Quick reminder that I need supervision in book stores. 😳😬🤣
I finally have a reading buddy, but I've been in a reading slump for months. I bought Dying of Whiteness back in late May and haven't made it more than 10% through. 😩😩 #Fury #CatsofLitsy #shesnewhere
Help me name our new baby girl.
Alright fellow Littens, how do you feel about other patrons marking up books from the library? For me it's a no. I try and return the book with minimal wear and tear.
Binged the show in 1 day. Decided to read the books because, ya know, books are always better than the movie. I'm 25% in and feeling like this is one of those rare 🦄 where the book/series might not be better than the show. 😬
I bought this book from a library sale. It's been censored. ? So far "Jesus" and "Christ" have been scratched out.
I've saved this TBR for this time of year since you all were so hyped about it last year!
? When you're trying to be funny with your 13 year old and circle her 22 year old Literature teacher's mistakes in her letter home only to read all the way to the end where it says "sign and return." ?????
When your husband doesn't support your book addiction. 😂😂😂
$5 library haul. I bought the Bookshots because I find myself not being committed to bigger books right now.
How am I *still* not finished with this book! The conflict resolution ended on page 548. I'm now on page 570 of 624, what is left to happen? What more could you have to say David Mitchell? How many more inconsequential characters POVs can there be? This book is driving me crazy.
1) Penpal, it's hard to find a good thriller sometimes.
2) Bumblebee back in January for my 4yr olds bday.
3) Pasta salad.
4) too many, my mom is 1 of 5. Lol. Total is 14, luckily my dad isn't in the picture so I don't have to count that side. Christmases are crazy enough especially since we have 20 under the age of 7 between us.
5) 🥰🥰🥰 @HollieK3
#friyayintro @howjessreads
After a 12 year hiatus, let's try this again. This will definitely hinder my reading challenge. #soold #sendalcohol
How do you feel about amnesia in characters? Or characters that don't know what they truly are until halfway through a book? I find it annoying most of the time. Especially when everything is spelled out so clearly it's hard to believe they've been in denial their entire life, going out of their way not to believe the signs.
If you don't already own this 5🌟 book, hop on over to Amazon because it's only $2.99!
Stone's 2nd crime novel is told from several POVs that bog down the storyline at times. His attention to detail and character building really help flesh out the characters so you become attached and root for them in the end. Max is the bad cop and Joe is the good cop and Solomon Boukman is the bad guy. Max & Joe get tangled up with the Haitian when they start investigating a bizarre case where a tarot card was found in the victims stomach. 4🌟
I picked this up at the library sale a few months ago purely by the cover. I'm more than halfway in and it's just now starting to pick up the pace. It doesn't help that there are quite a few POV & MC's bc of it. The 3 MC are Max, Joe, and Carmine. Max & Joe are Miami detectives and Carmine is a Haitian pimp that's unfortunate enough to be the weak link in Solomon's empire of cocaine smuggling & voodoo killings.
Hey, hey! This post on Facebook just added 2 more Littens! Welcome @Erayrn and @Ang4873 to Litsy!
I'm currently reading 4 tangible books, 2 Audiobooks, and 2 eBooks. Nothing new to this bunch though. 🤣
@LitsyWelcomeWagon @RaimeyGallant
I've been slugging through my other readings lately. Mostly bc I've read the last 2 from recommendations and a bit of pressure. "You read so much it should only take you a few days to get thru 300 pgs." Yeah, only if I like it. I picked this book up from the library sale last time I was there. This book is the fresh air I needed. I seriously don't want to put it down at night. It's only 307 pgs, it should only take me a few days to finish it. ?
Book Haul! The last 6 weeks have been an introverts hell. I haven't sat down to read more than a few pages a night since Easter. Therefore I had a large library fine to pay because I forgot to renew the books I hadn't read. Paid my fine, checked out The Screwtape Letters and the boy 2 more books (he's on restrictions bc the fine was mostly his.) Then we checked out the books for sale. Checked 1 off my TBR, and the others on a whim.
Not very impressed with the Grisha series so far. 2.5/5. Alina comes off pretty annoying. She's in love with her childhood friend who is too busy receiving all of the attention from other girls to notice how in love she is with him. Of course until she isn't around any more. She even represses her power as a child so she never has to leave the orphanage and can stay with him forever.
I very rarely say this: the show is better. These 2 are even more insufferable in the books. The first 300 pages were sooooooo sloooooowwww.
I found this on Facebook today posted by The Progressive Parent, if you want to check her page. It made me think of my preschooler who has requested the tagged book every night for 3 weeks. I even extended our library loan. He's almost memorized it word for word. I'm not sure if every bit of this is true, but I know we all know that reading to kids isn't always about them learning what's on the page. #raisingreaders
The 4 yr old is a bear in the mornings. He typically requests silence on the way to school, that means no music or radio. He'll talk, but prefers the radio off. Today I asked if he wanted to listen to a book instead. YES! I turned on Neil Gaiman's Stardust (he's a big Coraline fan) that I've been listening to. Today he giggled on the way to school bc we met Charming in Faerie. #Gaimanforthewin #RaisingReaders
I was really hoping the 3rd and final book in the series would redeem the 2nd, but it did not. The pace that everyone complained about in the 1st book finally caught up with me. I found myself laying my forehead down on my desk more than once while reading this book at work. I watched the percentage read more than I enjoyed the telling of this story. 3/5 ✨(can we get a "meh" sticker?!)
I met the #booked2019 goal without even trying. It wasn't until I read the lists that I realized I was on track.
🦊 - The Charley Davidson series that I restarted
🦊🦊 - The Sleeper and the Spindle
🦊🦊🦊 - Bridge To Terabithia (love hikes in the woods)
🦊🦊🦊🦊 - The Innocent Man - it's a stretch, but it's been mentioned by podcasts recently.
🦊🦊🦊🦊🦊 - Kealan Patrick Burke (and new to me)
🦊🦊🦊🦊🦊🦊 - Rin Chupeco (had quite a few)
What a 5 star ending to a series.......or is it? Will the next series follow the petulant Osh as he's left to keep watch? I hope!
I finally finished this yesterday. It still received 4/5✨ from me. Probably would've been a perfect score except my eyes kept glazing with all the coding, programming, and system jargon. And I get that it's all a huge part of the book,but for those of us that aren't tech minded it went way over my head. Here is another to add to the list of #betterthanthemovie and I really liked the movie!
Can't tell if I'm reading a novel or a very detailed video game manual. I love the actual storyline, but I'm finding all the over detailing of each video game a little tedious.
Loved, loved, loved this book. I especially loved that it didn't seem rushed. I know it's a chunkster, but I don't mind when the time is taken to give every character depth. This was definitely a #litsymademedoit read even though it falls in my genre. Thanks for this recommendation! 5/5
"Look Mommy! A bench for me to look at my books!" Of course I had to take the extra 10 minutes for him to check out his books before he actually checked out to take them home. ???
As you can see I'm only 1% into this book, but I'm really enjoying it so far. I'm excited that I'm having a slow work day so I can tuck in a little more with this book.
Worst Christmas gift ever for an introvert? Tickets to go see something with a lot of people. At first I was excited bc I thought my MIL bought tickets for my husband and kids and I'd have the day to myself. Unfortunately, I counted 4 tickets soon after. The show was great, but after such a long day I'm ready to cut anyone's tongue out that talks to me or suffocate anyone that breathes in the same air as me. #mentallyexhausted
It was bound to happen. I was just bragging about being 10 books in and still loving the series. Number 12 just isn't as great as the rest. Maybe the revisiting of amnesia even though it is a different character. This one also seems to be more redundant in explanations of previous happenings in other books of the series. (That lengthy, twisty sentence would fit right in in this book)
I still love this series. A lot of times a series will outlasts a reader's interest. Charley's humor is sometimes childish, but it keeps me smiling. 5/5 ⭐'s.
This book was a very slow read for me. The plot was there, the interest was there, but the pace and excitement were lacking. I never found myself saying "just one more page." A lot of times I made myself read further to a stopping point when I would've rather put it down mid paragraph. Lackluster is the word that keeps coming to mind. 3/5 ⭐'s
Finally finished this. It definitely shouldn't have taken me a week to finish 350 pages. This book was a hard read in many ways. The content is heavy with Ron Williamson's mental illness. It weighs heavy on you in the way he was treated by everyone involved in his case. It was also a hard read bc of Grisham's flow. He couldn't decide how he wanted to reference Dennis Fritz. He switched back and forth between both names frequently. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
Came across this while scanning the book aisle. This person clearly has their #priorities straight. I felt this in my soul. 🤣🤣🤣
I watched this on Netflix and then decided to pick up the book. With each new paragraph about Ron Williamson my heart breaks a little more. His mental health decline is covered thoroughly in Grisham's book. The docuseries mentions it a few times, but not to this extent.
Finished this one last night. I tried to start it Friday night, but the preschooler fell asleep after me. This is book #14 of the series and is strongly evolving from a cozy to a good mystery series. I had my suspicions about the villains, but she had me guessing until the very end.
My kind of Friday night. I'm picking this series up where I left off in 2016 waiting for it's release date. Apparently I was too preoccupied and forgot about it. Fun, light read about a psychic eye and her crazy shenanigans. #fridaynightbookclub
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @JoScho
This book was Helter Skelter with an anticlimactic ending. I thought I was the only one who felt that it was all over the place and lacked the epic ending I was expecting when I checked the ratings for this book on Litsy and GR. Then I start reading the reviews and realized everyone else felt the same. I still like the author's writing style, but it wasn't enough for me to give this book a Pick. 3.5⭐'s
Did I just stop reading to YouTube Billy Ocean?
Yes, yes I did. Who's an 80's kid? 🙋🤷💯
This sinus infection is not conducive to reading. I sleep SOOOO much at night now. 🤣🤣🤣 I haven't been able to stay up past 9:30 consistently in 2 weeks. I have 16 hours to read the 2nd half of this book and a week to read 6 others before they're due. #jesusfixit
I really wanted to love this book as much as the first. The plot is still there, but the execution is getting sloppy. More than once she used the wrong character's name, her grammar was horrible, and the romance she threw in - 🙄 It was you quintessential YA romance. Boy despises girl, girl despises boy until they both suddenly realize they've been in love this whole time. I'm sticking out for book 3 bc the plot still has me. 3/5 ⭐
My January reads. January started off strong for me. I was hoping to finish 2 of the 3 books I started this week but I've had a head cold that's put me to bed earlier than usual almost every night this week.
EBooks - 3 read/ 2 started
Books - 3 read/ 1 started
Audio - 2 not finished
Total pages read - ~2308 (including books not finished)
Total listening hours - 8(!! About double what is has been the last few months)
Tagged book is the fave.
1) 8°F/-13°C feels like 8/-13
2) 62°F/ 17°C which it will be Saturday where I am!!!
3) 68°/ 23°. My husband would prefer higher. My heat bill says it should be lower.
4) Rainy in the 60's
5) I don't have a winter favorite. I have a hard time picking favorites. I usually read based on my mood. If I'm in a bad one I need a short, easy read. 😂
#hellothursday @wanderinglynn
Luckily he has his sister to read to him when Mom loses her voice.
@Whimsical.Curiosity she's wearing a Horton Hears a Who! shirt. 😂