I like this book, but did the author have to include a “let‘s help you lose weight to be pretty” make over? I expect it in my #PaperbackCrush books but not a book from 2011 (or am I naive?
I like this book, but did the author have to include a “let‘s help you lose weight to be pretty” make over? I expect it in my #PaperbackCrush books but not a book from 2011 (or am I naive?
I get so excited about the #BookSpin numbers! I picked one of the oldest books on my kindle and for the #PaperbackCrush option I went with the Sweet Dreams series (which oddly enough I never read as a tween).
Thanks for the fun @TheAromaofBooks !
@keys_on_fire Exhibit A.
Maybe not the same guy, but close!
(Looks like I might but hopping aboard the #paperbackcrush train soon. I have a soft spot for these books, even if they are dreck 😆)
I will probably keep this book just because Lori Loughlin is on the cover! 🤣 #FullHouse
Another #paperbackcrush selection, and this one was pretty fun. It‘s so interesting to read these 80‘s YA that I never read. They seem harder to read than things from the time that I did, even though I know SVH and BSC have those moments too. Amazing what nostalgia adds to a read!
Another #paperbackcrush book and my #bookspin for April. I did not like this one. It was cringy all the way through. I remember being at odds with friends over boys, but this guy was a jerk! The only reason I finished it was because it was so short.
Read this as part of the readathon a couple of weeks ago. I‘d call this a soft pick. It‘s a collection of short stories about love and life in high school. The book benefits from the stories being short, as the book on the whole hasn‘t aged well. Mostly fun, a little squirmy 😂
The first half of Kaikeyi is my #bookspin and my #doublespin is Perfect Shot - SVH No. 53 (part of my #paperbackcrush challenge)
Looking forward to a productive reading month in May!
My #bookspin list and #bookspinbingo board are ready! Although, my eggs don‘t look very egg-like 🤣
Picked a lot of quick reads since #deweys24hour readathon is happening at the end of the month, and hopefully that will help me further along with my reread of SVH for my #paperbackcrush challenge. Looking forward to a fun month!
@TheAromaofBooks - sorry to blow you up with all these posts! 😂
Read this because it was mentioned in #paperbackcrush
This is a very quick read. I read a lot of YA, but this just seemed very juvenile. The way the characters interact reminded me of the Dick and Jane readers. People just don‘t talk the way these people do. There are 2 more books in the series, and I own them, but I don‘t know if I‘ll be reading them. 😕