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Lists: To-dos, Illustrated Inventories, Collected Thoughts, and Other Artists' Enumerations from the Smithsonian's Archives of American Art | Liza Kirwin
50 posts | 1 read
From the weekly shopping list to the Ten Commandments, our lives are shaped by lists. Whether dashed off as a quick reminder, or carefully constructed as an inventory, this humble form of documentation provides insight into its maker's personal habits and decision-making processes. This is especially true for artists, whose day-to-day acts of living and art-making overlap and inform each other. Artists' lists shed uncover a host of unbeknownst motivations, attitudes, and opinions about their work and the work of others. Lists presents almost seventy artifacts, including "to do" lists, membership lists, lists of paintings sold, lists of books to read, lists of appointments made and met, lists of supplies to get, lists of places to see, and lists of people who are "in." At times introspective, humorous, and resolute, but always revealing and engaging, Lists is a unique firsthand account of American cultural history that augments the personal biographies of some of the most celebrated and revered artists of thelast two centuries. Many of the lists are historically important, throwing a flood of light on a moment, movement, or event; others are private, providing an intimate view of an artist's personal life: Pablo Picasso itemized his recommendations for the Armory Show in 1912; architect Eero Saarinen enumerated the good qualities of the then New York Times art editor and critic Aline Bernstein, his second wife; sculptor Alexander Calder's address book reveals the whos who of the Parisian avant-garde in the early twentieth century. In the hands of their creators, these artifacts become works of art in and of themselves. Lists includes rarely seen specimens by Vito Acconci, Leo Castelli, Joseph Cornell, Hans Hofmann, Franz Kline, Willem de Kooning, Lee Krasner, H. L. Mencken, Robert Motherwell, Barnett Newman, Jackson Pollock, Richard Pousette-Dart, Robert Rauschenberg, Ad Reinhardt, Mark Rothko, Clyfford Still, and Andrew Wyeth.
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Late again. Thanks for the tag, @Eggs #WondrousWednesday
1. Generally I would rather read the book.
2. Laundry.
3. Audio books are not for me. I can‘t concentrate.
4. Chocolate, although I rarely eat sweets anymore.
5. I use mechanical pencils a lot at school; I love my fountain pens for letter writing.
6. Both.
7. Both.
8. Not a fish girl, but I love halibut. So fowl.
9. In person if I can.
10. Hmmm. Both. I love a snow day.

Jari-chan Love your first answer 😁 2w
TheLudicReader @Jari-chan sometimes, a crappy book makes a fun movie (The Kissing Booth, for example, was great but the book, unreadable.) 🤣 2w
Eggs Thanks for joining in 💕 2w
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#TLT @dabbe

My best yet - 97 out of 100!

Three favorites (though there are at least a dozen others I could plausibly substitute in)...

1. I Only Have Eyes for You - The Flamingos
2. Just Like Heaven - The Cure
3. I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry - Hank Williams

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#TLT #ThreeListThursday

48/100 - surprised my score's so low.

3 favorites:
You're so vane - Carly Simon
Under Pressure - Queen & Bowie
Go your own way - Fleetwood Mac

dabbe Oh, I bet it'll get better as we get down to #1! I chose “Under Pressure“, too! #greatminds Thanks for playing and sharing! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
TheBookgeekFrau @dabbe I was thinking the same about progressing through the list and it reflects that time when radio was king 😂 Such #greatminds 💜💜💜 2mo
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72/100 was a good score, it might be higher but there was a couple of movies, like Love Story, that I'm not sure if I actually saw or just heard about.
1. Star Wars (duh!)
2. Superman (still the best Superman movie of all time!)
3. Animal House

#ThreeListThursday @dabbe

kelli7990 You did better than me. 3mo
PaperbackPirate Wow, great score! I loved Superman too! 3mo
dabbe Christopher Reeve. 😭 Thanks for sharing! 🤩🤩🤩 3mo
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Thanks for the tag @Crazeedi
My 3 quirks!
1- I‘m a neat freak - everything has to be in its place !
2- I‘m wary of food that has an odd texture!
3- I can only read one book at a time!

#thelistthursday #TLT @dabbe

dabbe #1: I aspire to be a neat freak but can't seem to achieve it! 🤩
#2: #ditto
#3: Do you do audio, too? I can't. I have to read the words.
Thanks for playing! 💜
Crazeedi #2 that's me 7mo
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#tlt @dabbe

2. Comfy sweatshirts
3. Anything that has sentimental value to me

dabbe I should have worded #3 like yours; that would have covered a lot more ground! 💜🩶💜 8mo
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1. be more active 2. lower debt 3. stay away from negative vibes @dabbe #tlt

dabbe I need to add 2 and 3 to my list! 💙❄️💙 8mo
IMASLOWREADER it will a challenge for sure 👍 8mo
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Thank you for my wonderful list @peaKnit I was considering reading Yellowface recently as it's been such a big book this year and wanted to see what the fuss was all about so this has given me the perfect opportunity.

Thank you @monalyisha for hosting this event. Love it as it has enabled me throughout the years to read some great books. 📚📖


TrishB Great list. Hello Beautiful is also amazing 😁 9mo
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#tlt @dabbe

1. Fresh brewed coffee
2. Fresh baked bread
3. Apple cider

dabbe Heavenly aromas! Thanks for sharing! 🧡🖤💜 10mo
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1. Libby
2. Spotify
3. Tik Tok - yeah I know I'm too old for it 🤣

#TLT @dabbe

dabbe No, you aren't! I see lots of cool “older“ people on it who are awesome! Thanks for sharing! 💜🖤🧡 10mo
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1. William Powell - I love The Thin Man movies so much!
2. Harrison Ford - Between Han Solo, Indiana Jones and Jack Ryan, how can you go wrong?
3. Bill Murray - 80s comedy gold
#TLT @dabbe
Wanna play @audraelizabeth @Buechersuechtling @ReadingIsMyHobby @Onceuponatime

dabbe WP: THE THIN MAN movies are the best! Especially the first one. He and Myrna Loy together = perfection!
HF: Exactly! My fave of his, though is REGARDING HENRY. A totally different kind of role for him.
BM: YES! I have GHOSTBUSTERS as a must-see every Halloween!
Thanks for playing! 💜 💜 💜
TieDyeDude I just rewatched the Fugitive recently. One of my favorite non-franchise Ford flicks 11mo
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Took this idea from @BarbaraBB and decided to post my #52Books23 challenge progress 😊
I‘ve read 44 out of 52 prompts 😌I‘d say MOST were picks with very few duds🤩

LeeRHarry That‘s amazing! I have read 14 but I‘ll get there 😄 1y
Librarybelle Amazing!! 1y
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Suet624 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 1y
TrishB Brilliant 👍🏻 1y
ravenlee Hooray! I‘m at the point where my choices have to be more carefully chosen now, instead of relying on coincidence. Think I‘ve read 30/52. 1y
AshleyHoss820 Excellent reading so far! It‘s so nice that it‘s been good reading overall, too! 🎉🎉🎉 1y
Cinfhen I love these challenges as it helps dictate my reading and introduced me to several new authors @AshleyHoss820 @ravenlee @TrishB @Suet624 @Librarybelle @LeeRHarry 1y
Deblovestoread Wow! I‘m at 21. Some of my planning includes doubling up with #Booked throughput the year. 1y
Cinfhen I tried to #DoubleDip @Deblovestoread or even sneak in a #TriplePlay or #GrandSlam as often as possible 😉 it‘s part of the fun 😂 1y
BarbaraBB You‘re almost done already! Some great reads there! 1y
squirrelbrain Wow, you‘ve read loads! ❤️ 1y
Bluebird Amazing progress! You‘ll be done soon! I‘m at 21 now, but i‘ve read most of the easy prompts so it will be tougher going forward 1y
LaraReads This is so fantastic! Wowzers! 1y
Cinfhen Other than #octaviabutler and #ABookEveryoneHasRead im in pretty good shape with the remaining prompts @BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain @Bluebird @LaraReads there are definitely a few trickier prompts but luckily I was able to borrow from online sources like #Scribd and #Libby 😁 1y
BarbaraBB There will be few books everyone has read but you 😛 1y
Cinfhen I might have to try again with Harry Potter @BarbaraBB ⚡️👓🧹 1y
Bklover How was The House Is On Fire? That one sounds interesting 🤔 1y
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Three months into the year and I managed to read books for 32 of the 52 prompts of the challenge.
These were the easy ones of course, now on to the second quarter of the year!

Cinfhen Fantastic 🥳im curious where I am at the 1/4 mark ⁉️ you red some fabulous books 😍 1y
LeeRHarry That‘s so good! I‘m making slow but steady progress 😄 1y
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Librarybelle This is incredible!! 1y
Suet624 Fantastic! 1y
TrishB Cool 👍🏻 1y
ravenlee I‘m close to that number myself. Now I‘m having to make a deliberate effort to find books for the challenge, instead of having books I‘m already reading work. And my reporting has been awful! 1y
AshleyHoss820 That is amazing!! I love this! 1y
Deblovestoread Great Progress! As I have been reading I‘ve been able to finds prompts to fit the book. I think I‘m at the point I where I‘ll need to find books for the remaining prompts. I‘m at 21 out of 52. 1y
BarbaraBB @ravenlee I actually like that I now have to find books for the prompts, it‘s been so easy so far! 1y
squirrelbrain Some great books here! I need to post mine too. I don‘t think I‘m as far ahead as you; maybe somewhere in the 20s…I shall have to consult my spreadsheet(s)! 1y
Bluebird Awesome!! 1y
LaraReads This is so great! Really good job & amazing reads. I‘m definitely behind on this, but still having so much fun! 1y
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I haven't had nearly as much time during this vacation to plan my reading challenge reading for 2022 so since there are lots of fresh, new prompts, I've added some books I'm just excited about in hopes they'll fit in somewhere. And there's always the 5 free spaces should I need them.

#bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
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Thank you so much for your card @TheLudicReader - I love you inclusion of your top 2021 reads! I have read about half ( and they‘re all fab!) so off to explore the others. ♥️

Chrissyreadit What a great idea! 3y
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In case you haven‘t seen it yet there‘s a new place to keep track of all the swaps, readathons and buddy reads across Litsy- @LitsyEvents 😍😍😍

Chrissyreadit Thank you for sharing!!!😘🎉 3y
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The updated currently reading pile.

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Anyone else identify with this?

I have so many shelves on GoodReads that correspond with reading challenges and I LOVE making the list and feeling organized, but then I tend to get overwhelmed (maybe underwhelmed is more accurate!) at the thought of actually getting them completed.

No more lists until I complete one! .o0(Yeah right!)

rubyslippersreads I make lists for everything. I think it‘s due to the influence of one of my literary heroines: 4y
LiteraryinLawrence I agree! 4y
Ruthiella Make a list of your lists! 🤪 4y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa Time to make a list of your lists in order that you want to finish first! 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Ruthiella You beat me to it! 😂 4y
Ruthiella @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Great minds think alike! 😅 4y
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When you local bookstore does cycle deliveries to your home and includes some lovely new notebooks! #shoplocal

nelehelen This is so cute! 4y
charl08 Ooh. Are the notebooks their own or a brand? Asking for a friend. 🤔#shinystationery 4y
Mitch @charl08 Hi - Its from a cute company called Rosie Made A Thing https://www.rosiemadeathing.co.uk 4y
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My latest challenge update.

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Karkar That was interesting I got 25%. 5y
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I love a good list of books- but this one was all over the place and not what I expected. Thanks @JenlovesJT47 for sharing. https://www.listchallenges.com/1000-books-you-may-have-actually-read

JenlovesJT47 Nice! You‘re way ahead of me! 5y
GondorGirl 313 here, and wondering how they choose which books to include in the list. 5y
eanderson Holy moly! You‘re awesome! I had 149. 5y
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Chrys That was an odd list, I am at 174. 5y
Amandajoy I had 283, but there were definitely some odd picks. I would like to see a “1000 books you might have read if you‘re active on Litsy” checklist. 5y
dainarmb I got 119, which is apparently better than 52% of users and yet still somehow below the average score of 131. I also don't remember which books I didn't read by certain authors in high school, and I own so many of them but they're in my endless TBR pile 😅 5y
Chrissyreadit @Chrys yes- it was odd! 5y
Chrissyreadit @eanderson ha! Many were children‘s books. There were far more on my TBR- and quite a few that I would not choose to read. 5y
Chrissyreadit @dainarmb yes- there were a few books that I think I read many years ago but could not remember do left them unchecked. 5y
Chrissyreadit @GondorGirl that‘s a lot of books!! 5y
readordierachel Way better than me! I got 156. You weren't kidding about it being all over the place, but that made it more interesting I think. 5y
LeahBergen Right?? What an odd list. 😆 5y
Avanders I had 220.... but there are a fair number of those books on my shelves waiting to be read 😁😁 I thought it was based on the number of people rating the book on Goodreads — is the top 1000 books rated (though prob not the top 1000-rated books... hehheh 😜) 5y
Chrissyreadit @Avanders yes- I think I have about 100 of them on shelves. But some of them seemed odd to have higher ratings than others not on the list. I think you‘re right about how they were chosen. 5y
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There are so many books to read and so less time 😭😩😭😩


UwannaPublishme So true! And so many of these are on my TBR. 😁 5y
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Drinks blood
G- German Alp
H- Hannibal
O- Oxpecker
S- Strix
T- Trolls
#teamstoker #scarathlon @TheReadingMermaid

BeansPage 30 🧟‍♀️ 5y
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Horror actor
G-Gary Oldman
H-Haley Joel Osmond
O-O'Brian Dylan
S-Sara Michele Gellar
T-Toni Collette
#teamstoker #scarathlon @TheReadingMermaid

BeansPage 10 🧟‍♀️ 5y
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If you know anything about me, it‘s probably that I like cats,books, and MAKING LISTS! Thanks to all the graphics, audiobooks and children‘s books I‘m already sitting at a total of 54 books finished for October. Maybe I can make it to 100? 150? I guess we‘ll see. #TeamSlaughter

RachelAmphlett Omg, you have such neat writing! 5y
InkedBookworm13 Good job! 5y
InkedBookworm13 I'm a list maker too 😁 5y
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#top6reads for 2019 so far. Not surprising, non-fiction is outweighing fiction this year.


Amiable I‘m right there with you. This year so far my nonfiction reads have far outpaced the fiction ones. Guess it‘s a nonfiction kind of year! 🙂 5y
RamsFan1963 @amiable I need the escape of fiction, but I've stumbled on so many fascinating non-fiction stories, between #Libby and #Audible, that they have drawn more of my attention so far this year. 5y
Megabooks tRtJonestown is so good!! 5y
Cinfhen Out of my #Top6Reads 5 were NF & I could have easily listed 7/8 5y
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This is the only way I could get this to fit.

Clwojick Try downloading the square app. 5y
quirkyreader @Clwojick Thanksfor the tip. 5y
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My 2019 goal is to continue tracking the books I read and read more than last year.

Day 2 #2019readinggoals
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🙌🏻🙌🏻 great goal!! I wish I had started doing this years ago! I also have a travel log that tracks everywhere I‘ve “travelled” during my reading! 🚶🏼‍♀️ 6y
gradcat I, too, wish I‘d kept a log of books I‘ve read...sometimes I cannot even remember if I‘ve read a certain book! 🙃 6y
gradcat @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks That is a really great idea! 💡👍😊 6y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @gradcat thank you!! 😉🙌🏻 6y
Cheshirecat913 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks That is an awesome idea of keeping track of where you have been! @gradcat I hear you, I didn't always track the books I have read and would lose track. 6y
vkois88 That's similar to my goal, to keep better track of my reads 6y
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Employee appreciation is coming up soon at work so I‘ve started a semi official list! All are books except the beanie cat head.


Finally got around to sorting my unresearched books into my tbr, placing my litsy stack into my unresearched list, and culling books I've lost interest in from my tbr. Feels...somehow both tidy and out of control as the tbr swells further and further.

batsy Sounds good. I really need to get my Litsy TBR in order too, by removing some books I've lost interest in. But everytime I look in there it's like *stares into the void* 6y
sloanghost @batsy it would be easier I bet, if there was some way to select and delete or mass edit without having to go to every single book page! Not to mention sometimes the removal doesn't "take" and you have to do it again. 6y
batsy Yes! Also that it takes you back to the top of the list each time. 6y
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Making an #AprilTBR list!
The 7-10 need to be chose from my stacks or my Ebook file, so I can still choose my mood and work on my ever growing list.

Andrew65 That‘s a good idea. 6y
Bourriquet76 @Andrew65 It‘s the only way I can commit to a list. 😂 6y
RadicalReader @Bourriquet76 seriously would have loved to have you as my cursive teacher 6y
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Another Challenge I have found on the internet sounded good and easy to do.

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This is also another challenge that I have found on here to do but this will also help with my #mountTBRchallenge

Mdargusch I tried to only use my #mounttbr books for this challenge and I think I had all but 5books that worked. 7y
Birdsong28 @Mdargusch I think I may have to go to the library for a few as there are a few that I don't have myself so not all of my books for this will be from #mounttbr 📚📖 7y
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This is my #mountTBRchallenge. Thank you @DivaDiane for setting this up. #TBRlist

DivaDiane Yay!! 7y
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#MountTBRchallenge this is my #tbrlist that isn‘t completely everything that I currently own but a list that has priority books, books I‘ve owned for a while that I need to get too, and some out of my comfort zone books. (I was lazy and didn‘t write all the Author‘s names) Looking forward to trying to clear some books off my TBR and I have a goal of reading at least 10 before I can by a new book, excluding BOTM. 🤗

DGRachel The Fifth Season is on my list for this year, too! 7y
eanderson @DGRachel yayyy!!! I‘m excited for it but also nervous since I don‘t read a lot of sci-fi or fantasy. I had a match for a book swap that I gifted it too and it caught my interest. :) (edited) 7y
TrishB The Jane Casey books are great! 7y
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Hollie Eleanor Oliphant is so good! 7y
tomes4gnomes Ohhh, I love this list — many of my favorite authors, favorite books, and ones that are on my TBR, too — I suspect you have a fabulous reading year ahead of you! 7y
DivaDiane Great! I‘ll also be reading 7y
eanderson @tomes4gnomes that‘s awesome!!! Makes me even more excited!!! 🤗 @DivaDiane that would be wonderful!!! Count me in! 7y
DGRachel @eanderson @DivaDiane I‘d love to do a buddy read but I couldn‘t start until March. I‘ve got two buddy reads already for February and a list of must read first books for January and February. Would March be okay for you? 7y
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So, this is not compulsory, but for the #MountTBRchallenge, if you would like to post your TBR list, now‘s the time to do it! You can list the whole shebang (!), just the first few or as many as you like. The books listed in my picture are ones I‘ve either already started or really must read this year. I probably will change it up quite a bit, because I‘m a mood reader.

What‘s yours?

Join in anytime-just use the above hashtag! + #TBRList

AceOnRoam I have mine all on a special shelf on GR, I will make a post tomorrow. Thanks for setting this up! 7y
gossamerchild Awesome! Yes, I'm currently working on that list, so I'll post it soon 😁 7y
Peddler410 Okay, this will be a challenge to get a list started. But....oh so very helpful. And, at the end of the year, any books still on that list will be released into the Litsy wild. 😊 because if I can‘t manage to read it this year it‘s probably no longer of interest. To clarify...my TBR will consist of the books I already own. The challenge is which go on the list! I might have to do monthly lists😳 (edited) 7y
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Natasha.C.Barnes Oh you bet, I've already got it written out. I'll take a pic when I get home. 7y
Velvetfur Oh gosh, this is daunting! I'll try to get it done tonight as I'm going away to see my family for a few days from tomorrow.... Thanks for the kick up the bum, hahaha! 7y
julesG If the past 15 months have told me one thing, I do not do well with a list of books that I intend to read. So instead, I'll just pick what takes my fancy. 7y
Ash.on.the.line I‘m definitely joining this! I may make a list later today! A very low maintenance list 😅 7y
DivaDiane @Ash.on.the.line sounds like a good plan! 7y
DivaDiane @julesG haha! Me neither, but I still like to make lists. 😜 7y
DivaDiane @Velvetfur No rush! You can also do it when you get back! 7y
DivaDiane @Peddler410 That‘s a great idea! 7y
DivaDiane @AceOnRoam @gossamerchild @Natasha.C.Barnes No rush! Whenever you have time. 7y
Andrew65 I‘ve posted my first list of 20. 7y
CoffeeCatsBooks When I get back I‘ll take a photo of one of my shameful stacks. 7y
Birdsong28 Will post tomorrow. Thank you for the tag 📚📖 7y
rubyslippersreads I need to make my list. I ❤️ that you called it your "destruction" list. ? 7y
Smarkies Will do it when I get back from holiday! 7y
quirkyreader I'll just be diving in with what I have. Especially if they go with my other challenges. I post my books on the goodreads Mount TBR list as I read them. And once again I am tackling Mt. Olympus. 7y
DivaDiane @rubyslippersreads Whenever you get to it! 7y
PurpleyPumpkin I think I‘m going to just pick as the mood strikes me. I‘m also doing some other challenges and I‘m hoping that some of those books will work for the Mount TBR challenge. 👍🏽 7y
Melissa_J I‘m going to join this challenge thanks to @Andrew65 ‘s encouragement. I won‘t be selecting my books in advance though since I have hundreds to choose from (hence the reason for my participation). (edited) 7y
Andrew65 @Melissa_J Yey! 🎉🎊 Glad to have you on board Melissa. Look forward to seeing what books you pick from your fabulous library. 😊 7y
DivaDiane @PurpleyPumpkin @Melissa_J That‘s just fine! I like to choose some books, but I always change my mind!! 7y
jfalkens I'm not sure which ones I'll start with. 7y
DivaDiane @jfalkens No problem, choose one when it‘s time. 7y
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Keeping track of all your entries! I feel like Santa, making this list checking it twice so I don't leave anyone out!! 😘❤ Thanks for entering the #giveaways for #happyholidays

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I‘m setting up some pages in my reading journal and tonight was #192019 night. I‘m about 20% there with two years to go; looking forward to double dipping with #1001books as time moves forward!

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I have the same plan, I tried to pick some of my #LitsyClassicsAtoZ with this in mind too, what classics are also on the 1001 list, on my TBR pile for #MountTBR and for a year I need yet for #192019. Surprisingly I found some good crossovers. 👍 7y
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True story 📚📚📝

rather_be_reading yep! 😢 6y
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1. Coffee with hot chocolate as a close second
2. Socks
3. This time of the year I love peppermint but I‘m not too picky, no pine I can‘t stand fake pine
4. Take 5 candy bar. We are going to try and make our own soon.
5. Precious Moments, the statues and ones with my children 😊

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I know that here on Litsy I am among other #listlovers 😃

I make lists for everything and anything, but here are some of my current book-related lists. Each month, I make a list of potential books to read that month and check them off as I go. I've also got a list for the #readingroadtrip challenge that ends this month. Goodreads shelves list all of my reading challenges. Oh, and I've already started my October list. 😜


CocoReads Nice lists! 7y
batsy You're giving me #ListEnvy 😀 7y
Jinjer I live for lists. I enjoy making book lists as much as I love reading books. 7y
RaimeyGallant You're so organized! 7y
Izai.Amorim Could rebrand this app Listsy 😂 7y
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🌹A trip to the bookstore? No, I think I have enough books
🌹No really, I don't mind that you chew with your mouth open.
🌹I just love spiders!
🌹I have decided to become a Dodgers fan.
🌹I love green beans! Yum!
🌹I have decided to quit coffee.
🌹I don't mind the neighbors dog barking for hours on end.
🌹 I'm so excited to do the dishes!
🌹Construction? Does bother me one bit.
🌹I don't mind you interrupting my reading.

Jenni_Capps #2!! I can't deal with it! 😫😷 7y
tracy.anne8 @Jenni_Capps I can't either. I get irrationally angry at people. 7y
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-I'm 25
-Been with my fiance for 8 years
-Engaged for 5

brutalbookworm -Favorite color is purple 7y
wyvik Harry Potter themed weddings are fangirl goals!!👏👏👏 7y
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swishandflick Yaaaaaass for the HP wedding! 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I have a "touch" of ocd too!!!! 7y
brutalbookworm @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @jfalkens @swishandflick @CrowCAH @Kayla.Is.Reading I have bouquets made with pages from harry potter books and the bases of them are wands my girls all picked. We also have potion bottles for our center pieces and all the house banners to hang behind the head table. 7y
wyvik OMG!!!!! Can I come??? Does your fiancé like Harry Potter too??? 7y
wyvik You should have Emma Watson as your bridesmaids!!!!😄😄😄👏👏 7y
wyvik *Bridesmaid 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @brutalbookworm that is so awesome!!! 7y
jfalkens That sounds amazing 😍😍😍 one of my friends from a Harry Potter Facebook group had a Harry Potter wedding and recently baby announcement. 7y
brutalbookworm I'm extremely excited about it, he actually welded me the backdrop of Hogwarts and we are lighting it up from behind. That's what our cupcakes (instead of cake) will be resting by 7y
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I'm no good with lots of tech and I can't commit to journaling so I make lists. Here's my old school index card catalog of books I've read since 2007. 10 books on each card, 2 kids in between and I've already read as many books at this point in 2017 as I read in all of 2016! #ThanksLitsy #blameitonlitsy #mytribe #noyourockandyouknowthat

BookishMarginalia 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 7y
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1. Beaufort, SC - originally from Arizona.
2. I think a @bookriot article? It was only on iPhones then, but I got the app as soon as it was on Android.
3. Persuasion is perfection in both book and movie form (the Amanda Root version!)
4. No, but I babysat one when I was a kid and it was weird and cute.

#welcomelitten @saguarosally

Jess_Read_This I love Beaufort!!! The Lowcountry Marketplace is one of my favorite lunch stops! 7y
ferskner @Jess_Read_This I work next door! I have to be careful how often I go because it's so tempting and delicious. Have we talked about Beaufort before? You stop here on the way to Savannah, right? 7y
Jess_Read_This @ferskner Haha! Yes that's me! I feel like 10 Second Tom from that Drew Barrymore movie that introduces himself every 10 seconds... except it's every time you say you live in Beaufort. 😂😂😂 7y
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ferskner @Jess_Read_This Haha! I think we've only talked about it once, and I'd totally forgotten. For a minute I was excited that there were TWO Littens who love LCP as much as I do! 7y
Jess_Read_This @ferskner I crave their tomato pie and Caesar salad... and pimento cheese spread. I do buy their spreads, jams, and relishes online though to get my fix. 7y
ferskner @Jess_Read_This YES. I get the Ooey Gooey (grilled pimento cheese, bacon, and hot pepper jelly), or if I'm feeling virtuous, the Lobeco chicken salad. There's really nothing mediocre there. 7y
saguarosally Hey I know about places in Arizona anyway. 😄 7y
tpixie @Jess_Read_This @ferskner you 2 are making me hungry! 7y
Jess_Read_This @ferskner Omigosh. I wish I was there now. 7y
Jess_Read_This @tpixie Oh.. the food is so good there. Well worth the trip from wherever you are in the world! 🍽😁 7y
tpixie @Jess_Read_This Kansas - I've got to travel to that 1/2 of USA 🇺🇸! 7y
ferskner @Jess_Read_This @tpixie Everyone come visit and we'll have lunch there and then go to Nevermore Books! 7y
tpixie 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
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Really looking forward to browsing through this book. And maybe it will make me more productive. (Not likely, I know.)