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September Sneakers
September Sneakers | Ron Roy
4 posts | 3 read
It's a mystery every month from popular A to Z Mysteries author Ron Roy! With the younger siblings of the A to Z Mysteries kids! September is for Sneakers... In the ninth book of the Calendar Mysteries- an early chapter-book mystery series- Bradley, Brian, Nate, and Lucy have taken care of the first-grade class hamster, Goldi, for the summer. But on the first day of school, when they plan to bring her back, Goldi is missing! In place of her cage is a green-and-orange sneaker key chain. Soon, the kids spot green-and-orange sneakers all over Green Lawn. And they find out other things have been disappearing around town, too. Can the four friends track down the sneaker sneak and get Goldi back?
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Ahhh! My schedule has been brutal this last week or so but I wanted to get my #bookspin #doublebookspin #bookspinbingo board up. Accountability and such. @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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#bookspin #doublespin #bookspinbingo I‘m excited for next month

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
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September #Bookspin / #DoubleSpin list 🍁🍂 Hopefully I knock out all my BOTM picks that are piling up lol
#bookspinbingo 📚

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
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Friends, you may not believe this but - September is only ONE WEEK AWAY! Here it has been oppressively hot this week, so am, if I'm honest, rather dreaming of fall, but at the same time - I'm not emotionally prepared for the summer to be over already!! My autumnal part time job at the orchard has already begun (& somehow seems to take more time than I think it's going to every week haha) so I am spending most of my days sorting & selling peaches ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) I've been trying to stay up on all my notifications, but if you reviewed one of your BookSpin books and I did not COMMENT on it, please do tag me again because I may have missed the notification before - & if I missed it, then you won't get credit for completing it!!

Below are the basics of the BookSpin challenge for those who are new or who want a refresher. Please remember that I create a NEW TAG LIST every month so even if you are ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) a regular participant, please let me know that you are “reupping“ for September by commenting on this post and/or tagging me with your September list. I'll be drawing the winning numbers (& new bingo board) a week from tomorrow, so there's still plenty of time to come up with your lists AND get a few more August books checked off!! As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!!

Below: Basics/Housekeeping/Rambling ⬇
TheAromaofBooks 1. The rules for #BookSpin & #BookSpinBingo can be found at my masterpost that I created here - https://www.litsy.com/web/post/1989556 - but the basics are that if you want to play, make a list of 20 books you've been meaning to read & tag me when you post it!!
2. You do NOT have to participate in the Bingo part of the challenge if that isn't your thing!! You can read just the BookSpin or just the DoubleSpin or both, or however many books work ⬇
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TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) for you. Basically, choose the reading level that fits your life!! And feel free to change it from month to month!!

3. HOW I TAG PEOPLE: I have a rotating tag list, not a permanent one. So I'm tagging all of August's participants today, but today I am starting a NEW tag list. This means that if you would like to be tagged for September, either post your list (PLEASE tag me as I sadly do not have time to go through the hashtag!!) ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) OR let me know on this post that you still want tagged. I know some people don't make a new list every month, so please just let me know that you'd still like to be tagged. I know it's a little confusing, but it's my way of making sure I'm not tagging people who no longer wish to participate. Basically, you have to renew your #BookSpin subscription every month! 😂 ⬇ 3y
TheAromaofBooks 4. If you want to take a month off but be tagged with the October reminder post, that's fine, too - just let me know & I'll make it happen!!

5. When you post your list, please let me know if you also want to be tagged in the #BookSpinBingo post specifically.

6. Just a reminder that the rules here are pretty loose. If you have a huge/challenging book, feel free to let it take up more than one square (chop up the chunksters! 😂) ⬇
TheAromaofBooks cont'd) Some people struggle with having a super specific list & prefer to go with categories (i.e. library book, NetGalley, mystery, etc), which is also fine!! I have a participant who wants to makes sure she reads one physical book & one audiobook, so she makes a list of each & reads the #BookSpin number from the first list & #DoubleSpin from the second. Make this challenge work for you!! ⬇ 3y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Ha, I was just thinking about this today! ❤️🤘😆🤘 3y
TheAromaofBooks 7. There is still plenty of time to get some books checked off your August lists, too!! And remember, if you didn‘t finish your “official” BS/DS books this month, you are welcome to finish them at a later date & still get credits for the giveaway – when you review the book, just let me know that it‘s from an earlier month. ⬇ 3y
TheAromaofBooks 8. If you read your book(s) but just haven‘t gotten around to the reviews, you can still get credit – just comment on this post & let me know. I know the reviewing aspect is where some people get hung up, but I care more about the fact that you actually read it, not that you reviewed it!! ⬇ 3y
TheAromaofBooks 9 (& final, geezy). Thank you all SO MUCH for your enthusiasm & for reading my rambly posts & for taking this challenge & making it your own. I LOVE seeing all the different ways people are making this challenge work for them!! Whether you use it to check off one book a month or 25, it's always fun to see at least a tiny dent in the never-ending TBR!! You all are THE BEST & I can't wait to see your lists for September!!! 3y
Monica5 I'm ready for September BookSpin and Bookspinbingo. Also ready for fall bc it's so humid and hot in Arkansas. Will be sending my list later. Thanks so much for doing this 3y
wanderinglynn And I haven‘t even finish July or August! 😆😆😆 But bring on September! 🎉 3y
Lcsmcat Count me in! 3y
rabbitprincess Woo hoo!!!! I am off for 2.5 weeks as of today so am looking forward to putting a big dent in the TBR pile 😄 3y
Librarybelle Yay! Already thinking about my list for September! 3y
Bookwormjillk You‘re right I don‘t believe you 😄I‘ve been working on my list. 3y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I don‘t know where August went! 😭 3y
Chrissyreadit I‘m a mess….where is time going???? 3y
AmyG Yay! I hope you are continuing this for 2022…it‘s my favorite. 3y
claudiuo Can't believe August is almost over. I'm still behind with my reading, hoping for a bingo. I'm definitely in for September, both BookSpin and BookSpinBingo 3y
bookandbedandtea I am SO ready for cooler weather. Bring on fall! I have my September list mostly ready, just need to tweak it a little. 😁 3y
marleed Oh I was thinking about this list today. Do I tackle the summer themed books I never got to or have a free-for-all list before a new season of themed books call my name. What to do, what to do!! 3y
Elizabeth2 I‘m in! I missed August because I was on vacation that first week. I was a little lost in my reading this month without my bookspin list. 😂 3y
BacklistReader I‘ve decided to take a break from this challenge for September but please do put me on the list for October. 3y
OriginalCyn620 I‘m also ready for fall! I‘m definitely in for September…I‘ll get to work on my list! 🤗 3y
Kristin_Reads I can‘t wait for all of the Fall new releases! Bring on the cozy and/or Gothic reads! 3y
LeslieO I‘m ready! 3y
TheSpineView I'm so ready for fall and also in September. I've got to get started thinking on what to read in September. 3y
Liz_M I'm in for September bookspin and bookspinbingo! 3y
Ash.on.the.line Can‘t wait! 😁 3y
Megabooks Count me in for both again!! 😀 3y
fredthemoose I‘m in! And now know to leave myself more free/library spaces! 3y
megnews I‘m in for both. Working on my list now. 3y
Hooked_on_books How did that happen?!? September?!? 😱 I‘m totally in! I‘ll post my stacks less than 24 hours before the number draw, as usual. 😂 3y
vlwelser ❤❤❤ 3y
SusanLee Time really flies 😅 I‘m in 😘 3y
BookmarkTavern Yeeessss! 3y
Nessavamusic Woohoo!! 3y
catebutler Your orchard job sounds so fun!! 🍎 And yes, I can‘t believe it‘s September. Especially since I just started back to school (working on a Masters) after being away from school for 10 years!! Looking forward to another book spin in September. (edited) 3y
Kangaj1 I have my list about 2/3 done! 3y
Eggs Thanks Sarah! I‘ve started a list for September 🥰☀️🤗 3y
Bookgoil I‘ve been so busy I haven‘t even though about it!!! 3y
Larkken Already? Eep! 🙀 well, I‘ll have a couple unfinished that can go right back on the list 😹 3y
BarkingMadRead Crazy! I‘m still working on my double bookspin for august lol I will make my stack tomorrow!!! 3y
bibliobard For some reason I never realized I could break a big book into chunks! 3y
DieAReader I‘m in for BS/DS please! I‘ll put my list together this weekend🤓 3y
Q84 In for bs days and bingo 3y
robinb I‘m in for September #BookSpin and #DoubleBookSpin . I‘ll post my list soon. As always, big thanks to you, Sarah! 😘 3y
jessinikkip Im totally in 3y
FantasyChick I am SO not ready for it to be September 3y
JamieArc Excited to curate my September #Bookspin list with Autumn reads in mind (my favorite reading season!). 3y
CarolynM Thanks Sarah. I'll put my list together🙂 3y
Bklover I‘m definitely ready for September! 3y
BarbaraBB Thanks Sarah. I am ready for bs, ds and the bingo but not for summer to be over! 3y
BeckyWithTheGoodBooks I‘m in for September!!! 3y
Bookzombie I‘m totally behind, but I‘m in for September! I‘m in Texas so it‘s very hot. I long for cool temps! 3y
rockpools Hi Sarah. Think I‘m going to sit this one out- hope to be back in October! Thanks 😊 3y
bekakins Yay!! 3y
BarbaraJean HOW is it almost September?!? I‘m in for September, even though I still need to finish my BookSpins for July and August! 😬 Even though I can‘t believe August is almost over, I‘m definitely looking forward to Fall & cooler temperatures (but I probably won‘t get them for a while here in LA!). 3y
magyklyXdelish This year has gone pretty fast. I still keep thinking it‘s 2020 even. I guess that‘s what happens when you get old 🤣😭 3y
magyklyXdelish Also I‘ll of course be participating next month 3y
jenniferw88 I'm in (even compiled my list yesterday in anticipation of this post) 🤣🤣🤣 3y
RaeLovesToRead Just need to read my #bookspin and I've got myself a Bingo 🤞 Roll on September! 3y
MidnightBookGirl I'm on for September! But I don't need to be included in the giveaways, I just do this for the fun of it! Good luck selling those peaches! 3y
Clare-Dragonfly I‘m in for September! Bring on fall—huzzah! 🍂🎃 3y
TheAromaofBooks @catebutler - Oh, going back to school is exciting!!! Good luck!!! 3y
TheAromaofBooks @bibliobard - Yes, definitely divide them up if it helps you out!! I've also been known to divide books that aren't especially long but are dense or books that I'm just not enthused about reading. It helps me if I feel like books that are more work are “worth“ more than a book I can easily polish off in a day or two! 3y
TheAromaofBooks @BacklistReader @rockpools - Sounds good!! I have you both on the October reminder list!! 😊 3y
Reviewsbylola Starting to put together my list! 3y
peanutnine Yay! Going to start my bingo list this weekend 😀 3y
Thousand-Lives Yay! I‘m back in for September and can‘t wait! 3y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I'm in! It encourages me to try to read "one more book". 3y
llwheeler I'm in! Waiting til after the readathon this weekend to update my list, since hopefully I'll cross a few more things off it 3y
PhyllisH Count me in for September bookspin and doublespin 😃 3y
coffeewithbooks I‘m try to be part in September (: 3y
Julies_Bookshelf_Adventures Count me in!!! I love having the bingo card as a goal every month! 3y
Skygoddess1 I‘m in for September!! 3y
Zoes_Human I'm all in for #bookspin, #doublespin, and #bookspinbingo please and thank you!
Grrlbrarian All in for everything!!! 3y
Annie1215 As always, my list will be ready at the last minute. Always waiting on BOTM 🙃 3y
SpookyMazeOfBooks I'm back in . loving this so of course I'm in 3y
Heideschrampf Back from holidays and back in for the next round! But can summer please stay for a few more weeks? 3y
JackOBotts I‘m behind on my August picks, but I‘m in! I hope to get my list set up/fine tuned this weekend! 3y
sharread I'm in. Can I put the books I didn't read last month to this one? 3y
TheAromaofBooks @sharread - Absolutely!!! 3y
Tera66 August was an Epic fail, but I'm in for September! 3y
La_Cori I missed few months (I was in a biiig reading slump!) but I'm back for September 💪🙂 3y
Susanita I think I‘m going to pause for a few months, but I‘ll be back with a vengeance in January! 3y
NikkiM5 I think participating in bookspin speeds up time 😂 edited to add, I‘m ready for September 👍🏾 (edited) 3y
night_shift I'm in! I have at least 5 books I'm desperate to finish before December and anything can, surely, help. I'm so ready for autumn so we can finally start having the windows open and can put up the window unit/ fans 🥲 3y
TheAromaofBooks @Susanita - Sounds good!!! Feel free to jump back in whenever you're ready!! 3y
DivineDiana Getting my list ready! 3y
IamIamIam I'm in! Still catching up from a few months ago but I'm back for September! 3y
Simona 🙋🏻‍♀️I‘m in for booksbingo, bookspin and doublespin 😊 3y
staci.reads I'm in! Using the same list July and August with replacements for those months. 3y
brittanyreads If it isn't too late I'd love to try this out in Sept! I love seeing all the posts, but have yet to participate!! 3y
audraelizabeth Im going to do a rotation of audio and ebooks,selecting as i go. 3y
Caryl I‘m getting my September list ready! Thanks so much for doing this every month! 3y
DieAReader @TheAromaofBooks I‘m going to skip September but I‘m🤞🏻for October🙂 3y
TheAromaofBooks @DieAReader - Sounds good!! I will tag you with October's reminder post!! 3y
DieAReader @TheAromaofBooks 🥰Thanks so much! 3y
Daisey I am planning to participate for September, but I probably won‘t get to post a list until closer to the weekend. Please keep me on your list. 3y
Weisubei I'm in 3y
TheAromaofBooks @Daisey - No worries - it's never too late to BookSpin!!! 😁 3y
Liz_M @TheAromaofBooks I commented on this post and you “yay“ed my September list and still Litsy doesn't give me notifications for Bookspin and BookSpinBingo posts. 😢 3y
TheAromaofBooks @Liz_M - I'm so sorry!!! I have you on my list - I double checked & it shows your name in the first batch of tags on my BookSpin post this morning. Do you mind checking to see if it looks right?? It doesn't seem like there is much I could get wrong with your conveniently short username, but apparently Litsy didn't want you to get the message!!! 3y
dainarmb I'm late in posting my list but will def be joining this month! 3y
cewilf I‘m late to the party for this, but I‘ll be back for October 🎃 3y
TheAromaofBooks @cewilf - Sounds good!!! I'll keep you on the tag list!! 3y
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