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Too Many Books!
Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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Every time Nicolas tries to do something, people give him a book. Now, he has so many booksthat tell him what to do, how to do it and why to do it that he can't stand them anymore! But could books also be fun?
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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As someone whose middle name is Claire, this hits a little too close to home. 🤣

(From TheScribblerCMB on Twitter.)

Ruthiella 😂😂😂 1w
dabbe 😂😂😂 1w
LeahBergen 😆😆 1w
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Clare-Dragonfly 😅😅😅😅 7d
UwannaPublishme Love this! 🤣 5d
BiblioLitten Guilty! 😂😂 5d
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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I am currently reading:

In My Own Moccasins by Helen Knott I finished this week‘s section for #SheSaid last night

I started Finding the Mother Tree by Suzanne Simard last night too. Read the into, but need to read chapter 1 today yet before I go to that book discussion #NaturalLitsy

I also have going on ebook: Snuff by Terry Pratchett &
Audiobook in my car: Lost at Sea by Jon Ronson


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awesome 👏🏻 📚👏🏻 2y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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My wife must love me. She assembled these shelves for my new home office. These are just my TBR shelves. I might have a problem.

Ruthiella She‘s a keeper! 😃 2y
FortunateSon @Ruthiella She most definitely is. I'm a very lucky man. 2y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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Do I have too many books going at once? Probably.
Is that going to stop me from starting more? Nope.
#cantstopwontstop #someonepleasesendhelp 😂

mcctrish 🤣🤣🤣 2y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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Congratulations on your anniversary @GatheringBooks ! 🥳📝

I am giving just a slight twist to @Billypar 's idea and sharing a list of 10 authors i haven't read yet, and really want to. These are in no particular order.

Thanks for the tag, @vivastory and @sudi ! 💐

1. Kurt Vonnegut
2. Maggie O'Farrell
3. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
4. John Boyne
5. Celeste Ng
6. Octavia Butler
7. Zora Neale Hurston
8. Rohinton Mistry
9. Elena Ferrante
10. James Baldwin

TrishB Good luck 👍🏻 4y
sudi Great list, I might read some Vonnegut this year but the others I still have to read. 4y
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Billypar Nice list! Hurston, Ferrante, and Boyne are all ones I want to try too. And all the Baldwin I've read has been his non-fiction, which is why I have Giovanni's Room on my list. 4y
Cathythoughts Some great names there ✨✨✨✨✨ 4y
GatheringBooks I love this! Perfect summer reading list, methinks! Thank you so much for reposting! 💕🧚🏼‍♀️📚 4y
LeahBergen I think you‘ll like Rohinton Mistry! 4y
Tanisha_A @hilded Hello! How are you? Would you like to share a list of 10, could be anything? 🙂 See @GatheringBooks 's page for details. 4y
Libby1 That list!!! You‘re in for so many treats. If you loved If On a Winter‘s Night a Traveller you‘ll particularly love Vonnegut! 4y
vivastory Fantastic list! Mistry & Ferrante are both on my new to me TBR as well. 4y
hilded Great list! And thank you for the tag:) Sorry I haven‘t picked this up before now, but I have been offline for a while, I like to take a break from social media during my summer vacation. Hope everything is good with you 😊 4y
Tanisha_A @hilded All is well here! Stay safe ❤️ 4y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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Whoops! My eyes were bigger than my stomach - or something and half my holds have come in at once.
Amongst the 11 holds that have come in is the new Hillary Mantel. I‘m going to be sweating getting through my current books read and then into that 🤪 A fun problem to have though!

Cinfhen The BEST type of problem 🙌🏻📚🎉♥️ 4y
LeeRHarry This happened to me too, picked up a stack today 😊 4y
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batsy Good luck! 💪🏽📚📚 4y
megnews I have this problem quite frequently. 4y
SamAnne My library is just beginning to prepare to reopen and I could put holds on books again last week-end! I went a little cray..... 4y
Reggie You got this! 4y
Cathythoughts Exciting 😁 4y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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Culled several hundred books from my TBR but I'm still well over 1,000. I better learn to read faster.

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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo

I've read 7 of the 24 books I bought since covid started. If I succeed with my #bookspinbonanza challenge, I'll be at 11 / 24. But of course today I bought 9 more. 😂😅😂

Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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I saw this in one of my book groups on FB so I had to share here. Now is the best time to laugh and remain/focus on positivity.

AkashaVampie Haha 4y
ElizaMarie Haha I have made this face so many times!!! 4y
jb72 @ElizaMarie @AkashaVampie I used to keep a handwritten list of books I had when I went to the used bookstore. 4y
ElizaMarie @jb72 good idea. My problem is sometimes I get a book, or I think about a book then I think I put it back to get it (when I read more of my physical books) but then ended up getting it and then re-get it. Probably didn't make sense, but I have a couple books that I found out I had more than one copy of! 4y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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"Too many books?! Perhaps what you mean is not enough bookshelves!!"

#reshared #hadtoshare #friends #LitsyLove #LitsyLovelies #bookcrazy #booklovers

Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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Guess it‘s time to start getting rid of books again. 🤣

JacqMac 😂 4y
j.rye 😂😂😂 4y
MsLeah8417 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣📚📚📚📚📚 4y
MelanieMefford Hee hee. Good one. 😜 4y
TheLibrarian 🤣 I can relate. My husband wants to place a bet on when the floor of my library collapses. 4y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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Anyone else prepping their #bookoutlet carts for the Boxing Day sale? I‘m hoping for another gift card this Christmas to fund my shopping 🛍 I have 20 potential purchases lined up!

Let‘s not speak of the 20 books from last year‘s sale I have yet to read. 😬

Librarybelle I‘ve filled up a cart already in anticipation! 🤦🏻‍♀️ 5y
Jas16 I have a cart ready to go. Now to see if I go through it when I really really shouldn‘t 5y
dariazeoli @Librarybelle @jas16 I‘m in good company then! 😉 5y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo

@the-flashley I actually brought home 14 books, but a couple were free :-)

the-flashley Hahaha I won‘t make you count the free ones 5y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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Half price on everything today at the library book sale! What‘s a bibliophile to do?? Fill all the bags.

DivineDiana But of course! Great haul! 👏🏻📚👏🏻 5y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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I read on the floor for some reason.

Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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Finishing unpacking from my Irish road trip and now have to find room for my new books. #bookloversproblem

Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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Every day I get more concerned about the structural integrity of this poor bookshelf. 😮😂🔧📚📚📚📚📚

Riveted_Reader_Melissa It‘s beautiful! 5y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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I hear a loud crash and run upstairs to find this! 😂 RIP bookshelf. She has too many books. 🙈🙊🙉 The shelf has sagged so much it just will not hold anymore. 😂 😂


LibrarianRyan Ahhhhh. She has a nice selection. 5y
SmartSassery @LibrarianRyan She is definitely a collector. 😂 5y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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One of my bookcases with too many (no such thing) TBR books! I even bet against myself to see if I can go through it all by the end of this year, providing I don‘t get anymore ARCs and buy any more books! What do you think?

cariashley I try that every year.. never works 😜 5y
StephanieMarie This year I set a limit for myself that I am allowed to buy 1 book for every 3 books I read from my TBR. I'm currently allowed to buy negative 33 books 😂😂😂 hope you have better success than me! 5y
Ruthiella You can certainly make a dent in it if you set your mind to it! How are you about DNFing? 5y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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#30junebooks #bookstack @howjessreads Ok, I might have a slight problem/obsession?This is only half of my Nora Roberts collection. The rest wouldn‘t fit on the table.

Crazeedi I'd call it a wonderful hobby!😉 5y
Nute That is a thing of beauty!💕 5y
Curiouser_and_curiouser Lovely! That is a lot of books by one author. Excuse my ignorance but what genre does Nora Robert's write about? 5y
StayCurious @Curiouser_and_curiouser she writes romance and romantic suspense. She also writes as J.D. Robb and does the In Death mystery / romantic suspense books. 5y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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Who else has this problem in their home? 😃

mrsmarch And then I make organized piles of books and my husband moves them because he says I need to “put them away” dude they WERE right where they belonged! 5y
lover.of.the.classics I know RIGHT!!!😂 5y
Freespirit I admit I buy more shelves😬 5y
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Naj There's a pile of books on almost every horizontal surface in my home 😂 5y
bridge12 The floor has even turned into a dangerous place because of the piles of books 5y
CoverToCoverGirl Books are a decorative accent in my house! Lol.. 5y
wordzie Precisely 😁😁 5y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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Just realised that I should squeeze in the 1st act of Henry IV Part 1 before tomorrow. From being a reader who only read one book at a time, to progressing to two books at a time as ebooks became a thing (one physical book, one digital), I now find myself reading four different books for buddy reads 🤓

Just now I was reading my daily Genji chapter, then looked at my copies of Shirley & Henry IV looking back at me, & I became this meme 🤣

GingerAntics 🤣😂🤣 you have until Sunday for Hank 5y
batsy @GingerAntics It's already Saturday here, but now I realise time zones have allowed me to gain a day! Take that, meme! 😂😂 5y
GingerAntics 🤣😂🤣 totally forgot that. Yeah, it‘s still Friday here, and I won‘t post until Sunday here, so you‘ve got until Monday!!! 5y
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LeahBergen 😆😆 I get so anxious when I have more than two on the go! 5y
batsy @LeahBergen Me too! I'm not sure how I ended up in this situation 😂 5y
sprainedbrain 😂😂😂 5y
readinginthedark 😅 I'm reading so many books... 5y
batsy @sprainedbrain @readinginthedark Hardcore readers' problems 😂❤️ 5y
Tanisha_A Suba! The long due mail from me will be out tomorrow! 💕 Keep an eye out. 5y
batsy @Tanisha_A I will, thank you ❤️ And it's not long due! Mine will be coming a little later, I'm sorry 🙏🏽 5y
Tanisha_A @batsy I think the beauty of our exchanges is also that we do it at our own pace. So, no sorry. 💕 5y
batsy @Tanisha_A ❤️ 5y
Ms_T 😂😂😂 5y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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#BookishMeme #StolenFromIG #Truth

look how happy she is up there.

Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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This is my #bookoutlethaul for Boxing Day. I really have no room for any more books, so I think 2019 must be the year of ebooks (because my book buying ban was a spectacular failure!).

Hestapleton Literally the first thing my husband said when I told him about my haul was “where are you going to put them?” 😂😂 6y
dariazeoli @Hestapleton Details, details 😉 6y
kellyann28 I am debating about whether or not to buy more books that I don't need....that boxing day sale is too good to pass up I think! 6y
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Susannah Terrific selection of books! I had deleted the email about the sale, but now I see a couple you got that I want. 😩 6y
LogiKitty You can't touch my hair looks like a great book! Can't wait to hear how it is! 6y
Eyelit You are a very dangerous influence! I didn‘t know about this sale until I saw your post and fell down the rabbit hole - and ended up buying 17 books 🤦🏻‍♀️ thanks so much, friend 😂 6y
dariazeoli @Eyelit Glad to “help” 😉 6y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo

I‘m trying to finish the last of the books I‘ll reasonable read this year. I‘m almost at the end of Blood Meridian and I‘m working on Predator‘s Gold. I‘ve been listening to the audiobook version of The Fisherman. If I can finish those, I‘ll have 83 books for the year which isn‘t too shabby. This year is easily the best reading year I‘ve ever had. Litsy has worked wonders for keeping me accountable so thanks everyone! ❤️

Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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My daughter decided that she wants to give me a book for Christmas, so she informed my husband that she‘ll need his help. I‘m supposed to provide a list of choices and they will surprise me with one of them.

And then hubby had to go and ruin it by asking where I‘m going to put another book.

mreads Looks like you have room to stack another 3 bookcases on top of the 3 on the left then you'd have lots of room for more books 😁 6y
ravenlee @mreads I like the way you think! 6y
Rachel.Rencher Beautiful shelves! 😁💕 6y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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So, I may have a problem. Maybe. I‘ve my limit for library books. I‘ve actually cleared a shelf for library book storage. So, #libraryhaul addiction? Impulse control issues? At this point it‘s unlikely I‘ll hit my #mounttbr goal cause of all the library books I‘ve read the last few months... there‘s always next year, right?!? #booknerdproblems 🤓📚💜

SaturnDoo Nothing better than having booknerd problems. I try to stay away from the library until I get my own books read but I'm not always successful 😃 6y
Eyelit @SaturnDoo I think my New Years resolution will be to not check out any books from the library until I‘ve read a certain amount of my own pile at home each month 🤣 6y
SaturnDoo @Eyelit I think I will join you in that resolution. A lot of my books are boxed up in storage due to lack of space. I am getting ready to start cleaning out the storage building so I really need to read the stacks already here before I have to bring in more books 😒 6y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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My mother looked around my bedroom the other day and asked if I had enough books.

As a Litten, the only appropriate answer is, “Never!”

She commented that she didn‘t need the library when she could just borrow from me. Somehow, I don‘t see her reading most of these books any time soon 😉

Mdargusch Haha! I love it! 6y
kspenmoll 😊 6y
AmyG Understatement. 😳 6y
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Slajaunie I don‘t see a problem... 6y
Jinjer 😆My mom only has two bookcases in her living room and people always ask her “Do you really read ALL THOSE BOOKS?????” She‘s 91 and reads multiple books a day and 2 bookcases is NOT ENOUGH BOOKS. 😊 6y
Liz_M Heh, I have about 900 books in my tiny studio and yet it's still not enough 😁 6y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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You have books on the shelves. You have books on the night stand. You have books in the closet, the guest room, and on the floor. Oh, and don‘t forget about the books waiting for you in the mailbox. Some would say, “You have too many books.”But as any book lover knows, there‘s really no such thing as “too many” books.

#toomanybooks #notenoughtime

AmyG It‘s not an issue of too many books, it‘s an issue of not enough shelves.😝 6y
JazzFeathers Of course. Whoever thought such a thing was even possible? 6y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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The challenge for the Bout of Books readathon today was to post books published in 2018. That is when I realized that I may have a small book addiction. #sorrynotsorry #boutofbooks

erzascarletbookgasm 😍 so many titles I want to read! 👍 Enjoy! 6y
tammysue 🙌🏻😍 6y
merelybookish But am impressive stack of books! 6y
RebelReader You have some really good ones in that stack! 🙌🏻 6y
Reviewsbylola That‘s ok, we‘re all right there with you! I‘m jealous you have Love & Ruin! I still need to get that one. 6y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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5 words to describe my reading life: Too many books, no time!

Mitch If only time could be packaged! 🤣🤣 6y
SexyCajun My TBR list is loooooong 6y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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I got the “don‘t buy any more books” lecture from my hubby today! 😱

DGRachel NOOOOOOO!!!!!!! 6y
Jennick2004 @DGRachel right?!!! 6y
LisaJo Did you explain that you can never have too many books. You just don‘t have enough bookshelves. 6y
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Jennick2004 @LisaJo that‘s it!!!! 6y
Deblovestoread My hubby tries that occasionally until i mention I think he has too many golf clubs. That usually stops that conversation. 😀 6y
Jennick2004 @Kdgordon88 lol I told mine he has to stop buying fishing stuff.... 6y
Reviewsbylola I‘m on a book buying ban. So annoying. 😂🙄 But I guess I should be grateful that I have my husband to keep me in line. 6y
LazyDays @Kdgordon88 that's hilarious! 6y
laurieluna My partner likes to remind me about my supposed book buying ban. And then he will talk about renovating the living room into a library. I then remind him that in order to have enough books to fill it, I should keep buying...😂 6y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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Happy Friday, gang! I started the morning book-shaming myself. 😉

I will say that since joining Litsy in 2016, I‘ve acquired too many books, but I‘ve also read a ton more!

amb Ditto 6y
callielafleur Litsy has swollen my shelves as well! You're so organized to keep track of what you own!! 6y
cathysaid What language is "too many books"? I do not speak such a language. ? 6y
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Quirkybookworm How did you do own TBR list on there??? 6y
Scott_BookInvasion It‘s called ‘Tsundoku‘ 6y
VeganCleopatra 311? You're good, it's when you get into the quadruple digits that things get problematic. Not that I know anything about that. 😬 6y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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I have a few questions for those of you who use NetGalley:

1. What's your feedback ratio? Are you over the 80% mark?
2. Is it terrible that I'm only at 52%? I'm reading and reviewing as quickly as possible, but that % is dragging.
3. Do you read yours in the order you received them or in the order they'll be published?


Librarybelle I am very, very below the 80%. I have so many pending titles! I try to read by order in which the publisher granted me access. Sometimes, I do read out of this order, depending upon the title, or if it is a book that was not available to transfer to the Kindle app. The pdf/ePub formats expire, so I read those first. 6y
Samplergal I‘m currently at 84%. I want to clean up the ridiculous amount of books in my queue. I went on a binge one weekend and requested a ton, because I was getting denied often. Well, you know what happened. I am reading August‘s releases in June, so I‘m a bit ahead of the game. 13 more to go. 6y
Samplergal And I read by pub date. No idea if that is the right way, but I keep up better that way. 6y
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Traci1 @Librarybelle i didnt realize that about the pdf ones. That's good to know. Is that what archive date means? 6y
Birdsong28 I'm at 51% so it's not that bad. I have 14 older than 3 months and 7 that I have requested and received on my current titles. I tend to read authors first that I have enjoyed and want to help their book like Isabelle Broom I always drop whatever galley I am reading and read hers. So don't feel bad we all have things that have to be done before reading just take your time even if the books are published when you get to it the review still counts. 6y
Traci1 @Samplergal wow 84% sounds great. I made a list of mine and did it by pub. date because I thought it would make it more likely for me to finish it before it's published. But then I have ones that don't come out til October (and one that doesn't til next February). I don't want to keep bumping those, so it's hard to know what to do. 6y
Birdsong28 @Traci1 @Librarybelle I have been burned with that before, what I do is download the file even if I won't be reading it for ages so at least I have it as you know you can't get it once it's been archived. Both PDF's and Kindle (thats my format) expire. 📚📖 6y
Librarybelle @Traci1 Archive Date means you cannot download it to a device at that point. For the pdf titles, once you download it using one of the suggested apps, the info area of the download will tell you the title‘s expiration date. I‘ve had some that expired a week after download and others a couple months, depending upon publisher. 6y
Librarybelle @Birdsong28 @Traci1 Good to know about Kindle expiring - that has not happened to me yet, and I have quite a few downloaded from months and months ago. I too also download to the Kindle app right away to avoid the archive issue. 6y
Amor4Libros I am currently at about 56%. I used to stress out about it, but I don‘t anymore. And I download right away too so I don‘t miss the archive date. I‘ve never had any expire after I‘ve downloaded. 6y
Traci1 @Birdsong28 I didn't realize they expire. That sort of makes me feel extra pressure. What happens if you don't read it before the expiration? It just counts against your total? 6y
Traci1 @Librarybelle i guess I need to be more aware. A week certainly isn't a long time. 6y
Traci1 @Amor4Libros that makes me feel a little better. I'd hate to commit then get ready to read it and find out it had expired. 6y
Birdsong28 @Traci1 As long as you have the file downloaded you can read it anytime. I very rarely read the book unless it's some author I really like before the published date, you can still give feedback and reviews they will probably go towards any future editions. I don't think it affects your total too bad. Just read it in your own time. If you don't have the file before it expires you can't read it. 😀📚📖 6y
FantasyChick I'm at about 54% now but everytime I get a book reviewed it seems there's half a dozen new approvals so I doubt my ratio will ever be too great 😂 I download all my books through Adobe so that I can keep track of the expiry dates. I haven't lost one yet since I've been doing it that way and I tend to read in pub order. 6y
LibrarianRyan I hover around the 80% but there are many books I'm. It reading and just doing a quick look over for purchasing purposes. Librarians are allowed to just judge those things. 6y
kezzlou85 I'm at about the 58% Mark but I have loads to read. I download them direct to my kindle so there's no risk of losing them. I tend to go in publication order as much as possible but I don't always read them before they're published. Even with a lower percentage I seem to keep being accepted for more. It's dangerous cos I have enough to read as it is but keep adding more. 6y
Traci1 @FantasyChick I can't get Adobe to work on my kindle fire, and my phone is too small to read on. I've been using Aldiko for the ones that aren't mobi, which has worked ok so far. 6y
Traci1 @LibrarianRyan so as a librarian do you get automatic access to everything or do you still have to request? 6y
Traci1 @kezzlou85 it is so dangerous! I'm sitting here talking about how I'm concerned about a 52% ratio, and then I went in a requested like 5 more kid books (at least those are quick and easy to read and review). 6y
kezzlou85 @Traci1 it is. I keep avoiding the site then they email me. Ah that's clever 6y
Traci1 @kezzlou85 lol. They know how to drag us in. 6y
LibrarianRyan @Traci1 still have to request. About the only thing I get turned down for are Teen and adult books from penguin. I also have an endorsement from Library journal which helps a lot. 6y
kezzlou85 @Traci1 they sure do. 6y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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One of four bookshelves we spent the afternoon rearranging. Now I want to read them all, and don‘t know which one to read next! #bookishproblems

catiewithac I‘m doing the same thing... it looks like I need another bookcase! 🤩 6y
Lcsmcat @catiewithac We managed to clear a few off to give away, but there‘s never enough room! 6y
CindyE09 😍😍😍 I have major shelf jealousy over here! 6y
Kalalalatja 😍😍 6y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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#cantstopstartingbooks #justonemore

I really need to #hititorquitit and tackle #mtbr 🏔️ but there are so many books I feel like reading right now!

KryssyB So true! I jokingly, but seriously said to someone the other day, ”I don't have time for a 9-5, there are too many books to read.” Lol 6y
Cinfhen Cute hashtag 6y
Kaye I‘ve never heard that #hititorquitit Good One. I could use that in lots of areas in my life. 6y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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I was all excited about dog-sitting for my boss for a night and one day, then I realized I need to pick a book to bring with. Or 5. At least I have until Friday.

LauraBeth Your Xena is so beautiful 😻 6y
sloanghost What a sweet little face! 6y
blondie @LauraBeth @sloanghost Awww! Thank you! ♡ 6y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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#blameItOnLitsy. Seem on Facebook this morning. 👀

aprilpohren I so relate to this! 6y
Chili That‘s exactly what mine looks like! 6y
Samplergal @aprilpohren it‘s so true. Hubby said no more as of yesterday. 6y
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Angitron 😂😂😂 6y
BookishBlonde12 Lol 😆 6y
BookwormM I am so thankful for the Kindle I have loads of books hubby has no clue about 🤣🤣 6y
Pamwurtzler @BookwormM Me too or there would be no room in my house! 6y
TheBookgeekFrau I‘m almost there! 6y
MartinaLove Haha 😂 that will be me soon! 6y
heidisreads 😂🤣😂 thank goodness my #tbr pile is mostly digital 6y
Jess7 😂😂 6y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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Took this pic five years ago. Since then, I‘ve purged my selves, and filled them back up again. 😏

Jess7 Pretty! 6y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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My ideal apartment layout

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Looks perfect to me! 6y
TommieMarie74 Mine too!! 6y
the-flashley Sorry... not really seeing anything weird about this. Just a looks like a normal apartment to me. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 6y
tpixie 😂😝🤪 6y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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$29 and one serious lapse of judgement later, I give you......the library sale book plunder! Because it‘s January and I needed a pick-me-up....or 25. It‘s ok...we went the second day so I “wouldn‘t find as much.” 🤪

RebelReader So many good ones in that haul! 😍 6y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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A friend sent this to me on Facebook this morning! 😂 I‘m also a fan of referring to the floor as the biggest shelf in the house, thus justifying my many scattered stacks. Happy Friday, everyone!

MCYmermaid Happy Friday! 6y
Lizpixie Laughed so hard I snorted! I‘ll have to try this on my hubby🤣 6y
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BookFreakOut @Lizpixie Good luck with that, mine wasn‘t quite convinced! 6y
Wife 🤣🤣🤣 6y
Eggs Truth 6y
Lizpixie Yeah, mine too. 6y
Zelma 😂👏👍 6y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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Gahhh! I am running out of room again for books! Where do I put them all!? Because I am certainly not stopping... 🤔.

Dolly If you could just fit them under the stair treads...Wait! I have space at my house!😁 6y
saresmoore Such a good problem to have! Now, please tell me about this pillow. 6y
tomes4gnomes What a gorgeous reading area!!! 😍 6y
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Kimberlone Love your under stairs bookcases! 6y
emilyhaldi Quite the dilemma! It will be hard to beat your current presentation 😍 6y
Johanna414 That looks so cozy! 6y
Kalalalatja Looks so great! 😍 6y
Peddler410 Do you have books behind books on those shelves? That‘s what I do! 6y
callielafleur This is gorgeous! 😍 Also you can stack the extra books and just call it a side table! 😂 6y
Nutmegnc Gorgeous reading space!!! 6y
morgan_krahn Gorgeous! 6y
MaleficentBookDragon Such a nice reading Corner! 6y
Eggs Lovely shelves and reading space😊❤️😊 6y
Leftcoastzen 😊 6y
KarouBlue Oooh I love your reading corner! 6y
ApoptyGina69 I see many of the same books I have! It might be time for milk crates stacked under the stairs. 6y
Mdargusch What a great spot! Move those potted plants! 6y
RebelReader This looks fabulous and inviting. ❤️ 6y
Gissy Beautiful photo! 6y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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Visit my blog www.booksaremything.blogspot.com I've been posting my favorites of 2017 the past two days (fiction favorites yesterday, nonfiction today, and YA/middle grade tomorrow). What are your favorite books of 2017?

Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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Hmm... way too many 😂 I believe at least 4 going right now. I try to have different formats and genres going concurrently.


RaimeyGallant 3? 10? I prefer not to acknowledge it. 7y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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This is a great article that completely justifies why I recently purchased a book about the history of hot air ballooning 😬. https://www.inc.com/jessica-stillman/why-you-should-stop-feeling-bad-about-all-t...

CatLass007 Love this article! 7y
Godmotherx5 A bittersweet article. Comforting to know my book piles are a sign of intelligence. Disappointing to realize very few have to do with business, financing or stats. Sounds like I need more books. 7y
DebinHawaii Great article! I feel so much better about myself now! 😆👍 7y
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Melissa_J I think this means I can go buy more books now 😂 7y
haanim Great article ☺️ 7y
emilyhaldi Love this!! 7y
AceOnRoam At least you will kill a trivia question on hot air ballooning. Fantastic article. 7y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Hahaha! Oooh, but it‘s so much fun!! I‘ve only done it once (Hot air ballooning, not buying books) 7y
LeahBergen 👏🏻👏🏻 7y
StaceyKondla @CatLass007 @Godmotherx5 @DebinHawaii @Melissa_J @haanim @emilyhaldi @AceOnRoam @JanuarieTimewalker13 @LeahBergen - I'm glad you all enjoyed the article and are now better armed to defend your quest for knowledge and continued learning 😉 7y
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Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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Old #TBR Photo, because I am too lazy to get out of bed. It looks about the same now, just a few different books. I just added all the pages and came out to about 30000 pages of unread books 😂 Ummm, I shouldn't have done that 😅

Too Many Books! | Gilles Tibo
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......because who couldn't use this 🤓😉📚📚📚📚

TheKidUpstairs Some of these are impossible - how could I stay away from Litsy! But the first tip is a great one; I don't know if it would keep my TBR manageable, but I do often forget why I wanted to read certain books. 7y
TheKidUpstairs Oh, and #TBRBINGO is a great way to manage the third tip (if you have the willpower). @WhatDeeReads 7y
Stephykitten Agreed that it's impossible to follow some. Stay out of bookstores? 😳😱 lol 7y
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