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El Abanico de Seda
El Abanico de Seda | Lisa See
En una remota provincia de China, las mujeres crearon hace siglos un lenguaje secreto para comunicarse libremente entre s: el nu shu. Aisladas en sus casas y sometidas a la frrea autoridad masculina, el nu shu era su nica va de escape. Mediante sus mensajes, escritos o bordados en telas, abanicos y otros objetos, daban testimonio de un mundo tan sofisticado como implacable. El ao 2002, la autora de esta novela viaj a la provincia de Huan, cuna de esta milenaria escritura fontica, para estudiarla en profundidad. Su prolongada estancia le permiti recoger testimonios de mujeres que la conocan, as como de la ltima hablante de nu shu, la nonagenaria Yang Huanyi. A partir de aquellas investigaciones, Lisa See concibi esta conmovedora historia sobre la amistad entre dos mujeres, Lirio Blanco y Flor de Nieve. Como prueba de su buena estrella, la pequea Lirio Blanco, hija de una humilde familia de campesinos, ser hermanada con Flor de Nieve, de muy diferente ascendencia social. En una ceremonia ancestral, ambas se convierten en laotong mi otro yo o alma gemela, un vnculo que perdurar toda la vida. As pues, a lo largo de los aos, Lirio Blanco y Flor de Nieve se comunicarn gracias a ese lenguaje secreto, compartiendo sus ms ntimos pensamientos y emociones, y consolndose de las penalidades del matrimonio y la maternidad. El nu shu las mantendr unidas, hasta que un error de interpretacin amenazar con truncar su profunda amistad. Escrita con la objetividad de un historiador y la pasin de un novelista, El abanico de seda es una ventana a un mundo asombroso, lejano y desconocido, un retrato vivo de la vida de unas mujeres extraordinarias que dejar en el lector, sin duda, una impresin difcil de olvidar.
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“Everyone knows that the human body is a miniature version of the universe—the eyes and ears are the sun and moon, breath is air, blood is rain.”




KadaGul That's such a sweet paragraph ❤️💕💖 5mo
Eggs @KadaGul 🥰🙏🏻🤩 5mo
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Bailing on this, not because it‘s bad, but because I‘m not in the mood for this type of historical, women suffering type read.
#roll100 off the TBR

dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 7mo
KathyWheeler I loved this book, but completely understand why you bailed! Sometimes suffering is just too much to read about. 7mo
Nessavamusic @KathyWheeler definitely, the writing was excellent 7mo
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A beautiful story but many parts are tough to read 👣

KathyWheeler I loved this book, but you‘re right — some parts almost hurt to read. 11mo
vonnie862 I love this book! 11mo
Eggs @KathyWheeler 😢😣yes 11mo
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Eggs @vonnie862 ❤️🙌🏻 11mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🩷🩷🩷 11mo
Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️🪭🩷 11mo
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Litsy is glitching so I can't post my #20in4 time screenshot, but I'm at 3 hrs 41 min for the end of day 2. I may not make my time goal, but I did finish In the Lives of Puppets and am onto my second book! (tagged)


Andrew65 Well done on what you have read so far. More important to have fun doing that than meeting any goals. 👏👏👏 1y
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Great book!

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#Snow #DivineDecember Definitely one of my standout reads this year. It will probably make my top 22 list, but I always have such a hard time weighing fiction against non, so maybe not… @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Eggs Ah yes i read this last year…foot binding🤢💔 2y
IndoorDame @Eggs yeah, it was a really hard read 2y
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It took me a little to get into this historical tale of two girls in 19th century China bonded as “old sames” as they await their marriage matches and beyond. Once I got into it, I was totally immersed. See brings to life the lives of rural Chinese girls whose one hope is to marry well and bear sons. Her abundant research is evident and enriches the story with realism. Lily and Snow Flower are vivid and unforgettable characters. #bookspin

Bren912 I‘m so glad you like it! One of my favorite reads! 2y
zezeki I loved this book, glad you like it as well! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Beautiful cover, too! 2y
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It's #manicmonday!

📖 Snowflower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See
✍️ Gary Soto
🎬 The Santa Claus, Saturday Night Live, the Sandlot, Simpsons, the Shinning, Shanghai Noon, Shaun of the Dead
🎤 Selena, Santana, System of a Down
🎶 Somewhere Over the Rainbow (Israel Kamakawiwo'ole), She Bangs (Ricky Martin), Stand by Me (Prince Royce)


CBee I loved that book!! 2y
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I got a few Asian books. I've noticed that I'm currently quite interested about literature set in that area. Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 and Snow flower and the secret fan have been on my TBR for a long time and I've heard a lot of good things about the Memory police.

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I am a fan of Lisa See. Read many of her books, and was privileged to attend an in person author event. She signed this book,and I told her about Litsy! This one was another beautifully written story of women in 19th century China. Women were told to “obey, obey”, be it parents,husband or mother in law. The friendship between Snow Flower and Lily was complicated and filled with love. The concept of laotungs (old sames)was new to me. #authoramonth

Soubhiville Lovely photo! 2y
DivineDiana @Soubhiville Thank you! I am enjoying this challenge! 2y
Cinfhen Beautiful photo and lovely choice! I loved the book I read this month 2y
DivineDiana @Cinfhen Thank you! The Tea Girl book is on my shelves! Lisa See was discussing it when I went to see her at Main Point Books. Looking forward to reading it! 😘 2y
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I really wanted to like this book. The first third was intriguing and educational. I had never heard of foot binding until I read Iron Widow. This book details the excruciating process along with the risks and potential rewards. I abandoned ship about 2/3 through. The timeline went from a stately march to a sprint and my interest got left behind in the dust. The detailed recounting of big events which pulled me in disappeared.

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 2y
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This was my first book by Lisa See (apparently I live under a rock), and I‘m gutted. Beautifully written but positively heartbreaking all the way through… the story of women in 19th century China and the story of a beautiful relationship between two girls throughout their lives. The hardships that women suffered in that time and place their whole lives are horrifying and foreign, but See‘s characters are so painfully relatable as humans.


sprainedbrain This was my #AAM #AuthorAMonth book for March @Soubhiville and also my #SetInChina book for #Booked2022. 3y
KristiAhlers Her books are always emotional reads. I haven‘t read this one though. I‘ll have to stack it. 3y
julieclair Great review. Spot on. 👍 3y
Centique I loved this too and still think of it years later 💕 3y
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I re-read this for #AuthorAMonth2022 and the friendship lessons hit me even harder than when I first read it in my 20‘s. This is still my favorite Lisa See book.

Soubhiville I really should get to this one. Maybe soon. Glad you loved it again. 3y
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Finally have time to read an #authoramonth #lisasee selection!

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Next read on my March tbr . I am excited to read this book and loving this author. This book also for #authoramonth @Soubhiville and bingo list for #bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks . I do got the movie form my library & planning on watching after I read the book.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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I‘m reading this one for #AuthorAMonth, and gosh, chapter 2 was difficult. Beautiful writing, which made the painful events that much more visceral.

I think I‘ll put it down for tonight and hope tomorrow‘s chapter is a bit brighter.

KathyWheeler Is that the chapter with the foot binding? That was a difficult one to read. 3y
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Tough read for a woman of the 21st century. Excellent writing of history for sure.

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I love Lisa See! As usual for one of her books, I learned new things about a corner of women‘s history I was previously unaware of, and I cried. #AuthorAMonth #Booked2022 #SetInChina @Soubhiville @BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft

Soubhiville I loved this movie, but I haven‘t read the book yet. I need to! 3y
IndoorDame @Soubhiville I‘m excited they made a movie! I‘ll have to see it now 😊 3y
zezeki I've read this recently, loved it! 3y
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Cinfhen I just read and loved 3y
IndoorDame @Cinfhen that one‘s definitely in my TBR. I kind of love that she‘s written so many things I haven‘t read yet and get to look forward to. 3y
Cinfhen It was such a fascinating story about the hill tribes but it did feel a little too long at some parts 3y
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Just might want to share this that there also a movie based on the book for anyone who reading this #authoramonth @Soubhiville @Birdsong28

Erinsuereads I forgot I was halfway through this! Thanks for the reminder! 3y
coffeewithbooks @ErinSueMreads your very welcome (: 3y
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Two books from previous #weeklyforecast and two new books. Bolla is book in progress (so far I like it very much), I‘m probably gonna finish reading a collection of short stories of African writers today, and since Thursday my reading life will be devoted to the #InternationalBookerPrize2022 longlist.

Cinfhen Ohhhh, exciting!! Another award season begins 💜 3y
Simona @Cinfhen Yes, exciting times for books nerds 😘 3y
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BookwormM I am so not ready this year 3y
Simona @BookwormM Will be on the blog shadow panel? 3y
BookwormM Was that an offer to join the shadow panel ? If so yes please @rockpools are you up for Booker international this year 3y
rockpools @BookwormM Yes please 😁. I mean I‘m reading at the speed of a slug this year, so not sure how far I‘ll get, but Simona‘s had me in training…. (And go on, Simona!!) 3y
BookwormM @rockpools 🎉🎉 I am expecting my reading to be interrupted by my second eye operation eeek 3y
Simona @BookwormM I still have the same reasons why not, but I do like reading reviews on your blog. Sorry … 3y
Simona I believe in you @rockpools 😘😘 3y
BookwormM It was worth a try LOL 3y
Simona @BookwormM Oh, I hope that everything will be okay 🤞 3y
rockpools @BookwormM Oh no! (Or maybe good to get it done?) Do you have a date for it yet? Are you ok to do the IBP thing this year? 3y
rockpools @Simona You may be misguided🙃And I‘ll just have to pester you here about it then 😆 Also, I wondered if you‘d seen these predictions- they made me laugh! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QLP2vVUwhcs 3y
Simona @rockpools Indeed, that was funny … but seriously - I‘m boycotting Booker Prize if the Jacob doesn‘t win 😘 3y
BookwormM @rockpools I don‘t have a date yet but I am back at Moorfields 4th April if they are happy with the right eye we will schedule the left. Knowing my luck it will hit in time for the main Booker 🤣🤣 3y
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“I am what they call in our village ‘one who has not died yet‘ - a widow, eighty years old.”

#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl


Sunday, March 6th: Lisa See free author event! For those of us doing #authoramonth I just came across an event from Paper Lantern Writers. The link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWRDW4dKHvPOYk1-t7Ws_bg or https://www.paperlanternwriters.com/events/lisasee It plays at 5pm EST but the recording will be available afterwards.

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coffeewithbooks Thank you so much for the tag (: 3y
Andrew65 Thanks for the tag 😊 3y
BookwormAHN Thanks for the tag 😺 3y
IndoorDame Exciting! Thanks for the tag! 3y
Bklover Thanks for the tag!!😊 3y
MeganAnn How exciting!! Thanks for tagging us @Soubhiville 😊✨ 3y
AmyG Ha! I forgot which one of her books I have…but I have something. @Soubhiville 3y
Julsmarshall Completely fine, @Soubhiville I It would be fun to have a bunch of littens watching! 3y
Lcsmcat Thanks for sharing! 3y
tdrosebud Thanks for sharing! 3y
PurpleyPumpkin Sounds really interesting. Thanks for sharing! 3y
UwannaPublishme Cool! Thanks for the heads up! 3y
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Tagged book is for #Booked2022 and #AuthorAMonth, Dnevnik nezvestobe by Emilios Salomu (I can‘t find English translation, my literal translation is Diary of Infidelity) is for #FoodAndLit , and I‘m still reading collection of short stories for #ReadingAfrica . Lost in The Valley of Death is my current audio companion and book for NonFiction2022
Happy reading week 🤓

Cinfhen Hi!!! You‘ve been on my mind 😊💕Hope all is well xx 3y
Cinfhen Enjoy your reads 3y
erzascarletbookgasm Always enjoy looking at your virtual shelf 🙂 3y
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sprainedbrain I‘m reading that Lisa See book for both challenges as well. 😊 3y
Simona Thank you @Cinfhen I‘m fine. Hope all is well with you too! 3y
Simona @erzascarletbookgasm I have fun with decorating them 😘 3y
Simona @sprainedbrain Lisa See is new author to me, and I can see that she is quite prolific author. 3y
sprainedbrain This will be my first by her as well… I actually hadn‘t even heard of her! 😬 3y
Simona @sprainedbrain Same 🤷🏻‍♀️ 3y
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My pick for #Booked2022 #SetInChina A beautiful, poignant story of friendship and resilience. I thought I knew what foot binding was all about, turns out I knew nothing! Love books that not only entertain, but also educate.

Cinfhen I have this one as a possible contender too!! Glad to hear it‘s a pick 3y
zezeki I've read this recently, loved it! 3y
KathyWheeler When this book first came out, a cashier at Barnes & Noble told me I would love it. Years later I read it; he was right — I did love it. The foot binding descriptions were brutal though. 3y
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This book was superb. It was thought-provoking. I love sweeping sagas over life spans.. We learn about the Chinese practice of footbinding in excruciating details.

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Watched a program with Lisa See last night sponsored by the WildChina Book Club. Although she was discussing a book that I have not yet read, I am currently reading her book “Shanghai Girls”. I have loved every one of her books that I have read. Just wish I had captured a better image of her.

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@monalyisha It arrived! Thank you for sending the pretty bookmark as well. I love Lisa See and I look forward to reading this. I have seen the movie and thought it was wonderful. ❤️

HOTPock3tt I liked this one!♥️ 3y
monalyisha Hooray! Glad it finally reached its new home. 😉 3y
SilversReviews Good book!! 3y
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During this last week I have rediscovered Lisa See. Although I enjoy all of her books. The tagged book is my favourite. The strength and celebration of female friendship is a gift to behold. See is a gifted story teller!

KathyWheeler I‘ve only ever read Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, but I keep meaning to read more of See‘s work as I loved the one I read. 4y
Amor4Libros I buddy read this about a month ago with some friends and we all loved it so much! I have already added more of her books on my TBR :) 4y
Come-read-with-me @KathyWheeler @Amor4Libros I have really enjoyed all of her books. Peony in love reminded me the most of Snowflower and the secret fan, but you can‘t really go wrong with any of her work! Happy reading 📚 4y
LatrelWhite I love all her books!💕 4y
Come-read-with-me @LatrelWhite She is amazing! Her writing is so evocative! 4y
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Found on my daughter s dusty bookshelves. Read a few pages before passing it on. . . Then couldn t pass it on. Feudal China cultural backdrop to lifelong female friendship. The invention of Nu Shu writing. #China #backlist #historical fiction #lisasee #nushuwriting

Amor4Libros I just read this one, too. It was excellent! 4y
Gogobooks Fue genial! (edited) 4y
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I loved this story about two lifelong friends and couldn‘t put it down. I found the focus on Chinese culture to be a refreshing and exciting read.

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A friend told me about this beautiful book and coerced me into reading it. It is such a poignant story, full of the heartache of loss and the joy of expectation and I am haunted by the pain these girls endured, both in the agonizing practice of foot-binding and the belief they are indoctrinated-with that, as girls, they were worthless. This is an exceptional book and one that I am glad to have read.

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#AugustAuthors - Lisa See: A few years ago I read three books back-to-back that set me on a firm endeavor to study many aspects of Chinese culture. This was one of those three books. I think that Lisa See‘s strength as a writer of historical fiction lies in the exorbitant amount of research that she must do to achieve such great detail about particular customs and events.👇🏽

Nute I was speechless about the practice of foot-binding and thoroughly impressed to learn about “Nu Shu” the secret written language of Chinese women for the purpose of keeping in communication with female friends to share their woes, hardships, solitudes and silences.👇🏽
Nute This is a lovely story of a deep and lasting friendship of two women and how that relationship is what allows the living of these two lives to endure their unkind earthly journey. Recommended!
Pageturner1 i have this book from a special litten. i look forward to reading it. 4y
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OriginalCyn620 Sounds good! 4y
Leftcoastzen Great review! I read it and really liked it .The issues with foot binding and Nu Shu ,I was amazed. 4y
LatrelWhite One of my favorites of hers!💕 4y
Jee_HookedOnBookz One of my fav books! 💕 4y
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#augustsuthors #lisasee

Surprised to discover this is the only title I've read by See. Thought I would have read more since I absolutely loved this book.

OriginalCyn620 Pretty cover! 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I have all of hers, but of course I‘ve only read one!! 4y
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I have to admit that I am not a fan of Lisa See's. I will say she is an excellent researcher, and she is able to really get into Chinese history like few others can. If you are interested in her here is a link to the PRH site that is all about her work:

#AugustAuthors #LisaSee

OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚👍🏻 4y
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I‘ve not read any Lisa See, but do plan to read the tagged book as a first choice.
#AugustAuthors #LisaSee

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Day 9 - #LisaSee #AugustAuthors #SnowFlowerandtheSecretFan

I‘ve only read and enjoyed Snow Flower and the Secret Fan In 2016.

Birdsong28 Love Lisa See especially Snow Flower and The Secret Fan. ❤️😍📚📖 4y
OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚👍🏻 4y
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July was a #bookspin fail for me so let's try this again, shall we?

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Good luck!! Also, if you read your July books later, just tag me when you do & let me know they are from July and you'll still get credit for the giveaway... so you actually have until the end of December! 😁 4y
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The content of this book is so fascinating. While I didn't find the writing amazing, I was caught up in the story. While these women had so little value in their society, it appears they truly had deep meaningful relationships amongst each other. A strong story of friendship, pain and love.

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#cleartheshelf Day 8 - 96 pages read

Geez, the heartbreak in this book! About 20 pages to finish this one up. I'm looking forward to a much lighter read next!

Total - 853/1,692 pages
2/5 books

SaraFair Agree. How could someone ever have happiness with those societal norms and so much death? 4y
smilingshelves @SaraFair Right? The societal norms alone are heartbreaking, let alone everything that results from living by them. 4y
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#cleartheshelf Day 7 - 104 pages read

The margins in this book seem strangely narrow to me and the lines are close together, like they were trying to cram as many words as they could on a page. It would have been fine by me to have more pages so that everything could be easier to read! 🤷‍♀️

Total - 757/1,692 pages
2/5 books

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#cleartheshelf Day 6 - 71 pages read

I finished My Life in Middlemarch this morning, and now I'm on to this one, whose cover I just love looking at!

Total - 653/1,692 pages
2/5 books

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Tagged-just finished=😁

#talkaboutittuesday @BayouGirl85

BayouGirl85 That sounds interesting. 🤔😁 4y
Book-Raptor ☺️ I have previously read my “current read”. It‘s okay, I just haven‘t been reading a whole lot recently. Video games kinda took center stage, because they help me be social with my long distance friends. But I really do need to read more. 4y
Eggs @Book-Raptor You have to do what makes you “whole”🤷‍♀️ !! 4y
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I‘m in book coma - this book...
As a Chinese female in 18th-19th century, it was near impossible to have a status greater than a dog. 😢

TEArificbooks The movie is on Starz‘s right now. I love this author‘s stories. She is auto buy. 4y
Birdsong28 This is so good. The best one she has done. 📚📖 4y
Eggs @mdm139 @Birdsong28 I‘m definitely reading more . My first was 4y
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Crazeedi I've read a few of hers, they were good I didnt like Island of Sea Women as much as Shanghai girls and tea girl of hummingbird lane 4y
Eggs Next is Tea Girl for me @Crazeedi 4y
TEArificbooks @Eggs I have tea girl on my tbr shelf. I read and loved Island of sea women too. I like how she writes about female relationships during historic times of unrest that I knew little or nothing about. 4y
LatrelWhite Loved this book. Tea Girl & Sea Women...the best🙌🏽❤️ 4y
Eggs @LatrelWhite Agreed👏🏻🤗 4y
Eggs @LatrelWhite @mdm139 I have Tea Girl on hold in Libby and loved Sea Women 4y
LatrelWhite Have you read “Memoirs of a Geshia”? Another excellent read! 4y
Eggs @LatrelWhite No. Thanks for the recommendation 🤗 4y
Ncostell I read this quite awhile ago but still think of it from time to time. I need to read more of her books as I really enjoyed this one. 4y
Ncostell Thanks, I will have to check that one out! 4y
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#wondrouswednesday @Eggs
1. Sunny, blue skies. Wearing summer clothes. 22 degrees Celsius.
2. I've got some very pretty tulips here. Tulipa crispa honeymoon, tulipa icecream and tulipa upstar.
3. No titles, just authors: Lisa See, Kate Atkinson, Philippa Gregory, Arnaldur Indridason, Jasper Fforde, Roald Dahl.

Eggs ❤️See, Atkinson, Dahl❤️ 4y
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Scochrane26 I‘ll never forget the footbinding in this book—made me cringe. 5y
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I wish I could rate this book higher than just "Pick". This is an absolute 5 star, 10/10, brilliant book that will stay with me for a very long time. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, as it is wonderfully written. As for the storyline... I have mixed emotions between fascination, sadness, wonder and amazement. What a great book!

cherinium I'm ashamed to say that this is a book which I honestly can't remember if I have read. It has been on my radar for a long time, and it sounds like something I would love. But whenever I read a blurb, I am struck with a feeling of familiarity that makes me think I have already read it, although I can't think of any details besides what is revealed in blurbs. I wish it had occurred to me earlier to keep track of my reads. 5y
Birdsong28 Glad you enjoyed it! ,😘📚📖 5y
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This book was recommended by a fellow Litsy member. It's my second book by this author and I'm quite excited to start reading it.

Thank you @Birdsong28 for the recommendation 💜

Crazeedi I enjoyed a couple of her books, havent read this one 5y
Come-read-with-me @Yoricke_SouthAfrica This is my favourite of all of her books. ❤️ Hope you enjoy it! 5y
Scochrane26 I read this one yrs ago & liked it. I‘ll be forever traumatized by the foot binding in the beginning. 5y
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Yoricke_SouthAfrica @Scochrane26 I'm finding this book fascinating and very sad all at once. The writing is fantastic. 5y
Yoricke_SouthAfrica @Come-read-with-me So far, I'm absolutely loving it 💜 5y
Yoricke_SouthAfrica @Crazeedi This is my second book of her. The first book was The Island of Sea Women. She's a fantastic author. 5y
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Yikes!!! Only 12 books?!?!? The ones I chose are things that I‘ve read in the past that made a significant impact on me. However, as I look at the list it seems a little “heavy” and I wonder what it says about my choice of reading material. 🤓. #myidealbookclub. Thanks @monalyisha for the great challenge. It was fun trying to choose just 12 and justify why I‘d choose them!

megnews I‘d join your club. You‘ve got some I‘ve read and enjoyed and some on my tbr. 5y
Come-read-with-me @🙌🏻😊🙌🏻 5y
Come-read-with-me @megnews Second try at a reply!!! 🙌🏻😊🙌🏻 I am a little bit technology challenged today 😬 5y
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Lcsmcat Can I join your book club? 😀 5y
Come-read-with-me @Lcsmcat Consider it an open invitation! 🤓 5y
Lcsmcat @Come-read-with-me It would be a bit of a commute from the east coast, but it might be worth it. 😉 5y
Come-read-with-me @Lcsmcat We could always meet in Kansas! 🤣 5y
Lcsmcat @Come-read-with-me You‘re on. 👍🏻 5y
monalyisha I‘ve enjoyed a bunch of these! There‘s one on your list that I‘ve been meaning to read for forever & am a bit embarrassed I haven‘t gotten there yet. 🙈 5y
Daisey It doesn‘t surprise me at all that the list seems heavy. I always want something substantial to discuss in a book club book, so that seems logical to me. 5y
Come-read-with-me @Daisey Thanks 😊 I was worried that I seemed glum. 5y
Come-read-with-me @monalyisha It is an amazing book. It‘s a great one to have on your TBR list because you can look forward to reading it! 5y
Andrew65 Some great choices. 5y
Chrissyreadit I saw it and did not realize! I‘ve read six of these and enjoyed all of them. I remember really liking Alias Grace. 5y
Come-read-with-me @Chrissyreadit I thought Alias Grace was extremely powerful. That darn Atwood has so many great stories in her heart. 5y
Come-read-with-me @Andrew65 Thanks 👍🏻 5y
rather_be_reading some amazing picks! 5y
Come-read-with-me @rather_be_reading When putting the list together I realized that each year should be about 50 months long in order to create a representative reading list! 😲 5y
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