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El Prisionero del Cielo
El Prisionero del Cielo | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Barcelona, 1957. Daniel Sempere y su amigo Fermn, los hroes de La Sombra del Viento, regresan de nuevo a la aventura para afrontar el mayor desafo de sus vidas. Justo cuando todo empezaba a sonrerles, un inquietante personaje visita la librera de Sempere y amenaza con desvelar un terrible secreto que lleva enterrado ms de dos dcadas en la oscura memoria de la ciudad. Al conocer la verdad, Daniel comprender que su destino le arrastra irremediablemente a enfrentarse con la mayor de las sombras: la que crece en su interior. Rebosante de intriga y emocin, El Prisionero del Cielo es una novela magistral donde los hilos de La Sombra del Viento y El Juego del ngel convergen a travs del embrujo de la literatura y el enigma que se oculta en el corazn del Cementerio de los Libros Olvidados.
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El Prisionero del Cielo | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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Gosh I love how Carlos Ruiz Zafon wrote. ❤️

The Shadow of the Wind remains my favorite (one of my all time favorite books, actually), but this third installment of the Cemetery of Forgotten Books series is action-packed, funny, and heartwarming, all with CRZ‘s beautiful writing. I love Fermin, and getting more of his history was lovely.


My #AAM book for November.

Cathythoughts Lovely review! 3y
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The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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I enjoyed this part of The Cemetery of Forgotten Books Series but do want to move on to the next book as it left sone questions for me. Love the style and feel of these books.

1st Book Finished for #20in4

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Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafaon
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Starting off #20in4 Readathon by beginning this third book in the Cemetery of Forgotten Books Series. #AuthorAMonth

PageShifter I love this cover ❣ I wish you happy reading 🥳 3y
Soubhiville Yay! Enjoy it. 3y
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Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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Very confusing, bc it has a non linear structure. Not my favorite Zafon. Beautiful writing but there are so many unanswered questions…
#authoramonth2021 @Soubhiville
#bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 3y
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The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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While I initially didn't love this one as much as I loved The Shadow of the Wind, I was intrigued by the backstories of the characters. The ending left me not wanting to wait a minute to start The Angel's Game to see what happens next!!
#AuthorAMonth #CarlosRuizZafon

Graywacke It‘s a prequel? 3y
CoffeeNBooks @Graywacke It's a sequel, but it has lengthy flashbacks that give the backstories of some of the characters (so according to some, it could also be considered a prequel). 3y
Graywacke @CoffeeNBooks I think I might have skipped this and gone straight to Angel‘s Game ☺️… was a while ago. 3y
CoffeeNBooks @Graywacke This is actually the 3rd book, but some have suggested it should be read 2nd. I'm getting ready to start The Angel's Game right now- we'll see if I should have read that one before this one. 😂 3y
Saknicole I need to read the other books in this series. Shadow of the Wind is one of my favorite books but I never kept going in the series. 3y
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The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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Starting my #NovelNovember Readathon morning with my #AuthorAMonth pick. I'm about halfway through this one and hope to finish it today. #coffeeandabook

Andrew65 This one is next up for me in the series. 3y
CoffeeNBooks @Andrew65 I don't love it as much as I loved The Shadow of the Wind, but it's a really interesting look into the backstories of some of the characters. 3y
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The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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1 tagged!
2 GR, Litsy, bujo
3 anew Laurie Halse Anderson book

#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain

The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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Good Morning #AuthorAMonth readers. There is a kindle deal today for a Zafon book. He‘s our November author. I think this is part of a series.
Enjoy your Sunday! 📚❤️

@Blackink_WhitePaper @tdrosebud @HOTPock3tt @britt_reads @sleepswithbooks @pageturner1 @mom2bugnbee @veritysalter @TheBookDream @Caryl

Louise Really enjoyed this series! 👍 3y
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Andrew65 Thanks for the tag. Looking forwards to November. 3y
TheBookHippie Thank you!!!! 3y
Nute Thanks for this information. It‘s always helpful.🙂 3y
MoonWitch94 Ohhhh thanks! Good to know! 3y
Eggs Thank You ☺️ @Soubhiville 3y
Bklover Thanks Soubhi! I‘ll go get it now! 3y
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The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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It's been years since I last read Zafon. I think I might have gotten more out of this book if I had better memory of the characters and plotlines of the previous ones. The first book in this series was mindblowing and the second one a bit of a disappointment. This one is somewhere between those. I enjoyed it in audio form and got many of the same kind of wibes as in Shadow of the wind. I just love the time and location of his books. 😍

emz711 I did the same thing years ago. Definitely go back and reread the others because as you know, they all connect! One of my favorite series. Enjoy labyrinth of spirits, it might be my favorite 3y
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The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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This works sooo much better than the Grisham I abandoned! I'm so happy with my decision. Shadow of the wind is still my favourite Zafon book but this does have a hint of the same spirit. 😊

Il prigioniero del cielo | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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I had to bail this.. I started with high expectations, because I loved others Zafon's novels, but this book was not right for me!
I was bored most of the time and I couldn't find the style, the atmosphere that I loved in his previous works.. Maybe I'll try again in a few months.

This was my #doublespin for February @TheAromaofBooks (and now I'll go plan my list for March 📚📚📚)

TheAromaofBooks Sometimes it just isn't the right time for a book!! 3y
JamieArc I recently read this and loved it. BUT, it took a while to get into. It was just okay at first and didn‘t immediately hook me. Might be worth a try when you are willing to get through the first third or half. 3y
La_Cori @JamieArc thanks for the advice! 3y
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The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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Now that 2020 is finally coming to an end, I only have 4 days to finish the rest of the books on my 2020 challenge list. Luckily, it's only 2 books by 2 authors that I love.

The Prisoner of Heaven by Carlos Ruiz Zafón &
All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes by Maya Angelou

Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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Translated from Spanish this is the third book in the Cemetery of Forgotten Books series.

I really enjoyed book one but found book two disappointing so I crept into this book, bracing myself for the worst. Im happy to say we are back on track.

This book is short and its all set up for the final 800 page monster of a book so there isn't much plot going on here but you do get more depth into the characters and detailed back stories.

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The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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I love this series and cherish each book. A couple of years ago I was fortunate to find a signed limited first edition of this book at The Poisoned Pen in Arizona. ❤️ I also love the cover of the US edition. One book in the series left to savor. #MountTBR

paper.reveries Woahhh that‘s so cool!! I just read Shadows of the Wind for the first time this year. AMAZING. 4y
NatalieR @daisyheadmaesie Thanks! 😊 Shadows of the Wind is one of my all time favorites. I hope you keep reading the series and enjoy it as much as I have. 📚 4y
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The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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This one would seem to serve as a sort of bridge between the first two books and Book Four, tying up a few loose ends while setting us up for the final installment, and whereas The Angel's Game felt rushed, particularly towards the end, The Prisoner of Heaven, while much shorter, was much better paced in my opinion. On to Book Four...

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The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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“Books are mirrors: you only see in them what you already have inside you.” - Carlos Ruiz Zafón ?

Megabooks Great quote. 4y
Rina_Black I'm so sad that he's passed away 💔 4y
cathysaid Just so sad. I don‘t reread many books but Shadow of the Wind is one of the few I‘ve gone back and enjoyed again. 4y
Gissy Wow! Yes, so sad that this great author passed away. I need to re-read his books. 4y
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Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafaon
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Great series ❤️

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Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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This is the third book in the Cemetery of Forgotten Books. I've read the first two books but I read the previous one when my work is at its busiest and I did not have the capacity to fully appreciate how well written this series is. I'm so glad that I read this at a much queiter and have the capacity this time around. Such a different experience. Beautiful descriptions and a well crafted story.

The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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Not as good as the first two in the series, but still a decent read overall

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The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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I'm less than 100 pages in, so I'm trying to reserve judgement, but so far I am thinking that The Prisoner of Heaven will be far less well liked than either Shadow of the Wind or The Angel's Game. I'm not sensing a five star read out of this one.... Which isn't too say that it's 'bad', because it isn't-- but it isn't as good as the first two, for sure. I'm still very much looking forward to finishing the quartet with Labyrinth of Spirits.

The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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I wanted to take a break from Barcelona, Spain, and try to stretch out the Cemetery of Forgotten Books series by Carlos Ruiz Zafón, because I've really enjoyed the first two, and don't want it to be over so soon! However, since nothing else seems to be captivating me at the moment, I'm diving back in to Barcelona, Spain, with Daniel & Bea in The Prisoner of Heaven.

The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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Book mail! I'm so excited to finally have the Cemetery of Forgotten Books series. I loved Shadow of the Wind so much, I hope the rest are as great as it was.

The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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Loved The Shadow of the Wind, couldn‘t put down The Angel‘s Game, hoping this one is just as good. 🤗 Absolutely amazing series of books - The Cemetery of Forgotten Books 📚

The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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I was going to go with Mitch Albom‘s The Five People You Meet in Heaven but @Eggs has already beaten me to it! So I‘ll go with this instead.

#HurtsLikeHeaven #JulyColdPlay

Eggs Sounds like a great book🤗👏🏻 5y
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The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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Nothing like a book about books get you in the mood to read....

WanderingBookaneer I loved the first book. It was so great that I was disappointed by books 2 and 3. Book 4, however, tied everything together masterfully. 5y
Hidie @WanderingBookaneer Hi! Yes, I really liked Shadow of the Wind but I read it ages ago and don't remember much about it except that I enjoyed it. I haven't read the others but I have them all. After this I'm planning to read Labyrinth of Spirits. 5y
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The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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Giving this a pick, but just barely. I love it because it‘s part of The Cemetery of Forgotten Books series and it is, after all, written by the amazing Carlos Ruiz Zafon. But it lacked something the two preceding books had, and I‘m hoping the last book will tie it all together. I also think the audio turned me off on this one. Didn‘t care for the reader.

The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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So the book itself is great. Of course. But I just couldn't remember enough of The Angel's Game to satisfy me, so when I finished this, I went back and read a couple summaries to remember. And then. Ohmygosh, combined with what happened here. What I ... think happened/is happening.. well. Zafon. ??. ??. ??. ??. ??. My hat is off to you. ?

I look forward to the 800-page "last book," which I will call the conclusion.

Lidia The last book is great! It answers so many questions and yet leaves enough to the imagination. 6y
Avanders @Lidia 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Can't wait! I ordered the big ol' paperback from book depository, and it finally came Wednesday... but husband had dibs on reading it first 😜 (and I have the arc from the publisher, but its screen-reading.. not even ebook, so I'm mostly waiting on the physical book 😁) 6y
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Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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I just love how this man writes. This whole paragraph is ?? for me, but especially: "...a sight air of promise in which at least children and those who had learned the art of forgetting could still believe."

Sorry for the v juvenile circling of the paragraph in Christmas colors... I really should invest in a stylus... ?

BethM Love it! 6y
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Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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#BookMail Pt4 is the 3rd book in the Cemetery Of Forgotten Books series. This one carries on straight after the events in the 1st book with the MC now living above the family bookstore in Barcelona in the mid 1950s with his father, wife & new son. When his friend, Fermin(a character also in the 1st book)is threatened by a mysterious stranger, it starts another mystery they must solve.

margreads I loved the first book when I read it a very long time ago but wasn't so keen on the second. 6y
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Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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Oh yay, now I just need the second in the series!!

#kindledeal #kindledeals #ebooksale

ReadingRuby One of my favourite books 😍 the fourth in the series is out in a few weeks! 6y
mutlee @ReadingRuby A new one is coming out? I love these books! So excited to hear there‘s a new one! 6y
Insightsintobooks @ReadingRuby I know, I got an ARC thanks to @Avanders 6y
ReadingRuby @Insightsintobooks oh I‘m jealous! I hope you enjoy it. I can‘t wait to get my hands on a copy 6y
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The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Absolutely beautiful! Carlos has not disappointed me. Definitely one of my top authors. Cannot wait to get my hands on the fourth book.

The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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Kids are in bed...and I am ignoring my dishes

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The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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I have this on my kindle but haven't read it yet.
#augustisatrip #heaven
@vkois88 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

vkois88 Sounds interesting 6y
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The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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Third work the Cemetery of Forgotten Books series. Ruiz Zafon‘s writing is beautiful and he‘s a master story teller.

“I have always known that one day I would return to these street to tell the story of the man who lost his soul and his name among the shadows of Barcelona ...”

You can read the books in any order. Wonderful!!

Wan.der.love Will check this out - Do characters crossover at all? 6y
Cathythoughts Beautiful 6y
CaitlinR @Wan.der.love Yes, so do story lines 6y
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The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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When you find out one of your favorite living authors is releasing the final book in the Cemetery of Forgotten Books series, you immediately feel the need to reread the rest of the books. I haven‘t read the series since 2012 and I am loving revisiting these wonderful characters. The Gothic mysteries set in Barcelona are filled with rich descriptions and twists around every dark alley. No matter how many times I read them I can‘t put them down!

Nebklvr There is another one coming out?? I loved this series. 6y
AvidReader25 @Nebklvr Yes! It‘s called The Labyrinth of Spirits and I just got an ARC and can‘t wait to read it. 6y
Nebklvr @Avidreader25 A friend and I were just talking about this series the other night!! Yeah! 6y
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The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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Zafon is an author who's prose will continuously astonish you with how beautiful it can be. The type if you're a writer where you'll read one of his sentences and go "Well I'll never top that." Squidapus did think this wasn't as good as Shadow of the Wind or Angel's Game, but still very good. Zafon is a writer who writes a very narrow set of topics (Barcelona in the middle 1900s) but has absolutely mastered what he has written.

The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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Up next... the prisoner of heaven

crazyspine I loved the first one so much. Hopefully this one is good too. 6y
Tianarose @crazyspine I‘ve read both the shadow of the wind and the angels game (prequel)... both are amazing. (edited) 6y
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The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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Picked up this little hem on my lunch break today, can‘t wait to get into it 😊

The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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Latest mini book outlet book haul. And I did delete a few titles before I hit "buy". Seen in the background a pic of my parents and grandmother from the 50s. #bookhaul #bookoutlet #whatmorebooks?

RealLifeReading What a lovely photo! Also I haven't dared to open the bookoutlet website for a while now 6y
LeslieO @RealLifeReading It's so dangerous! 6y
LeahBergen Lovely photo 💕 6y
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The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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I loved this, but it has left me feeling a little hollow. Unlike the others in the series the story doesn‘t feel complete... roll on late 2018 I guess 🤘🏽

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The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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Just starting this 🤘🏽

Theresa Pretty!! 7y
Louise Oh, that's such a great read! Enjoy the ride! 7y
Oryx Lovely cover 7y
RebelReader This is one of my favorite authors and this one is Fermin's story! The fourth in this series is scheduled to hit the USA in 2018! I can't wait!!! ❤️❤️❤️ (edited) 7y
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Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafaon
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Loving the audio book!

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The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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While this felt more like a novella than a full book, it connects the first two in the series using Fermín‘s story.

The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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Loved it! Could not put it down just as good as the first book in the trilogy.

The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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3rd in a series. These could be read as stand alone but are better read as a series since characters and locations overlap. This one focuses on the story of Daniel and his friend Fermin who has a colorful and troubled past. These are beautifully written and fairly light and engaging reads. Bad guys, good/moral guys, secrets, bookstores, & of course the cemetery of forgotten books #readaroundtheworld #spain

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The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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All the books collectively from me and my brothers on our road trip to Ireland - can't believed we carried all these books all the way around the country 😂 I least enjoyed The Blade Itself and most enjoys The Prisoner of Heaven - gotta love a bit of Zafron!

LauraBrook Love this stack! Glad you all had such a good time, and such good books too! 7y
TheLondonBookworm @LauraBrook thaaaanks it was so fun and so much time to read 😝 7y
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The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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Deciding which books to take on holiday is one of the toughest decisions of the year 😩😩😩😩 which to take?????

LeeRHarry The Passport is a good choice 😏 7y
TheLondonBookworm @LeeRHarry hahaha yes usually that helps with getting out the country 😂😂😂 7y
LeeRHarry Wherever you are off to have a fantastic time!! 7y
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ballina The count of monte cristo!!! 7y
whatsjennareading Waking Gods!! 7y
drokka I say the travel book to use once there (I assume you're going to Ireland - don't let Limerck's description set you off there's a great museum there). And a book about the length of the flight. Once at destination, buy books you can't get where your from for the trip back (and more). If you're going to Newgrange, there's a bookshop there for historical and local stuff. Bought lots there last time. 7y
Libby1 Lovely duvet cover. Are you coming to Ireland? Have a great trip! If you'll be anywhere near Belfast and fancy a Litsy meet up let me know. 😊 7y
julesG I agree to what @drokka suggested. The travel guide makes sense and you can always get books in IRL. 7y
jfalkens All the books 😀📚📖📚 7y
802Librarian I just got that copy of The Táin yesterday! Have a great trip! 7y
MMenefee I spend more time on planning my reading material than clothing when going on holiday. Have fun! 7y
TheLondonBookworm @LeeRHarry Ireland! And thanks :) 7y
TheLondonBookworm @ballina I think it's a must! It's jut adding a considerable amount to my carry on luggage 😂😂 7y
TheLondonBookworm @hrhthebookqueen hehehe I might actually end up finishing that before I go! 7y
TheLondonBookworm @drokka haha I am indeed! I figured the travel book would probably be a good idea! This is a good point I always forgot that I'll be collecting books while I'm there as well! My flight is only half hour or so so I don't need much for that but it's a road trip so lots needed for car journeys! I've not heard of Newgrange but I'll definitely check it out now! :) thanks!!! 7y
TheLondonBookworm @Libby1 thanks :) yeah! Little road trip to see some family. It's pretty unplanned but if I hear that way I'll let you know! 7y
TheLondonBookworm @julesG very true, I had a habit of picking up books on local myths and legends and Ireland is full of them so I think I'll find a lot! 7y
TheLondonBookworm @jfalkens haha sigh if only I didn't have to carry them around in a backpack! 7y
TheLondonBookworm @NHLibrarian really? How cool! I picked it up when I was looking for some more Irish literature 7y
TheLondonBookworm @MMenefee I'm the same! My book pile is huge my clothes pile is minute 😂 7y
teebe Download ebooks on your phone! Travelling is the one reason I have the kindle app lol. My friend once took some of her books with her on a tour of Europe and she ran out of room in her luggage. She had to start leaving her books behind at hostels 🙈I download the app after hearing that. 😂 (edited) 7y
LibrarianJen I'm listening to the audio version of Count of Monte Cristo. It's a long one so if your going to have a lot of downtime I would pick it, but if your not planning on downtime then save it for when you get back. 7y
whatsjennareading @TheLondonBookworm it's so good!! The ending has me feeling super impatient for the next one! 7y
TheLondonBookworm @teebe I have the kindle app actually I always forget about it! I have some issues reading it because it gives me a headache 😭 but it's such a good idea! Haha yeah I do that it can be quite fun though because every time I left a book at a hostel I picked up a new one :) fun to leave notes in them too for the next person! 7y
TheLondonBookworm @LibrarianJen that is a good point it's been staring at me from my shelf saying 'read meeee' for ages but it's like carrying a brick in my hand luggage 😂😂 maybe save it for when I'm back home! 7y
TheLondonBookworm @hrhthebookqueen Maah so exciting! I hate waiting for series to be finished 😂😂😂 7y
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The Prisoner of Heaven | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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I've finished book #3 and #4 of the Cemetery Of Forgotten Books series but it looks as if the English translation of book #4 is not yet out in the UK/US?!? Can't find it. Whatever the case: do youself a favor and check out this series. If you've loved The Shadow of the Wind, you'll love the others. If you don't know that one, CHANGE THAT! Zafón is a GENIUS! These beautiful books are among my absolute faves now.

inked.delights Yeah ? the English translation of part 4 will be published in 2018 ? I'm dying to read it, I'm a big fan of Zavón! 7y
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