For you…. @TheBookHippie
For you…. @TheBookHippie
Dolly Cat encourages Americans to vote! Local gov and School Board elections matter too, to support libraries & oppose book bans. Yay, democracy! #pleasevote
I got an e-sticker because I dropped off my ballot. Very Colorado in design.
Pretty sure they are haters of everyone equally. And neither will embarrass us by opening his mouth.
Look what arrived, @Catsandbooks! And two adorable bracelets! I'm starting to write them right now while watching ASU football. Glad to be doing a little something for this momentous election! ❤️🇺🇸💙
When you work at the polls for your state‘s primary elections and the candidates for both parties are already decided, you‘d better bring a large book. And a fully charged e-reader that‘s loaded with more. Yawn. 🥱
Hey #Pemberlittens it‘s time to pick what #JaneAdjacent (or fun nod to other famous authors or characters) book we‘ll read next! Here is the link to vote: https://forms.gle/FsZXRLjdKMvti8Wt6 All are welcome to join in!
Still time to vote for our next read! Historical fiction! We start reading Feb. 1! This fable (online) book club is open to anyone. Just download the Fable app and use the link below to join. Please reach out with questions!
#Pemberlittens it‘s time to vote for our February #JaneAdjacent read! Vote here: https://forms.gle/ZGh6pmguGQxXmBiw6
It‘s time to vote for our mid-November read for #LittensLoveRomance : https://forms.gle/nVFUrYcq8ZUefHhP7 as always, let me know if you want to be removed from or added to the main tag list, and let me know if you have book suggestions for future months!
Today is you last day to get your vote in for Prof. Stacey TBR Fable book club. Join us for our next witchy read! Download the fable app and use the link. #profstaceytbr
Time to vote! Which book with be our witchy read for October. Check out Prof. Stacey‘s TBR on the Fable app. Use link below. Poll to chose our next read can be found in the club lobby. 🧙♀️🧙#profstaceystbr #bookclub #buddyread
Still time to vote for the next read of #ProfStaceysTBR Fable Book Club. So far Mansfield Park is in the lead. Anyone can join and read with us. Just download the Fable app. Use the link below to find the club! Poll can be found in the club library.
Hello #Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent buddy readers! It‘s time to vote for our September read: https://forms.gle/PxBqyLtReuM5mgao6 All are welcome to join in! Please let me know if you want to be added or removed from the tag list and if you have book suggestions. Looking forward to jumping back in!
It‘s been a tough week as my mom unexpectedly passed away on Saturday at the young age of 70. I made myself go vote because I promised her in my heart that I would. That was our little joke - that I counted on her to cancel out my dad‘s vote and I would “put us ahead”. They never saw eye to eye on election day and I am so proud of how she could stand by her convictions ❤️ (word is she early voted☺️) #auldlangspine @monalyisha
I went to the wrong polling place to start, but I got it done!
Just got home from voting! It was super busy and in my rush to get out of the way of the line of people coming in I didn‘t get a picture there… instead you get me with my voted sticker in front of the bookshelf. 📚 Lots of people in line and they already ran out of paper ballots twice today!!
Anyways, I know I‘ve been a little absent here lately due to lots of life things going on, but I have been reading and will post some reviews soon.
Make sure you vote. You don't vote, you don't have the right to complain 🇺🇲☺️🇺🇲
We voted! She just turned 18 so this was her first opportunity to vote. #firsttimevoter #proudmom
#AuldLangSpine #ALSpine @monalyisha
Thinking about midterms tomorrow. I assigned a reading in class about the Haudenosaunee. 🗳Voting is the oldest American tradition! It predates the United States by more than 500 years.
Ballot is finally filled out & ready to drop off! This election is so important, but WOW, this was a bear to fill out. I had 22 judicial offices on the ballot, plus 8 candidates running for 4 local school board seats—all offices I feel strongly about, but difficult to find good info on many of them. 🙏🏼for good outcomes locally & nationally! Posting my pic for early access to #AuldLangSpine (was #NewYearWhoDis)—one of my favorite Litsy events!
I voted early while I was at the town office to license my dog. I'm thinking good thoughts for this year. We are due for improvements, right? 🤞
@monalyisha #auldlangspine #ALSpine
Did a mail-in absentee ballot this year instead of in person early voting, since I had just had surgery. Just as well because there were So Many judicial elections - definitely nice to be able to look things up online as I filled out my ballot!
Screenshot from the Iowa Secretary of State‘s track your ballot site, showing that the county auditor received my ballot on Halloween!
@monalyisha I early voted on the first day, but didn‘t do the sticker selfie thang, so here is a photo of the TX state capital today during the #TXBookFest. Can I count this for my #AuldLangSpine entry? I‘m going to email you now.
First day of the fest was great!
Reposting for @monalyisha and early access to #AuldLangSpine. I have no proof that I voted as I live in Oregon and we do vote by mail, however, my husband dropped our ballots at a drop box on Thursday as I did not trust the postal service and I want my vote to count. ✅
Not book related, but I wanted to share. We are hosting early voting in the building where I work. Sitting in my office, I can occasionally hear the people in the room where the polls are located, and all week, I‘ve heard cheering coming from that room every few hours or so. I finally figured out why (cont‘d)
Go out and vote! Defend democracy!
Wardrobe choices today! I‘m wearing “Someone Literate” at home, then changing to “Wildly Unprepared” to sit at a welcome table at my church this evening. (But the socks are all day long!) Our church is a voting center; this year we‘re opening the sanctuary for people to step in for prayer/meditation. Masks & distancing observed! My husband is playing piano during the last couple hours. Glad to help create a space of peace for our community today!
📍🇺🇸If you haven‘t already VOTE tomorrow!!!🗳
🗳️ Voted already, now I'm trying to stay busy and avoid the media until this thing is over. Joining @howjessreads #votedEarlyReadathon and hoping to finish my current fiction read. I can't tell if it's truly a dragging middle or if I'm so anxious that I'm not giving the book enough of my attention. 🤪
Not book related but Hubby and I dropped our ballots off today and we're feeling pretty pleased with ourselves for not waiting till the last minute this year as we usually do. 🗳
My 19yo daughter, Mr. KVanRead, and I all just dropped off our completed ballots at the ballot drop off station at San Francisco City Hall. Hats off to SF Elections, incredibly well staffed and organized with a massive area prepared for socially distanced queuing however there were NO LINES —not for drop off nor in person voting.
We only became US citizens in 2017, so this was only our 3rd time voting here and our 1st presidential election! #vote
Two hours, from getting in line to taking this picture. And worth every minute. #vote
In line to vote. The line stretches around the building, the equivalent of about 4 city blocks. But I took the afternoon off so I‘m staying until I cast my ballot. #vote
Did my early voting! Nothing more Beast Mode than that! 🤣🤘
Not book related
I mailed my ballot today! Fingers crossed it gets there intact and actually gets counted properly.
I‘ve never voted in person, so I‘m so tickled they included this little “sticker.” Apparently I need to replace my color cartridge.
Excuse me as I post about civic action rather than reading today. I‘ve seen many of y‘all fellow Americans are as stressed about the election as I am. I wanted to share the most peaceful & meditative way I‘ve found to channel my energy - by writing personal notes to encourage fellow citizens to be fellow voters. I use VoteForward‘s site, which makes it as easy as printing a template, writing a few lines, and signing your name. And it‘s effective!
Volunteering at the polls for the Connecticut primaries so that the regular volunteers (who are older and therefore a more vulnerable population for the virus) don‘t have to brave a pandemic to sit in a closed room all day.
And as the machine official I get to hand out the stickers, which is totally THE BEST JOB OF ALL.
#MarvelousMay #keeplitsypositive #gratitude
Almost let the day end without posting something I am thankful for. Today it‘s receiving my signature verification form to vote by mail in our upcoming primary elections. I have voted by mail for years since I traveled a lot for work when I first moved to Hawaii. Exercising my right to vote is something I take seriously and I‘m grateful I have the privilege. 🗳
Voting for Nov/Dec is open! The deadline is Oct 30th! Let me know if you have any questions.
The votes are counted and the result is ready. Pictured is the order I will read my #MakeMeReadIt stack in. I read as many as I manage, but I‘ve some library books that need to be read as well.
Here are the votes:
Just Mercy - 8 votes
Men We Reaped - 8 votes
Don‘t Tell Alfred - 6 votes
Long Way Home - 5 votes
Sweet Home - 1 vote
Thank you to everyone that voted and I‘ll tag you in the comments