I have completed the @barnesandnoble, @popsugarreadingchallenge and the Read Harder reading challenges.
I am about halfway through my reading goals and reading challenges this year.
Do you participate in any reading challenges?
I have completed the @barnesandnoble, @popsugarreadingchallenge and the Read Harder reading challenges.
I am about halfway through my reading goals and reading challenges this year.
Do you participate in any reading challenges?
Read Harder has just dropped too! 💕
Dare I attempt it alongside #pop23 ?
Dare I? 🤔
As always, there are some interesting and challenging prompts 😊
Yiirrss. Who's in? #ReadHarder https://bookriot.com/read-harder-2023/
I‘m getting obsessed with tracking my reading. Are there other journals you recommend?
It's a Major Award! ... It is a [book-ish hat], you nincompoop, but it's a Major Award. I won it!
2021 Book Riot Read Harder earned and received. After 5 years, I'm taking a break from that specific challenge for 2022.
So I‘m determined to use this this year started with my current book and it has a space for quotes from the book it‘s so great can‘t wait to look back on it the end of the year 📖🤗
BookRiot Read Harder Challenge 2022 has launched!!!!!! But surely I can't do this AND #pop22... especially since I haven't completed any of these challenges since I started doing them in 2018...........
I have some perfect books for some of the prompts already 😶😶😶😶
*prepares to bite off way more than can chew once more*
Yiirrss. Who's in? #ReadHarder https://bookriot.com/read-harder-2022/
All done with the 2021 Book Riot Read Harder Challenge. Woo hoo!
Ok Litsy, I need recommendations. I don‘t read a lot of memoirs and this is the only prompt I have no idea for. Anyone out there read memoirs and has a recommendation that will fit? Or can tag someone that will? Any help is appreciated at this point 😊
• Twas a good reading day with 7 chapters read!! Off to bed with these tired eyes. Dear friends, I hope you've had a productive day as well 😘📚 •
#updates #inprogress #today #goals
I meant to do the Read Harder challenge last year, but I never got started... Here's hoping 2021 goes better.
I'm also looking for a reading challenge that tells you what to read... Any suggestions?
#ReadHarder #ReadHarder2021 #ReadingChallenge
Need to pick a book for next month‘s #ReadHarder challenge 🤔
Not sure if anyone else has been eagerly awaiting the 2021 Read Harder Challenge like I have been, but if you have, it‘s here! There are some excellent categories this year.
And with that, I finished my #ReadHarder challenge! #ReadHarder2020 in the bag!
There's a lot of good stuff here, but I think my favorite discovery was FIYAH Literary Magazine. I've never been into literary magazines before, but I've enjoyed getting a collection of consistently excellent short stories in my inbox every few months, and I'm going to renew the subscription for next year.
Does anyone belong to book riot insiders? Is it worth it?
Virtual cons, Netflix Party, and other ways to feel less lonely while staying home right now. And, of course, Litsy made the list 😉😂
I finally got my stats done. Much better month than I originally thought. I started out strong, but man did it slow down at the end.
I have a problem with sequels. I read the first book, love it, but the sequel and never get it read. I have made a promise to myself to read through some of my sequels. So my #bookspinning list is all the sequels I want to read that I already own. Yes my list is way longer than necessary but it‘s good to have a plan. 😁
If you‘re curious about the order, it‘s by Author.
Today's episode of Unabridged makes my organizationally-oriented soul so happy. We're talking today about the Reading Goals and Reading Challenges we're taking on in 2020. (Spoiler alert: I'm doing the Read Harder Challenge from @bookriot !)
We'd love to know: what are your reading goals for 2020? Are you participating in any challenges?
Guys I am so excited! I just bought a book tracker (by Book Riot) for the first time. I normally like to use Goodreads but I'm down for this! I got it on Amazon.
It comes with a two page spead to review each book, a TBR list, a yearly reading tracker, along with 12 reading challenges. The challenges come with a description, a list of recommend books, and reflection prompts.
Let's not forget to talk about about how beautiful the cover is. ❤📖📚❤
I don‘t know how many of my fellow #Littens are interested but Book Riot has a new spreadsheet you can use in Google Sheets to track your #2020reading. Happy New Year! 🥳🥳🥳 https://bookriot.com/2019/12/04/2020-reading-log/
Last year I read 81 books with a goal of 50. Wish me luck this year!
#readharder #readinggoals #read #bookworm #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookreader #booklover #bookish #booknerd #geek #iheartbooks #iheartreading #happyreading #trytobehappy
Finished 2019s #ReadHarder challenge. A few books that I really loved (Binti, Punakau), a lot that I liked and otherwise never would have read. A few that is always meant to read and finally did... And yes, a few klunkers.
Will try again in 2020!!!
Really looking forward to starting my reading journal next year.
That having been said: uh, bookriot? Can we talk about who you use for your theme quotes?
And that means I've completed the @bookriot #ReadHarder challenge! With a couple of weeks to spare. Get in.
Anyone else going to do the #bookriot #readharder challenge this year?
I made a spreadsheet and am being a nerd about it.
Hey gang! This absolutely beautiful reading log came in November's OwlCrate. I've pondered & pondered how to use it because it's just lovely. However, it doesn't fit the way I plan/record/track books SO I would love to send it to one of you! Please email me at itsthegoodlife15 @gmail if you're interested - first come, first serve! I'm sorry, but US only this time around, & it will probably come media mail, so it will take a bit of time to arrive!!
The #ReadHarder challenge for 2020 is up already! https://bookriot.com/2019/12/03/2020-read-harder-challenge/
This is the only reading challenge I do. It really helps me diversify my reading and keeps me out of any ruts. This year's list looks like a good one, although there are definitely some categories where I'll be fishing for recommendations. (Anybody know any good books by refugees? Books about climate change?) #ReadHarder2020
I never appreciate December. 🤣
And with that, my #readharderchallenge is complete!! I just have #booked2019 left to finish. I‘ve been slacking on those.
I'm not an ardent fall lover (summer forever, please), but the fact that the Book Riot podcast is doing two episodes per week for fall has me embracing the season wholeheartedly.
I 💗 love💗 this podcast (it might be my favorite) because I love hearing Jeff and Rebecca talk about book world news (it isn't book reviews or TBR fluffing at all - even this episode). Highly recommend.
All in all I'd have to say it's a good little reading log book but it's definitely not the greatest one I've ever seen. I would however recommend it to anyone looking for a reading journal.
Please read my full review here:
#readharder2019 -third set. Highlight : No Friend But the Mountains. Why are we still having to write about and protest modern day concentration camps? How are they still a thing?
#readharder2019 -second set. Highlights : The Raven Tower and An Extraordinary Union.
#readharder2019 -first set. Highlight : The Calculating Stars!
I did it! #readharder2019. Better view of books covered coming up. Yay!
Today I and several others kick off the Birth and Beyond Reading Challenge. It's a year long reading challenge to get you out of your age group of reading. You can still join. There will be prizes.
The link is: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1IIVZdd1j151CRLYS7GFQuRLTpLGElLBVy15AuttwaZY/edi...
I shall be reposting all the prompts and talking bout it more in the next few posts.
I can do the first part of this with my kiddo easily...it‘s the rest I‘m worried about 😆!
#bbrc @LibrarianRyan
I listen to a LOT of bookish podcasts, so it‘s really hard for me to choose a fave. But Get Booked is definitely in my top 5. What is YOUR fave bookish podcast?
Repost for @LibrarianRyan :
Signups are now open for the Birth and Beyond Reading Challene #BBRC.
It is a year long reading challenge to get you reading out of your comfort zone and from different age perspective.
Throughout the year there will be prizes. Everyone is welcome. Feel Free to share.
@LibrarianRyan has come up with a great mid-year reading challenge called Birth and Beyond Reading Challenge. I can't participate because I'm way in over my head with reading challenges but I thought I would pass it on. Enjoy
Just signed up for this! Expand your reading horizons by reading for all ages! Check it out: @LibrarianRyan BBRC
Signups are now open for the Birth and Beyond Reading Challene #BBRC.
It is a year long reading challenge to get you reading out of your comfort zone and from different age perspective.
Throughout the year there will be prizes. Everyone is welcome. Feel Free to share.
Is it just me or are the people in this particular challenge group a little... uhhh.. intense? I was reading through some of the threads trying to fill in my last few prompts.. (only 7 left!) and goodness gracious people are nasty to one another! That‘s why I love Litsy! Everyone here is so helpful and friendly!
Man do I know this feeling 😂
11 weeks into the year, so I thought I'd take a look at my challenges! So far :
#readingwomen2019 : 11/24
#readharder2019 : 11/24
#aussiesrule2019 : 8/24
I don't double dip within a challenge, but I do between challenges. Not bad for one fifth of the way through the year!