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1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die
1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die | Peter Boxall
177 posts | 38 read | 2 reading | 65 to read
Delve into the pages of this sumptuously illustrated book and take a tour of the greatest novels that the world has to offer. Read and enjoy.
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I completed 45 books from the #1001books list this year for an updated total of 253 out of 1,318!

A few were rereads but from long enough ago that I didn‘t have dates in Goodreads. As usual, there were books I just pushed through to finish as well as fantastic reads.

Several were read for the #Reading1001 group, including 13 for #TBRTakedown. Many others were read with or for various readalong groups and challenges listed in the comments.

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I‘m compiling my reading statistics for this year, which also includes updating the tabs in my copy of this book. Whenever I look at the list and think it‘s never ending, this print copy helps me realize I am making progress. It also makes me wish for an edition with all 1,300+ books on the list because I sometimes have to add tabs for a book that has been removed or added in a newer edition.

#2023stats #1001books #DaiseysReadingSummary

Ladygodiva7 😍 6mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 6mo
BarbaraBB Which edition is this? I don‘t recognize the cover 6mo
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Roary47 That looks really neat! 6mo
Daisey @BarbaraBB It looks like this is a 2015 U.S. edition. 6mo
BarbaraBB Thanks! I didn‘t know there was a reprint in 2015! (edited) 6mo
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So, I went down a rabbit hole yesterday. Not for the first time, I came across this list. This time around, I decided to add this list to my book challenges spreadsheet as well as tag any books that I‘ve read using Goodreads. Surprisingly, I‘ve read more than I expected! But there‘s still soooo many! Ah well, it‘ll be a lifetime project and a labour of love. 💜😉📚
(February 18, 2023)

UwannaPublishme Dare I look at this list? Of course I will. Us avid readers love lists like this! And that means many more to add to my TBR pile. 🤦🏻‍♀️ 1y
PurpleyPumpkin @UwannaPublishme It‘s a great list but yes, it will likely add to your TBR. 📚 Fair warning, the list actually contains 1,300+ titles due to various revisions over the years! We‘ll get there together!😅👍🏽 1y
UwannaPublishme Oh my! 😳 At least we‘re making a little progress. 😄 1y
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#two4tuesday @TheSpineView
Thanks for the tag @JenReadsAlot 😊💕

1) Oh it's chaos! Desperately trying to fulfil reading challenges... Assiduously avoiding the books I'm SUPPOSED to be reading... Book happened to be in my hand... Someone mentioned the book and I got book envy... Wanted to get a rubbish looking book over and done with... In the mood for a mystery...

2) Every day is book day 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 I'm gonna say Monday though 😁

TrishB Lol at number 1! I just went upstairs to pick a book and literally picked the top one because I didn‘t have the brain power to think. My daughter said you can‘t just pick the top one and I‘m like why!? Where‘s the rule!? Leave me alone 😁 1y
RaeLovesToRead @TrishB Exactly! Let chaos reign!!!!! 😄 1y
TheSpineView Great answers! I have to admit I am very good at avoiding books that need my attention. Thanks for playing 1y
RaeLovesToRead @TheSpineView Thanks! Me too 🤭😄 1y
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In 2022 I read 36 books from the #1001books list. 2 were recent rereads that didn‘t add to my cumulative total of 208 books from the list of now over 1300 books.

I read books for #FoodAndLit, #ReadingAfrica2022, #PemberLittens, #WhartonBuddyRead, & #Reading1001 including all 12 of the #TBRTakedown choices.

Ulysses was the greatest challenge. The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay and Suite Francaise were favorites.

#ReadingStats #2022Stats

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I‘ve been on the fence about picking up this book for months. I finally ordered it a few days ago, and it came in the mail today. Let me just say: I didn‘t expect it to be this heavy. It‘s a tome! Also, I didn‘t expect there to be so many books I‘ve never heard of included in the list. I don‘t have the total that I‘ve read yet, but I‘ll post it later. I‘m considering tucking the book jacket away somewhere. It‘s getting in the way. #1001books

slategreyskies Update: apparently, I‘ve read 29 out of 1001. That‘s depressingly low! Ha!! There were about 15 that I may have read but didn‘t count because I wasn‘t certain. But I *am* certain that I haven‘t read more than 50 of these. 2y
BookwormM We have a group on Goodreads Reading1001 where we are working our way through all editions the English version is now 1315 books of which I am have read around 575 2y
slategreyskies @BookwormM thanks for the tip! I joined today. Looking forward to reading through these! 575? Wow!! :) 2y
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Daisey Something I‘ve realized as I‘ve read from this list is it‘s not necessarily just the “great” books. Often it‘s books that are considered the beginning of something different in literary trends. 2y
BarbaraBB I‘ve discovered some of my favorite books ever through this list. 2y
slategreyskies @Daisey I suppose that makes sense. It would make the book quite significant in terms of its influence, even if the book itself wasn‘t maybe as great as ones that came after. 2y
slategreyskies @BarbaraBB I‘m really excited about discovering some new favorites myself! I was really surprised by how many unfamiliar books were on the list. So many possibilities. 2y
BarbaraBB For some inspiration just follow the #1001books hashtag and you‘ll find reviews by some of us who are reading the list! 2y
slategreyskies @BarbaraBB okay, great! Thanks for the tip! :) 2y
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Stolen from Book Riot‘s instagram last week, but I thought I should share (even if it is advice I don‘t always follow).

BarbaraTheBibliophage Absolutely! 2y
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REPOST - These are books I‘ve read and am happy to pass along to other U.S. readers. All of them are on the #1001books list. I posted once in the evening and am posting again in case people missed it. Specific titles are tagged in my previous post. If you are not in the U.S. but interested, comment including country and I will check on postage as I‘ve had little interest so far. #Giveaway

Lcsmcat I‘m morbidly interested in They Shoot Horses if no one else has expressed interest. 😂 2y
Adventures-of-a-French-Reader I would be very much interested in Zorba the Greek ;) 2y
Daisey All claimed except Song of Solomon and The Poisonwood Bible which I found to be some of the most easily available. Let me know if interested in either. 2y
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Daisey @Lcsmcat I have an address from 2018 when you sent me Zorro. Would all info still be the same? 2y
Lcsmcat @Daisey Yes, it‘s all the same. Thanks! (edited) 2y
Daisey @Lcsmcat @Adventures-of-a-French-Reader @BarbaraBB I managed to get out of school quickly today and all the books are in the mail. Here‘s hoping I got them all in the right envelopes and they make it safely to their destinations. 📚 📬 2y
Lcsmcat @Daisey Thanks! 2y
BarbaraBB Thank you so much 🙏 2y
BarbaraBB @Lcsmcat I loved They Shoot Horses. A sad story but great storytelling! 2y
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Litsy friends, especially those of you working on the #1001books list, I am happy to pass these books that I have already read on to other readers in the U.S. I‘ll tag the individual titles below. Please comment about any books that interest you. I don‘t expect overwhelming interest for most of these, but if multiple people are interested in any particular titles, I‘ll draw names this weekend (2/12/22) and then request addresses. #Giveaway

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Megabooks @BarbaraBB I don‘t know if you‘re missing any of these from 1001?? 2y
BarbaraBB Thanks for tagging me @Megabooks ! I do miss some of them (Daisy you read a LOT of #1001books!!) but I am outside the US! Thanks for thinking of me 🤍 2y
Daisey @BarbaraBB I‘m slowly trying to work on the list! I will check back with you if I have books unclaimed at the end of the week. 2y
BarbaraBB That is so generous. I‘ll email you and will gladly return the favor! 🙏 2y
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I read another short story today to bring my #1001books total for 2021 to 36 plus 3 rereads. This brings me to a cumulative total of 174 books from the list.

A few were included for #FoodAndLit, and many were completed with the #Reading1001 group on Goodreads. However, I‘ll admit I wasn‘t great about reviewing or participating in discussion there. It includes all 12 of this year‘s #TBRTakedown books.

#1001books #2021Stats #ReadingStats

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Another end of the year wrap-up. In 2021 I only read 13 books from the #1001books list. I have now read 650 of the listed books.

squirrelbrain Wow - 650?! 3y
batsy 650!! 🙌🏽 3y
Megabooks Wow!!!! 3y
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Liz_M Not an easy batch of books to finish! Fantastic progress on the list! 3y
Daisey 650 is impressive! Nice progress! 3y
Cinfhen OMG!!!! That‘s amazing 🤩 3y
KarenUK Wow! 😱💕 3y
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Have just spent the last hour or so logging on Goodreads which of these books I've read so far... turns out I've managed 53 / 1001 (which isn't too bad to say I'm 33 and only started reading seriously about a decade ago!)

I feel inspired to write my own book of book lists... I own and ❤ so many of them (several are in storage) and this one has some dodgy choices for the 2000s 😅

I may try to recruit some Litsy help when I start the project!

BookwormM You should check out the GR group I mod for #Reading1001 we are reading the combined English editions 1318 books currently 🤣🤣 3y
RaeLovesToRead @BookwormM Oh my gosh, wow! They changed over 300 of them 😵👀 Do you have a link to the group? Is it called Reading 1001? 3y
BookwormM It is called Reading 1001 not sure how to link and yes they keep updating and that is just the English there are also non English versions 😱 3y
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RaeLovesToRead @BookwormM I can't search from the App but I will join the group when I'm next on the website! Another of my book lists is 100 greatest novels in translation... 😁 I've gotten really excited about the idea of writing my own miscellany now!!! 3y
aperfectmjk I use ListChallenges.com to create lists similar to this. Every year I update "My Library" list so I can go through and check off what I've read. I also created a "Must Reads" list for this year, and it's been fun trying to get through it. https://www.listchallenges.com/profile/416994/published-lists 3y
Daisey You can also follow #1001books here for posts about books on the list. 3y
RaeLovesToRead @aperfectmjk Was it the Ultimate Must Reads?? I got about 113 if it was ? Not bad, but below average apparently!!! Once I get going on these list sites I'll be there all night going "just one more list... just one more!!!" I love lists ?? 3y
RaeLovesToRead @Daisey Thanks 😁... I will absolutely be using the hashtag from now on and prioritise the books! There are so many on the list I've never heard of! 3y
aperfectmjk @RaeLovesToRead girl... sometimes I'll just scroll through those lists before bed and I get sucked in like a vortex. It definitely makes me want to read more and more. 3y
RaeLovesToRead @aperfectmjk Haha yeah, I totally get that 😅😊 I spend almost as much time scrolling as reading!! 3y
BarbaraBB There is also a reading group of the #1001books on LibraryThing if you‘re interested! https://www.librarything.com/ngroups/452/1001-Books-to-read-before-you-die 3y
RaeLovesToRead @BarbaraBB Awesome! I've not come across LibraryThing before - will check it out 😊 3y
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2020 hasn‘t been the best year for reading books of the list of #1001books to read before you die.
I did finish Proust though and fell in love with Americanah.
With 23 books this year my total now equals 637 out of 1001.

Crazeedi That is amazing and well done. I'm very impressed! 4y
BarbaraBB Thank you @Crazeedi ❤️ and a happy new year! 4y
Crazeedi @BarbaraBB happy new year to you too🎉🍾 4y
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Amiable Slow and steady wins the race! Great progress! 4y
emilyhaldi Gosh so much praise for Americanah... I think that needs to be on my priority list for 2021! 4y
TrishB Well done 👍🏻 4y
BarbaraBB @emilyhaldi I really loved it. It is such an easy read but there is very much said en happening between the lines. You‘d certainly love it too! 🤍 4y
rachaich Americanah was wonderful 😺 4y
Megabooks Awesome!! 👏🏻👏🏻 4y
Leftcoastzen Wow, that‘s great! 4y
merelybookish Finishing Proust is an accomplishment any year! 4y
batsy Great reading year! And finishing Proust 🙌🏽 Happy new year! ❤️ 4y
Simona Nice❣️ 4y
readordierachel An impressive total! 4y
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I read 30 more books from the #1001books list this year, plus 3 rereads of Austen novels that I did not count. This is just under my goal to average 3 per month but exactly the same number as last year. I read my #Reading1001 group #TBRTakedown book for every month of the year although not always within the month. Some of these also worked for #ReadingEurope2020, and I enjoyed reading Moby Dick with #LitsyBookClub.

#ReadingStats #2020Stats

Elo_isa Wow! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
mariaku21 That's fantastic! 🎉🎊 4y
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Daisey @Elo_isa @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @mariaku21 Thank you! They did make for an interesting reading year. 4y
BarbaraBB Great year! I saw your Europe post earlier and thought ‘wow so many #1001books‘ but I see now that‘s no coincidence! I have yet to make my 1001 stats but have read less than you this year. 4y
Daisey @BarbaraBB Thanks! Yes, pretty much all of the planned Europe books were chosen from the #1001books list and most of the others were just lucky additions. (edited) 4y
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Today I got a new iPhone and my other favorite app, 1001 books, is no longer supported by Apple. So now I no longer know if I‘m on track in finishing those 1001 books before I die 😢🤷🏻‍♀️
I loved that feature and keeping track of the books I read. Now it‘s back to the spreadsheet I guess.

ValerieAndBooks What 😣 ?! My 1001Books app still works with my iPhone 11. What iPhone did you get? 4y
DrexEdit 😨 I didn't know there was such an app! 4y
DAB 😱 4y
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MicheleinPhilly Oh no! I have an app that is also no longer supported because they went out of business BUT it was an app I used to purchase music directly from artists so all of the music I purchased was lost. 😕 4y
BarbaraBB @ValerieAndBooks I have an 11 too, but it happens when you get a new phone and try to sync your apps on it. Arukiyomi (from LT, who built the app) already announced it on Facebook. 4y
BarbaraBB @DrexEdit It was a great app... 4y
BarbaraBB @MicheleinPhilly That really sucks too 😫 4y
Ruthiella How frustrating!!! 😩 4y
LeahBergen Oh no!! 4y
Megabooks Boo!! 4y
ValerieAndBooks So the app developer doesn‘t ever plan to update it? Too bad if so, as we paid good money for this app 😕 4y
CarolynM That's the downside of having everything at our fingertips - we don't really own any of it, it can all just disappear or become inaccessible. 4y
BarbaraBB @ValerieAndBooks He had to pay a lot and had no funds for the update I think. I know he started a crowdfunding campaign but without results. But you‘re right, it was an expensive buy in the first place. 4y
BarbaraBB @CarolynM Exactly, it‘s weird how you never much think about it unless that happens. 4y
ValerieAndBooks That‘s too bad about him not having enough funds 😢. I wonder if he tried reaching out to the book publisher for potential collaboration. But now I won‘t have to be reminded constantly of how long I‘ll be expected to live 😂. I need to search for that spreadsheet again so I‘ll be ready when I can‘t access the app anymore. 4y
BarbaraBB @ValerieAndBooks I remember that Boxall didn‘t support the app, even tried to prevent it, if I am right. So no financial support there. And you‘re right, the positive thing is not being confronted with my mortality every so often 😉 4y
ValerieAndBooks Hmm, maybe Boxall was afraid that the app would lessen the sales of the his books 🤷🏻‍♀️. 4y
vivastory That's a shame. I had thought about getting an iPhone so I could access this app. 4y
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Clara, after catching a glimpse of my TBR pile.

In other news, she‘s balding and growing chins like a tiny old man and it‘s hilarious. 😍

GingerAntics 🤣😂🤣🥰🥰🥰 what a cutie!!! 4y
marleed She‘s as beautiful as her name! 4y
BiblioLitten 🥰🥰 4y
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Ruthiella You have a responsibility to your daughter to get that pile in order! 🤪😂😂😂 4y
Leftcoastzen 😄how adorable! 4y
SheReadsAndWrites 😂❤️ 4y
BookDragonNotWorm 😍😍😍 Too funny!!! 4y
Pageturner1 😆 4y
KarenUK Gorgeous 💕😍💕 4y
Cortg Sooooo cute! Congratulations! 4y
LeahBergen Awww! 💙💙💙 4y
CarolynM 😂😘😘 4y
sprainedbrain Omg! 😍😍😍😍 4y
BarbaraBB She is so cute 😍💝 4y
Reggie Hi Clara! 😄 4y
batsy Ahahaha that's so adorable 😍😘 4y
KVanRead Those cheeks!! 😍😍😍 She‘s adorable! 4y
erzascarletbookgasm 😂 Hi Clara! 😍 You‘ll get used to it. 😉 4y
Kalalalatja Adorable! 😍 4y
BookwormM 🤣🤣great photo 4y
ValerieAndBooks 💖💖💖!!! 4y
Suet624 She looks like I feel. Thanks so much for letting us get to know her. 4y
vivastory 😂😂📚📚📚 4y
kspenmoll Sweetie! 😂😂 4y
tpixie Lol 😂 what a cute bundle ! 💗💗💗 4y
Centique Ohhh she is so cute. Love that astonished face! 😍 4y
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Thank you for the tag @NeedsMoreBooks Question 1: when I learned to read when I was around 4 years. Question 2: impossible to answer because not every book is good for every person, though I could come up with a list of a hundred or so I would feel good about recommending 😊. Tagging @LeahBergen #Two4Tuesday

NeedsMoreBooks Thank you for playing! 4y
TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 🤩 4y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads Ditto on both of these answers 4y
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We did it! 24 hours of reading in 48 hours! With 2 hours to spare! Look for an upcoming episode recounting our journey. #24in48 #not24in48 #1001books

Mollyanna Woohoo 🙌🏻 4y
Alora Awesome! Congrats! 4y
Megabooks Congratulations! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
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We‘ve got a fun little book recommendation episode for you. These are our favorite books that cameo to our lives in 2019. #yearinreview #applepodcasts #googleplay #soundcloud

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Finally, as part of my year end wrap up, here are the 30 books I read from the #1001books list in 2019. It‘s not quite as many as I was hoping for, but I did manage to read my #Reading1001 #TBRTakedown book every month, a few of the books of the month for that group, a few with Litsy readalongs, and a few random choices.

#1001Discoveries #Genji #Hugonuts #ReadColdBlood
#2019Stats #ReadingStats

Scochrane26 I would try some of the list or other lists, but there‘s just some books I‘m never going to be willing to read. It‘s a great goal though, & I have worked on more classics. 5y
Cinfhen 🙌🏻❣️#TBRtakedown 😁 5y
Daisey @Scochrane26 Thanks, and I completely understand. I will never get through all of these, and there are some I have no desire to read. I like that it gives me a wide variety of books to read and an interesting group of people with whom to discuss those books. 5y
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CafeMom Great graphic. I wish I could do that. 5y
Daisey @CafeMom This is actually just a screenshot of my bookshelf on Goodreads in cover grid format on a square background. I lucked out that I read 30 books and it came out in even rows. 5y
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Hey, friends! I‘m itching to do another buddy read of a big, fat classic tome, but not sure what book to tackle. I‘ve gained so much from the discussions and group insights in the past.

I‘ve tagged a few former buddy readers, but no pressure. Anyone who‘s interested, please feel free to jump in with ideas!

CSeydel I have Middlemarch on my list for this year, if anyone‘s interested 5y
Lindy I‘m planning to read a 437-page Canadian children‘s classic along with @TheBookHippie through the month of January and you are welcome to join us: 5y
Moray_Reads It's an obvious one and I don't know if you've already read or attempted it but On Search of Lost Time is one big outstanding hurdle for me 5y
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Lcsmcat I‘m interested! And like @Moray_Reads says, Proust is one I need to tackle. @booksnchill and I are going to start in February I think, if you‘re interested. Two more that I want to read are War and Peace and Don Quixote, so I‘ll join you on either of those that you decide to read. Tag me for any, as I get more out of the big ones if I‘m discussing them with others. (edited) 5y
saresmoore @CSeydel I read Middlemarch last year and it was wonderful! @Lindy That is one of my all-time favorite books! ♥️ 5y
saresmoore @Moray_Reads @Lcsmcat Yes to Proust! That one intimidates me! I‘d love to join you and @Booksnchill in February. I‘d also like to do War & Peace at some point and am due for a reread of Don Quixote. 5y
AmyG Uncle Tom‘s Cabin has been on my pile for awhile. But I would be interested in joining in for whatever. Unless it‘s Russian. Not a fan of Russian lit. 5y
Desha I‘m interested! I also have War and Peace and Proust in my TBR stack! Also interested in Middlemarch! Thanks for reaching out with ideas! ❤️📚❤️ 5y
Lindy @saresmoore That‘s good to hear. Now I‘m even more excited about starting Emily of New Moon tomorrow. I read Stephane Heuet‘s French graphic novel adaptation of Proust‘s A la recherche du temps perdu some years ago and, while I enjoyed the story, I feel like I never want to revisit it. Kind of like The Tale of Genji. But like Genji, it‘s definitely worthwhile to do it once. 5y
saresmoore @AmyG Ha! Noted! I won‘t tell you how many giant Russian classics I have on my shelves. 🙈 5y
TheBookHippie I‘m reading a chapter a day join if you want 5y
Cathythoughts I‘m not sure what ye have done so far , but I‘ll keep an eye out. I would love to join in for a new year challenge 👍🏻❤️ 5y
LauraBeth Would love to do a buddy read! I‘ve never read Tolstoy or Proust... 5y
saresmoore @TheBookHippie Thank you! I did Les Mis last year and it was quite the adventure. I hope you enjoy, er, get a lot out of it! 😅 5y
saresmoore @LauraBeth I‘m intimidated by facing all of Proust in one go, so might just start with Swann‘s Way and see what happens? It‘s been many years since I read Anna Karenina and I would love to do a buddy read of that and/or War & Peace. 5y
saresmoore @Cathythoughts I will keep you posted! 5y
TheBookHippie I‘ll keep you posted -I read a lot of classic literature. Who knows what I‘ll pick up this year yet!!! The children‘s one I do is pure zen! 5y
LauraBeth I‘m game for Anna Karenina (I think that‘d be a better entry point into Leo for me 😀). 5y
Liz_M I am probably the only person on the planet that wants to read the tagged book. I don't know why, but it's been calling to me for the past year or two. 5y
saresmoore @Liz_M Oh, I would love to read that! 5y
LeahBergen I‘ve been thinking of reading some Gaskell, Trollope, or Hardy this year. 🤔 I‘m always up for a buddy read with you! 😘 5y
saresmoore @LeahBergen Yes to all of those! Well, I'm hesitant on Hardy, only because I've bailed on at least two of his over the years. 😬 But, it might be good to add to my perspective when I'm reading Proust. Which Gaskell and/or Trollope are you leaning toward? 5y
LeahBergen @saresmoore I‘ve been eyeing Gaskell‘s North and South and thinking I‘d start with Trollope‘s first novel in the Barchester series, The Warden. I‘m easy though! As for Hardy, @shawnmooney raved about Under the Greenwood Tree and I‘ve been wanting to give it a whirl. 😄 5y
LeahBergen As for Proust, I‘ve read Swann‘s Way and would like to be inspired to carry on with the others! 😆 5y
saresmoore @LeahBergen You know a @shawnmooney recommendation will always convince me. I meant to read The Warden last year and just didn‘t get around to it, so I‘d love to start with that one! North and South is wonderful—I‘ve read it a couple of times, but have yet to read Wives & Daughters. 5y
LeahBergen @saresmoore I have Wives and Daughters, too, so I could always read that one first if I see you picking it up. 😄 5y
ValerieAndBooks A chunkster classic read along would be great. There are so many 😅 and several good suggestions already. I‘m interested in any of them except Anna Karenina because I‘ve already read it (so many books so little time). Let me know what you decide!! 5y
arubabookwoman I‘d love to join a Proust group read. I got about half way through (4?? books) several years ago, but I feel I would need to reread from the beginning. Are you doing one book per month, every other month or tbd? @Lcsmcat @Booksnchill @Moray_reads 5y
Lcsmcat @arubabookwoman I think the plan for Proust is one every other month, starting in February. @saresmore and @leahbergen I‘m always up for Hardy, Gaskell or Trollope. Tag me and if I haven‘t read it yet I‘d love to read along. I‘ve read more of Trollope‘s Palliser novels than the Barchester, ones, so I‘m definitely up for that. 5y
sisilia Hi @saresmoore I will be reading Don Quixote in May with my IRL Chunkster Book Club in Singapore. I created a group of the same name in Goodreads and will use that as a discussion point. And also, I‘m keen on Proust 😍 Please count me in @Moray_Reads @Booksnchill @Lcsmcat @arubabookwoman 5y
Booksnchill Checking in here- I may have gotten the Proust ball rolling and am thrilled to have any company. I think @Lcsmcat couldn‘t start until Feb and I was fine with that as I have some preliminary books on Proust to read in January. My thought was doing the 6 volumes of the new translation (2 of the shorter books are combined) one every 2 months or something like that - I have read Swann‘s Way twice and enjoyed it! @arubabookwoman (edited) 5y
sisilia Which edition are you referring to? @Booksnchill 5y
sisilia Let me know when you are ready for Middlemarch @CSeydel 😘 5y
batsy I'm in the same #bigclassicmood but feel so frustrated because it won't be till after the 10th that I'll have some quiet time. I'm planning on Don Quixote... Wanted it to be my NY read but I think I'll push it to Feb. And I'd love to read War & Peace and also Moby Dick... Too ambitious for one year? 😂 5y
batsy @LeahBergen @saresmoore Please give me a shout for any of these... I'd love to join if I can. I've been meaning to read the Barchester series, too. And I have to read North and South this year, I've been putting it off! 5y
LeahBergen @batsy I‘ve been putting them both off for too long! Let‘s do it! 5y
Moray_Reads @batsy war and peace is fabulous 5y
batsy @LeahBergen Yaaaaas! *Sparta war cry* 😂 5y
batsy @Moray_Reads I loved Anna Karenina! I'm looking forward to War & Peace. 5y
andrew61 I will be interested to see what you choose. 5y
Suet624 I would join for War and Peace. 5y
vivastory I'd be interested in War & Peace, especially since I just received a gorgeous 3 volume Everyman's Library set 5y
vivastory @sisilia I think that @Booksnchill is referring to the new penguin editions. Lydia Davis translated the first one 5y
vivastory @Lcsmcat @arubabookwoman I would be interested in the Proust buddy read 5y
Lcsmcat @vivastory The Proust is hosted by @Booksnchill , I‘m just joining in. 5y
Lcsmcat @saresmore @vivastory @Suet624 @batsy @leahbergen Count me in for War and Peace! It‘s been sitting on my Kindle calling to me for ages. 😀 5y
vivastory @Lcsmcat Okay, thanks! 5y
Booksnchill @vivastory awesome- yes the Pendergast edited translations each is translated based on the latest french revisions - I say the more the better the information we can exchange- I think we have one who is reading in the original french! 5y
emilyhaldi Thanks for including me!!! I would love to join for Wives and Daughters and War & Peace sounds intimidating but I'm up for a try! Trying to decide if I could realistically fit any Proust into my life at the moment ... 😅 5y
emilyhaldi @CSeydel @sisilia I‘m definitely interested in Middlemarch!!! 5y
sisilia @vivastory Thanks, Scott. I‘ll check out the new Pendergast edited version 🥰 5y
BookJunkie77 I‘m interested in tackling Anna Karenina 5y
saresmoore @batsy Of course it‘s not too much! 😅How would you and @LeahBergen feel about starting The Warden January 15? Is that too soon? 5y
saresmoore @emilyhaldi I‘m really reconsidering my capacity for Proust this year... 😬 But I‘d say Wives & Daughters and War & Peace are definites. 5y
LeahBergen @saresmoore Sure! That would work for me. 5y
erzascarletbookgasm I‘ve enjoyed our buddy reads last year! Count me in, depending on the book, I may join. Otherwise I won‘t be able to tackle those chunksters on my own. 5y
erzascarletbookgasm @CSeydel @sisilia holler me for Middlemarch. I‘ve been wanting to read it since last year! 5y
ReadingEnvy I‘m going to host two readalongs this year - one will be Ducks, Newburyport but I‘m not sure of the other. I might go back as far as The Odyssey but have also contemplated 5y
Centique @saresmoore I‘m planning on reading Swann‘s Way this year too so let me know if you decide to read that 😊 4y
Centique @Booksnchill now I‘ve read this convo through properly, can I ask to join in on your Proust read? Do you mind if I only step in for the first volume? 😊 4y
Booksnchill @Centique all who are interested are welcome- My plan is Swann‘s Way in February. I don‘t plan to have anything very organized just let people put up their thoughts or I like to add some history, commentary, context and pictures (Proust is full of those). Drop in and out as you would like- this really started when I posted my 2020 personal challenge! Glad to have you! (edited) 4y
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A #BucketList is a list of all the things you want to do before you die. Like reading this selection of 1001 books, perhaps.


OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚😊 5y
jillrhudy I liked the original version of this. Every update seems forced and arbitrary. I think they decided there was too much Western culture and too many men, and some of the replacement books were bizarre, as were the books axed. 5y
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Louise 😂😂😂 5y
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#1001books #readaroundtheworld So I did a thing. I mostly cleaned up the nationalities from the complete GR list of authors in the tagged book. Then I got a complete list of countries/sovereign states. Then I combined the two. It should be viewable here: https://bit.ly/30y0xg7. Might add column for #readwomen later.

Read harder AND smarter, Littens. I don't know if I'll ever real all 1200+ books, but I want to read as diversely as possible.

Lucy_Anywhere Wow - awesome goal! Good luck 👏 5y
suvata Impressive list 5y
merelybookish Cool! Thanks for posting. 5y
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Eyelit Very cool! Thanks for sharing! 5y
BookwormM Cool 😎 5y
BarbaraBB Very cool! Thanks for sharing 💕 5y
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It is an absolutely gorgeous day today, and thanks to @ValerieAndBooks , I found the Goodreads Google spreadsheet for the tagged book. Sorted it by books that haven't been deleted over the multiple editions, then started tagging those I've already read. 37 of over 1200 😬 but a lot of them are on my TBR anyway, so I think it'll be a fun long-range goal to chip away at! #1001books

Emilymdxn I feel the same! I‘ve been working away at the list for years and feel like I‘ll never get there but it‘s fun either way. What are you thinking of starting with? 5y
jchawkins @Emilymdxn probably adichie. Calvino, Murakami, and Oz are already favs of mine so those will probably be hit pretty early too. Where are you at right now? 5y
squirrelbrain I was just gifted this book! I‘ve found the spreadsheet (thank you!) so I‘ll have a look at that after my hols... 5y
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llwheeler I didn't know there was a spreadsheet, thanks for the tip! I have this list as a long term, no pressure goal too. 5y
jchawkins @squirrelbrain @squirrelbrain sure thing! So much easier than making the sheet manually... 😅 5y
Emilymdxn @jchawkins I‘ve been working on it about ten years and I‘m hoping to climb from 19% to 20% total this year - slow but rewarding progress! Ahhh Calvino is my fave too 5y
jchawkins @Emilymdxn geez, that's dedication! Good for you!! And yay Calvino ♥️ 5y
Sarahreadstoomuch I‘m working on it too... not sure where I‘m at right now, but it‘s a great list! 5y
TheEllieMo I have a phone app for these! It has every book that‘s featured in any edition of 1001 Books you must read before you die, 1315 in total. So far I‘ve read 38. Only a few more, then...... 5y
ValerieAndBooks Welcome to the club 😊🤓!! It‘s fun trying even though I know I probably won‘t get to them all (so far, only 12.7% of all 1315 — the phone app calculates that too) 5y
Sunraven Goshdarnit, now I want to find the spreadsheet, too. Must ... do ... bookish ... things... 5y
jchawkins @ValerieAndBooks yeah, idk about you but I'm not aiming to finish them all. I'll read at least every author if I can, but I'll only read an author more than once if I like them, and I've got no qualms bailing if the book isnt my thing. That app sounds great tho... 5y
jchawkins @Sunraven this is a community of enablers of overcommitting to books! ?(This emoji popped up when I searched "muahaha!"! ?) 5y
Sunraven It looks like your emoji is truly villainous, since from here it‘s just a question mark. 😆 It‘s made its daring escape! 5y
ValerieAndBooks Trust me, I bail too 😂! And so many of these books are chunksters, too ! 5y
Lynnsoprano @Sunraven Litsy is a rabbit hole you fell down, like the rest of us 😂 5y
Sunraven @Lynnsoprano: Took me a while, though ... I failed to get the hang of it late last year when I first joined, but I‘m glad I felt compelled to blather publicly about books again recently. I like this rabbit hole. 😆 5y
Lynnsoprano @sunraven Welcome to the club 😂 5y
Sunraven @Lynnsoprano: Glad to be part of it! 😉 5y
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Started listening to @1001BooksPodcast at the gym tonight! Enjoying it so far! #podcast #1001bookspodcast

1001BooksPodcast Wow! Glad you are enjoying it. New episodes are coming soon! 5y
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I have absolutely read so much more! I've been reading so many more genres and I've been pushed towards audiobooks just to keep up. Challenges have really pushed me to expand my horizons and of course, nobody minds me talking about books!!!
Thanks, @megabooks for the fun question!!!

Megabooks Excellent answer! It is so nice have met so many bookish people! I enjoy the challenges, too. 😁👍🏻 5y
CouronneDhiver Yes - you‘re right! I‘ve found some of my very favourite books thanks to my fellow Littens 👍🏽 5y
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About last night...I became so enthralled with this “big ole book” that I skimmed it from cover to cover. I learned a lot of different things including: I definitely will not and do not want to read all of these particular books; I even decided against some classics I thought I was gonna read; found books I had not heard of that I can‘t wait to read; reading 1 page book reviews is fun. It‘s really worth going through it, I think. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

vivastory There are a few people on here who are reading their way through the list. I have a couple of the editions. I love it. 5y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads Some things I cannot read about and enjoy because triggers. I was happy to find lots of new books that I did not know about @vivastory 5y
BarbaraBB I am working my way through this list but are definitely not going to read all of them. It has led me to some great discoveries though, books I never would have learned about otherwise! 5y
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I‘ve decided to join the #BookFitnessChallenge that @wanderinglynn has set up. Go check out her post and join! Audiobooks and exercise! My goals will be six books and to exercise four times a week (walking, videos, stationary bike, etc). Time to get moving again. Thank you so much @wanderinglynn for setting up this challenge. I really needed the push.

wanderinglynn Yay! Thanks for joining us! 🙌🏻 5y
Megabooks This sounds awesome! 5y
jb72 @Megabooks 😎 I hope you join us! 5y
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jb72 @wanderinglynn Thanks for the challenge! 5y
saguarosally Yay! 5y
Kaye 💚 5y
Erin7 Looks like some great goals 😎
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A new episode is up- a delightful audio diary of our experience doing the #24in48 challenge this last January. We go from over confident to getting the giggles all while reading some great books. Find it at #SoundCloud #applepodcasts #googleplay

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@jillannjohn It‘s here. Are we going to do another round?
@Jerdencon @ferskner

Jerdencon I'd like too! 5y
Chili @Jerdencon So would I!😁 5y
ferskner Sure! 5y
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Jerdencon @ferskner @Chili @jillannjohn When do we start up again? I‘ve lost track - should we mail in April? 5y
jillannjohn I‘ve lost track too. I might need some time to pick out another book! 😬 5y
ferskner Agreed - should we do some emails with potential picks to see if we've already read them? 5y
Chili Sounds good to me. I have some choices in mind. 5y
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Here‘s my #24in48 stack! I realize I have no chance of getting through all of these, but my goals are posted on Insta @ Dreesreads. My goals won‘t fit here 🤣 I am starting at 9pm my time (12 EST, official start time) so I can get some reading in tonight AND go to sleep at a decent time on Sunday!

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Rissreads Bahahaaaa! Your doomed! You wanna hope you live a very long life! 🤣 5y
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In this minisode, we set our reading and podcast goals for 2019. The ultimate beginning of the year question: how do we organize our reading lives? Any tips? #soundcloud #googleplay #applepodcasts #2019goals

MandaChittles Listening to this now 😊 5y
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We wrapped up the year with an episode reviewing the best books that we came across in 2018. Some older, but all new to us and all great reads. Check it out! #1001books #applepodcasts #googleplay #soundcloud

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I was getting ready to mail out my book for #1001books and realize it's the last one for the rotation. Didn't know my group members wanted to do another round or not? What do you think?? @ferskner @Chili @jillannjohn

Chili @Jerdencon I would like to do another round. 6y
gradcat Wow! That‘s a lot of books to get through in one lifetime! 👍📚😊 6y
ferskner I'm happy to do another round, but of course had the rotation marked down wrong and thought we were sending next month. Sigh. I'll get it out later this week! 6y
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jillannjohn I didn‘t realize it was the last round either. Of course I‘m a little bit behind... 6y
Jerdencon @jillannjohn @Chili @ferskner Do we want to start up again in March to give people time to finish this round and read something else?! Or April? I'm good with whatever works! (edited) 6y
Chili I‘m good with either March or April. 6y
ferskner I think sticking to the current rotation would be good! 6y
Jerdencon @jillannjohn @Chili @ferskner So I guess we will do April, July, October, and January again. Looking forward to it. Happy New Y ear! 6y
jillannjohn Sounds good. Happy New Year! 6y
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I am slooowly making my way through the #1001books list. These are 2018s reads towards completion. I will definitely need the rest of my life to get to the end!

hilded Lol, me too! And probably then some 😅 6y
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(Continued) Here are my other 5-star reads.

The GR Reading 1001 group, our #1001Discoveries PBC, and several Litsy friends who are also attempting the list all helped me make stay motivated and make progress.

If I have to pick an absolute favorite from 2018... I can‘t. 🤷🏻‍♀️

The Breast by Roth was easily the worst. Seriously...wtf is it doing on the list? 😂

I‘m up to 154 books read from the list, so I have a loooong way to go!


RealBooks4ever Fantastic! Heh, “Roth” 😆 6y
sprainedbrain @RealBooks4ever Have you read it? It‘s literally about a guy who turns in to a female breast. I can‘t even. 😂 6y
RealBooks4ever @sprainedbrain No, never read Roth! I think he‘s too mid-century-old-white-man kind of writing for me! 😆 6y
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Freespirit Some great books on your list. I need to read Atonement. 6y
Liz_M 1001Discoveries PBC? Please explain! 6y
sprainedbrain @Liz_M sorry! PBC is postal book club... I was in group D and we called ourselves #1001Discoveries. 😃 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Wow, two Hardy and two Wharton! 6y
vivastory 72! Amazing job, Jenni!! 6y
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I‘m working on finishing 3 more books before the new year, but none of them are #1001books... so, I‘m doing a wrap up of my progress for 2018.

My goal was to read at least 25 books from the list this year, and I read 72! 😯

Of these, a whopping 22 were 5-star reads for me, and I don‘t think I‘m overly free with 5-star ratings. Listed are half of them. All so good!

I guess I have a lot to say, so my musings are continued in my next post! 😂

Chrissyreadit Wow!!!! 6y
Daisey Wow! 72 this year is impressive! 🙌 6y
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I found the #1001books hashtag here and the #Reading1001 group on Goodreads near the end of 2017 and made reading more of these books a goal for 2018. I'm happy to say that I have read and/or listened to 40 books from the list this year. A couple of these were rereads of books I did not have dates for in Goodreads, but most were new to me. They include a few I disliked, but I appreciated something about almost all and truly enjoyed many.

Crazeedi Well done! 6y
sprainedbrain That‘s awesome! 6y
Daisey @Crazeedi Thank you! 6y
Daisey @sprainedbrain Thanks! I probably should have mentioned our #1001Discoveries group in this post too, since that added several to my list. 6y
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Picture 2 of 2

See my post below. #1001books

vivastory What were your favorites? 6y
BarbaraBB @vivastory Of the ones I read this year: The Art of Fielding, Carry me down, Passing, Life and Death of Harriett Frean and Bunner Sisters. 6y
vivastory I haven't read any of those. I'll have to add them to my list for next year. 6y
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Cinfhen Woohooooooo🎉🎉🎉I really liked Art of Fielding too @vivastory 6y
BarbaraBB @vivastory I hope you will! 6y
vivastory @Cinfhen I will definitely check it out soon! I've heard only great things about it. 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Wow! 595 out of 1001 books, that‘s impressive! 👏👍 I‘ll be stacking The Art of Fielding 😉 6y
Amiable @erzascarletbookgasm oh, "The Art of Fielding" is wonderful! ???? 6y
readordierachel Ah, The Children's Book. I still haven't finished it 😆. Way to go on 595! 6y
BarbaraBB @readordierachel It bored me immensely 😂 6y
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Picture 1 of 2.

This year I have read another 35 books from the list of #1001books to read before you die. Definitely not my best year but my goal is coming closer, I‘ve read 595 of 1001 so far!

vivastory You're over halfway there! 6y
BarbaraBB @vivastory The complete list consists of 1315 books now but my goal is to read 1001! 6y
Cinfhen That‘s incredible!!!! I think I‘ve read 45 total 😜maybe more since that list keeps growing 😂😂😂 6y
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BarbaraBB @Cinfhen Yes it keep growing 😂 but my goal isn‘t: of the now 1315 books there are definitely 314 I never want to read 😂😉😘 6y
Cinfhen Hahahahaha #ThatsFair 😘😘 6y
Kalalalatja That really is impressive and quite a goal! You go Barbara! 👏👏👏 6y
sprainedbrain You are my #1001books hero! 6y
HannaPolkadots What Maisie Knew 💜💜💜 my favorite James novel. 6y
BarbaraBB @Kalalalatja @sprainedbrain Thank you ☺️. My hero is @Liz_M who has read 800+ !! 6y
LeahBergen Wow! 👏🏻👏🏻 6y
Susannah Wow, that‘s terrific! Congratulations on such progress. 6y
Reggie Wow!!! Good job!!! 6y
TrishB Amazing! Brilliant job. 6y
batsy Brilliant! What varied reading 😍 6y
Amiable Nice!! 👍🏼👍🏼 6y
sprainedbrain @BarbaraBB Ha! I‘m in awe of @Liz_M too! 6y
LauraBeth Wow! 6y
Daisey Congratulations! 🎉 That is quite a list for the year. 6y
Liz_M @sprainedbrain At the rate you are audio-booking through the list, you will catch up soon! I'm impressed by @BarbaraBB dedication to the ToB -- I rarely read anything contemporary! 6y
BarbaraBB @Liz_M I have been in need of a break from too much classics and am really enjoying the contemporary ones at the moment. The mix is perfect for me! 6y
ValerieAndBooks Very impressive!! I need to count how many I got to this year (not many). Barbara I want to say thank you so much for the package that arrived yesterday. So thoughtful of you. I will post about it as soon as I can get a chance 💖💖💖 6y
BarbaraBB @ValerieAndBooks You don‘t need to post about it. I am happy it reached you safely 💕😘 6y
DreesReads 595 wow!! 6y
hilded That‘s a really great number! It will take me years to get there. But I find I enjoy most of the books on the list, so it‘s a great inspiration. 6y
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Rachbb3 Thank you! ❤ 6y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads From one Book Tribe Member to another @Rachbb3 🥰 6y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads Don‘t you wish we could like comments on here like on Instagram @Rachbb3 (edited) 6y
Rachbb3 Yes, that would be better. 6y
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@jillannjohn It arrived today! I can‘t wait to read it! 😁

jillannjohn Glad it arrived safely. 😀 6y
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Checking off the books I‘ve read while watching King Lear and His Girl Friday. Not a bad night. 😊

BarbaraBB I love doing this ❤️ 6y
AvidReader25 @BarbaraBB Me too! I don‘t intentionally read books from the list, but I always end up adding a dozen titles or so when I checked through it. 6y
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These books have been added to 1001 books to read before you die list as of 2018:

1. The Circle by Dave Eggers
2. The Flamethrowers by Rachel Kushner
3. Winter by Ali Smith
4. H(A)PPY by Nicola Barker
5. The Story of the Lost Child by Elena Ferrante
6. A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing by Elimear McBride
7. 10:04 by Ben Lerner
8. H is for Hawk by Helen MacDonald
9. Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
10. The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt


EadieB 10 books have also been removed: 1. Forever a Stranger by Hella Haasse 2. The Life of Insects by Victor Pelevin 3. Dirty Havanana Trilogy by Pedro Gutierrez 4. Soldiers of Salamis by Javier Marias 5. The Successor by Ismail Kadare 6. Your Face Tomorrow by Javier Marias 7. The Blind Side of the Heart by Julia Franck 8. Kieron Smith, Boy by James Kelman 9. There But For The by Aaliyah Smith 10. The Children‘s Book by A.S. Byatt. (edited) 6y
ReadingEnvy I've read six! 6y
EadieB @ReadingEnvy Very Nice! I‘ve read 237 from the whole list! (edited) 6y
Gaylagal2 H is for Hawk is fantastic!🤙 6y
EadieB @Gaylagal2 Good to hear! 6y
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@Jerdencon This is on its way to you. The other one is a #JB book going to someone.

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My #1001bookswap book is going out on Thursday! Sorry it's a little late but hopefully will get there soon! @jillannjohn @ferskner @Chili

ferskner @jillannjohn @Jerdencon @Chili Mine is also going it a little late. It took me longer to read than I expected (but it's good!) I'll send Priority on Friday. 6y
jillannjohn I‘m late too! Hope to get it out at the end of the week! @ferskner @Jerdencon @Chili (edited) 6y
Chili @Jerdencon @jillannjohn @ferskner I‘m a little late too. It will be in the mail Friday. 😁 6y
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