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Bibliophile: An Illustrated Miscellany | Janet Mount
This volume brims with bookish treasures, all delightfully illustrated by avowed bibliophile Janet Mount.
Find your next great read in lovingly curated stacks of books!
Test your knowledge of the written word with quizzes!
Sample the most famous fictional meals!
Peek inside the workspace of your favorite authors!
Tour the worlds most beautiful bookstores!
And meet an adorable array of bookstore cats!
Dive into this enchanting collection to fall in love with books over and over again.
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It may have arrived a couple of days late, but I think it was worth it! A birthday gift from my husband… a unique print from Jane Mount of my favorite books…. Cannot wait to get it framed and on the wall…. 😍

EvieBee Lovely and lots of my favorites on here, too! 3y
squirrelbrain That‘s so lovely…and even better that it‘s personalised! I agree @EvieBee - there‘s lots of my faves on here too. 3y
Bookgirl This is very cool! 3y
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AmyG Fabulous! ❤️ 3y
Ruthiella How thoughtful! 😀 3y
Cathythoughts What an amazing gift 💫 3y
Cathythoughts Station Eleven ! Secret History ❤️ 3y
sprainedbrain That is so cool! 😍 3y
TheLudicReader We share a lot of favourite books. Lovely gift. 3y
BarbaraBB What a cool gift! 🤍 3y
Avanders So cool 😍 3y
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How can this not be a pick?! A book about books, artistically rendered and thoughtfully curated. Only problem I see is that it adds to my TBR list 💖📚💖📚💖 !

Ruthiella What‘s one of the books you now want to read after finishing this? 😀 4y
Amandajoy One of these days I‘m going to have a custom painting (or print) from her. 4y
AkashaVampie wow... from the looks of this pic, I thought u had a ton of books on top of another big blue book. haha 4y
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Hooked_on_books I LOVED this book! It‘s just marvelous and the physical book for this one was the only way to go, since it‘s beautiful. 😍 4y
ValerieAndBooks @Ruthiella oh, my! So many. But one that intrigues me because it takes place in a dystopian future of 2021 (this year 😱!) is this by P.D. James 4y
ValerieAndBooks @Amandajoy that would be living the dream! They are so lovely. 4y
ValerieAndBooks @AkashaVampie haha, I can see why! 📚📚📚 4y
ValerieAndBooks @Hooked_on_books yes! It is still on my coffee table instead of the bookshelf. I want to go back and write down a TBR list based on this. 4y
Lynnsoprano I think I want this book just for the cover 😄 4y
ValerieAndBooks @Lynnsoprano it‘s a treasure 💖📚💖📚!! 4y
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I also got banned book socks!

Mitch Love your reading spot xx 4y
Oryx I'm wearing the very same socks just now 😃 4y
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@CrowCAH thought of you when I saw this! I‘m sure you have most of these covers already 🤗

CrowCAH Awww 🥰 Actually I don‘t. Only own four on the right page. I need all on the left page and one from the right. So there‘s more books to add to the #PnPCovers collection! 4y
ValerieAndBooks @CrowCAH I thought you probably don‘t have the original edition but wow still more for you to get!! And new editions come out all the time I‘m sure. But you‘re having fun with this 💖 4y
CrowCAH @ValerieAndBooks yes, more editions come out it seems almost every year! It‘s a fun hobby and gives me excuses to go to new and used book stores 📚 4y
ValerieAndBooks @CrowCAH I was just browsing in www.bookoutlet.com and there‘s a PnP cover (Paper Mill Classics) that I don‘t remember seeing from your hashtag. (Sorry if I‘ve just enabled you 😂) (edited) 4y
CrowCAH @ValerieAndBooks lol I‘ll check it out! Thanks 😊 4y
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My 2019 year in review. Lots of five ⭐ books this year.

Made both goals in #MtTBRChallenge2019 and #VirtualMountTBR2019 as well. 24 total.

Read 36 books in all, not my best total, but above average for me. If you are new to following me, I should let you know that I'm a slow reader who doesn't get a lot of time to read. I'll never read 100+ books a year, but I try to make up for that with quality and diversity.

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#newyearnewyou #januarytbr Here is my TBR for Jan. I‘m currently reading A Woman is no Man. I‘ll be starting Stay Sexy and don‘t get murdered on audio book on Monday. #popsugarchallenge #alwaysfullybooked

Cinfhen Thanks for tagging me/ journal looks great 😍Can‘t wait to see more ❣️ 5y
Cinfhen And looks like a promising month of reads💕 5y
Eggs Looking gooood 📚📚📚📚 5y
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I‘m so exited about this book! I‘ve been wanting it for ages (and though I‘m sure the hardback is much more appealing), I found it for $1.99 as an ebook, so I snatched it up!❤️📚

charl08 Loved it (and what an amazing bargain!) 5y
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This is going to be controversial BUT does anyone feel a duty not to collect too many books, because they'll be a burden for your kids when you're dead? I tagged one so beautiful that one of my children might want to have it, but honestly? Other than a couple of valuable boxed sets I can't imagine any of my kids will want them. I imagine giving a lot of them away to the library when I become a senior citizen.

Samplergal I‘m in the middle of that. Neither of my kids are voracious readers so I‘m giving them all away at my book clubs. 5y
Megabooks Or you could donate them to prison programs or adult literacy. 5y
jillrhudy @Megabooks Good idea! I read that estate sale people will just pulp them so I am determined to avoid that, and at least try to get them to someone who will read/love them. I could also use an online book swap system and simply mail them to anyone who wants them. . . (edited) 5y
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TheSpineView My gran6read a lot of the same books I do. Therefore, I see him having a field day with my books. 5y
KathyWheeler I‘m considering downsizing my books because I really doubt my kids will want them. They read, but not like I do. 5y
jillrhudy @KathyWheeler All six of my kids read but nothing remotely like I do, and for the most part they aren't going to want my books. They don't have the same taste in books for one thing. I do have a niece who reads like a house on fire. She may be my best hope! 5y
Aimeesue You've seen my shelves, so obviously my answer must be NO. 😁 Also, that reminds me - I still have a box of books to mail to you. 😂 5y
jillrhudy @Aimeesue You're kidding. I'm going to strike back with a parcel this time TWICE as big as yours, so there. That will fix your wagon. How are you fixed for hopelessly obscure Monica Dickens? I've got a copy of “Joy and Josephine.“ 5y
Susannah You may have thought of this, but my mom and I were just talking about places to donate books, and she said she had a friend who donated them to homeless shelters (and perhaps domestic violence shelters too). 5y
Aimeesue @jillrhudy I do not have Joy and Josephine, although I do have several M. Dickens novels. Did you read Mariana with AA? I think that was my first Persephone. 5y
jillrhudy @Susannah For some of my books domestic violence shelters would be ideal! 5y
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#24B4Monday #readathon #readallbooks
Here is my potential TBR for the readathon which starts at midnight. The theme is banned books, but feel free to read whatever you want and have fun.

BeansPage 😗oooooo 5y
Andrew65 Good luck with the Readathon. 😊👍 5y
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Janet Mount inspired me to put together my ideal bookshelf from my own collection. I definitely spent 3 hours choosing and organizing 🤓 ... But, I realized so many of my faves are only on my e-reader 😕


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I mean!!! 😍♥️🥰
If you haven't already, please, do yourself a favor, and get ahold of this book!! The illustrations are lovely, and your #tbr will grow exponentially. I love this book and I want it for my own. Alas, it is a #librarybook that will be passed into other book-loving hands. Sigh. 🙂

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego This book is beautiful! 💖 6y
MelissaSue81 I have the planner and the notecards but not the book. What is the book “about”? About the books? The love of reading in general? 6y
Klou This is on my Birthday list this year. It looks amazing! Can't wait to get my hands on it! 💕 6y
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Cortg I just put it on hold in case I forget to grab it tomorrow! Looks goooood! 6y
Chelsea.Poole @Klou I hope you get it!! If not, buy yourself a gift for yourself! 😊 6y
Chelsea.Poole @Cortg I hope you enjoy 😊 6y
Chelsea.Poole @MelissaSue81 I'm not sure what the notecards or planner contain, so I can't compare the them with the book. But, the book itself is just a work of art about books. There are categories throughout and illustrated stacks, such as "history" or "picture books" and there are pages about libraries, bookstores, authors' reading rooms, and more...all illustrated. 6y
Klou @Chelsea.Poole thank you, me too! And I definitely will do if that's the case! 😊 6y
ShyBookOwl It's officially my current "coffee book table" ? 6y
jillrhudy I got this for FREE from the publisher as an ARC and nearly DIED when I opened it. It's GORGEOUS. 5y
Chelsea.Poole @jillrhudy lucky you!! I love this! 5y
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THIS BOOK! I'm loving every page. Wishing I owned it but my librarian soul just won't allow me to purchase books. If I ever bend that rule it will be for this book. Excellent reading recommendations with beautiful illustrations. 😍📚♥️

TheBookgeekFrau It's beautiful!!😍💕 6y
Mitch A perfect Sunday eve read ❤️ 6y
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jdiehr Cute leggings! 6y
Reviewsbylola It really is gorgeous! 6y
Mdargusch Love that cover! 6y
Becker Thanks for the excellent recommendation. It looks like something I would love. 6y
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#bookmail! A couple from Indigo and a few from the Folio Society sale.

LeahBergen Wonderful!! 😮😮 6y
Reviewsbylola Wow, amazing haul! I need The Illustrated Dust Jacket. 😍 6y
rabbitprincess Gorgeous edition of The Quest for the Northwest Passage! 6y
brilliantglow @Reviewsbylola It has some really cool vintage covers in it! I can't wait to really read it. 6y
brilliantglow @rabbitprincess thank you! It's from Folio. I am excited to unwrap it and see all the illustrations inside 6y
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Chester (orange) was on my lap first. Amberley wormed her way in and Chester wasn‘t feeling accommodating. 😹

We were supposed to travel this long weekend but snowpocalypse thwarted us. Now I‘m hoping to get some reading done. I was only mildly successful yesterday (I really need to stay off social media). We‘ll see what today brings. First up, finish the tagged book!

JenReadsAlot 🤣 6y
tammysue 😂😂 6y
JoScho 😂😂😂 6y
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cherinium My cats do this, too. Goofballs. 🤪 6y
rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 6y
Purrfectpages This picture is hysterical. 6y
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Look what just came in today's #BookMail you guys! 😃
I'm so excited to read this one!!!! 📚📖🤓📚

Soubhiville It‘s so good!! 6y
BeansPage @Soubhiville I cannot wait to read it!!! 😁 6y
JacqMac I love it! I keep reading bits and pieces. It‘s making my TBR larger though. 6y
BeansPage @JacqMac I know! That's what my hubby is afraid of LOL 😋 6y
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Such a fun read! I love books about books.

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I am so thoroughly enjoying this book!!! I only read a few pages each night because I want to savor it. It's also such a beautiful book 😍🤩

mom2bugnbee I'm also reading it slowly! 6y
Crazeedi It looks amazing!!! 6y
Daisey I just recently got a copy of this and I might have to start a few pages tonight! 6y
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Lmstraubie @Crazeedi It is!!! This is definitely one to own 😁 6y
Lmstraubie @mom2bugnbee Isn't it wonderful!! 6y
Reviewsbylola I covet this, so beautiful. 😍 6y
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That's a wrap! I have a few hours left in this (good-for-nothin) year, but since I finished a book last night, I'm thinking this'll do me.

Good riddance to 2018, and welcome 2019!! I'm not going to say it can't get any worse, bc I tried that in 2016 and 2017, but I'll say I have renewed hope and continued faith.

May 2019 be Blessed for us all.

Kalalalatja Happy New Year! ❤️ 6y
DivineDiana 👏🏻📚👏🏻 6y
Reviewsbylola ❤️❤️ Hoping for good things for you in 2019! 6y
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AmyG Great job! Happy New Year! 😘 6y
kgriffith Thanks for not saying it 😋 May you have an amazing start to 2019 to sweep it all away! 6y
GripLitGrl 🎉🎉🎉 6y
Redwritinghood 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
JoScho Wishing you a wonderful 2019! 6y
mrp27 🎉📚🍾 6y
Reggie Happy New Year!!! 6y
BookBabe Here‘s to 2019 being a way better year! 🥂🍾 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Hi, can I have your email address please? I need to talk to you. 6y
Avanders @erzascarletbookgasm hi sure it's Leathy18 at gmail ☺️ 6y
Avanders @Kalalalatja @DivineDiana @Reviewsbylola @AmyG @kgriffith @GripLitGrl @Redwritinghood @JoScho @mrp27 @Reggie @BookBabe Thanks y'all! And I hope you're al having amazing New Years so far!! 🤗🤗♥️😘🥰🥰♥️ 6y
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My text to a friend pretty much sums it up - I loved this book. A book about books is my Achilles Heel and this was no exception. Really a love letter to books and design. The author is an artist (famous for her Ideal Bookshelf paintings) and I love the marriage between her style of drawing and her love of books and bookish things. She covers genre, covers, bookstore cats, writers‘ rooms, cool bookstores and libraries, and book recs (and more).

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Such a beautiful book!!! 🤩 6y
kspenmoll Great review! 6y
Amiable I've seen so much love for this book--I'm going to have to get it. 6y
kgriffith I got the ideal bookshelf for a (now former) partner and didn‘t gift it to them because the dust jacket was marred; never bothered with the return so now I own it. Oops? 😬 6y
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“Really, Mom - don‘t you have enough stacks of unread books on your bookcases?” Maybe, but they were missing THESE books.

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Cayla!!! I am overwhelmed with your generosity! This first package you sent blew me away, and yet there was more. Thank you is not sufficient enough but I am truly grateful. The Litsy community never ceases to amaze me. I've been so spoiled this Christmas by all my Litsy friends. Thanks again @CaliforniaCay ❤📚💚

LA_Mead Yay! Such a good book! I got that one for my hubby this year. 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @LA_Mead It's absolutely beautiful. Everyone should have a copy. 🤩😍 6y
CaliforniaCay You are so very welcome!! You know, when I did the contest I was planning on sending one small book and a couple small gifts. But since so few people entered I decided to spoil the winner. And the closer it got to Christmas I decided to REALLY spoil the winner. It makes me happy to make someone else happy, especially fellow littens. So thank you for being involved in the litten community, I hope you enjoy everything 😀🎉🎁❤ 6y
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StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @CaliforniaCay You are a 🌟, I love everything so much. I couldn't put the book down, it was so gorgeous. Littens like you are why Litsy is so special 6y
CaliforniaCay 😭😭😭😭😭😭 that warms my heart to hear ❤ 6y
MarriedtoMrT Scrolling through the reviews for this book and saw your handle. Love it! At this moment my kids are watching the new Carmen SanDiego on Netflix. 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @MarriedtoMrT That's awesome, I love that they're revamping her. There's a movie coming too. 💕 ... Also, this book is so beautiful and interesting. I think all book enthusiasts should have a copy. 😊 6y
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Simply one of the most beautiful books I ever had in my hands.

mom2bugnbee I'm reading it as well! Christmas gift from hubby! 6y
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My hubby spoiled me rotten with these bookish gifts this year!

Top: bookish tshirts, an Alice in Wonderland (my most fav literary character 😊❤️) handbag!

Bottom: a bookish dress, the Bibliophile book (yaaaassss!) and the Bookseat!

How did your Christmas go? Mine is a little more special this year coz my parents are here and we just welcomed another new member to our little family! 😊

Are you now all ready to welcome 2019?😁

Crazeedi Awesome presents! 6y
Jee_HookedOnBookz @Crazeedi tqtq! 😘💕 6y
erzascarletbookgasm 😍 everything! 6y
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BooknerdsLife @Jee_HookedOnBookz Wow! What a wonderful husband you got there! Love all those awesome gifts!!! 😻😻😻 Sound like you've had an amazing Christmas 🙌 6y
Jee_HookedOnBookz @BooknerdsLife Hhahaa tq! Hope yours was just as amazing! 6y
Jee_HookedOnBookz @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks awww thanks, Misty! ❤️😘 6y
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Hope you all had wonderful days with your families and loved ones. Had an amazing day and going to sit down and read this a little before I get too tired. Merry Christmas!

mom2bugnbee I got that for Christmas as well! Enjoying it so far. Merry Christmas! 6y
Daisey I‘m looking forward to delving into this book sometime soon as well! Merry Christmas! 🎄 6y
Redwritinghood Merry Christmas! 6y
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Lmstraubie I am enjoying reading a little bit of this each day. I don't want to go too fast because I want it to last 😁 6y
Reggie Merry Christmas!! 6y
BookwormAHN Merry Christmas 🎄 6y
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Hubby did good! 😁 Thx to my fall #Nashvillemeetup Littens for the suggestion! @Booksnchill @BooksTeasAndBookishThings @clconn17 @britt_brooke @Elma @ferskner

Merry Christmas, everyone! 🎄

Lola I was hoping to find this under my tree this year, but it‘s going to be a post-holiday gift to myself :) I checked it out of the library and knew I needed to add it to my books about books collection ❤️ 6y
Booksnchill Merry Christmas!🎁🎄 📚💖 6y
RaimeyGallant Want. 6y
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Hestapleton My mom got me this one for Christmas! It‘s so pretty! 6y
britt_brooke Ooh, enjoy!! Merry Christmas! 🎄 6y
readordierachel Love it! 6y
Redwritinghood Merry Christmas!🎄🎁 6y
Daisey Merry Christmas! 🎄 6y
UwannaPublishme Score! 🎅🏻📚❤️🙌🏻 6y
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I have been lusting after this book and Santa was kind enough to oblige.

erzascarletbookgasm Now I‘m lusting after it. Lucky you! 6y
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Starting my quiet and relaxing Christmas off right - Yule log on tv, coffee in one of my favorite mugs, and savoring this lovely book. There may have also been cupcakes but they are in my belly!

Crinoline_Laphroaig Christmas Cookies have be my Breakfast for days! 6y
Zelma @Crinoline_Laphroaig 😂👏👍 I plan to have a breakfast sandwich later but I needed those mini cupcakes first thing! There‘s cream cheese in them so they count as breakfast, right? 😉 6y
Amiable Lovely! Enjoy! 6y
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Kaye A person who knows what a balanced diet is. Cupcakes are good for any meal. 6y
LauraJ Cupcakes, books, coffee and TV Yule log here too! 6y
GypsyKat Great mug! Merry Christmas!!! 6y
Redwritinghood Merry Christmas! Hope you had a great day. 6y
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Where the Wild Things Are and Pierre were two of my favorite books as a child. I‘ve heard this story before, about the child eating the note from Sendak, but I didn‘t know:

“The “things” were meant to be wild horses, until Sendak realized he couldn‘t draw a horse.”

I‘m glad they wound up being more monster like, I love the way they turned out!

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HUGE Thank You to the lovely @Melissa_J for my wonderful Christmas presents!!! It was a tough weekend, so it was a nice treat to open. I literally squealed when I opened the tagged book! And I managed to successfully keep my husband from stealing the Gummi Bears last night 😁. Thank you Thank you Thank you, Melissa! I love it all.

(Unfortunately, the lovely book ornament did not survive the shipping ☹)

Melissa_J Yay! I‘m so glad you like it. I‘m sad about the ornament though 😢 6y
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Guys, I‘m totally geeking out over #Bibliophile right now!!!! It‘s such a gorgeous book that I pretty much just want to look at it forever. I think I‘m going to have to buy a copy of this one...

vivastory I'm thinking of getting this for my cousin for Xmas 6y
charl08 Totally worth it! 6y
AmyG I may need this, too. 6y
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Jee_HookedOnBookz Waaaaant!! 😍😍❤️ 6y
tina_b.ooks There also is an awesome calendar version of it! 6y
RaimeyGallant I saw this yesterday and was so close to buying it! 6y
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My BF glanced at these pages and said, “Oh, book porn.” He‘s so right in the best way! I could not tear myself away from this fabulous illustrated book with its stacks of books, libraries, bookstores and more. A wonderful experience for all bibliophiles. 🤩

Soubhiville Hahaha, that‘s so accurate. I‘ve enjoyed this book a lot. 6y
j9brown Just recieved this as a gift myself, I love it, it's a great thing to give a bookworm! So cute and fun. 6y
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Oh my goodness, has anyone seen this Little Free Library in person? What a fabulous design!

Zelma It‘s a cool design but I wonder about short or tall people. It looks like it would be all that practical or comfortable. 6y
Chelleo I need some to post a real life pic of this! 6y
Soubhiville How fun! What a great idea! 6y
Hooked_on_books @Chelleo I found a great site with lots of pictures. It looks like fun but I‘m surprised at how little shelf space it has—I figured the shelves would be all around. https://www.designboom.com/design/stereotank-the-little-free-library-in-new-york... 6y
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Books about books are becoming my new favorite thing! I‘m about 30 pages in and I keep finding myself stroking the spines of my favorite titles in her illustrated stacks with a warmth in my heart.

ScientistSam I've seen this book and I just adore the cover! 6y
MarriedtoMrT @ScientistSam It‘s just as good inside. I need to do more research on the author and find more of her work. 6y
Amiable Love that cover 6y
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A page on my all-time favorite book store in my #currentread 💕

Tamra Adorable! 6y
Freespirit It looks gorgeous 6y
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So I made a “thing” tonight, planning to gift it at my book club‘s Christmas party.

LittlePixels I love this!! 6y
rather_be_reading i love it! 6y
kspenmoll It‘s beautiful! 6y
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Soubhiville Oh wow, very cool! 6y
Chrissyreadit Wow! I love it! 6y
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#bookhaul Last day of Bookseller appreciation at work today (40% B&N discount!) so I couldn‘t resist buying a couple of books I had been coveting but wouldn‘t usually buy for myself..... (also bought lots of holiday gifts!) 💕🎁

saresmoore Ooh, great choices! 6y
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I was literally torn between this planner and one with unicorns! Honestly i couldnt justify spending $20.00 on a planner! Even with a coupon i just couldnt do it! I went with the unicorn planner! I seriously wanted every planner there!

BookaholicNatty 😍😍😍😍😍 6y
LiteraryLona I have this one for next year! 6y
vkois88 But... it has Harry Potter on the front... 😂😂😂 jk, I love HP but not enough to spend that much on a planner I wouldn't use consistently 6y
bookish_wookish I know! 😂 The inside wasnt practical for me either! Im a simple planner girl, i just need a calendar spread and im good! @vkois88 6y
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😂 Yep 😂

TheWordJar Always! 😂🤣🙌 6y
JSW I needed this laugh! 😝 6y
sprainedbrain Amen. 😂 6y
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Really enjoying this book of bookish lists, quizzes, recommendations, and illustrations by the Creator of the Ideal Bookshelf. Dare you to read it and *not* add something to the TBR list!

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Found these adorable bookish PJs at Target this weekend. They were too cute not to buy! 😊

Cinfhen Cute!!!!! 6y
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All set for an organised 2019!

zsuzsanna_reads That's an awesome planner! 6y
LazyDays Really cool!💗 6y
throwmeabook Gorgeous 😍 6y
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AmyG Love it! 6y
julesG 😍😍😍 Planner and pen-thingy. 6y
LiteraryinPA Beautiful! 6y
Emilymdxn This is gorgeous!! 6y
Sarah83 Awwwwwww 💖💖💖💖💖 6y
bedandabook How beautiful! 6y
MelissaSue81 I totally just ordered myself one! More than I usually spend on a planner... but I couldn‘t help myself! 6y
Marilyncjackson I love this ❤️ where did you all get it? 6y
TheSpineView I like it! 6y
AnneCecilie I actually bought this based on a Litsy post, I think maybe yours. It really looks good also inside. 6y
LeahBergen Nice! 👏🏻👏🏻 6y
Freespirit What a great gift for a reader! 6y
Mitch @julesG I have a stationary addiction! 6y
Mitch @Freespirit if you can bear to give it away!🤣 6y
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The authors name is JANE Mount, and it‘s the most beautiful and whimsical book about books and book stores and writers! Writers pets! Writers rooms! It‘s got everything and it‘s so beautiful!

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This is such a lovely book to page through!
(Thanks again, @Melissa_J 😘).

Mitch My favourite book to curl up with. It‘s just so beautiful 6y
rubyslippersreads 😍😍😍 6y
kspenmoll It is a lovely book; I just had to treat myself! 6y
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Melissa_J You‘re welcome 😉 I‘m glad you are enjoying it. PS - what kind of tea are you drinking? Candy Cane Crush is back at David‘s Tea! 6y
AlaMich When I search for this on Amazon, it doesn‘t show up. 🧐 6y
mcctrish @Melissa_J Candy Cane Crush is fantastic 6y
LeahBergen @AlaMich Ah, I just noticed the author name is incorrect for this Litsy listing. Try Jane Mount. 6y
LeahBergen @Mitch It‘s wonderful! 6y
LeahBergen @kspenmoll Did you just order it or did you already have it? 😆 6y
LeahBergen @Melissa_J This one was Murchie‘s Canadian Breakfast (my first time trying it). And yay for Candy Cane Crush! 👏🏻👏🏻😄 6y
LeahBergen @mcctrish I‘ll be picking some up again this year! 6y
CareBear I have her 2019 planner! It‘s awesome! 6y
Melissa_J @mcctrish it‘s one of my favourites. In fact, I‘m drinking a cup of it right now 😊 6y
AlaMich @LeahBergen Weird. I searched amazon again but reverse ordered the author and title and now it displays it. Anyway, it looks like a must have!! 6y
Melissa_J Is it good? I loved the Balmoral Blend, which I think I‘m out of 🤔 I have so much tea I can‘t keep track 😂 6y
LeahBergen @CareBear It looks amazing. Lucky you! 6y
LeahBergen @AlaMich It is! I‘m really enjoying all the little bits of book trivia. 6y
LeahBergen @Melissa_J It‘s good! It has a touch of maple in it. I‘ll throw a few bags in your “Xmas gift in exchange for my birthday gift” for you to sample. 😆 And OH MAN ... I actually had to organize my tea cupboard not long ago. 😆😆 6y
kspenmoll @LeahBergen I found it a week ago when I was visiting my son at College- there was one copy in the bookstore- I snatched it up! Often I find a small gem at that store. 6y
Reviewsbylola Ummm I need this!! 6y
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#gratitude30 #Day5 #happiness

A stack of unread books is definitely where I find my bliss. 💚

hermyknee 💛 6y
RadicalReader @Addison_Reads I adore Matilda and the wonderful quotes especially from the novel I wish they included more of the lines from the book in the movie 6y
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This book is full of interesting tidbits about bookstores, authors, and of course books! This is a list of a few songs that are tributes to books! Some I knew, some are a surprise to me! Others listed: White Rabbit by Grace Slick, For Whom the Bell Tolls by Metallica, 1984 by David Bowie, Scentless Apprentice by Nirvana, and more. 📚🎶

DivineDiana Love the book/music connection! 6y
8little_paws 😂😂😂😂 6y
Soubhiville @8little_paws that‘s fun! Thanks for sharing! 6y
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Lovely comfort reading in the sunshine.

LeslieO I just bought the note card set , 20 different cards. I love them. But I really want the book! 6y
charl08 @LeslieO I saw a bag in the library shop and am tempted by that too! 6y
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Thank you so much, @Melissa_J for this glorious birthday parcel! 😮

I‘ve been coveting this beautiful Bibliophile book and can‘t even begin to tell you how excited I am about these Green Gables socks. 😆😆 I love the Green Gables bookmarks and tea and magnet, too (AND the tote and the David‘s tea). The peanuts sound super tasty!

You always make such beautiful cards. Thank you, sweet friend!! 😘😘😘

candority Picard‘s Peanuts, my favourite! 6y
Melissa_J I‘m so glad it arrived without much delay. I may have also purchased the Bibliophile book for myself when I ordered yours 😊 6y
LeahBergen @Melissa_J It‘s gorgeous!! I can‘t stop flipping through it. Thank you, thank you! ❤️ 6y
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LeahBergen @Melissa_J I hope you bought yourself some of these awesome socks, too! 😆 6y
Melissa_J Ha ha! I totally did get the socks, too 🤣 6y
Melissa_J You‘re easy to buy for. If I like it, I know you‘ll like it too 😉 6y
AmyG What a wonderful gift! 💕 6y
LeahBergen @Melissa_J That‘s true! 😆😆 6y
LeahBergen @AmyG Isn‘t it? 😍 6y
LeahBergen @candority I‘ve never tried them before. 👏🏻👏🏻 6y
shawnmooney 🥂🥂🎂🎂‼️‼️😍😍 6y
gradcat This looks wonderful! 6y
Libby1 Happy birthday! 6y
cathysaid What thoughtful gifts! ❤️ 6y
rubyslippersreads Green Gables socks! 😍 6y
batsy So pretty! Those socks 💚 6y
Cathythoughts 👍🏻❤️❤️❤️ 6y
GypsyKat Anne socks!!! 💚💚💚And happy birthday!!! I hope it was a fun one! 🎉 (edited) 6y
Reviewsbylola Wow, amazing. What a beautiful book. Happy birthday!! 6y
UwannaPublishme What a way to celebrate! Wishing you a very Happy Birthday! 🤗❤️🎂🎁🎉 6y
LeahBergen @gradcat Doesn‘t it? 😍 6y
LeahBergen @Libby1 Thank you! 😘 6y
LeahBergen @cathysaid Yes! ❤️ 6y
LeahBergen @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yes! 👏🏻👏🏻 6y
LeahBergen @batsy Aren‘t they fab? 👏🏻 6y
LeahBergen @GypsyKat Thank you! 😘 6y
LeahBergen @Reviewsbylola Thank you! 😘😘 6y
LeahBergen @UwannaPublishme Thank you! 😘 6y
TrishB Awesome gifts 💕 6y
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