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Leave Me Alone, I'm Reading
Leave Me Alone, I'm Reading: Finding And Losing Myself in Books | Maureen Corrigan
67 posts | 20 read | 118 to read
A lifelong book lover and NPR book critic speaks out on the authors and the books that have played a key role in her life, exploring how the magic of reading has helped her understand herself and reflecting on how a love of literature can help transform our lives. Reprint. 17,500 first printing.
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My morning reading buddy 🐶❤️

TheSpineView Awwww... 💜🐾 4mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 4mo
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A birthday present from a friend who really knows me 😂 I thought you guys would appreciate it 😁

hannah-leeloo Perfect present 11mo
Ruthiella 😂😂😂 11mo
dabbe #tellingitlikeitis 🤣🤣🤣 11mo
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Chelsea.Poole 😍 14mo
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The perfect pie. From @ pieladybooks on Instagram.

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Yep, I said it 🤭😂🤪

magyklyXdelish Yessssss 4y
wanderinglynn 😂😂😂 Yas! 4y
Sleepswithbooks 🤣🤣 4y
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MoonWitch94 😂🤣😂🤣🙂🤣 Omg this needs to be on a mug! 4y
CBee @MoonWitch94 maybe I‘ll have some made 😂😂 4y
Jas16 Love this! 😂 4y
Birdsong28 Yes!!! 📚 📖 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Nothing takes me longer to finish than the last two pages in a chapter after I tell my BF I just want to finish this chapter. 4y
CBee @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick same girl. Same. 😂😂 4y
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wanderinglynn Yes! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻❤️ 4y
i.besteph 🤣🤣 4y
Texreader 🤣🤣🤣👍🏻 4y
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Hooked_on_books At least 4y
Tanisha_A 😁👏 4y
Freespirit 😂😂😂😂😂 4y
Soubhiville Truth! 4y
MicheleinPhilly You can erase “when I‘m reading” for me. 😉 4y
saresmoore What @MicheleinPhilly said. 👆 4y
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You would think ✌️social distancing✌️ would be conducive to a readathon but not so much when your whole family is doing it 😂 #StayHome24in48

Avanders Yep! 4y
Tamra Totally right! Btw, I LOVE Schitt‘s Creek. 😆 4y
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Meh. I had high hopes for this book. I don't want to sound crass and uncaring, but by the time I was about three-quarters of the way through, I found myself uninterested in Corrigan's Irish-Catholic childhood and her infertility problems. Just not the book for me, I guess.

Zelma I tried this years ago and bailed as well. It wasn‘t what I expected - more personal memoir than book-related. 5y
MaGoose @Zelma I totally agree. 5y
Smrloomis I thought this would be more book related too. At least it‘s one I can take off my TBR. 4y
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This just came in the mail today and shot to the head of my TBR list. Memoir about Corrigan's life as a reader and book reviewer for NPR's Fresh Air.

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Texreader 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
batsy So true! 5y
Sace I can promise that I will only ask if I wasn't able to surreptitiously peek at the cover. If I ask I'm genuinely interested 😁 5y
mklong Yes!! 5y
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Mark your calendars!!! 💛

kaysworld1 I am in 👍 4y
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It is extremely rare when I visit Reddit, but the above gems were prompted by a post from yellowdragon17, asking for advice on how to handle her non-reader husband who told her that "reading isn't the same as doing something." #GroundsForDivorce
@arlenefinnigan @Cinfhen

arlenefinnigan Yeah you deserve to get dumped pal 5y
KT1432 I was just thinking about this the other day! I can't read around some people because they act like it's lazy, but they will also sit and watch hours of TV lol. 🙄 (edited) 5y
vivastory @lele1432 Or when they find out I like to read, they make comments along the lines of, "I don't have the time to read" I'm not a fan ? 5y
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KT1432 Right lol!! 5y
sprainedbrain I have no time for these people. Or most people. 😂 5y
saresmoore @sprainedbrain Ditto that! 🙄 5y
Bookish_Gal Reading is totally doing something. Actually doing so many things 5y
OnlyYoo I think that people who hate reading just haven‘t met the right book yet 5y
Cinfhen Priceless post 😉❣️❣️ 5y
Suet624 My ex used to get so upset when I read. He is dyslexic and he thought I was showing off. Five years ago he discovered audiobooks and dove in. He has since apologized to me for his attitude toward my reading. (edited) 5y
vivastory @Suet624 That's a great story! Dyslexia is more common than I think a lot of people realize 5y
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Broke 17,000 litfluence overnight! Thank you guys for being my favorite corner of social media. 💕❤️🎉🎊

Megabooks 🎉🎉🥳🥳📚📚🍾 5y
Bklover Congratulations!!! 5y
JulietReads 👏👏👏🎉 5y
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Jas16 🎉👏📚 5y
Ddzmini Congratulations 🎊🎈🎉 🥳 5y
Redwritinghood 🎉🎉 5y
Dragon 👍😀🎉 5y
TK-421 Congratulations! 5y
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You know you‘ve got a good holiday planned, when you get your nails painted to match your PJs, because that‘s what you‘ll be wearing for the next week! Happy Reading folks! 🎄

AmyG Happy Reading to you! And Merry Christmas.🎄 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Ho 💚 Ho ❤ Ho 6y
GingerAntics That sounds like the perfect holiday to me!!! 6y
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squirrelbrain 🤣🤣🤣 6y
Aims42 Beautiful shade! 6y
Mitch @AmyG Happy Holidays 🎉💕🎉 6y
Mitch @Aims42 thank you! I actually took my PJs to the shop to match the colour! It‘s all in the detail! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 6y
DGRachel That‘s fantastic! 6y
Dragon Happy holidays! 💚🎉 6y
Redwritinghood Merry Christmas!🎄🎁 6y
Mitch @DGRachel Happy Christmas xxxxx 6y
DGRachel Merry Christmas to you, too! 6y
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I‘ve decided to get the title tattooed on my forehead 😂

BookNerd9906 🤣🤣🤣 6y
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I could really use this book jacket as a book cover for every book I read.

akckitty I agree with you! 6y
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Current mood: want to entomb myself in stacks of unread books for the next 48 hours. (Whereupon I will hopefully emerge as a beautiful, well-read butterfly.)

#introvertsunite #figurativelyspeaking

britt_brooke If only this could really happen. 🐛📚🦋 6y
CouronneDhiver Ha! Likewise. 😊 6y
SkeletonKey I relate so hard. *hugs* 6y
2BR02B @SkeletonKey Right back at you, friend! 🤗 6y
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Leave Me #Alone I'm Reading could very well be the motto of all littens. Thanks for a wonderful month @BarbaraBB @Cinfhen I had a blast!
#HeatOfJuly Day 31

Hollie Great choice! 6y
Cinfhen Perfect 🏆great month🥇thanks for playing along 🎵 6y
BarbaraBB Perfect final choice! Thanks for playing Scott 😘 6y
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TODAY. Starting at 10 am PST and ending at 10am PST tomorrow. It is my readcation day. #12in24 Let‘s do this!!

Sara_Planz I have those socks too! Love them!! 6y
JSW @Sara_Planz yesssss 😍 6y
398.2 I have them too! I was so excited when I saw them at the store. 6y
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Oh, good. More time for reading. 🤓📚

Photo cred: Mental Floss

Kaye I also read that if you read more fiction, it could prevent/ delay Alzheimer‘s. Why, I‘m clueless. I thought it‘d be better for your brain to read NF. Knowledge. Dates, people, places. I don‘t know 🤔 6y
Leftcoastzen Good News, It looks like I might get a few extras done on mount TBR! 6y
ApoptyGina69 @Kaye I‘ll bet both help-imagination + vocabulary building + names & dates, etc. 6y
mrozzz Bahaha that‘s the spirit!! 👌🏻🤓📚📚📚💗 6y
2BR02B @Kaye maybe because of the details you need to remember in order to follow the plot? That's the only reason I can think of. 6y
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I recommended this book to a friend recently. Corrigan reviews books on NPR‘s Fresh Air, and her book is a joyful reflection on her reading life. It‘s the perfect book to get you out of a reading slump, or to grow your TBR.

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My shirt says it all #idratherbereading

BookaholicNatty I need one!!!! So cute! 6y
BookaholicNatty I like the style of it with the gray and it looks comfy! 6y
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LoverofLit @BookaholicNatty A crafty friend of mine made it as a Christmas present. I told her she needed to start selling them as I've been asked where I got it quite a few times! It is very comfy indeed :-) 6y
rather_be_reading haha ur shirt matches my handle! 6y
LoverofLit Hahaha! @rather_be_reading I feel like you need one too! 6y
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Pruzy Yes! I like the look of this book! 6y
TheBookgeekFrau Story of my life lol 6y
ValerieAndBooks I have this one too. I think we‘ve all said that a few times 😊! 6y
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LeahBergen This sounds good! 👍🏻 6y
DivineDiana @Pruzy I have a feeling it is going to increase my TBR even more! 6y
DivineDiana @C.Perone @ValerieAndBooks Agree! 🙂 6y
DivineDiana @LeahBergen Couldn‘t resist! 6y
CrowCAH Perfect book title! 6y
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First read of the new year! 😄📚🍻🎉🎊

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End of the year Library Book Sale! Fill a bag- $6! I do not need these books! 🤪 #bookhaul

kspenmoll But how could any of us resist?! 7y
BookMaven407 What a great deal! 7y
DivineDiana @kspenmoll Thank you for understanding! 😉 7y
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ReadingEnvy Clearly you did though. 7y
Leftcoastzen A good sale is hard to resist!❤️😀 7y
DivineDiana @Leftcoastzen Agree! 🙂 7y
Tamra We always need Wharton. 💜 7y
DivineDiana @Tamra I want to read Wharton in 2018! (edited) 7y
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Hubs did good with these socks for Xmas. Hope you all are having a wonderful holiday. #joinin

LauraBeth 😂 7y
PenguinInFlight 😂😂 7y
emilyhaldi I got those too!!! 😂❤️ 7y
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CouronneDhiver 🙌🏽🙌🏽 7y
ReadingSusan Ha ha I need those 🤣 7y
Joanne1 Love the socks, but that snow!! 7y
CareBear I got these too! 7y
BookBabe 😂👌🏻 7y
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I just had to share this. It was posted on Facebook by Book Riot. Made me laugh!

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#rocktober day 22 This is how I feel sometimes...
Some #peoplearestrange , some are okay, but I prefer the company of books. Sorry people. 🤓

tpixie I do like to listen to her on NPR. HOPE you are left alone today!! 7y
Cinfhen I get it!!!! 7y
JacqMac 💕Most days I‘m not a fan of peopling either. 7y
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#riotgrams is starting up again, maybe I'll last more than a week this time. Smaller shelf holds all my history related books and the big one holds everything else. If only I could fit a third shelf in this room. #shelfie

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To whoever has me for #Halloweengoespostal, I really am going to do my very best to go on a book buying ban from now to Halloween! But I couldn‘t resist these at the used bookstore when dropping off books son didn‘t want anymore. I did get a couple books (not pictured) for who I have. Will get him/her a couple more books (new), some little extras, then mail out!

However, my bday is in a few days so there may be another book haul then!

ValerieAndBooks P.S. Travels with Charley by Steinbeck is one I already have, but upgrading! 7y
batsy Some amazing writers in there! 7y
ValerieAndBooks @batsy Yes! So you understand my dilemma— I couldn‘t just leave them behind 😅! 7y
Liz_M Yay! You found a copy of 7y
ValerieAndBooks @Liz_M I was glad to see it! So it will definitely be my 1978 book for my #birthdaychallenge 😊 7y
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Completed my Goodreads challenge three months ahead of schedule...which probably indicates I need more of a social life😂 Just kidding, I'd rather read.

Andrew65 Well done and we are not even 3/4 of the way through the year! 👏🍾🎊🎉🥂😊 (edited) 7y
GinEyre22 🎇🎆🎉🎊 7y
Jess7 Congrats! 7y
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kgriffith I was so confused when this was the first post when I opened Litsy; I thought, "I didn't enter a challenge, and I definitely haven't hit 150..." ? Way to go, you! 7y
sprainedbrain Woohoo!! 🎊🎉🎈 7y
Redwritinghood 👏👏👏👏 7y
JessClark78 🎊🎊🎉🎉📚 7y
AmyG Congrats! I am in awe of all of you who have already read 100+ books. For the life of me...I just don't know how you do it. 👊🏻 7y
tammysue That's awesome! 👏🏻👏🏻🎉 7y
quirkyreader Yippie! 7y
britt_brooke 🙌🏻🙌🏻 7y
Booksnchill 👍👍👍👍👍🎉 7y
CoverToCoverGirl 🎊🎊👏👏😎 7y
Lissa00 @GlitterFemme That's funny! I can see how that would happen:) 7y
Jas16 🙌🏽 7y
BookishBlonde12 Nicely done!! 7y
DarcysMom Woo Hoo! Congratulations! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 7y
ErikasMindfulShelf 🎉🎉👏🏻👏🏻 7y
clkbandara Congrats !! 🎊🎊 7y
RohitSawant Congratulations!! 🎉 7y
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Another book added to my TBR

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#booksandnooks My happy place 🤗#backtoreading

JoeStalksBeck Love!! 7y
CareBear This looks sooo comfy!! 7y
stacybmartin That looks amazing! 😍 7y
JoeStalksBeck Did you get your package yet? I'm worried about it 7y
My_novel_obsession @joestalkbeck - just got here today!! 7y
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Joining the #asidefrombooks train.

Favorite Hobby: handicrafts
Favorite Drink: adult--old fashioned All ages (ish)--iced lattes
Favorite Food: fresh fruit. Or homemade pie.
Favorite Color: pale greens
Favorite City: Seattle
Dream house: here is good, but more light and open floor plans!
Favorite Accessory: glasses
Favorite TV Show: Veronica Mars, Friday Night Lights
Last movie I saw in theaters: Cars 3
Currently Reading: lots of stuff!

VanChocStrawberry @hermyknee it's sooooooooo good! 7y
GypsyKat The hubs and I started watching Veronica Mars last year, I think we only watched the first season... we should go back to it, I'm not really sure why we stopped. It was good! 👍 7y
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Libby1 That coffee mug is the best. 7y
VanChocStrawberry @Libby1 it makes me laugh AND reassures me! 🙂 7y
VanChocStrawberry @GypsyKat that's how I was with Battlestar Gallactica. I enjoyed it, but took long breaks. I wonder if part of it is that these shows were made before "bingeing" on tv was a thing? I wonder if the writing/creation process is different now? 7y
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Me this afternoon. And I loved it.

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What can I say. #afavoritehobby #riotgrams

MyNamesParadise I have nightgowns that say this...according to my friends my resting bitch face always keeps ppl away 😝 7y
LeslieO Haha @MyNamesParadise ! RBF can come in handy when wanting to be left alone to read! 7y
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The Bay Area Book Festival had these cool inflatable "reading tents."

OhNoMersault Were they hot as bejesus? 7y
SuperPunkNinja I don't think so. I didn't actually go in one but was pretty cool in Berkeley today. 7y
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kspenmoll What fun! Jealous! 7y
CAGirlReading So cool! I didn't get to check out much of the festival today but I'm definitely heading there tomorrow! 7y
DivineDiana I want one! 7y
Suet624 I SO wanted to go to this but it was 3,000 mikes and many $$$ away. 7y
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"It's not that I don't like people. It's just that when I'm in the company of others - even my nearest and dearest - there always comes a moment when I'd rather be reading a book."

I experience these moments with alarming frequency... #introverting ?

#MayBookFlowers #MaureenCorrigan #TotalMCFangirl #Reading #Reader #OccasionalHermit #Bookworm

LeslieO Always! 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I feel the same way!! 😊 7y
rubyslippersreads Me too! 😄 7y
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underthebelljar Me too! 😆 7y
vivastory I really liked this book 7y
EvieBee 🙋🏽 7y
Jess_Read_This @vivastory I just love Maureen Corrigan. I haven't read this book cover to cover yet, just a chapter here and there. 7y
LeahBergen Yes!! 👏🏻👏🏻 7y
Suet624 Me too!!! 7y
RealLifeReading Ok I want this book! 7y
Jess_Read_This @ValerieAndBooks She's a favorite of mine. ☺️ 7y
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Yep, that's me ☕️📖👍🏻 #introverting #maybookflowers

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Long day at work, it's cold out, and I'm under the electric blanket. I'm not sure i can make it any clearer than this book title.

minkyb Message received! 😜 7y
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#LitsyPartyOfOne is 10:30pm too late for Hamburger Helper & Cherry Coke? Mom has gone to bed so I needed protein & caffine to get down to some serious partying...err...reading.

Laura317 Is that s trick question? Never too late! 7y
Jinjer @Laura317 Thanks for your support!👍🏻 7y
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📚📚😒The struggle is real over here.. my TBR pile is out of control, I've got about 10 library books checked out, 3 book club books to read, one buddy read where my poor buddy has left me behind, and a library book sale to go to tomorrow. Work gets in the way of my book life. Is there such a thing as book life work life balance? 🤓

#bookanxiety #booklife #thestruggleisreal #readharder #aprilbook #tbr {📸Google photo credit}

PandaPanda I was feeling this last night! Didn't get home from work till 9 and was like "how will I read enough before bed!" 7y
Suet624 Great post. I feel the same way. 7y
Jess_Read_This @PandaPanda @Suet624 I'm so glad I'm not alone! 7y
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I visited my BFF from high school in Texas over the weekend. She had this picture of me in my natural habitat. Not much has changed in 30 some odd years...

Suzze Love it! Don't you wish you could see what book it was? 😁 7y
AWahle @Suzze The one next to me is Going Crazy by T. Hemmings. I really wish I knew what I was so engrossed in though! 7y
Laura317 I have a similar one of me. Wish we could see what you had. 7y
MyNamesParadise That's me!! Except I don't have any photos. 7y
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#TBRtemptation post 1! Didn't believe me that I had a plethora of books-on-books on tap, did ya ???? Well, there's plenty more coming down the pike--like this one!!! Do you like NPR's "Fresh Air" program? You might recognize the author then. Have you ever felt that you'd rather be alone reading somewhere rather than wherever you were with whoever you were with? Yep, that's the point of this book. You're not alone! #blameLitsy #blameMrBook ?

Lynnsoprano Love her reviews. 7y
LitsyGoesPostal 😊👍🏻 7y
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#marchintoreading Day8: #guiltypleasures
Ignoring other household responsibilities because books happened and there's a cat on me. Chores? What chores?

asiriusreader 😻😻 cats and books...what more do we need in life? 😉 7y
LindsayReads Totally valid. 7y
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Joining #litsypartyofone a little late. Technically, I'm still a party of 4, but soon to be a party of 2 (kids' bed time 🙌🏻). Typical Friday night. 😁

ReadingSusan Ha ha yes! 7y
saresmoore Yep! Enjoy! 7y
Lmstraubie Hee hee 😸😸😸 7y
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Playing catch-up from yesterday's reading challenges. This was one of my grandma's favorite chairs that I inherited. It's my favorite place to read (other than my bed) #riotgrams #grandmachair

drokka I quite like the throw. 7y
bitterbear @drokka I.was thinking the same thing. 7y
TheLibrarian @drokka @bitterbear Thank you! It's beautiful but I don't use it that often since my cat tends to snag it. 7y
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