Believe it or not, February is almost over!! Which means it's time to start posting #BookSpin lists for March!! A few notes -
1. Your list of 20 is whatever you want it to be: Kindle books, audiobooks, physical books, old books, new books, books you own, books you wish you own, literally whatever!
2. If you participated last month, you can either create an entirely new list, just add replacement(s) for the book(s) you read ⬇
3. PLEASE tag me with your list and then ALSO tag me when you review! Each review is an entry for a giveaway, but I do not always have time to go through the #bookspin tag to find them.
4. If you reviewed a #bookspin or #doublespin book this month & I didn't comment on it, please tag me again - I may have missed someone!! ⬇ 5y
5. I draw two numbers each month, but there is NO pressure to read both. Some people just enjoy the challenge of the 2nd number aka #doublespin
6. I'm tagging everyone who posted a list last month. Let me know if you don't want to be tagged any more, no hard feelings. Posting a list automatically gets you added to the tag list for next month. ⬇ 5y
7. Thank you all so much for reading this whole long thing, for participating, and for adding loads of books to my TBR with your awesome reviews this month!! Feel free to share - everyone is welcome to join. 5y