Oh my word, October is almost over!! November is right around the corner, so if you would like to #BookSpin next month, it's time to be thinking about your lists!!
And for those of you who REALLY like to plan ahead, I have every intention of continuing this challenge (+ #BookSpinBingo of course!) into 2025... even if it's absolutely bonkers that next year is going to TWENTY-FIVE YEARS into the 21st century! What. Even.
Anyway, can't wait to see⬇
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Also, don't forget, there is a giveaway associated with this challenge!! I'll be picking five people to receive a book!! Every BookSpin and DoubleSpin book completed (or DNF'd in good faith lol) counts as an entry!! The form to track your reads/enter the giveaway can be found here: https://forms.gle/Cb63LhTodq5CoRhHA You can edit the form so you can either fill it out as you go or all at once at the end of ⬇ 5mo