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Joined August 2016

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This book is really lovely so far...

ClairesReads I‘m really really looking forward to this one 6y
mklong Me too! It will be a couple weeks before Book Depository can get it across the ocean to me though, so I‘ll try to be patient 6y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Oh wow - stacked!! 6y
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ns510reads This sounds amazing! 😍 6y
DreesReads You‘re back on Litsy! Hope everything is ok. I am still slowly plugging away at 192019. 6y
Izai.Amorim I hope you‘re well. Greetings. 5y
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The Mars Room: A Novel | Rachel Kushner
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This year‘s Man Booker longlist is out!

#manbooker2018 #manbookerprize

JenP What do you think? 6y
Hooked_on_books Thanks for posting! I actually have an ARC of Washington Black. Now I‘m even more excited to read it! 6y
Marchpane @JenP a few of these were on my TBR but I haven‘t read any of them yet so it‘s hard to comment! But overall I think it‘s a really exciting list - great mix of genres and highlighting some unknowns. I‘m keen to read all of them 😄 6y
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Marchpane @Hooked_on_books lucky you! I‘ve requested it but don‘t like my chances - being in Australia is an automatic No a lot of the time 😔 6y
JenP @Marchpane yes, I‘m excited about the list. I own 5 of them but haven‘t read any yet (edited) 6y
Booksnchill Thanks for posting- lots of unknown works for me but that makes it more exciting- about to read Warlight 6y
Lindy I‘m happy to see that a couple of Canadians made the list. I‘ve been looking forward to the newest books by Edugyan and Ondaatje. 😁 6y
BarbaraBB @Marchpane @jenp I haven‘t read one either... I just posted about how busy I will be these coming months! Looking forward to sharing thoughts here! 6y
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New short story collection from N.K. Jemisin out in November!!

tournevis I cannot wait! 6y
readordierachel So excited! 6y
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When Katie Met Cassidy | Camille Perri
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JennyM Oh wow! Oops!!!! 6y
ephemeralwaltz 😱😱😱😱 6y
MicheleinPhilly I still don‘t understand how stuff like this happens. 6y
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Dogearedcopy What‘s even stranger is that the cover for ‘Kismet‘ is completely different when you look it up on AMZN! 6y
Purrfectpages Kismet does have a few different covers, but there‘s another cover from a few years ago I saw even more than this. I‘ll have to see if I can remember it. 6y
BarbaraBB Weird.....! 6y
sarahs.thoughts.on.books Just saw this for a pair of romance novels. 6y
sarahs.thoughts.on.books Ugh, and now I can't figure out the second book. Or because it was ebook only, and if was a pre-order, they are giving it a new cover, because other ppl noticed 6y
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Flames | Robbie Arnott
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Well, this was wonderful. Lots of magical realism, but done right. It's not twee but elemental and a bit fearsome.

The book plays with different styles, and while these are well-executed, a couple of comedic sections did 'break the spell' a bit. The second half is more consistent in tone, and as a result feels more powerful.

Robbie Arnott has invented his own mythology which is wholly original and yet feels timeless and endemic to Tasmania.

BarbaraBB Hey, you‘re back. That‘s nice! 💕 6y
Marchpane @BarbaraBB Yep! Helloooo 👋☺️ 6y
oonaghmoon Sounds interesting. I really enjoy magical realism too when done right 6y
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MicheleinPhilly 👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼 Whenever I “see” you on GR I think, “I haven‘t seen her on Litsy in a bit.” Glad you‘re back. 6y
batsy Nice to see you back on Litsy :) 6y
mabell Nice to see you back @Marchpane ! 👋 6y
RohitSawant Great to see you back! 6y
LeahBergen Hellooo!! 👋🏻 6y
CarolynM Welcome back, I've missed seeing your posts.👋 6y
JennyM Hello, welcome back!! 😘 6y
AceOnRoam Welcome back to Litsy 🖑🖑 6y
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Red Clocks: A Novel | Leni Zumas
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A very enjoyable read BUT not as speculative or as political as you might expect. It doesn't attempt to grapple with the broader societal consequences of criminalising abortion - but rather concentrates on just a handful of characters & their experiences.

With storylines covering marriage, pregnancy and adoption, this book is not too far from being straight up contemporary women's fiction. A good, thought-provoking read.

Marchpane Also, why do authors seem to forget that contraception is a thing that exists? At least mention it? 7y
catiewithac How disappointing that it‘s not more political! 😕 7y
Marchpane @catiewithac yeah a little disappointing but not really the book's fault 🤷🏼‍♀️. I mean, obviously that undercurrent is there, but it's more subtle. 7y
minkyb Enjoyed this review. 7y
Marchpane @minkyb thank you! 😊 7y
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Thanks for tagging me @Lizpixie !

1. Bed!
2. Neither - I don't mark my place
3. End of a chapter or whenever I fall asleep
4. Nope, my tea just goes cold if I try
5. Nope
6. One, I have reverted to book monogamy
7. Everywhere!
8. Silently, unless reading to kids (I like doing funny voices)
9. Must. Read. Every. Word.
10. Keep it shiny and new
11. NO! Not even the ones you're *supposed* to write in 🙄
12. @Sue

Marchpane I feel like these answers reveal quite a lot about my personality actually 🤓 7y
SandyW Book monogamy- I like that! I usually chip to the fact that I get confused if I try to read too many books at once m 7y
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Educated: A Memoir | Tara Westover
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Quite a fascinating memoir about the author's childhood growing up in a family that shuns formal schooling and modern medicine, only to experience a shift in worldview when she took herself off to college at seventeen.

Really gripping in the first half, the book becomes a more emotional piece about family dynamics towards the end. 3.5 stars ✨

COLearyDavidson Just got this! Look forward to reading it. 6y
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Cheetos | Joel Jerome
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@readinginthedark behold the Cheezels! And the traditional method of eating them 😂

[pic is from the advertising agency]

TobeyTheScavengerMonk My life has been incomplete until now. 7y
Marchpane @TobeyTheScavengerMonk Australia's finest culinary achievement 👌 7y
Sue @Marchpane I would argue that fairy bread is Australia's finest culinary achievement, but the cheezel is certainly a close second 😂 7y
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Marchpane @Sue no birthday party is complete without fairy bread and cheezels 🎉 7y
rockpools @sue @Marchpane I won't rest til I know what fairy bread is now... 7y
CarolynM I know it's unpatriotic but I don't like cheeses. Bring back chicken twisties! 7y
Hornsby78 WAIT A MINUTE. WAIT JUST ONE MINUTE. Didn't Golden Flake or Cheetos make a cheesy puff like this in the late 80s or 90s? I remember eating them off of my fingers like this. Off to Google... 7y
Hornsby78 Not finding anything but I could have sworn... 7y
Marchpane @CarolynM chicken twisties still exist!! Don't scare me like that... 7y
CarolynM Do they? I haven't seen them for years. Maybe I just haven't looked. 7y
Marchpane @CarolynM I checked my Woolworths app just to be sure 😂 7y
rockpools @Marchpane Genius! Thank you - we definitely missed out in this part of the world! 7y
kalinichta @Marchpane Fairy bread is not unlike the sugar sandwiches I used to make for myself when I was a kid. I really missed a trick but not thinking to use butter. 7y
readinginthedark I‘m with @TobeyTheScavengerMonk ! I want the Cheezels!!! Are they more puffy or crunchy? 7y
Marchpane @readinginthedark mmm, I would say puffy? But still quite crisp 🤷🏼‍♀️ 7y
batsy @readinginthedark You definitely need them in your life! @Marchpane We've had Cheezels in Malaysia forever, I didn't know where it came from. Well done, Australia! 😆🧀 7y
BarbaraBB @Hornsby78 You are right! We still have them in the Netherlands! https://www.holland-at-home.com/en/smiths-nibb-it-rings.html 7y
Hornsby78 @BarbaraBB You do not know how vindicated I feel. Thank you for proving my memory correct. 😂 7y
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This book is short - just five stories - but tardis-like it seems so much bigger on the inside.

Each story feels like a novel that's been honed and honed down to its bare essentials but somehow still conveys the whole experience.

My first Denis Johnson was sadly his last. I definitely want to go back and read his earlier work now.

susanw This cover reminds me of (edited) 7y
ReadingEnvy I love this cover! 7y
Marchpane @susanw it does look similar! They're both great 👍 7y
Marchpane @ReadingEnvy it's funny because the other book I'm reading has a pencil on the cover and pencil shavings are mentioned! 7y
TommieMarie74 Great review! 7y
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It's Saturday here but gonna #Friyayintro anyway!

1️⃣neither? As an Aussie I'm required to say... CHEEZELS!
2️⃣The Largesse of the Sea Maiden by Denis Johnson
3️⃣Some furniture assembly and trying to beat the summer heat 🌞
4️⃣Every language

Happy weekend! 😘😘

KerriNTurner Yes for Cheezels! 👍🏻 7y
minkyb Cheezels sound yummy! 7y
readinginthedark Cheezels? Is that a different brand of something similar? 7y
Marchpane @readinginthedark I'm pretty sure they are similar in taste and texture but Cheezels are ring-shaped. 7y
readinginthedark Oh fun! Now I want to try them! 7y
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I didn't read many short story collections this year, but these three were AMAZING (although none of them were actually published this year 🤷🏼‍♀️)


BookNAround The Redemption of Galen Pike has a terrible cover but I agree it was an amazing collection. (edited) 7y
RedbagReadbooks @Marchpane I would also recommend the accusation by bandi. This was by far my favorite short story collection of the year along with Galen pike. Bandi‘s collection had me at tears at times. And prior to Litsy and this year I had never read a short story collection. 7y
vivastory @Themadhatter Adding to my TBR! 7y
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Marchpane @Themadhatter Thank you! I will definitely check that out (if it is up there with Galen Pike it must be good!) 7y
Marchpane @BookNAround yeah I have to agree that cover is kind of off putting 😝 7y
Tamra Totally with you on Davies. It was my favorite read of 2017. 7y
ReadingEnvy I loved the Davies. 7y
Lindy @ReadingEnvy Me three on the Carys Davies. 7y
Wbabdullah Please tell me about the Bradbury one—I was thinking to reread Fahrenheit 451 this year. I love sci fi and Dystopian lit—how‘s this one compare? 7y
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The Gene: An Intimate History | Siddhartha Mukherjee
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My favourite Non-Fiction reads of the year 🙌


Conservio Oh look at that... 4 more books going on my TBR 7y
8leagueboot Venom looks wiiild (no pun intended). 7y
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Stressbusters | Nan Walker
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Take some time out to de-stress!

Mommamanzi 100% me right now. 7y
CoffeeCatsBooks Doing that right now! 7y
AmyG Yep 7y
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saresmoore Totes. 7y
Leniverse Yes. 😂 7y
PenguinInFlight Same!! 🙌🏻❤️ 7y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Guilty😊 7y
2BR02B I do believe it still counts as "going to the gym" if you just sit in the parking lot reading once you get there. 7y
Jaimelire True! 7y
SandyW @2BR02B 😂😂😂 7y
diovival Yes! 🤣 7y
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When Darkness Falls | John Bodey
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#MyYearInBooks #Goodreads

Love seeing the Goodreads infographic each year - even if the year's not over! Only 2 people read When Darkness Falls and somehow both of them are me??

Blaire I love it too, but always wish it came out on the 31st, since I tend to pack in a lot of reading between Christmas and new year‘s. It does update tho so I try to check it again on the 31st. 7y
DreesReads 58k pages, wow!! 7y
Jhullie Can you find this on the phone app or just the computer? 7y
Marchpane @Jhullie if I use a web link on my phone, it prompts me to open the app and that seems to work. Try this: https://www.goodreads.com/user/year_in_books/2017 7y
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Not book related but I wanted to share this pic from my morning walk - made getting out of bed worth it!

Gezemice Wow! 7y
readordierachel What a view! 7y
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dariazeoli Lovely! ⭐️ 7y
PrezBookster Wow soo beautiful! 7y
silentrequiem Wow! That's gorgeous 7y
SassyBookworm Beautiful!!! 7y
MiyakoBunny Makes my introverted self want to take a walk too 😍 7y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Celestial!!! 7y
RohitSawant Wonderful! 😍 7y
BookMaven407 Wow! That is stunning! 7y
BookishTrish Wowza! 7y
LeahBergen Beautiful 💕 7y
Kalalalatja 😍😍😍 very lovely! 7y
TrishB Gorgeous ❤️ 7y
mrp27 😍😍😍 7y
Izai.Amorim Cool! 😍 7y
batsy Gosh that's lovely! 7y
rockpools Beautiful! 7y
AmyG That's beautiful. 7y
GatheringBooks that is absolutely glorious :) 7y
FountainBookstore Ok. I'm moving to your house. 7y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Amazing photo!! 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Wow!!!! Gorgeous!!! ❤️ 7y
youneverarrived Wow that‘s lovely 😍 7y
Jinjer Lovely photo and I‘ve done about half the walks in Charles book that you tagged. He used to lead the walks every month. 7y
minkyb Stunning! 7y
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Moon Tiger | Penelope Lively
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Lately I have found myself really drawn to the kind of novel that charts the course of a single character's life from beginning to end.

Something about them is just deeply satisfying. It feels like you come to know the central character personally, flaws and all.

Moon Tiger (1987) and Stoner (1965) were both read for #192019challenge.

DGRachel I loved Stoner. It was my favorite of my book club reads this year. 7y
Lindy Another whole life story is aptly named: 7y
Marchpane @Lindy oh that looks great, thanks for the suggestion! I'll try to track it down 😊 7y
Lindy @Marchpane You‘re welcome. 🌻 7y
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#AllTheBooksOf2017 #bestconclusiontoaseries

As the only 'conclusion to a series' that I read in 2017, this has to be the best! But it really is an incredible trilogy & some of my fave reads of the year 👍

vivastory Just as good as book 1 7y
Vansa I loved the conclusion too. Specially the last line 7y
Daisey I need to make time for this book! 7y
amvs1111 I'm finishing this up too. Love the series! 7y
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#AllTheBooksOf2017 #bookyoufinallyreadthisyear

Doing the #192019challenge was the push I needed to finally get around to tons of amazing books, including the ones pictured.

It's so easy to get caught up in new releases (which I also love) but older books are SO worth discovering!


Marchpane I should also shout out to @ReadingEnvy - two of these reads were thanks to her awesome readalongs! Thanks Jenny for the kick in the pants! 7y
SaraBeagle I‘m starting #192019challenge in January and I‘m excited - these challenges do force you to pick up stuff you‘ve put off or maybe never would have. Thanks for sharing this challenge! 7y
Marchpane @SaraBeagle I'm so happy that you will be joining in! It's honestly such a joy to get around to the older stuff. Look forward to seeing your selections! 7y
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RebelReader @SaraBeagle Can you tell me more about #192019challenge? What are the guidelines? 7y
Gezemice Such a great list! I have read The Secret History this year, too. It was very good! 7y
SaraBeagle @RebelReader @Marchpane can maybe tell you more, I got the idea from her. I am reading one book from each year1920-2019 but I am making it be a new book, no rereads. And in any order. 7y
merelybookish What a fun collection of books. Cat's Eye is one of my favourite Atwood's! 7y
sb3626 This sounds like a fun challenge!! 7y
ReadingEnvy @Marchpane awesome!! 7y
ReadingEnvy I've still never read Slaughterhouse Five. And I've been working on my top reads of the year - East of Eden and The Secret History will both be on there! 7y
Petrichor74 I Capture the Castle is one of my all time favorites❤️❤️❤️ 7y
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Wizard and Glass | Stephen King
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#AllTheBooksOf2017 #longestbookyouread

I managed to get through the first four books in the Dark Tower series in 2017.

Wizard and Glass, at 1041 pages was my longest book of the year, but books 1-4 combined were 2562 pages! A sizeable chunk of my reading year 😄

AlizaApp Me too! Looking forward to Wolves of the Calla in 2018. 7y
MinDea I live this series but King is awfully wordy in most of the books! 😂😂😂 7y
Scurvygirl @MinDea 🤣 And each book gets longer and longer. Wordier...is that a real word, it just doesn‘t roll of the tongue right. 7y
MinDea 😂😂😂It is the only say to describe them!! 7y
Cathythoughts I‘d love to read this , 👍 7y
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Deathless | Catherynne M. Valente
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The best #bookwithamagicalsetting that I read this year was Deathless. Magical, lush, complicated and smart, it's a gorgeous book to sink into.

According to Goodreads, the companion book (not exactly a sequel) is due out in October 2018. Not sure how firm that date is, but here's hoping 🤞🏻

Siannalyn I have this book in my wishlist since forever! I'm glad tou enjoyed it and I hope to get to it soon! 7y
Cathythoughts What a cover. 💫💫💫💫 7y
Nat_Reads I just opened this one! Your review motivated me to move it up the list! 7y
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The Handmaid's Tale | Margaret Atwood
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#AllTheBooksOf2017 #booksyoureread

Re-reading is something I really should make more time for - it's a rare occurrence. Here are the two that I revisited this year.


Cinfhen Great photo 😍 7y
Cortg I reread The Handmaids Tale (well, listened to it) this year. J&H is on my TBR. 7y
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#AllTheBooksOf2017 #newtoyoufavoriteauthors

Authors I "discovered" and loved this year - very very late to the party on some of these! Can't wait to read more of their work.


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#AllTheBooksOf2017 #favoritebookcoverof2017

Limiting this to books I read this year - and I couldn't pick just one! I'm very drawn to bright colours and simple but bold images on book covers 😍

Kalalalatja Great covers! 7y
UrsulaMonarch Lovely!! 7y
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Winter: A Novel | Ali Smith
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#AllTheBooksOf2017 #bestsequelyouread

I'm not sure if Winter really is a "sequel" in the strictest sense, but I'm counting it!

It took me longer to warm to Winter (haha) but once I did I was again in awe of Ali Smith's skill. There's more verbal acrobatics on display and less compelling characters than in Autumn, hence the colder tone.

For me the wordplay is delightful and unlike anything else out there. Now the long wait for Spring...

LeahBergen I have been meaning to buy Autumn for ages! I know I‘m going to love them. 👍🏻 7y
HardcoverHearts I *just* returned from a book club I am in where we are reading the Man Booker Shortlist and were specifically discussing Autumn! There was so much to talk about. 7y
Marchpane @LeahBergen you should! They're very 'clever clogs' books (I think Winter even includes the phrase 'clever clogs' 😆) 7y
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Marchpane @HardcoverHearts that would have made for a fascinating discussion! I can see myself rereading these as there's so much to unpack. 7y
ClairesReads Sooooo keen to read this 7y
Ms_T Very nice review! I‘m reading all the Man Booker shortlisted books this month and Autumn is next in line 😃 7y
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#AllTheBooksOf2017 #shortestbookyouread

At just 63 pages, this "book" takes the form of a letter from Adichie to a friend on feminism (specifically about raising a daughter). A quick read to stir up and spark further thinking well beyond its pages.

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Joining in (and catching up on) #AllTheBooksOf2017

This YA romance was my #firstreadoftheyear and it was perfect for a sweet (if a bit cheesy), undemanding read for my frazzled brain in January, post New Years.

The book name-drops some awesome 90s music and had me joyously streaming Soundgarden and Temple of the Dog on repeat. Just four months later Chris Cornell sadly passed away. So this book now holds some bittersweet connections 😢

sammisho I loved this book! 7y
Marchpane @sammisho it was adorable! 7y
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Stoner | John Williams
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It's December already! 😱 Officially summer here and it feels like it this morning ☀️🔥☀️

I've been a bit slack about posting reviews but November was tops reading-wise. Faves:

Winter by Ali Smith 💙
Stoner by John Williams
We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
When Darkness Falls by John Bodey
Cat's Eye by Margaret Atwood

I could keep going 😂 So many great books!


MayJasper Enjoy your summer. In my part of the northern hemisphere winter arrived with snow. 7y
ninjypants Stoner is one of my all time faves! 7y
Faibka @ninjypants mine too! Such a great book 7y
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hes7 Yay for all the good books! 🎉 7y
Liz_M I feel the same way about the date :-o How will I get everything done AND find time to read? 7y
Cathythoughts I loved Stoner ❤️ 7y
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Augustown | Kei Miller
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This year's Tournament of Books long list is up! I don't always follow #TheRooster but I enjoy checking out the selections. Soooo beyond happy that Augustown is on the list - one of my faves from this year but it's gone under the radar a bit.

Here it is: https://themorningnews.org/article/the-year-in-fiction-2017

#ToB #ToB2018 #tournamentofbooks

Mamashep Nothing like the Tournament of Books to make me feel like I've read almost nothing important this year! 7y
merelybookish This list is my favourite part of the process now. I've only read 15 on the list but will try to read more before the shirt list is announced. Will bump Augustown up. ☺️ 7y
mrozzz Augustown was great! Only have 17 read on this list 😆 but own many more.... thanks for sharing!! 7y
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Marchpane @Mamashep hey, if you're reading books then you're doing it right! 👍 @merelybookish @mrozzz both of you have me beat- I've read 14 (plus bailed on a couple more!) 7y
EKonrad I‘ve only read 4 of these! 😩😩😩 What is wrong with me?!? 7y
vivastory @Ekonrad Me too! At least we have time to catch up! 7y
vivastory @merelybookish Will you be reading the full short list? 7y
merelybookish @vivastory A friend (not on Litsy) and I try to manage it so that between the two of us we read all short list. But our goal ( which we've never managed) is to have read everything on the short list when it's announced. ☺️ 7y
vivastory @merelybookish I was unfamiliar with the tournament until this year. Reading the background prompted me to reread the Sedaris essay that the award is named after. Hilarious. I might try to read the entire short list. A lot of the books are on my TBR 7y
merelybookish @vivastory It's really the only book "award" I follow. (Although it began as a way to poke fun at book awards.) It's usually an interesting selection of books. And the rulings can be fun to read. 7y
merelybookish And 1000 times better than college 🏀! 😉 @vivastory 7y
vivastory @merelybookish Can I still have pizza & beer? 😂🍻🍕 7y
Redheadrambles Looks like an interesting list. I have managed to read 8 with 3 more on my shelves- which is pretty good for me. 7y
Spiderfelt Thanks for sharing. It is interesting to see what makes it on the list, and to help me curate my future reading. 7y
mhillis Thanks for posting this! I like to see it. Do you plan to read any more of the selections? 7y
cariashley @Ekonrad @vivastory I‘ve only read 4 too! So glad I‘m not alone. Lots of catching up to do, I love the TOB! 7y
Cinfhen I haven‘t heard of this book....going to investigate ❤️I‘ve read quite a bit from the list.... 7y
Bloomingjen Thanks for posting! 7y
minkyb Thanks for posting! 7y
SandyW Thanks for sharing. My TBR is growing by leaps and bounds. 7y
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#landmarksofmycity Do shipwrecks count as landmarks? This one is a 120-foot flat-iron gunboat, built in 1884.

Clwojick Yesssss! This is beautiful! I would honestly be there daily. 😍 7y
Bookzombie Wow! That‘s so interesting. 7y
Cathythoughts What an amazing sight 💫 7y
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Landmarks | Robert Macfarlane
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#landmarksofmycity @Clwojick

This jetty is the closest thing to a local landmark we have.

Clwojick Oh my gosh. So pretty 7y
tammysue ❤️ 7y
mcipher Beautiful!! 7y
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Kaye 😮 Wow. My pictures of cows sure aren‘t going to look as good as these. 🐄 7y
Itchyfeetreader Pretty stunning landmark. I can imagine sitting there watching the world go by / reading for hours at a time. Beautiful 7y
RohitSawant Beautiful picture! 😍 7y
SandyW Your photography is beautiful! 7y
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Timing on this one could not have been more perfect - I finished reading it just hours before announcement of Australia's marriage equality results (a resounding YES vote! YAY!!)

This book really makes you think about how much attitudes can change over the course of just one lifetime.

I'm feeling relieved & grateful & a bit wrung out emotionally right now. Not to mention our Socceroos just qualified for the World Cup!!! What a day.


Kalalalatja Denmark just qualified for the World Cup as well! I'm not really into sports, but I must admit, I did cheer a bit 😄👏 7y
Kalalalatja Also, all the love for the marriage equality act ❤️💛💚💙💜 7y
batsy Some heartening news 🌈❤️ And I can't wait for the World Cup! 7y
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Marchpane @Kalalalatja hooray for Denmark too! 🇩🇰 7y
Marchpane @batsy @Kalalalatja it's not law yet, parliament has to do their job next. But the people have spoken 💕 7y
Bakingbookworm A truly wonderful book (and one of my all-time favs) as well as a monumental event for Australia‘s people!! Here in Canada we‘ve have marriage equality since 2005. ❤️🧡💜💙💚💛 7y
Tamra Yay Aussies! 7y
jpmcwisemorgan I‘m so happy for Australia! I was even happier to see that it was an overwhelming majority that voted for marriage equality. I really gives me a lot of hope for the world as a whole. 7y
Cinfhen I've got about 50 pages left... I'm trying to savor them! Great day for you ❣️❣️❣️ 7y
BarbaraBB Happy for you, for both Australian achievement! Our national soccer team won‘t be there - too bad 😢 7y
Marchpane @Cinfhen without giving any spoilers, I think you're gonna love those final chapters 😊 7y
Marchpane @BarbaraBB ah, I am sorry 😐 It won't be the same without all those orange shirts in the crowd! 7y
BarbaraBB Haha Yeah there is always a lot of orange!! 7y
mrp27 ❤️💛💙💜💚 7y
LeeRHarry What a great day indeed! 🌈 plus ⚽️ - seeing as Wales didn't make it I still have a team to barrack for - consolation for my Aussie Italian friends too 😊 7y
britt_brooke 💚💚💚 7y
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Bonfire | Krysten Ritter
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This was pretty great - well written, well paced, engrossing.

The MC is kind of like Jessica Jones with a law degree instead of superpowers. She's sad and damaged, drinks too much and makes bad choices but dammit she's going to keep investigating until the truth comes out.

I didn't love the ending though. It's not a throw-the-book-against-the-wall ending, just a slight letdown when the rest of the book is so strong.

MiyakoBunny You reminded me of the time I actually threw a book against a wall after a horrendous ending then promptly picked it up cradled it and apologized profusely... it now sits on the “top” shelf so it can feel better than the rest of my books but really it‘s to appease my guilt 😳 7y
Laughterhp Good to hear! I just started this today. 7y
kamoorephoto I agree about the ending, because I felt like it didn‘t fit with the rest of the book. I read an early copy and felt like the rest of the book was strong. 7y
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aschermetz The only time I have ever physically thrown a book against the wall was the first time I read Gone Girl. The ending of that book was really great but made me really mad! 😂 7y
Reggie Have you ever watched the movie Sloan? Cause you just described it. Lol. This woman is a lawyer working for a lobby until he wants her to defend gun control. She quits and goes to work for the opposition. She is pretty badass and always a step ahead, but the ending is a throw the remote at the tv kinda ending. It said something that was so outta line with what the movie was promoting. Totally feel you on this post, lol. 7y
Marchpane @Reggie I haven't heard of that movie before but it sounds great & I like Jessica Chastain so might check it out! Lol the ending to Bonfire was not quite as bad as that - just disappointing 😂 7y
ClairesReads Keen to read this one! 7y
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The U.S. election campaign was only last year, and I'm sure most people remember - all too well - the appalling details. Still, to hear Katy Tur tell her story of covering the circus was entertaining and an interesting time capsule of events.

Glad I went with the audio for this one, Katy's narration really lifted it for me.

Michelle_mck I will have to use my credit this month for this 7y
mrozzz 🤘🏻This is such a great photo too! Is that Tony at her feet. 7y
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Saga Land | Richard Fidler, Kari Gislason
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"It's not the edge of the world for the people who live here." As an Aussie I relate to this!

CarolynM Yep 7y
AlaMich Even if Australia were the end of the world, you all would still be very lucky to get to live there (and I was very lucky to get to spend a month traveling there)!!! ❤️🇦🇺 7y
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Saga Land | Richard Fidler, Kari Gislason
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A little bit Who Do You Think You Are, a little bit Vikings, plus some tidbits of Icelandic history, Saga Land has cemented Iceland's place on my bucket list.

A couple of chapters (chess great Bobby Fischer's story & the Cold War Reykjavik summit between Reagan & Gorbachev), while interesting, felt tacked on.

The book's highlight is the sagas themselves - just an intro here but I'm keen to read more!

Liz_M Gorgeous picture! 7y
LeahBergen Oh good! I‘ve had this stacked from your first post. 👍🏻 7y
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Cat's Eye | Margaret Atwood
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Long, slow, reflective, Cat's Eye doesn't sound like my cup of tea.

Yet somehow I adored it. This is the kind of book you can sink into and inhabit. It beautifully captures the nebulous recollections of a life. Tiny details can have massive significance, then fade away, forgotten, only to re-emerge later as half-remembered distortions. Books rarely depict this waxing and waning of memories in such a true way.

#192019challenge 1988

Alfoster Lovely review!😍 7y
EmilyM This is my favorite Margaret Atwood novel. 7y
Gezemice Great review! I love Atwood and I should read this one! 7y
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LeahBergen I didn't think this would be my thing either but I adored it. 7y
Billypar Agreed! Nice review ☺ 7y
ClairesReads Yesssss 7y
RohitSawant Wonderful review! 7y
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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Seems appropriate that the prompt is #mischief on Guy Fawkes Night. 💥 #quotsynov17

Cinfhen It also works perfectly for #NovemberByTheNumbers 🤗🤗🤗 7y
Cinfhen Nice find!!!!! 7y
Marchpane @Cinfhen yes!! I didn't think of that! 7y
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JackOBotts 💥💥💥 7y
Ms_T Bravo! 7y
Liz_M Now I want to watch the movie! 7y
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1. The Little Prince 👑
2. Of Mice and Men 🐭
3. Memories: From Moscow to the Black Sea 🌊
4. Born a Crime 🔥
5. Bleak House🏠
6. The Heart is a Lonely Hunter 💙

#playingfavorites #playingfavourites

Updrifting Oh The Little Prince is the BEST. Va revoir les roses. Th comprendras que la tienen eat unique au monde! 7y
Centique Oh Bleak House is my favourite Dickens 😍😍 7y
88 likes2 comments
Freaky Friday | Mary Rodgers
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1. Don't do thanksgiving but I'm deeply suspicious of any dish that combines sweet potato and marshmallows 🤢
2. Sci fi wins by a proboscis
3. Instagram maybe?
4. None
5. 👍👍👍


Moray_Reads 💯 agree with 1. Sweet potato and marshmallow, especially on the same plate as turkey, is totally incomprehensible! 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks # 1 🙋🏼🙋🏼🙋🏼 7y
OrangeMooseReads I‘m with you on the sweet potatoes thing. Normal baked sweet potatoes cool, but marshmallows why 7y
MicheleinPhilly You are right to be suspicious. It‘s completely gross. 7y
Centique Amen to #1. I wonder about pumpkin pie as well though I‘ve never had it. To me pumpkins should be roasted next to a leg of lamb! 7y
95 likes5 comments
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Here they are #GroupZ - our final selections for the Litsy Markup Postal Book Club! Can't wait to read and discuss all these books with @Lizpixie @LeeRHarry and @Michelle_mck !! 😄


Lizpixie Can't wait! I think I'm gonna buy a paperback edition of mine to use, instead of my pretty hardcover💚💚💚 7y
LeeRHarry Nicely done @Marchpane 😊 7y
Michelle_mck Oh I love this! What app is this? I can‘t wait to get reading 😍👍🏻 7y
Marchpane @Michelle_mck thanks! 😊 Whacked this together in PicCollage. 7y
102 likes4 comments
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📚🔜 If I get through even half of these in November I will call that a gigantic win.

#emojinov @RealLifeReading

ChasingOm Wonder is soooooooo good. 7y
Marchpane @ChasingOm that one will definitely get read this month as it's for a book club. And we're going to see the movie too 😁 7y
Michelle_mck Windy Season is fantastic! I read it last year and adored it! WA seems so moody in it. Tin Man is on my list this month can‘t wait 7y
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Marchpane @Michelle_mck oh that's great to hear about Windy Season - I don't know anyone else who's read it! I have Tin Man on hold at the library, fingers crossed it arrives soon🤞🏻 7y
Michelle_mck @Marchpane I hope you love it, it was in my top 5 last year, was lucky to read an ARC and then bought a copy loved it gnarled much 7y
Mdargusch I love your list! So ambitious. Hearts Invisible Furies should be at the top! 7y
CarolynM I want to read Moon Tiger this month too 7y
Redheadrambles @Marchpane some great books in there ! 7y
Marchpane @Redheadrambles I certainly hope so! I'm not great at planning ahead 🙃 7y
Redheadrambles @Marchpane yeah if I ever post a TBR stack I almost always end up being drawn to something else ! 7y
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October wrap up! A couple of duds this month but mostly great reads. Highlights:

🔸A Long Way from Verona - deserves to be as well-loved as I Capture the Castle
🔸The Trauma Cleaner - I keep recommending this to anyone who will listen
🔸Ghost Empire - fab intro to History of Byzantine Empire, can't wait to read his new one, Saga Land
🔸Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde - reread of an old fave
🔸The Halloween Tree - a new fave & a classic


TrishB Great month 👍 7y
Gezemice Very nice! 7y
kspenmoll 👏🏻👏🏻 7y
Redheadrambles Nice image setup. You have me really keen to try out these Richard Fidler books 7y
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The Halloween Tree | Ray Bradbury
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Sort of A-Christmas-Carol-but-for-Halloween meets the Goonies, this is really fun and cute, and surprisingly wise. Deserves to be an annual tradition.


Artwork is by Glen Brogan on Tumblr.

Daisey I agree! This is the first year I've read/listened and I think it will become a tradition. 🎃 7y
Cathythoughts Fab artwork 💫 7y
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Milestones | Cynthia Almaraz
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A litfluence milestone! It's a Halloween miracle 🎃

Also spells BOOOB on your pocket calculator 🤓

HAPPY HALLOWEEN all you beautiful little monsters!


AmyG Congrats! 🎃 7y
MicheleinPhilly HAHAHAHAHA! I used to think that was the BEST “trick.” 🙄 Congrats!!! 7y
MayJasper Wow!!!!!! 7y
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JanuarieTimewalker13 Hahahahaha!! Oh, I needed that, thank you!!! And Congrats!!👍🏽 7y
rubyslippersreads 🎉📚🎉📚🎃🎃🎃 7y
SilversReviews WOW!! CONGRATS!! 7y
Lizpixie Congratulations lovely!🎉❤️🎉❤️🎉❤️ 7y
Dolly 👏👏👍😍 7y
angel1 Awesome!!😀 7y
julesG 👏👏👏🎆🎆🎆🎆🎉🎉 7y
LauraBeth 🎉🎉🎉😻😻😻 7y
Bibliogeekery 🎉🎉🎉 7y
tournevis 👏🎇🎉🎇🎉🎇🎉👏 7y
Redwritinghood 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊 7y
Graciouswarriorprincess Congratulations! 🎉🎉🎉 7y
Ms_T Congratulations! 🎉🎉🎉 7y
Rudis Congratulations!! 🎃🎉🎊 7y
robinb Yay!!! 🎉🎉🎉🙌🙌👏👏👏👏 7y
LauraJ 👻 BOOOB👻. Good job! (edited) 7y
Katiesbookishlife 😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉 7y
stacybmartin Yay - congrats!! 🎉📚🎉👏🏼 7y
Lwiesman Yea!!!🎃👻🎉🎉 7y
TheWordJar 😂😂😂Congratulations! 🌟📚🌟📚🌟 7y
Lindy 🎉😀congratulations ☀️🎉 7y
Jas16 Yay!!🎉👏📚 7y
Kalalalatja Hahahah 😂😂 Congratulations 🎉 7y
hes7 Yay! 🎉 7y
Dragon 👍😀🎉 7y
Bklover Congratulations!🎉🎉🎉 7y
Bookzombie 😂😂 Congratulations!!! 7y
Izai.Amorim Congratulations 🎊🎉🍾🎈 7y
Shemac77 Congratulations! 7y
mrp27 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 7y
LeahBergen 🎉🎉🎉 7y
LeeRHarry Congrats 😆🎉🎉 7y
Andrew65 Congratulations 🎉🎊🥂🍾👏 7y
DebinHawaii Congratulations!! 🎉👍🎉👍🎉😀 7y
susanw 🎉🏅📚 7y
Gissy 🎉🎊🎉🎊📚📚📚😍❤️👍 7y
RohitSawant 😂 Congratulations!! 🎉🎉 7y
150 likes40 comments
Good Reads: The Bath Short Story Award 2013 | Debz Hobbs-Wyatt, Andrew Blackman
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What does everyone think of the Goodreads Choice Awards? This year's nominees are up 📚📚📚

EDIT: so, there are three rounds of voting (seems like overkill 🤷🏼‍♀️) and winners are announced on December 5th!

bookloo Already?! Thanks for the heads up! ❤️ 7y
MrBook What @bookloo said. Wow, so soon it feels. 7y
Cinfhen Will go have a look...thanks for posting 😍 7y
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emilyhaldi Can't wait to check it out!! 7y
Adventures-of-a-French-Reader It would be great if there was a section "books translated into English"... 7y
Redheadrambles Ah cool I love this time of year although it does feel a little early for this. I actually haven‘t read many of these so could only vote in one section. It‘s a tricky proposition as I think people end up voting for books they have heard of rather than ones they might have read ? Still it‘s good fun. 7y
Marchpane @Redheadrambles yeah it's not really to be taken too seriously I think. I'm always reluctant to vote because how can I know which one is the BEST if I haven't read them ALL? 🙄😂Then I get over it & chuck a few votes in there. 7y
Redheadrambles @Marchpane haha that‘s so true. I threw a vote to Lincoln in the Bardo naturally. And I know there are others I think I will like when I get to them like Sing, Unburied Sing but one can never be sure ;) 7y
wanderlustforwords I voted - Fiction- The Hearts Invisible Furies by Boyne 7y
Marchpane @wanderlustforwords that's been getting so much love here on Litsy! I'm hoping to read it this month 😊 7y
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This started with some potential to be a spooky gothic chiller, but declined sharply at the halfway point, getting ever stupider by the page. By the end it was somehow both ridiculous AND boring.

Thin plot, one-dimensional characters (all brainless idiots) and flat prose that conveys zero atmosphere - glowing GR reviews led me astray on this one.

At least I can tick off 1980 on my #192019challenge 🤷🏼‍♀️

AlaMich I hate it when books start out so promising and then go downhill. 7y
AshleyHoss820 Curiosity: What is the 192019 challenge? 7y
HeatherBookNerd Very amusing review 7y
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Marchpane @AshleyHoss820 Here's my post that explains 192019: http://litsy.com/p/d2ZGWkZhU3ha 7y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk Pity it couldn‘t live up to that cool cover. 7y
Marchpane @AshleyHoss820 um, the link seems to cut off my description, sorry! Basically the aim is to read a book published in each year from 1920 to 2019, so 100 books total, in random order, and to be completed by 2019. Sort of a longer-term challenge 😊 7y
archaeolibrarianologist Figures. Girl on the cover looks like she was based off of Kristen Stewart. Probably wrote the character to match her terrible acting, so it made a terrible story. This is the long-term result of the Twilight fandom. 7y
Marchpane @TobeyTheScavengerMonk it's the poster from the movie adaptation, which I've heard is equally terrible! 7y
Marchpane @archaeolibrarianologist there's definitely a resemblance, you're right! The book predates Twilight though 😆 7y
AshleyHoss820 @Marchpane Wow! Thank you for explaining! I've seen a few friends use that hashtag and I was always curious! Sounds like a fun challenge! Also, shame about the book. Nothing worse than making it all the way through a book just to be let down. 😕 7y
BarbaraBB What kind of challenge is this? Seems nice. 7y
Marchpane @BarbaraBB I replied to another comment up thread☝🏼with a little explanation. It's just a challenge I made up and a group of us are doing in a very low key way 😊 7y
BarbaraBB O that‘s nice! Can I join? 7y
Marchpane @BarbaraBB Absolutely! The more the merrier 😊 We're all sort of going at our own pace and using the hashtag for any relevant posts. It's very casual. Love to have you join us! 7y
BarbaraBB Yay! I will! Nice challenge! 7y
Redheadrambles @Marchpane what‘s going on with that cover ! Did she fall off her bike into a river ? 7y
Marchpane @Redheadrambles well, she and the bike do end up in the river but it was something a bit more sinister than that (this happens at the start of the book) 7y
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This Is Halloween | James A. Moore
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My #HalloweenHaiku attempt☝🏼Thanks for tagging me @Sue 🎃

Halloween is much less of a thing here, although it's become a bit more popular recently. I have never trick-or-treated or carved a pumpkin etc. I'm reading a few spooky books to get into the spirit though!

ClairesReads Omg wolf creek though?! 😱 7y
Natasha.C.Barnes What's wolf creek?! 7y
Marchpane @Natasha.C.Barnes a seriously disturbing horror movie set in the outback. Just insanely terrifying. 7y
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Sue YES! That‘s brilliant! 7y
Bookzombie I still think about a certain part of Wolf Creek. 😳 7y
Reggie There‘s even a sequel!!!!! 7y
Marchpane @Bookzombie it's like how do I get it out of my brain?!! @Reggie which I will not be watching! 😱 7y
BarbaraBB Here in Europe Halloween is not such a big thing either. Love your haiku! 7y
julesG @BarbaraBB Agree! I always wonder why the shops are full of Halloween decoration stuff, nobody seems to buy it. Great Haiku! 7y
BarbaraBB @julesG Haha Yes, the shops try to commercialize Halloween but we don‘t buy it (literally 😉) - yet! 7y
Kalalalatja @julesG @BarbaraBB I have been thinking the same thing. In Denmark we have something called Fastalavn in February, and it is kind of the same thing as Halloween, minus the pumpkin. So I really don't see the point 😄 7y
Izai.Amorim Great haiku! 7y
julesG @Kalalalatja Is that similar to Carnival/Fastnacht/Fastnet? Here in Germany? 7y
Kalalalatja @julesG I think so, although I think we celebrate it on different days. Also, from what I understand it is a lot bigger in Germany. In Denmark it is mostly for kids, who dress up and go trick or treating. 7y
julesG @Kalalalatja In east Germany, where I grew up, it was mainly for kids. Dress up, have fun. No trick or treating, we did something like that on Dec 6th (St Nicholas Day). In some areas of Germany, mainly Catholic areas, Carnival is a big thing. 7y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk This was excellent! Y‘know, I‘ve never seen Wolf Creek because I prefer more fantastical monsters in my horror, but its reputation precedes it. 7y
113 likes17 comments
True Grit | Charles Portis
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Mattie Ross is a terrific protagonist and her distinctive matter-of-fact voice comes through from the #FirstSentence.

vivastory Excellent choice! 7y
LeeRHarry Loved this 7y
HeatherBookNerd Such a great book 7y
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ClairesReads Yes this sounds fab! Loved the film- must read it 7y
Centique I loved her voice in the film - it seems to fit the book. Which I still need to read! 7y
BarbaraBB This challenge is not good for me... I want to read on in so many books now 😉! Thanks @Marchpane , another one stacked! 7y
ValerieAndBooks Loved this book. It‘s one I read because of #Litsy! 7y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk I love both movies and I have this on audio #SomeDay 7y
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The Graveyard Book | Neil Gaiman
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A classic #FirstSentence if ever there was one!

Thanks @BarbaraBB - love this game!

tif The graveyard book is on of my all time favourite books!! 7y
BarbaraBB Gaiman doesn‘t appeal to me at all (never read him) but I almost always agree with you on your reviews so maybe I should give him a try... 7y
Marchpane @BarbaraBB My experience with Gaiman has been hit and miss. This one is by far my favourite (even though it is aimed at younger readers) - plus it's short! 7y
Ashley_Nicoletto This is such a great first line. Agreed that the experience with him can be hit or miss though. 7y
halfdesertedstreets A great first sentence indeed!!!! 7y
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