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De kunst van het veldspel
De kunst van het veldspel | Chad Harbach
Westish College, een kleine universiteit aan de oever van Lake Michigan. De jonge, getalenteerde honkballer Henry Skrimshander is voorbestemd om een ster te worden. Maar wanneer tijdens een wedstrijd een routineworp van zijn hand verkeerd uitvalt, nemen vijf levens een andere wending. Henry's groeiende gebrek aan zelfvertrouwen lijkt zijn veelbelovende toekomst te runeren. Het hoofd van de universiteit, de eeuwige vrijgezel Guert Affenlight, wordt onverwacht verliefd. Owen Dunne, Henry's homoseksuele kamergenoot, raakt verwikkeld in een gevaarlijke affaire. Mike Schwartz, de aanvoerder van het honkbalteam en Henry's beste vriend, beseft dat zijn carrire in gevaar komt als hij Henry blijft steunen. En Pella Affenlight, Guerts dochter, keert na een mislukt huwelijk terug naar Westish, vastberaden een nieuw leven te beginnen. Tijdens het honkbalseizoen ontstaan nieuwe relaties tussen deze vijf onvergetelijke personages die elkaar uiteindelijk helpen hun weg te vinden. De kunst van het veldspel is een intelligente, warme roman over ambitie, familie, vriendschap en liefde en is de gedroomde entree van een groot schrijver.
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Found a good reading spot in our vacation rental. 😁

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1. I started the tagged book a few years ago. The audio version is a bit long. Maybe I‘ll finish it this year!
2. I‘ve only been to #Wisconsin as a babe in arms, so I‘m going off of pictures and TV coverage. The lakeside areas look very pretty, especially Erin Hills where the US Open was held several years ago.

SilversReviews Is Heather Gudenkauf‘s book, THE OVERNIGHT GUEST, set in Wisconsin? It is very good. (edited) 3y
Susanita @SilversReviews Iowa, according to google. Looks scary in any case. 3y
SilversReviews @Susanita OOOPS…. 😊 It was very intense, but very good. 😊 3y
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1. The tagged book was a favorite, Bear Town also was so good!
2. I enjoy watching Cubs baseball, and this year has been rough. Also college playoff basketball and football, the Packers.

@TheSpineView #two4tuesday
Tagging @JenReadsAlot @Kshakal

Kshakal Thanks for the tag @peaknit ! 3y
TheSpineView You choose the same book as I did. Great minds! Thanks for playing! 😊 3y
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Happy Tuesday everyone! Here are the #Two4Tuesday questions for today. A huge thanks to everyone who played last week! Enjoy!

My answers:
⚾️ Tagged book is a fictional story about several characters whose lives are intertwined and is about love, hope, family and friendship. All of this is centered around baseball.
⚾️ Not much of a TV watcher but I do enjoy watching horse racing on occasion.

Want to play? @eggs @wanderinglynn @EadieB

OriginalCyn620 Thanks for the tag! 😊 3y
TheSpineView @OriginalCyn620 You're welcome! 3y
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wanderinglynn Thanks for the tag! 😘 3y
TheSpineView @wanderinglynn Anytime! 😊 3y
TheAromaofBooks Thanks for the tag!!! ❤ 3y
TheSpineView @TheAromaofBooks You're welcome! 3y
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Trying to get back into reading #1001Books, and maybe shouldn‘t have tried with a book over 500 pages long 😂. So I‘m calling this a bail...for now (but not marked as such). Will try again another time. All the nods to Melville and Moby Dick are clever, though.

Instead, reading something more fast paced — “Recursion” by Blake Crouch.

Amiable Oh, I loved this book. 🥰 4y
BarbaraBB I loved this one too, it was really fast-paced. I hope you‘ll get back to it one day 🤍 4y
Reviewsbylola Recursion is just the ticket if you‘re looking for fast paced! 4y
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Amandajoy I‘m in the “loved it” camp! 4y
Suet624 @barbarabb I have to laugh whenever I see that you‘ve posted before me about how much you loved a book. I loved this one too. You and I have such a similar resonance. 4y
BarbaraBB @Suet624 We are booktwins 👯‍♀️ for sure! That‘s why I have my mind set on 4y
ValerieAndBooks @Amiable it does seem to have a lot of Litsy love. My attention span has been terrible lately, will try again soon! 4y
ValerieAndBooks @Reviewsbylola fast-paced is right! Finished Recursion already. 4y
ValerieAndBooks @Amandajoy I definitely plan to try again, maybe when it‘s baseball season 😊 4y
ValerieAndBooks @Suet624 @BarbaraBB you two are bookish twin souls 😊. I promise I will try again with this one. 4y
BarbaraBB 😃😘 4y
Suet624 @barbarabb I think there's only one book that we had a different opinion on and I'm trying to remember what book that was. Do you remember? 4y
BarbaraBB @Suet624 I‘m thinking hard but I‘m not sure. Maybe a NYRB? 4y
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Day 3: I was given this as a gift when my youngest was a few weeks old. It was the first book to hold my attention during the sleep deprived sludge, and I‘ll always associate it with newborn snuggles. It‘s also a bloody good book!

7 books that left a deep impression on me.

Amiable Loved this book! 4y
JennyM @Amiable should be more #litsylove for it I think. Hope you are well and safe xx 4y
Amiable @JennyM We are, thanks! Hope the same is true for you and yours. 🙂 4y
BarbaraBB I loved this one too and I also cherish the copy of the book I read after my first kid was born 💕. Great choice! 4y
JennyM @BarbaraBB it‘s a fab read! 4y
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What‘s more #AmericanPie than baseball??? I absolutely loved this coming of age novel, set in academia and yes, involving baseball ( to some degree). It was a home-run read for me ♥️
#SeptemberSins @jenniferw88

KarenUK Me too... i loved it... 😍💕 5y
Amiable I loved this book 👍🏼 5y
Tex2Flo I generally avoid sports stories, but this one completely bowled me over (to drag in a different sport‘s analogy) 5y
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Suet624 Such a good story. 5y
Leftcoastzen Great book! 5y
Cinfhen Yay!! Lots of #LitsyLove for this book 👍🏽 @Leftcoastzen @Suet624 @Amiable @KarenUK STRIKE @Tex2Flo (edited) 5y
Blaire Same! It is so good! 5y
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Up next. ⚾️ 🎧

BarbaraBB It‘s very good - and I didn‘t expect it to be! 5y
GinaKButler @BarbaraBB I really enjoyed this one! I loved the characters! 5y
BarbaraBB I‘m happy you did. It‘s always so nice to have an unexpected good read! 5y
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I didn‘t enjoy this book as much as I expected. It‘s incredibly pretentious and overwritten, easily 150-200 pages too long. Some of the characters are interesting but others are underdeveloped, especially the only female character of the story. The author tries very hard to write a profound and great American novel, but fails because he‘s trying so damn hard. I hated one part of the ending quite a lot. At least the kitty is cute! #catsoflitsy

JulietReads Look at that cute face! 😺 5y
cathipink Oh man 😑 I've been saving this one for a non-baseball time of year, so that I don't miss baseball season as much. I'm sorry it wasn't good. 5y
KatieDid927 @cathipink I'm a big baseball fan and the baseball was far and away the best part of the novel. It was interesting enough that it held my attention and I got through all 500+ pages in four days, but, I ultimately didn't enjoy it. Other people do so maybe you will! 5y
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KatieDid927 @JulietBooks Thanks! 😍 5y
wanderinglynn Cute kitty! ❤️🐱 5y
j9brown A perfect little kitty face 🤩 5y
8little_paws the kitty is very cute! 5y
KatieDid927 @j9brown Aww, thanks! She just wishes Auntie Nene could pet her! 5y
Amiable I love your kitty! 😻 (I also loved the book, but let‘s not talk about that. 😀) 5y
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“What other sport not only kept a stat as cruel as the error but posted it on the scoreboard for everyone to see?” ⚾️

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This book was so good. Even if you're not a baseball fan, I think this story about college age kids (and a college president) might still appeal to you. I can see why it was so lauded when it came out, and I can't believe it took me so long to get to it. As it's been on my shelf for at least 5 years, this definitely counts towards my #MountTBR2019 challenge (15/36 for Mt Vancouver)!

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1. When you‘re retired everyday is Saturday!
2. Still the Beatles. Currently I am listening to a lot of indie rock and have no idea who they are! Ah....memory is something to cherish. 3. Taking my daughter to meet with her disability counselor. Then pool. 4. The Art of Fielding. 5⭐️. #preMondayVibes

Crazeedi Here's to retirement!👍😉💜 6y
pepsicola Thanks for playing!! 6y
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The Art of Fielding for fiction. For nonfiction, Missoula. Although I‘ve read some great books this years. ( also some really stinky ones!)

megnews I‘ve read some great ones this year too. Hard to choose. Thanks for sharing! 6y
BooknerdsLife Haven‘t started on my Classics read this year yet, so Less by Andrew Sean Greer is my favourite ATM 6y
ShelleyBooksie Hands down Kristin Hannnahs The Great Alone. 6y
azulaco I read Missoula last year. SO good. 6y
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What a wonderful story! I am truly surprised how much I loved it. 5🌟. #mountTBR

Leftcoastzen Me too! 6y
Amiable I adored this book! 🥰 6y
JennyM This one needs more #litsylove. So good 6y
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Next up. I‘ve had this in my TBR pile for years. #mounttbr.

ChasingOm It‘s so good! 6y
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Decided to finally give into my cold and am spending the day on the couch.

Tamra I am joining in with a headache. 🤕 (edited) 6y
DivineDiana Take care of yourself! ❤️ 6y
jenreads7 I hope you‘re feeling much better by now! 6y
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I suspect this is a rather good book but I am clearly hung over from Black Leopard Red Wolf. Why? Because while I enjoyed much about this book—baseball, quirky cast of characters, drama—it isn‘t leaving much of an impression. It probably deserves a reread... So, as it stands a good but not great read &, dear reader, let this be a warning: love it or hate it, it will be hard to find something to read after Black Leopard Red Wolf. Really hard.

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Need to go with something completely different—going to be hard to get Black Leopard Red Wolf out of my head thereby leaving fantasy unreadable for a while—so baseball it is! Picked this up on the recommendation of a friend and was then assured by others that it is a good read.

abbielistenstobooks I enjoyed this one! 6y
JennyM I loved this book. Enjoy 😊 6y
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Thank you so much @TheLibrarian ! This arrived yesterday! 😊 #giveaway

TheLibrarian Glad it arrived safely!!! 6y
AmyG Lovely book. 6y
Amiable That's a wonderful book--enjoy! 6y
KatieDid927 @TheLibrarian @AmyG @Amiable Thanks! I‘m also a big baseball fan so I‘m stoked. 6y
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1. In the middle of reorganizing. Also packing for a road trip this weekend.
2. Columbia Concert Band
3. Playing spider solitaire when I should be doing other things.
4. Jeopardy! Love the beard BTW.
5. I‘m halfway through this chunkster on audio and plan to listen more while on the road.

Rachbb3 I love his beard too! 6y
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25 | #ABBAInAugust

Henry is a college baseball star who is a destined for #TheWinnerTakesItAll big time. But a bad throw changes everything for him and 4 others.

An exceptional read that I think needs more #litsylove

Cathythoughts Sounds interesting 👍🏻 6y
JennyM @Cathythoughts it touches on some juicy topics - much more than baseball! 6y
KarenUK Loved this book 💕👍 6y
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TracyReadsBooks I just picked up this book on a friend‘s recommendation. She told me she couldn‘t put it down which is all I needed to hear! 6y
Mdargusch That sounds like a good one! 6y
Cinfhen I loved this book...it surprised me...it‘s not REALLY about baseball like BearTown isn‘t really about hockey 💚💚💚 6y
Reviewsbylola I‘ve heard great things about this one! 6y
emilyhaldi I almost bought this the other day but was concerned that I wouldn‘t be interested re: baseball. Good to know that it‘s more than that!! 6y
Meredith3 😸😸😸😸😸😸 6y
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It‘s a wrap! The first quarter of #Booked2018! Love this challenge! My choices were:

🔸Olympic Sport: The Art of Fielding
🔸Body Positive: Hunger
🔸Unconventional Romance: Commonwealth
🔸Cozy Mystery: The Nine Tailors
🔸POC: So Much Blue
🔸Feminism: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

So now I can start planning the next six books. Love it 💜

emilyhaldi Did you love Commonwealth like I did?!? ❤️ 7y
BarbaraBB @emilyhaldi I am a sucker for this kind of books and I had a good time reading it. Didn‘t love it like you did though - saw your review! 7y
Kalalalatja It is such a fun challenge! It makes it so much easier when it is devided into quarters 👍 7y
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BarbaraBB @Kalalalatja definitely, love that too! 7y
RebelReader I love the quarter set up as well. Great job @BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft! 7y
Mdargusch 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 well done! It‘s a fun challenge ❤️ 7y
emilyhaldi Lol, I have been LOVING all of my reads this month, which is not the norm. This one just worked for me in every way 😁 7y
Cinfhen Yay!!!! So glad you had a positive first quarter, Barbara @Kalalalatja @RebelReader @Mdargusch @emilyhaldi 💗🙌🏻 7y
BarbaraBB @emilyhaldi You‘re getting so mellow 😂😂💜 7y
Cathythoughts Interested in Commonwealth now that I am reading my first A Patchett. & well done to you 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 6y
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Jesse: “I read a lot of non-fiction. It‘s hard to find fiction that keeps my interest. This story is about a college baseball star‘s life. There are a lot of twists and turns that intertwine people and events. My boyfriend and I traded book suggestions. He gave me this book and the Count of Monte Cristo. I gave him The Book Thief and Dracula by Bram Stoker. Our rule was to give each other an all-time favorite and the last great book we read.“

Suet624 All great book choices. 7y
ClairesReads So good! I love this book! 7y
AmyI Great idea! 7y
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#januarywrapup Not a bad month, with no duds/ bails so all good! Absolutely loved An Untamed State and The Art of Fielding.... and enjoyed everything I read...
#januarystats - 9 books total
5 by women
2 audio
2 non fic
2 middle grade ( by coincidence- both were told in words and pics over two time periods)
1 reread for bookclub

saresmoore Great month! 7y
LauraBeth Nice! Stacking TAoF 📚 7y
merelybookish I have always shied away from Untamed State because of the violence but it's worth it? 7y
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KarenUK @LauraBeth it‘s so good! I just loved all the characters... I rooted for all of them 💕 7y
hes7 Yay! 🎉 7y
KarenUK @merelybookish not gonna lie, it‘s a tough read.... but the writing is great... 7y
BarbaraBB The Art of Fielding was great! Did you also read it for #Booked2018? 7y
KarenUK @BarbaraBB I did! 👍😊 7y
KarenUK @saresmoore @hes7 thanks! 😘 (edited) 7y
SilversReviews Nice...only read THE WOMAN IN THE WINDOW. 7y
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Loved this heartwarming coming-of-age story of love, friendship, ambition and failure. I know nothing about baseball but adored it just the same. Can‘t believe this book has been on my shelf for so long!
This is the joy of reading challenges. I finally picked this up because it fit a category for 4/5 of the challenges I‘m attempting! And I couldn‘t be happier to have discovered this gem!

Cinfhen Woohoo 🙌🏻 💕 7y
AmyG I loved this book, too. 7y
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OMG am I loving this book so far! I can‘t believe I‘ve left it so long on my TBR shelf....
Enjoying a unusually cool FL morning on the patio, with this gem of a warm-hearted book 💕📚
#booked2018 and also #pop2018 !

Cinfhen Great view! I loved this book, it completely surprised me 7y
Cinfhen Would also work for #setAtSchool #booked2018 7y
BarbaraBB I read the same and felt the same: why did it take me so long to finally read it?! 7y
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I don‘t know much about baseball but I liked this book a lot. There‘s so much more to it. It‘s about friendship and failing, about fear of one‘s future and willpower.
Highly recommended!

This one I started last year but finished yesterday. That means it can count as a ‘book involving sport‘ for #PopSugar2018, as well as #LRC and #Booked2018 (#BookFeaturingAnOlympicSport)

(Pic: The chalet in France where we were skiing)

Kalalalatja Looks so cozy! 7y
Cinfhen Loved this book! It surprised me as well 💚congrats on finishing your first book 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Right on target for a #booked2018 year! 👏🏻👏🏻 7y
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#currentlylistening #currentlyreading

I can‘t help but compare this to The Throwback Special even though all they share is a sporting event and a more complex look at men‘s psyches. I do enjoy reading about men‘s inner thoughts. Overall I think TTS does a better job of displaying the complexity but TAoF is a more enjoyable read so far. Thoughts??

KellyK I haven't read The Throwback Special but thoroughly enjoyed The Art of Fielding. 7y
BarbaraBB I am going to read this one for #booked2018! 7y
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Megabooks @KellyK Throwback is different but still burned in my memory. Excellent character sketches. 7y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB I hope you enjoy it!! 7y
BarbaraBB Have you finished it yet? 7y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB Not yet... 7y
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I am planning to read these books for the January-March section of #Booked2018.

With these choices I try to multitask and combine them with #popsugar2018, #1001books and the #ToB2018.

Also I want to have a look at #readharder2018 and the #litsyreadingchallenge2018 when they are published so maybe all will change again!

alisiakae I am also trying to combine with #popsugar and we have some overlap! I am also planning on reading #hunger and I Know why the caged bird sings for #Booked2018. (edited) 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Some great choices! 7y
AmyG I picked Human Acts, too. Good list! (edited) 7y
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Kalalalatja Human Acts are so good! 👏👏 7y
emilyhaldi Oooh which prompt are you using Human Acts for? Thats been sitting on my tbr forever! 7y
BarbaraBB @emilyhaldi I thought POC? I am not completely sure if that‘s allowed...? 7y
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#DecDays This is an exquisite novel of a #smalltownboy who only knows one thing...baseball ⚾️When the college scouts start showing up offering & promising riches and opportunities that Henry could never dream possible his life changes instantly. It‘s a story of friendship, athletics, greed and happiness. Would work for many prompts for #Booked2018 😉Highly recommended

Cathythoughts Sounds very good 👍great review ⭐️ 7y
BarbaraBB I am planning to read this for #Booked2018 (book featuring an Olympic sport)! 7y
Suet624 I really enjoyed this story. 7y
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Skybariline Such a great book, good recommendation! 7y
AmyG @BarbaraBB Very Good choice. It's a lovely book. 7y
Cinfhen Thanks!! I really loved this book, was it turned into a film @AmyG @Skybariline @Suet624 7y
Cinfhen It's a great read @Cathythoughts @BarbaraBB good choice for #booked2018 😊 7y
Suet624 I don‘t know if it was. 7y
Meeko93 Love him! 7y
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Husband is heading on an extended work trip and asked for book recommendations. Ask and you shall receive.

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I chose this book to help me complete the year's Book Riot Read Harder Challenge. I knew little about the book before I chose it + didn't realise it had been a must read when first published. To a be truthful, I struggled a lot with this book. It felt like a chore getting through its 82 chapters, one I begged to be over on several occasions. It's not that it was a bad book, just an unnecessarily long one considering how little depth it had.

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Getting to the pointy end. It's felt like it's taken such a long time to get through this book but I will probably miss the characters once I'm done

RaimeyGallant Welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Here's a bunch of #LitsyTips I put together in a post a couple of weeks ago: http://litsy.com/p/RzZCTVZYU1ND 7y
tif Thanks @RaimeyGallant, I'll check it out :) 7y
AceOnRoam Welcome to Litsy 📚 7y
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tif @AceOnRoam thanks!!! Not sure I need a place to find MORE books to add to my TBR pile but can there ever really be enough books on your TBR pile 😁😁 7y
AceOnRoam The TBR is limitless @tif I need a spreadsheet to manage mine 🗂📈📊 7y
tif @AceOnRoam I have a large indexed notebook... #nerdlyfe 7y
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#RedWhiteBlue #NeverForget #AwesomeAutumnBooks #FallIntoBooks I've only read 1 of these books so far. The other 2 are on my shelves TBR. 🇺🇸

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It's time to pick my new #tenatatime #tbr. I hope I picked a good batch! This has been a great way to make a dent in our overflowing TBR shelves!

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I didn't have a #bestofjuly. 🙁#jubilantjuly Here's the link to my July Wrap Up.

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This is kind of a welcome-back for me. I've been away for a while, but no better way to get back into it than to post about this incredible book only seven hours after I was standing on top of a mountain in Arizona. Anyway, Harbach's book is such a compelling read. I find I can't put it down even when I'm dog tired. #DogsofLitsy #baseball #travel

jfalkens I have the same comforter and pillows! Our bedroom is brown and blue themed. 7y
utterKATEness @jfalkens What are the odds?! We've got the same theme, too! 7y
jfalkens @utterKATEness 😂 that is a slim odd 🤣 7y
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I'm not this far into the book yet. I found this quote for a meme I do over on my blog on Fridays. I just love this description of the professor. It solidifies my long held belief that feather boas should be worn everyday. 😀
#lifegoals #ReadMyOwnDamnBooks #BookRiotReadHarder2017
Here is a link to my blog and today's Firday 56, if you're interested. https://coffeeandcatsblog.wordpress.com/2017/07/07/friday-56-37/


I just thought this book was average. Perhaps it suffered from very high expectations because it came so recommended from so many people. I liked it fine, but definitely didn't love it.

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This book knocked me on my ass and I don't know if I'll ever recover. One of the best I've read in a long time. The characters and Wentish itself have lodged themselves so deeply in my brain it is difficult at times to remind myself I didn't go there, don't know them.

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Last minute shopping yesterday for my summer santa package resulted in a book for me plus a library trip. I have bought The Art of Fielding previously and gave it away as a very appreciated gift. Need to read that one soon!

#bookhaul #libraryhaul

Zelma And yes @AliBG I got the next wedding series book. 🙄 it's completely mindless, which seems to be the only thing I can read right now besides comics. 7y
AliBG @Zelma 😍 7y
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I should have read this instead of listening to it. I didn't remember who David was by the end because it took so long to finish.

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Having fun with Liberty's giveaways today! (Fingers crossed 🤞🏽) Here's my pick for favorite book featuring a sport ⚾️ #GIVEAWAYSPORTS

Literaryunicorn One of my FAVORITES. ❤️❤️❤️👏👏👏 7y
Cinfhen Great book! Fav of mine as well💙 7y
Amandajoy Good pick 😉 7y
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My favorite book about sports. A baseball book for baseball season. Thank Liberty!#giveawaysports

swishandflick Great minds think alike 😄 7y
peaKnit ❤️ this book! 7y
Melkyl Great book 👍 7y
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Still traveling a ton for work (& have just finished an insanely busy month without Litsy), but decided to take some time out to enjoy a night at the ballpark (not my preferred ballpark, but, really, traveling beggars can't be choosers). #baseball

And if you haven't read Chad Harbach's book, put it on your summer reading list!

Beckys_Books This is an excellent read!! 8y
Suet624 Really good book! 7y
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One of my all time favorite baseball book reads. It had a little bit of everything with a sports theme to it #baseball


One of my all time favorite novels, this book is one that should be read slowly and enjoyed. It centers around the story of a rising baseball player at a small college in Michigan as he begins to discover the world outside of his rural upbringing. Almost everything about this book is perfect.