 8y
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Problems | Jade Sharma
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I'm not a psychologist but I could be. It's not that hard to understand how people got all fucked up.

Alfoster 😀😀😀 8y
NatalieR 😜 8y
CrowCAH Reading upside down sure is a problem lol 8y
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Problems | Jade Sharma
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[PART 2] Having all the supplies to finally begin a reading journal, but there it all sits, collecting dust, because you're too busy reading all the books! ✏️📓 #booknerdproblems #photoadaynov16

rubyslippersreads Looks like a fun project, though. 8y
LauraBeth Your boys will later steal your pretty pens to "color" ? 8y
badnorthern Priorities! 😃 8y
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britt_brooke @rubyslippersreads *Sigh* eventually. At least it's there when I'm ready. And I finally cleaned up my craft room so I can actually see the table. 😳👏🏻 8y
britt_brooke @LauraBeth Right?! The only hobby I can do while they're awake is read. But even that's proving difficult lately because they are so loud, and yet still too small to be trusted unsupervised, lol! #momproblems 😜 8y
britt_brooke @badnorthern Exactly! And these books aren't going to read themselves. 8y
Wife Love the 👓stickers! 8y
LauraBeth My kid is 12 and I still don't trust her unsupervised 😜she steals my makeup now 8y
Vexingcircumstance I just write mine down in a notebook. I don't make anything fancy. I'd never get it done if I tried that. 8y
britt_brooke @Wife Thanks! I picked them up at Hobby Lobby today. 8y
britt_brooke @Vexingcircumstance I don't even really know what my plan is exactly. 🤔 A labeled header, maybe a sticker here and there, but mostly just lists and quotes. 8y
Vexingcircumstance Mine notebook started out with quotes and I'll still include then if one stands out but I actually rarely have quotes stand out in books. It still happens but it's rare. 8y
readinginthedark It was easiest for me to start out just writing down a quote here and there or a short review of a book that I really enjoyed, or notes to myself on things to look-up. Once I got in the habit of the journaling, it was easier to be both more creative and more structured with it. 8y
britt_brooke @readinginthedark I like the idea of starting like that, thanks! Feels less overwhelming. 😁 8y
readinginthedark @britt_brooke Glad I could help! I've never been big on journaling, but keeping a reading journal has been really fulfilling for me. 😊 8y
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Problems | Jade Sharma
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[PART 1] I have so much trouble bailing on bad or unenjoyable books. 📖👋🏻 #booknerdproblems #photoadaynov16

Vexingcircumstance I use to have a hard time bailing but after realizing that trying to slog through them would cause me to avoid reading at all it became easier bail when I wasn't enjoying a book. 8y
CatLadyBibliophile I used to refuse to do this, in the last year I've walked away from so many books. It's freeing. 8y
LindsayReads I hear ya. The struggle is real. I used to do that, but then I think about all the amazing books out there just waiting for me tobread them. 🤓📚 8y
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Cinfhen That used to be part of my people pleasing problem until I realized the author doesn't know me...it's not going to ruin their day if I bail 🙃it is freeing @CatLadyBibliophile 8y
Lola I don't mind bailing if a book isn't working for me, but my biggest problem is letting go of the idea that if I just give it one more chapter, 50 more pages, blah blah blah, it's going to turn around. And maybe a little bit of FOMO too. I need to just let it go the minute I decide it just isn't working for me. 8y
britt_brooke @Vexingcircumstance @CatLadyBibliophile @lindsayreads @Cinfhen I can count on one hand the books I've started, but not completed. It's a personality flaw, I think. 😜 But, I did recently bail on Hillbilly Elegy and it felt AMAZING. 8y
MicheleinPhilly I used to have this issue. Now I just say to myself, "DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY UNREAD BOOKS YOU HAVE, MICHELE?" I imagine it in my mother's voice and I move right along. ☺️ 8y
LindsayReads Open up your wings and fly, @britt_brooke 😁 8y
britt_brooke @Lola I totally do this, too, especially if it's a book everyone else is raving over. I need to set a page number or something, like if I'm not into it after the first 100 pages, move on. 8y
britt_brooke @lindsayreads 😁🕊🕊🕊 8y
britt_brooke @MicheleinPhilly YES. Excellent point!! 8y
Eyelit Me too! I've got to set better book boundaries. 8y
britt_brooke @Eyelit That's a good way to put it! 😁👏🏻 8y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag I feel bad bailing also, but usually once I've put a book down in favour of something else... it most likely doesn't get picked again (I've technically been reading Dracula for years 😏) 8y
britt_brooke @thegirlwiththelibrarybag When I bail, I bail for good. Maybe that's why I feel so guilty. 🤔 8y
Amandajoy Me too! I always think it will redeem itself in the end. 8y
Kalalalatja I can't bail books either. I have done so with a couple because they were bad translations, but with the thought that I will be picking them up again once I get a new copy. I suck at book boundaries 😳 8y
LizzyM I am very much a mood reader. When I am looking for my next book, I often will pick up and put down several before finding the one I want to read right then. It helps that many of my books are from the library - I just return them and say maybe next time! If I own it I just put it back on the shelf to try again later. 8y
AnnieReads Me too! I always wonder if I'm missing out on something if I bail. 8y
RealLifeReading Exactly! Sometimes I wonder is it just the wrong book at the time? 8y
Suzze The older I get, it takes fewer pages for me to dump a book. Guess it's correlated to how much time I have left to read good books! 😁😁 8y
BillBlume When I get far enough into a book to realize I'm really not liking it, I usually run to Goodreads to see what the one-star reviewers have to say. If what they say match my impressions, I'm usually outta there. Finito. Sayanara, and don't let the dust jacket hit ya on the way out. 8y
MyNamesParadise This year for some reason I keep abandoning books. If a book has terrible writing I won't torture myself but also I have had so many books on my list this year that if I'm not entranced right away I move on to another one 8y
britt_brooke @LizzyM I'm definitely a mood reader, too. That's why I can't make monthly TBR lists! I'm too fickle. 😁 8y
britt_brooke @RealLifeReading I think that is definitely the case sometimes. 😁 8y
britt_brooke @Suzze 😂😁 8y
britt_brooke @BillBlume I like this idea! 8y
britt_brooke @MyNamesParadise My TBR is so intimidating. I need to quit wasting time on books that aren't worth it. 8y
MyNamesParadise @britt_brooke agreed! Usually library due dates get in my way haha 8y
Godmotherx5 Me too! 8y
readordierachel I used to be this way, but more and more I'm giving books the 100ish page test. If it can't hook me in 100 pages, I'm out. There are too many awesome books waiting for me to read them to waste time, ya know? 8y
britt_brooke @ReadOrDieRachel 100 pages seems like a fair shot. I'm keeping this in mind, thanks! 8y
britt_brooke @Godmotherx5 We put too much pressure on ourselves! 😁 8y
Godmotherx5 Yes, I agree. 8y
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Problems | Jade Sharma
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#photoafaynov16 #booknerdproblems

So, this.

I'm pretty sure I started a list for the store, but where did I put it?


britt_brooke 😂 8y
Laura317 I was reading a library book last night and found someone's boarding pass in it. 8y
Librariana My husband uses those too, @Laura317 ! Me? I have stacks of bookmarks, but they never seem to be around when I need them! 8y
readordierachel Receipts make handy bookmarks in a pinch, and you get a little reminder of what you from the past thought was worth spending $ on :) 8y
Linsy 😂😂😂 So me!! 8y
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Problems | Jade Sharma
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I have a lot of research and music to work through but...

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So I left the book I was right in the middle at work, so going to sneak this shot book in.

Suzze I used to hate when I'd forget my book. Usually I'd left it at home, so I'd hope we had it on the shelf so I could sneak in a bit on my break. 8y
minkyb That is one of my worst nightmares lol 8y
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Problems | Jade Sharma
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Trying to finish school work but my current reads have got me like:

Problems | Jade Sharma

More female POC narrators pls

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Starting. Love novels about hot-mess characters.

theshrinkette Yessssss! Much thanks to Kelsey for this rec! 8y
klwestenberg 🙌 8y
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Problems | Jade Sharma
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Problems | Jade Sharma

Such a good quick read. Maya felt like a friend or a neighbor you really wanted to keep at a distance yet you were rooting for her to solve her many "problems". It was mostly frustrating the way things started to spiral out of control. I would recommend it. If you're in the mood for what feels like watching a drama film. ??

Problems | Jade Sharma
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Maya, our protagonist, is in a cycle of self-destruction with heroin and unsatisfying relationships with men that she seems unable to break. The book is her examination of her life, written in sections filled with cynicism and wit. The author's voice is unique, and I'll be interested to read more of her work in the future. This should make it into your TBR soon.

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Problems | Jade Sharma
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Oh this book is already giving me all the feels. Recommended by Kelsey from @RoscoeBooks on my last visit. #readingdecalathon #readingforgold

Heather_Reads WELCOME! 8y
PurpleyPumpkin So glad to see you on Litsy! 8y
Lola So glad you're here!!!! 📚⭐️📚 8y
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Problems | Jade Sharma

I heard @rebeccaschinsky @Liberty talking about this on ATB a few weeks ago. 20 pages in and I can tell I'm going to love this. ☺️

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This is only part of my #augustbookhaul. Missing: ebooks, audiobooks, and my super duper awesome mega#bookhaul from Penguin. #augustphotochallenge

Problems | Jade Sharma

There are no chapters! I thought it would bug me but this book flows well. This book takes you inside the mind of a heroin addict who is weight conscious and sexually obsessive. It is raw and searing as Maya struggles with her addiction, trying to get clean and abandonment issues. She is a witty & frustrating character but you cannot help but keep reading this book. Another favorite for the year.

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Problems | Jade Sharma
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Today's #bookhaul, courtesy of @bookculture on Columbus.

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It's been a long week of school prep with no reading, but now I'm reading!

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The opening of this book was tough for me, my sister just died of a heroin OD and my mom has MS. Maya has a heroin addiction and her mom has MS and they don't get along. Maya doesn't get along with her husband much either and has an affair on him. Maya though is witty, sarcastic, and realizes her life is a mess. She was fun. There is a lot of sex in the opening and crudely described in Maya's voice, but it is her voice. I give it a high ok.

NerdyRev I loved, loved, loved all the scenes at her husband's parent's house. It was like a living hell for Maya. 8y
britt_brooke I'm sorry you lost your sister. ((hugs)) 8y
bookishchelle 💕💕I am so sorry for your loss. 8y
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Problems | Jade Sharma
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Gotta admit the opening got me a bit. My sister just died of a heroin overdose and my mom has MS. The protagonist, Maya, has a heroin problem and her mom has MS. Biting down and getting through this one. Good therapy in a way. Warning though, Maya is a horny little minx 😉 There is a LOT of sex.

SusanInTiburon I'm so sorry for your loss and your worry. 💜 8y
CherylDeFranceschi Omg-sending hugs! I'm sorry all that weighs on you. Sending fortitude! 8y
NerdyRev Thank you. My family and I are pushing through. 8y
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MissSarahLou I am so sorry to hear that. Condolences to you and your family. I haven't read this book, but I hope it brings you comfort. Sometimes books are the best kind of therapy. 8y
Sue I'm so sorry, how awful for you and your family. 💕💕💕 8y
Trav I am so sorry for your loss. Sending hugs, positivity and fortitude your way ❤️ 8y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I'm so sorry for the loss of your sister, and the challenges (now and in the future) your family faces caring for your mom. May reading provide a much-needed escape! 8y
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I loved this book so much. One of the best books I've read in quite some time. I felt a kinship with Maya. I related with her on many levels. I'll definitely return to this book again at some point.

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Bad spine poetry. #24in48 #readathon

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