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REBECCA | Daphne du Maurier's
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Rebecca | Daphne Du Maurier
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This was a fun poll! I haven‘t seen many, but they were memorable. 13 out of 50. Link to survey: https://www.listchallenges.com/litsy-afis-50-greatest-villains

1. Mrs. Danvers
2. Mr. Potter
3. Darth Vader


dabbe I find Mr. Potter way less sympathetic than Darth Vader! 😂 Thanks for playing and sharing! 🩶🧡🩶 2w
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Rebecca (Special) | Daphne Du Maurier
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1. No preference. I very rarely drink alcohol. Coffee and Diet Pepsi are my go to beverages.

2. I‘m picking Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier. I‘m generally stingy with a five star rating, but I‘ve read this three times now and am astonished every time by it.

Thank you for the tag @TheSpineView ! 😊

Would you like to play @The_Penniless_Author @Branwen @RaeLovesToRead @bthegood ?

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! Happy Tuesday 4w
RaeLovesToRead Thanks for the tag! 🥰 4w
bthegood Thanks for the tag - 🙂 4w
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Rebecca | Daphne Du Maurier
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Another classic I was so familiar with that I honestly thought I'd read it already - turns out that, the familiar tropes & ubiquitous opening line aside, Rebecca had a fair few surprises in stores for me! I really did enjoy this one! I am still thinking about it a few weeks later - who really was the villain of the piece here? Who was the victim? The writing is exquisite, the mood vaguely ominous, a darkness hovering just out of sight. Fabulous.

Cortg One of my faves for sure! 2mo
PurpleyPumpkin A favourite of mine as well!💜 2mo
Bookwomble I bailed! The writing is fantastic, but I found I didn't care about the characters or what happened to them. It's obviously a *me* thing as so many people love this book 🙂 2mo
Kaarin Love this one! 2mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Du Maurier
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This novel really drew me in! Lovely writing, slowly suspenseful, gothic undertones. I think I would read this one again at some point in the future.

#rebecca #classicliterature


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Rebecca | Daphne Du Maurier
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reading.rainb0w Awesome!!! 3mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Du Maurier
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I thought I should return to my reading of Rebecca, begun 5 months ago & paused 1 month ago at 38%, noticing my heavy feeling as I reached for it.

Du Maurier's writing is wonderful & atmospheric, & if it was all descriptive of the gothic Cornish environs in which she set her story, I'd be happy with that, but I don't give a fig* about any of the characters & really don't care how it ends (which I know, anyway, from film adaptations). So, 👋📔🚮

Bookwomble * I changed my original word choice to “fig“, then realised that this is probably a euphemism for that original word, looked it up to see that this is a misapprehension as it comes from “to give the fig“, an insulting Spanish gesture of placing the thumb between the second and third finger, so reminiscent of the British V-sign and American “bird“ gesture that, actually, I think I was right in the first place! So,🖕 (edited) 4mo
Readergrrl Wow, I‘ve learned something new this morning. Thank you!!! Can‘t wait to use and explain this! 4mo
RaeLovesToRead It's so good though! 🙃 4mo
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Bookwomble @Readergrrl We both learned it this morning 😁 4mo
Bookwomble @RaeLovesToRead I can't (and don't want to) deny the quality of the writing, nor Du Maurier's skill at inserting subtle metaphors and comments within her text, but I really couldn't give a flying fig about the characters and didn't want to spend any more time with them. I totally get why it's a loved book (Mrs B was 😳 when I said I was bailing!), it's just not one for me 😏 4mo
RaeLovesToRead Mrs Bookwomble should read the rest of it out to you while you sleep 🤣🤣 I jest. Yes. The characters were supposed to be like that. The MC doesn't even have a name. There is no one to root for. And still... vibes! 4mo
Bookwomble @RaeLovesToRead She's too busy knitting! 🧶I get what you're saying - I typically do struggle to stick with characters written as unlikable or unsympathetic, and your making me reflect on that. It's when the story is fictional but realistic about abuse that I struggle with unsympathetic characters - if it's more fantastic or if it's nonfiction I'm generally ok. 4mo
RaeLovesToRead Ask her to fill you in on what happens 😊 It's not a spoiler to say that no dragons appear. What I loved about Rebecca is that it's so morally grey and you can read it one of two ways or a mix of the two. 4mo
Bookwomble @RaeLovesToRead Hmm 🤔 I think I'm ok with closing the door on Manderley and not looking back.🚶‍♂️🚪🏚️ 😉 4mo
dabbe Sometimes you gotta just #hailthatbail and move on ... though the door on Manderley can only be closed figuratively because of 🔥. 😂 4mo
Bookwomble @dabbe And I'm not calling 911! 🚨🚒🔥 4mo
dabbe @Bookwomble 😂💦💦😂 4mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Dame Du Maurier
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#BookToScreen - I‘m already seeing the huge difference in the book vs this screen. He seems so much more loving and into her - a lot less red flags ❗. Like it makes me not feel like she was as nieve and young as she is in the book. of course I'm posting this as she just gets to Manderly.

rubyslippersreads Be sure to watch the Hitchcock version too. It‘s a classic. 4mo
ElizaMarie @rubyslippersreads Yes. I need to find it! I heard good things about that one :) 4mo
dabbe @rubyslippersreads That one's my favorite! And it's free on YouTube! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55NDx-QPWIU 4mo
ElizaMarie @dabbe thanks I am going to add it. 4mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Du Maurier
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Still catching up with reviews from the past weeks. I really enjoyed rereading this book, one of my favourites, with commentary from @BarkingMadRun and the #HashTagBrigade.

I also rewatched the classic Hitchcock adaptation recently and it was interesting comparing the book and movie.

#gottacatchemall @PuddleJumper (prompt 59. Mimiky: Re-read a favourite book)

PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 4mo
BarkingMadRead I‘ve never seen that cover before! So cool! 4mo
kwmg40 @BarkingMadRun This was the cover for the e-audiobook that I borrowed from the library. I thought I'd try audio for this reread. I also have a very old print copy, but the cover is a solid colour, so too boring to post! 4mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Dame Du Maurier
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April #wrapup

Some great books this month. I did a first read of Rebecca and I absolutely loved it. Why did I take so long to read it? Trejos Tacos was a delight. Some great stories and the recipes looked delicious. I highly recommend Mexikid if you like graphic novels and Book Girl was the worst of the month. Very repetitive in formation and repetitive with books and authors the author chose to highlight.

Rebecca (Special) | Daphne Du Maurier
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This was my first time reading this classic gothic story and I'm so glad I finally did! The writing is so atmospheric and descriptive, menacing and enthralling. The characters were awful in the best way. I think the chapter-a-day pace with the #hashtagbrigade was perfect and kept up the suspense. I could definitely see a reread in the future.
Thanks @BarkingMadRead for leading! #pemberlittens

BarkingMadRead I‘m glad you liked it! 5mo
Texreader Such a good book. I‘ve probably read it at least 8 times. 5mo
lazydaizee I admit that I have not read the book yet, but I have seen the film. 4mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Dame Du Maurier
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My #BookBracket2024

(I didn't read a graphic novel this past month -- wow I know -- so, just posting my novel one)

#HashtagBrigade #ChapterADay

Rebecca | Daphne Du Maurier
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It had been about ten years since I last read this book, and I was surprised at how many details/scenes had slipped my mind. While there are things about this book that I don't like, the writing somehow grips me every time, despite a third of it being the unnamed narrator's imagination instead of things that are actually happening. Creepy, suspenseful, twisty - this one is just SO good.

TheAromaofBooks Absolute delight to read with the #HashtagBrigade @BarkingMadRead - the daily memes/pictures/comments really added so much to my reread this time around!!

BarkingMadRead I am so glad you liked it! Your copy is 😍 5mo
TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead - Thank you!!! Can you believe I got it used for a dollar?? It has that delightful amount of age to it where the pages are all soft on the edges from being read so many times. It only has the original 1938 copyright in it. I don't THINK it's from that year, but it has to be close. LOVE old library editions. The date-stamp card in the back has check-out dates from 1947!! 5mo
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BarkingMadRead Ahhhhhhh that‘s so cool!! 5mo
IndoorDame A dollar!!!! Used books are amazing! And this one is stunning 🤩 5mo
AvidReader25 I love this book so much and your edition is gorgeous! I can‘t believe it was only a dollar! 5mo
lazydaizee That looks like an old book, is it a first edition? 4mo
TheAromaofBooks @lazydaizee - I'm not completely sure!! It only has the 1938 copyright in it. It's an old library discard, and some of the check-out dates are from 1947!! 4mo
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Rebecca | Virago, Daphne Du Maurier
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After finishing The Jane Austen Society by Natalie Jenner for April's #12MonthsOfJane immediately started rereading Bloomsbury Girls. I had forgotten that Daphne du Maurier makes appearance. Quite fun since I had just finished #HashtagBrigade read of Rebecca.

Favorite part of Rebecca is descriptions of tea & gardens @ Manderley. Don't actually like any of the main characters. But I still absolutely love the book.
@BarkingMadRead #PemberLittens

BarkingMadRead I haven‘t read that one! 5mo
Crinoline_Laphroaig @BarkingMadRead it picks up the story of Evie from 5mo
BarkingMadRead Ohhhhh I may have to get that one! 5mo
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BarkingMadRead I went to add it to my tbr and it‘s already there 🤣🤣 (edited) 5mo
Crinoline_Laphroaig @BarkingMadRead 😆 I'm enjoying rereading. Especially since Author's next book takes up a character from Bloomsbury Girls. I read ARC awhile back and I'm looking forward to audiobook of 5mo
BarkingMadRead I added that one as well. You are bad for my TBR 🤣 5mo
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Rebecca | Virago, Daphne Du Maurier
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Book 82/100 of the year.

Rebecca | Daphne Du Maurier
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Oh my gosh… this book is SO good! A Five-Star read for sure. Beautiful prose, compelling plot, secrets kept and revealed, masterful foreshadowing, and so atmospheric. Stunning.
Thank you for hosting this, @BarkingMadRead . 💖 I loved reading it with the #hashtagbrigade .
Now I can‘t wait to watch the movie - both the old and new versions.

BarkingMadRead I need to watch the movies as well 5mo
dabbe The old one with Olivier and Fontaine is in my top five movies of all time. 💙🩵💙 5mo
julieclair @dabbe I definitely need to watch that one. I watched the Netflix one last night, and all it did was annoy me. 😆 @BarkingMadRead 5mo
dabbe @julieclair It's free on YouTube! Here's the link:
julieclair @dabbe Oh yay!!! Thank you!!! 🎥🍿😀 5mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Dame Du Maurier
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@BarkingMadRead Thank you for adding me to this journey. I loved this book and having a group to discuss was so fun!

Picture of spring peeping through.

Rebecca | Daphne Dame Du Maurier
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@BarkingMadRead Thank you for taking us to Manderley this month! No matter how many times I read this I fall in love with it all over again! #hashtagbrigade #bookspin @TheAromaofBooks

BarkingMadRead Such a great book! 5mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
TheAromaofBooks Oooo what a fabulous final illustration! 5mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Du Maurier
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I just spent a month at Manderley…

This is a reread for me, and while I did not remember every twist and turn, I do remember the creepy vibes from this. It‘s a level of creepiness that slowly enfolds the reader and can make one shiver. That Mrs. Danvers…oh my! I loved it and am glad it was a #PemberLittens #HashtagBrigade read! #192025 #1938 #52BookClub24 #AnAbruptEnding

#Zeke #Vladimir #SebastianKitty #Xander #CatsOfLitsy

BarkingMadRead It was really creepy, esp Danvers! I don‘t remember that really bad scene from the first time! You‘d think it would stick, but it didn‘t 🤣 5mo
TheAromaofBooks Same!! It was a reread for me as well, but I was surprised at some of the scenes/details I'd forgotten. 5mo
Librarybelle @BarkingMadRead @TheAromaofBooks I know! Maybe it was Manderley‘s spell…we just could not remember all of the bad. 😂 5mo
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brittanyreads I really need to get around to this one! 5mo
Librarybelle @brittanyreads It‘s a good classic! 5mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🐾🐾🐾🖤 5mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Du Maurier
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I can‘t decide if I enjoyed or am frustrated by the way the book leaves certain things open to inference & interpretation.
Looking forward to discussing that ending tomorrow with #hashtagbrigade !!

TheBookHippie 😅 5mo
Ruthiella I love how it starts with the ending and you have to rethink everything when you get to the end-end. 5mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Du Maurier
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Add me to the list of those who just couldn‘t bear to stick with a chapter a day! WOW! I pretty much didn‘t see any of that coming, and yet it all made perfect sense. Du Maurier was a master. #PemberLittens #hashtagbrigade

REBECCA | Daphne du Maurier's
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My reactions to reading this in my teens and early 20s: what Gothic romance, oh, Byronic Maxim! Ah, love! I loathe Rebecca! #theylivedhappilyeverafter
My reactions as someone in her late 50s: The unreliable masochistic narrator is desperate for a father-like husband with the last name de WINTER (sterility, coldness) and a first name of Maxim (a rule of conduct) to be completely submissive to. But did I still love it? YES. #agirlcanstilldream

IndoorDame I still love it too!!! It‘s amazing how we‘re so willing to ignore the laundry list of things I‘d normally complain about and just get lost in the fantasy of it all 5mo
TheBookHippie 💯🎯 5mo
dabbe @IndoorDame The writing literally carries us all out to sea. 🤩😀🤗 5mo
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dabbe @TheBookHippie 🤩😀🤗 5mo
TheBookHippie @dabbe also after THEBROS this was REFRESHING 😂😂🤭😅 5mo
dabbe @TheBookHippie 💯🎯🤩 5mo
willaful I had a very similar reaction to My Cousin Rachel. My first read and my second read had miles apart reactions. I actually have a theory that MCR was intended as a response to Rebecca. 5mo
dabbe @willaful I've never read MCR; it's now on the TBR! 🤩 5mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Dame Du Maurier
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Rebecca | Daphne Du Maurier
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4✨ This book was a true work of art. Starting off with the pure symphony of descriptive writing. The twists and turns were amazing, and completely unexpected. This is one I‘ll need to read again because there is so much depth I‘m pretty sure I missed something. While I don‘t like the relationship or the fact that I know the narrators thoughts, but not her name was an interesting element. Definitely would recommend.

Ruthiella It‘s such a great book to read-read! The first time is so fantastic because of the twist and turns of the plot but on second reading you can concentrate on how Du Maurier lays the groundwork. 5mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Dame Du Maurier
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Reading and flipping between the Dodgers and the Rangers games this afternoon with a favorite little treat. Having an early #hyggehourreadathon as I‘ll be driving home later this evening from a weekend of pup sitting.

Chrissyreadit 💛💛💛💛💛 5mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Dame Du Maurier
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“It seemed incredible to me now that I had never understood. I wondered how many people there were in the world who suffered, and continued to suffer, because they could not break out from their own web of shyness and reserve, and in their blindness and folly built up a great distorted wall in front of them that hid the truth.“ #hashtagbrigade

Rebecca | Daphne Dame Du Maurier
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“It doesn't make for sanity, does it, living with the devil.” #hashtagbrigade

Rebecca | Daphne Dame Du Maurier
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Had a rough 3 days at work (4 deaths) I‘m exhausted caring for others and their grief. I need to do some productive things (which helps) and just process my own thoughts and feelings. Nursing is hard on you.

(Might add shopping to this - the car dealership is near target)🎯

Leftcoastzen Hugs to you. You definitely deserve some self care. 5mo
dabbe Yowza! Sending you hearts and hugs. 💚🤗💜🤗💚🤗 5mo
ElizaMarie @Leftcoastzen @Dabbe - Thanks! I ended up doing some retail therapy :) Bought some cozy loungewear from Target. And then napped. I didn't get the laundry done, but... I have all weekend. Working on “Inbox Zero“ now. 5mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Dame Du Maurier
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Enjoying the creepy people 👀

#pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade

Suzze One of my all-time favorite books 5mo
Tamra I enjoy creepy too. 🥹 5mo
IMASLOWREADER a favorite…glad you‘re enjoying it (edited) 5mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Du Maurier
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I am HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS of this costume suggestion Danny has provided. Did Rebecca always dress as this portrait? Or will Jan look like Rebecca when she is dressed up? It‘s too easy… something awful is going to happen. This is a long chapter! #hashtagbrigade

BarkingMadRead This was 💯 a set up, I‘m guessing because of rebecca? The reaction was awful! I felt so bad for Jan! 5mo
Clare-Dragonfly @BarkingMadRead It has to have something to do with Rebecca! She is the title of the book after all 😂 5mo
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly 🤣🤣🤣 5mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Dame Du Maurier
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“I watched this self who was not me at all and then smiled; a new, slow smile.” #hashtagbrigade

dabbe 💙🩵💙 5mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Dame Du Maurier
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“Then I heard a step behind me and turning round I saw Mrs Danvers. I shall never forget the expression on her face. Triumphant, gloating, excited in a strange unhealthy way. I felt very frightened.” #hashtagbrigade

Ruthiella This is one of the creepiest chapters. I felt like the nameless narrator was a mouse hypnotized by fear of the snake, Mrs. Danvers. 😱 5mo
IndoorDame @Ruthiella haha good description! 5mo
dabbe Lordy, what a pic of Danny! 😱 5mo
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IndoorDame @dabbe for reals! 😳 5mo
ElizaMarie Oooo so creepy!!! 5mo
IndoorDame @ElizaMarie I find this one to be the creepiest illustration! 5mo
ElizaMarie @IndoorDame it is! I would be terrified if i saw her roaming around. Your book copy looks so beautiful ❤️ 5mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Dame Du Maurier
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“For one desperate moment I thought that something had happened to my brain, that I was seeing back into Time, and looking upon the room as it used to be, before she died… In a minute Rebecca herself would come back into the room, sit down before the looking-glass, and she would see me too” #hashtagbrigade

TheBookHippie The illustration!!! 5mo
IndoorDame @TheBookHippie 💜💜💜 5mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Dame Du Maurier
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TheBookHippie 👀 5mo
Ruthiella Indeed! The plot just thickened. 🫢 5mo
BarkingMadRead Definitely got interesting all of a sudden! 5mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Dame Du Maurier
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“Oh, God, I thought, this is like two people in a play, in a moment the curtain will come down, we shall bow to the audience, and go off to our dressing-rooms.” #hashtagbrigade

BarkingMadRead That picture 😍 5mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Dame Du Maurier
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“And then I knew that the vanished scent upon the handkerchief was the same as the crushed white petals of the azaleas in the Happy Valley.”


dabbe 💚🩷💚 5mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Dame Du Maurier
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“…I had the odd, uneasy feeling that I might come upon something unawares, that I had no wish to see. Something that might harm me, that might be horrible. It was nonsense of course,”


TheBookHippie What fun pictures!! 5mo
IndoorDame @TheBookHippie the illustrator is D G Smith, I haven‘t found any other book projects he‘s worked on, but his insta is great! 5mo
dabbe Lovely pics! 💚🩷💚 5mo
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IndoorDame @dabbe 💜💜💜 5mo
BekaReid I definitely need to check out this edition! Loving the illustrations 5mo
IndoorDame @BekaReid it‘s a Folio. Usually I hunt down used classics, but I splurged on my editions of this and P&P! 5mo
BarkingMadRead Omg I am loving the illustrations! 5mo
IndoorDame @BarkingMadRead ❤️❤️❤️ 5mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Du Maurier
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TheBookHippie Finally my hold is in! I‘ll catch up -see you tomorrow ! 5mo
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IndoorDame For someone who was promised to be super forthcoming with her opinions I found Beatrice pretty cryptic. I think “not Rebecca” is a positive grade from the new SIL, but I definitely wouldn‘t be sure if I were in Jan‘s (super unfashionable) shoes 5mo
Bookwormjillk Frustrating chapter (but in a good way.) Tell us what you know Beatrice! 5mo
julieclair I like Beatrice and hope that she and Jan will become friends. And maybe Beatrice will also answer all of our (uh, I mean Jan‘s) questions! 🤞 5mo
Crinoline_Laphroaig Jan is such a child. I'm surprised she didn't hide under her bed. 🤦🏻‍♀️ 5mo
Clare-Dragonfly I like Beatrice! But I sure wish Jan would have asked her more questions. 5mo
Graciouswarriorprincess @Crinoline_Laphroaig lol! I agree but I like Beatrice. 5mo
willaful LOL at the pic! 5mo
ElizaMarie Beatrice holds all the answers! 5mo
dabbe And when “Maxim loses his temper once or twice a year ... --my God--he DOES lose it!“ #ruhroh 5mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Dame Du Maurier
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'Of course, she said, you know why he is marrying you, don't you? You haven't flattered yourself he‘s in love with you? The fact is that empty house got on his nerves to such an extent he nearly went off his head. He admitted as much before you came into the room. He just can't go on living there alone…‘

#hashtagbrigade I‘m curious what you guys think ⬇️

IndoorDame I‘ve never been able to decide in any of my readings if this quote is Mrs. Van H. screwing with her to be cruel because she didn‘t get her way and doesn‘t like that she didn‘t know something was going on between them, or if Max really said this because he‘s just that cold…? Both seem equally possible to me. 5mo
BarkingMadRead Ive always wavered on this. I don‘t know if it‘s in her personality to be kind 5mo
Roary47 My first time reader mind is Max is just lonely. He might not be a bad guy per se, but I don‘t think he‘s in love. 5mo
Ruthiella I think Maxim did say it because he knows the kind of woman Mrs. Hopper is and he knew saying it would keep the interview short. Whether he meant it is another story. I‘ll wait till we all get to the end to weigh in. 5mo
IndoorDame @Ruthiella oooh, layers upon layers. Another possibility. 5mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Dame Du Maurier
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Rebecca | Daphne Du Maurier
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@BarkingMadRead #HashtagBrigade instead of my usual #BoringKindle cover this month I‘m going with the audio version I already owned. The audio for this is kind of cool. There are subtle sound effects so every once in a while you hear a tea cup hitting a saucer or melancholy music. (Also has anyone watched this on Netflix?)

Mshookquilts It‘s on Netflix? I‘m going to have to go look. 5mo
TheBookHippie Not yet!! 5mo
rubyslippersreads Oooh, I see the audiobook is available on Hoopla. 5mo
mcctrish I meant to watch the Lily James one ages ago 5mo
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Rebeca / Rebecca | Daphne Du Maurier
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Here we go, April! 💚🩷💚

Mollyanna Rebecca is one of my favorites! 5mo
willaful @Mollyanna We're doing a buddy read of it for April, if you want to join. 5mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Enjoy!! 5mo
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dabbe @willaful 🤩 5mo
dabbe @TheAromaofBooks Thanks for hosting us! 💚🩷💚 5mo
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Rebeca / Rebecca | Daphne Du Maurier
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@TheSpineView (thanks for the tag ... you, too, @The_Penniless_Author)

1. The tagged, REBECCA. It been three decades since I've read this one, and I'm excited to revisit it. Also, I can't wait to see the movie after starring Laurence Olivier and Joan Fontaine.
2. Nope. I have too many to read as is! 😂

Play? @Catiewithac @TheLudicReader @ShelleyBooksie

TheSpineView Rebecca is a great book. Enjoy 5mo
dabbe @TheSpineView 🤩😃🤗 5mo
jamield1911 Such a good book! 5mo
dabbe @jamield1911 I'm loving the reread so far! 🤩😘🤗 5mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Dame Du Maurier
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“Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again.” #hashtagbrigade @BarkingMadRead

BarkingMadRead Beautiful 😍 6mo
Cathythoughts Lovely ♥️ 6mo
TheBookHippie Pretty!! 6mo
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Ruthiella Beautiful!😍 5mo
kezzlou85 Oh how beautiful 5mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
Gissy 😍 5mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Du Maurier

“We have both known fear, and loneliness, and very great distress. I suppose sooner or later in the life of everyone comes a moment of trial. We all of us have our particular devil who rides us and torments us, and we must give battle in the end”. #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade

Rebecca | Daphne Du Maurier
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Let‘s do this #hashtagbrigade Hoping this well loved copy makes it through the month. The pages feel like tissue paper at this point. Needless to say I‘ve read the old girl quite a few times. Always good each time! #pemberlittens

Clare-Dragonfly What are you knitting? 🧶 5mo
daena @Clare-Dragonfly I‘ve got a cardigan that I‘m desperately trying to finish the last sleeve on and a lace design shawl. Always too many projects at once! 5mo
Clare-Dragonfly Hahaha, I understand that! 😄 5mo
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Rebecca | Dame Daphne Du Maurier
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The very boring cover of my e-book cannot dim my excitement about re-reading Rebecca with the #HashtagBrigade this month! @BarkingMadRead

BarkingMadRead That‘s a bizarre cover! 6mo
julieclair @BarkingMadRead I know, right? Now I‘m going to be searching as I read for mentions of stripes! 😂🤪 6mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Dame Du Maurier
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I took a break from my chores to run down town to the bookstore for this one. Stopped into the used bookstore (never been in as they are never open when I walk by) and although they didn't have the book, I ended up chatting with the owner for almost 2 hours 😮. Ended up getting this copy at the regular bookstore 🩵🩷🩵 #HashTagBrigade

Avanders One of my all-time favorites! 6mo
ElizaMarie @Avanders I am excited to read it! I am behind the #ChapterADay for the #HashTagBrigade, but I anticipated not being able to read on work days and catching up on days off. 5mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Dame Du Maurier
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This is the edition that I will be reading from for the April #PemberLittens #HashtagBrigade pick. It is pretty but it‘s poorly bound, unfortunately - too tight to read comfortably, so buyers beware of Virago naked hardbacks.

BarkingMadRead Ughhhhhh I hate that 6mo
LeahBergen I find that, too, with these Virago hardcovers! It‘s a shame. 6mo
xicanti Boo to publishers who design books for people who don‘t actually want to open their books. 6mo
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IndoorDame So frustrating! 6mo
Kitta Oh no! It‘s so pretty though. 6mo
batsy That is most unfortunate for such pretty covers. 6mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Du Maurier
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I‘m very excited to go back to Manderley this month! I read Rebecca years ago and enjoyed it so much. Thanks to #PemberLittens #HashtagBrigade for enabling the revisit!

BarkingMadRead I‘m so excited! That‘s the copy I have as well! 6mo
daena I‘m excited to reread this too! I kept thinking that this one would be waiting for us after battling through the bros! 6mo
Librarybelle @daena Haha! Yes! A much different pace!!! 6mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 6mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Dame Du Maurier
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#hashtagbrigade I‘m super psyched to be starting this one with you all (and Cassandra) this morning! It‘s one of my all time favorites! I think this will be my third read. Revisiting Manderly seems like a great trip to take for my birthday month ❤️

BarkingMadRead It‘s my birthday month, too!!! Happy birthday month! 6mo
IndoorDame @BarkingMadRead same to you!!!!! ❤️ 6mo
5feet.of.fury Oooh! Pretty edition! 6mo
IndoorDame @5feet.of.fury thanks! It has a few spectacular illustrations that I‘ll share with you guys when they come up 6mo
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