This book was so cute!!! It brings back childhood memories for me. I rated this book a 4 out of 5 stars. This is the fourth book completed for the #JubilantJuly readathon hosted by @Andrew65
This book was so cute!!! It brings back childhood memories for me. I rated this book a 4 out of 5 stars. This is the fourth book completed for the #JubilantJuly readathon hosted by @Andrew65
I loved these books as a kid so I thought it would be fun to revisit them in the graphic novels. Sadly, this just didn't have quite the same appeal and I'm not sure if it's the format or the story that didn't work for me.
New young readers to this series though will probably love this.
Was going to reread the original series and came across the graphic novel. Super cute. This was my #DoubleSpin book this month. #BookSpinBingo
September goal: Don‘t add any books to my TBR! 😳😫
Turning to some lighter reading today as wildfires + pandemic have me feeling that old familiar anxiety spiral. Uugghh
Fun trip down memory lane. Loved seeing it as a graphic novel.
The new Netflix show is super sweet and cute. Definitely recommend if you want an easy watch and some nostalgia if you read the books. It's definitely not aimed at adults, but I don't care, I really like it 😀
Cute, super fast read. I never read the original books, but I fell in love with the Netflix series and checked out the graphic novel from the library. The artwork is cheery and colorful, plus the panels are easy to follow.
1. Ann M Martin! Can't wait for the new BSC show releasing July 3rd. They are updating it to have queer and Latinx representation too! And Mark Evan Jackson is playing Mr Spier which is so perfect!
2. Cerulean (blue)
3. Building my counseling private practice
4. @Schlinkles and @TsundokuAleax !💙
Thanks @lindy for the tag 😊
Excellent! Loved revisiting this beloved series from my youth in but a new way. This series is what started my love of books and reading. Illustrations were perfect. ❤❤❤❤❤
#24b4Monday bonus book
This was a blast from the past. I love these graphic novels are reaching a whole new generation of young readers.
#MiddleGradeMarch book 23
#OHStayAtHome day 5, book 7
#24b4Monday book 4
Here's my #AugustWrapUp! I honestly enjoyed and/or appreciated nearly every single book I read this month. Great end to the summer/beginning to the school year!
I acquired a reading partner in the hammock. 😁
My stepdaughter is in LOVE with these graphic novels, so I thought I'd give one a try. 😊
Check-in Week 2: On fire activity-wise thanks to having to move classrooms this week! Also, took a walk through Alexandria to see a Bookternet panel with @Merethebookgal which added some steps! Reading has been great too, so my focus is water for week 3.
@wanderinglynn, @4thhouseontheleft,
@AsYouWish, @ChasingOm, @dariazeoli, @Jerdencon, @kspenmoll, @Balibee146, @daena, @MatchlessMarie
#BFC #BookFitnessChallenge #BFCR3 #TeamFitLit
This made me so emotional! It's a well-done adaptation of the original. I grew up on the BSC, & still know the story nearly by heart. This version hit all the things I loved most about it: the way the girls supported each other, the cool entrepreneurial spirit,& the kind warmth of the Stoneybrookers. The art is fun, colorful & perfectly conveys the same warmth. Definitely want to pick up more of these, both for me & to share w/my daughter one day.
I have started getting books at the library to help conquer the Birth and Beyond Reading Challenge and when I saw our library had the graphic novel of an old favorite series of mine I just had to have it! The BabySitters Club was probably one of the first series I followed as a kid and it was fun to revisit this from my childhood! #bbrc #middlegrade #mgme #graphicnovel
I never read any of the original Babysitter‘s Club books when I was a kid—-probably because I HATED babysitting. 😁 But since it was rebooted as a graphic novel and Raina Telgemeier did the first 4 of the series, I decided to check it out. I really enjoyed this one! Now I need to read the next 3! 😊
My couch reading buddy. Her novel is a lot more “fun” in nature than mine. 😊
Free Comic Book Day, part 1! This is the collective #bookhaul between myself, @Merethebookgal, @Nitpickyabouttrains , and @AlizaApp .Then we had a scrumptious brunch to celebrate the amazing lady that is Mere.
1. The #1 song on my 18th birthday was Come on Over by Christina Aguilera. I wanted her hair from that video so badly!
2. Scorpio
3. I think Carolyn Keene (I know she's not real, but still) and Ann M. Martin are probably equally responsible for me becoming the reader I am today.
4. If you're reading this, consider yourself my friend and therefore tagged!
#wondrouswednesday @eggs
Look what I found at the library!!! So excited.
This review is for the graphic novel of the first babysitters club. It was super cute and reminded me why I loved these books as a kid.
As popular as this graphic novel is amongst elementary school readers, I can‘t believe I‘m the first person to review this on Litsy! This was pure nostalgia, and keeps the feel of the original. It was so much fun to dive back into the world of the BSC. Growing up, I wanted to be Claudia, but felt more like a mix of Mary Anne and Kristy. It‘s fun to view the characters now through the lens of adulthood. #middlegrade
#pop19 #makesyounostalgic
Bedtime reading! Just the kind of Friday night I was in the mood for. At least until the rain stops. 🌧 #pop19 #nostalgic
#SeptemberDanes Day 11: While it may initially appear as if these girls have #NothingInCommon, with each of the characters having their own distinct traits and unique voices that make them who they are - their friendship is beautifully rendered in this graphic novel adaptation of The Babysitters Club. My full review here: https://wp.me/pDlzr-ae7
I was obsessed with the BSC when I was a kid - it was the series that I would rush into the bookstore for, in case there was a new book out that I hadn't read. I love that there are new and adorable graphic novel versions, a whole new generation of kids can get to know and love them, including my 8 year old niece Ella, who told me this is her favorite book. Hearing that makes my heart happy. All of these stories are still so relatable!
Having been a 70s/80s kid, I missed out on the glorious 90s BSC series 😀 I would have devoured this as a middle grade reader. Have to admit, reading it at 47 was still fun. I read this to check off a box on the read harder challenge, but I now want to read the second one - so I may have a problem brewing. 😂 #readharder2018
Ok where all my BabySitters Club lovers out there? When I was in high school I read almost all of them! These are the graphic novels they came out with about them. Anyone liKen the graphic novels? Also has anyone listened to the baby sitters club podcast?
Decided to read the graphic novels as well. I might be over doing it with this but I can‘t help myself. I think the idea of seeing my favorite childhood series done in a new way is pretty cute.
I was a little too young when the baby-sitters club was popular but this was a great introduction to this wonderful series. I love that they are all about female friendships (even the original books). But I think this is the perfect format to redo them in. So glad that these great characters get to be introduced to a new generation. #springreads #graphicnovels #middlegrade
The Baby-sitters Club. I'm proud to say it was totally my idea, even though the four of us worked it out together. "Us" is Mary Anne Spier, Claudia Kishi, Stacey McGill, and me --- Kristy Thomas.
#annmmartin #thebabysittersclub #bookworm
I would love to reread more often, but sometimes I don‘t get the chance. I do choose #comfortreads sometimes when I am stressed out or sad, and this year, these fit the bill. Technically, I read the originals approximately 9238 times as a pre-teen, and I read the graphic novel adaptations this year. They were fun and nostalgic and comforting. #booksyoureread #allthebooksof2017
I thought this might be of interest to a lot of you. 😁
Finished this one just in time to turn on the lists. It was fun. And better than I remember the Babysitters club. Maybe because it's in graphic format? When I was younger I only liked the BSC mysteries. #readathon
Time for a mail and snack break. #readathon.
#Girlfriends! #AndItsAugust I haven't managed to to sit down & read this #graphicnovel adaptation. But I have great memories of the original book series!
The Baby Sitters Club graphic novel brought back so many memories! 5🌟https://jilljemmett.com/2017/06/27/kristys-great-idea-baby-sitters-club-graphic-novel-1/ #amreading #review
Just started listening to the babysitters club club podcast. I loved The babysitters club when I was a teenager.
#1990s #podcast #babysittersclub
My St. Jordi's day book and flower from @readsusieread 😍📚 (I was a HUGE Babysitter's Club fan as a young girl.)
So fun! A quick way to revisit a childhood favorite. I can read a bit here and there while my son plays and still finish in a day or so. I love the artwork and the new format for this childhood favorite series. I hope they continue past the 4 already published and the 5th slated for the fall (with a different illustrator).