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Lobos del Calla (La Torre Oscura V)
Lobos del Calla (La Torre Oscura V) | Stephen King
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La quinta y muy esperada entrega de la mtica serie de Stephen King La Torre Oscura, colmar sin duda todas las esperanzas de sus seguidores. Roland Deschain y su ka-tet viajan hacia el sudeste a travs de los bosques del Mundo Medio. El camino les lleva a l y sus compaeros hasta el Calla Bryn Sturgis, una tranquila comunidad de granjeros y renaceros en las fronteras del Mundo Medio. Ms all de este pueblo se encuentra Tronido, de donde procede la ms terrible de las amenazas: los lobos. En el Calla, los viajeros se encuentran con el padre Callahan, otro refugiado de nuestro mundo. l tambin es uno de los protectores de la Torre Oscura, en particular de un solar de la Segunda Avenida de Manhattan donde crece una sola rosa roja. Los lobos de Tronido se estn acercando y por primera vez los habiantes del Calla Bryn Sturgis, entrenados e inspirados por el coraje de Roland y su ka-tet, van a luchar. Este volumen contiene 12 ilustraciones de Vernie Wrightson, artista de renombre, diseador e ilustrador de cmics, libros, revistas y novelas grficas durante 35 aos. La crtica ha dicho... El suspense extremo y el intenso desarrollo de los personajes, unidos a la magnitud del mayor universo creado por King, mantendrn a sus seguidores aterrorizados. Publishers Weekly
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Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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Three years have passed since I've read volume four, but I didn't have any troubles finding back into the story. This speaks for Stephen King ans his ability to create unforgettable characters and stories. Still, I guess my big King phase is over, since I'm not sure I would continue reading The Dark Tower series if it wasn't for Oy. Yes, I read the whole books solely because of that Billy-Bumbler.

#serieslove2024 @Andrew65 @TheSpineView

Bookwormjillk Yeah these later Dark Tower ones just weren‘t the same. 6mo
Jari-chan @Bookwormjillk oh, then it might not just only be me... I'll read them anyway 🙈 6mo
TheSpineView Awesome! 6mo
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Jari-chan @TheSpineView Thank you ❤️ 6mo
Bookwormjillk @Jari-chan yeah at that point you almost have to! 6mo
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This has always been one of my absolute favorite Dark Tower entries, and this read did nothing to change that. Inspired by such classic samurai/western films as Seven Samurai and The Magnificent Seven, the tale at the heart of Wolves of the Calla, while not necessarily new, is expertly told, resulting in a gripping read throughout that always has me turning pages as quickly as I can. A glowing 5/5.

Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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Mind feast with treats. #20in4

Andrew65 Definitely need treats with a Readathon. 1y
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Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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I am always here with you, just quiet! Excited for #20in4 AND #RushAThon. Right on time for my latest bender of finishing seriesesesses. Why am I all stacked and ready for #Scarathlon? Hoping I recalled all my reading family members.

Photo from when the kids tried to walk the cat. Yes, that is the kat, Amanda

🙏Goals for this weekend:
📚Get to page 500/709, currently on 276;
📓Completely finish one paper; and
📓Get well into the next one!

Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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Wolves loses some of the luster I originally attributed to it. The world building is great and Seven Samurai set in the Dark Tower universe is an instant sell for me. Where I dock points is with King‘s writing. His style has changed so much since Dark Tower IV. He uses more (not so subtle) foreshadowing and his wanderings away from the main plot impede what could‘ve been a tight storyline. I still love it, though.

Shout out to Andy the robot!

Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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Another long one but well worth the read/listen. Father Callahan from ‘Salem‘s Lot is in this book. We find out what happened to him since he left The Lot and how he ended up in Calla Bryn Sturgis. There is also another door between worlds/whens that they must travel through. #SeriesLive2023 @TheSpineView

TheSpineView This sounds interesting. Great job! @Andrew65 2y
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 2y
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Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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“[This book] takes them to the outskirts of Calla Bryn Sturgis, a…community of farmers and ranchers on Mid-World's borderlands. Beyond the town is…Thunderclap, the source of a terrible affliction that is slowly stealing the community's soul. One of the town's residents is Pere Callahan, a ruined priest who, like Susannah, Eddie and Jake, passed through one of the portals that lead both into and out of Roland's world.”

Cortg I read a book or two a year from this series. This was my last read. Maybe this summer I'll pick up the next book. I started the series 4-5 years ago 😂 2y
deeannloso @Cortg You should definitely finish the series. Maybe start from the beginning so it makes more sense as you move through the series. Some books are much better than others, but it‘s a great series. 2y
KathyWheeler This is my favorite Dark Tower book. 2y
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deeannloso @KathyWheeler 👍🏻😊 2y
Cortg @deeannloso Yep! I am reading them all in order, I just need a break in between long saga type books. I did the same with the Outlander series; 1-2 books per year. I have Song of Susannah, The Dark Tower and The Wind Through the Keyhole left :) 2y
deeannloso @Cortg 👍🏻👍🏻 2y
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Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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Multiple roadtrips to New England and back this month and this was the perfect 26 hour audio! Book 5 in the Dark Towers series and my favorite so far. #Pop22 ~ a book with a protagonist who uses a mobility aid

Cinfhen Road trips are perfect for long audios!!! 2y
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Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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3rd 7+ hr roadtrip up/down the east coast in a month! I‘m tired but this new sticker on my kindle makes me happy. Finishing the above audiobook and next up By the Book is downloaded and ready to go. #RoadWarrior 🚗

Cortg @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you ☺️ It‘s rainy and gross but I made it to NJ and the first rest stop on the turnpike, my go to stop for Shake Shack. 2y
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Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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#SeriesRead2022 @TheSpineView

Allowing so many years to pass between my first read and this reread almost makes it feel like I'm reading it for the first time again. Also, having read so many other King novels I now see connections and references that I missed previously.

The best part of this book for me is Callahan's story. So good!

My journey is almost finished and the draw to the Dark Tower increases.

TheSpineView Fantastic 2y
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Whilst this was an enjoyable read featuring all my favourite ka-tet, it was a chunk of a book that possibly didn‘t need to be as long. That being said, King is known for his epic tome‘s and it‘s not really wasted space - it all adds to the journey that is the masterpiece of the dark tower series.

Glad I finally managed to finish it, however I‘m still excited for the next instalment. May it do ya fine.

Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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The Seven Samurai of the Dark Tower series. For the full review, please visit http://benjamin-m-weilert.com/index.php/2022/07/13/book-wolves-of-the-calla-2003...

Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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Roland and his three companions come to the aid of a Wild West type village which is plagued by the "Wolves" who raid the village once a generation, steal half the children; then return them "roont", doomed to giantism, idiocy and agonising death.

The Ka-tet which are now proven gunslingers themselves muster the villagers in self-defence and try to uncover the truth about these malevolent "Wolves"

My favourite installment of the series. ?

The_Book_Ninja I‘m torn. I want to read this series but apart from The Mist, I‘ve never read a Stephen King book and enjoyed it. 2y
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Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King

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I'm really enjoying this re-read, it's probably my favourite of the series.

So much happens in this one, it's full of action and Callahan's back story is brilliant.

For those of you not in the know, this is book 5 of "The Dark Tower" series.

I couldn't recommend this series more, it's just the best. ?

KathyWheeler This is my favorite book in the series as well. 2y
tpixie I loved this as well. 2y
BookwormM Great series I really need to return to the King multiverse 2y
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Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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#bookspin #bookspinbingo for February @TheAromaofBooks there are only 18 here, the other two will be the ones chosen by #roll100

Smarkies I like how you have combined both challenges 😁 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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“In the extraordinary fifth novel in Stephen King‘s remarkable fantasy epic, Roland Deschain and his ka-tet are bearing southeast through the forests of Mid-World. Their path takes them to the outskirts of Calla Bryn Sturgis, a tranquil valley community of farmers and ranchers on Mid-World‘s borderlands.”

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Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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Just a reminder that January‘s #LosersClub read is #WolvesoftheCalla! Put your library holds in now, search your shelves, or buy a new copy, and check back on or about February 19th when we begin reading this one. Discussion will be in February 2022.  #StephenKing #StephenKingInOrder #KingFromTheBeginning #ConstantReader #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #BookDiscussion #ghosthostpost @Mynameisacolour

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Erinsuereads Ohhh this is one of my favorites! 3y
BarkingMadRead @ErinSueMreads I can‘t remember if I‘ve read this one! 3y
Erinsuereads Oh man I can't wait to see what you think. It's got a zillion of those little stephen king Easter egg tidbits, and while they can be a little bit cheesy while you are reading them he brings them all together so well. And there are characters from the bigger universe that come in! 3y
BarkingMadRead @ErinSueMreads I‘m so excited! I love when he ties things together! 3y
BookwormAHN @ErinSueMreads I agree this one is brilliant 3y
HeathHof I'm excited for a reread of this one, it's where I left off in the series a couple years ago. 3y
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Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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Next on the #stephenkinglonghaul - Book 5 of the Dark Tower series

Sleepswithbooks I recently finished this one in the series 🙃 3y
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Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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🎧 What a difficult review. So many star reductions/adds.

I liked the book. So far it‘s in 4th place out of 6 that I‘ve read on this current reread.

I love the things that took me out of the book. The call backs to previous books & characters, pop culture, other things that thread the verse together.

Things I didn‘t notice the first couple times I read the series are only improving my opinion of the series

On to Susannah‘s story. 🥰


Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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As a big SK fan I'm disheartened by how unbothered I am about this series. I guess 'rocky' is the word I'd use to describe the experience so far, some books I've loved and others I'm meh about. Having finished this installment I'm left feeling fine, its fine, the reading experience was fine. No more no less.

Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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My favorite Dark Tower book. Full of action and intrigue. Plus, the ending is one of the most interesting and unique in the entirety of fantasy. #horror

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Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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Another night with me and my sleepy reading pals. #cats #stephenking

BookishMarginalia Cuteness! 3y
llcoolnate Nothing like horror in bed with reading buddies! 3y
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Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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Curled up, ready to knock out a few chapters. Hope everyone is having a good day/night. #stephenking #horror

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A #reread for my #expandeddt journey (only a few books to go!) and a contribution to my #BFC21 goal for February.

I still liked it my second time around. This one is where we start to really see the meta fiction twists which I always enjoy.


TheNeverendingTBR Excellent installment in a spectacular series. 4y
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Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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I reached my goal for #FabulousFebruary by finishing this book at last!
This was another unique installment of The Dark Tower series. Are we any closer or farther away from The Dark Tower? What does it all mean anyway? Who knows?! But I‘m continually surprised & entertained by the problems the ka-tet face in their quest.
My new goal is to read 259 pages of Daisy Jones & The Six.
Thank you @Andrew65 !

Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏🙌🍾🥂🥳 4y
Andrew65 Love Daisy Jones and the Six. 4y
PaperbackPirate @Andrew65 Thank you! I‘m loving Daisy Jones so far! 🌼 4y
Andrew65 @PaperbackPirate Knew you would. 4y
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Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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I‘m joining @Andrew65 for the #FabulousFebruary Readathon!
My goal is to finish Wolves of the Calla. I‘ve been reading it all year, except for the week I took a break to read my book club book. I have 259 pages left out of 714. Let‘s go!

Ruthiella You can do it! 😃 4y
PaperbackPirate Thank you @Ruthiella ! 🙌 4y
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Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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I reached my #JoyousJanuary goal last night - to get halfway through this book! My new goal is to get in another 100 pages.
I‘m loving this story!
Thankee sai @Andrew65 !
(Photo taken last night with a mural on The Fry Bread House)

Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏🙌 Good luck with the additional target. 4y
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Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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Time for a #JoyousJanuary Readathon checkin!
I‘m on p. 298 and my goal is to get to p. 357. I love the story so it should be easy enough...
🌵🌵 Thanks again for hosting @Andrew65

Andrew65 Well done, a good book. 😊 4y
PaperbackPirate @Andrew65 I‘m a fan even though I still have no idea what it‘s all about! 😅 4y
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Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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It‘s time for the #JoyousJanuary Readathon with @Andrew65 !
I‘m 161 pages into Wolves of the Calla and I started it on the 1st, which means I‘ve only been averaging a little over 10 pages a day. Since it‘s 714 pages long I need to pick up the pace!!
My goal is to at least double my current rate and get halfway to page 357.
Wish me luck! Who else is playing?

KathyWheeler This is my favorite of the Dark Tower books. Good luck! 4y
Andrew65 Good luck 😊👍 This is a good book. 4y
PaperbackPirate @KathyWheeler It‘s so good so far! 💙 4y
PaperbackPirate Thank you @Andrew65 ! I am enjoying it. 4y
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Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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Starting today my reading experience is pool proof. Got a new paperwhite as a gift! Still enjoying Wolves of Calla.

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If ...

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Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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On to the 5th! 😊

Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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Roland is a great story teller, but we must continue our quest for the dark tower. @hannah-leeloo

hannah-leeloo Great job hunny ❤️📚❤️ 5y
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Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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In honor of Stephen King‘s birthday, here are some of my favorites, plus the tagged book which is my favorite from The Dark Tower series.

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A book, a mug of tea, and a gorgeous sunny day. What is better than this? #LifeIsGood

mcipher I love your fire pit! Or is it a planter? Either way I like it. 😆 (edited) 5y
Amiable @mcipher Thanks! That‘s a planter box. The fire pit is actually to the right, out of picture range. 😀 5y
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Tea, homemade almond-raspberry scones, and a chunkster read: My Saturday morning is all booked. 😎📚

Kaye I‘ve never had a scone in my life. Would you say they have the consistency of a biscuit or a cookie ? And are they sweet or more bread flavored ? Do they have frosting in them ? They look really good. 5y
Amiable @kaye These were made by my boss, who is an amazing baker. She won‘t share her secret recipe, so I don‘t exactly know how she makes them. But most scones I‘ve had are kind of hard and crunchy. These are soft and light, like a dough biscuit. And she puts homemade raspberry preserves inside as a layer. They are my favorite things that she makes! 5y
Kaye They sound like Biting Into Heaven. 5y
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Amiable @kaye In an ideal world, my boss would quit her job (healthcare marketing communications) and open her own bakery. But she‘s not brave enough—yet—to take the leap into self-employment. So she indulges her passion for baking —and brings it all to us in the office! It‘s the best of all worlds—I get to eat wonderful home-bakes goodies...and I don‘t have to be the one to bake them! 😀 5y
Kaye Yes you‘re lucky you get to sample all the items. It‘d probably be scary to take out a loan huge enough to open your own bake shop , unless you were independently wealthy or had a partner who made enough money ( and had insurance) to keep you floating. I used to like baking, but not anymore. Being a housewife for almost 42 years has cured me of that. 5y
Amiable @kaye I‘ve been a wife for almost 28 years—and I never liked to cook or bake! My poor husband. 😀 5y
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Just got a free ride on the train because the conductor saw the book I‘m reading and said she loved it. See how valuable books can be? 📚🚂

TrishB What a great cover too 👍🏻 5y
gradcat Great story...love that! ♥️ 5y
AlaMich That is a great story!! 5y
batsy That's so cool! And like @TrishB I really like that cover! 5y
Zelma That‘s awesome! 5y
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Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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Welll that took me forever to finish 😱 but totally worth it. With that ending I can‘t decided if I want to jump right into the next one🧐

KathyWheeler This was my favorite book in the series. 6y
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Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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Switching gears since my other two in progress books are not working for me right now. I‘ve been trying to finish this series for a year lol but I am picking where I left off 400 pages in 😊

MStew Nifty cover 6y
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Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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It only took me three months to get through this tome 🤦🏼‍♀️ I enjoyed the second half of the novel but I really got lost in the first half. It was hard for me to pick up the book and read and I just felt like this whole side quest didn‘t further the plot a lot until the last fifty pages. This was still a good addition to the series though, and I can‘t wait to finish it! It‘s only taken me a year to get through book five at this point 😂

Liatrek Lol! I‘m in the same boat I started the series over a year ago and this is the one I‘m currently stuck on. I‘m half through but not actively reading it. I‘ll hopefully pick it up again soon. 6y
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Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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Late post for the #EpicKatetRead. I loved this re-read more than the first time. Our katet grows individually as well as together. So much going on and although the story of the Calla folks is concluded, the tension remains. You can feel we‘re almost at the end of our journey!

LazyDays I liked this one a lot. I love the whole series. 6y
BookwormM Perfect timing to start the next book 6y
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Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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wellreadredhead I‘m only about a third of the way through this novel and I‘m hoping to catch up soon. Grad school definitely gets in the way of a huge SK read! 6y
MinDea @collegecatlady Totally understand! My new job that I started in November really messed with my reading and I haven't even finished Wizard and Glass so I am WAY behind!!!! Join the discussion whenever you can! 6y
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wellreadredhead @MinDea I hope you‘re enjoying your new job! I will definitely jump in whenever I‘m caught up! 6y
MinDea @collegecatlady I am, except I miss reading! Hope grad school is going well and you get a break over the holidays! 6y
EadieB @mindea Finished this book last week! 6y
MinDea @EadieB wahoo! Did you like it? You've read this series before, right? 6y
EadieB @MinDea I‘ve read Wolves of Calla before but never got to Song of Susannah. 6y
MinDea @EadieB yay! We are getting to a book you haven't read yet! 🙌 6y
BookwormAHN I really enjoyed this one, but I kept picturing Andy as Bender from Futurama. 6y
TK421 I like how Midworld has all kinds of different elements from other worlds and time lines. 6y
SconsinBookyBadger For once I‘m not too far behind. I‘m 3/4 of the way on WotC and fingers crossed I‘ll be caught by Fri. 🤞🏼😁 6y
TrishB Loved it - much more than I remember loving first time round. The katet grew once again. 6y
BookwormM I loved this one especially the pop references to things like Harry Potter and to SK‘s other works 6y
Jovy This is the book I did not remember the most, and it‘s actually so much better the second time around! 6y
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I loved this one. The pop culture references are fantastic.
#epickatet #epickatetread 🐺

Sha0102 I loved this one too!! 6y
BookwormM Can‘t wait for the next one 6y
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Wolves of the Calla | Stephen King
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Yay! I finally finished it! I think that this is my 2nd favorite of the series so far. I loved Callahan's back story. I now really want to read Salem's Lot. Jake really came into his own by the end. Eddie keeps getting more likeable, and Roland and Susannah are both full of surprises. I'm ready for The Song of Susannah now. This story keeps getting better.
#EpicBuddyRead #EpicKaTetRead @MinDea

KatieanneF A terrific series. I don‘t love Salem‘s lot but it has some really powerful passages and makes this 5th book more impactful, for sure. Enjoy!! 6y
GrilledCheeseSamurai I am ridiculously behind on this buddy read. 😖 6y
MinDea 😁😁😁😁😁 Nicely done! 6y
shawncapito @KatieanneF I tried to read Salem's Lot after I read this book the first time, but i couldn't get into it. Maybe I'll try it again soon so I can learn more about Callahan. He's one of my favorite characters in the series. 6y
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