#AmazingCover of the week goes to this beauty. Wow. Sometimes I buy a #book strictly because I love the cover so much!! #FortEverglades #FrankGSlaughter #pulpfiction #coverlove #bookstagram #books #bibliophile #obsession #savage #offensive
#AmazingCover of the week goes to this beauty. Wow. Sometimes I buy a #book strictly because I love the cover so much!! #FortEverglades #FrankGSlaughter #pulpfiction #coverlove #bookstagram #books #bibliophile #obsession #savage #offensive
So far this #book is pretty messed up. I'm just waiting for things to explode. #MotherMother #KorenZailckas #fiction #controllingmother #psychologicalthriller #bookstagram #parenting #mother #momfromhell #booklove #coverlove #kids
A little bedtime #reading and #snack with this little #monster 💖 I wish he was here for me but he's eye balling my #oranges. #FearStreet #RLStine #bookstagram #chiweenie #dapple #fruit #booklove #SilentNight #dogsofinstgram
We're back at it! #BuddyRead with @korbus starts with #FeatStreet #book #1 - #TheNewGirl by #RLStine. #bookstagram #90sKid #retro #booknerd #Shadyside #coffee #mcdonalds
Well. Someone dropped the ball on this one. #MrsMcGintysDead is #book number 28 in the #HerculePoirot series and #TheSecretAdversary is book number 1 from the #TommyAndTuppence #series. Two totally different #stories - one great #retro #bookcover. #AgathaChristie #retroreads #bookstagram #books #coverlove #bookcollector #bibliophile #poirotinvestigates #murdermystery #classic
2017 #ReadingChallege - a #book written by someone younger than you - #Heartless by #MarissaMeyer this girl is writing hit after hit. This was my first Meyer book and it was great. I loved the idea of a #backstory for the #QueenOfHearts. And the author is like 5 years younger than me. #bookstagram #book #coverlove #heartonesie #poopwaterbottle #audiobook
I had never heard of this before finding it at work the other day. It sounds absolutely wonderful so for $0.50 I couldn't resist! #bookstagram #book #AAMilne #OnceUponATime #pocketbook #coffee #booksandbeans #ladymacdonaldinn #AnAvonCamelotBook #magic #booklove #coverlove
I didn't feel like the photo for this book needed any bells & whistles. It's not a pretty story. This is easily one of the best #nonfiction books I've ever #read. An unbelievable story of #survival. It's amazing what a human being can endure. Highly recommend this #book. Reading Challenge 2017 - a book with over 500 #pages 🤓 #bookstagram #readingchallenge #Unbroken #LauraHillenbrand #LouisZamperini #worldwartwo #ww2 #runner #pow #survivor
Love this #book so much and this is one of my favourite #editions. Plus, beautiful #flowers from my awesome son 😍 #ReadingChallenge 2017 - Book that became a #Movie. #bookstagram #coverlove #TheWizardOfOz #LFrankBaum #OZ #Dorothy #Scarecrow #TinMan #CowardlyLion #Toto #booknerd #multipleeditions
Believe it or not I am STILL getting over this damn cold. It's only been 2 1/2 months! Today I am feeling a bit better thou. Perfect day to curl up with my #electricblanket a nice cup of #tea and a good #historical #novel. This one about #love in the time of #war and the #HalifaxExplosion - 2017 #ReadingChallenge - #book by a #FemaleAuthor #bookstagram #coverlove #TidesOfHonour #GenevieveGraham @gengrahamauthor #redplaideverywhere
I'm finally digging into this gem! I've heard so many great things about it. I found a great #BBC reading of it on my #library site so I started it last night. I'm already halfway through and I think listening is the way to go! #DaphneDuMaurier #Rebecca #ManderleyBay #classic #coverlove #bookstagram #books #oldbooks #oldbooksmell
Lazy Sunday. I've never heard of this but found it at work the other day. #uncorrectedproof #GrahamSwift #motheringsunday #bookstagram #book #prizewinner #littlebooks
Packing in the fruits and greens before there's nothing but cookies and junk for he next 24 hours! 😆Also, what better to time to pull out some good ol' #FearStreet #SuperChillers ! #bookstagram #smoothie #books #bibliophile #spacepants #chillaxin #SilentNight #SilentNight2 #mystrawmatchesmypants #RLStine #90sKid #snowday #ChristmasEve
#Tea #Shortbread #FatPants and a good old #Christmas #Book. Night made. 📚🎄☕️ #bookstagram #booklove #FannyFlagg #ARedbirdChristmas #TisTheSeason #relax #booklove #coverlove #book #reading #cookies #StarbucksMug #plaid
Mommy & Daddy weekend away. Finally. First time since our little guy was born. Fire place in the room. Mountain view. Book in lap. No complaints here. #Canmore #minivacation #adultsonly #LadyMacdonaldInn #bibliophile #bookstagram #fireplace #happymama #TidesOfHonour #GenevieveGraham
It's -20 outside so a good day to stay home and #read this. Unfortunately I have to go to work! I'll be coming straight home to dive back in thou. #bookstagram #HeartbreakingAndImportant #TheEducationOfAugieMerasty #canadian #canadianhistory #ResidentialSchool #heartbreaking
#November 29 November #BookHaul - I was sick from work for three weeks & I still managed to acquire this lot. (I volunteer at a local used #bookstore for charity a couple days a week & get almost all of my books there dirt cheap) so yea...this is a month of #book buying (and this is me at slow buying speed! Haha) yes, I do know that I will die before I get to #read all of my #books) #bookchallenge #bookstagram #booksgalore #bibliophile #addiction
#November 28 #BookishMerch - I don't really have much #bookish merch.....EXCEPT for Anne haha I have a LOT of that. So....here's another #Anne post 🤓 (this is a very small fraction of what I actually have) #AngieBookishNovember #bookchallenge #bookstagram #AnneOfGreenGables #LMMontgomery #LucyMaudMontgomery #canadian #doll #charmbracelet #stamps #figurines #autograph #MeganFollows
#November 27 The #movie was better. #BigFish. I have loved this movie forever. I finally tracked down a copy of the #book and I was so excited to #read it. It was crap. It had none of the #magic or #whimsy of the movie. I was so sad after #reading it. And yes, I'm a day behind in pics. We are all still sick! #AngieBookishNovember #bookchallenge #bookstagram #goodmoviebadbook #EwanMcGregor #magical
#November 26 #Shelfie. So I posted a pic of one wall in my #library previously - and here is another. This is my #GeneralFiction / #Romance / #Erotica / #SciFiFantasy #shelf (and #piles on the floor) the #booktower beside the shelf is #biography / #memoirs. I am in desperate need of a reorganize but I am also in desperate need of time to do so haha 🤓😳 #AngieBookishNovember #Bookchallenge #bookstagram #books #bookpiles #bibliophile #obsession
#November 25 #CurrentlyReading - I don't think any if these were on my #TBR for this month - but that's typical of my #reading style 🤓📚 #AngieBookishNovember #bookchallenge #bookstagram #cherrypie #AlistairMacLeod #ToEverythinfThereIsASeason #GenevieveGraham #SoundOfTheHeart #JeffLindsay #DarklyDreamingDexter #book #cantreadjustone
#November 24 #Book & #Pillow. A book pillow to be exact! Found this awesome #hardcover edition of #TheStepfordWives by #IraLevin at work the other day! Again I slacked on the photo. Spent the night with the little guy at emerg so I didn't have much energy to go all out today again! #AngieBookishNovember #bookchallenge #bookstagram #bookpillow #coverlove
#November 23 Favourite #Classic - the munchkin & I are having another sick day. Fever this time. So we are spending the day in pjs & bed. Here is my #ragged #ratty 1903 copy of #TheWizardOfOz by #LFrankBaum. This thing has seen better days but I love it. It's another #book that has so many beautiful editions...and one I have many of! 🤓 #AngieBookishNovember #bookchallenge #sickday #pajamaparty #Oz #oldedition #1903 #oldbooksmell #bookstagram
#November 22 Good #Book #BadCover - this #cover sure cause a big #uproar in the #Anne world when it came out. Personally I love it. I think it's #hilarious 😂 I would love to have a physical copy for my #collection too! #AngieBookishNovember #bookchallenge #bookstagram #CanadianLiterature #canlit #coverlove #coverhate #booklover #AnneOfGreenGables #AOGG #LucyMaudMontgomery #LMMontgomery #AnneOfAvonlea #AnneOfTheIsland
#November 20 #BestCharacterEver - Lexi Ivy is one of the best characters I've had the joy of "meeting". I saw the #movie before I #read the #book and I think that only enhanced my love for the character. #RelativeHappiness by #LesleyCrewe is one of those #books that just makes me #happy. ? I highly recommend both the book and the movie! #AngieBookishNovember #bookchallenge #canlit #CanadianLiterature #LexiIvy #coverlove
#November 19 #SkinnyBooks - some wonderful #Canadian #novellas or #ShortStories for the #weekend! #AngieBookishNovember #bookchallenge #bookstagram #canlit #canadianliterature #canadianauthors #DanilaBotha #GotNoSecrets #AndrewKaufman #AllMyFriendsAreSuperhereos #EdmundBurry #TheLoop #FrancoiseEnguehard #TheIslandsOfDoctorThomas #shortreads
Not a lot of people know that #AgathaChristie's #AndThenThereWereNone was originally published in the U.K. with the title #TenLittleNiggers. It was also published as #TenLittleIndians. It's amazing to see how things were so easily accepted back then and know this would never make it out to the public these days. #bookstagram #racistmemoribilia #history #blackchef #mammy #mysterybooks #racist #bookcollector
#November 18 #FavouriteGenre - impossible for me to pick. I have so many #books & #read everything! This is only a small fraction of my #TBR pile haha 😳🤓 Problem? What problem? #AngieBookishNovember #bookchallenge #bookstagram #bookpiles #booklove #booknerd #bibliophile #youngadult #nonfiction #horror #truecrime #science #canadian #native #fiction #genre
#November 17 Unexpected #Favourite #Read - I went with the #audiobook on this one & I think that made it an instant favourite for me. I think I could listen to @jthynes talk all day long. I wasn't sure what to expect going into this #book but came out of it with a want to #read more of his work. #AngieBookishNovember #Bookchallenge #canlit #canadianliterature #canadianauthor #newfoundland #KeithandNatasha #bookstagram #lovestory #lifestory
#November 16 #Book That Made You #Cry - there are so many #scenes in these three #books that bring #tears to my eyes. When #Anne finds out she can stay at #GreenGables. When #Matthew dies. When Anne realizes that #Gilbert is the #love she's been looking for. #AngieBookishNovember #bookchallenge #bookstagram #AnneofGreenGables #AOGG #LMMontgomery #LucyMaudMontgomery #AnneofAvonlea #AnneoftheIsland #canlit #CanadianLiterature #CanadianAuthor
#November 15 #Bookish #Boyfriend - ain't no other bookish man for me than #GilbertBlythe 💚he is the epitome of a #perfectman. #AngieBookishNovember #bookchallenge #AnneofGreenGables #AOGG #CanadianAuthor #canlit #CanadianLiterature #LMMontgomery #LucyMaudMontgomery #obsession #booklove #coverlove #bookstagram #AnneoftheIsland
#November 13 #Book + #Quote - "Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it" #LMMontgomery #AnneofGreenGables - the first copy of Anne I ever received & started my obsession. #AngieBookishNovember #bookchallenge #bookstagram #AOGG #LucyMaudMontgomery #canlit #CanadianLiterature #CanadianAuthor #booklove #tattoo
#HappyBirthday #ChristopherPike 🎂🎈🎉 an #author that shaped my teenage years and fuelled my love of #reading. #bookstagram #books #80s #90s #booknerd #coverlove #booklover #collector
#November 12 One Word Title - #Bear by #MarianEngel is definitely a unique #book about a woman who falls in #love & has an #intimate relationship with a #bear. This book also won the #GovernorGeneralAward. #AngieBookishNovember #bookchallenge #CanadianLiterature #canlit #canadianauthor #bearlove #bookstagram #LitsyFeature #onewordtitle
#November 11 #Book & #Flower - I would have loved to take a better pic of this one but I am having a sick day 😷 & don't have the energy. One of my all time #favourite #books. A beautifully written, #heartwrenching story about #love in the aftermath of the #HalifaxExplosion & #WorldWarTwo. #AngieBookishNovember #bookchallenge #bookstagram #BlackSnow #JonTattrie #signedbook #CanadianAuthor #canlit #CanadianLiterature #WW2 #mynameisontheback ☺️!!
I cannot wait to dive into this! The lovely @danilabotha was kind enough to send me her new #book of #ShortStories. Just in time to go see her #read tonite at #PagesonKensington. ❤️ Thanks Danila! And Thank you #TightropeBooks #bookstagram #canlit #CanadianLiterature #CanadianAuthor #shortstory #ForAllTheMenAndSomeOfTheWomenIveKnown #DanilaBotha
#November 10 #Book + #Snack. Ya'll had to know this one was coming 🤓Anyone who knows me knows that I whore out this book 2 whoever I can. I always buy it if I see it at a #secondhand store & give it to someone to #read. Also it was just made into a #movie! #AngieBookishNovember #bookchallenge #AwayFromEverywhere #ChadPelley #canlit #CanadianLiterature #Newfoundland #bookstagram #signedbook #multiplecopies #allthefeels #CanadianAuthor @chadpelley
#November 9 Worst #Book I've #Read - I usually don't finish #books I am not liking. There's too much to read & no time to waste on crappy books. This one is a huge best seller and I have no idea why. Maybe just cause it's controversial. I do LOVE the #cover however! It's the only reason I keep it on my #shelf. #AngieBookishNovember #bookchallenge #coverlove #bookstagram #Wetlands #CharlotteRoche #erotica #shockvalue #pointlessread #intothefire 🔥
Seems fitting for this mornings #reading. #Maus #ArtSpiegelman #graphicnovel #reality #history #bookstagram #nazi #concentrationcamps #terror #trump
#November 8 #Zombies vs #Vampires - #Zombie stories are still my favourite of the two though. #CZP puts out some stellar stuff! #JamesMarshall has written some great books & and is also a great guy! Check his stuff out! #ZombiesVersesFairyFeaturingAlbino #NinjaVersesPirateFeaturingZombies #chizinepublications #AngieBookishNovember #bookchallenge #bookstagram #litsyfeature #canlit #canadianliterature #canadianauthor
I love when a #book goes above and beyond. #MyBestFriendsExorcism by #GradyHendrix is a fantastic ride through #HighSchool in the #80s and they've made the first few #pages in the front and back of the book look like #yearbook pages. So far the #story is a lot of #fun too! #bookstagram #nostalgia #exorcism #demons#l #possession #coverlove #booklover
#November 7 #Overhyped #Book - I couldn't even get thru this book. #BoyMeetsGirl. Boy falls in #love with girl. #Boy pursues #Girl. Girl says no. Boy tries again. Girl says no again. Boy doesn't give up. It was all really annoying to me. I #read more than half and returned it to the store. #AngieBookishNovember #bookchallenge #bookstagram #BeautifulCreatures #KamiGarcia #MargaretStohl #didnotfinish
#November 6 #Book Recommendation - this book is definitely one of my #Top5 for sure. If you can get your hands on a copy I HIGHLY recommend it. #Amphibian #CarlaGunn #AngieBookishNovember #bookchallenge #bookstagram #LitsyFeature #booklove #coverlove #canlit #CanadianLiterature
#SaturdayReading. #CozySweater. #DoubleDouble. #HappyMommy. #bookstagram #OzmaOfOz #LFrankBaum #Oz #Dorothy #Ozma #TinMan #Scarecrow #CowardlyLion #coverlove #OzSeries #booklove #book #TimHortons
#November 5 #Author From Your Country - #Annabel by #KathleenWinter is one of the most #beautiful #books I've ever #read. It's the perfect book to read curled up in a #cozysweater and with a hot #cup of #tea. #AngieBookishNovember #bookchallenge #bookstagram #LitsyFeature #Canlit #CanadianLiterature #Labrador #gender #booklove #coverlove #davidstea #ohcanada #maple
#November 4 Favourite #Book #Series - I only just recently listened to this series & really loved it! #JurassicPark #MichaelCrichton #AngieBookishNovember #bookchallenge #bookstagram #dinosaur #dna #LitsyFeature
🐝There really are #kindredspirits everywhere. The lovely Tammy (whom I've never met but belongs to the same #Anne group as me) saw these and thought of me. She decided to mail them to me from across the country!! They are gorgeous editions & will have a loving home with my others 💚 thank you Tammy! #AnneOfGreenGables #AnneOfAvonlea #LMMontgomery #bee #flowers #bookstagram #canlit #canadianliterature #classics
#November 3 #Blue & #Grey #Books - these are some of my favourite #books in my entire collection. #FarleyMowat was one of the greatest #Canadian #writers out there (I think) These are extra #special because they are all #signed 💖 #AngieBookishNovember #bookchallenge #CanLit #CanadianLiterature #signedbooks #nautical #bookstagram #LitsyFeature #SeaOfSlaughter #WhaleForTheKilling #TheBoatWhoWouldntFloat