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Setting Goals
Setting Goals | John Renesch
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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I‘m going to try for 20 hours in #20in4 No kids home this weekend. There‘s snow on the ground, food in the fridge, sure what else would I be doing? 🤷‍♀️ (packing I should be packing for a trip, I hate packing 🤨) @Andrew65

ju.ca.no Reading is much better than packing after all🙊 2y
Andrew65 Best of luck, great to have you with us. 😁 2y
ElizaMarie Ha! I hear you! I hate packing… I try this whole timer or page limit read then do something I “have to” do, then back to reading (but I hit “snooze” on the “productivity” stuff) 2y
Cuilin @ElizaMarie When I‘ve do something my workaround is to switch to my audio book. 🥳 2y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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As the year closes and a new one opens its doors I've started to think of what I want in 2023.

For my #ReadingGoals I hope to focus more on quality instead of quantity. I am not aiming for a number but more for what speaks to me. I still plan to participate in challenges but I will be more low-key and not stress over it. This past year I haven't enjoyed reading as much as usual and I want to get that feeling back 😁

FantasyChick My #personalgoal is to learn to take a step back. Focus more on what I need rather than what needs to be done. By making time for myself every day instead of working myself to exhaution I hope to improve my mood and general mental state. This week has shown me that it's not the end of the world if things wait. I'm not planning to become a hoarder, but it IS ok to not put the supper away before everyone has finished 🤣 2y
Deblovestoread Sounds like a perfect way to start off the new year! 2y
SamAnne I‘m on a similar page. 2y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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I can‘t believe it‘s the end of the year already, ugh. I don‘t think my goals change much each year but in 2023, I definitely need to double down on finishing the 20+ books I have half-read. And since I‘ve been kinda MIA and haven‘t logged/reviewed much in 2022, I need to spend time updating StoryGraph, Litsy, etc. with what books I‘ve read. #readinggoals

Setting Goals | John Renesch
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Planning some goals for 2023. We'll see if I stick to them.

Who wants to be friends on StoryGraph? I'm listed under the same name if you want to add me.

Deblovestoread I have the same handle on Storygraph as Litsy 2y
LiteraryinPA I see that a lot of people are getting into Storygraph. What do you like about it (that‘s different from Litsy)? Right now Litsy is the only bookish community I participate in. 2y
wanderinglynn @LiteraryinLawrence StoryGraph is more an alternative to Goodreads. There is a community feature, but I use it to track my reads. It has all sorts of lovely graphs to track various reading stats. There is also a giveaway section as well reading challenges. (edited) 2y
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wanderinglynn @aperfectmjk I‘m wanderinglynn on StoryGraph too. 2y
JamieArc I‘m Jamielit on StoryGraph. I did a much better job using it this year than last year, so I‘m curious to take a look at my stats. 2y
aperfectmjk @wanderinglynn I've actually been on it for a couple years, I just haven't embraced it quite the same as Goodreads. I do like the added Reading Challenge feature, so I think I'm going to give it another try this year and see how it goes. 2y
Roary47 I‘m also Roary47 on story graph. 2y
Eyelit I‘m on StoryGraph - same user name 😃 2y
wanderinglynn Sorry Malina! I meant that comment to answer Allison‘s (LiteraryinLawrence) question. 🙂 2y
aperfectmjk @wanderinglynn ohh, I see that now. 🤦‍♀️ 2y
aperfectmjk @Roary47 I couldn't find you. 🤔 2y
julieclair I‘m julieclair on StoryGraph too. I am now following you, but it wouldn‘t let me send you a friend request. But feel free to send me one, as I have my preferences set to allow friend requests. 😀 2y
Zuhkeeyah I‘m zeebookdragon on StoryGraph 😊 2y
she.hearts.horror I need to start that now! 2y
she.hearts.horror Friend request sent as well! 2y
Roary47 I think I found you. I might have my settings on private. 2y
peanutnine I'm sglance9 on storygraph - I sent you a friend request ☺️ 2y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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A little late wrapping up June, which was a good month in terms of fitness. I made my Apple Watch move goal every day throughout the month, and increased my goal each of the last two weeks. More long #suburbanhiking with hubby as his orthopedic issues improve. I wish I‘d read more, but I‘m happy where I am. My cardiologist was happy, too, with all my test results. So, my goal for July is 85 miles, and lots of pictures.

wanderinglynn Yay! Awesome month! 🙌🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 2y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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Team #BFC2022 can you believe we're 1/2 through 2022?!?

I did okay with my June fitness goals. Not great but making progress. But I'm in a terrible reading slump. For July, my goals:

* Keep going with Future fitness app
* Restart yoga practice
* try to read something, anything

How are you doing?

Although June ends Q2, I will have to postpone the quarterly drawing. I'm getting ready to move back to the U.S., and so I will do 2 drawings in Sep.

wanderinglynn New to #BFC2022? Find out more on my original post: https://www.litsy.com/web/post/2334973

Then tag me in your goal post.
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julesG All the best for your move. 2y
OriginalCyn620 Hope all goes well with your move! 💕 2y
Chrissyreadit 🙌🎉 when do you arrive in US? 2y
wanderinglynn @Chrissyreadit I don‘t have tickets yet because still working through the ridiculous HR to get all paperwork done. But I‘m aiming to leave Okinawa on July 28. 2y
squirrelbrain Good luck with the move back! 🤞 2y
britt_brooke Hope all goes well! 🤞🏼 I‘ve been struggling a bit with motivation, but still moving my body and reading. I‘m frustrated that I keep getting behind on posting book reviews! I just need to make the time. 2y
mabell Best wishes for a smooth move! 2y
BarkingMadRead I read my ten books and rode 549 miles in June, 4 over my goal. My Fanny hurts 🤣 2y
BarkingMadRead July goals: 10 books and I want to do 15 rows on my rower. It was neglected in June because I was doing so many bike miles 2y
TheAromaofBooks Good luck with your move!! Are you heading back to the PNW or a new region?? I'm doing TERRIBLY at fitness goals, so I'm going to have to take a step back and apparently trying something absurdly simple to get myself going again! 😂 2y
bthegood reached goals for June (22 workouts and a bingo) , will keep same goals for July. Hope your move goes smoothly - 🙂 2y
julieclair June was a bust for me. Really struggling with motivation and setting priorities. Scaling my goals back for July, in the hopes of achieving them. 2y
BookwormAHN I hope your move goes smoothly 🍀 2y
mcipher June was a great reading month and I did a lot of yoga but I didn‘t do enough PT and walking post-summer and post-COVID has been like breathing soup ☹️. July goals: daily yoga for strength, meditation for pain course, and focus on fresh fruit and veggies. Good luck with your move!! 2y
wanderinglynn @britt_brooke thanks. Motivation can be hard to find. Just keep moving. You‘re doing great! 🙌🏻 2y
wanderinglynn @mabell thank you! 2y
wanderinglynn @BarkingMadRun awesome! 🙌🏻 And great goals for July! 2y
wanderinglynn @TheAromaofBooks I‘m headed back to Washington, DC (which is where I was before I moved to the PNW). Sometimes simple is the best way to get moving again. You got this! 🙌🏻 2y
wanderinglynn @bthegood thank you! 2y
wanderinglynn @julieclair resetting is always a good thing. You got this! 🙌🏻 2y
wanderinglynn @mcipher thanks! Great goals! You‘re making great progress. 👏🏻 2y
Bookgoil I‘ll update soon! We survived moving and I‘ve started to unpack after one day and trying to get what we need in our house / once things settle I‘ll work on more concrete goals (edited) 2y
PageShifter Has that time gone already and now you're moving?! Wow! 2y
wanderinglynn @Bookgoil 🙌🏻 sounds like your goal is mostly getting your house back in order! I sympathize – I‘m getting ready to move. 2y
wanderinglynn @PageShifter I‘ve been here 2 years—pretty much all through Covid & I haven‘t seen any friends in two years. So it‘s time to move back. 2y
Bookgoil @wanderinglynn good luck! We have movers and I‘m still exhausted 😴 2y
Allylu @wanderinglynn Welcome back to the US! Hope your move goes well and everything gets to your new place in good shape! 😊📚🎶 2y
Bookwormjillk Good luck on the move! 2y
katy4peas Welcome back to our chaotic mess! 😉 I hope everything goes smoothly and safely for you. 💕 2y
katy4peas June was nuts and My July goals are to reset and restart: read 1 chapter every night, attend 1-2 barre classes a week and try to keep up with my weekly meditations that I started. I found a new app called MindGarden that I really like that I find helpful for self care. 2y
wanderinglynn @katy4peas thanks! And great goals! 🙌🏻 (edited) 2y
NovelGirl82 Hiii!!! I‘ve been MIA for a while because of work, stress, etc. I actually just put my 4wks in on Monday and begin with a new company 8/1. I‘m hoping there will be a bit less stress, more flexibility, and less hours with this position. My hope is to work out 5 days/wk, stick to my keto diet, and read 2-3 books this month. 2y
wanderinglynn @NovelGirl82 good luck with you new company! Great goals! 🙌🏻 2y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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While I have done well sticking with my reading goals (nonfiction is actually going well!), I started working at the orchard again in the middle of the month and it kind of threw off my morning exercise routine. However, I'm determined to get back on that bandwagon for April, as well as keeping up reading at least a chapter a day of a nonfiction TBR book. Thanks for hosting & encouraging @wanderinglynn !!! #BFC2022

wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I would think working at an orchard would be a workout. 3y
TheAromaofBooks @wanderinglynn - Right!? We are pruning trees, so it is weirdly a lot of standing rather than a lot of moving/lifting! But I still come home tired 😂 3y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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I am way behind on 2022 already, but I am catching up..a bit. I was gonna make my goals for January when I returned from vacation but instead got COVID. I was not eating well while I was sick and hardly read at all, but the last week of January was productive, so I am getting back to my normal self again and hope to return to my after work walking again this month. #BFC2022 @wanderinglynn

julesG Glad you're feeling better. Don't worry about not eating healthy, you were ill. 3y
DivineDiana Just take care of yourself which includes being kind to you! So happy that you are feeling better! ❤️ 3y
wanderinglynn What a tough month! Sometimes when Life Happens, it really happens. Glad to hear you‘re feeling better. And great goals for February. I recommend taking it slow and giving yourself time to continue healing and not be too hard on yourself. 💜 From everyone I‘ve talked to who‘s had covid, it takes a while to fully bounce back. 3y
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Morr_Books @julesG Thank you! I really do love comfort food when I don't feel well. 3y
Morr_Books @DivineDiana Thank you! I'm definitely trying to take care of myself. 3y
Morr_Books @wanderinglynn January was really really bad for a lot of reasons beyond being ill, and covid definitely had the better of me for at least two weeks. I'm gonna gradually start walking more but for a while just walking one mile (when I used to walk at least 3 pre-covid) would completely wipe me out. 3y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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I don‘t know if I am capable of following through with this but I am going to try my best. Considering that I have about 300+ books on my TBR, I will have to be very discerning as to whether to read them or discard them. Wish me luck!

TheBookHippie 🤞🏻♥️🎉 3y
slategreyskies Wow, I don‘t think I could be this disciplined! Good luck!! 💕✨ 3y
Smarkies 💪💪💪 3y
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suvata @TheBookHippie @slategreyskies @Smarkies Thanks! Let‘s see how I‘m doing in June. 😆 3y
SeaToSkyes I have similar goals! I'm working on my NetGalley backlog 3y
TheBookHippie I have similar type goals as well! We can all check on each other in June! 3y
staci.reads Wow. I admire the goal. Good luck! 3y
BookDragonNotWorm I tried but only lasted a few days. I'm weak. 😁 Best of luck! 🤞🤞🤞 3y
suvata @SeaToSkyes You can do it!!! 3y
suvata @TheBookHippie Great idea. Good luck. 3y
suvata @staci.reads @BookDragonNotWorm Thanks! I appreciate the support. 3y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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2021 in review and my bookish goals for 2022!!! 🤓

KateReadsYA I'm loving your goals. 3y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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This is what I was able to accomplish last year. Life got super crazy.

Setting Goals | John Renesch
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While nice to get the confetti celebration from Goodreads when I hit my reading goal, I am making a resolution to no longer participate in their challenge.

I am regularly stressed out by GR showing me how far behind I am and sure as hell didn‘t appreciate their ‘check-in‘ emails with suggested ‘short reads to get back on track‘.
Shut up, GR.

Onward, I need to keep reading fun by posting on Litsy + looking into StoryGraph as a GR alternative.

elkeOriginal If there are any #storygraph users with tips, hit me up! #TheStoryGraph (edited) 3y
Jess_Read_This 💯 on board with this plan myself. 3y
LeahBergen That‘s annoying. I always set mine way below what I read in a year so end up feeling pretty pleased with myself along the way. 🤣 3y
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elkeOriginal @LeahBergen That is a smart way to game the system! 😉😹 3y
Deifio I shut off all emails from GR, so I don't have that problem. And I also set my goal very low like @LeahBergen 😊 3y
vlwelser I set mine pretty low and then pretend like it's an accomplishment to get way ahead of the goal. 3y
elkeOriginal @vlwelser @Deifio I clearly did not get the memo to low ball my goal 😉😹 3y
vlwelser It used to stress me out a bit until I did that. But I still like to keep track. 3y
rubyslippersreads I‘m wondering if I should have set mine lower. At least GR didn‘t nag me with emails. 😏 3y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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@Andrew65 #MarvellousMarch

I had two goals. The first was to finish the books I‘d picked up and started, but hadn‘t completed. The second was to at least start a couple I‘d been telling myself I wanted to read and since it‘s women‘s history month, it seemed like the perfect time. Roughly two chapters into Sensuous Knowledge and starting chapter four in Biased.

Andrew65 Looks great. 4y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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I found these awesome quotes while surfing around the net. Thought it was perfect for the #NewYear_NewYou group. Whatcha think?

@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

ElizaMarie I lover the changing the plans one. I plan on tweaking my #21for21 weekly/montly so that I can make my goals and changes work for me. I am tried of trying to be “who I think I should be“ rather than “who I am meant to be“ .. 4y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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#2021ReadingGoals #JumpIntoJanuary
I set the first two goals every year. The third is important to me because I tend to sit on borrowed books and it's a bad habit; luckily my friends are so generous! The last few feel a little more nebulous, but I don't want to reduce diversifying and decolonizing my reading to a numbers game; instead, I want to broaden my support of authors who are BIPOC, disabled, LGBTQ+, in all ways, and far into the future.

Eggs 👏🏻📚👏🏻👏🏻📚👏🏻 4y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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My 2021 Reading Goals are going to be loose ones this year!

📚Read 100 Books... hopefully exceed that - tracking on both #goodreads and #storygraph this year

📚Continue to diversify my reading - including books by and about a variety of BIPOC authors/characters, LGBTQIA+ authors/characters, taking place in cultures other than US/UK, and generally try to expand my horizons as much as possible. Would love your recommendations!!


MeganAnn Continued... 📚Trying to read more books off my shelves and/or from the library, buy less. #pennyperpage should help with that (See my post on that from a few days ago). 4y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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A fresh start...


Setting Goals | John Renesch
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This is the new challenge list for 2021.

Setting Goals | John Renesch
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This is my personal challenge list from 2020

Setting Goals | John Renesch
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This is what goodreads said I did for 2020. https://www.goodreads.com/user/year_in_books/2020/5355311

Setting Goals | John Renesch
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Here is the Weekly Check-In for the #NewYear_NewYou group.

You are welcome to answer this even if you are not in our groups. Feel free to join any of our groups. We would love to have you.

@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

MrsGagnonreads2024 How do I join a group? 4y
AkashaVampie @Endowarrior21 check out all of the groups here... everyone is welcome in all!!
MrsGagnonreads2024 @AkashaVampie thank you I will look when I get home. 4y
AkashaVampie @Endowarrior21 u are so welcome sweetie. And take your time. We will be here when u need it! 4y
ElizaMarie I feel like I have become closer to people but then farther away from others. I guess it doesn't make sense. But Everyone is struggling a bit.. so I feel like some people have reached out more so that they have some sense of purpose and others have gotten into their own worlds. 2020 is just ugh! I am so glad this is the last day of 2020 4y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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Jumping in with both feet for next year!!! I really screwed the pooch on #Booked2020 but I feel like that's understandable... LOL... going to try my hardest to get through these prompts for next year! Many thanks to @Cinfhen, @4thhouseontheleft, and @BarbaraTheBibliophage for all the hard work that goes into all these prompts! 💜

Setting Goals | John Renesch
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Here is the Weekly Check-In for the #NewYear_NewYou group.

You are welcome to answer this even if you are not in our groups. Feel free to join any of our groups. We would love to have you.

@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

ElizaMarie I hope not! 4y
bthegood @AkashaVampie @ElizaMarie I hope not too! Seriously, I was one of the people who has not gotten bored enough to do housework in 2020. The only thing I have done is cleaned out and reorganized my home office since I now have to use it 😊⛄🌲 4y
sgoffe Are we ever! We're planning to paint the attic and add shelving so I can have a crafting space. Then we're going to work over our tiny bathroom, followed by the kitchen. Come summer, we might paint the exterior of the house (depending on the COVID situation and whether we're back at work). 4y
AkashaVampie @sgoffe sounds like a ton of work. 4y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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My goals for the #OutstandingOctober are as follows:

1. Complete The Last Train to Key West
2. Complete Anxious People
3. Complete Rage
4. Finish The Pit and the Pendulum (not pictured)
5. Exceed my monthly average of 18 books read for this month.


Andrew65 Great goals, good luck 😊👍 4y
Andrew65 Will be interested to hear what you think of Anxious People. 4y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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Here is the Weekly Check-In for the #NewYear_NewYou group.

You are welcome to answer this even if you are not in our groups. Feel free to join any of our groups. We would love to have you.

@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

TEArificbooks Go to the pumpkin patch/orchard and pick our own apples and pumpkins and other goodies. Make a fall trail mix. Hand out books on Halloween with candy. 4y
AkashaVampie @mdm139 Aww i love that you hand out books with candy. so cool!! 4y
Zoes_Human I live near the Blue Ridge Parkway, so we spends loads of time up there once the colors have started. 4y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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Here is the Weekly Check-In for the #NewYear_NewYou group. Tell us about urself!

You are welcome to answer this even if you are not in our groups. Feel free to join any of our groups. We would love to have you.

@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

Ladygodiva7 I HATE perfume, although I‘d be the crisp fresh air of fall... 4y
BooksCoffeeNurse @AkashaVampie New book scent! 😁 4y
BooksCoffeeNurse @Ladygodiva7 I also hate perfume! I only use body spray sparingly and not strong scents. 4y
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Gaylagal2 @AkashaVampie Coco Chanel Mademoiselle ❤️ 4y
bluestocking.book.nerd Also don't use perfume or body spray, but I have been obsessed with a spiced pomegranate scent from my candle lately. 4y
ElizaMarie I like a beach themed perfume --- Or I would like it. I don't really wear perfume much. I want to but.. I tend to “forget“ to put it on. 4y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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I'll be joining @Andrew65 in the #SuperSeptember Readthon beginning tomorrow. My reading month isn't off to a great start so checking then all off might not be realistic but I'll certainly try! All are free to join in!

Shhh...I might cheat & read a bit of this list today 🤫

Pageturner1 Me too! Looking forward to Sunday! 4y
Andrew65 Good luck, I want to read the Fiona Davis book. 😊👍 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick @Pageturner1 Glad you're joining us! I started the book this afternoon and it's good so far (even if I'm only at 35 pages read). 4y
Pageturner1 i like it better than i thought would. @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick 4y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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Here is the Weekly Check-In for the #NewYear_NewYou group.

You are welcome to answer this even if you are not in our groups. Feel free to join any of our groups. We would love to have you.

@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

Setting Goals | John Renesch
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Here is the Weekly Check-In for the #NewYear_NewYou group. *More Life Questions from last week*

You are welcome to answer this even if you are not in our groups. Feel free to join any of our groups. We would love to have you.

@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

ElizaMarie So many! I would have to think a little about it 4y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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Here is the Weekly Check-In for the #NewYear_NewYou group.

You are welcome to answer this even if you are not in our groups. Feel free to join any of our groups. We would love to have you.

@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

ElizaMarie 1. I am me :)
2. Helping others (especially normalizing mental health care)
3. My BSN
4. My wonderful husband :) I didn't think I would find love again :)
ElizaMarie 6. I am caring, kind, um a bit weird at times. I am more curious about how others describe me than how I describe myself, I can be hard on myself at times
7. I value kindness. We have to be better to each other.
8. Yes
9. “If you don't love yourself, how the hell are you going to love someone else... can I get an Amen!“ - RuPaul
10. Just remind myself that everything I have done and will do is a part of life and a part of discovery. No need t
(edited) 4y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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Here is the Weekly Check-In for the #NewYear_NewYear group.

You are welcome to answer this even if you are not in our groups. Feel free to join any of our groups. We would love to have you.

@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

Setting Goals | John Renesch
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Here is the Weekly Check-In for the #NewYear_NewYear group.

You are welcome to answer this even if you are not in our groups. Feel free to join any of our groups. We would love to have you.

@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

Heideschrampf I really couldn‘t say. I have plenty to be grateful for, but all the material things fade and to be honest i don‘t find receiving gifts that fulfilling, i much more enjoy giving them. Maybe i‘m too spoilt (i am), but nothing really comes to mind... probably the cat i got when i was six (edited) 4y
tanya1512 My Pug Willow was the best gift. It took my husband some convincing. 4y
ElizaMarie My grandpa bought me my car. I love this car! Its been my favorite car ever. EVER! A little white beetle. 4y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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Here is the Weekly Check-In for the #NewYear_NewYou group.

We would love to have you join our groups! Everyone is welcome. 🤓

Feel free to answer this even if you aren't in the groups.

@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Not exactly. My husband and I are very mindful of what we eat, but never really followed a strict diet. He is on this Chris Hemsworth diet/exercise program right now, but it only started two weeks ago. We cut sodas out a while back, and it made such a huge difference. We‘ll cheat sometimes when we go out to eat, but that hasn‘t been happening lately... 😅 4y
ElizaMarie No. I probably should but... ugh! I blame all my bad choices on COVID stress! 4y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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Time to dig deep (if u want to)

Here is the Weekly Check-In for the #NewYear_NewYou group.

We would love to have you join our groups! Everyone is welcome. 🤓

Feel free to answer this even if you aren't in the groups.

@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

ElizaMarie Hmm I have no clue!!! I mean sure you said dig deep but sometimes I worry I have “imposter” syndrome. Like I adapt for different situations but then does that mean I‘m me? Agh!!! To serious of a concept for me to get right now :( 4y
Revenge4bess I‘m an avid reader and a wonderful writer 4y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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I reached my goodreads goal🐸🐙🦋🐝

ItsAnotherJen Great job!! 4y
cariashley Wow well done!! 👏👏 4y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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Here is the Weekly Check-In for the #NewYear_NewYou group.

We would love to have you join our groups! Everyone is welcome. 🤓

Feel free to answer this even if you aren't in the groups.

@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

Sasstronaut Continue to meditate and improve my anxiety issues. I want to be a better mama that doesn‘t snap as much. 4y
AkashaVampie @Sasstronaut this is going to sound bad, but that's y I am on antidepressants. Not sure how u are when it comes to meds, but might wanna give it a try. I'm on Lexapro 20mg I believe. 4y
Sasstronaut I‘m not on anything at the moment and luckily have been able to keep it at bay with meditation and a weighted blanket. Hopefully I can keep it that way and continue to improve. 4y
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Revenge4bess My health 4y
ElizaMarie @Sasstronaut I have been doing so much better mentally by engaging more with my peers (well positive people in my life) and also the medication type relaxation things with yoga has made me feel so so good! Good luck with this! 4y
ElizaMarie I am working on paying off my student loan (I paid off a huge credit card bill already). I want to pay off this loan then work on another smaller credit bill. :) 4y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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Here is the Weekly Check-In for the #NewYear_NewYou group.

We would love to have you join our groups! Everyone is welcome. 🤓

Feel free to answer this even if you aren't in the groups.

@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

AllisonM89 Not in 2020. 😂 4y
Prairiegirl_reading @JanuarieTimewalker13 exactly what I was going to say. 4y
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ElizaMarie New home, new location, maybe something beach? 4y
jb72 @ElizaMarie I love the beach so much and miss it every day. 4y
JanuarieTimewalker13 @Prairiegirl_reading Hahahaha!!! Great minds.... 4y
ElizaMarie My permanent residence is about 45min from South Padre Island. Husband doesn‘t like the beach which is a bummer. But now it‘s super packed and people who posted being COVID + are also posting about hanging out at the beach 4y
AkashaVampie @ElizaMarie lovely. People need to think sometimes!!! 4y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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Here is the Weekly Check-In for #NewYear_NewYou group.

We would love to have you join our groups! Everyone is welcome. 🤓

Feel free to answer this even if you aren't in the groups.

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I read, keep to my yoga routine, read, and make sure I have my daily coffee.☕️❤️ Oh and read. 😜 4y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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I realize the year isn‘t even halfway over (how can it only be mid-June? I feel like I‘ve aged 20 years since March!), but it can‘t be too early to set up next year‘s personal reading challenge, right? I went nuts comfort book buying, so I think next year, my only goal will to try to conquer at least 3/4 of these stacks. I plan to read a couple of them this year, but ooof. There‘s a lot of books here. #madness

ItsAnotherJen That IS a lot of books!! But no worries about running out of something to read, right? 😂 4y
DGRachel @ItsAnotherJen No risk of that, especially since I have bookcases full of books I also haven‘t read. I could probably never buy another book and still not read all of my shelves before I die, especially if you count my ebook collections. 🤦🏻‍♀️ 4y
TrishB I too feel like I‘ve aged 20 years! I have also brought approximately a book a day. We‘re all in this together ❤️ 4y
DGRachel @TrishB This was supposed to be my year when I only went on 2 book buying binges - Independent Bookstore Day and Small Business Saturday. Instead, I just kept comfort buying, convincing myself I was doing it to save indie bookstores. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I hope you are well and hanging in there! 😘 4y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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Happy Wednesday (yes, i'm late again!!! SORRY 😭)! It is #NewYear_NewYou day. I thought i would go towards moods and books today. I found a site that helps you pick books to read by how you are feeling. Give it a look. Hope you can check off some of that TBR with your moods.



mcipher This is so fun!! 4y
bibliobliss That sounds cool. I'll check it out soon!! 😊 4y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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Happy Monday Littens!!! For #SocialDistancingMay and #SocialDistancingParty, it is the weekly check-in for our groups. Feel free to join in even if you aren't part of our groups. And if you would like to join one or all of our groups, we would love to have you. Here is our question for #NewYear_NewYou today.

jinxmoon I made the Sidecar Cocktail after reading The Starless Sea 😅 4y
Prairiegirl_reading The peanut butter bars from Kitchens of the Great Midwest. Super easy and I recommend if you like peanut butter cups. 4y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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With the pandemic, some of my goals are on pause at the moment. But I am doing okay with others. I have made something similar to a wheel of life in my bullet journal (this year and previously) because I think they are pretty and it is nice to compare them to previous years. But I don‘t find that it helps with working towards my goals specifically haha

#SocialDistancingMay #SocialDistancingParty #NewYear_NewYou

ElizaMarie I don't really know what a wheel of life is really. Would you care to share yours? (Unless of course it's too personal)

Also, I feel like COVID gives us an excuse to just do more self care and really prioritize family relationships (which is a good thing). I don't really feel super productive but.. I don't think its a super bad thing)
jb72 I‘ve not heard of the wheel of life. Sounds interesting. 4y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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So it is Check-In Day for our groups (every monday)... I don't normally post these on here but since we are doing #SocialDistancingMay #SocialDistancingParty we thought it would be good to post them here for the month also. Feel free to comment even if you are not in our groups. If you would like to join, you are more than welcome to. We would love to have you. In #NewYear_NewYou, we are going strong with our goals!!!

Setting Goals | John Renesch
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So it is Check-In Day for our groups (every monday)... I don't normally post these on here but since we are doing #SocialDistancingMay #SocialDistancingParty we thought it would be good to post them here for the month also. Feel free to comment even if you are not in our groups. If you would like to join, you are more than welcome to. We would love to have you. In #NewYear_NewYou, we are going strong with our goals!!!

sb3626 This sounds like so much fun! Are the goals only reading related? 4y
jb72 @sb3626 No our goals are personal although reading is included as well. It‘s a lot of fun and very nice to have encouragement. 4y
sb3626 @jb72 that sounds perfect I could definitely use that! How do you join? 4y
AkashaVampie @sb3626 here is the link to the group!!! I'm glad you will be joining us! https://new-year-new-you.mn.co/
jb72 @sb3626 it‘ll be great to have you aboard. 4y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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Hey guys : I dabbled in a little non - fiction and came up with this short e-book. Please follow the link and get your FREE copy. I hope you like it 😅

Setting Goals | John Renesch
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I read a lot of books last year, but I was also largely unemployed. As a result, I made my reading goal smaller. I might have to increase it if I keep reading at this pace 😬

Setting Goals | John Renesch
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OriginalCyn620 Wow! That‘s a lot of series! Good luck! 5y
EadieB @OriginalCyn620 I have over 200 Series that I read. 5y
OriginalCyn620 That‘s impressive @EadieB! 5y
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EadieB @OriginalCyn620 Yes but hard to keep up with all of them. 5y
amywithbooks I love Greg Iles! Are you reading the Penn Cage books? 5y
EadieB @avgeyer Yes but I have only read the first one. 5y
amywithbooks @EadieB they are all great, but the Natchez burning trilogy (books 4-6) are some of the most thrilling books I have ever read. I was sleep deprived with a newborn when I read them and could NOT put them down! 5y
EadieB @avgeyer I know he is a great writer. It's just the size of his books are so daunting! 5y
MrT I have a few of those authors to catch up on too... Peter James, Stuart MacBride, Ian Rankin, Mark Billingham, James Oswald, Jeffery Deaver, Karen Rose. 5y
EadieB @MrT I think they write faster than we can read! 5y
Tove_Reads You‘ve started reading Scott Mariani? How have I missed that? 5y
EadieB @Tove_Reads No but I am going to start with the first one soon and wanted to read him this year. 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB I hate to think @the amount of Series I have on the go - likely to be between 200 and 300. 5y
Andrew65 @avgeyer Thant‘s where I‘m up to, the start of the Natchez Burning Trilogy. A brilliant series! 5y
Andrew65 @MrT Another great list of authors. 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 That's a lot of good books! 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 I'm actually going to start book 3 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB Loved that! 5y
amywithbooks @Andrew65 enjoy, they are absolutely incredible! 5y
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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Here are my #2020resolutions #readinggoals.
200 books read this year. I‘m making an additional goal of at least 2 physical books a month. For #Jumpstart2020 I‘m making a goal of 10 books by January 19!
@Lizpixie @Clwojick

Lizpixie Good luck!🙌 5y
Clwojick Awesome goal! Good luck. ♥️♥️ 5y
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