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La elegancia del erizo
La elegancia del erizo | Muriel Barbery
En el nmero 7 de la calle Grenelle, un inmueble burgus de Pars, nada es lo que parece. Dos de sus habitantes esconden un secreto. Rene, la portera, lleva mucho tiempo fingiendo ser una mujer comn. Paloma tiene doce aos y oculta una inteligencia extraordinaria. Ambas llevan una vida solitaria, mientras se esfuerzan por sobrevivir y vencer la desesperanza. La llegada de un hombre misterioso al edificio propiciar el encuentro de estas dos almas gemelas. Juntas, Rene y Paloma descubrirn la belleza de las pequeas cosas. Invocarn la magia de los placeres efmeros e inventarn un mundo mejor. La elegancia del erizo es un pequeo tesoro que nos revela cmo alcanzar la felicidad gracias a la amistad, el amor y el arte. Mientras pasamos las pginas con una sonrisa, las voces de Rene y Paloma tejen, con un lenguaje melodioso, un cautivador himno a la vida. Muriel Barbery se ha convertido en la revelacin literaria en Francia. Su ternura y originalidad le han valido el Premio de los Libreros, el reconocimiento de la crtica y el cario del pblico, que la ha situado en las listas de los libros ms vendidos durante un ao. Un cuento moderno, refrescante e inteligente, Le Figaro; La nostalgia atemporal de Marcel Proust y el frescor de Philippe Delerm... Divertida, inteligente... area como un haiku, LExpress; Decir que Muriel Barbery tiene talento es quedarse corto... Tiene un humor devastador, Le Nouvel Observateur.
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Elegance of the Hedgehog | Muriel Barbery
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This is a marvelous story about being alert to the beauty around us and the supreme value of human connection.

Tamra This one keeps staring back at me from my TBR shelf! 1w
CogsOfEncouragement @Tamra It had been on my shelf for quite awhile too. Buddy reads kept taking cuts. I‘m glad I decided to just read it this week. 1w
TheBookgeekFrau I loved this book💕 1w
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Little Free Library trades today

dabbe Have to ask, did you make that quilt? It's stunning! 🤩🤩🤩 6mo
CogsOfEncouragement I‘m reading The Elegance of the Hedgehog now. Same paperback cover. 😃 I found it at a used bookstore. 6mo
Sapphire My first Barbary and my first Europa published book! I never kept books after I read them until this one! 6mo
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Made a trek to my new local(ish) library (next town over from my new hometown) and was so pleased to see one of the books I‘d donated on display in their Novel Additions section! I have always loved this cover and it‘s gratifying to know other readers can now enjoy it—well, if they don‘t mind crying a lot. 🥹

Elegance of the Hedgehog | Muriel Barbery
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Donated two sacks of books to my local Indie and came out with this thrifty find. I‘m a sucker for Europa. 😊

jlhammar Great find! Really enjoyed this one. 13mo
Tamra @jlhammar good to know! 13mo
LeahBergen I liked this one, too. 👍 13mo
Tamra @LeahBergen woot! I‘m feeling better all the time. 😁 13mo
Jeg I loved this book. 13mo
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Elegance of the Hedgehog | Muriel Barbery
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Had to run an errand today in the next town over. Found a used bookstore I hadn‘t known existed. Just $1 each for these. The tagged book has been on my tbr. Chop Chop caught my eye and sounds good. I‘ve only read one Mary Higgins Clark and that was assigned in high school.

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Elegance of the Hedgehog | Muriel Barbery
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Heard it‘s good!

#catsoflitsy #1001

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I‘m so disappointed to say I had to bail on this. I kept thinking it was up my alley and I should really be connecting with it. But I didn‘t. At the halfway point I realized my book collection is large and life is too short.

mcctrish Imo this is an excellent example of a book you have to finish to fully embrace and understand ( that said, I had to get sick and have nothing to read except this to do so 🤣 but I was so happy I did in the end ) 1y
Suet624 @mcctrish Thanks for your note. And that's precisely the reason I so rarely bail on a book. Often it's the entire journey that makes a book so darn special. It's been a weird summer here with massive flooding and lots of rain and Lyme-related issues. So maybe my brain just can't take it in. I'm saving the book for the future and I'll see how it goes. 1y
mcctrish This is a book you have to be in the right place for 1y
Hooked_on_books I‘ve read this and it didn‘t grab me at all, so I think a bail is a great choice! 1y
batsy Oh no! I remember when this got a lot of hype and I bought it. It still sits on my shelf. 1y
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Books about books😅

#spanishreading #catalanreading

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I‘m not sure if it was my mood at the time of reading, or the story itself, but The Elegance Of The Hedgehog was much more smug than I‘d anticipated from the blurb. And depressing, to boot. I thought this was going to be more of a feel-good story, a more philosophical A Man Called Ove maybe, but the characters were bitter and it left me feeling hollow. Full review: https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/the-elegance-of-the-hedgehog-muriel-barbery...

CarolynM I‘m glad I‘m not the only one who was unimpressed with this book. I didn‘t even make it to 100 pages. 2y
vlwelser 😂 def don't read the prequel (companion?) 2y
Aims42 Oof, yeah it was a pass for me as well 😬 2y
Ruthiella I didn‘t like this book either. 😆 You are definitely not alone! 2y
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Elegance of the Hedgehog | Muriel Barbery
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“Maybe that‘s what being alive is all about: so we can track down those moments that are dying.”

This was such a great book.

Thanks @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks for the tag.

writerlibrarian I cried so hard while reading this book. Loved it. 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks On my shelf!! 2y
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Eggs 💞📚💞 2y
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Elegance of the Hedgehog | Muriel Barbery
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Check out Lindsay‘s review of Elegance of the Hedgehog on Book Interrupted‘s Manuscript Monday blog post. https://www.bookinterrupted.com/post/manuscript-monday-the-elegance-of-the-hedge...

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I‘m giving this book a pick because I did enjoy the writing and description, but it‘s a light pick for me. Overall, I enjoyed it, but it did not have much of a plot and was a bit too philosophical for me.

I listened to most of it while driving to and from a visit to my family‘s farm this weekend (thus the 🌻 photo).

#audiobook #translated #ReadTheWorld #ReadingTheWorld #France #1001books
#Reading1001 #TBRTakedown September 2021

rubyslippersreads I read it because a friend kept recommending it, but I was disappointed, especially by the ending. 3y
Daisey @rubyslippersreads I wouldn‘t say I was disappointed because right had a feeling going in that it wasn‘t going to really be my kind of choice. I was somewhat disappointed with the rather abrupt ending, although it also seemed to fit. 3y
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It was pretty good. Not one that I anxiously kept going back to to finish. It took me a while.

Elegance of the Hedgehog | Muriel Barbery
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“Marx has completely changed the way I view the world,” declared the young boy this morning.

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There is a scene in the 1st season of Ted Lasso where Roy finally asks Keely out, & when asked why, answers, 'because I like you more than I hate him [Keely's ex - the delightfully assholeish Jaime Tartt].' He then adds, 'I mean barely, it's very close.'

That's how I feel about this novel. It's a pick because in the end I was charmed, & even moved, more than I was annoyed & bored by its astonishing pretentiousness. But barely, it's very close.

KathyWheeler I think I fell on the other side with this book. Everyone I know loved it, but I was overwhelmed by how boring and pretentious it was. 3y
Mogoeg @KathyWheeler - I get it! It's a real razor's edge for me. Plus it is hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that it is a book aimed at skewering the pretensions of the French elite that is, nevertheless, itself relentlessly pretentious - almost comically so. That has to be on purpose, right? The writer is in on the joke? Or maybe not? I honestly could not tell! 3y
JamieArc @KathyWheeler I‘m glad I‘m not alone. I‘m a Francophile so I thought I would obviously love this book, especially after so many sung it‘s praises. I just don‘t get it. I was incredibly bored as well. 3y
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KathyWheeler @Mogoeg The writer doing it on purpose would at least make it better. 3y
KathyWheeler @JamieArc I don‘t get it either. Absolutely everyone I know just loved it, which is why I kept reading it thinking I‘d eventually stumble on the part where it finally got interesting — never happened. 3y
Ruthiella Great review! I also found it pretentious and a little dull. If one were to take away all the philosophical musings, there was only thin, maudlin story with an ending engineered to bring tears. 3y
Larkken “Astonishing pretentiousness” 🤣 no, thank you 3y
Angeles I loved this novel! It is absolutely pretentious. Eurpean and especially french "literary" authors go for pretentious the way american serious authors go for social issues and melancholy and trauma. It is a lazy, easy way to signal: this is not JUST entertainment. I am very a very serious thinker.... 3y
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I hated the first half of this book and the second half was only a bit better. I feel like it tried way to hard to be high brow and this alienated me as a reader. It was pretentious and daft. The book would have fared better if it had just stuck to the story and didn‘t add all the other stuff which was totally unnecessary and boring.
I‘m not usually this savage when reviewing! 😬

Aims42 I bailed on it 🎈 I couldn‘t get hooked 😕 3y
tracey38 But you have a snufalufagus! (I'm not sure if that's the correct spelling, haha) I love it! 3y
Centique Snuffalufagus!!!! One of my friends is known as Snuff because as a child everyone thought he sounded like Snuffalufagus. I‘m so envious! 😍 3y
Rissreads @Centique that is my nickname with my friends husband because when he started seeing her we would make plans and then I would pull out so he thought I was not real. He bought me this for my birthday. @tracey38 (edited) 3y
CarolynM Glad I'm not the only one who didn't love this! It was an early bail for me. I wasn't interested and the writing annoyed me intensely. How have you been, Nerissa? 3y
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Translated from French, three people‘s lives intersect: a concierge of a small apartment building, a brilliant young girl who lives there, and a Japanese man who moves in. A stunning ending!

PhyllisH One of my favorites. 3y
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Elegance of the Hedgehog | Muriel Barbery

This one just wasn‘t for me 🤷🏼‍♀️ Based on all the positive reviews, it‘s clearly me so if you have it on your TBR pile, give it a try

KathyWheeler I didn‘t care for it either — I was bored — but everyone I know loved it. 3y
Aims42 @KathyWheeler I‘m not alone, phew!! I found myself having to re-read paragraphs, I just couldn‘t get hooked. I loved the premise of it, but oh well. Too many other books out there to read 🤓 3y
TrishB I bailed too. 3y
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Aims42 @TrishB That makes me feel better!!! 3y
CarolynM I was also a bail on this one. Didn't do it for me at all. 3y
Aims42 @CarolynM Yep, same 👍🏻 Just couldn‘t stay interested 3y
MoniqueReads305 Yeah... I barely completed it. I think something for lost in translation or I was just missing out what was rave worthy about it. 3y
Aims42 @MoniqueReads305 I wondered if something got lost in translation too! I thought several times, “maybe in French this is better...?” 😂 3y
erzascarletbookgasm Oh, I have this on my tbr. We‘ll see 😄 3y
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Beautiful - I loved this one.

Cathythoughts Such a beautiful book 👍🏻❤️ 3y
Blaire @Cathythoughts I also loved this one! 3y
kspenmoll Love your cover! 3y
Soubhiville Oooo, I love that edition! 3y
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In the background, the elegance of the bed-dog.

Reading this one now @squirrelbrain - I really really like it so far. Thanks for spotting in that bookshop and for the recommendation. 🦔

Readergrrl ❤️❤️❤️ this book! 3y
Cathythoughts Bed dog 🐶❤️❤️ 3y
JennyM Ooo, this book. I loved it. Hope you enjoy 🤞 3y
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Cathythoughts I loved the book too 👍🏻❤️ 3y
squirrelbrain I read this at Gladstone‘s! ❤️ 3y
BeckyWithTheGoodBooks Great book!! 🦔 3y
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This is one of those tasty treats that you hear about and then, finally, make time to read. Barbery does a splendid job of observing and subverting stereotypes, privilege and class structures. The story is told through two main characters as they observe, critique and compare the lives of fellow residents of this Parisian left-bank apartment building. If you're after a book that feels light, yet has substance and wit then this may be it.

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The MCs in this novel all have serious #longings...can they enlighten each other? #windsofmarch

Elegance of the Hedgehog | Muriel Barbery
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3.5 ⭐
I enjoyed the writing, and unusual for me I also enjoyed the voice of the child.
I wish there was a bit more balance in the length of relationship compared to the length of book. I would have liked to see more interaction between the characters.

Elegance of the Hedgehog | Muriel Barbery
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"The more time goes by, the more determined I become to set this place on fire."

To build
You live
You die
These are

I am really loving the language of this book.

TheBookHippie One of my favorites 🤍 4y
IuliaC This book 😍 4y
aa_guer2021 ❤️ this one!! 4y
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Elegance of the Hedgehog | Muriel Barbery
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#gallant and mutual redemption of the female protagonists. I love this book so much❤️❤️❤️
#salvation #jumpintojanuary @Eggs
#inspirednewyear @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TheKidUpstairs

TheKidUpstairs This one is on my shelves, I hope to read it this year. Paris is top of my travel bucket list! 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I need to read this!! 4y
Eggs @TheKidUpstairs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks yes you both should read this! Add to your Sunday buddy read for next year🤗💕! 4y
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It‘s full of philosophy and longing and friendship and self-discovery. So many ideas resonated with me. I highlighted so many passages. And that ending . . . 🥺
Thanks so much for renewing my interest in this one @UnabridgedPod - I would have missed out on this 5-star read otherwise.

squirrelbrain I loved this one too! And you‘re so right about the ending.... 4y
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"If you have but one friend, make sure you choose her well" (263).⠀

My dear friend Paula gave me The Elegance of the Hedgehog years ago, and I'm regretful that it took me so long to read it. Muriel Barbery's gorgeous novel, translated from the French by Alison Anderson, focuses on two characters. Renée is an older woman, the concierge of a luxurious apartment building filled with people who dismiss her as if she's invisible. ⬇️

UnabridgedPod And Renée cultivates that reaction, hiding her brilliance behind short statements that play into their stereotypes.⠀

Barbery shares the story of Paloma, a twelve-year-old resident in the building, through her journals, which seek to find meaning in a life she's already given up on. Paloma despairs of her family, with their pursuit of interests she finds meaningless, and of the other residents of the building, ⬇️
UnabridgedPod who she sees as similarly worthless. She therefore decides that, when she is thirteen, she is going to commit suicide and burn down the apartment.⠀

Renée and Paloma's stories alternate, and though they don't really know each other, the reader can see their similarities, the ways that each has basically given up on the world. And yet, there's hope in the way each continues to seek meaning day by day, ⬇️
UnabridgedPod and I found myself yearning for the moment they would connect. the moment I was sure was coming.⠀

There's something of A Man Called Ove here, something perhaps also of The Catcher in the Rye, and yet this is a wholly original novel. I absolutely loved watching the growth of Renée and of Paloma, seeing each strive to find others who could be friends.
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ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled I tried this one years ago and gave up (early on), but I think I want to try again! 4y
UnabridgedPod @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled I can see that it won‘t be to everyone‘s taste (what is?!), but I hope you try again. 😀 4y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled After your review, I picked this up to try again and I‘m LOVING it. I‘m halfway done already. I wonder why I didn‘t like it thw first time? So glad I didn‘t miss out on this! Thank you! 4y
UnabridgedPod @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled I‘m so glad!! Your comment just made my day. I always think it‘s interesting how much of a difference my state of mind and mood can make, so maybe that was it? Anyway, I‘m so glad you‘re enjoying it! 4y
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Elegance of the Hedgehog | Muriel Barbery
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This #litfortunecookie reminded me of the tagged book. It was my top read the year it was released, I‘m thinking maybe this is the universe telling me it‘s time for a reread. Living in the US myself, I could certainly use the “ability to meet life‘s situations” this week.

Would you like to play? @LibrarianRyan @Traci1 @howjessreads

jb72 I enjoyed that book as well. 4y
KVanRead This is one of all time favorite books ❤️ Thanks for playing 😊 4y
Megabooks Great choice! 4y
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Elegance of the Hedgehog | Muriel Barbery
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OMG. @madams421 I can‘t even! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I‘m set for weeks! I love the journals, library stamp (swoon), FIVE books, potpourri sachet and bookmark. Amazing!! @rsteve388 @Bookgoil


madams421 Hooray! Thank you so much for everything! ❤️ 4y
Paperback.Propensity That library kit is awesome! 4y
Bookgoil Ooo a library kit!!! 4y
Copwithabook That‘s a great haul!! Your partner knocked this swap out of the park! 4y
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#3books among the many others #atthebottomofmytbr . Heard they‘re all good reads but somehow I keep getting distracted by other books.

Cathythoughts I loved The Shadow , & the Hedgehog ... yes, so many books 👍🏻❤️ 4y
OriginalCyn620 📚👍🏻📚 4y
Blaire I loved elegance of the hedgehog and room with a view. 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Same with elegance of the hedgehog 🦔 4y
Ruthiella It‘s so easy to get distracted! 😀 4y
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Elegance of the Hedgehog | Muriel Barbery
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This book took me completely by surprise! It takes a bit to get into it but once you begin to understand the two characters, Renee and Paloma, you will love their quirky and original world.

wanderinglynn I loved this book! 💜 4y
LiteraryinPA Love this one! 4y
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#serendipity is when a book comes into your life that you didn‘t even know you needed and you have the #wherewithal to seize the moment
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

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#BiblioMAYnia Day 11: This is the last book I remember reading that was literally a #RippedYourHeartOut moment. Much as we try to render ourselves invisible, thinking that it is for the best, yet ultimately, we long for synchronicity borne out of truly seeing another. A kinship that blossoms out of a shared capturing of fleeting moments as they happen. This is a gem of a book. Hold it close to you. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-gcW

OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚😔 4y
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Well and truly late. Here's yesterday's post. I'll try to post today's later.

#7books7days Day 5

Books that made an impact on me, change how I think or will just never leave me (no explanation).

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Took me a while to get into this one, some complex subjects being talked about that I needed to read a few times to get my head around but some profound statements & ideas that get you thinking & contemplating. I hadn‘t realised how much I was getting attached to the characters, this began with the introduction of Ozu & the story feels like it‘s starting to move, had to pause when it stated Renee had died, wasn‘t expecting that & was devastated!

Elegance of the Hedgehog | Muriel Barbery
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I was loving it until the ending. I just wasn‘t prepared. 😭

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Has about one else found the current situation has infiltrated their brains? ... I‘m currently reading books thinking ‘that‘s not social distancing!‘ ‘They can‘t do that‘ ‘is that an essential journey?!?‘ ‘What do they think they are doing?!?‘ ... it‘s really starting to annoy me having to remind myself it‘s fiction and covid doesn‘t affect their world 😳🙄

britt_brooke Yes! 😆 4y
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#7days7books Day 3-books that left an impression on me
Thank you for the gift of this book @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Anyone want to share their 7?
@Deifio @Beatlefan129 @Enchanted_Bibliophile @ozma.of.oz

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks You‘re welcome!! 😘 4y
zezeki Love this one! 4y
Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @zezeki ❤️🦋🌺❤️ 4y
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“We have to live with the certainty that we‘ll get old and that won‘t look nice or be good or feel happy. And tell ourselves that it‘s now that matters: to build something, now, at any price, using all our strength. Always remember that there‘s a retirement home waiting somewhere and so we have to surpass ourselves ever day, make every day undying. Climb our own personal Everest and do it in such a way that every step is a little bit of eternity.”

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I absolutely loved this book! 😍 I wrote down so many quotes while I was reading this. 💚

The characters in this beautifully written novel are so diverse and interesting that it made me want to live in this building. I also enjoyed the format of alternating points of view between the concierge and the young girl, Paloma.

This was my #bookspin pick this month, @TheAromaofBooks and it also works for #ReadingEurope2020. @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB

BarbaraBB This book was the ultimate French nov for me! 4y
Librarybelle This is such a good book! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Great review!!! 4y
KarenUK Love this one! 💕 4y
Erica_W I loved this book! I haven't read it in years though. Maybe I should read it again! 4y
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Thanks for the tag @squirrelbrain - sorry it's late!

1. Tagged, from the French
2. I attempted to read The Picture of Dorian Gray in Spanish last year, but ended up just reading the English (it was a bilingual edition). So, No!

@TheSpineView #two4tuesday

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 🤩 4y
squirrelbrain 😁👍 4y
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I spent several hours today reading at one of my favorite spots. 💚

The plan was that we were going to clear some trees and brush from the property, but after a few hours work, I ditched my husband and nephew to do the work and I went off to read. 😁

Hooked_on_books I think you made a great choice! That looks so peaceful. 4y
Chelsea.Poole Gorgeous view! 4y
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I hope everyone is spending today doing something that makes your heart happy. 💚

The day is gorgeous, my windows are all open, I have two napping black kitties, and two little doggies burrowed under the blanket, and I'm thoroughly enjoying reading my #bookspin pick this month. 😻🐕

CareBear 😻😻😻 4y
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#satire for #jennyis30
#france for #readingeurope2020 @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB
#E for #litsyatoz @BookishMarginalia

3 🌟 & I'm probably being generous here - I don't get why many readers love this book, for me it was just an OK book.

Librarybelle I really loved this one, but not every book is for everyone. There are some books I cannot stand but yet are extremely popular. We all have different tastes! 4y
Prairiegirl_reading This was a book club pick for me. Probably one of the most divisive books we‘ve read and we‘ve been a group for very nearly 20 years. I DNF‘d as many did, some finished and hated it and other loved it. 4y
Jas16 I didn‘t really like this one either so you aren‘t alone. 4y
CarolynM I bailed on it. I didn't like it at all. 4y
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#weeklyforecast @Cinfhen #readingeurope2020 edition!

Finish Hedgehog for #France
Make progress on The Eighth Life for #Georgia (it's already better than my original book!)
Start Tattooist for #Poland (#doublespin number)

@Librarybelle @BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain @RachelO @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
Librarybelle Good luck! 4y
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BarbaraBB The Eight life must be so good I‘ve heard! 4y
rockpools I‘m so glad you‘re enjoying it! Looks like you‘re having a really good reading week. 4y
squirrelbrain It does mention the ‘many-named‘ man, but I‘m sure it‘s an easier read than your previous book! 4y
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#bookreport week 4/4/20 @Cinfhen

Finished The Breaker & The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet. Making slow progress on The Elegance of the Hedgehog.

At 4/6 books for #bfc28 @wanderinglynn . I manage to do quite well at the beginning of the week with the witchcraft, it tends to fall behind at the end!

wanderinglynn Great job! 🙌🏻 I loved Small Angry Planet & Hedgehog. 👍🏻👍🏻 4y
eraderneely Very blue week📘📘📘 4y
Cinfhen I agree; I had a good start to the week but midway I really started to lose my concentration 4y
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Elegance of the Hedgehog | Muriel Barbery

One of the most beautiful books I‘ve ever read!

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