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Dolores Claiborne
Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
Among Kings best.San Francisco ChronicleWhen housekeeper Dolores Claiborne is questioned in the death of her wealthy employer, a long-hidden secret from her past is revealed-as is the strength of her own will to survive...
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So, apparently, I am on something of a Stephen King kick lately. I was going to listen to a different audiobook but I think it‘s been a Stephen King kind of a day!

Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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I'm becoming quite fond of SK's non-supernatural novels. He can create suspense from ordinary things just the same. And his characters are always so lovable and relatable.
Current #audiostitching project just finished 😊🦊📚
#fiction #thriller #mystery #crime #suspense

julesG What a cute fox!!! 7d
wanderinglynn Super cute fox! 😍 (edited) 7d
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 6d
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Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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I made this flyer for a mystery book display at our library in honor of National Egg Month & thought it would be fun to repurpose for a fun Litsy Challenge. Everyone is invited to play:

1. Tag a favorite mystery you've read
2. What is your favorite way to prepare eggs?

I'll start:
1. I really enjoyed Stephen King's Dolores Claiborne
2. I love eggs in all ways. But I think my favorite is over-easy/soft boiled on toast.

Ruthiella No 1. I have many favorites, but I‘ll pick The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins. No. 2 Deviled Eggs are delicious! 😋 😈 🥚 2mo
WildAlaskaBibliophile @Ruthiella ❤️🍳🥚 Thanks for playing! 2mo
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Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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I didn‘t know what books had an eclipse in them because I haven‘t read any. I searched on Wikipedia and it said this,”Gerald's Game and Dolores Claiborne by Stephen King (1992) depict the solar eclipse of July 20, 1963.” They both sound interesting so I just tagged 1 of them. I haven‘t read either of these books but they‘re both on my Goodreads TBR. I‘ve read a few of his books and I‘ve enjoyed them.


BookmarkTavern I haven‘t read any of his! I need to get to one eventually. Thanks for posting! 3mo
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Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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I read this with a book club years ago. Though not what I normally choose on my own, I enjoyed it. #SundayFunday @BookmarkTavern

BookmarkTavern My sister loves Stephen King! Thanks for posting! 3mo
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Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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I‘m doing a pop-up book club at the library for the eclipse in April. Where I live, we are in the path of totality so it‘s going to be pretty cool.
What better book to celebrate an eclipse than Dolores Claiborne, lol #IYKYK

#libraries #bookclub #stephenking

PaperbackPirate I reread Dolores Claiborne during the last eclipse! 🌘 3mo
RobinTheDustCatcher @PaperbackPirate only 2 people showed up but we still had a good time! 3mo
PaperbackPirate I would call that a success! 🌗 3mo
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Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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🎶 HE HAD IT COMIN‘! HE HAD IT COMIN‘! 🎶 This was a good outing by King. This isn‘t horror, but it‘s terrifying all the same. The ways we hurt each other, the ways we save the ones we love. #TBRTarot A book dedicated to Mum/Mom (I ransacked my books until I found one. 🤣)

CBee Awesome 👏🏻 6mo
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Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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I set myself a challenge to read 10 King books this year and this was number 9 so I‘m more than happy with my progress. I‘m thinking of reading Christine or Bag of bones next, which would you recommend?

Jari-chan I vote for Christine 😄 9mo
JessClark78 Christine 9mo
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Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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What an incredible surprise this book was. Dolores is perhaps King's best narrator, with an engaging manner of speech, a unique and winning perspective, and more quotable turns of phrase than you can shake a stick at. On top of all that, the story she tells is at turns fascinating, shocking, and tragic, and kept me turning pages long past the point I should have gone to sleep. An emphatic 5/5!

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Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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This is only my 2nd Stephen King novel but I feel like he does a wonderful job writing women characters. This book is written as a confession by a murderer, Dolores, who admits to killing her husband as part of her explanation for why she is not responsible for murdering her employer. This is a psychological thriller with a little horror added. https://cannonballread.com/2019/08/carrie-elcicco/

Ellen_C Whoops! Wrong link! Here is the link to the Dolores Claiborne review: https://cannonballread.com/2023/01/dolores-claiborne-a-novel-elcicco/ 1y
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Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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Day 16 of #scarathlondailyprompts is scared.
I read this in 2016 with a book club. Stephen King is not something I would have picked on my own. The most scared I‘ve been while reading a book was when I read this. King truly has a way with words.
#TeamSlaughter #scarathlon

Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King

"She had her first stroke in the summer of 1968, while she was watchin the Democratic National Convention in Chicago on her television. That was just a little one, and she used to blame it on Hubert Humphrey. "I finally looked at that happy asshole one too many times," she said, "and I popped a goddam blood-vessel. I should have known it was gonna happen, and it could just as easily have been Nixon.""

Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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So this was my latest King read. He and I have such a turbulent relationship that I usually don‘t know what to expect when I read one of his books! 😅 This was pretty good. Usually when King writes female characters it‘s cringe AF, but this time was actually good. It‘s not perfect, but I think it‘s prolly one of the upper tier King novels. Haven‘t seen the Kathy Bates movie but would like to. Anyway, a lil more enlightened than King‘s usual fare.

Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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Just accidentally popped into a charity shop for a quick looksee after getting a coffee this morning, pretty pleased with my find of a HB King (UK 1st ed fourth printing). And the other one I was vaguely aware of from various sources so thought it's worth a go too.

squirrelbrain I have The Ratline on my physical TBR, also from a charity shop! 3y
rockpools Oops! It‘s funny how those charity shops sneak up on you when you‘re not looking 😘 3y
TrishB Enjoyed both of these! 3y
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Sometimes being a bitch is all a woman's got to hold

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I first read this one at an age that was probably a bit young for the subject matter, and it stuck with me for a long time.

#ConflictedWorlds #AbusiveSpouse
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Eggs Perfect 👌🏼💔📖 3y
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Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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I‘m trying to get my physical tbr down. I don‘t like to have a ton of unread books on my shelf and I think this is the most I‘ve ever had. So today I want to talk through my physical tbr. I need you guys to hold me accountable, because I need to read these.

Full post: https://wildwoodreads.com/2021/04/21/every-book-on-my-physical-tbr/

Gissy I wish I could say and do the same. What you are doing is amazing, correct way, believe me👍 3y
Scochrane26 I‘ve been working on my unread tbr, too. 3y
Ruthiella I‘m doing a similar project, only my physical TBR is about 10 times the size of yours! 😬 3y
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MartinaLove Wow! Such a small TBR. Mine is so much bigger! This is amazing! 3y
MsMelissa I think I‘d have a panic attack if my TBR pile was as small as yours 🤣 I need to have lots of books to select my next read from. 3y
wildwoodreads @MsMelissa I‘m the exact opposite. For some reason a big tbr stresses me out! I‘m bad at making decisions. 😂😂😂 3y
wildwoodreads @MartinaLove I usually try to read everything I bring in. For some reason big tbrs stress me out.😂 3y
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Not sure how I obtained this one because I don‘t read horror 😱

mommyincolortv I LOVE the movie!!! It's my favorite movie starring Kathy Bates. 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @mommyincolor have you read the book also? 4y
Elizabeth2 It‘s a really good book. It‘s not supernatural like many of his other books, so I didn‘t find it to be truly scary. It was suspenseful and brutal, but a fun ride. 4y
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Tera0707 I love that book! It‘s one of the few Stephen King books I actually like. 4y
OriginalCyn620 📚👍🏻📚 4y
Cathythoughts I need to read this one ... 4y
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Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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Built a fire this morning and sat in front of it (while it rained outside) all day reading this book. I read it a very long time ago when it first came out. Dolores is one of those characters that makes me love Stephen King. I‘d forgotten how easy it is to fall in to one of these books. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
#losersclub #doloresclaiborne #authoramonth #stephenking

GHABI4ROSES @DGRachel and @Bklover since I am back on the King books, I need a refresher! According to the chart, we discuss Rose Madder in mid-January, yes? Where can I find the 2021 list, if it has been released? THANKS FOR ALL OF YOUR WORK, you are a great ghost DG! 4y
DGRachel @GHABI4ROSES You are correct. Discussion for Rose Madder is in mid-January. ☺️ 4y
GHABI4ROSES @DGRachel thank you so, so much! There is a lot to the maintenance of this thing, so if I can help, let me know, xo. 4y
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Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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Last minute decision for #AuthorAMonth - Stephen King: I am enjoying this long winding monologue. Practically INCONCEIVABLE! Only a talented writer could make this happen. And only a story with a feisty and gritty ol‘ mama could carry me along for this many pages! It looks like I‘m in store for one helluva ride!

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Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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Welcome to the #LosersClub open discussion for #DoloresClaiborne!

Please be mindful of spoilers. We have new readers to King who haven‘t read all of his books. When referencing his other work, please keep this in mind for our new-to-King friends. Don‘t forget to tag each other in the comments so your friends can see your reply. Have fun!

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BookwormAHN I really enjoyed this book and I didn't think that I would. The narrator for the audio book was fantastic 👏 4y
Bklover I had forgotten how much I love Dolores Claiborne. The character, not the book, although I love that too. This is one of SK‘s books that reminds me why I love his books. 4y
DGRachel @Bklover Is Dolores Claiborne the villain in Misery? (I haven‘t read either book, but I think I used to own a copy of Misery 😂) 4y
Bklover No she‘s not. She seems to have a weird sort of psychic connection to a character that they don‘t ever really talk about but is a reference to a woman in Gerald‘s Game. Otherwise she‘s just Dolores, and I really just love her character. I think the question this book asks is is Dolores a villain or is she a hero. (edited) 4y
DGRachel @Bklover I love gray characters. 🖤 Thank you. 4y
Bklover I think you‘d like this one. 4y
DGRachel @Bklover Thanks. King is so hit or miss for me, but I‘ll definitely add this to the stack to try. 4y
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Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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Late again, I know, but I sprained my wrist and posting is agony.
#LosersClub Discussion starts NOW!

Open discussion is in the FOLLOWING POST marked as a SPOILER. Find the post for #DoloresClaiborne & tap “show me“ on the spoiler tag to join in the discussion. Join in whenever you can! Today. Tomorrow. Next month! The post will always be up so just tag any of us & we‘ll jump in to discuss with you. See you there!

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Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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Thanks for the tag @Laughterhp and @Klou
1- Dolores Claiborne
2- Necrophilia
3- Most likely a chicken ceaser salad
I tag @Cosmos_Moon & @Stacypatrice
#ThoughtfulThursday @MoonWitch94

Klou You're welcome! 4y
BookDragonNotWorm #2 So true! 😝 4y
Cosmos_Moon Thanks for the tag 🥰 4y
MoonWitch94 Woah. Good word choice! Thanks for playing 🎃🍂📖 4y
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Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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I was shocked at how much I enjoyed this book and the narrator Frances Sternhagen was fantastic. The story is about Dolores a women whose employer has just died and while she says that she is innocent of that one, she does admit to killing her husband.
#AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville
#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
#Screamathon2020 @4thhouseontheleft
#Scarathlon2020 #TeamHarkness @StayCurious

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
BiblioLitten SK really knows how to get under the skin of a character. 🖤 4y
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Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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1. Dolores Claiborne by Stephen King
Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen
2. Good Omens by Neil Gaiman 🧙🏻
3. Starting this month I have been watching a few old favourites every weekend. So far I‘ve rewatched Casper, Ghostbusters, and Bewitched. 🎃👻🎃

paper.reveries I really enjoyed Dolores Claiborne! How about you? 4y
BiblioLitten @daisyheadmaesie I really liked it. I had expected it to be spooky but was pleasantly surprised. King really knows how to get into the skin of a character. 4y
paper.reveries @BiblioLitten I found the format really interesting! The never ending monologue didn‘t feel tiresome as I feared it would. And she was funny as Hell in the first half! 4y
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BiblioLitten @daisyheadmaesie She was hilarious! And I had a soft spot for Vera too. 4y
paper.reveries @BiblioLitten The shit scenes. 😂😂😂 4y
BiblioLitten @daisyheadmaesie Yeah!😂 I can only imagine the clean-up! 😅 4y
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Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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This month‘s book is #DoloresClaiborne! Grab your copy and check back around October 18th for open discussion! #LosersClub #StephenKing #StephenKingInOrder #KingFromTheBeginning #ConstantReader #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #BookDiscussion #ghosthostpost

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Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King

This book is a brilliant reminder that King can write much more than horror. Dolores Claiborne is one of King‘s finest character studies and a testament to King‘s literary prowess.

Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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Just a reminder that Septembe‘s #losersclub read is #DoloresClaiborne! Put your library holds in now, search your shelves, or buy a new copy, and check back on or about September 19th when we begin reading this one. Discussion will be in October. #LosersClub #StephenKing #StephenKingInOrder #KingFromTheBeginning #ConstantReader #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #BookDiscussion #ghosthostpost

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Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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Starting to shift to spookier reads (August who?) and I truly appreciate a book that embraces the aesthetic 👻


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Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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rubyslippersreads What an elegant skeleton! 💀 4y
BarkingMadRead Thank you @rubyslippersreads it‘s from NOLA 😍 4y
Jeannineth “Sometimes being a bitch is all a woman has to hold onto .” I love Dolores Claiborne ❤️ 4y
aprilpohren Loved this book! 4y
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Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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New Reads!! Any thoughts?

TheNeverendingTBR Not read it but The Talisman is brilliant! 4y
flamingolucifer @TheNeverendingTBR I see. Now I'm more hyped for it!!!! 4y
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Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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I took this basket of books over to an elderly neighbor in March when everything started closing. She is a reader and visits the library‘s bookmobile often. She finished these and I took her another bag and this was the cute note she included with the books. Love that she loved Dolores because it is one of my faves.

Maria514626 That is so sweet! ❤️ 4y
Reggie How nice!! And you spread the love of King! 😊 4y
rabbitprincess Awesome! How did you pick which books to lend her? 4y
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mrp27 Love this! 4y
JoScho @rabbitprincess well I don‘t have a ton of print books but I asked her what she enjoyed and she said beach reads and thrillers and I went from there. ☺️ 4y
JoScho @Reggie yes! Her second bag included Joyland and Finders Keepers and End of Watch. I hope she likes them. 4y
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Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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Oh boy, it's Monday! I need to be strong and tough and put on a Dolores attitude to get through today! 🤣

I enjoyed this book more than the movie although I loved the movie! Thumbs up for the plot & the amazing Dolores character 😀

Rating: 5⭐

For my full review please visit https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3299054820?book_show_action=false&from_rev...

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Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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Ignore the fingerprints! Best night ever

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Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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#7Days7Books Day 5

We present here 7 books that will remain in our minds, because they touched us so much, changed us. No further comments!

Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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Frances Sternhagen narrates Dolores Claiborne and does an excellent job. I‘d forgotten the only voice we ever hear and the only perspective we ever get is Dolores‘. I had liked the book when I first read it, and listening to it made me like it even more. My daughter got me Salem‘s Lot, the lighthouse picture, and chocolate for Christmas, and my husband got me Viking Myths & Sagas.

Reggie Oooohhhh Salem‘s Lot!!! Hope you enjoy it, nice presents, and Happy Holidays! 5y
ljuliel Excellent audiobook, and one of my favorites. I read Salem‘s Lot back when I was a young Whippersnapper. I can‘t remember the story now but I remember it was good. Enjoy. 5y
KathyWheeler @ljuliel and @Reggie: I read Salem‘s Lot back when it first came out and have reread it and listened to it. I have had a copy for years. Apparently my daughter decided it was in poor shape and I needed a new one. 😊 5y
ljuliel You wore it out. 😀 5y
KathyWheeler @ljuliel apparently so! 😄 5y
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Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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It‘s been a long time since I first read this, so I thought I‘d give it a listen. New kitties at the botanical gardens!

Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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Meine Schulter schmerzt und ich kann "die elenden" von Victor Hugo im Bett kaum halten, also musste eine neue Bettlektüre her. Außerdem wurde es eh Mal wieder Zeit für einen King ?
Kennt ihr das Buch bereits? Welches ist euer lieblings King?
#bookaholic #bookworm #bookish #buecher #buch #buchliebe #lesen #leseliebe #buecherwurm #readinginbed #lesenmachtgluecklich

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Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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I saw this movie years ago and always liked it. Decided to finally give it a read after finishing Gerald‘s Game, as the two are loosely connected. This is now my 2nd favorite SK book behind Doctor Sleep. Dolores is a badass, and I love the way this story is told. It‘s so good that I‘m considering buying the audiobook and starting it this week! 5⭐️ Highly recommended!!


KathyWheeler I read and loved this book when it first came out. I may get the audiobook and listen to it. 5y
JenlovesJT47 @KathyWheeler the audiobook has great reviews! I‘m excited to listen to it 🤓 5y
alisiakae The movie has such an amazing cast!! I love Kathy Bates in horror movies. Have you seen her in AHS? Her character in the Coven season was crazy. 5y
JenlovesJT47 @4thhouseontheleft yes!! I just watched the movie yesterday and it is brilliant. And she is great on AHS! Her character is so disturbing in Coven but I love her in Freakshow the best ❤️ 5y
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Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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One of my favorite books and movies. Also, a justifiable #murder in my opinion.

#screamathonphotochallenge @4thhouseontheleft

Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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Is he not one of the masters of horror? I have SO many King books, but have read very few of them.

#horror #chillingphotochallenge #teamstoker #scarathlon @TheReadingMermaid

BeansPage 🧟‍♀️ 5y
Branwen I love Rose Madder! It's one of my favorites! 5y
night_shift @Branwen have yet to read it but I've heard that from a few people! 5y
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Dolores Claiborne | Stephen King
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1. I love stories that take place in Maine. Whether or not it‘s a real place or fictional, I love it cause it‘s set in Maine.
2. 72°, breezy, gray and cloudy. My kind of day.
3. I never really went on dates.
4. No kids. I have a mouse named Ophelia. We call her Fifi.
5. ???
