I@miss being a cat mom. It‘s been two years since this sweet furry thug went to live with his new mommy and I still miss his 4am meows.
I@miss being a cat mom. It‘s been two years since this sweet furry thug went to live with his new mommy and I still miss his 4am meows.
I‘ve finished my Goodreads challenge for the year!!!🦄🎉🎉🎈🎉. I should buy some books to celebrate! 🤓📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚
So excited that this arrived today!!!!!!✊🏾
I just realized I‘ve acquired 96 books since the plague began. 👀 (Pictured are the most recent)
I don‘t even remember ordering this !!!! Ha!!!! It‘s a cozy mystery so I must have!!!!
The incredible advantage of raising a bookworm is I get books for presents. My son is the best!!!!! Happy Mother‘s Day!
So it looks like I‘m definitely going to meet my goal of 60 before the year is over!!! 🤣 I read the tagged book because it was a favorite of one of my students. I miss my kiddos.
Annnnnnd Book Outlet had a sale....
Peep my book haul from the library today! One of the few things I adore about Maryland is the library system! There‘s always good stuff on the library sale bookshelves. Hardcovers for $1 and paperback $.50! I‘ve been spending a lot of time to myself in recent months, therefore I now have library cards for 3 different counties. 🤓
First book purchase of 2020! 2019 was a rough, rough year. I think this will be the closest I‘ll get to a New Year‘s resolution.
Sooooo..... My super power is books. All the books. Every day. Books. 🤓📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚
I finally finished this tonight. I started about a year ago after Anthony Bourdain died. I finished it on audiobook because it was comforting being read to. My Alex was a fan of Bourdain as well. I miss Alex so much. He was so smart and funny. Early mornings like this when I‘d get off work, sometimes Alex would wait up for me and we‘d talk or listen to music. Maybe he‘s had the opportunity to meet Bourdain in the hereafter. I hope so. 💔
I‘m sitting in the airport not reading the tagged book or any other. I‘m on my way to funeral services for this man that I love. I feel so lost and confused and angry. He lived here in Maryland with me, but his final resting place will be Wisconsin, his home. Please say a prayer for me. I love you, Alex. 💕
Once again, reading at the laundromat! Almost finished with this incredible story. Also incredible is how I‘m still awake after getting off work at 4am and have to be at the next job at 10!!!! Yikes! I hope everyone else has a great day!
ATTENTION BOOKWORMS!!!! Barnes & Noble is having member appreciation! 20% off this weekend!!!!📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚
Sitting at the laundromat, reading this great 2nd novel. Angie Thomas is phenomenal!
Hee Hee! I like my Game of Thrones quote!!!! I need to catch up the seasons before April!!!!!
I‘m surprised I didn‘t score higher. I do love that it has a gif of Ron Weasley! The tagged book is one I need to finish.
First book of 2019!!!! I love Sarah Andersen!!!
I love books! 🤓📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚
Working for Barnes & Noble is going to be dangerous for my wallet and self-control! 🤓📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚
So I left teaching this year and am currently working as an assistant manager for a new Barnes & Noble opening soon in Columbia, Maryland. This is a display I did that the corporate folks have let us keep so far. I don‘t think I‘ve ever touched so many books in my life!!! 🤓📚
Sooooo I‘ve been trying to like this and read it before watching the Netflix series. I‘m not really feeling it. The back and forth between the tapes and the listener (see I forgot his name, totally not invested) is off-putting and confusing. I suppose I‘ll watch The Closer instead.
I decided to relocate this summer from North Carolina to Maryland. Unfortunately I couldn‘t bring my sweet boy with me. He‘s with his foster mom who is great.I‘d give anything to have him walk across my stomach and make biscuits. I‘ll drown my sorrows in reading the attached book. 😭
So my birthday was this past Sunday, and one of my sweet homies sent me an Amazon gift card. I may go back to Westeros after all. #JonSnow4Ever! #HappyBirthdayToMe🎂🎉🎂🎉🎂🎉🎂🎉🎁
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I don‘t know whether I‘m more excited to have books or mail from the UK!!!! Thank you for your kindness! Book people are the best people!
Ok, so at the suggestion of my co-workers, I begin to read/watch Game of Thrones/ A Song of Ice and Fire. Then I got to Season 3 and I am officially DONE. George RR Martin currently makes me sick. Done. 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡 I still haven‘t finished the tagged book. 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
I stopped in at our local independent bookstore to ask if she‘d order some of the tagged book. We‘ll be starting this after spring break. My son, who‘s 23, really enjoyed the kid‘s section! I wonder where he gets all his nerdy weirdness?🤔🤣💕
#supportIndieBookstores #BookNerds #SpringBreak2k18
So while my kiddos were taking a particularly difficult test on The Canterbury Tales, I decided to calculate how much I‘ve spent on books in the past year. 😳😮😳😮 Devil thy name is Barnes & Noble! ThriftBooks is my kryptonite!
The king of our castle is sitting on his Lion King blanket throne surrounded by peasants, myself included. 🤣🤣🤣😻🐾❤️ #catsofLitsy #OreoLeQuan #ThugKitty
1. Print books mostly , but I will use Kindle and Kindle App sometimes. 2. US women‘s size 12, (I have huge feet! ) Most of my shoes are actually men‘s sneakers. 3. Ben & Jerry‘s cheesecake ice cream. 4. GOLDEN GIRLS!!!!!! The Office, Roseanne 5. @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @danisaur10 and @Jenna2 #friyayintro @jesshowbooks
I have very little self-discipline when it comes to books. YAY!
My $20 haul from BookOutlet. My home is FULL of books, both my son‘s and my own. I love it. I can‘t help myself. 🤓#blameitonLitsy #bookNerd
Oreo and I are enjoying life on this lovely snow day!
❄️☃️❄️☃️ #snowday #teachersofLitsy #catsofLitsy
My phenomenal friend and co worker gave me a belated Christmas gift this morning! It‘s Harry Potter in Scots!!!! I was so excited I ran from class to class showing everyone. (It‘s a teacher work day!) ❤️❤️❤️
I know it doesn‘t look like much, but it is the beginning of our snow day tomorrow!!!!! Wooo hooooo!!! #noSchool #pajamasAllday #gradingPapers #Reading #TeachersOfLitsy
She‘s cute. I think she looks more like Wanda Sykes than me though. *Giggle*
I have to post how I‘m excited for the new Doctor! She‘s female!!! As much as some love to hate him, Stephen Moffat has written some phenomenal episodes. I love this show so much. #notbookRelated #loveGoodstories
I‘ve gotten no reading done today, but I did make this delicious hot chocolate in the crockpot. I also convinced my mom to grab a copy of the tagged book for me. It‘s her book club‘s next selection. It‘s been an awesome day! Happy Christmas Everyone!!!!
I‘m traveling for the holidays and this sleepyhead is back home under the care of a loving aunt. How I miss reading on the couch with him beside me! When he sleeps like this, it must be some really GOOD sleep!🤣) #CatsofLitsy #OreoLequan #thugKitty
10,000!!!!!!!!! Amazing! Thank you guys for all the love! Book people ARE the best people! I was able to get 9,999 and 10,000 on the dot. I‘m good. #LitsyLove
He loves looking out the window. I assume he‘s plotting on the birds, but if I‘m late again with breakfast. . .
#ThugKittyLyfe #CatsOfLitsy #OreoLeQuan
My official duties include supplier of kitty vittles and comfortable place to sit. #OreoLeQuan #KingKitty #Spoiled #catsofLitsy
I totally deserve it. Prisoner of Azkaban came in today. I snagged it for $17! Merry Christmas to me!
Ok soooooo maybe it‘s getting to be a slight problem...please ignore the Bath and Body Works obsession in the background. Apparently I like to smell good while reading books. Tee hee! 🤣
As I've said before, I've never watched this show. The graphic novels are so good that I want to watch the show (during the daylight hours with all the lights on). I've read books 8,9, and 10 today and graded zero essays. 😁
I found the best keychain at today's local Holly Day Fair!! SN: The tagged book is my current read and it is phenomenal!!!!
I promised my son a day out together which means a day spent in bookstores. Quail Ridge Books in Raleigh, NC is such a beautiful store! I love that even at the age of 22, he still likes hanging out with Mom. ❤️
I found these on my desk this morning because my colleagues know that if there are two things I love; it's books and cats. I don't always like my job, but I LOVE my team of teachers❣️❣️