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Great Expectations
Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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#CoverLove #Brown An Easton Press edition I found at a bargain price. A library sale !

Eggs 🤎 Love library sales🧡 3mo
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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#TLT #itsthursdayamyg @AmyG (a hashtag just for you! 😍)

For the moment, here are my choices (tomorrow it could be a whole different ballgame!):
1. GREAT EXPECTATIONS by good ol' Charles Dickens. “Ever the best of friends, Pip!“
2. TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD by Harper Lee. Because of course.
3. SPEAK by Laurie Halse Anderson. Heart-wrenching and beautifully written.

Play? All are welcome! Tagging a few below to get the ball rolling! 😃

BookmarkTavern Oh what a great question! 💖 7mo
shortsarahrose Loved Speak when I read it for a class on YA literature. I also appreciated To Kill a Mockingbird so much more reading it as an adult than I did in high school. 7mo
julesG Oh no, my most hated genre (in school). Have to give this a tiny think. Thanks for the tag. 7mo
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Bklover Thanks for the tag- gonna have to think about this one! 7mo
TheSpineView Thanks for the tag! So many, I'll noodle on it. 7mo
dabbe @shortsarahrose Two of my favorite books to teach. 😍 7mo
dabbe @julesG Hope you love some now! 😍 7mo
dabbe @Bklover 😘 7mo
DebinHawaii Great list! Thanks for the tag! 🤗 7mo
lil1inblue I need to add Speak to my TBR! 7mo
dabbe @DebinHawaii 💚💙💚 7mo
dabbe @lil1inblue It's fabulous. The movie is excellent, too--starring a 14-year-old Kristen Stewart! 🤩 7mo
JanuarieTimewalker13 SPEAK was amazing!! 7mo
Eggs Thx💜❤️🩵 7mo
dabbe @JanuarieTimewalker13 🤩🤩🤩 7mo
dabbe @Eggs 💚💙💚 7mo
LeslieO Speak is one of my favorites! Laurie Halse Anderson was an author visitor to my school soon after it was published. She was so lovely! (edited) 7mo
dabbe @LeslieO You lucky! I would have loved to have seen her. That book was a must-read with my freshmen students. They loved it. 😍 7mo
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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I really don't know why I waited so long to read this. I loved it, even though I could feel Pip going in all the wrong directions. It almost has a modern-day mystery feel to it. Admittedly, Joe reminded me a lot of Samwise Gamgee 🤍
#GhostsOfXmas #WinterGames #RereadTheClassics @AllDebooks #Rushathon @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES #AToZ @Texreader #LittenListen @aperfectmjk

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 9mo
AllDebooks I love this book so much, so glad you enjoyed it x 9mo
Andrew65 A true classic, well done 👏👏👏 9mo
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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My favorite read at the moment. I have a few others going but this is the one I want to be reading all day. I‘m on part two and Pip is settling in London. Is Dickens my favorite author? Perhaps, I‘ve loved every novel I‘ve read by him but still have a list to read.

#rereadingtheclassics @AllDebooks

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 💛🤎 10mo
AllDebooks Gorgeous cover. I love it so much, I read straight through the first week. I wasn't reading the book, I was listening to the audio version. 10mo
Ruthiella Love Dickens! Some novels I like better than others, but he‘s always a good read for me. 10mo
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Cuilin @AllDebooks love it!!! 10mo
Cuilin @Ruthiella same. 10mo
Cuilin @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks thanks it‘s a beautiful cover. 10mo
Bluebird This is one of my favorite Dickens books 10mo
jewright I always love him too. 10mo
Cuilin @Bluebird yes, it‘s wonderful 10mo
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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#Wintergames #Littenlisten #CandycaneCrushers

This is one of my favourite Dickens stories. This was a very enjoyable narration.

@Clwojick @StayCurious @aperfectmjk @Catsandbooks

Catsandbooks 🍭❄️❤️ 10mo
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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#Rereadtheclassics #buddyread

Starts 1st December

Who's joining me in reading Charles Dickens' 1861 novel Great Expectations?
All welcome to join in. Please let me know if you wish to be added/removed from the taglist.


Cuilin I‘m in!!! 11mo
majkia I'll join in. 11mo
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TheBookHippie I‘m in 11mo
BookwormAHN Looking forward to it 😺 11mo
dabbe My favorite Dickens next to BLEAK HOUSE. I might pop in to discuss if that's okay. 🧡🖤💜 11mo
AllDebooks @TheBookHippie @BookwormAHN more yays 😊 @dabbe of course, it's my #1 Dickens too 👌 11mo
dabbe @AllDebooks 😘 11mo
CrowCAH Dickens is delightful! I‘ll have to pass on this read along. I‘ll be reading a Winter Solstice Yuletide anthology next month. Thanks for tagging me on the new classic reading title! 11mo
AllDebooks @CrowCAH Enjoy your anthology, sounds like great reading 😍 11mo
Cuilin @dabbe 🩷 Bleak House 11mo
TheAromaofBooks I do love Dickens, but December is already booked 😂 So I am out for this one, but keep me posted on future reads, please!! 10mo
AllDebooks @TheAromaofBooks no worries, will do x 10mo
Tineke 🤚 you forgot to tag me. I'm in. Is it read at your own pace or maybe a couple of chapters a day? 10mo
AllDebooks @Tineke I'm so sorry. Yes, read at your own pace and we'll discuss at the end of the month x 10mo
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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8-15 Nov 23 (audiobook)
Great Expectations is possibly my favourite book and Magwitch and Joe Gargery two of my favourite literary characters. No surprise, given my love of Dickens. I will admit however, that women do not come off well, even if Miss Havisham does find redemption in the end. Except for the lovely Biddy. I intend to watch some film adaptations after this re-read - I do not think I ever have.
How do I convince my teen to read this?

Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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Failed at being an ARC reviewer because I‘m just too punk…

Hot tip: If you want a better review, write a better book. Or maybe edit the fucking thing before handing it out to reviewers.

This Melbourne bookshop though: absolute heaven. Bringing an extra suitcase next time!

#bookstagram #booksbooksbooks #books #punklife #punkbooks #punkbookstagramers #punkbookshop

Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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dabbe Miss Havisham's cake! 🤩 12mo
Eggs Absolutely! Unforgettable image 🍰🕸️👌🏼 12mo
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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For day 2 of #autumnplease we‘ve got an all time classic set of cobwebs, the ones on Miss Havisham‘s wedding cake 🖤

#scarathlon #skeletoncrew @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Eggs Oh yes!🕸️🎂🕸️ 12mo
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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Eggs Absolutely 💯 13mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 13mo
IndoorDame @dabbe 🧡🧡🧡 13mo
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens

Great Expectations
I KNOW it is on almost every best 100 novels list and I KNOW Charles Dickens is an icon and I KNOW it has been adapted for tv, film and stage countless times, but how come nobody told me this is one of the best novels that will ever be written?


Review coming later after I catch my breath.

Great Expectations | Charles Dickens

I found Aoife's presentation on Great Expectations by Charles Dickens very interesting. I'm curious to learn about the lives of people from that time period, and how they were different from people's lives today. Also, I believe the theme of the allure of a society that is different and seemingly better than one's own is still very prevalent in the modern world. I would like to read Great Expectations soon.

Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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An afternoon spent with Pip and company. I'm so glad I decided to revisit this one.

Ruthiella Possibly my favorite Dickens. Is hard to choose. Definitely in the top three. 👍 2y
ClairesReads One of my faves 2y
dabbe One of my German shepherds is named Pip for a reason! ❣️ 2y
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merelybookish What a pretty edition! 2y
LeahBergen A fave! 2y
Cathythoughts Lovely blues in your picture 💙 2y
batsy That's a lovely edition! 2y
quietjenn @Ruthiella I'm waiting until I've worked my way through them all to declare favorites, but it's rather near the to at the moment 🙂 2y
quietjenn @batsy @merelybookish there were a few good versions out there, but I'm glad I went with this one. I think the cover totally fits the book. 2y
quietjenn @Cathythoughts can you tell it's my favorite 😅 2y
quietjenn @dabbe a good choice! 2y
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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Yes! I‘ve finally read this chunkster! I don‘t know why I haven‘t read it until now, but overall, I enjoyed it. It dragged in some places and probably didn‘t need to be so long, but a good story nonetheless.

#bookspinbingo - free space
#pop23 - book I should‘ve read in high school

Andrew65 Yay! 👏👏👏 2y
Clwojick Great job! 🎉 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I may get to this one this year - it's on my BookSpin classics list!! 2y
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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Today‘s Bizarro comic was literary and it also made me chuckle. 😂

LeahBergen 😆 2y
Rehesina 😂 2y
julesG 😂😂😂 2y
Lcsmcat 😂😂 2y
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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Waiting on #HurricaneIan
The new model has it going right over our town. 🌀

So, starting this classic that I‘ve been meaning to get to! It‘s my #doublespin from August.


CoverToCoverGirl Stay safe! We are still recovering from Fiona here in Atlantic Canada. 2y
TheAromaofBooks Good luck with both the book and the hurricane!!! 2y
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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Eggs 🖤💙🖤 2y
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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First day of annual leave 🥳

AmyG Enjoy! 2y
julesG Enjoy your holiday! 2y
Ruthiella Have fun! 😃 2y
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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Finally reading this classic

ellie_ember How would you rate it? I recently read Bleak House (which I super enjoyed), but I'm not sure if other Dickens books are worth the time investment. 2y
CallMeIshmael @ellie_ember I‘m really enjoying it, I have recently reverted to older literature it‘s been a nice change of pace in this world 2y
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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Doing laundry reading this beauty

Bklover Reading by candlelight! 🕯 3y
Melli Yes I love sitting and reading with all the lights off and a candle lit 3y
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens

Revisited this one from childhood. Brought back memories. Hard to continue reading in some parts.

Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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Started this amazing book 📚 Have you read it?

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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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Basically a prodigal son story that‘s 300 pages too long. There were such a ridiculous number of coincidences that I was literally guffawing out loud as each thread of the story tied up neatly in a bow - all lessons learned, all good people rewarded, and all villains either killed off or transformed by their misdeeds into a good person. I think Dickens is just not for me. He does get credit for Miss Havisham though. She‘s one creepy, crazy gal.

TiredLibrarian You can tell he was paid per installment! 3y
HeatherBookNerd @TiredLibrarian Yes. Yes you can. 3y
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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I cannot believe that I am reading this for the first time at 50. What a wonderful story this was. Absolutely loved it!

Lcsmcat I loved Dickens as a kid, but I get so much more out of him now. 50 might be the perfect age to read this one. 🙂 3y
Jeg Good for you. Maybe I should try again. I hated reading him at high school and have never tried again. 3y
MrsMalaprop 👏👏👏 One of my faves. Now you should read 3y
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens

Haven't read Dickens after childhood. Have only a faded memory of this book. SO FINALLY got around to reading Dickens!! It was a good read despite the draggy bits here and there. On the whole, loved the plot. The journey of Pip and the character development is beautifully written! #deep

Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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Talk about reading with a view!

sharread Welcome to Litsy! ❤ 3y
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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“Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I have been bent and #broken, but - I hope - into a better shape.” #QuotsyApr21

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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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Totally how I feel today. It's 10 C and sunny out, and I heard Shaina Twain on the radio and I am just high up on sugar and life 💕

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Grandes esperanzas | Charles Dickens

Al principio es una lectura pesada y que no te lleva a ningún lugar, o eso parece, tienes que pasar un poco más de la mitad del libro para engancharte, que historia! El final no me gusto, creo que el protagonista merecía más, pero al final es Dickens. Me encanto el giro y cómo uso cada detalle, el final inesperado y muy rápido, apresurado para mi gusto. Definitivamente un clásico que tienes que poner en tu lista!

Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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I love this sentence, although it seems cruel. I think it shows how heartbreak can transform a person as no one is born this cruel. Miss Havisham got her heart broken by her fiancee, and she couldn't cope with it. I'm not saying that what she is doing to pip and Estella is right, but I feel like we should maybe cut her some slack?

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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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I missed Mr Dickens birthday last Sunday - so celebrating with a few favourite passages and an indulgent clotted cream shortbread! Happy Birthday , sir!

Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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I found Great Expectations a real slog, and struggled to get through to the end. I loved David Copperfield enough that I‘m not dissuaded from ever trying Dickens again, but Great Expectations and I are done. I certainly wouldn‘t recommend it to a first-timer! My summary and full review here: https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/great-expectations-charles-dickens/

Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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I cherish these winter nights. If I had it my way, it would always be dark by 6:00 pm and the snow would never stop falling. I have a pot of homemade beef stew bubbling on the stove, a pot of hot coffee close behind and now I just need the perfect book to make my night complete. I do believe it's time for a dinner date with my Mr. Dickens. Though Emerson whispers faintly in my ear. Perhaps I'll have to invite them both. I adore their company🕯️📖

Texreader You do make it all sound ideal! But I do love 70-degree winter days! 4y
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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Shoot, I forgot to continue posting the #12coloursofdecember. Here is the only silver book that I own.

#WinterGames2020 #wintergames #MerryReaders
@Clwojick, +10 +1 points

bnp Pretty cover! 4y
Liz_M @bnp I don't particularly like this Dickens, but when I saw it for $3 at half-price books, I had to buy it. 😂 4y
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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I gave it a try, and I pushed myself to finish it, but in the end, I just wasn't impressed. I was bored and just ready for it to be over.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

The_Penniless_Author Yes. Very much yes. I appreciate Dickens and philosophically we're on the same page, but the man can take three pages to describe a doorknob, and this book bored me to tears. 4y
Addison_Reads @The_Penniless_Author I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt this way. 4y
TheAromaofBooks I haven't tried this particular Dickens yet, but overall I've found him to be a mixed bag haha 4y
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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A long-overdue reread. Tighter in construction than the average Dickens, more sombre in tone than usual but still a rollicking good read, from the terrifying opening scene in the graveyard on.

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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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#3books I hated

Loathe would actually be a better word. I loathe these books. It may be an #unpopularopinion, but I can‘t stand any of Hemingway or Dickens. I may have picked these 3 in particular because they all cue freshman year high school English class flashbacks. 😆

Bookwormjillk Ethan Frome was so much better as an adult. I read it as a freshman too and I have no idea what they thought we would get out of that. The other two - no argument there 😂 4y
LeahBergen Damn! I liked all three of them. 😂😂 4y
samantharoberts I hated The Old Man and the Sea!! 4y
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Ruthiella I love Dickens but am with you on The Old Man and the Sea. I didn‘t care if he ever caught that fish! 😅 4y
wanderinglynn @Bookwormjillk @LeahBergen given that I‘ve been out of HS for 26 years and I read them in freshman English class, I probably should give them another try. But the trauma of HS, it sticks with you 😆 4y
wanderinglynn @samanthagutt @Ruthiella I hate Hemingway in general, but that book in particular. 😤👎🏻 (edited) 4y
BarbaraBB Echoing @LeahBergen 🤣 4y
Scochrane26 I like Hemingway sometimes, but I still haven‘t read that one. I listened to Great Expectations 2 yrs ago, & it was better than I thought it would be. Still not planning to continue dickens though. Ethan Frome I reread a few yrs ago, & it‘s ok. In hs, I was traumatized forever by Scarlet Letter & Heart of Darkness. 4y
wanderinglynn @Scochrane26 the beauty of HS is we were all traumatized by some forced, I mean “required” reading 😆 4y
LeahBergen Well, let‘s just say I read all three quite a few years after high school. I often wonder what they‘re thinking with these “required” reads. They don‘t seem remotely appealing to a teenage sensibility. 🤔 4y
LeahBergen @BarbaraBB 👯‍♂️😂😂 4y
wanderinglynn @LeahBergen and I had a freshman English teacher, who had a complete breakdown the next year and left teaching. 4y
Hooked_on_books Oh thank goodness! I HATED The Old Man and the Sea! What a stupid book! So glad it‘s not just me. 👐🏻 4y
wanderinglynn @Hooked_on_books 🙌🏻 nope, you are not alone. 😉😆 4y
OriginalCyn620 📚👎🏻📚 4y
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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When your birthday includes new #folios! Thank you @emilyhaldi and @Mdargusch #foliofreaks

vivastory Happy Birthday 🎉🎂📚 4y
MicheleinPhilly Happy Birthday!!! 🥂 4y
Pageturner1 Happy Birthday! 🎂 4y
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Ruthiella Happy Birthday! 🥳🥂🎂🎈 4y
emilyhaldi Enjoy 🥳🥳🥳🥳 4y
LeahBergen Lucky you! Happy Bday, again! 😘 4y
MsMelissa Happy Birthday 🎂 Those books are beautiful! 4y
Megabooks Happy birthday!! Great presents!! 🎉🎉🥳🥳📚📚 4y
batsy What lovely gifts! Well done @emilyhaldi @Mdargusch ❤️❤️ 4y
Kalalalatja Lucky you! 😍 4y
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens

The only great thing about this was imagining Gillian Anderson as Miss Havisham and Pip from South Park as Pip. My first and probably only Dickens novel. I will stick with Austen and the Brontes from now one.
2.5/5 Stars.

Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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Doing homework when suddenly... Foot Cuddles! P.S. her snoring is very distracting.

Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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So. Freaking. Good.
Can't even say anything else about it.
(I apparently don't treat my pretty books right while I'm reading them cuz this poor cover. 🤭😕)

Nute The Penguin Clothbound editions are fragile by design. I think that they are beautiful books. I purchased a few and discovered this design flaw quite quickly so now they are pretty display books but not handled for reading. 4y
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Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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I have been bent and broken, but - I hope - into a better shape.

Great Expectations | Charles Dickens
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My father's family name being Pirrip, and my christian name Philip, my infant tongue could make of both names nothing longer or more explicit than Pip. So, I called myself Pip, and came to be called Pip.

#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl