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A Memory Called Empire (Teixcalaan, #1)
A Memory Called Empire (Teixcalaan, #1) | Arkady Martine
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A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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A beautifully written political sci-fi mystery epic. Initially I had some trouble absorbing everything in the world building, but as soon as the plot kicked in I was hooked. I‘m happy to have dived into this complex story, and I hope to continue the series at some point. 4.5⭐️

Dragon Great book 👍 💚🐉 4mo
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I really enjoyed this book. The worldbuilding is complex and fascinating, and Mahit is a great character. I had some trouble following all the weird Teixcalaani names and wasn‘t always sure I was associating the right character with the right name. The plot was twist after twist and I was just along for the ride!

vivastory I'm really looking forward to this one. It sounds so unique! 4mo
Clare-Dragonfly @vivastory It is! At first it reminded me of other sci-fi I‘ve read but it quickly differentiated itself. Bonus, it‘s totally queer! 4mo
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A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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I absolutely loved this nearly unconditionally. It was exactly the book I wanted to read after slogging through book commitments I'd made earlier. Mahit was an enchanting POV character and her adventures had me eagerly turning pages late into the night.

HeyT This was my #DoubleSpin for January 8mo
Caroline2 Oh the kindle edition is on Prime at the mo!! 😮 8mo
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A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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Absolutely devouring the tagged. I only started it yesterday.

A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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Very complex inter-relationships
- impressive atomosphere and world building
- Beautifully written with lots of introspection and consideration of events
- not as important as other aspects of the tale.
- guess who's on who's side. politics....
- loyalties tested, and sometimes with unexpected results
- I really enjoyed it. And am moving on to book two immediately.

A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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Eggs Great cover 🖤🩶🤍 9mo
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A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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Eggs Excellent 👌🏼 9mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 😍 9mo
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A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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I am always so hype for the new picks and this month is no exception.

Zoes_Human I loved A Memory Called Empire ❤️ 9mo
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A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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Reading this for a second time, this time for book club and I‘m annotating the heck out of it. This is one of my favorite books of all time, so no complaints! 💕

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A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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“There is, Tarats believes, a kind of inevitability to empire unchecked.”

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A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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This was so good! Fast paced, the story spans 2 weeks, the first 2 weeks of our very relatable and likable main characters new job on a new planet. She has been studying their language and culture most of her life and now she will be her planets ambassador, only problem is she also has to figure out who killed her predecessor, but wait are they trying to kill her too!!
Liked everything about this.

A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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I am trying to get to one last #WomensPrizeLongList before the short list announcement on Wednesday. -Trespasses
Maybe You Should Talk To Someone is my #DoubleSpin for this month, still waiting on the library for my #bookspin title.
I am doing 1 reread of my favorite books each month to see if they hold up, Bel Canto is my April reread.
Finishing up Quietly Hostel which has been hit or miss 4 me.
I also have the tagged on audio.

A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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I know I‘m late to the party, but I still really liked this Jadzia Dax / Aztecs / Byzantine Empire mashup. Excited to read book 2!

Plus, I finished my #bookspin and #doublespin for November, read one book for #aam, did some damage to my backlog from challenges, and got a bingo. Surprising for a month where I said I‘d be doing more “relaxed” reading!

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fantastic month!!! 2y
Megabooks Dax - what a great character! 2y
Larkken @Megabooks right? I keep meaning to rewatch DS9 for characters like her/them 2y
Larkken @TheAromaofBooks 😊 it really was! 2y
SamAnne This has been in my TBR stack for a long time!!! 2y
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A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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Update on #20in4 special readathon progress:

-7 hours listening to Bonds of Brass (did not like)
-1 hour reading Horror Film: A Critical Introduction by Murray Leeder

Starting the tagged book today. We'll see how it goes.

A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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Mahit, Lsel Station‘s newest ambassador, arrives in Texicalaan in response to urgent summons from the empire deeming her predecessor unfit to continue his duties. As Mahit attempts to unravel Yskandr‘s political web, she finds herself pulled deeper into the tangled web he has weaved during his tenure. It‘s one of those books where you know something is coming but it manages to surprise you all the same.

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A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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So good! Really interesting story telling and immersive world. The ending was okay but everything else was great! Some big words was using the dictionary a lot with this one.

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A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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1. ✨ D R A M A ✨ If it‘s not giving me the same level of drama as watching a soap opera with my grandma when I was little, it‘s just sparkling sci fi.
2. Done! On my #NewYearWhoDis list, just waiting for the hold to come in!
3. What‘s the planet where it rains diamonds? I think it‘s Neptune. 🚀

#SundayFunday Have an out of this world day, and don‘t forget to tag me!

A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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Another recent book buy that‘s on my TBR now. So many books, not enough time!! 🤗

Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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An inexperienced ambassador from a backwater station is posted to the glittering seat of Teixcalaan. Political intrigue, a potential friend in a court that considers her, at best, a barbarian, and the unreliable voice of the past ambassador in her head. She may have even been set up to fail by her own people. A story of identity on many levels: personal, cultural, and political.

Full review at https://lamp.works/bwl?s=B07C7BCB88

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Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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A great space opera that won Hugo Award in 2020 about an ambassador from a small station to the Teixcalaan empire, caught in the middle of the empire's succession crisis. I really enjoyed Arkadi Martine's writing and while it doesn't mean anything about her craft, I was happy to hear she is married with Vivian Shaw, another author I like a lot, of the Greta Helsing series. A definite pick!

And with this I get my #BookSpinBingo for this month!

claudiuo @TheAromaOfBooks As always, I am so grateful to you for pushing me to read more. I had this book on my TBR list for over a year, now I needed to get to it in order to score a bingo. Thank you so much! (edited) 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Fabulous progress!!! 3y
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Libby has been such a great resource- I started with the ebook switched to the audio book when my loan ran out : glad I did because I had a hard time pronouncing a lot of the words . This is a truly enjoyable science fiction story. Great world building, interesting story . Recommended to anyone who loves Ann Leckie‘s Ancillary Justice trilogy

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A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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This is thoroughly enjoyable. I love a good space adventure.

#BookSpinBingo square 7

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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Taking a page out of @SilverShanica ‘s book and sharing a random book from my TBR pile. What a great way for me to get back into posting after a 2 year hiatus. Day 1. #tbrpile

Lucy_Anywhere I really enjoyed this one! 3y
rretzler @Lucy_Anywhere Been meaning to read if for awhile! 3y
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A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine

Fantastic book! A great page turner and a detailed universe! Already ordered book 2!

A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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I started this after a year, because I was worried it might not be my thing. I shouldn't have worried, I couldn't put it down! The story follows a new ambassador to a big empire, where she tries to find out what happened to her predecessor. She's clearly the center of the story, in contrast to many other scifi books with multiple povs and a much wider scope (which doesn't mean that the world building is bad! I'm just a character driven reader).

RaeLovesToRead My friend gifted me this on Kindle. So glad to hear that it's good! 😊 3y
PickwickPlockPlock @RaeLovesToRead I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did 😊 3y
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A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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A Memory of Empire has top notch political intrigue, neural implants, fantastic world building and a world consuming empire at the center of it all. This was a hard one to put down. It feels both smart and easily digestible. While it doesn‘t reach the stratospheric heights of The Light Brigade it is a fantastic book all the same and I‘ll soon be getting my hands on the next one by Arkady Martine

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A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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Birthday Book Haul #3!!!

My fiance went way overboard and got me soooo many books! 😍 Plus Aziraphale! I don't even know where to start! 💕📚

#birthdaybookhaul #bookhaul

CoverToCoverGirl A book tsunami! 🎂🎈😁 3y
Branwen @CoverToCoverGirl A wave of books! 😍 3y
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A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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Mahit is a young diplomat sent to the capital of a vast and omnivorous empire, tasked with protecting the independence of her remote home system. Caught up in palace intrigue and elaborate plots, Mahit must avoid her predecessor's fate while balancing her love for the seductive allure of imperial culture with her duty to her home. Loved the world-building and looking forward to the next book!

A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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As a Space Opera that combines palace/political intrigue with a stranger in a strange land tale, this book is extremely my jam. Martine trained as a historian and it shows, as the empire of the title echoes both Byzantium (her area) & the pre-Colombian Aztec empires. The pacing drags at times but there are plenty of big ideas and fascinating details* to carry the reader through. Looking forward to the sequel!

Mogoeg * if you are anything like me, once you get the hang of the naming system you will spend plenty of time contemplating what sort of Teixcalaanli name you would have. Here is a fun link to aid you in this pursuit! https://www.torforgeblog.com/2020/02/06/whats-in-a-teixcalaanli-name/ 4y
Lucy_Anywhere This was one of my top reads last year - I loved it! 4y
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A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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Intricate plotting, rich world building, & fascinating, complicated queer characters—this sci-fi #audiobook read by Amy Landon kept me awake late into the night. It‘s almost too obvious to compare it to Ann Leckie‘s Imperial Radch trilogy, since a blurb from Leckie graces the cover of some editions, but if you like stories of an amazing, queer, lone representative from elsewhere embroiled in political intrigue, both authors will appeal. #LGBTQ

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A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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“Three Seagrass said, perfectly metrical, ‘The honour of meeting you in person is like stumbling on a fresh spring in the mountains,‘ which had to be an allusion, if not an outright quotation.”

I‘m getting Tale of Genji flashbacks in the way poetry plays a central role in the alien culture depicted in this science fiction novel.

llwheeler I loved the emphasis on language/bilingualism in this book 4y
Lindy @llwheeler Oh yes! Lots of great stuff in this book. 😊 4y
batsy That's an interesting comparison! 4y
Lindy @batsy Other similarities: highly codified behaviours, a decadent ruling class; and court intrigue. 4y
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A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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Finally finished this book for #bbbbc and answered @InLibrisVeritas questions over on her posts.

Loved this book so much! Took me forever, but it was so worth it. The world building, the echoes of Aztec culture, the ideas of personality and memory and how they can be saved and integrated for future generations. So many thought provoking ideas here that I‘m still working through. I‘ll definitely read the second book.

InLibrisVeritas I am so glad you enjoyed it! It's definitely a book that takes some time to fully process. I'm on my way to check out your answers now 💜 4y
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A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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The final set of questions are up!

Please feel free to answer here or on your own posts using the tag #BBBBC! Also feel free to ask your own questions!


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MeganAnn 4) I can‘t think of any specific quotes or scenes, this is one of those books where the characters will stick with me for a long time. 5) I liked seeing the perspectives of both Mahit and Yskander and how they were similar in some things and different in others. I found myself ready to dislike Yskander through the first half of the book, but by the end I had changed my mind and realized he was trying his best to save Lsel. 4y
MeganAnn 6) I‘ll definitely read the second book. Hoping to see Mahit and Three Seagrass back together again and hopefully exploring their relationship and attraction to one another. I waited the whole book for them to finally get together! I‘m also curious about where the empire with go from here and what those other aliens will end up being like. 4y
InLibrisVeritas @MeganAnn I am really excited to see where Three Seagrass and Mahit end up, especially given all they have been through together and with their end book life changes. Their relationship was so sweet and had just the right amount of longing. 4y
InLibrisVeritas 4) I have a few quotes that stuck out especially in terms of the colonialism mindset and prejudice: “She was getting used to the combination: that doubling, the strangeness of being grateful for something she should never have had to experience in the first place. Teixcalaan was full of it.” 4y
InLibrisVeritas 4 cont) “It‘s not—devour would be if we were xenophobes or genocides, if we didn‘t bring new territories into the Empire.” - This whole conversation was fantastic. 4y
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A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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Here are the first set of discussion questions!! Please feel free to answer here or in your own posts, make you use the group tag so we can stop by!

If you have any questions you would like answered by the group as a whole feel free to post those a well! More questions will be posted tomorrow. If you did not read the book or do not wish to join the dicussuon, let me know and I will make sure not to tag you tomorrow and Wed.


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cewilf I didn‘t have a chance to get to this one, but I plan on the Jan/Feb pick!! 4y
Gezemice Sorry, I skipped this too, I had too many book clubs this month. Thanks for hosting! 4y
InLibrisVeritas @cewilf @Gezemice It‘s no problem! ❤️ 4y
bookandcat This book was PHENOMENAL, one of the best I've read in this book club. I answered on the discord group! 4y
bookandcat *also one of the best books I've read this year! 4y
InLibrisVeritas @bookandcat It was! I wasn't totally sure with somewhat slow start, but I was hooked! I will stop by and check lut your answers! 4y
InLibrisVeritas 1. I really enjoyed this one! The beginning was a bit slow as it moved through the world building, but once it got started I was completely pulled in! 4y
InLibrisVeritas 2. As someone who enjoys linguistics I loved that this was such a big part of the book. The fact that the language itself is centered around the Tecalaan exprience is incredibly interesting and I loved that by making the empire so fixated on their own exprience it highlights what it means to be on the outside of the ruling majority. 4y
InLibrisVeritas 3. I personally don't mind the concept of an Imago, or having a Imago line. I think it would be a nightmare to set up the proper channels for this to happen safely, but I think it is a pretty cool way of preserving both knowledge but also people. 4y
MeganAnn Finally finished this! This one took me quite awhile, but I loved it. The world building was phenomenal and even though not a lot was happening to start, I found myself drawn into Mahit‘s journey from the beginning. 4y
MeganAnn 2) I think the the author purposely highlighted these feelings of otherness in those who are not citizens. In part because I think any person who is trying to fit into a different culture with a language other than their own experiences feelings of otherness. But also to highlight the degree of separation between the Empire itself and the culture on Lsel station. These are two culture built on very different ways of life. (edited) 4y
MeganAnn 3) I found the concept of an Imago to be fascinating! The idea that our personalities and knowledge could be preserved for future generations is something I think a lot of people could benefit from... if out past knowledge and experiences could be accessed immediately by those making decisions perhaps we would be less likely to repeat the mistakes of the past. (edited) 4y
InLibrisVeritas @MeganAnn That was my exact thought on the Imago! So much of our history is cut and dry, but if we had that extra layer then it makes certain paths and contexts make sense to us on level we couldn't previously 4y
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A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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Hey guys! Just wanted to do a quick update just in case the dicussion came a bit late! #BBBBC #scififantasybookclub

My brother is doing alright and has had a mild case so far. He is getting tested again soon as it seems he is on the other side.

Gezemice I am sorry to hear that! All the best to you and your brother! 4y
CoffeeK8 I‘m so sorry to hear about this, I hope everything gets sorted out soon. Do what is best for you! 4y
InLibrisVeritas @Gezemice Thank you ❤️ 4y
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InLibrisVeritas @CoffeeK8 Me too! I managed to get it done in time and ended up being the mental break I needed. ❤️ 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I hope your brother is doing better! Sorry I‘m a few days behind here. 4y
InLibrisVeritas @Riveted_Reader_Melissa From the messages it seems he is! He plans to get tested again on Monday. 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @InLibrisVeritas I‘m so glad he is! This thing can be very random on who gets better fast and who doesn‘t. 🤞 he continues on a great trajectory to kicking it. 4y
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A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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#wintergames2020 Week 4 Total: 230 + 4,090 word game = 4,320 points #teamreadnosedreindeer

Thank goodness for this week‘s game which was a ton of fun!
Very little reading time. Finished 3 stories in the Romancing Wisconsin series - fast, fun reads. Continued making progress on buddy reads.
Watched 2 seasons of Home for Christmas - highly recommend!
Watched 4 movies: Godmothered is really good, Arthur Christmas is always fun, other 2 were meh 😕

A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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An interesting concept, how memory and personality are tied together. A rather good space opera. I enjoyed reading this book and will definitely get the sequel once it comes out.

A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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There are so many books I need/want to finish this year.

#BookSpin - Silent Night
#BBBBC - tagged book
#Booked2020 - Iron Hunt (bottom of my TBR which is why I haven‘t read it yet 😂)
#LMPBC - Entwined
And one more Christmas read with Jane Austen

If I finish 4 of those specific books I can potentially get 3 bingos! So we‘ll see. I‘m also hoping to get to When No One is Watching but I might have to push it to January.


Andrew65 Good luck 😊👍 Great book choices. 4y
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A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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What a fabulous adventure! ❤️ This story swept me through a sci-fi version of the Aztec Empire with them as the colonialists. Told from the point of view of an ambassador from a small space station community, I was immersed in this new world and a political uprising. Absolutely engrossing!

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A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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While simple in structure, “A Memory Called Empire” is narratively complex and loads of fun to read. I really enjoyed many of the plot devices (e.g. imagos). I also loved digging into Martine‘s beliefs about personal identity which are embedded throughout the story. Suffice it to say that I am ready for the second book in the series (due out in March).

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A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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Hey @InLibrisVeritas the book for the #BBBBC read for November and December is on sale on Kindle in the US today! So if anyone is interested and hasn‘t been able to get it yet, today‘s the day!

InLibrisVeritas Awesome!! Thank you for sharing! 4y
Darthdad Just bought this one. Sounds interesting 4y
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A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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The Aztec Empire in space! I love political sci-fi and this book was full of crafty manoeuvrings, double-crossing, and unreliable allies. It‘s about colonisation, cultural domination, and dividing the world into ‘citizens‘ and ‘barbarians‘. It‘s also a damn good story!

MsMelissa Moving closer to the top of my TBR pile! 4y
The_Penniless_Author "The Aztec Empire in space" might be my favorite five-word description of a book ever ? 4y
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A Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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#30daysofgratitude Day 3 🙏 Today I‘m grateful for this little monster. I‘m not sure who‘s adopted who, but she waits for me outside my condo every morning to demand fusses. @jb72

jb72 She is so beautiful! Thank goodness she has you! 4y
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Memory Called Empire | Arkady Martine
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Reading Envy Podcast Episode 204: BookTube Season with Scott

While a lot of readers have struggled during the pandemic, Scott had a reading breakthrough this past year. We talk about BookTube, places for readalongs, and books we've read and liked recently.


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