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La llegada de los tres (La Torre Oscura II)
La llegada de los tres (La Torre Oscura II) | Stephen King
La llegada de los tres es el segundo volumen de la serie La Torre Oscura. Roland de Gilead deber encontrar a los integrantes de su ka-tet. Despus de enfrentarse con el hombre de negro al final de El pistolero, Roland se despierta febril y debilitado en una playa. Al caer la noche le atacan unos seres monstruosos que salen del mar. Para eludirlos, Roland puede huir de la playa por tres salidas, tres puertas. Todas le llevarn a Nueva York, pero en tres momentos distintos; adems, al otro lado de cada una de ellas Roland tendr que atraer a una persona. Necesita a estas tres personas para seguir adelante en su bsqueda de la Torre Oscura: en el ao 1987 encuentra a Eddie Dean, heroinmano desesperado; en 1964 a Odetta Holmes, la Dama de las Sombras, heredera afroamericana que perdi sus piernas en un accidente en el metro; finalmente, en 1977, da con Jack Mort, la propia muerte. Sern ellos los que formarn su ka-tet? Este volumen incluye una nueva introduccin del autor, adems de las ilustraciones originales de la edicin de Donald Grant de 1987. La crtica ha dicho... El xito de King es asombroso. Sus personajes, frescos. Su argumento, claramente dibujado, mgico. Daily Express
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Just like with book one, there is no slow start; it jumps right in. This is where Roland's quest truly begins and there is so much to sink your teeth into. We're getting to know Roland better. Still tough as nails, but with a little more feeling.

The only reason I gave it four stars instead of five is because the Odetta/Detta sections dragged on a little much, in Kings wordy fashion, but he redeemed himself after that.

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“And the Tower is closer.”

This is the story of how Roland meets Eddie and Susannah, who will accompany him on his quest to find The Tower. I loved the parts with Roland and Eddie, especially in the first half of the story. Nervous, suspicious, addict Eddie, who along with Roland himself has a deadly encounter with a drug kingpin that reminded me of a violent mob movie. A ton of fun to read.

Up next #readingStephenKing: Misery!! I‘m so excited!

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Saturday afternoon with my reading buddy 💤

#readingStephenKing #dogsoflitsy

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 4mo
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My first time reading it!! Just started it today. I‘m so excited to be on this journey 🙌🏻


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I think this book is one of my favorites in the series. Roland “draws” the three companions who will accompany him on his quest for the Dark Tower. Let‘s just say he has his hands full. Eddie Dean cracks me up and Odetta has a thing or two up her sleeve. #SeriesLove2023 @Andrew65 @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Well done! 2y
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I love The Drawing of the Three. Personally, I think the first part is among some of King‘s best writing in his career. The lobstrosities have haunted me ever since I first read it a few years ago, and they‘re still just as terrifying the second time around. I have complaints. Most of them revolve around Detta/Odetta. And I am disappointed that King abandons the ‘high fantasy‘ prose of The Gunslinger. But overall this book is really freaking good!

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Books finished last month included Skeleton Crew, It, Dark Tower II: The Drawing of the Three, Misery, The Tommyknockers, Bare Bones - Conversations on Terror, Nightmares in the Sky, and The Dark Half. My February pick for my #readingbracket2023 could be no other than Dark Tower II. As much as The Talisman delighted me with its unique plot and protagonist, ultimately the call of The Dark Tower won out when selecting a winner!

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Once again, I feel ill-equipped to review any book from a series I love as much as The Dark Tower. Roland's efforts to draw the Three prophesied to aid him in his continued quest to reach The Dark Tower are a gripping read. Filled with captivating tension, loving characterization, and further careful world-building, The Drawing of the Three remains a constant favorite in the volumes that comprise this series. Once again, Ka wills a 19/19.

TrishB Great pic 😁 a 19 indeed. 2y
TheNeverendingTBR "Johnny fucking cash." 2y
Pikathulhu @TheNeverendingTBR 😂 A novel approach to Trivial Pursuit! 2y
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BC_Dittemore I‘ve never seen that edition with that cover art. I like it. I love how there have been so many printings of King‘s books that the cover art is worth talking about just as much as the stories! 2y
Pikathulhu @BC_Dittemore Right? I feel like everyone has divided and varying feelings as to which covers - or even era of covers - they prefer! I know it's driven me crazy a couple times that the cover I own is my least favorite version! 2y
BC_Dittemore I can totally relate. My version of Night Shift is the plain cream colored one with just the text, and I‘m like I want the one with the eyes in the hand! 2y
Pikathulhu @BC_Dittemore Which itself is a reference to one of my favorite Night Shift stories - I get it! 2y
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This week I'm mostly reading

#king #darktower #series

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Tackle the TBR 🤓📚 #boleybooks #thedrawingofthethree #stephenking #bookbeast #bookjoy #bookbuds
What are you reading? 😊

Addison_Reads I just finished this for the second time. I'm working my way through the series again. 3y
BoleyBooks @Addison_Reads -this is my first time. I hope to complete the dark tower journey by the year‘s end. 🤓 3y
Addison_Reads @BoleyBooks I'm jealous that you're getting to experience it for the first time. I can't wait to see what you think. I'm starting The Waste Lands soon (Book 3). 3y
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#SeriesRead2022 @TheSpineView

This is my second read of this series and I'm surprised how much I had forgotten from this book. Roland is introduced to his ka-tet and we get a back story for Eddie Dean and the character who becomes Susannah Dean. Personally, I love the parts with Odetta/Detta. The contrast of the personalities really bring Susannah's character to life.

I'm excited to dive into the next book.

TheSpineView Hope you enjoy book 2. 3y
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And he‘s done it again 👏 this is a much more complete volume than the first. We learn more of Roland, and the ‘drawing‘ of the three.

This is vivid characterisation at its best - King writes of addiction and mental illness with devastating accurateness.

The back and forth between Roland‘s world and ours added an extra dimension to this book, meaning it wasn‘t quite as fantasy led as the first.

Long days and pleasant nights, stranger 👋

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All I know is what‘s past is past, and what‘s ahead is ahead. The second is ka, and takes care of itself.

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I‘m participating in a Dark Tower reading challenge on Facebook. It‘s difficult to stay at the slow pace they‘re using. This is my second time on The Dark Tower journey, but it‘s still difficult to read at a slow pace. It‘s a great series! #DarkTowerChallenge #2022 #StephenKing

HotMessJess You know I am a huge Stephen King fan and I haven‘t got through this series and I legit couldn‘t tell you why. 3y
Addison_Reads I'm taking the journey again with the Facebook group too. 3y
deeannloso @HotMessJess You should really try again. It‘s a great series. The Gunslinger is a bit slow but I breezed through the rest. 😊 3y
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deeannloso @Addison_Reads Awesome! I‘ll look for you. 😊 3y
TH3F4LC0N I read The Dark Tower just last year! Really fun journey! 😄 3y
deeannloso @TH3F4LC0N Definitely! 3y
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I'm thoroughly enjoying my re-read of the series, like i said it's been years since I've re-read it and it feels like I'm rediscovering it.

It's so detailed, like every time i read it I'm always noticing something else - that i missed on my last read.

The Drawing of the Three is top rated.

Check out my Goodreads for the full review. 🙋‍♂️

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Part of my #stephenkinglonghaul re-read! Slightly out of order, I was supposed to read Christine next! I just love this series so much 😍

vivastory One of my favorites of all time 3y
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September wrap up … 9 favorites!

The entire Dark Tower series by Stephen King! 🖤

Five ARCs that I loved!! #NetGalley 🤗

New Agent Pendergast!! 🖤

A Doctor Who novel and Bath Haus 😳

All 5⭐️ reads! 😁

Bookwormjillk Wow, you read the entire Dark Tower series in a month? Very impressed 👍 3y
Twainy @Bookwormjillk YESSS! It‘s a great series. I didn‘t read a ton of books last month but I read some really good ones!! That series was a challenge but I loved it. I have several series rereads planned in the next year, Hitchhiker‘s Guide, The Expanse, Dresden, Iron Druid …. 😁🖤 3y
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🎧 I It starts with a recap of The Gunslinger & ends with a short summary of the books to come.

Maybe my favorite DT book.

We meet Eddie, a junkie mule & Odetta, an amnesiac heiress. CHARACTER GROWTH!

We also hear about bad guys Jack Mort, Henry, Detta, Walter, Balazar, Flagg. Lost count of the call backs & even a comparison made to The Terminator.

Roland collects 2 more gunslingers on his way to the dark tower. Eddie & Susannah.


Trashcanman It's my favorite DT book too! 3y
Bookwormjillk I think it‘s my favorite too 3y
Twainy @Bookwormjillk @Trashcanman because you two have good taste in books 🤗 🙌 3y
Jari-chan To me the series gets better with every book (so far) 😄 3y
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Halfway through this one. I‘m really enjoying it. I definitely think it‘s better than The Gunslinger but it has a totally different vibe to it. It‘s been a lot of fun reading and a lot of fun talking to my boss about it, since he got me started on this series. Also, here‘s my face, since the last couple weeks have been excruciating and this was the first day in awhile that I felt completely like myself.

deeannloso My favorite of The Dark Tower series. 3y
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I‘m making my way through a re-read of this series, and the second book continues to be my favorite.

Sleepswithbooks I‘m working on book 5 now 😁 3y
Libby1 My favourite of the series! 3y
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Reading and watching the storm in the brief break between kids sports.

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5🌟 I am so happy to be on this journey again. I read through these all long ago, and I have forgotten so much. Not to mention, there is new perspective considering I know where the journey leads. If anything, this is even better as a reread.

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For this year I promised myself to finally read this series. This is book #2 and I enjoy it more than the first. Is amazing the universe that King create.

TrishB They are all better than the first 👍🏻 4y
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After dragging myself through the Gunslinger I was hedging all my bets on this book blowing me away because as a SK fan I want to love this series ..... and im happy to say my horse came home. I frigging love this book.

From the first few chapters I was pulled in, engrossed and my goodness this book is a world away from the Gunslinger.

Really really enjoyed this one and looking forward to continuing the .

CuriousG I really disliked The Gunslinger (and read on and loved the rest of the series.) Then I read it again after I finished The Dark Tower and absolutely loved it. Enjoy the rest of the series! 4y
Michellesibs @CuriousG Ahhh maybe when I get to the end I shall give Gunslinger another go, thank you! 4y
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I'm so glad the #ProgressItNovember #readathon has motivated me to get back to the Dark Tower series. I liked but didn't love the first book; however, this one has gotten me totally hooked. It was scary, disturbing and funny at the same time, and the characters (including the wonderful lobstrocities) were great!


Andrew65 They get better as they go along. 4y
kwmg40 @Andrew65 Happy to hear that! 4y
Andrew65 Didn‘t know there was a film of it. 4y
kwmg40 @Andrew65 Seems like it had gotten mixed reviews, but it would be interesting to see in any case. I should finish the novels first, though! 4y
Andrew65 @kwmg40 Yes, I‘d agree with that. 4y
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This book rocked.

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And there‘s #doublespin done!
This wasn‘t my favorite. I‘m having a hard time with the dark tower series. It took almost 200 pages for me to start to get into this and it was easy to put down. I know people love this series so I‘m hoping I can get invested eventually.
+6 for #teamslaughter

Amiable If you aren‘t all that invested in the series by this book, you may not be by the end. I loved the first few books but really struggled to get through the last couple. 4y
MidnightBookGirl So, I am not a fan of book one, but Drawing of the Three was a book I loved... I think if that one didn't hook you, than the series won't improve for you. I love King, but DT is not my favorite. To borrow a phrase from the first book: Go the, there are other books than these. 😉 4y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 4y
Hestapleton @MidnightBookGirl I‘m working on reading King‘s full bibliography in publication order so I guess Dark Tower is going to be a rough ride for me 😂 4y
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Here is my #scarathlon TBR for #teamslaughter! It also doubles as my #bookspinbingo list for October, with a few blanks spaces depending on how my September reading goes.

Clwojick Great list! 🧡 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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Nope nope nope. No. No. Nay Nay good sir, Nay Nay!!!

I hated this entire book. My best friend is lucky I love her. There was so much unnecessary filler and hated everyone of the characters and it was boring, so boring. We are taking a breaking from the series since I am not enjoying it. I will say book 1 was way more enjoyable than book 2.

Sweetkokoro @TheAromaofBooks another free slot on my #bookspinbingo board 4y
llcoolnate Try reading Under the Dome haha 4y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress though! 4y
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Sweetkokoro @llcoolnate No no my friend, I will not haha. 4y
llcoolnate @Sweetkokoro 😂 😂😂 4y
DAB 😂 4y
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I‘m about 45% through this book and I hate everything so far. It‘s so much stuff for so little pay off. And I hate Eddie and everything about his story arc and Roland hasn‘t done much to make me change my mind about him still.

Eyelit Might be time to set it aside? 4y
Sweetkokoro @Eyelit If I wasn‘t buddy reading it, then yes. But I promised my best friend... so here I am..I‘m too loyal to her lol 4y
book_em_danno I think I liked 1 book out of the series, very disappointing 4y
GrilledCheeseSamurai Awww. That's too bad. I loooooove this series. 😅🤷‍♂️. To be fair...and I know it counts for not much at all...but the characters...they have so much growing to do yet. Who they are now is not at all who they become. That doesn't help you much right now though so.... 4y
Sweetkokoro @GrilledCheeseSamurai That‘s the same thing my best friend keeps telling me. And I‘m going to stick it out and read the whole series with her. But yah I‘m just not liking anything about this book. I actually enjoyed The Gunslinger more (until the end lol) 4y
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1.) The Drawing of the Three reminds me of the ocean because of the lobstrosities. 🦀

2.) We discovered some very good charity shops for books this week and also got 50% off at Wagamama's 😂

3.) First one that comes to mind is, Cortez the Killer by Neil Young. 💛

#thoughtfulthursday @MoonWitch94

MoonWitch94 Good song choice! 🌞 4y
TheNeverendingTBR @MoonWitch94 One I play on repeat! ✅ 4y
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Just crushed book one and two of The a Dark Tower Series via audiobooks, and I am OBSESSED. Sooo grateful for the solid nudge in the right direction from a dear friend and fellow King-obsessed-human. 😍📖🤯 #bookswithbohemianyogini #currentlyreading

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In celebration of Stephen King's newest release, If It Bleeds, i'm ranking/reviewing all ten books of his that I've read.

7. Drawing of Three
A contraversial choice, putting book 2 so low, but in my opinion, King's meandering passages don't mesh with a breathless, edge of your seat pacing such as this. Still a good book, though.

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Finished up the last of this audiobook on our walk today, hence the dog tongue hanging out. Lol. Have read this in print and listened, and think I actually like the audio version better. And for anyone who has read the Gunslinger but is not sure if they want to continue, this is definitely better than book 1

Bry I agree! I just finished book 6 but I think The Drawing of the Three is my favourite so far. 5y
CuriousG @bry I've read the whole series and have a hard time picking a favourite, but this one is definitely up there! 5y
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Listening to audiobooks while cleaning the old house for the last time...and simultaneously worrying about how long it might sit on the market given what is happening right now.

Anyone looking for a place with a huge yard, overlooking a creek, to self-isolate in? Nice small town in Southwestern Ontario.

Come-read-with-me It looks beautiful! Someone will be so lucky to buy it! 5y
CuriousG @Come-read-with-me I'm biased, but I think the house is amazing. Only reason I moved was because an injury of my husband's made it necessary to have a smaller, one storey home 5y
Come-read-with-me @CuriousG Oh that‘s so hard - I hope he‘s doing better. I do love the openness of the rooms. Looks so light and airy! 5y
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janeycanuck Which small town? I grew up in St. Marys! Always lovely to discover someone from SWO on Litsy 😊 4y
CuriousG @janeycanuck St Marys is so close! This house is in Mitchell. I grew up in Milverton though. Can't believe I ran into another person familiar with Perth County (aside from those who just know the Stratford Festival) 😊 4y
janeycanuck @CuriousG We‘re practically neighbours! I‘m in Guelph now but my parents are still in St Marys. And I went to St. Mike‘s so had several classmates from Mitchell. Small world! 4y
CuriousG @janeycanuck I'm a Northwestern girl myself, so we practically were neighbours! Lol 4y
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Didn't get any sit down time today to read, but took advantage of the basement cleaning time to listen to some Stephen King

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Welcome to the #LosersClub open discussion for #TheDrawingoftheThree!

Please be mindful of spoilers. We have new readers to King who haven‘t read all of his books. When referencing his other work, please keep this in mind for our new-to-King friends. Don‘t forget to tag each other in the comments so your friends can see your reply. Have fun!

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Oh #losersclub, I am sorry. I completely forgot about this! Discussion for the tagged book starts NOW! there was an #epickatet read last year, so even if you didn‘t read it this month, please feel free to join in. Open discussion is in the FOLLOWING POST marked as a SPOILER. Find the post for #TDOTT & tap "show me" on the spoiler tag to join in the discussion. The post will always be up so just tag any of us & we‘ll jump in to discuss with you.

Soubhiville @DGRachel you can pull me from the tag list if you want to. I am unlikely to read much King at this point. Thanks for keeping this going though! 5y
DGRachel @Soubhiville I can take you off the list if that‘s what you want. I don‘t want to spam your feed. But if you want to stay on, I copy/paste the list, so it doesn‘t take me any longer to tag you than it would to skip you. 😘 I won‘t be offended either way, but let me know if removing you is what you really want. 5y
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That moment when you finish one audiobook, and then discover that the next one in the series isn't available for WEEKS! 😭😭😭

Trashcanman Best book series ever! 5y
jlabombard10315 I'm so sucked into it that I don't want to wait 16 weeks until a copy is available! So I'm trying to quickly finish one of my other books I'm reading so I can move on to this one! 5y
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Appreciating the fact that I have a lot of office work to do tonight so I can keep listening! 🎧

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This month‘s book is the second of King‘s The Dark Tower series: #DrawingoftheThree! Grab your copy and check back around February 18th for open discussion! #LosersClub #StephenKing #StephenKingInOrder #KingFromTheBeginning #ConstantReader #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #BookDiscussion #ghosthostpost

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Happy Saturday Littens! Nothing like a cup of pour over and a book to start the day. A little peace and me time before all the stuff that has to get done today. Thanks to a migraine, I totally missed my 1 year Litsy-versary yesterday! This still is my favorite corner of the internet. Here‘s to many more years 💜

TheAromaofBooks Congratulations!!! ❤ 5y
tessavi Happy Litsyversary! 5y
Trashcanman Where you at? 5y
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RvnclawWhovian @Trashcanman handling some personal stuff. Thanks for checking in on me, means a lot 💜 5y
Crazeedi Everything ok with you? Thinking of you today 💕 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I sent you a card, but I put the wrong city and state on it!!! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ 4y
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Just a reminder that January‘s #losersclub read is #DrawingoftheThree! Put your library holds in now, search your shelves, or buy a new copy, and check back on or about January 18th when we begin reading this one. Discussion will be in February. #TDOTT #StephenKing #StephenKingInOrder #KingFromTheBeginning #ConstantReader #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #BookDiscussion #DarkTower #BookTwo
I'll post the 2020 schedule soon. I need to do the graphic still! 😱

BookwormAHN This book is nuts but I'm looking forward to the reread. 5y
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JulAnna Happy New Year @DGRachel 😊 Do you have the 2020 LosersClub schedule yet? I am working on my 2020 goals 🤓 5y
DGRachel @JulAnna I haven't done the official 2020-only graphic yet, but if you search for #losersclubforever, you should be able to pull up the full schedule as of the date @TricksyTails created the buddy read. Save a print screen to your phone or tablet and you can pinch/zoom. I will try to get the graphic done today, but I can't promise that I'll get to it. And actually - I've just done that and I'll post an “ugly“ list. Give me about 5 minutes. 5y
JulAnna Thanks, that worked perfectly—I should have tried that first before I bothered you about it! 5y
DGRachel @JulAnna No worries! I'm happy to help, I'm just a little behind with, well...everything. 😭 Post is now up with a slightly blurry copy of the 2020 schedule. 5y
GHABI4ROSES Are you all currently reading the Dark Tower books? I want to read along, I want to start #4! Thanks! 5y
DGRachel @GHABI4ROSES The group is actually reading all of King‘s books in publication order. Dark Tower #4 is slated for April 2021. I can add you to the group tags if you‘d like. Just let me know. 😊 5y
GHABI4ROSES PLEASE add me! I LOVE THIS IDEA. There is nobody like King. What is set for April 2020? How far in advance do we get notice! Thank you! 5y
GHABI4ROSES And you are a Pittie Mom, @DGRachel ? I definitely came to the right place! 5y
GHABI4ROSES Thanks for all this work, @DGRachel ; so far, it looks like I am caught up, so however far in advance you post the books, I will look and pick up there. Yay! 5y
DGRachel @GHABI4ROSES I‘ve added you to the list. I‘ll go find the 2020 schedule post and the full schedule post and tag you in both. I try to post about the next book the day after the discussion post for the previous book, but as I don‘t read most of these, I tend to forget and post a little late. 5y
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Moving on to book two in my The Dark Tower re-read. 🦞

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So much better than the first book in the Dark Tower series!

After reading the Gunslinger, I was hesitant to continue on if I‘m being honest - I was bored at times, confused, and not clear where this book was headed.

But with his second book, Stephen King grabbed my interest all over again!

Roland enters three doorways, encountering three very different people at very vital times. I loved all the character details in this book! What a journey!

Karkar Woo hoo glad you liked the next one!! 5y
BookwormM Loved this series 5y
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Newest audiobook!

Only about 25% after my run this afternoon and I‘m already more engaged than I was with the Gunslinger. I think this is going to be a better one for sure!

Kaila-ann I love this series ❤️! 5y
jb72 Great series. I‘m on book 4. 5y
ElizaMarie I haven‘t read this one yet, it‘s promising to hear that you are liking it (edited) 5y
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My air-carriage has arrived (2.5 hours late). Or sky-carriage, depending on the page.

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After a horrendous week, now my flight is delayed. I don't usually drink before flying, because I hate using the bathroom in a plane, but I need it tonight. It took me a while to get into this book, but now I'm actually liking it better than Dark Tower I. Hopefully JetBlue is able to get me to Minnesota eventually...

Redwritinghood Good luck! 🤞🏻🤞🏻 5y
Megabooks Ugh! Frustrating! 5y
Eyelit Hope the weekend gets better! 5y
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