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Meg: A Novel of Deep Terror (Revised and Expanded) | Steve Alten
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Carcharodon megalodon apex predator of all time, the most fearsome creature that ever lived a 70-foot, 60,000 pound Great White Shark. Hundreds of 7-inch serrated teeth filled jaws that could swallow an elephant whole. It could sense its prey miles away, inhaling its scent as it registered the beat of its fluttering heart, and if you ever came close enough to see the monster...it was already too late. For Navy deep-sea submersible pilot Jonas Taylor, it nearly was too late. Years ago, on a top-secret dive seven miles down into the Mariana Trench, Jonas came face to face with an ancient monster everyone believed extinct. Having barely escaped with his life, Jonas must prove to the world that Meg still exists. When an opportunity to return to the trench presents itself, he takes it, intent on returning topside with a 7-inch tooth! But man s presence in this unexplored domain releases one of the sharks from its purgatory, and now Jonas is the only one who can stop it.
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The Meg | Steve Alten
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#HHS #HauntedHollowSwap #HHS23

@MsRadioSilence Happy Sooky Season!!!
(I had to open it, take a quick picture, and then run off to work 😅)
I love the little dracula pop figure, I can't wait to put him up with all my little figures! And the card is so cute! I love all of it! I can't wait to go home and start reading The Meg!!
Thank you so much!!! 🧡🔮👻🎃

wanderinglynn Love the Dracula funko! 🎃🖤👻🧡 8mo
MsRadioSilence ❤️❤️ so glad you like it! 8mo
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The Meg | Steve Alten
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I am so excited about my #FFFS package! The big bag of m&ms, the candles, cute towels and pumpkin welcome sign!! My FAVORITE coffee!!! I‘ll be using my notebook starting today to track #scarathlon points/readathons!! And the books!! I just finished a deep sea horror book so I‘m super excited to read Meg! The other 2 have been on my TBR forever! I love a bloody fairy tale & quirky romance! Thank you so much!! @Mommamanzi I think this was from you?

Avanders ♥️🍁🧡🍂💛🍎 9mo
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The Meg | Steve Alten
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🙄🙄🙄only 3 because listening was entertaining as far as a story with cartoon people and over the top silliness lol! Perfect for summer walks in the park. For eye rolling and laugh out loud nonsense I give this 3. If I‘d read it, it would definitely be one 🌟

The Meg | Steve Alten
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Delightfully corny because it‘s so serious, y‘all. Alten will make you question a Meg‘s existence legitimately, but the story gets a bit batshit. All the while, it stays very serious which really cracked me up! Passing this to my husband, then we‘re watching the first movie. Meanwhile, I‘m starting book two. Why not?! Entertaining as hell.

CoverToCoverGirl I enjoyed this one too! 11mo
britt_brooke @CoverToCoverGirl So entertaining! 🦈 11mo
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The Meg | Steve Alten
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It was so hot at the pool today that the binding glue melted and my book came apart. Currently gluing back together. Thanks, Tennessee! 🥵

The_Literary_Jedi Holy smokes!!! 11mo
TheBookHippie 🥵 11mo
AshleyHoss820 Oh, YIKES!! 11mo
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dabbe Yowza! 😳 11mo
Lcsmcat 😱 11mo
MaureenMc 😳 11mo
Awk_Word_Smith It‘s too bleeding hot here in TN and 1000% humidity!!! 11mo
Bluebird 😱 11mo
Ruthiella Yikes! 🥵 11mo
vivastory Jeez. I hear ya. I went to a bar for a couple of hrs after work yesterday hoping it would cool off some & it was still 90 plus degrees when I left. 😭 Stay safe. 11mo
Purpleness Yeah, when I worked in a library in Cambodia I was constantly re-glueing books. I hope it wasn‘t a particularly nice book? 11mo
Hooked_on_books Holy cow! 11mo
batsy Omg! 11mo
ericarobynreads Oh my gosh! I hope you‘re doing okay in the heat! 11mo
Branwen Noooooooooo! 😭 11mo
britt_brooke @Awk_Word_Smith It‘s really been intense the last few days. My Australian Shepherd is pissed to miss his last couple of walks. All that fur. He‘s miserable. 11mo
britt_brooke @vivastory When it‘s that hot at night, you know you‘re screwed. I think we‘re gonna get a little reprieve this week. Hope y‘all do too! 🤞🏼 11mo
britt_brooke @Purpleness That‘s wild! Nope, not a fancy book, so all is well. I was able to save it with a little Gorilla Glue. 😄 11mo
Awk_Word_Smith @britt_brooke We have an Aussie Shepherd too. He just got a HUGE haircut. Now he just wants to sit outside in the sun! Crazy dog! 11mo
britt_brooke @Awk_Word_Smith That‘s too funny! Ours has so much floof. He hates the humidity so much, so I have to get up early to walk him or he‘s bonkers. 😂 11mo
CallMeIshmael I read this way back in the late 90s and devoured every sequel. We loved the first movie and I cannot wait for the second one 11mo
britt_brooke @CallMeIshmael I‘m passing this to my husband when I‘m done, and I‘ve already borrowed book two. Not my usual fare, but so entertaining! 🦈 We haven‘t seen the first movie yet but will soon, I hope! 11mo
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“the most desolate location on the planet, nature had found a way to allow life to not only exist, but to thrive.” Let‘s see …. I love terrible shark movies , let‘s check how I feel about shark books ❤️

The Meg | Steve Alten
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4 ⭐️s
I really liked this fast paced thrill ride. It‘s like Jurassic Park meets Jaws. The cast of characters was great, believably flawed and (mostly) likable. Alten‘s humor and way of writing dialogue are absolute gems. Looking forward to the rest of the series. I didn‘t know about the movie til I was reading this, and it has Jason Statham in it, so I HAVE to watch that now! 😅

TEArificbooks Love this book series and the movie. I really want there to be a sequel movie. 3y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @mdm139 Glad to hear the movie‘s good too. I know sometimes stories don‘t transfer well to the silver screen, but this one feels like it‘d be a perfect one to adapt. 3y
paulfrankspencer Second time I've heard that movie referenced today. Very odd. Never heard of it before. 3y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @paulfrankspencer Hmm, maybe it‘s an omen that you should read the book or see the movie? 🤔😁 3y
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BookwormM 🤣🤣love that review 3y
CoverToCoverGirl Lol.. on point review. 3y
TheSpineView What a disappointment! 😒 3y
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This novella in the #MegSeries takes place immediately after the first book & is currently available on #KindleUnlimited! It‘s not great - seriously there are a lot of editing and continuity issues (the first book came out in 1997- but here there‘s social media & smartphones all prior to their existence!) and the sharks are bloodthirsty & unrealistic- but, all that aside, it is still fun to read about their bitey ways! Looking forward to more!

The Meg | Steve Alten
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Seekingtardis Two of my absolute favorites!! 4y
Klou I didn't know The Meg was a book! I've seen part of the movie and liked what I saw. 4y
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EadieB @Klou 📖👍 4y
dragondrool @Klou Meg is a series, actually. I've read the first three or four, and I know there are more than that now.
EadieB @dragondrool Yes it does say on the bottom of the book that it is a series but the print in the picture is very small. 4y
Klou @dragondrool wow, you learn something new every day! 4y
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I made homemade chicken parm with linguine noodles and homemade red sauce. With garlic bread on the side. I love listening to audio books while I cook. I really zone out and enjoy myself 😍😍
How many chickens do you think it would take to fill a Meg up??

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#ISPY a black book.
#thanks for the tag @JaclynW

JaclynW 🙌🖤 4y
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Campy, cheesy, predictable, and exactly the fun kind of escapist fiction I needed right now. Enjoyable!

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@TorieStorieS Thank you so much for the book! This is what I wanted to read for the #ReadWithMrBook prompt...a story told by an animal. So I am thrilled...thank you! I will write back soon. 😘

The Meg | Steve Alten

Loved this book. Such a thrill

The Meg | Steve Alten
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Happy Halloween from Casey the shark! He‘s got a little shark-face bonnet to wear, too, but I don‘t want to put it on him until the kids start showing up.

Eyelit Cute!!! 🐶🦈❤️ 5y
AlaMich That‘s a “why me?” face if ever I‘ve seen one! 🤣🐶❤️ 5y
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The Meg | Steve Alten
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Are you ready for this book friends... I liked the movie more than the book.

I liked the book and I think the way the Meg gets out was better but overall, give me Jason Statham any day. I much preferred the characters in the movie (not all) and I am so grateful that they changed things up.

I surrender my book lover credentials and I am sorry 😥😰

The Meg | Steve Alten
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Finally!! I hope I enjoy this, my last library book until I read 250+ books from my personal and shame-filled unread book hoard.

Cinfhen Woohoo 🎉 🙌🏻 5y
Reggie Lol, gl, I hope Deiter is still standing strong with you!!! 5y
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The Meg | Steve Alten
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Okay, for real, after I finish The Meg, I‘m not going to get any more library books (except for the ones on hold) because I have to read the books I keep buying. And I mean it this time. I‘m serious. Dieter (above) is very serious. We mean business. We‘re going to read the books in the house until we don‘t have piles on the floor anymore. Seriously.

LauraJ I would not mess with Dieter. (edited) 5y
Hooked_on_books Good luck with that. Hopefully you‘re better at it than I am! 5y
Reggie Lol Dieter looks so adorable!!! 5y
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LeahBergen Dieter doesn‘t believe you. 😆😆 5y
Sace I've been saying the same thing for over 10 years. 🙄 5y
brit91 😻😻😻😻😻 5y
Reagan Awww thanks friends. I love my Dieter and I hope I don‘t let her down on my journey to read things I bought. 5y
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It's just another #ManicMonday @JoScho

1. MEG by Steve Alten. When the Meg decides to eat the surfing competition.
2. Point Break
3. One More Minute by Authority Zero

JoScho 💚🏄🏽‍♀️💚 5y
GrilledCheeseSamurai Point Break. 👌 5y
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The Meg | Steve Alten
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What's good background for cleaning and reading? The Meg of course.

Sharpeipup I would guess Jason Stratham would be too distracting. 5y
MaleficentBookDragon @Sharpeipup yes, my plan fell apart right there, and I sat down and watched it again. 5y
Crinoline_Laphroaig Jason 😍 5y
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The Meg | Steve Alten

I just gave a review of this book on YouTube. Check it out and let me know what you think.


BeansPage Subscribed ❤️ 5y
BookwormOfTheDamned Thank you 😍 5y
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The Meg | Steve Alten

This book is what the crappy movie wanted to be. Seriously, toss everything out in regards to the movie, just throw the DVD/blu ray away. This book is all you will need.

The Meg | Steve Alten

Talk about an epic, kick ass opening. T-Rex vs. a Meg!

The Meg | Steve Alten
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📖 The Meg 🦈
🎥 Moana
📺 Lost
🎶 Kokomo

JoScho Fun answers 🏝💙🏝 5y
jb72 That shark in Meg was pretty realistic. 🦈 5y
TheBookDream Looooooved The Meg. 5y
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Love love love this entire series, I picked up Meg on a whim and am now a true fan of the shark and the writer.

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They didn't have MEG: Generations in the Litsy database. This has been such a fun series! This is probably my 2nd or 3rd favorite of the MEG books. More giant sharks, way more other giant sea creatures, bad guys getting eaten, piracy, monster fights, awesome deep sea tech, and history's long awaited return of Titanoboa! An exciting read, right up to the cliffhanger ending. I need Steve Alten to finish the next book now! I need more giant sharks!😁

MrBook Great review! 5y
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The Meg | Steve Alten
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@BrittanyReads thank you so much honey. The book made it here safely. I really appreciate you sending it to its new home. It will be loved 💗

brittanyreads I'm so glad!! Thanks for letting me know! 💚👍 5y
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I was not sure at the beginning I was going to like this. But the ending got me and now I need to know what else happens. I tried to get Sheba to let the book sit there but she was not having that. #schnauzersoflitsy

TK421 I have been enjoying this series, but I still think that the first book is the best one because it's almost believable. 5y
Trashcanman 👁️👁️💖 5y
tammysue She‘s a cutie! ❤️ 5y
BookNAround Awww. Sheba! And I spy Zelda‘s nose too. 😍 5y
Erofan Those eyes! 😍💕 5y
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From murderous college kids, to sweet Ramona Q to killer sharks. 🦈🦈

TK421 I'm loving this series! Enjoy!☺ 5y
Trashcanman 👁️👁️🤗😊👋 5y
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I'm not even embarrassed by how much I liked this book. I love campy, cheesy, B-list monster books and this horrible/amazing book checked all the boxes. 10/10 would recommend. #monstershark #megalodon

BeansPage The Trench (Meg #2) was also really good 👍🏻 5y
NicoleCeBallos @TheReadingMermaid yay!! I was very happy to see it was a whole series! 5y
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This would normally be a so-:so for me as the writing wasn‘t great but the fun factor of sharks is going to round it up to a pick. Lots of action. And sharks. 😍
I watched the movie right after and it was also enjoyable 😂
On its way to @InBooksILive Tuesday

MaleficentBookDragon 🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈 5y
BeansPage Awesome 👍 5y
PirateJenny I will send you the correct socks when I send you the next book! With all the craziness at work, I accidentally sent you my sister's socks and she got yours! At least she likes sharks 🦈 I am way behind on the next book and trying to make up time. 5y
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So. I was ok with this book, as I pictured Jason statham in my head (always a good time). But the end...oh the end. Silly shenanigans. Although, would‘ve been cool to see Jason statham in those shenanigans. Just sayin‘.

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1. Teleportation! I could have any food from anywhere anytime I wanted! Mind reading could be scary. We really don't want to know what everyone is thinking.
2. MEG was a blast of giant shark sized fun!
3. Nope
4. Fresh Meat and we just started You. I love Joe so far.
5. Will do!😊
#friyayintro @howjessreads

LauraJ Whoa, I didn‘t even think about the dining possibilities with teleportation! 5y
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I finished my first audio book of the year. MEG was a fun book. I love a good shark story. The narrator was decent, the main character was mostly likeable, the author's megalodon could still be alive theory is almost believable, and the right people got eaten at the right times. Everything you need from a giant shark novel.
As an added bonus, I've discovered that I like audio cleaning. Much to @cobwebmoth 's delight. 😘

Seekingtardis I loved this whole series on audio! 5y
RinaBrahmbhattBarot I saw the movie! Loved it :) 5y
Traci1 Was such a fun book. The movie was pretty good too. 🦈 5y
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1. This was the first heavy frost of winter. I took this picture when I got to work on the day of the solstice.
2. I want to read more from my TBR. I literally have stacks and stacks of books waiting to be read.
3. Best: I think that I grew closer to my family.
Worst: To many funerals.
4. Nope. No resolutions, only intentions.
5. I started listing to the audio book of Meg on Hoopla.
#HumpDayPost @MinDea

MinDea That's such a cool picture! 5y
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I liked the movie better! I love me some sharks, I love me some crazy, but while this had both it wasn't that well done. I do know the author has completely rewritten the book, which I bought before the book swap. I might skim through it at some point to see if the info dumping got better. But still, I laughed a lot. #HGPBC #horrorgoespostalbookclub #teamCthulhu @TheReadingMermaid @jillannjohn @InBooksILive @MaleficentBookDragon

JennyM lol...love the pic 🦈 6y
PirateJenny @JennyM His name is Bruce 🦈 6y
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Meg is about a giant shark. You would not think there is much to say about a giant shark but this book prove me wrong. I‘m as surprised as you. Check out my review here: https://youtu.be/nvRvymRlvnA

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I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes a good thrill with lots of action and a good, simple plot.

Please read my full review here:

BeansPage @BBL4nkensh1p so I ended up reading this for our #HGPBC book club and I have to say that I liked it so much I would love to add it to my library. so I am very excited that you're sending me a copy. I would definitely like to reread this at some point. 6y
brittanyreads Glad you enjoyed it so much! Husband and I are still reading. He‘s a slow reader when it comes to fiction lol. Not his usual genre! I‘ll have it out to you when he finishes. I‘ll make sure to give you a heads up when I drop it in the mail! 6y
BeansPage @BBL4nkensh1p sounds great. How are you guys enjoying it so far? 6y
brittanyreads I‘m loving it! Wish my husband would hurry up. I had to stop so he could catch up hahaha 6y
BeansPage @BBL4nkensh1p hahaha husbands right? Lol 😉 6y
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Aaaaaand GO!!! 😋

AJones IT, by Stephen King. 🤡 6y
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CoffeeNBooks Sorry- I had too much fun with this one! 😁📚 6y
BeansPage @CoffeeNBooks you are awesome girl!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
TheWordJar Whoa! I‘ll let others play now! 6y
BeansPage @TheWordJar you are on a roll girl keep going!!! 😄 6y
RJHowe Next up! 6y
MaleficentBookDragon My favorite. 6y
MayJasper I read yesterday that the date might be wrong for the eruption 6y
BeansPage @MayJasper really??? 😱 Oooops 6y
TheWordJar @tjwill That reminds me... 6y
laur89 Ok last one!! I didn‘t realize how many I knew!! 6y
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Andrew65 Love the socks 🧦. 6y
BeansPage @Andrew65 aren't those awesome? They were a gift from @MaleficentBookDragon and I love them! 💖 6y
DefLeppard I adore the Meg series. 😊 6y
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BeansPage @DefLeppard I'm enjoying it very much! 💖 6y
MaleficentBookDragon Those are some sexy socks.😂 6y
DefLeppard Are you going to watch the movie after reading them? 6y
BeansPage @DefLeppard yes of course I am 😁 6y
DefLeppard Cool, let me know how you enjoy it. 😊 6y
BeansPage @DefLeppard will do for sure 😉 6y
PirateJenny Along with everyone else, I love the socks! 6y
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This book is good. Cannot put it down!!! 🤣

RadicalReader @TheReadingMermaid the disclaimer that should preface all perfect reads 6y
GlassAsDiamonds 😂😂😂 yep. 6y
AJones My boys enjoyed the 🎥. 6y
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#BookMail today! Thank you @MaleficentBookDragon for all the goodies. I 💙 the notebook! I was wondering though, 🤔are the extra book and the bookmark meant for me to keep as well? Or should I send them along with Meg?
#HGPBC #TeamCthulhu

MaleficentBookDragon They are for you. 6y
BeansPage @MaleficentBookDragon oh Thank you so much!! I'm already diving into Meg and enjoying it... See what I did there? 🤣🤣🤣 6y
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Look what I just randomly caught! 😄 This book has been surfing around from a friend, of a friend, of my mother's - now finding its way to me; somewhat worn, yet with the sticker still on. 🌊 I really wanted to see the movie, but was working all summer. 🏖 Since I'm all booked for Halloween currently, I'll save The Meg for my summer 2019 reads.

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I loved this book! Talk about adrenaline rush!!! I love sharks ! This book was a tad slow in beginning like the first 3 chapters, but once you make it past that it's non stop crazy Megalodon mode! If you like deep sea terror read this!!!!!🤘🐟

10/10 for the sheer fact it kept me on my toes!

Ashley_Nicoletto I can‘t wait to read this! It sounds so great. 6y
MStew @Ashley_Nicoletto it's fun, and a fast read!! Especially if you like sharks or are afraid of them 😂 6y
TheNeverendingTBR Nice post babe! 😃 looking forward to watching the flick with you! 😘👌 6y
MStew @trioxin_sematary awwwww thanks baby❤😘 me too im so excited!!!! 6y
EricaReads Nice! Just bought it for $1.49 on amazon.ca too 😊 6y
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I discovered this series a decade ago, and as a #SharkLover, this is right up my alley! Since I twisted my husband‘s arm into seeing the movie with me, I‘ve been looking forward to re-reading the first books in the series and then catching up with the new ones!! 🦈🦈🦈 This just a fast and fun #shark book!!

MStew 💙💙💙💙 love it 6y
brittanyreads Love your blanket!! 🦈 6y
TorieStorieS @BBL4nkensh1p Thanks- it‘s a minky blanket and sooooo soft!! Perfect for curling up with a great shark book!! 😊 6y
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