“It‘s better to be one who is told to wait than be one who waits to be told.” P. 88
(This was NOT something encouraged me when a child. Far far safer to hide and read a book... Hard for me as an adult to DO rather than wait. Eek.)
@Abby-J I have a few questions for the potterhead swap! 1. Do you already use coloring books? 2. Do you prefer markers, pencils, or crayons? 3. Who are your three favorite HP characters?
Hey all! So, I've got a couple Litsy questions.....
How do I participate in the photo challenges? I want to do the February one but I'm not sure how to go about it...
Also, how do I repost the *text* from another Litten's post?
Thanks you all! Have fun on the second day of your #24in48!
#Jess7 and I have a question for the people who participate in our monthly #LitsyBuddyRead.
We would like to take a poll to see if we should change up our discussions.
We are wondering if you would prefer:
1. Weekly discussions with a reading schedule
2. No schedule and have one discussion towards the end of each month
Please comment below with your thoughts!
Thank you!
@MinDea & @Jess7
How long does it take to get approved on LITSY FRIENDS on Facebook? THANKS. #litsyfriends
1. Sadly no. Hopefully next year!
2. All the holiday stuff going on!
3. I like to give to a few different ones each year.
4. I guess just peppermint things
5. It‘s a no from me!
6. Love the idea and look. Don‘t enjoy the cold and ice
7. I only have one holiday book the rest just normal. I plan on keeping them short though.
Okay, i need help, again! How in the world do you change the currently reading part on your profile, here? I tried clicking the little reading glasses but it only sends me to the book. Can anyone help me? Thanks! I love this site and everyone on it!
It depends... I do both depending on the series.
1. 😂😍💕
2. Louise Penny, Joel Rosenberg, & L. M. Montgomery
3. Hmm. Not sure yet. Probably read a bit and paint rocks with the kids
4. Only child.
5. Alrighty!
@Jenni_Capps posted some interesting questions😎 Here are my answers
📚 Les Miserables
📚Many authors disolve the idea of the book with bunch of details, so I'll go with straight to the point. But I love details😅
📚 Milk and sugar
📚 Earl Grey
📚 My balcony, with a large cup of coffee
📚 I think it was Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky. One of my all time favorites
📚 Either It or The Source
📚 tough question! Some authors do long and detailed in an engaging way...but most of the time I want the book to get to the point b
📚 Straight. Black.
📚 Earl Grey or Rooibos.
📚 On my new recliner.
📚 I've always loved it.
I'm in Jersey in the Channel Islands, the most southernly island in the British Isles.
I don‘t have a favourite genre at the moment.
I defintely prefer paperback.
On my bed in the sunshine. 🌞
⭐️ My birthday is in October!
⭐️ Fall/Winter because I like to be cozy when I read
⭐️ Nope!
⭐️ A lot of my books are ARCs so I would say 50$ a month?
⭐️ I love fantasy worlds or places that I visit
⭐️ Usually being with my family :p but it's okay cause I like them
⭐️ basically my entire library! Easily 200 books!
1. I think I saw a post on Facebook 2. Probably as a small child being taken to the children's library by my Mum. 3. The Narnia Chronicles that my oldest sister used to read to me. 4. The Vanishing of Audrey Wilde by Eve Chase 5. Book blogging and Photography 6. Don't binge watch 😯 7. The Lion, The Witch &The Wardrobe 8. Goodreads Challenge 9. Don't subscribe to any 10. My Dad and Mum
1.I googled bookish apps I think😅
2 books have always been around
3.some fairytalebooks from my mom
4.go set a watchman
5.Doctor Who/PoleDance/Frisbee/Japan/Concerts
6.Getting away with Murder
7.Kaito or The Neverending Story
8.Litsy AtoZ (really need to update it)/goodread reading challenge/ my own challenge of working my way through #mountTBR
9.none. Havn't found one that I liked that is based in Europe yet
10.my parents
@LazyOwl #10questions
1. My aunt
2. Since I was 4 I was obsessed with reading as many books as I could get my hands on.
3. Fear Street books, The Secret Garden, the Babysitter's Club series, and Sweet Valley High!
4. Killers of the Flower Moon by David Grann
6. GLOW 7.Mark Ryden Snow Yak Show art book.
8. I've dropped all challenges except for my Goodreads.
10. My dad.
#TenQuestions by @LazyOwl ... here it goes🤓
1. BookRiot article📚
2. When I was 18... before that I hated reading 😅
3. A bunch of those, but here's one The Little Prince 🤴
4. The Stranger by Harlan Coben 🕵️♂️
5. Sudoku, dancing
6. Arrow, So You Think You Can Dance🕺
7. I love The Gritch Witch cycle covers... work of art 😍
8. None
9. None again 😅 BUT, you guys could suggest me some
10. My Croatian high school teacher
Question time!
1. Booktubers!
2. The minute I could read on my own.
3. Cozy Mysteries.
4. Cinder
5. Anime.
6. Yuri!!! On Ice
7. Caraval
8. Litsy A-Z
9. No :( but some day!
10. My mom!
Daughter had first english lesson on Gatsby today. Part of her homework is to do some reading on mid-west America in the 1920's. She's done some net searching but nothing has really come up. Ideas - reference books or web sites would be greatly appreciated. Thank you 😀
Cosmo wants to know....what's the best science fiction you've read lately? 😹 actually my husband wants science fiction soon, and honestly I don't read that much. Plus I would prefer we get something that's not overly heavy on the dudes and patronizing. Feminist sci-fi, anyone? #catsoflitsy
Usually in/on my bed but my outdoor patio furniture comes next week and I'm desperately hoping it's super comfy and becomes my favorite place.
Please tell us......
1. Tokyo
2. other parts of Japan
3. Artemis
4. My Dad
5. hm.. there is this one staircase in Vienna which is very pretty
6. Kindle (actually I prefer print)
7. hmm hard to say... maybe a few weeks!
8. My next challenge is finishing my TBR Pile, among those books Ulysses will be my biggest challenge!
9. Not hated but also not liked was Harry Potter (sorry)
10. Plenty😅 Ulysses is probably the one waiting the longest
#miscquestions @Sha0102
1. Print, 1-2. Audio, 10-15.
2. Digital.
3. Nonfiction, mystery
4. Fantasy, paranormal romance
5. Digital books that return when you're just about to finish.
6. It's cheap. Sometimes.
7. I love reading YA, but I feel too old to do that.
#litsyquestions @GypsyKat
I don't have a preference because I just read no matter whether I have food or not 😂
This is just a question - I am looking for books on sailing for my niece who is 12 -- any ideas of a good novel or non-fiction book ( not scary)? Thanks, Littens!!
Sometimes I listen to music, but not typically. Usually I have the t.v. playing or just silence.
I usually prefer silence. Very rarely do I use music and even then, it has to have no lyrics.
Either comment below or tag me with your responses.
1. Crack all the spines! I mostly read paperbacks and I love cracking the spine on a new book.
2. Tea all the way! Though I do love drinken iced coffee in summer.
3. Fantasy
4. Evening. I don't ever have time in the morning.
5. Own a bookstore! I have already plannend how it will look and everything 😀
@Kalalalatja #BookishWouldYouRather
I'm stealing The picture too! This is fun! 1.paperbacks - just easier. 2. Only read new books - very rarely reread 3. Library girl 4. Same book cover 5. Lord of the rings 6. The bigger the better 500 + #bookishwouldyourather
Okay, I stole @Kalalalatja's picture to answer her #BookishWouldYouRather questions.
1. Hardbacks
2. New reads please
3. Buy (libraries are a wonderful thing if only people treated the books better and didn't leave strange spots, odours,... in them)
4. Same cover
5. GoT
6. More than 500 (supersize me etc, more is better, most of the time)
How do you find reading time when life/work gets super busy?
About a week ago, I always used to find time for bedtime reading and during commuting - lately pretty knackered and finding 'sleep' more appealing than reading 🤔
This was a super quick read, and a borrowed book from work. Found it interesting but really not a lot of new information. I'd be willing to look into the actual workbook to see what benefits I could find. Plenty of good ideas here.
Hey Littens I am wondering if you could help me out. I am looking to get a book for my Dad about Sweden but I am not sure what to get. Any recommendations? He is a nature and history buff. Thanks in advance for your help! 😃