#Midwintersolace #NaturaLitsy
Oh my, it has been A WEEK!!! 🙄😭😱 I've had 3 awful things in a row, so hopefully, my luck will change now. I was looking through family photos and found this of my baby beasties from 14 years ago. My heart melted. ❤️ 🌏 ❤️
I'm winding down for Christmas now, with these 4 teen beasties. I will be sitting down to play catch-up with you and post the Christmas quiz.
And here is what I‘ve done so far. I just hope I remember how to cross stitch because I haven‘t done any work on any cross stitch projects in over three years. #LitsyCrafters
I tried using Pic Collage for the first time so I could show #LitsyCrafters what my cross stitch project is supposed to look like when it‘s finished and where I am so far. Alas, it doesn‘t seem intuitive to me and what I produced went in the trash. But here‘s what it‘s supposed to look like when it‘s finished.
Repost for @Catsandbooks
#LitsyCrafters November Theme: Memories
This prompt is up for your interpretation! Whatever kind of craft you do, use the prompt to spark ideas!
As always I want to see any craft you're working on, so continue to tag me (@catsandbooks) with your projects!
If you'd like to be added or removed from the #LitsyCrafters tag list let me know.
And join the discord server for more craft talk: https://discord.gg/CfkC8T32uf
#LitsyCrafters November Theme: Memories
This prompt is up for your interpretation! Whatever kind of craft you do, use the prompt to spark ideas!
As always I want to see any craft you're working on, so continue to tag me (@catsandbooks) with your projects!
If you'd like to be added or removed from the #LitsyCrafters tag list let me know.
And join the discord server for more craft talk: https://discord.gg/CfkC8T32uf
Still the lines used by dictators. Service to the people.
Today is the start of #Sharreathon, in honour of @sharread 💗 I‘m looking forward to reading in honour of my Litsy birthday twin. 🤍
In case some of you didn't follow Jenny ( @readingenvy ) on Facebook, her husband recently posted this lovely obituary. The link has a space to share memories of Jenny, which I thought some of you might like to do! #RememberingJenny
7AM in Singapore and am watching this Zoom talk now 😻 I read Stalingrad by Grossman (Life and Fate soon!), and Skylark by Kosztolanyi, and I loved both of them! I have not read any Teffi yet; the tagged book is in my wishlist ☺️
Repost for #TeamStoker +25pts
1. Miniature Mr. Goodbar & Banana Laffy Taffy 🍬
2. Candy corn 🌽
3. Decorating for Halloween. I've been doing this since I was little, around 4yo.
4. One year I was a sexy bank robber w/my hubby as my partner in crime. That was my fav. Lol
(Pts total=447)
1. Recess. Still my Candy weakness.
2. Mounds bars. Didn‘t like coconut when I was younger.
3. Roasting pumpkin seeds.
4. My witch costume. A little classic, but it‘s the one that stands out in my memory.
#scarathlon #teamstoker @TheReadingMermaid
1. Anything chocolate (I love chocolate!)
2. Bubblegum ... ugh I hate gum
3. Not really a tradition but costume party Halloween/Birthday usually that weekend after my birthday and before Halloween. I haven‘t had a party in forever though :(
4. Strawberry Shortcake :)
#TeamStoker #Scarathlon
1 point participation
1. Laffy taffy or starbursts or m$ms
2. Those weird candies that were wrapped in orange or black wrappers? Idk what they‘re called though.
3. Watching “It‘s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown!” every night between getting home from trick or treating and before bed. As long as I can remember, my whole childhood and now I do it with my own kiddo!
4. My auntie sewed a medieval princess costume for me once and I LOVED it!
#teamstoker #scarathon
1. Anything chocolate
2. I have never liked gummy candies
3. Carving Pumpkins, have been doing it as long as I can remember
4. When I was little my Mom made me a Glenda the Good Witch dress that was beautiful, I loved it
#TeamStoker #Scarathlon @TheReadingMermaid
🍫 Anything chocolate
🍬 Oh man Mike and Ikes 😝
🎃 Definitely carving pumpkins! We've been doing this ever since I can remember. I remember when I was little I used to covet the white pumpkins. They were very special to me.
😈 When I was little it was a little red devil costume that I used to wear all year round. I have pics somewhere. As a grown up it would have to be The Crow.
25pts for #TeamStoker
1. KitKats!
2. Almond Joy or Mounds
3. Watching scary movies, as long as I can remember!
4. It‘s classic but I always love my witch costumes the most
25 points for #TeamStoker for #Scarathlon
1. Reese‘s!
2. Anything fruity...or licorice.
3. Watching Hocus Pocus and Beetlejuce *at least* once each with the fam...basically since age 7 or 8.
4. Easily Jeannie of ‘I Dream of Jeannie‘, as it was the only costume that was mostly made by my mom.
#scarathlon #TeamStoker
Total: 341 pts
1. Anything caramel.
2. Black licorice. ::shiver::
3. Watching Dracula and eating candy. As long as I can remember.
4. Miss Piggy. I was 10 and I made it all myself and it was fabulous.
#scarathlon #TeamStoker 25pts
1. Hard to remember—3 Musketeers maybe? I used to love those chalk, candy cigarettes
2. Never a fan of Spree or there was this weird grape or cherry candy.
3. I have to buy a bag of candy corn and I usually watch Ghostbusters this time of year. I think this has only been a tradition the past decade.
4. Captain America!
(25 points)
#TeamStoker #Scarathlon
1. I was always super excited to see Reese Cups or Twix bars!
2. Whoever in my neighborhood gave out raisins I always hated
3. My favorite tradition is watching Hocus Pocus on repeat all day. Ive been doing this as long as I can remember, probably since 1997 or so
4. I was an infant but its still so cute. My grandmother hand sewed a jack o lantern and filled it with newspaper. Adorable!
@TheReadingMermaid #TeamStoker
1. Reese‘s Pumpkins.
2. Swedish Fish
3. The Halloween Campout at a nearby campground. We‘ve been doing this for about 6 years.
4. Mavis from Hotel Transylvania is my current favorite. But this year‘s Harley Quinn is giving it a run for its money.
+25 for #TeamStoker #scarathlon
Kit kats!
We watch horror movies all month long.
Mrs. Lovett from Sweeney Todd 😊
#teamstoker #scarathlon @TheReadingMermaid
#TeamStoker let's play a game! Repost this questionnaire with the answers to the questions.
🌟25pts for each repost🌟
This popped up in my Facebook memories today. Obviously, I hadn't found Litsy yet. Now I have an ever growing stack of books waiting to be read and the perfect place to get more recommendations!
I think this is my #firstpost as I can vaguely remember posting this in my early days and it won't refresh past a certain point on my profile, well it has been nearly 3 years! #litsymemories Thank you @DebReads4fun for my only like 😘📚📖
A friend tagged me on another platform. Oh maaaaan, the memories!!! 😆😍👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I loved Book It! I lived on Pizza Hut pizza while it was going on 😎. Anyone else participate in #BookIt when they were a kid?! 😁
Day 7: #Memories
I promise this will be my last campaign post for a while, but this post from 2012 popped up in my FB memories today, and it was a memory that I needed to see again. It‘s still true.
#Gratitude30 #memories
My sibs & I have been sorting through old photos at my parents house. So many memories! My mom, me, with Robert on my lap (about 9 maths old), my sister Jean. At the Cape house, which holds appx 35 yrs of memories for me. 💗💗
Today #gratitude30 prompt is #memories. I had an awesome childhood with a wonderful brother (the cute chubby one in the middle). So grateful for my 80s American childhood! MTV, pogoballs, my little pony, Sweet Valley High, Baby Sitter‘s Club, R.L. Stein, and many more!
Day 7 of the 30 Days of Gratitude photo challenge: memories. I am so grateful to be living in the digital age when my most precious memories of my girls are a simple click away. My thousands of photos greatly enhance my memories of their early years. #gratitude30
Day 7 Memories
I have good memories of my trip to the Harry Potter studios. My friend had been before but I hadn't, and she spent pretty much the whole day laughing at how excited I was 😂
Yes!!! I loved the 80‘s.
1. Ready Player One and Red Rising. But I remember enjoying The Stainless Steel Rat, I just don‘t remember the story.
2. Frogger and Pitfall
3. Sigh.... so many! Blondie, U2, The Police, Depeche Mode, The Cure, Cyndi Lauper, Erasure, The Go-Go‘s, Psychadelic Furs, Pat Benetar.....
4. Sixteen Candles, Top Gun, Dirty Dancing, Breakfast Club, The Goonies....
1. I‘m going to cheat and say, the Chronicles of Narnia, for when I was younger and the Tripod Trilogy when I was a little older. OH! But what about the Trixie Belden Books?!? I can‘t decide.
2. LiteBrite!!
3. Spaghetti and Meatballs!
1. The Jungle Book
2. Has this ‘life size‘ doll I named Sissy, because, you know.. she was my sister (I don‘t have siblings)
3. Johnny Marzetti
4. Soft baked/cake-like cookies AND cupcakes please!
This delightful book came to my attention on @ReadingEnvy 's fantastic podcast. Thanks Jenny!
Teffi was such a famous writer at the time of the Russian revolution that she was recognised everywhere, even as she fled from the Bolsheviks.
With arch wit and deceptively breezy style, it's easy to see why she was so popular in her time. This book is the story of her escape.
This was my "published in 1931" book for the #192019challenge.
#Booktober day 11 so many #memorablememoirs!
This is a beautiful book. 👌. Others I love:
Istanbul by Orhan Pamuk
What I Talk about when I talk about running by Haruki Murakami
Anti-cool Girl by Rosie Waterland
World of Yesterday by Stefan Zweig
Leaving Microsoft to Change the World by John Wood
This is on, like, page 2. Russians do not fuck around.
Just finished reading. Still adoring Teffi! She has kept me in good company on the beaches of Spain.
Really enjoying this one so far! A good blend of reality, humor, reflection. From a refugee's perspective in 1918.
Loved this account of a refugee experience - Teffi left Moscow in 1918 but it feels contemporary. Clean writing; the journey at first frightening, at times comical, ultimately sad: "My last bow to a Russian audience on Russian soil". She avoids self-pity, & the deck-scrubbing scene is v funny.
I seem to have a Russian theme in my TBR (one more daunting than the others)! Really enjoying Memories so far.